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Draftkings Network.


This is the Dan Leviton Show with the Stuck At's Podcast.


Billy, where are you right now with where any and all of this is headed? Because now there's more to the story than even I knew. I was bringing you guys information I thought was shocking enough by itself, but now this has layers to it that I hadn't anticipated. So I'm learning along with the audience where this story ends. Where are you with how you feel so far about Stugat's really sniper finding the mark? Because you got to do it.


There are 40 people- Objection.


-billy. Argumentative. You can be John Reed's attorney if you want to be. But there were 30 people in the room, and he knew not to ask some of them to help him here. He knew who to ask specifically to get accomplished what he wanted, which is not have to show any care whatsoever about the people in the company, the holiday party, gifts, anything. He outsourced all of his holiday giving in a way that might have ensnared a colleague in a crime.


Allegedly. We're going to need full immunity to get this full story.


Okay, and you keep asking for that, and you don't give me what I need, which is what the group is thinking right now about what Stugatz did.


We don't know the full scope of what he allegedly may or may not have did and how he may or may not have bamboozzled my good friend John here.


I can say with certainty. It was bad and wrong.




Been able to piece it together, and it's not surprising. Come on, Mike. This is.


Not surprising. Mike, you're not- You.


Asked for guesses at the start of this, and we guessed it exactly right.


No, but we don't know that. We don't know that yet. Everything's an allegation at this point.


If everybody guessed correctly before the story was told, I think that is the very definition of not being surprised.


Agreed. I did lead you there by giving you the information on the holiday party. It limits the amount of crimes available. I've got to tell you, though, Billy, your.


Outfit- Leading the witness.


-is absolutely cheap attorney. It is a cheap attorney's outfit. You look so much like Saul. When I.


Hint it. Yeah, just base off this outfit. I think John Reed's going to jail.


No. Yeah.




John, we said do not.




On the.


Said don't say a word.


Let the record show that the defendant thinks he's going to jail.


All right. Strike that from the.


Record, please. John, I don't know how this guy... Wait a minute. Now everyone's fighting to be your attorney. I don't understand who made.


Jesse- Who's got the cowboy hat, Dan?


John, this is where I'd like to start because I want to get all the details on this. I'm telling you, Mike Ryan, who's taken and making fun of me lately for being proud dad guy, made fun of me because during this holiday party, when people were exchanging gifts and laughing, and I was moved by our company actually celebrating something together and seeming to enjoy itself. Stugatz did indeed ask, request permission of multiple people to leave. I told him, I'm not in charge of your schedule. I'm never in charge of your schedule. My answer has been consistent about that because I don't want him to feel like I'm his boss. You make your own decisions here. But he asked permission on things he knows are wrong. Like, he knows he was the only one who wasn't at the holiday party. We were all working very hard. I don't know, though, John, when he recruited you. What is the context? Is it the day before? Does he want to put no effort into his gift? How did he find you and how did he get you to do this?


This was literally like an hour before the show started. But I will say this. If I had known he wasn't going to show up at the actual gift giving, I would have never put myself in this position.


I like that. That's great. Good.


Stick to that. He tells you how much to spend. Does he give you any money? Does he give you any guidelines? Where's he sending you and how?


Well, he pulls out 20 bucks, but I didn't take it because I knew that I could put it on the company card in the-.


Hold up.


Hold on a second. Wait.


Sorry. He gave you?


He gave you money.


He tried to give me $20.


Correct. Okay.


But I didn't have the gift yet, so I didn't want to take his money. Well, I.


Think that we need to start looking into what happened here and how premeditated this was. At what time did he ask you to leave early, Dan?


Oh, right before the holiday party was starting.


But he said John, allegedly, on this gift finding adventure an hour before the show started. It seems like maybe there was never any intent for Stugass to attend this party at all.


You don't say.


You're his attorney, I thought. But I don't know why it is you would betray Stugat, the money behind this scam operation. $20, what was the gift maximum and minimum? What was the recommended amount of money for?


$40. $40.


Or one gift. May I speak with my attorneys, please?




Go ahead. I actually did volunteer to give him $20 towards the gift, but-.


