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On a couple of serious subjects that I wanted to hit here before we get back to frolicking about football. One, another school shooting, this one in Georgia. So repetitive and so frustrating and so heartbreaking that we're the only country in the world that can't get a grip on this problem and somehow doesn't seem to care about getting a grip on the problem because every time this happens, it's perpetual outrage, and then no one is summoned to do anything about it, and I just don't know if you're not motivated by dead children or young life lost. I don't know what will motivate you to change something about guns in this country, that we have a problem that no other country has, that we can't protect our most vulnerable in schools. And any of you listening to this who have children, I know that you are scared of the idea that you can send your child off to school, put him in the care of others. It can be a very scary thing when you are a parent and your child might not come home because he or she is shot to death in school where they should be safe.


This is the only country that this happens with this frequency, and it is so numbing that it happens so often that you will not hear about it in a lot of places today because we have just gotten used to the numbing lack of humanity in dead children. Yeah, we'll just keep things everything the way it is. Yeah, we won't do anything about that. It'll just keep happening. And then Dan will come on and say the same thing that he always says, and nobody wants to hear it. Hey, football, football, football. The other thing that I'm always talking about around here that has... I've been scared lately, just generally scared in a way that has never happened in my life before. Mike Ryan has told you that since having a child, he is now everywhere he goes out in public. He's checking for exit ramps. He's checking as soon as he gets somewhere with his child, how do I get out of here in public if something happens? Like, It's just a way of living that, I guess, parents often, all of a sudden, come home from the hospital without a handbook and the very great fear of, Wait a minute, this is all my responsibility.


How do I make sure nothing happens to this thing that will need me for years to stay alive? How do I do that? The idea that your life would change so much upon having a child that you wouldn't feel safe in America because there are guns everywhere, that's one fear. The other fear I'm always talking about around here is climate change that continues to devour our country and other countries that are poorer countries that you can get video whenever you want of just floods, washing homes away. If they were your cars, your children, if they were your homes, you would all feel the pain and the inconvenience of this. But until it arrives on your doorstep, we will continue to do some nothing in order to not prevent any of it. What I was encouraged by where all my fears reside is that there hasn't been a named storm in South Florida. There hasn't been a named storm for a hurricane in the last three weeks during hurricane season. And that is the biggest amount of time that we have gone without a named storm in hurricane season in 56 years. It's been more than half a century.


The forecasters, because they don't know, there's a new normal with the weather, they don't actually know how big and bad these things are going to get with the the bath tubs that the oceans are because the hot water is going to make them crazy. And so they predicted that this was going to be the worst storm season. That it was going to be 13 or 14 named storms. And now, so far, through the last three weeks during hurricane season. This week is the worst week for... These 10 days are supposed to be the worst. None in 56 years. Curious. So play our song right now, play our song here to celebrate a small three-week victory. We're all going to die. We're all going to die. We're not We're not going to die. There's a hurricane in my earthquake, and we're all wondering why. Let's turn on the news and find out how we're going to die.


Excellent work, Roy. God bless El Niño, which is Spanish for the Niño, and a Saharan dust storm that also might have affected this. I love the Saharan dust. But also the weather is pretty unpredictable. Right now, even though we're in the heart of hurricane season, there's nothing developing in the tropics or the Atlantic, and a real outlier of a year that won't at all be politicized.


There There is something developing that's supposed to come near Cuba in about a week, but it will be a name storm.


Something developing in Coral Gables, that's for damn sure.


We'll get to that in a second. I'm going to say a week, then. Who knows if we're going to be alive in a week? We're going to worry about a week. Well, thank you, Amin, because you're from Arizona, and I wanted to ask you about this. The temperature in Phoenix will reach 100 degrees today for the 101st day in a row. So 400 people are suspected to have died of heat-related causes this year alone in Maricopa County, and the county uses 2 billion gallons of water a day. That's more than twice as much as New York City. Phoenix has been called, The World's Least Sustainable City. It may legitimately fall due to climate change. You live there. Are you going to die? Wait, hold on. I thought you guys had the title the city that's going to collapse.


What is this? What county was this?


Maricopa County.


Can't trust anything from there. Ids, please. I mean, we're going to be the city that's going to collapse because of water.


You guys are going to collapse without water.


Two forms of identification. It's not that hard. It's paper, present it, or plastic.


