
The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

Still Resisting (Ep 1389)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:04:04

In this episode, I discuss the shock claims emerging out of key states on possible election shenanigans. It’s ugly.  News Picks: Three Election Day oddities no one can deny. The sleazy media gets caught lying about Trump’s role in the coronavirus vaccine. Did shady ballot harvesting occur in Pennsylvania?  Parler topples twitter in the App Store for the first time.  More shock election claims emerge out of Nevada. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Resist (Ep 1388)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:04:39

In this episode, I discuss the path forward. We don’t owe the left, or their media enablers, squat. We will fight on. I’ll explain how.  News Picks: What the heck is going on with the vote count in Pennsylvania? Trump legal team makes shock legal claims about the Nevada vote.  Biden’s lead in Arizona is collapsing.  There is statistical evidence of strange voting behavior in Wisconsin. Lindsey Graham calls for investigation into a whistleblower’s allegations of fraud in the 2020 election.   Massive numbers of people are saying “NO” to twitter and Facebook as they flock to Parler.  Media shuns Trump’s claims of elections interference, which they embraced about Hillary. Why didn’t news of this coronavirus vaccine come out before Election Day? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Bongino Brief - Nov 07, 2020

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 05:13

Don't count out Donald Trump.

No Surrender (Ep 1387)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 46:33

No surrender. We must not concede a darn thing until every legal vote is counted. I give you the necessary battle-plan going forward in this episode. News Picks: House Democrats are melting down after getting smoked in the 2020 election.  Did the Bidens make off with millions from China? Pennsylvania’s top election official repeatedly attacked Trump on Twitter. Georgia election officials can’t seem to make up their minds about how many outstanding votes there are.  And there it is. Republicans send a letter alleging voter fraud. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

No More Nice Guy Nonsense (Ep 1386)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:06:50

In this episode, I discuss what the Trump campaign must do in order to ensure that every legal vote is counted. There is a path forward to victory.  News Picks: How the right can organize like the left. Hold your horses on Arizona! Yes, the left got crushed. What’s going on in Pennsylvania? The polling industry blew it, again. If Biden wins, he’s already a lame duck. President Trump did extremely well with Black voters.   The House GOP picks up a bunch of Democrat seats. The real story of the Biden Crime Family.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

What the Heck is Happening? (Ep 1385)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:03:02

In this episode, I discuss the possible paths to victory in the 2020 election. I also address the South Florida stunner.  News Picks: The biggest loser last night was identity politics. Liberal media hacks fabricate a new “disinformation” narrative.  Liberal lunatic Jemele Hill loses it on Twitter after the election. Donald Trump has turned the GOP into the real party of diversity. The GOP flips a Senate seat in Alabama. It may take a while to call Georgia.  Democrats poised to keep the House. Florida passes a job killing initiative. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

It’s On (Ep 1384)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:04:53

In this episode, I discuss the Democrat’s devious Election Day plans for chaos in the event of a Trump win. I also address the positive numbers going into Election Day. News Picks: We MUST get out the vote. Let’s swamp them on Election Day turnout. Voter turnout is going to blow away records. Twitter censors Trump on election eve.  The Democrats are already preparing for post-election chaos if they lose. The Obama economic recovery was the worst in American history. The unbroken leg fallacy explained. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

We Are The Leaders We’ve Been Waiting For (Ep 1383)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:08:43

In this episode, I discuss the stunning election 2020 shift that happened over the weekend. The Democrats, and their media allies, are in a meltdown as they look at the voting data coming in.  News Picks: Democrats in Florida are panicking as they rush to “stop the bleeding.” Pennsylvania Democrats are melting down as they face a tidal wave of Trump support on Election Day.  Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell is a national security nightmare for the United States. The real story behind the Biden Crime Family disaster. There are a number of competitive House races you should be aware of. The truth about the Trump tax cuts.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Another Bombshell in the Biden Crime Family Case (Ep 1381)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:10:03

In this episode, I discuss the disturbing revelation on the Tucker Carlson show that damning documentary evidence against the Biden family has strangely “disappeared.” I also address the abysmal performance by the tech tyrants on Capitol Hill.  News Picks: The Democrat’s shock troops are preparing to cause post-election street chaos.  Tucker Carlson says the confidential Biden crime family documents have vanished.  Does Fox News have another copy of the Biden documents? The economy comes roaring back after the re-opening. Yes, Biden WILL hike middle-class taxes. Twitter’s Jack Dorsey allows Holocaust denial on Twitter while attacking the NY Post for exposing Biden. The NY Post nails twitter in a damning new article. “Anonymous” never-Trumper praised the administration on the way out. Fighter jet intercepts plane near Arizona Trump rally. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Interview That Should Change Everything (Ep 1380)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:07:53

In this episode, I discuss the astonishing interview of former Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, and the troubling ramifications for the election.  News Picks: Bombshell interview with Lt. Bobulinski exposes the extent of the Biden Crime Family. Lt. Bobulinski says Joe Biden knew about Hunter Biden’s China pursuits.  Seven questions that must be asked about the Biden crime family scandals. Hunter Biden was promoting his family name in business pitches to China. Remember when Joe Biden said he didn’t know anything about his son’s business dealings?  While Biden pushed to ban fracking here, he pushed fracking overseas when his son got involved with an energy company. Is Biden in trouble in Pennsylvania?  More shenanigans with mail in ballots.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Unbelievable. They’re Really Trying This (Ep 1379)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:08:44