Hold on. You volunteered to give your $20 along with his $20?


Yes, because we had other coworkers that needed a gift as well. I was just in a generous mood. It wasn't just stew, but I don't want to name any other names. Who are they?


Just a girl.


Hold on. Now this is a Reco case.


Hold on. What we can do is we can use this to leverage immunity. Yes.


Well, here's my problem. I'm not trying to talk about my person. I was already in hot water from a situation in Iowa. Don't worry.


About that. That is a cross-state lines. We did not worry about that. Turn off.


The microphone. Sorry.


Turn off the microphone. I don't.


Need to go throwing.


On and on. Dano, listen, we've got names that we are.


Willing to give you. I am dying to tell that story. I am dying. They won't let me tell that story of what happened in Iowa. I started to tell that when we were in California. I want that.


Stricken from the record, by the way.


All I will tell the audience, masking as much of this as I can for Lucy. John Reed, who previously-.


No one mentioned Lucy. I don't know what you're talking about. Lucy is not a part of it. I don't know what.


You're talking about. Lucy is not a part of it. Where did John go?


Lucy lips, sink ships.


As Lucy's lawyer.


You know what? Jail for Jeremy.


Yeah, that's fair. Jeremy's got to go.


Yeah, he's got to go.


John Reed's Hot Water before the Iwa Hot Water was showing up at a Panthers press box in full Panther's regalia, practically dressed as Stanley C.


Panther. Presented to the court exhibit A. I have in my hands the actual Matthew Kachuk jersey. By the way, Matthew, let's get it going, man.


Yeah, slow start to-I'd have to see John in that actual jersey to see if that fits, by the way. I don't know if that fits, John.


How do you know.


It was John? I was an eyewitness. It's my jersey. I left it to John.


Jersey doesn't fit. You must have quit. Boom.


John Reed showed up and embarrassed Metallarg Media by being a fan, although I think I need to let go of my previous journalistic standards given what Jessica and Lucy and Mike and Billy are doing to try and change the form of how news and information is given in the media space. So maybe we should have more phandom with our journalism. No one's got more than Jessica.


I gave up all journalistic credibility when I came here, Dan. Three years.


Free from journalism. That is correct. John Reed was in hot water. Lucy, I'm going to try. Mike, help me out here with wherever the guardrails on this because I don't know what's sensitive here. I've tried to talk about it before. I don't want to get anyone in actual trouble. But John Reed found himself in a situation in Iowa where he was in trouble with legitimate authorities because of something he and Lucy were trying to accomplish together.


Well, let's call Lucy the.


Witness, then. For content. Lucy, please. I don't want to speak for you here, but I don't know where your discomfort are either. What can be said? I should tell the audience. Lucy has fame in Iowa that predates us. Lucy is a known person around college football in Iowa.


She has influence there, which was helpful, allegedly.


Lucy is a bit of a star around Iowa football, even though she's always laughing at Iowa football. It's one of my favorite things. But you also are a polarizing figure because some people think you should be more respectful of the program.


Yeah, let's just say the Iowa Athletics Department, I am not their favorite person. So we went into this event at Iowa, allegedly, supposed to be on our best behavior, and that did not happen. Yeah.


That's all you can say, Lucy. Don't worry.


About it. Don't he's representing me, please. We've gone far enough.


What did John Reed do at this Iowa game?


We will not.


Mention that. It was a game in the football team. It was a women's basketball game.


Can I.


Say it?


Yeah, go for it.


I don't know.


Go for it. There's definitely-.


Actual laws that were broken? Yeah.


And federal agencies involved.


I apologize. Well, someone who looked like John Reed was flying a drone over the open airspace. It was airspace related. Over this basketball court, and the authorities got involved and said, Hey, guy or girl, you can't be flying a drone over restricted airspace.


This is a problem. It was a mistake. It was an error by Metallark Media. It was an error by John Reed.


Uncertain who the error was by. Was the person wearing a Matthew Kachuk jersey?


Okay, fine. Maybe it was... Circumstantial evidence suggests that our video person with the drone might have been involved.


But perhaps- But he was holding.


