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Draftkings Network.


God-blessed football, Billy Gill.


God-blessed football, Mikey.


God-blessed football, Stugots. Thank you, Mikey. Happy holidays to you. Happy holidays to the audience as well. Billy. Yeah. I call this a back to basics, God-blessed football. The building blocks of God-blessed football.




It's a different B2B.


Well, listen, these are the basic building blocks of God-blessed football. The three of us, Mike Golec senior, Chris Sims, and K-Funk making picks. I mean, that is it. That's what.


We're going to do today. I thought you were going to tell the people we had Mojo on this week. I'm pretty excited.


About that. You're right. Mojo would.


Be, you're right, that'd be getting back to day six. I actually was going to reach out to him and ask him if he wanted to surprise K-Funk this week and just tell him like, Hey, Mojo, K-Funk is really going on a tear. He's really bragging about it just to have him come and humble K-Funk a little bit, but it didn't happen.






K-funk might need that.


I think K-Funk might need Mojo to.


Come in and just knock him down.


To pay, because right now, he's flying.


He told us at.


One point he was picking 80 %.


This year, which is total non-sense.


Which is total bowl.


No, that's not happening.


I think we might need Mojo to just come in.


For a quick minute. No, I think K-Funk is enjoying not having Mojo and Krish Kricowski and anyone else around, right? I'm enjoying seeing a confident K-Funk. I got to be honest with you, Matt.


That's really the problem is that he's really too respected, I would say. I don't even want to say respected, but not disrespected by the people that are picking with him this season.


They think he's cool.


Yeah. Well, no, they're just not mean to him. Anyway, but-.


Billy, I think you.


Should go full heel turn on K-Funk and just.


Constantly treat him.


Like Mojo. Listen, did that no, you shouldn't. Here's the thing that you don't know you shouldn't? Here's the thing that you don't know. Behind the scenes, Stugato has something in the works with Cave-Funk, and Cave-Funk may have gotten him into something that he wants to do.


100 %. But, Billy, let's be honest. We have both grown to love and respect Cavefunk. We have. Let's be honest. He's family at this point.


Sure, he's family. Also, if you're watching on the Draft Kings Network, you're not going to see any of that because that's just on the podcast.


Okay. Listen, the Ravens, this is interesting. There are two big games in the NFL this week. There are plenty of big games in the NFL, but there are two games that people would consider possible Super Bowl previews. Of course, the Dolphins and the Cowboys and the Ravens and the 49ers. It read funny to me to hear that the Ravens were irked, scared. Irked is a word you use when you walk into a haunted house and someone says, Boo, okay? No. Or you see a ghost, okay? But to be irked because you're underdogs at San Francisco.




That you're underdogs at San Francisco. Many people consider that to be the best team in the NFL. San Francisco is favored by five points. What the hell is Baltimore talking about?


Irked is annoyed. I don't think the Haunted House conversation.


Applies at all. I thought it was a scary word, no?


You're irked. No, it's like you're annoyed or bothered.


Lamar Jackson was a little perturbed that that happened. I don't know. I feel like irked means scared.


Okay, well, I feel like if I was a team, and obviously I'm saying this is someone... I did look it up. I'm saying this is someone who's not in the NFL. I would want to be the underdog. You know what I mean? Don't think that I'm going to be good. Don't think that I'm going to go to the Super Bowl. That's fine. I don't care.


What is this game? I think coaches love that stuff, Billy. I think coaches love that stuff because it allows, Hey, look, they're disrespecting you. Baltimore, Lamar Jackson, MVP, and they don't think you're better than the 49ers. I do think the Coach who is the underdog loves that. Little chip on the shoulder.




What are you excited about this weekend?


What am I excited about this weekend? Yeah. Football-wise or outside of football?




Yes. Well, football-wise, I mean, the Dolphins have a big game, which is going to be exciting against the Cowboys, but I don't know. I mean, the game, it'd be good for the dolphins to win because I think if they win, they'll clinch a playoff spot. I don't think they may even win the division if they win. Well, it depends what Buffalo does. But yeah, it'll be finally a fun, big game for the Dolphins. The Cowboys are a little bit down at the moment. So even if the Dolphins win, I already know the narrative there is going to be like, Well, it's not the same Cowboys. They're not playing as well as they should have. So we'll see how things go with the Dolphins. But I'm assuming that that is the... Or assuming? Is it assuming or presuming? I'm assuming that that's the other game that you were saying is a Super Bowl preview.


Yes, Dolphins. Billy is irked on the storyline.


That hasn't.


Happened yet.


There was a ghost in here, so I.


Got to- We can get our words right. We can get our words right. We have mailed it in. Here we are, mailing it in.


I'm here, at least. I don't know where you are, because when we talked about this, you're like, Yeah, buddy, let's go. We're going to record this, and it's going to be great. Then it's like, I'm not going to be there.


Listen, I was planning on coming there. I was told not to. I mean, what do you want from me? They gave me an extra day off, and I'm gladly take it, okay?


By the way, did you say fantasy contest? If you want to compete against us in a weekly fantasy contest, go to dkng. Co/lebitard, and you compete against us in fantasy.


Yeah, you're a jerk. You know that? Fantasy contest.


Why am I a jerk? I thought I heard that. Who are we talking to today on TV?


This is going to be very exciting. We have Golec and Tony Beselli together, and it never fails with Mikey A. He just sits there with a big smile on his face, and he listens to those two animals talk about football.


Mikey- It's such a football-hardo conversation.


I know. They love it.


They love it. Mikey, I have a question for you. In your years of doing all of this, what is your most like, Oh, I just love sitting back and watching this happen, and being a part of it, but just by association, just watching this happen?


Mikey C.


Oh, okay.




It. Agreed. I miss him so much, man.


Very obscure reference to many of our listeners, but I have to be honest, Billy. I agree with him. It's the right answer. It's the right answer.


I think if I won the lottery and I used that money to start my own thing, I would give Mikey C a job. It probably wouldn't be a job that was super vital. It'd just be like, I just like his energy and I like him around, you know what I mean?


You just want him in your life, around your life, but not too involved with your life. I know it. You just give him a nice little salary.


Yeah, you know what I would do now thinking this out? I'd have him, if we did a podcast or whatever, I'd have him be part of that, too. But I think I'd make him my personal trainer. I think I'd have him just because I feel like it'd be so fun to go to the gym with him because he takes the gym very seriously now. He looks great from all the pictures he sends us, but I feel like I'd make him my trainer because he would also negatively motivate me the entire time and tell me what a piece of crap I am and how unhealthy while coughing through all of it.


Yes, he's a second-floor guy at the gym, just so.


You know. Yeah, I know.


I've heard. Yeah. Not everybody can be, but he is. Yeah. Him and Rosila, yes.




Anyway, Billy, we're going to have Golic, Pacella, together, K-Funk, and the Boys. That's the problem. The segment used to be Mojo and the Boys, and now it's K-Funk and the Boys, and it's gone to his head. We'll have Chris Sims as well, so I'm looking forward to this. Billy, you have no idea. You probably told me this before we started, but you have no idea who we're going to first, do you?


Yeah, we're going to go to Chris Sims first.


Oh, look at that. You got answers. You got answers in the last five minutes. All right, let's go to our buddy, Chris Sims. Bfd with Mike Florio, every day on Beacock, the Unbutton podcast, football night in America. They have the Patriots and the Broncos. I'm laughing at you because there's so many good games this weekend and that's the game that you guys have on Sunday Night Football.


Oh, touché. I will turn the laugh around you. That game is on the NFL network on Sunday night.




Wow. Ha ha ha.


So what do.


You have? Our games are on Saturday. We got two games on Saturday. We got the Bangles, and the Stealers, and the Chargers Bills all on Saturday. I'll be working Saturday. And I'm a little disappointed. Can we just start right there?




I mean, does Billy not make enough money to wear a different sweatshirt on.


The fucking show?


Where is this even coming from? What's happening?


You do wear that.


Hoodie quite often.


What's the... Hold on a second. Wait, I'm just.


Sitting here. You wore it last Wednesday, and then I want to say you wore it two Wednesdays before that. You might have worn it now, three of the last four shows you were on.


And the other show, he was out.


Yeah. So he's probably getting that dry clean. He didn't know what to do, so he was like, I can't go out without my red sweatshirt. I can't do that.


Sims, I started our Monday show by saying, We'll get to you at a second point, as I promise you. I started the Monday show by saying, In the three years we've been doing the show, the thing that makes me happiest is your relationship with Billy and Billy's text to you over the weekend that he was right about something and you.


Were wrong. I didn't say that. That's not what.


The text was.