It's a big problem. We're in a drought. We are constantly in a drought. Our water comes from the Colorado River and these massive manmade lakes that are reserves, Lake Roosevelt, Lake Powell, Lake et cetera, et cetera, all these lakes. Their levels have dropped precipitously, and no one knows what's going to happen. Dan, it's one of those things where here you guys are suffering because the storms and the liability they're in of building housing or building a city on the Coast of a place that wasn't supposed to be- And also putting down so much development and asphalt that ground can't absorb anything because Florida was never supposed to be built on this way as much as Did someone say asphalt?


Someone did say asphalt. It's Thursday, which means we're actually closer to the next NASCAR race. And yet on this show, a show that celebrated 20 years as an industry leader in sport, you guys didn't talk about the single greatest championship performance in the history of sport. Willis Reid is a name that many people my age know just because of old foggies like you, telling me about how brave he was to come out there on a knee and get four points in three boards. Let me tell you something. Somebody won a championship the other day that left Michael Jordan speechless because of the bravery of this man's performance, and you guys had nothing to say about it.


There was a combined no hitter last night. We didn't have anything to say about that either. Well, you know what? What?


Maybe I would have said something about it if that pitcher, or pitchers, by the way, it doesn't count, if those pitchers were covered in their own, shit and puke, maybe you would have talked about it. If Willis Reid came out, shitting and puking all over himself, I'm sure that would also be part of the legend. That's Paul pierce.


Paul pierce.


Okay. Jinks. But Michael Jordan, famous for the flu game, sat back in awe of his driver, Tyler Reddick, who won the regular season NASCAR points race by a single point. Why? Because he stayed in a race in which his words, let's I'll play the video for the people. I'm just curious for CJ's feedback here. Are you worried about throwing up or no, just stomach stuff?


Yeah, I'm throwing up, beating myself, all of it.


All right, so it's both. We got you covered.


Pills, you will chew.


Those are tops. The rest of them, you swallow with water.


Two to chew, three to swallow. Grab the pills.


They're too small.


Dropped all of them. I got the tops, but I got the small ones, the two medium-sized pills.


I couldn't get them out of the damn bag. That's right. The pills that were supposed to help him, he spilled all over his shit-covered floor. Hate when that happens in the car. You're reaching down between the cracks. You're like, Oh, I can't get it. Nascars are about 135 degrees inside of it. It's warmer than Phoenix inside these Nascars. That dude is in a tracksuit baking in his own shit and puke. Have you ever had to drive and go to the bathroom at the exact same time? I got to pee right now. It's not easy. This dude did it for an entire race and doesn't get the attention of industry leaders in sport. What are we doing here?


Dude, I almost peed myself on a ride from New York to Bristol. I needed to stop, and there were no exits. I finally just pulled off like to the side of the road because it was so trafficky. Everything was backed up, so I had to pull off the side of the road, got out right there in the little middle of the intersection, let it loose. So he vomited with his helmet on.


Yeah. And he shit with his tracksuit on. So how did it get inside the car?


It leaked out through the legs, right?


It leaked out through the legs. Yeah, it was diarrhea.


I always ask, almost every interview we've ever done with a driver, I always ask, Do you ever pee yourself or shit in the suit? And the answer is always, No, I can control it. So I don't know what was going on here.


Well, you do because Tyler Reddick said it. He was shitting and puking himself. And while that story, I'm sorry you had to go through that on drive there. Let me ask you a question. Was Kyle Larson behind you chasing you for the NASCAR points lead? No, I wasn't. No. I'm sure that's a different amount of pressure, one that should be celebrated. What I'm saying is, replace the Willis Reid example because it's dated. Every time We have someone powering through some physical adversity. We channel Willis Reid because he had four points and three boards. What you need to channel, henceforth, is Tyler Reddick winning the Nascar regular season points race whilst shitting and puking all over himself. Forget Willis Reid. He's Larry Izzo.


That's a good inside reference there. Larry Izzo, for those of you who do not know, Bill Belichick is now on Instagram, so maybe he'll share some of these stories with you. The legend has it, and it's been confirmed that Larry Iso, a special team champion for the Patriots, once without anyone noticing a shit. Was it in a bucket or a helmet? It was in a bucket. On the sideline of an NFL game before there were tents on the sidelines. So he was able to do it seretitiously. And Belichick gave him a game ball for doing that because he shit in a bucket on the sideline.