The remote control. -perhaps it wasn't him, but authorities did descend upon him. How many of them descended upon him?


I do not know because I was busy working. I was watching.




Clark. There you go. I do not know how it happened, but I did give some word of a statement to a police officer.




Comes news that Stugart found the exact person to go to to get his gift purchased on the company card. It sounds like those Stugarts has enough in the way of cash and laziness to obscure the fact that he didn't actually need John Reed to commit a crime for him. John Reed chose that route all his own.


That is debatable.


I don't know about that.


What do you mean you don't know about that? We don't know about that. We've covered what is fact here. None of.


This is a bit. He's an accomplice.


Our client was duped.


That part is a bit.


The part.


That Tony and Billy are his attorneys. John Reign is rushing back to the witness stand here. Hold on. We'll get your microphone. Let me say this.


I'm a bit of a renegade realist here. Be careful. When we shot your music video last year, which got, I think, 40,000 views or so, I put a drone up on South Beach. It was a beautiful music video. The authorities did come after and talk to me.




Remember. We got away with it. You're a guerilla. Hold on. One more. One more. A guerilla journalist. When I went to Vegas with Mike Ryan and Chris, Cody, and Roy, I put a drone up on the Las Vegas strip, which it's actually up on our YouTube right now. If you go look at Chris and Roy in Vegas, so you either love me or hate me. That's true. Sometimes you got to take a little risk here.


And then.


You're in a search to succeed. Two of the three times that you put a drone into the air, authorities came to talk to you about it.


Yeah, and the police helped me in Vegas.


There you go. Wow.




Three times.


Entrapment. John, that's all of which is incriminating.


You think around the third time at a sporting event, you'd be like, it.


Is a baseline, Dan.


This is all unrelated to what we were talking about to begin with, anyways, and needs to be tossed immediately.


This has.


Absolutely nothing to do with the holiday party. You know what? Mistrial.


When John Reed stormed in here, the thought that went through my head was he is most certainly going to further incriminate himself, and he did not disappoint.


It's fairly amazing.


Let it be stricken from the record. Thank you. The police helped, Daniel. He just told the judge, Do you know how many.


More crimes I've committed?




Don Lebertard. Don't you hear that type of stuff. Tom braided went down with an Achilles the only time he got hurt in his entire career, and I was fist-pumping in my living room at home because the jets finally had a chance to win a division. I'm sorry. I'm not going to apologize for that. I'm sorry. I'm not going to apologize for that. It's one of the most amazing sentences you've ever uttered. Stugaz. From the maker of Trust me, don't trust me comes, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to apologize. You are amazing. Thank you. I know. You are a flabbergasting delight. You happen upon genius comedy by accident.


That's my gift. This is the Dan Levator Show with the Stugars.




Noticed with the Metallark executives, they're a bit camera shy, a bit light shy. Sometimes when they're on air for the first time, it can be intimidating. We did this the other day to in a way that was unpleasant. It can be a little intimidating if you've been following the show for a while and take seriously the nonsense we're doing around here. Getting your first mic time can be like making a speech in front of a lot of people. You know that you're being listened to by millions of downloads a week. And so some people get scared with all the hot lights. And I wanted to get John Reed just in the interest of being an employer who cares about people in their comfort, just getting him into a more comfortable, intimate space that is slightly less scary, where he's not surrounded by all of you and all of the intimidations that that involves. So let's just get him to a quieter place so that I can ask him some questions about what happened with Stugatz. But before I get to John Reed and details on this story that I need to hear because I really am learning this for the first time, and I don't know how devious Stugatz was here or how bad John Reed's just general judgment is.


He just committed a crime for Stugats without intending to commit a crime for Stugats. Jessica and Lucy have been dog advocates publicly, privately. A meme doesn't like that Willow is around. Willow is famous now. She is getting recognized in the streets. You see, rented a dog for a while. We buried her unfairly. She did a lovely thing for a dog and helped raise awareness that dogs can use a little bit of love and you can rent them for 12 hours at a time. You did a wonderful, nice thing for charity. We buried you for it. How has Jessica been involved with any of your dog experiences? I saw the other day at a Laker game, somebody brought a dog courtside. I did not know that that was allowed. That seems like a danger. If an NBA player gets bitten by a dog that is spooked by noise.