In this episode, I discuss the hilariously awful attempt by the media to change their story about the Biden Crime Family. I also address the real reason the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation could change everything.  News Picks: “Journalists” mocked for falsely claiming the Trump healthcare plan was blank pages.  CNN’s Chris Cuomo loses it on tv after getting busted for being a hypocrite. The Biden campaign is desperately trying to walk back it’s threats to the oil and gas industry. A big win for fair elections in Wisconsin.  Rumble is growing in popularity as people grow tired of YouTube censorship. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Media and the Left is Missing This, Again. (Ep 1378)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:04:56

In this episode, I discuss this disastrous Joe Biden television interview and the fallout afterwards. I also address the massive political realignment happening as a result of the Trump presidency.  News Picks: 20 questions the media would be asking Biden if he was a Republican. More damning texts emerge in the case against the Biden crime family.  Rudy Giuliani lays out the case against the Biden Crime Family. Facebook is proposing another way to interfere in the election.  Is President Trump preparing today fore the hapless FBI Director?  Flu cases puzzle experts, as they hit rock bottom. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Interview With Rudy Giuliani & 2020 Election Special (Ep 1377)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:30:08

In this episode, I interview Rudy Giuliani about the stunning new information regarding the Biden Crime and his theory about what the Chinese were really up to. I also discuss the upcoming election with pollster Robert Cahaly and Trump campaign spokesman Steve Cortes. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Trump Didn’t Just Win The Debate, He Destroyed Biden (Ep 1376)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:06:35

In this episode, I discuss the disastrous debate performance by the hapless Joe Biden, and what this really means for the election. News Picks: President Trump’s strategy is becoming clear, excite the base! Hunter Biden’s former business partner details their shady business dealings. Joe Biden is absolutely lying about Ukraine. Tony Bobulinski blows the doors off of the Biden crime family scandal.  The desperate Biden campaign is trying to run away from the latest corruption allegations. Did Joe Biden take a bribe? CNN “fact-checker” humiliates himself and his network. Weekly jobless claims are going down. This is good news.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Bombshell New Revelations in the Biden Scandal (Ep 1375)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:07:28

In this episode, I address the latest bombshell allegations about Joe Biden’s pay for play scheme, and the deeply troubling connections between the Biden crime family and a number of swampy organizations.  News Picks: Breaking: Allegations emerge that Hunter Biden’s laptop has child pornography stored on it. Is Hunter Biden’s laptop evidence in a money laundering investigation?  Biden business partner flips on Biden. Joe Biden scored millions after he left office. Where did it go? This John Solomon piece describes the suspicious money trial behind the Bidens. Five things to look for in tonight’s debate. The Senate advances the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Most Disgusting Revelation Yet in the Biden Case (Ep 1374)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:04:02

In this episode, I discuss the disgusting new revelations in the case against the Biden crime family. Biden should immediately drop out of the race if this new information is confirmed. I also address an astonishing comment by a former twitter executive regarding Donald Trump.  News Picks: Was the Biden family covering up child endangerment? The FBI and DOJ do NOT believe Hunter Biden’s laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.  Yes, Joe Biden WILL raise your taxes.  Democrats, scarred by 2016, fear a late Trump surge.  Twitter is clearly abusing section 230, here’s an interesting fix.  The Amy Coney Barrett vote will happen on Hillary’s birthday. Happy birthday! Unemployment is 59% higher in blue states than in red states. Here’s how the ANTIFA racket works. The Senate will vote on Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court on Monday. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Here’s What Trump Should Do During The Debate To Expose Biden (Ep 1373)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:04:57

In this episode, I discuss the stunning new evidence about the Biden crime family case that the Democrats, and their media allies, cannot run away from.  News Picks: Computer repair shop receipt revealed, and it burns the dopey media narrative to the ground. The liberal debate moderator likely won’t ask about Hunter Biden’s emails.  Media hacks are using the “unverified” excuse for ignoring the Biden crime family story. Chief Justice Roberts sold us out again. The debate commission keeps screwing over the President.  Joe Biden’s ridiculous tax plan makes absolutely no sense. The DOJ announces a historic anti-trust lawsuit against Google. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Biden Scandal Explodes (Ep 1372)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:06:34

In this episode, I discuss the explosive new evidence emerging that the Biden crime family is an active national security threat. I also address the misleading polling data and the early voting data which appear to be good news for the Trump campaign.  News Picks: DNI Ratcliffe debunks the “Russian disinformation” nonsense. Stunning new emails emerge in the Biden crime family case. This may explain why Facebook is eager to make the Biden/Ukraine story go away.  The most disturbing revelation yet in the Hunter Biden scandal. Biden campaign manager admits that they are NOT up by double digits in the polls. Early voting trends in swing states trending in a positive direction for President Trump.  Health data nukes the leftist narrative about Trump rallies.  Twitters censorship model is a disaster. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Bonus: The Bongino Brief - Oct 17, 2020

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 08:34

Something has to be done about the tech tyrants' interference in our election.

The Real Reason This Liberal Megadonor is Spending Big (Ep 1371)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:04:58

In this episode, I discuss the disastrous moderator attacks on Trump during the townhall and the simultaneous babying of Joe Biden by ABC. I also address the reemergence of George Soros in the 2020 election cycle.  News Picks: George Soros is back! Why didn’t the liberal hacks at Twitter censor these fake news stories? Remarkably, Joe Biden wasn’t asked a single question about his shady family business during the entire townhall last night. Lindsey Graham announces the timeline for the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett.  Savannah Guthrie blasted for atrociously bad townhall performance. The Joe Biden tax plan will be a disaster for the economy. What was George Soros up to in Ukraine? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.