Now tape that bucket around his hips and have him make tackles. And Maybe, just maybe, Larry Iso belongs in the same conversation as Tyler Redick, one of the greatest achievements in the history of sport.


Mike, I don't want to be a contrarian here, but I feel like while uncomfortable, I think doing your job after shit in yourself is not that hard. I really don't think it's that hard. It's disgusting, but it's not hard. It would not affect my performance.


That was at the beginning of the race. This was a three and a half hour race. It was a Southern 500. He is sitting in his own shit and puke, mind you, spilling pills all over the floor, feeling bad the entire time. The weirdest thing about all of this is he hopped out of the car straight into photo ops with Michael Jordan and his teammates and Denny Hamlin. Oh, the smell.


You haven't thought of the smell.


That's the thing. He's sitting by himself in his own car. Go ahead and shit yourself.


Everyone likes their own brand.


Not like that.


You're running shit.


Not like that. That's unacceptable.


This is, given the toilet humor over the course of our 20 years together, you'd think that you'd scream this story from the mountaintops. What more does Tyler Reddick have to do to get your attention? I'm curious. He's got my respect.


We would all agree, though, you'd rather have your own shit than someone else's. Of course.


Okay, then.


That's what I'm saying. It's bad. I'm with you. That's not what you were saying. That's not what you were saying. That's clearly not what you're saying. But it's also when you're in the bathroom and you're cooking, you're like, Oh, this is gross. It is. Sometimes. You might You might catch a whiff and go, Whoa, this one's punging today.


But you're not like, Oh, this is bad.


It's like a net neutral.


You're not loving the smell, but you're not grossed out by it.


Mike, yesterday in the chat said exactly that. Really? You're going to give some context in the chat. We're trying to make it seem lively in the chat.


We're a shit chat. Well, you have to be descriptive. Otherwise, you can mail one in with a poop emoji that far too many people do.


Why would you assume that the new people listening on Peacock would know what you're talking about when you say in the chat?


We have a group chat that's dedicated to our BMs.


It's called the Shit Chat, and it's contracted to chat. There is a difference between sitting on the toilet and being in a bathroom that smells bad and sitting in your own actual shit.


This guy gets it.


It feels awful. I'm with you.


If shit gets on the toilet, what's happening right now?


You get rashes. If you sit in shit long enough, you're going to start getting rashes. Tyler Reddick is a hero, a titan.


It is unpleasant. Something that Roy brought up the other day, and I think it's in the realm of... We do more toilet humor and bathroom conversation than I would like, but occasionally, I actually learned something that I did not know. One of the times that this happened is when we were talking about how people wipe and whether you wipe sitting down or standing up as a man. The new people listening on Peacock right now may never have considered this, and they are learning for the first time that there are either sitting wipes or standing wipes. Roy said something the other day that I did not know and no one taught me, which is that he flushes the toilet with the toilet seat down because because toilet particles will get into your home in a way that is unpleasant. I did not have the knowledge to know that I should be flushing my toilet with the seat down. I want to ask the question via poll at Lebitard show, do you close the lid before you flush the toilet in your home, yes or no?


That's exactly right, Dan, because all those water molecules are going all over the place on your toothbrush. Oh, nonsense. And on your ass, we do encourage you to flush it. You got to eat a peck of dirt before you die.


If I don't see it, it doesn't matter. We have had a discrepancy between Roy and Chris on general hygiene. I will tell you that Chris doesn't wash ever below his knees Chris and Jason, Kelsey.


It's why you shouldn't use hand dryers in the bathroom because it's all caked up poop inside there, just warming up, festering as if you were in Tyler Reddick's tracksuit. Yeah, who knows when he changed that?


They're living scared. I'm telling you right now, it's been years since I've used a hand dryer. If they don't have paper towels, guess what? Wet hands when I leave the bathroom. Roy, next time Roy goes poop in our studio, I want you to bring me in after.


I'll just like, you flush it. I'll just start going... No, that's the other thing.


I'll walk in that bathroom right after he flushes, and I will start eating here.


No, that's the other thing. I don't poop in public places. Don't test me. I'll do it. I'll do it.


Please help me here. You guys are surprised. Did you know this? Did you know that you're supposed to put the toilet seat down when you flush? No one me this. I learned it in my 50s. What are you laughing about me? How much would I have to pay to eat my air after I flush? Hey, yo. He said it, but he didn't say that. He stumbled because he said, I say, You wouldn't eat my air?