What if they need him to come in off the bench? The dog? Air Bud situation. The dog? No one says the dog can't play basketball.


No one does say that.


I saw a dog- Famous line from.


Air Bud. That's not a real dog, Dan. That is someone in a dog suit.


That doesn't look like a real dog. You were.


Fooled again.


The guy next to.


Him hates it, by the way. That is a person in a dog suit. That's not a real dog. That dog has legs, human legs coming out of its.


Hind legs. It's a real dog.


Why was it there? Was it a comfort dog of.


Some sort? Apparently, it's a famous TikTok dog that is also a service animal, and it was allowed to.


Be a court-site. Not that famous, Lucie, and I haven't.


Heard of it. Can you tell me what you guys have been doing recently that is dog-related-sharing.


So when I took Ms. Dolly out of the shelter, which by the way, this is a thing you can do at a lot of shelters. We found you can do it in my hometown, so look into it if you guys are looking to take a dog out for the day. But so when I took Ms. Dolly out, we went to lunch and we're just chilling. And Jess and Priya came to meet us there because they wanted to meet Dolly. Obviously, she lived up to all the expectations and more. And we're sitting there and we're enjoying our time with Dolly. And this guy walks by with one of the cutest little husky puppies we've ever seen. So and Jess and I are like, Wow, what a cute dog. And he's like, Thanks. Do you want to buy it? And we're like, I'm sorry, excuse me? He's like, Yeah, I'm selling this dog. I found it in my neighborhood, and I'm selling it. We're like, Hey, you cannot sell a dog that you just found. Priya was just the hero of our story. It was like, You are a bad person for selling a dog that you have found.




Priya basically immediately instilled shame into this man. So then he sat down next to us and was like, Well, why can't why shouldn't I be able to sell this dog? And she's like, This is terrible karma. You should not make money off of a living thing. This could be someone's pet. And then Lucy was like, We can take it to the vet. We can see if it has a microchip. Where did you find it? Blah, blah, blah. We started asking him a million questions. I was like, How much are you selling it for? He was like, $400. And I was like, I don't have that on me, but maybe we should just buy it and then figure out what to do. And then these other people came out of the restaurant and they were like, What's going on? And then we told them the whole saga. So then they got involved. And then all six of us were just this guy into giving over the puppy because this puppy, it was so sad. It was tiny. It was so scared. It had birds sticking out of its fur. It was limping. It was just the most afraid little puppy I've ever seen in my life.


We were like, We need to do something about this. He made it.


Seem like he had found a stray dog. We were asking him about where he found it. He would not tell us exactly where he found it. He said, My neighborhood. Then we were like, Where is that? He's like, 25 to 30 blocks away. We're like, Do you not know where you found the dog or where you live? He was like, I found the dog with a collar. We're like, Hey, if that dog has a collar, that's probably someone's dog. He's like, No, it's not. It's also a purebred husband. It was a purebred puppy. We were just fighting with this guy back and forth because he was like, No, I'm going to sell this dog that I found. Why can I not profit from helping this dog? I'm going to give it a good home. You're like, If you're just giving the dog to someone on the street, you don't know if it's going to a good home. He kept saying, Why are you trying to make me feel so bad?


All of you shame this man. This is a distinctly Miami grift where someone thinks that taking someone else's pet and selling it wouldn't be something that would hurt the pet owner.


He was so afraid of Priya.




Put the.


Fear of God. It seems like she led the angry mob of it wasn't just you two that rose up to indignates. You then got random restaurant-goers to get in on your angry mob to shame this person who was a nefarious capitalist.


Trying to make a book.


It then progressed to where Priya was like, You know what? Fine. I'll give you a hundred dollars if you give me the dog. She had.


Cash on her. She had cash.