It was. I did ask. Maybe too, it was making Tyreke look good all the time because Jaylen Waddle.




Know. I know. All that 290 yards of total offense, damn, they were just reinventing the world there.


Listen to me. Here's the thing about the dolphins, Chris, and this is going to sound ridiculous, but they've given them quarters off. That game against the Broncos, they had the whole fourth quarter off. They had almost the whole fourth quarter off this time. So the numbers don't actually indicate what's going on in some of these games.


No, you're right about that. Numbers, a lot of the times, don't always tell the context of the situation. That would be one. Yeah, where you're right about that. Early on in the season when it was really hitting on all cylinders and nobody had figured out how to defend the Dolphins at all, you're right. You guys took the foot off the gas pedal and probably could have more points and more yards. But now it's like every week, the 49ers eke a little closer for that ranking for the top offense in football. But to your point, it's still a really good offense. There's no doubt about that. The offense is great. Two is still really damn good. Tyree Kill, okay, he's not in there, but they use Jaylen Waddle in the same sense or way to stress defenses out. And yeah, he's not Tyree Kill. Maybe he's an A-minus version of that, but still dangerous as hell. I like the Dolphins, I really do. I've been thinking a lot lately because I'm like, Okay, I know the 49ers are going to the Super Bowl and the NFC, who I picked before the year, certainly not coming off of that now, the way things look.


But the AFC, I've been like, Man, I know I'm going to get asked on these shows. Who do you think it's going to be in the AFC? And the more I think about it and let it ruminate in my brain a little bit, the more I feel like I want to save the dolphins on a.


Consistent basis here.




I don't know that when you watch the games back, you see the broadcast, you hear what the broadcasters say. Yeah, I don't do that. Yeah. So one of the things Romo said during the game was, Yeah, Jail and Water looks good, but you can do this one week without Tyreke. But after two, three weeks, they start figuring it out with Tyreke. So Tyreke needs to get back.


Yes, there's no doubt about that. You can get away with it one week. But the beauty of what they do is you go two-wall in on stopping all the Tyreke plays and all that, you become vulnerable, and, Oh, no, now we're in a coverage that's not good versus Jaylen Waddle or some of the other weapons on the field, and that's the Tyreke Hill effect.


All right, Mike Fuente, one of our producers here, has been dying to ask you this question for many weeks. And so, Mike, the floor is yours. Hey, Chris. This is Mike Fuentez. You know me as Montez.


Hey, what's up, Montez? What's up?




Does Trevor.


Lawrence suck? Not really a question. It's a statement wrapped in a question, I guess.


Yeah, to ask him why it happened.


I had a pejorative tone. Desks with an.






Yeah. Well, he doesn't suck, all right? That'd be the first thing I'd tell you. Listen, they're not the same as last year. He's had a few more bonehead mistakes or decisions certainly during the year. But I think you can go around the whole team with that same type of statement. Again, Trevor Lawrence didn't miss the two field goals in the first half, right? Right. Trevor Lawrence didn't manage the game to where we get no points when we could have just clocked the ball with 13 seconds and taken two shots into the end zone, right? Instead of clocking the ball, we try to run a play and throw the ball into the flat. That's Doug Peterson's fault. I don't care what way or shape, however you want to frame that, that's his fault. So I think it's more of Lawrence pressing, Lawrence injury and not being a hundred %, their own line is not good. I mean, again, last year they had Joanne, Taylor, and Cam Robinson. This year, most people can't name either tackle on the Jacksonville Jaguars, let alone the interior part of the old line is not that special anyways. So I think lack of pass protection, the inability to run the ball really at all over the last five or six weeks, and then it's an offense that's good, but I don't look at it and go, Oh, wow, it's so creative.


It's amazing. So it can't pick up for some of these things you're talking about. And yeah, I think that's leading to a less than Trevor Lawrence and a less than performance by the Jag's offense.


Does it drive you crazy? Because we know that you're a big Trevor Lawrence guy. Last year you said that you thought, after you saw him at the Hall of Fame, like he was going to be the next one to take the next big step.


I was with him, by the way.


Does it drive you crazy when you see after that week's performance on social, people comparing Trevor Lawrence's stats to Daniel Jones's stats through their first 48 career starts? Because they are very, very similar.


Yeah, I just think it's a little overblown. And listen, Trevor Lawrence didn't get off to a great start in his career. He was a part of, easily, his rookie year, the most dysfunctional team in football. It's not even close. In fact, you would go, That might have been the most dysfunctional season in football in the last 10 years by anybody. So don't expect to have great numbers. Two years of Peterson, he had last year where the first half of the year wasn't good. The last 10 games, eight games were phenomenal. This year it's been a little bit of a roller coaster ride, but I think a little bit of everything that what we said, let alone I don't think Calvin Riddley has come through quite the same way. The defense isn't as good as last year, so I think there's a lot of team stuff that I would look at. But the one thing I would say is like, Yeah, they're on a three-game losing streak, right? I mean, he threw seven incompleteions in 260 yards against the Cincinnati Bangles. Could have been better? Sure. Is he the reason they lost that game? I mean, absolutely not.


Their defense can stop a Jake Browning. They're allowed to. The Cleveland Browns made some mistakes, definitely. Made a lot of big plays, too. I think one of the interceptions, maybe two weren't even his fault, but there's no wiggle room for them right now. He's got to play perfect, I think, is what we're seeing a little here, and the team around him is just not supporting him the same way. So Montez, he doesn't suck. It's just a lot of things going on there with the team, and he still has elite ability in a lot of ways.


Montez left. I mean, he asked the question and then bailed on you. He had to go produce another show.


God damn. That's the problem with the whole.


World right now. Make a fucking.


Huge statement and then walk out because I'm right and I don't even want to.


Hear an answer. That's right. Take it up with Montez.


He made a.


Good point. He didn't make a point. Chris, the NFL is so funny, man. It really is. Because last week, after they beat the Eagles, the Dallas Cowboys were the best team in the NFL, then they get blown out by Buffalo, and they're not the best team in the NFL anymore. And now Buffalo is the team that no one wants to see in the playoffs because Josh Allen is a bad ass. What did you take away from that Cowboys-Bills game?


Well, some of those things are real. I was saying that before the Bulls and Cowboys last week, you don't want to see the Bulls right now. It's crazy. They're the what? The number nine seating the AFC, and they're clearly one of the five best teams in football. Now they that up and put themselves in that situation. The Eagles, we're seeing them fall apart here in front of our eyes. But I think the big thing is, and we've talked about this a lot with Dallas, and it came true. It always comes true. And a lot of big football games, we just didn't expect Buffalo to do it this way. Buffalo dominated Dallas at the line of Scrimage on both sides of the ball. But really, I mean, of course, on the offensive side of the ball, for Buffalo to break out the run game to that extent and just dominate Dallas's front, I mean, that's alarming. Kind of like what I've been saying about the Eagles. I've never seen a team win a Super Bowl that lost three games in a row in December, or even lost the two the way they did before Monday night.


Same thing I'll say with Dallas. I've never seen a team win the Super Bowl that loses 31-10 in the midway point of December. That doesn't happen, right? So real good team, sure. Super Bowl team? No, that's debatable. They got major flaws there. I mean, their linebackers are not good. Their safeties are okay. Their deep tackles, especially without Jonathan Hankins, they're small. They get overpowered. And I give a lot of credit to Joe braided and Josh Allen and Sean McDermott for willing their way into a tougher, more physical, offensive football team here down the stretch. And hey, for the first time ever, Josh Allen didn't have to carry the full Buffalo Bill. Somebody else actually helped carry Josh Allen. And if they want to go to the Super Bowl, they need a little bit better mixture of that to make it there.


Chris, which of these backup/fill-in quarterbacks do you think actually has a shot of being a starter at some point in time?


That's a good question.


Gairner Menchou, of course, is in that conversation for me. I don't know if it's high-level starter, but I think he's a guy that team could go, Wait, we're going to make him the starter. We're going to keep options open and looking for other guys. But if he keeps playing well, we'll stay with him, or if no apparent better option just jumps out at us, then we'll do that. Jake Browning, I think, is just a really, really good backup. I don't look at him to be a starter in the NFL.


Nothing wrong with that, by the way. I mean, that's very valuable to today's NFL.


It is, and I certainly don't mean it to be disrespectful.


It kept him in the playoff race. They're in the playoff.


Right now.




Right. Yes. I mean, he's Joe Borough Light. I talked about with almost like Jaylen Waddell as a lesser Tyree Kill. Jake Browning is a lesser talented Joe Borough but plays with the same style, has good feel, just doesn't run as well, can't fit the ball at the tight windows down the field or even throw the down the field passes with as much power as Joe Borough, but there's still a lot of good there. So I guess what I'm saying is I favorite Gordner Minchou. Is there anybody else I'm missing that's apparent.