Let me get this right. A teenager sees a whale breach and makes a U-turn and is celebrated by this show as a conquering hero. But this show is too elitist to give Tyler Reddick his flowers. You have to wait till I have to put on this ridiculous Richard Gearhead hat so I can force the issue. This is usually the type of story that is right up your alley, and yet you don't want to celebrate this, man. I dare you to tell me something more impressive in athletics in terms of overcoming something to win a championship. I'm all ears.


I've got to think about it for a second because certainly I will come up with something. But what I really liked about the audio we played there is it had a granular audio quality that was lovely, and I was wondering because there was some sound from this weekend that we did not get to. The Knoxville radio call, Chris, that we've been talking about this week. I love that. I've not heard it. You were telling me about it. So what are the particulars of how this sounds before I play it? What needs to be known about the radio call in Knoxville in terms of ambient sound when the ambient sound is your wife nagging at you because she doesn't actually care that you're doing a broadcast at the moment. I feel like we've all been here where the significant other is saying to you, Hey, this sports thing you take so seriously, can you please put it a few notches down on your priority list? There are other things happening around here that matter in our lives. A lot of people like the old, the new work from home. I'm working from home these days. It doesn't always benefit you when you're in a little spat with your wife and she might interrupt your radio show.


They're full of. These guys are good.


That's I think they'd pull the trigger pretty quickly on getting rid of Billy.


Which is the damn sports radio. It doesn't matter to your family. It's a loser situation. My dad needs your help. Cosmo Chris. I know you don't want to hear. I'll take your two and a half million dollars. Oh, that's a first.


You cut off the best part, where where he responds by saying, It really isn't.


Let me hear as the fire alarm goes off here. Let me hear again. What is the context? What is he talking about on the front end? He's just doing a regular sports radio show with his partner about Tennessee football?


Yeah, Tennessee football probably reacting a damn good quarterback they got over there.


I don't exactly know the context.


We're going to have to listen to this. Their foot are good. These guys are good. That's why I think they'd pull the trigger pretty quickly on getting rid of Billy.


With him.


Get off the damn sports radio. It doesn't matter to your family. It's a loser situation. My dad needs your help. Ryan? Cosmo Chris- I'm with you. I know you're on here. I'll take your two and a half million dollars. Oh, that's a first. They're talking about Billy Napier at the start of it because they're like, I don't know if they're going to keep Billy, so I can only assume that's the Florida coach.


Why wouldn't they keep Billy? What happened?


Well, we'll talk about that in a second because I do want to talk about something revolving around the hurricanes, and the bucket of death is coming up here in a second. No. Shit. But as it relates to Billy Napier, can you guys find for me whether there has been any confirmation about whether or not Billy Napier was arguing and had words, as was reported, with Albert the Alligator, their mascot? You guys don't do any reporting around here. You don't do any production work. When I thought the Gator game couldn't get worse for the Gators because that was an important game for them to start their season, and Billy Napier is drowning, and he struggles with water bottles. Billy Napier, I saw reported that he had words with Albert the Alligator because he was pissed off. We all know that the coach of a losing football team who loses like that isn't interested in what the mascots got going on. I want to believe that story, but that story seems like it wouldn't be believable, even though I gave the credit to whoever it was, Nathan the Conqueror, some blue check on Twitter. And I don't know if it's true or not.


The Conquering Hero, Dano. If it had a blue check, you're good. It's great. No, that's how you know if something's true or not on that website. Sources told him that Billy Napier and the guy in the Albert, the Alligator costume exchange words in the tunnels and had to be separated. Things go from bad to worse in Gainesville. There was a sugar bowl in which Miami played Florida. Miami beat him up pretty good. And Sebastian the Ibis came out after Hurricane's Touchdown and embraced Miami players. Sebastian the Ibis got a misconduct in a 15-yard penalty. Butch Davis was so pissed off despite crushing Florida because Sebastian made it about him and gave his team a penalty.


Sebastian was also arrested at Florida State one time, put in handcuffs in the mascot costume for getting in the way of things. No way. Yes, that's a thing that happened. They'll get the photo for us. Iconic image. Yes, they'll get the photo for us. Muckshot, too?


I saw somebody put that on their thigh as a tattoo, Sebastian getting arrested, which I need to put next to my Lee Corso fan fiction my leg.