Thank God. Gave him a hundred dollars. Then he went to the other people who we were with, and he was like, I heard you said you had $50. So he got $150 and was like, Fine, we'll just go. And so the other group were like, someone had had a husky before. So she was like, These dogs run away a lot. So they took the puppy, took it to a vet to see if it had a chip in it. It did not. They have since been taking care of it. We trust them. But it was a really eventful lunch. And the whole time, Dolly is just sitting there like a little angel, not causing any problems. I was like, with the group there when we were in between arguing. I was like, Hey, do you guys want to meet Dolly? She is available for adoption if you're interested in dogs. She's a great girl.


Look, let's be very clear. I'm not for stealing of animals, whatsoever. Except for ducks. Those you can take, that's not stealing. You can just take those. Those are free. Those are free. Again, not the point. The point is if you steal a dog and then resell it, not good. If you find a dog that perhaps maybe belongs to somebody, perhaps may not, may have fallen off the turnip truck, you don't know. I should, not me, excuse me, somebody should.


How old are you, turn up truck. What?


I was trying to relate to Dan. Sorry.


Wow, you're trying to speak mine language. That was a little... Jessica, go see the penalty box.


What? She can't. Half her body will.


Be gone. Well, let's try it. Look at these pants.


Priya and Dolly leave the woke mob is an.


Interesting- It did sound like a real-life Twitter argument playing out with all sorts of virtue signaling and some sincere people, other people are like, Yeah, I guess I'll join the Fray. Shame on you.


It's like, you got a hundred bucks or not.


What if this other couple was in on it with the guy? This was their dog, and then the guy's there, and he tries to do this shakedown, and these are now allies of yours. You get the $100 from you guys, and then they're like, Well, we have 50, and then they know they're going to get it back right away. This is like a traveling, con artist, family circus type thing.


Suckers are born every minute, Daniel.


Yeah, I just want to go back for a second. You believe I come from a time where America was replete with turnip trucks.


Well, the phrase turnip truck to connect with you.


To be clear, thank you for speaking my language.


Thank you for.


Turnip last year. If I was going to risk you up, it'd be a different story, but you know.


All right, so let's go to John Reed here. Jessica, you're a legitimate journalist. Can you get to the bottom of this story? Can you do some work while you're in the penalty box here and just get to the bottom of what is the truth of this story and how much crimes Dugats was trying to commit and how much was spent on the gifts? How much was charged to the company? What were the gifts? I'd like some more.


Details, please. Don't say anything, Sean.


I'm a little afraid for John generally because as he was being interrogated about what seemed like a potentially gray area ethical issue, he admitted to actual crimes. No, did not. I'm going to step out and let him handle this because he's the only one who really knows the truth.


I feel more comfortable with you.


All right, Jessica is leaving this to me. I'm going to do this alone here with John Reed.


John, you can't have an attorney present, by the way.


This is all very uncomfortable. All right, John Reed, how much did you spend on the gifts?




What did you buy?


I bought a Tony Kuko, Bulls Jersey, which was very popular in the white gifts exchange from what.


I- Yes, it was stolen. Yes. Not a crime, if you guys remember that. All of a sudden, we were taken by a white person.


We were.


Taken by a white person. Not a crime.


Oh, sorry. Wait a minute. I didn't mean white gifts to me.


Don't worry, John. White elephant.


White gifts. I think we're going to get Jeff, take it first and then someone stole it from Jeff.




Know what? I would like to consult with my attorney, please.


Thank you. Thank you. You're fine.


Don't worry. I didn't take it because I already have one.


Actually, though.


This was indeed a white gift exchange when the Tony Kukoach jersey was wildly popular.


It was taken initially by Jeff.


Did you buy anything else or was that the only gift? Was that $68 or there was a second thing?


Well, there was two things. It was a hoodie and also a Bulls jersey. But I took back the hoodie because I didn't want to get caught.


No, not caught. What do you mean? What is that? No, wrong word. I think what we should be celebrating here is John sounds like he bought multiple presents for this exchange, all for under $68.


Well, I must say this. I was doing my job as the producer. This is my job to make things happen. This is my job to make sure that the talent is happy. Stewart seems unhappy that he didn't have time to go out and purchase the gift. I stepped in as a producer and made it happen.


The hoodie, where was the hoodie? Did it get part of the exchange or the hoodie you just took the hoodie and went home.