To you here? Oh, your boy, Tommy DeVito. You don't.


Get into him. Well, yeah, no, I'm not going with that. He's never.


Been sold on that.


I never was, no. Family friends. Well, he's like I respect him, and I think he can work his way into being a backup. But yes, starting a quarterback, I mean, again, you saw there's too many games where you go, They can't even rely on the dropback pass game. It's not even right. There's some plays he makes here and there, but if you'd stop him from scrambling, which Green Bay didn't do the week before, he has a hard time making a lot of stuff happen in the pocket with his right arm.


What did you make of De Monte Kasi, the Steeler's defensive back, being suspended not for a game, not for two, not for three, the rest of the season for something? I'm not certain. I know they're trying to clean up the sport, but the sport is violent, Chris, and occasionally that's going to happen. I know the NFL wants to send a message, but I feel like that message is too stiff. The rest of the season is like a lot of games.


Yeah, I hear you there. Now, I think the term rest of the season makes it seem like it's more aggressive, right?




Yeah, it's a four-game suspension. Kareem Jackson, I think you look at what he did and what he got, I believe that was a four-game suspension as well. And it is a repeat, egregiously repeat offender in the Monte-de-Casif. So I think that's the big problem. And they're one saying you're showing disregard for player safety altogether. And I think they're looking at that play going, You were this close to probably paralyzing the receiver, right? He's totally extended, diving out, right? And I'm all for the old-school stuff. You know me, I'm all about it. I think it's gone too far in a lot of ways. But I think the players and defense have gotten good enough now to know, Wait, that's a no-win recipe for me or the guy that's about to catch the football. I know we're the stealers and we're supposed to be tough and physical, but I thought that crossed the line. Now I will say, and I'm all in agreement with Tom braided, again, some of this shit has got to go on the quarterbacks and stuff. I'm so sick of seeing quarterbacks getting receivers blown up or throwing the quadruple coverage and we go, Oh, first down, because it was passing interference.


And it's like, No, he threw the ball into a crowd of people. The defense is allowed to touch the ball too. There's a lot of bad offenses being rewarded, and that drives me crazy right now too. You don't protect the quarterback, he gets hit a little too hard. They go, Well, first down, you hit too hard. That's not fair. I know you didn't block anybody and you sucked on that play, but here's 15 yards. Oh, hey, you didn't block anybody, and you made a bad decision throwing the ball down the field into triple coverage, and they give you 30 yards. And you're like, What? I mean, so that's the shit that drives me crazy a little on Sundays watching games.


I love the idea. I'm with you on braided. I thought braided was great on it. And I do love the idea of the referees throwing a flag and it's 15 yards on the quarterback for having the audacity to throw that thing.


I've been saying. I brought up the same thing. Or the quarterback has to pay DeMonte because he's fine, something like that, right? There used to be a time when we were growing up, the early 2000s, where throwing the receiver a hospital ball was not cool. You didn't do that. That's what Brady's trying to say. Like, Oh, here's a ball. Now get your head knocked off. Oh, you're hurt. Screw you. Bring in a new receiver. And we got 15 yards. That was a good play by me. I mean, that's what we almost created times there at the quarterback situation. And yeah, there's got to be something like that, like a legal attempted manslaughter by Gairdner, Minhsue. Fifteen-yard penalty. Bring it back.


I mean, it's a little crazy. And you paid, Kasi, is fine. I love that.


You see a hospital ball.


Yes. Yes, a hospital ball. Chris, can you explain that to someone who played quarterback at Texas and in the NFL? Did you ever have a throw where you just wanted to grab it right back because you knew you left your receiver out there to dry?


I did it certainly more than once, but there's one that always sticks in my brain. And like I said, in my day, it was really like, You don't do that. If that window is that tight, you don't get your receiver killed. You move on to the next guy because you knew the defenders were going to knock the guy's head off. I threw a pass to actually Michael Pittman, Michael Pittman Jr.


's dad. Oh, God.


He was running the old, what you call the Texas route, where you fake your run of the flat and then you come back over the middle. And when I said, Say it, Hutch, Ray Lewis started dropping back. So I was like, He's gone. He's out of there. Mike Pitman is going to be wide open. And as I turned to throw it to Mike Pitman and I was like this, I was like, Oh, no.


It's like slow motion, right?


It's like slow motion. And I mean, he got so quickly destroyed by Ray Lewis. I didn't even see it happen. He was upright and he was laying on the ground. There was no in-between. And I really thought I killed him. But thank God Mike Pitman is very tough, just like.


Junior is. What did you say to Pitman? Billy is looking up to play, by the way.


I was like, literally, I think I came off the side. I was like, Dude, I'm so sorry.


He forgave you?


How many times did you do that on purpose? And then you're like, Oh, I'm so sorry that you got destroyed.


Maybe treat me a.




Better. Only if you were a wide receiver, Billy.


That's it. You were the receiver, and you were wearing that red sweatshirt again, and the Miami Marlins are not red. I mean, then yeah, I'd throw you to get killed by Ray-Liz.


I'm imagining Chris doing this out of his own kids at the Thanksgiving party. We're a little disobedient.


This year.


Hey, guys, that Texas.


Route is there.


That Texas route.


Is open.


He wants his brother, Sonny.


Pumble. My nephew, mouthed off to me. I'm going to knock to make sure his head gets knocked off here.


By his father.


Oh, so good.


Bfd with Mike Florian. Every day on Peek-Oak, the Unbutton podcast, football night in America. Apologies to Saturday games, Bengals, Steeler's, Bills, and Chargers. Going to mess with Sims' Saturday. Quickly, before we get you out of here, one quarterback we have not spoken nearly enough about this year. He's had a good year, Chris, is Baker Mayfield. What is happening there? What are they doing differently with Baker that Cleveland maybe wasn't doing?


They gave up on trying to be a run-first football team, and the biggest thing is they're pushing the ball down the field. Baker's got a big-time arm. He does. And he can really throw the ball with great power and accuracy 25, 30 yards down the field. And then they got the type of receivers to do that. They're protecting well right now. They're running just okay. They're running better because teams are starting to go, Whoa, we got to back up, because every time they drop back to pass, it's like a 30-yard completion. So within that, that's helping the run game a little bit. But they got a good formula of aggressive down the field, and they're an awesome screen team underneath. And Baker is approaching it just right between aggressive and reckless, right? He's being aggressive, but not reckless. And if he doesn't feel like it's open down the field, he's checking it down to Rasheed White who's making plays or whoever else, and they got it going on that way. Campeau could be dangerous. Campeau's problems, their defense. Like Todd Bulls has got to stop going all in on stopping the run all the time.


They're too aggressive, right? That's his MO, and teams are ready for it. I think if they can play a little more conservative on the defensive side of the ball, I think they'll be a real pain in the butt in the playoffs.


All right, give us 30 seconds on each of the two big games here this weekend. We'll start with Cowboys, Dolphins. Go ahead.


Wow, there's so many fascinating things about this. I felt like the Cowboys were reluctant to be overly aggressive last week because of Josh Allen, and they were afraid he might escape the pocket and then they couldn't cover man to man as long. But at the same time, when they played conservative, they got gashed in the run game in other ways. How aggressive are they going to play it this week against the Dolphins and this firepower, right? That's where I'm really interested to see. The Cowboys are at the best when people at the line of Scrimage, bump and run man to man in your face. But as we know, that's dangerous against the Miami Dolphins. And then that Dolphins defense with Vick van Giel, it gets better every week, so watch out. Yeah, they're good.


All right. And then the big one Monday night, everyone's looking forward to this, 49ers and Ravens. Wow, what a game, Chris.


Clash of the Titans, physicality, just in-your-face type of stuff. The 49ers are the hottest team in the sport. We know that, right? But as brilliant as shanehan is, the Ravens will pose some schematic issues or make shanehan think a little bit. They're so well coached and creative on that side of the ball. Plus, they got the defensive front to not have to overplay the run game too much to give them some flexibility on the play action and the pass game that way, to where that could even out the playing field a little bit as well. And the other thing is, I love the Ravens plays and their offense, and I, of course, think the 49ers defense is one of the best in football. They don't let anybody run the ball on them, the 49ers. And what I want to say to the Ravens is stop justifying everything. Run the ball. They're so worried about justifying Lamar's contract and OBJ and Dave Flowers in the first round and Todd Monkin, they are still at their best when they run the ball like you saw in the third and fourth quarter of the other night. That's going to open up everything.