The thing that I wanted to ask you about the Miami hurricanes, you know this because you're immersed in the NIL stuff, but I hadn't seen a number put on what it is the University of Miami is paying for its team, and I saw it reported that it's $15 million.


Yeah, whoever did that must have listened to Pablo Torre finds out a couple of weeks ago when I also said it's north of that.


So $15 million makes it, though, the thing that... That detail was less interesting to me than It's one of the largest payrolls that there is anywhere in the sport. What are you making noises about?


Well, number one, it's north of that.


That's from Josh Newberg. The reporting is from Josh Newberg, not Mike Ryan.


Okay, but he just regurgitated something that I said earlier. The thing is, I said it was north of 15 because it doesn't do us any good to just put the number out there. I don't need everybody in our business. I think the best collectives don't necessarily put that information out there, especially right now as the market is trying to settle a little bit. But there are schools that spend more than the university in Miami. There might be schools in this state that spend more than Miami. If it were just as easy about... If it were about just spending resources on talent acquisition, Florida would not be trying to fire its head coach right now. There's more that goes into it.


How many cops does it take to arrest a mascot? There's four of them there. And by the way, he looks pissed. He looks really a can't be. Sebastian, the Ibis, looks pissed. He's getting rough- It's the eyebrows. It's the eyebrows. It is the eyebrows. You're right. That is good journalism by you, Tony. The eyebrows make Sebastian, the Ibis, look pissed while he's getting arrested. That's exactly right. Mike, is there any particular reason you're histing at me because I've credited the reporting to Josh Newberg, and I didn't properly give you credit on Pablo Torre finds out?


It was weird to see that circulate when the entire episode was about NIL and it was out there. Was it you? Yeah. He might have just listened to Pablo Torre finds out to find out that number. And also it's north of that.


You seem bitter. You seem defensive.


It's just an odd thing. And people are using it like, Well, can you believe how much they're spending without knowing any damn thing about what other people are spending yet. It sounds like a lot until you realize what Oregon and Ohio State are spending, I guess.


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Com/terms. Don Levatard. Where the motherfucking Roeys at? Bring his ass on here. Where's the motherfucker Rohe's? It's a great question. Stugatz. Running, he running today. I'm ready.


This is the Don Levatard show with the Stugatz.


This is a totally weird thing that we're doing right now in that I am auditioning Annie to be our football friend, to be the show's- Really? Yes. A football friend. I don't know whether she wants to be- The pressure's on now. Yes. Well, because Annie Agar is someone, Stugatz, and I love how much of a democracy and a meritocracy the content business has become, where Rob Delaney becomes a famous comedian because he's good at making content on Twitter, and Annie's great at making her way into the football space in a totally new way that I haven't seen a whole lot of. I don't think I have this wrong. She seemed from afar like someone I'd like as a football friend. I don't know whether she wants to be my football friend. I don't know whether she wants to be our football friend or not. Because you can have a football friend who is not your friend in everyday life, just a football friend. Well, she'd be a great football friend. Look, let's be clear on I'm not auditioning to be her friend. No, that'll come later. Maybe, maybe. I'm auditioning her to be just the show's football friend.


Is that something that you're willing to partake in, Annie?


The fact that you took you being my friend off the table, absolutely. Now I feel a little bit safer about it.


I should tell the audience she's an NFL correspondent at Stadium Network. She's the host of the new WNDRI podcast, The Offensive Line. That podcast took off, I think it's more than Bill Barnwell's show. I think it's more popular than Belichick. I think it's the most popular thing that there has been in the history of new sports football podcast brought to us by our new football friend. I love it. Can you tell us how this all came to be? Can you tell us? Because we want to talk about football in general, but your path seems to have been a really unique one.


Well, thank you. Yeah, this started back during COVID. I was in my childhood bedroom. I moved back with my parents. That was not It was a good move. I do not recommend it. Great people, but you don't want to live with them again. I'd moved back into my childhood bedroom and thought, I worked in local news at the time, wasn't doing anything. Football had stopped, sports had stopped. I had just gone on TikTok, and I had the idea to do this Big Ten meeting as if they were on a Zoom call trying to get their season going again. It was this comedic relief during a really depressing time, and it took off. It had 3 million views overnight. I thought, Okay, this is something people want right now. It led to doing these weekly NFL meeting videos that I do to recap the games and what happened all while roasting players pretty relentlessly. Now that led to the podcast. So this podcast, hopefully, we'll elaborate on what I talk about in the videos, and it's more of a conversation with my followers and my fans and stuff like that. So, yeah, it's called the offensive line because I'm known to say an offensive thing or two.