With it? I decided to return the hoodie and get the candles. Yes, good. Because the candle, I realized that we do have a lot of ladies that work.


With us. Everyone likes candles.


I love candles. No one really wants a lot of sneakers and jerseys. We all like sports, though. I decided to buy candles for.


The ladies. A diversity of gifts. Yes.


The candles were very popular. Greg Cody ended up with a candle at the end. Did Stugatz thank you for doing any of this? He didn't tell you clearly that he wasn't coming. Was it framed at the party that these were the gifts that Stugatz bought through you?


Well, he definitely didn't thank me. I haven't seen him since he had me to go out and get the gifts.


On the lamb.


How does the group feel? All right, are there any other questions? How does the group feel?


It's still unclear what the actual crime was here. If you're going to give immunity or not. It sounds like if anything, he just did a friend of favor.


Dan, I must say this. The new year is coming. I don't think you should harbor all these ill-willed phillies towards me. I'm a very responsible father of three. I made a mistake with a drone in Iowa. Bona fetus. Here's to my defense in Iowa. There's nothing else to do in Iowa but fly a drone. No.


We can't do this. We can't.


Do this.


Never stop.


You're making it worse, John, get out of there. Sustained. You're making it worse. We do not have any problem with Iowa. Iowa was kind enough to allow us all the access that we wanted. Lucy and John made great content, and we are grateful that the Iowa authorities and Kirk Farrant and nobody arrested John Reed for violating airspace in a way that seems dangerous in 2023. 2023 is not very media responsible. We are grateful to the good people of Iowa for being kind and generous to Metallark Media when Metallark Media committed airspace violation.


Allegedly. I did send an apology letter to the entire athletic staff and department.


Handwritten, too.


There you go.


All right. Dan, it's the end of the year. Should all the acquaintance be forgot? You know what I mean? And never brought to mind. Powerful words. All the acquaintance be forgot and the days of old Langsine.




Never knew that those were the lyrics. I understand four of those words, too. I thought it was acquaintance. I'm like, Yeah, I forget a lot of acquaintances. I'm bad with names.


I thought it.


Was acquaintance. It is acquaintance.


What did I say? You said acquaintance.


Or something. I'm not the one on trial here. John did it. Don Levitard. If I'm at the house with them and they're all rooting, I could just be like, Yeah, raw, raw, raw. Go Yankees.


Still guts. You know how unsettling it would be if I attended a live sporting event and someone behind me was just going, raw, raw, raw, raw, Browns, raw.


Heath, raw, raw, raw. This is the Dan Levator Show with the Stugats.


Correct me if I'm wrong on this. Because Jessica is such a giant Notre Dame fan, I feel like all of us remember where we were or how the sport was shifting somehow when Bryan Kelly decided to leave the prestigious institution of Notre Dame before money changed everything to join the SCC and make big time football, even bigger time football. The coach at Notre Dame, that's supposed to mean something, and you go from there to LSU. It felt to me like we were all like, Oh, that's interesting that they would compete that way against Sabin. They're going to get the popular CEO from Notre Dame. And it seems like since then, because so much about the sport has changed, that feels more and more like we all overreacted to a higher, just because it was the first one that shook the economy of this sport. And we all now realize, well, there are probably 10 Brian Kelly you can get as long as you make sure that one of them that you have is someone who can run the business of the sport or figure out how to live in a changing sport. But it seems like every bit of Brian Kelly news or optic since then has been something to shame him as some clown.


Well, okay, there are several things in that intro that I somewhat object to. I think the reason that he was hired at LSU was a reaction to a lot of the big contracts that other head coaches were getting around the same time and years previous. And he left because they were offering him like, 90 million guaranteed dollars for 10 years or something like that to coach. I can't remember the exact terms. But now that he's at LSU, and I don't know why this didn't happen as much when he was at Notre Dame because he was still doing the same corny things. There were several Brian Kelly memes. Maybe I was the only one paying attention to because I was in Notre Dame land of him doing the peace sign while he was kneeling down or doing dances and stuff like that in signing day videos. And now he's doing that at LSU. And it feels like everything's getting amplified like 20 or 30 times more than it did there. But he's been the same guy the whole time. He's the same coach that made a very poorly delivered joke about wanting to execute his players after the Florida State-Notre Dame game in 2021.