Be like the 49ers. You know who's leading the league in the least amount of pass attempts.


In football?


The 49ers? Rock Purdy. And he's second and yards behind, Tua. So you can be explosive at a high-flying offense while also being a running football team. And they get too pass-happy. But I'm excited to watch that game more than any. That's going to be an awesome Christmas Night game there to.


Settle into.


What is your Sunday going to look like? I feel like this is your first Sunday you've had off in a long time, right? Oh, it's.


Going to be a Sunday. I got, yeah. It's going to be a Sunday for Sims.


Oh, baby, Christmas Eve. It's a double whammy. A smokey, smokey, drinky, drinky. It's going to.


Be - It's.


Not Christmas.


Without trees. You know it. So we're going to have some fun. I'm going to be watching football on the couch, and I'm going to be definitely and having fun. It's going to be fun. I'm definitely going to be texting a lot of things to my wife on the phone because I'm going to be scared I won't remember them the next day. Day. All right. Will be.


My Sunday. Wait, what? Perfect. He does this all the time. He texts her when he's high, drinking, smoking, smoking, you're on vacation. You weren't here, Billy. Texts her just as a reminder to himself of things and thoughts that he has that he needs to get on with the following following and his wife regurgitates regurgitates them back to him. Has no idea what they mean. He treats his wife like a a post-it Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So next week, let's start there. I want to start with what text you sent to your wife again. Again.


Okay. Right. All right.


Sounds good. All right, BFD, Mike Florio, Every day a Beakon, Gumbutton podcast, football night in America. Two games on Saturday, Saturday, smokey, smokey, drinky, Sunday and Monday for Sims. We love you, buddy.


Love you, guys. Be good. Have a happy holiday. All right, everybody. Everybody out there. Be good. Always fun. Hope you enjoyed the weekend. I know I will. And check us out on BBC and and on Saturday.


It is time for this week's week's edition of Studio presented by DraftKings, sportsbook, an official sports betting partner of the NFL. Download the DraftKings, sportsbook app today. Use code Stu for a special offer when you sign up. That's That's Stu, only at at sportsbook. Bull season continues. We're picking them all. Duke plus seven and a half. They're taking on Troy. By it up to eight. Troy wins the game. Duke covers Troy. Norway by four over the Blue Devils. The Camilla Bull, Arkansas State minus minus three, on Northern Illinois. By it down to two and a a half. Arkansas Arkansas State. They win. They Arkansas State by 10 points over Northern Illinois. Lockhead, Martin, Armed Forces Forces James James minus one and a half. They're taking on Air Force. James Madison, sneaky good. They They win. They James Madison by seven points over the Air Force Academy. The The famous potato bowl. Utah State, minus two and a half, taking on Georgia State. Utah State, minus two and a half. They win, they cover. They beat Georgia State by 10 points. 68 Ventures Bowl. Eastern Michigan, plus 17, taking on South Alabama. South Alabama wins the the Eastern Michigan covers South Alabama by seven points.


Why? Because they're favored by 17. Srs distribution, Las Vegas Vegas Northwestern, the Wildcats, plus six and a half, taking on Utah. Northwestern wants to be in this bowl game. Utah, they don't. By it up to seven points. Northwestern wins the game outright. They win by four points over the Utes. East East Hawaii bowl presented by the Hawaiian Islands. Coastal Carolina, plus 10 and a half taking on San Jose State. I'm taking Coastal Carolina. San Jose State wins the game. They win it by four, but I'm taking Coastal Coastal plus plus and a half. Quick lane bowl, Bowling Green, plus three and a half taking on Minnesota. By it up to four. Minnesota, they win the game by a point. Bowling Green Green I'm taking Bowling Green plus four. Serve pro first responder bowl. Rice plus six taking on Texas State. I'm taking Rice, they win the game outright. Outright. Rape Bowl. Unlv plus twelve and a half half take on Kansas. By it up to 13, I'm taking the the run rebels. They're going to win the game outright. There's no need to buy the point, but I'm telling you to do it anyway. Unlv by four points over Kansas.


Military Military presented by by com. Tulane, plus 10 10 take on Virginia Tech. I am taking Tulane. Virginia Tech wins the game. Tulane covers Virginia Tech, the the by four points over the Green Wave. Duke's Mayo Mayo North Carolina, plus six and a half half on West Virginia. By it up to seven. West Virginia wins, North Carolina covers West Virginia by a field goal over North Carolina. Direct TV, Holiday Bowl. Louisville, minus seven and a half over USC. I'm taking the the Louisville by 10 points over USC. The tax act Texas Texas Oklahoma State, they're taking on Texas A&M. They're plus two and a half, by by up to three. And Oklahoma State wins the game outright. They beat the the Aggies. Four points. The Wasabi, Fenway bowl. Smu minus minus 11. Take it BC. I'm taking SMU. They win, they cover. They beat BC by 21 points. Bad Boy, Boy, pinstripe bowl. Bowl. Minus one. They're taking on Ruckers. Miami wins, they cover. The U is back. They win by 10 points. Pop tarts bowl. Nc NC plus two and a half. Take it on Kansas State. Buy it up to three. Take NC State.


They win, and they win it outright. The Wolf back by seven points over Kansas State. The Valero Alimo bowl. Arizona, minus minus three it on Oklahoma. Buy it down to two and a half. Arizona Arizona wins and cover Arizona by 10 points. Points over Oklahoma. Tax Tax Slayer Bowl, Bowl, minus five, Kentucky, I'm taking Clemson. They win by 10 points. They cover the spread over Kentucky. Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl, Oregon Oregon plus six and a a take it on Notre Dame, by it up to seven. Notre Dame wins, Oregon State covers. Notre Dame by three points, I'm taking Oregon State. Autozone Liberty Bowl, Memphis, plus 10 take it it Iowa State. Memphis wins the game outright by three points points Iowa State. Good Year, Year, Cotton Classic. Ohio State, plus one one take it Missouri. I'm taking the Buckeyes by eight points over Missouri. The NFL, week 16, four and four a week week 56, 52 and one of the season. I got a lot of of games I'm going to sit on my ass and bet the entire weekend. Weekend. Minus two at pit. Bengals win. They cover the Bengals by 10 points.


Points. Minus three at the Vikings. By it down to two and a half. I'm taking the lions. They win. They cover the lions by 10 points over the Vikings. Vikings. Packers minus at Carolina. I'm taking Green Bay. Packers by eight points over the Carolina Panthers. Browns minus two and a half at Texans. Browns, they win. They cover. Browns by seven points. The Colts plus one at the Falcons. I'm taking the Colts here. Minchou Mania, it continues. Taking the Colts to win and cover here. The Colts by 10 points over the Falcons. Bucks, minus one taking on the Jags. Big Big Baker Mayfield. I'm taking the Bucks here. They They win, cover. They win by seven points over the Jaguars. Jaguars. Minus one and a half. Take it on the Cowboys, Dolphins win by seven points over the Cowboys. Broncos, minus six and a half. Take it on the Patriots. I'm taking the Broncos. They have something to play for. They're minus six and a half. Buy it down to six. Broncos win by 10. They cover the spread. Eagles, minus 12 at home. This is a game where the Eagles remind everyone, Hey, we're still really good.


They win. They blow the giants out. They cover the spread. They win by 24 points at home. Home. And the the game of the year, Ravens plus at San Francisco. I have taken the Ravens here. They win the game outright by four over the 49ers. Those are the picks, everyone. Happy holidays. Mike Mike is going to join us in just a second here on Godbless Football. We came bearing gifts. Mike, me, Mike, EA, and Billy figured, What do you get the man who has everything? And you have everything. We realized as we approach the holiday season season that you don't like talking football with us? Hmm. So we come bearing gifts today. A big gift. It's a Hall of Famer. It's someone you enjoy talking football with. It is our friend, Tony Tony This is our gift to you, you, Mike, senior. This feels like a a re-gift. Right.


He's setting it up like it's some.


Great gift. It's like when I buy my mom a massage from Group on for her birthday. It's like I.


Know every year. Billy's right. But, But, is it fair that you endure us, but you you really like talking football with us because we don't know what the.


Hell we're talking about, right? No, but you guys are entertaining in the fact that you come up with ideas that are outlandish, like changing baseball rules and things like that. I get a kick out of that. Your BCS rankings-.


Give us Liberty or give us death.


Yeah, but when I can actually talk X's and O's and football with one of the best to ever do it, obviously, I would choose that over you you frigging clowns. Yes.


Well, Merry Christmas to you, Mike. Okay, because- Hi, Tony. Tony.


Hi, How are you doing, man?


I'm good. How are you? He seems to like the gift.