It's been a good time so far.


Can you tell us what you are most excited about as we get our first Sunday on Thursday? As today is the day- On Thursday, Sundays are back. That's right. Today, Sundays are back because today is Thursday, and that is why Sundays are back on Thursday. What are you most excited about?


We are so back. You know what? I felt like I had to be productive every Sunday in the offseason. This might be a thing for football fans because you know when Sunday has come back and football is back, we do nothing. I am so ready to absolutely do nothing but seven hours of commercial free football every Sunday. I go to church earlier. I might be even more productive on NFL Sunday because I'm trying to get everything done in the morning so I can just sit on my couch and do absolutely nothing, and I cannot wait for it.


But that's a broad excitement Statement.


Oh, true. You want a specific game?


She's a football friend. She's got the joke. She's got the joke. Jess has the joke. Jess, make the joke. What? I don't know what you're God damn.


Payne, please make the joke.


He is abroad. It's not abroad.


Are we friends yet, Annie?


Or still have some work to do here?


I love it. I just have to throw out that. That's what she said, and then we'll be great.


You didn't give me a specific answer to what you're interested in. It's just general enthusiasm.


Well, the issue is my excitement starts Friday night, not quite Sunday, because as you guys might know, I am a diehard packer fan, and I will not have an enjoyable Sunday if Green Bay does win this game in Brazil on Friday night. So I will just start there. That is where the excitement will come from. I'm going to get drunk Friday night, either because it's a good game or because we just lost to Philadelphia to start out the season. It will be a very bad night for me.


How do you feel about your first game for your team? First game of the year being on a Friday night? Because for me, I like my game Sunday, one o'clock. The Jets play Monday night. I don't want to wait around. I want to be part of the Sunday action. How do you feel about that?


Yeah, it's weird, too, because when there's a football game happening, I don't know if you guys remember we had that weird Wednesday game during COVID. If it's not, it's like a action game. It doesn't feel right if it's on a day, a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. I can't prepare properly. I'm not ready. I'm not at the hype level of a Sunday. We've watched College Football Day, Saturday. I have time to prepare for the Sunday games. I'm a little stressed, if you can't tell. I'm probably going to lose sleep over this, but I think it'll be good. It'll be a good way to kick it off. Brazil is going to be electric, I think. So, yeah, as long as the packers can do well, man. There's a lot riding on this.


Before Before getting to the professional football stuff on college football, what is it that you... If I said to you, Annie, at the end of Saturday night, at midnight Saturday, I'm going to give you a microphone, what were the best and most interesting things you saw today? What were the things that you would want to talk about immediately? What are those things?


Definitely would not be Florida State because I don't even know that was football at that point. I know you guys were talking about LSU and Brian Kelly. Fun In fact, Brian Kelly coached at my college. I went to Grand Valley. I would consider him... I've interviewed him a couple of times. I would say that I knew him pretty well. Didn't know where the accent came from because, man, let me tell you, in West Michigan, that was not That was not the accent that we had over here. So he's just a chameleon. He adapts to his environment. There are certain teams that I love. I'm an Ohio State fan, too, which is very weird being in Michigan. So the Big Ten is... And then you guys saw, maybe I put out a video this past week about the Big Ten. The Big Ten is like a religion over here. That's all we watch. So now that we got Oregon in there, Washington, these new teams from the Pac-12, it's going to be interesting. And I think I would mostly focus on what happened in the Big Ten just because that's my wheelhouse. But the games were...


I mean, every Big Ten team won this week, except for, I think it was the Minnesota, which is pretty sad for them. But I stick to the Big Ten, and that's what we watch around here.


As a packer fan, your watching of Jordan Love the last eight games. I don't know whether you can do this without bias, but in talking to Mina Kimes and an assortment of other people, all of them are certain that Jordan Love is going to be extraordinary, that the contract he just got will soon look underpaid because they believe, the people who are watching Jordan Love believe absolutely, Oh, they've got the next great thing at quarterback. What's the argument against that?


Don't make me do this. I can only talk them up. I physically can only talk them up. The issue that I- I asked you to be not biased, and we're not going to be able to be- All bias aside.


We're not.