We'd love to hear the perfectly executed joke on that.


John McKay did it perfectly in the '70s, that same joke. And somehow, Bryan Kelly not only butchered it, but was copycatting.


It as well. Yeah, part of it is his act flew in Indiana, where it's just everything about Brian Kelly in the bayou seems like an odd fit. He confirmed all of that when he put on an accent in his first introduction to LSU nation when he said his family.


Maybe that's it. I think maybe that was such a viral moment that now every subsequent thing has become part of his ongoing weirdness there. But yeah, you're onto something because Bryan Kelly was... He's from Massachusetts. He's Irish. He was a coach at a bunch of schools in the Midwest before he went to Notre Dame. And even though he was a very polarizing figure at Notre Dame, he won a lot of games and fans put up with him being a weirdo sometimes and thinking he was really funny at times during interviews, but not really being that funny. And the fact that it's such a weird fit seemingly at LSU, and he put on a southern accent briefly for some reason, I think has amplified that to a group of people that maybe weren't following him before.


You know what's been really weird about this year with Bryan Kelly? And despite having several losses, all the people voting on rankings still rate them highly, is he's taking the Jaden Daniels Heisman Trophy win as a pretty big Brian Kelly accomplishment to satiate anybody that might have an issue with their, I think, subpart performance since he arrived. You have to give him some credit for transition, I guess. But that's not really what the sport is about, individual accomplishments. And it seemed at a certain point in the season, he knew that that's what the aim was and that's what the goal was. And he's conflated that with overall success, and he seems to be relishing in it.


Well, you have to recruit however you recruit. And I've got a quarterback who averages the first down every time that he touches the football is the best thing that he's got to sell. I'm more interested when, Jessica, you're objecting to whatever it is that I'm saying there. I just view that spot. Going from Notre Dame to L. S. U. Got everyone's attention. And it seems like we've gotten nothing but corny from him since, including this now that you have, and we have the still images up of, Bryan Kelly apparently doesn't know how to do the Heisman pose. But I was of the feeling when Bryan Kelly switched schools, it was the SEC saying some form of that we don't even have to be Alabama or Georgia to steal Notre Dame's genius resident leader guy who's going to be better at leadership than others. And what he's done publicly since then shows corny judgment, correct?


Well, I think it was LSU's athletic director saying, I'm going to make a splashy hire here because that's what I do. I'm the guy that makes splashy hires.




Athletic departments. He hired Kim Mulkey the year before and her the highest salary of any women's basketball player. And then he hired Brian Kelly. So I think there is something... I'm done. I can't do this next to problematic Joe Zagaki having the hots for Kim Mulkey. I'm sorry. This is where I draw the line.


Something about her.


Two of them.


I draw the line. You're surrounded by- I.


Think they call it a Jenesiquat.


You're surrounded by-.


Sequence really gets me.


I'm sorry about that. I have.


Political views. Forget those.


Billy, you are looking forward to this break more than most, I would assume, given the fact that you get a reprieve from the insanity that is 15 hours of chasing Stugats around every day.




But you have fallen how far behind on all of your viewing, given that God-blessed football and two children are chewing up your life. What are you watching these days on television? Are you still with the.


Reality shows? Well, I have games four and five of the World Series still that I'm going to get to now this coming week, and I'm pretty excited because I was tipped off and I know it's going to happen. But I could probably skip those. I have The World Series. I also have... I don't know how you guys deal with queues on different streaming platforms or whatever, but I'll see a movie or whatever and then I'll put it in my queue. I've realized over the past, I don't know however long it's been, I don't actually ever go back and watch any of that stuff. Neither do I. My queue is full of things that I tell myself that I'm going to watch that I'm not going to watch. But recently, I've been seeing things like a movie or two on each thing. But I don't want to put it in my queue because I know that that's like a death sentence for this thing. So I'm going to make a handmade list. I have six or seven movies that I want to watch. I have shows I want to catch up on. I have to catch up on Hard Knock.