Doing well. Well. You know Well, it's always nice to be with the great. I called the Detroit and Denver game, and the three people I saw there from Detroit, Lomis Brown, now he does radio, so I see him all the time, Lomis Brown, Chris Speelman, and Herman Moore. I was talking with someone about, Yeah, I got to run into these guys. They're like, Oh, that must have been cool. I said, Yeah. I said, Yeah, all all great players like to hang out together. They're like, Oh, that's cool. I'm like, No, that's a joke. I'm kidding. I said, One of these things doesn't belong. It's me. I don't belong with those guys.


I don't know about that. You played for a long time. Lengths matter.


Lengths- Well, yes, it does, Tony.


Well said.


Length does matter.


Length does matter. Lengths- He's regretting saying that immediately.




Can see it on the the look on face. As soon as that came out of my mouth, I'm like, I hope my wife doesn't hear that.


That. Don't know if Tony regretted that more when when Length came out of his mouth, or if if Herch regretted him more when he said the team lacks commitment. How quickly he wanted to back-pedal.


On that one. Walk that back.


Mike, we did discuss the fact that if the Eagles lose some games, the Chiefs lose some games, that stuff like this would happen where fans, where teammates would start questioning other guys on the team. In this case, it's it's Jaylen coming out after the Eagles have lost three three saying the team is not entirely focused. Now, you and Tony Tony good guys, team guys. I don't envision you guys ever saying something like that publicly about your team or any of your teammates. Mike, I will start with you, then we'll go to Tony. How do you feel about Jaylen Jaylen comments?


Well, like I said, I'm sure as soon as he said it, he was trying to think of unsaying it. At that point, what I would have done is I said, Listen, guys, I'm sick and I have a whole lot of medicine in me right now, and I don't know what I'm saying goodbye, and then walk off. Because you don't want to have to answer that. You don't want your teammates to have to answer that because that's what reporters will do. They'll go to the rest of the team and they'll say, This is what your quarterback said. What does he mean? I don't know what he meant by it. I've never heard any type of follow-up on it, but it's something you never want to say publicly because then you end up starting to write checks other people have to to cash, and something no other other You don't want to be talking about something other than the game game coming or what you're dealing with. The best way that I would respond, Tony, would always be don't point the finger, pull the thumb. Just don't do that because it just sets you up in a way where everybody else has to answer questions for you.


Yeah, you never want to be... You don't want to add to the noise and the distractions that are already out there. I think good rule of thumb, I try to always do it, is talk in general about the game, what's going on, what went well, what what did what's coming up. Then if you're ever going to be critical, just talk about your own game, like what you need to to do. Because you can always... You're not asking anyone else to respond to something you you and you just focus on what you can do. I think the hard part about Jaylen's comment, it's so ambiguous. You don't know what is he discussing. Is it commitment to guys showing up, working, studying the the playbook? That could mean, Hey, we need to be committed to getting back to the fundamentals of doing the little things right. Those are wildly different. The second latter latter comment like, Hey, it's just saying we need to get back to the basics and do a better job. The first first you're calling individual guys out. Now everyone in the media and everyone in the locker room wants to to know, he talking talking.


It was Jason, Kelsey, guys, just so we know.


Oh, yeah, I'm sure it was. The thing thing about it is, look at this year. Also remember, other teams are getting paid. I mean, who won the Super Bowl last year? Kansas City. How are they faring right now? They're nine and five. They don't look like the Super Bowl champs have looked. Look at the Buffalo Bills, the team we put right at the top of the AFC. They're fighting to get even into the playoffs. The only one I think you can really say, Oh, yeah, that team has got it going on, is San Francisco. They went through the injury bug early in the season with Debo, Samuel, and and Trent lost three in a row. That's what, as Tony knows, a lot of it is about is when do you get hurt? Because every year someone gets hurt. When do you get hurt? When do you get healthy? I'll always say one of the great sayings, and I saw this when my brother Bob's 77 Notre Dame team won the national championship. I think it was the second game of the the season lost to Old Miss. Then they ended up in the bowl game to play Texas, who was number one in the country with Earl Campbell as their running back.


Notre Dame beat the crap out of them them and won the national On the board in the locker room, it said, It's not where you start, it's where you finish. That's what it is in the NFL, too. Hit your groove at the right time at the end of the year and things will be okay, because the top teams we know about, other than San Francisco, are all laying eggs here and there.


Mike, I think it's even more appropriate for the NFL. In college football, you can get eliminated because of the system. In the NFL, it doesn't matter. The fact that the 49ers lost three in a row and they were were beat up mid-season, cares? And by the way, there's still three weeks left. Every team is an injury or two away from not being relevant and not having their team ready for the playoffs. So you got to let this thing play out. I thought the Eagles were going to be a different team this year because if you look at that offense last year, and I think you now look at what Indianapolis is doing, Shane Styken is a really good offensive mind. And you go back back Herbert's early days, why he had success, guess who his coach was? It was Shane Styken. Shane Styken is one of the better offensive minds, and I thought losing him was an underreported story. You look at all the stuff this week is how predictable they are on offense. Not much creativity. People have figured them out. Whether that's true or not, or whether it's just guys aren't playing well and Jaylen's hurt or whatever, it's not the same offense.


That defense was great last year because they played with a lead every week, a two-possession lead where they could pin their ears back. Mike, you know he was a defense defense When you stop worrying about stopping the run because you know guys have to pass, advantage defense. Now you have that offense line on their heels and they can't do what they want to do.


Guys, let me present this scenario to you because I don't want to harp on this too long. But Jason, Kelsey did respond to Jaylen Hurst's comments today. Clearly, Kelsey feels like maybe they're aimed at him. He's had some penalties on the last couple of weeks that have cost the Eagles in big spots. Jaylen Hertz as the captain, as the leader of that team, as the guy who outplayed Patrick Patrick in a Super Bowl that the Eagles lost last year, what if what he is saying is actually accurate? What if the guys aren't as invested as he would like them to be or as they were last year? What if Jason, Kelsey, because he's doing a podcast, because he's shooting a thousand commercials with his brother, is not as focused? Is it still wrong for Jaylen Jaylen to say that?


It's wrong, in my opinion. First off, I'm not there, but boy, to think that that's Jason.


Jason, But he.


Is, Mike. Yeah. No, I know. I'm getting to the point.




First off, to think that would be Jason, Jason, would blow my mind. Second, does Jaylen Hertz have the right to say that? Yes, in the locker room. I would never say that publicly, but I hope he has asked that in the locker room. I hope he has gone up to whatever player he feels isn't committed enough, I hope as a leader, he has talked to that person in the locker room. I don't need to hear it. I don't need to hear him say it publicly. You know what? He doesn't owe the media. He doesn't owe the fans to say that. He doesn't need to tell the world, I don't think some players are committed. He needs to have that discussion in the locker room behind closed doors with those players. That's how I would handle it. Some would say that's the the old school But you know what? There's a whole lot of old school that still works in the new school.


Yeah, don't air your dirty laundry in public. That's not what you do. There's certain things that need to stay in the locker locker be handled in the locker room. And if it's a guy not doing his job, a group of guys not preparing properly, you have that discussion. First of all, you do it one-on-one with that individual. And then if this stuff isn't getting taken care of, then you can call out the whole locker room can get involved. But the last last you do is go to the media. There's no upside for the Eagles. There's no upside for J. L. And Hertz. And as far as Jason, Kelsey, I have no idea who he's talking about. I haven't watched the last couple of games on tape, but I watched quite a few earlier in the year. Kelsey, I don't care how he's preparing, is still one of the best centers in football. Right. Right. I haven't seen any drop-off on film because of his commercials or being one of the sexiest men alive, which I was very.


Proud of him for.


For. Was very happy. Happy. Kelsey, to me, and I'm not in the locker room, so maybe something's changed the last couple of weeks, he's a pros pro. He's one of the best centers in the NFL. I'd be.


Shocked if.


It's him.


Me too.


Say what you will about Jason, Kelsey. They say if you're not cheating, you're not trying. The other story that came out is that Jason, Kelsey is regularly cheating and moving the ball up a couple inches at a time.


Every Every.




Or I don't think.


We can question his effort. He's clearly trying.


I want to ask you guys both because this is interesting. I'm glad I have both of you today. We talked to Austin Echler earlier this week. His coach was fired. I asked him, Did you guys quit on your coach? He He at at me and said, The notion that we would quit on a coach, that means you're quitting on yourself, that means you're quitting on your teammates, that means you're quitting on your friends. Do you believe in that concept where a coach with a message has gotten so old where a team would actually quit on their coach? Tonya- Go ahead, Mike.