All bias aside. All bias aside. I don't even know a negative to say. I just think Jordan love ceiling is so high. If he regresses, it could be because maybe teams to figure him out a little bit. But then I also think we don't have a wide receiver one because he doesn't throw to your best receiver. He throws to whatever receiver is available. I think we're going to utilize him a little bit more in the run game, and that might concern me a little bit because there's only three plays last year of him getting outside the pocket of him using his legs, and I think he can. And we have a great backfield now with Josh Jacobs, too, so maybe he doesn't have to use his legs. All this to say, I really try to find no bias in this. I'm trying to find negative things about Jordan Love, and dare I say, there might not be any.


Oh, for the love of God. Well, the first eight games last year. Any, any, Annie, we cannot be Annie. She tried, dude. No, we can't be.


Daniel Jones got paid on less talent. We can't be- Daniel Jones got paid on less. We can't be- And then Jordan Love, just because he had half a season, I don't know.


Billy, we can't be football friends with this person. She tried to find the negative. She just She tried. She can't have it more than trying.


She gets how to play the game.


It's not her fault. She can't be a football friend. She put her biases aside. All bias aside, he's perfect and is the best. What if we ask you to add the biases? Don't put them aside. Incorporate the Now give us your Jordan Love take. I got it already.


Jordan Love will be MVP this year. The packers are winning a Super Bowl. Wow. All right. At plus 1400. Jordan Love, I've already made the future bet. He's going to win MVP. All bias aside. All bias aside.


All right. So all bias aside, how does a packer fan, Annie Agar, really want Aaron Rodgers to do this season?


This is a tough one. I want him to do well. I think he might win Comeback Player of the Year. I want him He's going to do well only because the Jets team is so... And this is coming from a packer fan, he's never played on a team with this good of defense. And they just talked about it the other day, he's 81 and 10 when the defense holds the opponents to 20 points or less. I think the Jets average 20 point, their opponents average 20 points per game last season. This Jets team just deserves more. I mean, they're great. Brees Hall had a great season last year as well. And if Aaron was healthy, I just want to see what would have happened. So it last longer than four plays this season. Win, come back player of the year, make the playoffs. I don't think you're not going to want a Super Bowl because there's a guy that exists that's named Pat Mahomes out there. But yeah, I want them to do well. I have no ill will against Aaron Rodgers, probably because I want him on my podcast at some point. The second he's off the podcast, I'll say anything you guys want about him.


Okay, so no bias aside. Now you're my friend. Bias aside. He will be my football friend. That's ridiculous to say, I'm not going to be biased. I'm just going to say the things that him on my podcast. That's how you do it.


Hey, I'm working this system. I'm working this system.


I think, Stugatz, and I don't know if I'm alone on this because I really do think that the Jets, if Aaron Rodgers stays healthy, are going to challenge Buffalo and Miami for the top of that division in a way that makes a conversation around that Jets team be different than any conversation we've heard, at least in part because the centerpiece of everything is really controversial. I think if he's healthy, he's going to make them great. Dan, I'm going to say something. Annie, I'm glad you're here when I said it, because in 20 years, I have never said what I'm about to say. The Jets are making it to the Super Bowl. You said it last year. He did say it last year, and then he was injured after four plays. The Jets are winning the Super Bowl. You did say it last year. I did not say that last year. You just upgraded it now because you realized you did say they were making the Super Bowl last year. You did say it. You're always fact-checking me. Yes, and it's impossible. It's like, Trump, I can't I can't keep up with you. There's so many lack of facts that I can't keep up.


Last year was last year, this year is this year, and this year, I am telling you, the Jets, not only making it to the Super Bowl, they're winning the whole thing. How about that? He's fact-checking you, and you're fact-checking him. Hey. That's what we're 20 years. He's about to kick your ass. Out? Annie, thank you for being on with us. I don't know if we're friends. I don't know if you want to be friends with this dysfunctional family, but I would tell the people, again, she's an NFL correspondent at Stadium Network. She's the host of the new WNDRI podcast, The Offensive Line. And her path is super interesting because there are not a lot of people. There's so many, Stugats, people trying to make their way into the football space. The idea that you would earn it on your own is unusual because the internet has decided, Yeah, we like this person. I still haven't decided whether she can be our football friend or not. Thank you, Annie. Thank you for being on with us.


Thank you, guys. I appreciate it. I'll remember that Jets' prediction.


Okay, thank you.


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