There's lots of things, Dan. Reality shows. Yesterday, survivor ended D from Miami 1, survivor, spoiler alert, in an incredible, badass move at the end when you do the things with the jury where you're talking. She was leading on this poor little boy, Austin, and they fell in love. It was such an adorable story, and she lied to him. He confided in her that one of her allies, this is all spoiler alerts for anyone that still watches survivor that's under the age of whatever. It's just David Samson. Well, so anyways.


Do any of you watch Surviver?


No, not one.


I've never seen a single.


Episode of Surviver. It was a great season.


I saw the David Samson episode.


Well, anyway, he told her they were going to eliminate her friend, and then she went and she told her friend and her friend, and her friend used an immunity. I don't save yourself, and then eliminated someone. Then she eliminated his best friend and didn't tell him so that he couldn't save his friend, and she lied to him. She said, I didn't tell her, and it was a whole thing. This isn't about survivor, though. This isn't about survivor. She made him look like such a dummy, though, in the finale. Because in the finale, he was there. The jury was like, She didn't do this. He's just defending her. No, she didn't ruin that plan. She didn't tell Julie that she was going to do that. And then she turns, because let me stop you. I did tell Julie, and I lied to you about that. And boom, that's how she won a million Buckers. Anyways, what are we talking about?


I was asking you what you were going to be watching over the next 10 days because it seems like your whole plan for the new year, your resolution is to simply get caught up on everything. I did want to ask the group, do you guys get to anything in your queue? Because if I put it in the queue, it's because I didn't want to watch it then, but I was thinking maybe I'll want to watch it later, but then I never go.


Back there. Okay, that's the thing. I was talking to Master before we were out here, and we were aligned on this. I will put something in my queue, and I'll be like, I'm not going to watch this right now, but I'm going to get to it, and then spend 40 minutes looking for other things to watch, and then deciding, Oh, there's just nothing on here, and then I leave. That's why things stay in my queue, because I decided I'm going to see this at some point in time, but absolutely never go back and watch it. Ever. Even if you do watch it, here's a follow-up question for the class, if anyone cares to participate in this conversation. Here's a follow-up question. If you do go into the queue and watch things, do you remove it from your queue?


I think don't they self-remove if you watch them?


I've never watched anything in my queue. I don't know how.


It works. I've been watching The Crown for like 20 years, it feels like.




-i don't have a queue.


-it's the new season.


-i don't have a queue. -everyone has a queue. -no, I don't have a queue. -no, everyone has a queue. I don't have a queue. I don't have a queue. I don't have a queue. I don't have a queue.


I don't have a queue. My queue is in my notes app. I go into Ken Burns's documentary on the Roosevelt, knowing that it will take me a year and a half to finish. I'm proud to report.


I'm on track. Do you want a queue?


No, I don't have time. It's just always cocoa, melon, and.


Baby star. That's the thing. You ask me what I'm going to watch, and it's like, probably The Grinch 600 times and probably sing to another 50 times, which I've seen it so many times.


Sounds like you have a problem with your queue, Billy. Maybe you should join Q-anon.




Out. That's in.


My queue.


It's really good.


It is good. Yeah?


That's queue-on-on?


-q-an-on, K-special. There's like a new Q-anon bubbling, and it's on M. D. Purdy. The Brock Purdy fans out there are deeply passionate about it. And if you try full and you don't put respect on Brock Purdy's name, they will come after you.


Purdy is the new To-a. Yes. Purdy is the new To-an-on.


Yeah, in terms of social media engagement, Brock Purdy gets it done. You should probably talk more about Envy Purdy.


Let me clarify something. I was saying that get out is in my queue, not the queue and on thing.


The queue and on thing is really.


Good, though. It is really good.


Let's clarify. The queue and on documentary, not queue and on itself.


Yeah, you get it, Jeremy.


Well, I thought it was important, considering where our conversations went yesterday on Aaron Rogers, that loser.


Please stop calling him a loser. I want more zagaki pining for Kim Malky. Hubba hubba.


Dish, hot plate.