I'm sorry I didn't mean to to jump. Fine. Fine. But say quit on your coach, what are you saying? You're not listening to anything he says says You're not following the game plan? I mean, to me, that's ridiculous, and that's on the player. Every player goes goes By the time you're in the NFL, I should need a coach to motivate me. If I can't motivate myself to go out and play against Tony Bicelli, there's something wrong with me. Just from the self-preservation mode, there are—there are 53 53 and then however many on the practice practice squad, are locked in and have a job. The majority in the middle, which was me, foot soldiers, you're playing year to year. Sometimes you feel you're better off than other times, and others are playing on the back end of the roster. Man, they're playing and praying praying that they have a job or on the practice squad. By the end of the year, when you're not playing for the playoffs, it is self-preservation time. To think that they're not trying as as hard the field because of the the to to is idiotic. You're still trying hard on the field because now you're trying to get a new contract, keep your job, whatever the reason is.


I don't understand the quit on the the We're not going to play hard for you because we don't think you should be here, is doing nothing but hurting yourself on the field.


Yeah, I've always had a problem when, whether it's fans or media, whatever, say it, it looks like the team has quit. Because here's the the and Mike's right, that tape lives forever. Now, what I do think happens, and I think this looks like quitting at times or not being prepared or not playing the best, I do think whether it's a coach's message getting stale, a team being out of it, underperforming, I don't think the preparation during the week is as sharp. I don't think you have clean practices. Maybe instead of spending a couple of hours watching film, you watch 30 minutes of it. I don't think think preparation as good, and that impacts the quality of your effort. That, coupled with, and this was talked about, I did the Thursday night game where it was over early. Football is an emotional game. When the emotions are sucked out at you because you're looking at the scoreboard and it's like, Oh, my gosh. I don't think you are trying less. I just think think it is hard down in and down out to get yourself going. Going. And if you haven't prepped the way you know you should.


That could be due to a lot of different factors factors human nature and everything else. I think sometimes that gets translated by the media or fans. It's like, Oh, that guy quit. I don't think anybody quits because here's the other thing. You go half-ass out on that field, you are setting yourself up to get hurt, physically hurt. Hurt.


So the week, guys, you have your schedule, and and on Thursdays or whatever, Mondays or Wednesdays, you you go and went in every year at 7:30 to lift. Now maybe you know what? You get in at at eight o'clock, don't lift as hard after practice, maybe, or now I don't know they have it on the iPads and stuff. Maybe you don't, just what he said, you don't watch as much film as you normally did. Sometimes a group of players are going together and watch. Sometimes someone now will splinter off, Hey, I'm going to get home. He is exactly right. It's the preparation during the week. It's not the trying on the field. Unless, and this one, guys, I'm not going to lie, this one pissed me off bad. George Pickens from from Pittsburgh, this this out on a play, out on the edge, blocking, stops blocking a guy while his running back is coming his his and the guy comes off of him that he quit blocking on and makes a a tackle, and brings up, I didn't want the tank del situation. I didn't want someone running into the back of my legs and hurting me.


He frigging quit on his other 10 guys because he was concerned about what might happen to him on the field. Thatthat, I can't tell you how much that angered me because to a man, anybody that's finished playing this game has said, What do you miss most? I miss the locker room. I miss the team. I miss the camaraderie. I miss the fellows being together. This guy quit on that play on his team. I don't want to sit here and throw back in my day thing, but you guys know the personalities on my team in Philadelphia when buddy Ryan was the coach. I can't even even fathom we were in the film room and that play ran in there and that guy stopped and everybody asked him why and he said, I didn't want to get hurt. What might have happened to him in that film room? That was a joke to me. Then you hear Rich Isen saying, TJ Watt had told him that some of the younger guys didn't really practice that hard or didn't really practice the way Tomlin wanted them to. I started thinking, Mike Tomlin is going to be in football hell if all of a sudden these guys aren't doing the things that he wants them to do because he is a great coach.


Coach. Tony, I'm not going to lie, that one got me. When you're on the field and you just basically say, I don't give a damn about the other guys on my team, I'm not blocking this guy anymore because I might get hurt.


Well, yeah, Mike, but I think that also goes back to what the locker room or the coach allows during the week. Because that is not just deciding at that moment to do that. That is behavior of how you prepare, how you practice that is allowed for whatever whatever reason the locker room. I'll go back, because you're you're right. Had good years and bad years while I was in Jacksonville, but one thing we had is a strong locker room. I'm not going to name the guy, but we had a young player who was really talented.




He didn't like to prepare correctly, and he didn't like always showing up on time, and he didn't like always doing what he needed to do at night during the week. We just had enough of it. We took care of it in the locker room. We made made sure understood through a set of actions that happened that that behavior was not tolerated, and that wasn't going to be okay, and that's not who we were. I think that George George Pick stuff, you get what you allow. Why are you allowing that if you're Mike Mike.


Can he recover from that with his teammates?


Well, I mean, there's only one way you can recover, and that's by being out out the field and doing your job. But remember you had had Deante as well, not diving on a live ball. And you try and look at leadership in the locker locker room, for that team, it's basically, it's Cam Hayward and it's TJ Watt. I mean, those are really the veteran leaders of that team. So Tony's right. That's stuff that when the team sees that happen, that should be... And I'm not saying you got to sit there and knock a guy out in the locker room, though, I'm sure that's... Man.


I'll let that one.


Tony's laughing. I'll let that one.


By the way, Tony, name names. I mean, just name them. I'll say this. You have.


Great lock rooms and you have good friendships and everything. I don't know how it is today, but when I was playing, there were fights. Things were handled. I'm not saying it's right.


Or wrong.


Exactly. I have an opinion, but I'm going to leave that aside. But things were handled in the locker room. My problem, and I agree with you, I have a ton of respect for Mike Tomlin and what he's done as a coach. At the end of the day, though, that's a reflection on him. It doesn't matter.




Some point as a coach and as a team, you have to make a decision and you have to make a statement. I think at times the statement is, if that's who you are, then you're not going to play. It might hurt the overall team, but it sends a message message because not going to go anywhere with those guys anyway. You might as well bite the bullet and say, Not on my team. You play like that, you practice like that, that's definitely you give. You can just be inactive. I don't care.


Guys, I know Tony has to run here. Tony, we appreciate it. The Hall of of always nice enough to spend a few minutes. Mike, stay here for just a second here. But, Tony, I just wanted to let you know on the way out, if you want to give Leviton a little holiday gift, okay? He's doing that thing again, where his crusade to end football, football, where enjoys watching it, but he cringes as he watches it. Do you want to let him have it or what do you want to do here?


He's a hypocrite. He's one of the big hypocrites in the media. Let's talk about how bad football is and all this nonsense and blah, blah, blah, blah. But then he's made a whole career in living, by the way, a very comfortable living on the back of the game of football. And so maybe he should remember, maybe he should just go in whatever bank he's at, get online and look at his account and how much money money in there, there, his investment account, and then reevaluate what he says about the game of football.


Boom. Okay. There you go. Stuck to to Tony. Happy holidays to you. We didn't even talk about the Jaguars who might not make the the Tony's Tony's in Listen.


We got a game. Number one, our our in the concussion portal, protocol, whatever. We got Tampa who's playing well. We have three straight, and all of a sudden, we can't stop people. We can't get out of... I mean, it's a tough situation. We'll find out, though. Eight and three to eight and six happens real quick.


Yeah, well, Bella checks out there.


That does. Don't blink. Don't blink, baby.


Bella checks out there. Tony, happy holidays to you and your family. Thanks, Tony. The Hall of Fame bus needs to be more centered, Tony, okay? It needs to be more centered centered your shop.


Look at what someone gave me. Look at this thing. It's the company.


Company that- wow. Those beanie babies?


Don't get me started as.


My wife. Oh, that's so cool, Mike. Look at that thing, man.


That is very cool. That's what you get when you're a Hall of Fame, where you get good stuff like that. Well, you.


Know what it was?


Where is yours, Mike? It was in my...


I had a fundraiser at.


The house for our foundation.


And this guy shows up with a gift. He goes, I have a gift for you. Okay, so his company makes WWE the championship belt for wrestling. And he says, I have this maid for you, big Jag fan. I said, I'll put it in my office. Office. So was pretty cool.


It's very cool. It's what you get when you're one of the best ever. You know what I get? When I walk into the Hall of Fame, they say, That'll be $14, please. Please.


You get your wife putting two beanie babies up in your office?


That's what you're getting.


All right, Tony. There you go. Tony, I need to get you out of here, but have you worn that naked?






The belt. No.


The fact that, that, I don't.


Even know how how that came to your I'm just a man.


Why you would think about me naked?


Billy is right. It was the beanie babies. Billy's right. I have no idea. It was an odd question, but I would if I were.


You know what?


I'm not against trying it.


There you go.


There you go. There you go.


Listen, Michael Irvine told us stories on the show of him having sex with a jacket on. I'm just saying, okay? You've done that, Tony. You've done it. Tony, get out of here. I'm not sure what to say about about Tony.


Log off, Tony. You don't want to be part of this anymore.


He's the playmaker. All right. See you, guys. See you, Tony. Real quick before we get you out of here, the two big games this weekend, it's rare, Mike, where you have a weekend with two potential Super Bowl previews. The first one, the Ravens and Niners. Just your thoughts on that game, Mike. Ravens and Niners.


Listen, the Niners are the best team in football. They're the deepest team in football. My biggest question here is, what could San Francisco do to contain Lamar Jackson? Because those guys guys love free wheel rush, and that's going to give Lamar ways out of the pocket to do some damage. Let's see what they do there. I still like San Francisco. This could be a Super Bowl matchup the way both teams are playing right now. But I like San Francisco on that one.


All right, the other one, which has significance to Billy here, the Dolphins and the Cowboys. Cowboys, it's funny, Mike, best team in the the NFL. They beat the Eagles and they get blown out by the the Bulls, no longer longer good. No wants to face the the but that's the NFL. But Dolphins and Cowboys, what are your thoughts here?


It is amazing. Everybody was on McCarthy at the beginning of the year. Nobody was on McCarthy coming up to now when they were winning, and now everybody's on McCarthy again. It's amazing how that happens. You saw Zach Martin got nicked up. He should be fine for this one. Listen, Miami is still more of an enigma to me than Dallas. Dallas, I think, is such a good team, running the ball, passing the ball defensively, I think, is the difference again in in this While Miami has the heavy hitters and can score at the drop of a hat with their receivers, once Tyreke is obviously back, of what they can do and hit it quick. But you got to deal with Mike to what he's doing on the defensive side. I think Dallas will get back into it. I think they will ground and pound a little more in this one with that old line and the running game. So I think Dallas gets back on the winning ways after getting smoked.


Last week. It feels like whoever wins this game, Mike, the public is going to to regardless. If the Dolphins win, they finally win a team with a winning record. But it's like, Oh, but Dallas is free-falling. They were frauds. If Dallas wins, it's like, Well, Miami could never beat a winning team anyways.


It's because we've seen both sides of these teams. Teams. And the Eagles, we've seen the good and really bad. Bad. So haven't seen the consistency, and you can lay the consistency of the bad of the three-game losing streak for San Francisco, again, on some some injuries, and been money since then.


Go Joe and Golec weekdays 8:00 to 10:00 AM on the the draft Kings and wherever you get your your podcast, and Smeddy as well. Well. Mike it never fails. It never fails. When I have have and and I will always get some version of this text. I'm such a football nerd. I love this stuff. Stuff. Yout's true. I He does. It's true. I do. He just sits right here with a smile on his face.


It's unbelievable. It is fun. It is fun talking football with a football guy. Not that I don't love you guys, but.


You you know what I'm saying. You love in a.


Different way. That's right. I love you differently, yes. If you.


Love us, you're not in love with us.


I know. True. I love you very differently. Differently. You know what, We just love you. That's it. All your wards and everything. We love you, okay? We do.


Appreciate that. I would wear that belt naked without question.


Okay, good.


Of course, you will be.


Marked that down. I'm going to get you one. I would do it. Okay, Okay, tell Chris it's coming.


I've done other things like that in front of her. Let's just say she's callous to the whole thing already. Already. So nothing would surprise her.


We'll to you next week. Bye. All right, guys. Enjoy the games this weekend. Thanks. Where's Gord, by the way?


Yesterday, Billy texted me. He's like, Hey, we're going to do the show at two. I have to to That's okay. I'm like, all right.


Gordie, who was sober for.


What, a.


Month now?


Now? We were so He.




Me at four o'clock and says.


I'm so drunk right now.


I'm blacked out. He texted you while blacked out. Yeah. And then... And then he sent.


Me and Billy a video of him doing doing Ice Ice shot party.


And then.


I said, All right, well, two o'clock tomorrow.


And he goes.


2:00 AM. I go, Yeah, Gordy. It shows at 2:00 AM, buddy.


Maybe that's where he is.


Is. Karl Douglas, at some point, he is going... But like, Karl is going to be representing one of at some point. He is going to... Like Carl is going to be representing one of you at some point, or he'll be the attorney going against you. I can't wait.


Hey, Carl, it's crazy to say, but anytime I'm bored going to bed, I just watched Norm McDonald's O. J. J. About 30 minutes ago. I think you a lot. So there you go, buddy.


You're in my mind.


Thank you, man.


Appreciate it. The weirdest compliment.


Compliment. We need O'J on the... Carl said, Thank you. Carl, we need O'J on this, okay? We need him on one week.


I haven't talked to to O.


I haven't talked to him. I mean.


It oes you.


Carl, you got him off. I mean, Jesus. I know.


No, he loves me. People tell me.


He loves me.


I haven't talked to him.






Twitter non-stop.


He's on Twitter non-stop. Just between us friends, Carl. He did it, right?


He loves you. You.




Telling you. You. I wasn't.


He loves you, Carl.


He loves loves Cooper I thought he did before the trial. No, no.


You're such a good lawyer you convinced yourself.


Yourself. I'm not it and fit. Fit.




Look at Carl Levy.


I love love so much. I bet your hips on that, Carl.


Hey, I was dancing at a.


Party this weekend. I'm good.


I'm getting better. Were you, really?


I had my office party Thursday night. I was dancing. This is amazing. Juju is here. Hello, JuJu.


What did do, my my I'm so always honored to be here and be a part of this game, man. Man. I have the love in the world to you all. Happy holidays.


Same to you, JuJu.


How about.


Your Eagles there, buddy?


Yeah, it hurts bad. I was sad. Sad. Gina it was the Seahawks, which makes it extra special. Pointing that knife they turned in my chest. We dropped the and then then Lock. Then I had to post about it as if we were frauds. I'm real in right now, K-Fonk.




Juju comes on with.


This nice.


Message message of nice to be with with you, C-Fonk comes over to Tom Tom How about your fucking ego?


They're on.


A downward spiral. He's worried. I know he's worried. I heard you were in Miami and and couldn't.


Give you five minutes.


Of his his.


Time Honestly, one of those those I was literally willing to go so far out of my way. I was stalling things to try to pull it off.


What the fuck can't I do? What are.




Talking about? I'm sitting here for seven hours. I was spending a.


Whole extra day and everything.


By the way, Mike IA, if he loses his next fantasy game, has to pose nude in a calendar. Oh, yes. Wait a second. No one said nude. No one said nude. He was was various stages of undress. Okay, so we're thinking next year, the loser, whoever has the worst record next year, we'll have to do the same. We'll something of the same fate. You guys get with that, Carl? Why not this year?


Yeah, calendar all year long.


I mean, I'll do it this year if you guys want. I don't have to do anything.


I was going to say you have nothing to lose here.


I vote this year.


Last week I asked Carl, does Carl drink? And today he very much is telling us he does. Look at all of the bottles around him.




Second bar.




Secondfucking bar.




So so has five five Karl has five.


Five I.




Two. What's the most expensive bottle behind you right now, Karl? Which one? Oh, he's looking.




Bottle of champagne.




How much? No idea.


It's a gift for Gigi or what is that?


That? Look, a great caveat, because I ain't never told nobody this. I haven't told you all this since last year. If you all think about it, you'll remember. The most expensive bottle I have in my house is an Emmett Smith Smith bottle of his tequila that he gave to to but he forgot it at the Super Bowl.


I always wanted.


You to have it to that thing.


That's so great. I'm stuck with an Elijah Craig bottle signed by Max Homo.


Juju, I want that. Merry Christmas to you. All right, let's get to the games. Carl, go to you first, okay? We have Lions at Vikings. Vikings, plus three and a half. Man, all these games are big games, with the exception of the second one. Lions at Vikings, Vikings plus three and a half. Karl, who are you taking here? I think the the are going to turn it.


Around, so I'm going with the the I'll give up the points.


All right, K-Funk, who are you taking?


Just give me, I'll take the Vikings here.


Do they have a shot to make the playoffs still, right? Yes, they do. Do.


All right, at home. Give me.


The Vikings, even.


Though I do like the the but.


Give me the Vikings. All right, Share Bear, who are you taking here?


I probably would have taken the Lions. But last last I played about four hours of basketball with Chris Humphries, a little Minnesota native. And the guy's good, man. The guy's got some length. He was a good tennis player before he grew. And I'm going to go with the Vikings. I'm a a Minnesotacourt guy now.


Okay. Okay. I want you to know. I play a a with Chris Humphries? Juju, who are you taking here? We have Vikings, we have the Lions. It's at Minnesota. Vikings are plus three and a half.


Four or five words. Words. St. Brown. I'm going with the Lions this week. They need to win. They need that spunk back in Detroit and Detroit feeling that the city is is alive. Vikings are in the way.


Is that four or five words? I think it's two.


I think yeah, it might have been two.


It's all good. Good. Neither? Let's go to the next game. Commanders at jets. The jets somehow are a three-point favorite after being shut out by the Dolphins last week. Let's go to a K-Funk first here. K-funk, are you taking? Commanders at jets, jets minus three.


I've been riding the jets a lot this year. I don't know why. Why. I mean.


Of their defense. But what happened to me last.




I'm going to take the.




Give me the the Okay.


All right, right, Douglas, who are you taking here? Commanders at jets, jets minus three at home. As a.


Tribute to Aaron Rogers.


Not playing this.




I'll take the the Okay. Juju, who are you taking taking at at Jets?


Going to take the Commanders. I think, Jacob Perset, looked good good the little time he had last week. So if they give him another shot, I can see they're winning by three points.


Okay. Were you shocked that that Jacobe was still in the the NFL, Yeah.


Jacob Perset has been pretty decent at every stop he's had.


No, I know, but we were all surprised. Karl was shaking his head yes. I had no idea he was still playing. I had no idea. Idea. I had no idea. Hasn't picked this game? Share Bear?


I was never a Jets fan, but ironically enough, I was out there at Nightlife with with girl I met and her best friend, his husband was nick nick the full-back to the the Jets, I'm going to go in that route. But I went to a Washington.


Game and.


You got great parking there. You can get really tight up close. I'm going to go to the Commanders. Great parking. Parking. I'm going to go to I'm going to go to the You're going going to go the parking? Wow. A lot of parking available. It's at the jets, by the way, just so you know. Know. Well, they're.


Doing a viewing party.




Exactly. Parking just got easier. At it was was now it's. Yeah. Karl, you'll be representing one of them at some point. Browns and Texans. Juju, Browns and Texans, Texans plus two and a half at home. Browns with Joe Flacko, Texans again without C. J. J. Straud. I'll start with you. Who are you taking here?


Yeah, man, that's a big problem without C. J. Strad. And I feel like Joe Flacko got them boys flocking right now. So I'm going to take the Brownies.


Okay, were you surprised surprised that Keenem was still in the NFL?


Yes, I was. He was still doing the Minnesota clap. I was like, Damn it.


Let's go to a share, Barry, who you taking? Browns and Texans, Texans at home plus two and a half.


I went to a Browns game once. My partner, Brands Tyler, was being recruited by Andre Davis's agent, who watched one play from the field and the rest of the whole rest of the game was inside the bar. It's a cold place, tough place to play. I'm I'm going Browns.


Okay, Karl, who are.


You taking here? Game is in Houston.


Houston. In a a in Houston. You know what?


The parking is great, though. The parking.


Is great in Houston. Hey, listen, listen, I'm going to the.


Parking in.


Cleveland, so I'm I'm with.


The Browns. I love love that so All right, right, who are you taking here? Browns and Texas. Texas, plus two and a half.


I'm on the juju train here. I went.


To to strip club of Waka-Flocka.


I'm going to go go Waka on this one and give me the.








That connection?


I like it. I love that. That. Flacko, Waka How long have you been.


Waiting to tell us that story?


Get them on the pod, too. Cowboys at Dolphins. Big game. Two big games coming up, guys, all right? Cowboys at Dolphins. Dolphins. Minus one and a half points at home. Man, this is a big game. It's going to to be fun game. Sharebear, going to you first. Tell us who has the better parking situation. Go ahead.


I'll tell you one thing, thing, in the river does not have good parking on.


Sunday nights. It is bad.


Wow, it was bad. It was a fun time, though. Though. I wouldn't I wouldn't mind running it back this Sunday. It's always good to run it back after it wins. Let's go to the Dolphins.


Okay, taking the Dolphins. Let's go to Carl. Carl, who are you taking here? Cowboys at at Dolphins minus one and a half. The Cowboys have played so so on.


The road.


And against 500 teams. I got to go with the Dolphins and give up the points. Okay, K-Funk, who are you taking here? In my last.


Three weeks on the.


Show, I have.


Three losses.


Two of those.


Were me going against my own team, the Dolphins. I got to stick with my Dolphins here. Okay. Juju, who are you taking here? Cowboys at Dolphins. Dolphins minus one and a half points.


I'm going to mix some of the Share Bear logic with the the logic. Beautiful. When I was growing up, Dave Chlebows, I used to have a cowboy on his show, and he used to do the robot. Robot. And cousin, he is Tyree Hill. I'm going to go with the Dolphins. Okay.


Oh, God, I love you all. Ravens last game Monday Monday God, what a game. Ravens at 49ers, 49ers, a a favorite. Juju, going to start with you here. Who are you taking?


I feel like at this juncture in in life, this juncture of the season, and just this juncture of Earth's existence in space, you would be crazy to go against the 49ers at this juncture, man. They got MVP candidates up and down the roster. I'm going with the 49ers 49ers in.


Long way. All right, taking the 49ers. K-funk, who are you taking here? 49ers minus five at home taking on the Ravens.


Yeah, I don't think this is going to be close. I don't.


Think the NFC is going to.


Be close.


The The there's a few teams that are contenders.


But give me the 9ers today. Give me the 9ers every every.


Week, dude.


9ers are a well-oiled machine there. Okay, a lot of. Let's go to Carl. Carl, who are you taking here? Here? Still, this is.


Going to be a Super Bowl preview.


Some might say the other game is a Super Bowl Bowl though, though, Dolphins and Cowboys.


I'm saying this is going to be a Super Bowl preview because the 9ers.


Are at home.


I give it to them.


I give up the points.


I take the the.


Okay, taking the the and Share Bear. We have at at game of the weekend, Monday night.


I just feel like ever since Levi Stadium got rid of anyone that wore wore the Harbors are just not happy. They go in there with a vengeance. If there's ever a city that travels well, all the airports near near I just feel like they're going to travel well with the Ravens. I mean, a lot of opportunities to get out to San Francisco. I'm going to Ravens.


A lot of flights out of BMI. Is that what you're saying? Saying?


Oh, no. A lot of airports. You've got got BMI, you've got Dulles.


You've Reagan. Yeah, Reagan is the best airport in America. Amazing. All right, so we all agree that that The this season will have to do a naked calendar.


Calendar No one agreed to that.


Yes, I know. I agree. Where are we at right now? They all agree. We'll figure it out. Carl, we love you. Promote that law firm of yours, my friend. Sure, my brother. The best firm in in California Douglas Hicks Law. That's Douglas Hicks Law. Excellent. Excellent. Sharebear, anything to promote on the way out here?


No, I'm just hoping to see you and Billy at Pickle Jams. The Miami Marines Stadium, what, January 13th, 13th, We'll talk more.


About it as we get closer. K-fuck, anything you want to promote? Just my.


Shit, three and two record last week.


I don't want to promote anything.


Except Ice Shaker since.


Sporty's not here. I'll give them a a.


Shout iceshaker. Com. Excellent. Juju, anything?


Yeah, just after games on Sundays, me and my dad, Tony, we go go live Sunday Night Live, Live, man. We be be on the football games that just happened. Also, I think we should still do a a calendar to be released at the Super Bowl. All my brothers are beautiful on this camera Zoom. Everybody get a month, one professional headshot. Super Bowl, we're going to roll out the the God football calendar. Name another another that's doing that.


Also, check out JuJu's music, book them on cameo. Let's get JuJu.


Money somehow. Can we.


Call into.




Show or no? Oh, yeah, that's going to to I think the same day this airs, we're going to do another call. So maybe next week, next time. But definitely appreciate you all for.


Taking the time to- I'll hit up the the and we'll give.


You a call me.


And talk about it. Okay.


All right, gentlemen, we appreciate it. Happy holidays to all of you. Hey, Merry Christmas.


Happy holidays. Holidays. Happy Christmas. I'm a Mikey. Mikey. I'm a doubt, Mikey. Man, before you get out of here.


Salute, brother. Yes, sir. Love you, JuJu. We will pick this up right after the New Year, Year, okay? God bless football. All right. God bless football. God bless football.