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This is the Dan Levatore Show with the Stugats podcast.


I keep telling people here that I just imagine that in Canada, there's just general rage for the idea that the Florida Panthers are this close to winning the Stanley Cup. And we have been searching for days and weeks now all over South Florida, live when we're on for Tony. Tony failed. He's been demoted to find a Panther fan who can just talk on the street so we could do some man on the street stuff. We Join Jeremy again now. I've been told we've got to rush out to Jeremy because he's getting kicked out of somewhere else. Jeremy, where are you near the arena, near the Stanley Cup fever?


Yeah, I mean, the Stanley Cup fever, you can feel it here, Dan. There is an airboat with Florida Panthers insignias on it. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to see it. We have been kicked out of Everglades National Park. We've just been wandering, trying to find a spot where this makes sense. There are people, I don't think any of them know anything about the Florida Panthers outside of the Panthers here in the Everglades. They were talking a lot about the gators. I don't really know why.


I've been told that there were tornadoes. I've been told that there are tornadoes near you and you have to hurry up and get up.


Yeah, I was told there were tornadoes, Dan. I do a lot for this show without insurance. So there are tornadoes, there's a rainstorm. We got rained on earlier. We might get kicked out. There might be cops called. Are you guys moving? Dedication to the show, dedicated to the Florida Panthers.


Are you back pedaling right now because security is following you out of there? Maybe, maybe not.


Maybe, maybe not. We might be speaking quietly because we don't want people to notice what it is that we're doing.


In Tony's defense, he at least spoke to people.


Right. I mean, speak to anybody.


There are people here. I tried to speak to people. It's not my fault that there's so much red tape in Broward County. There is a picture. How do you get kicked out of the Everglace?


People dump dead bodies there and get away with it. How are you not allowed to talk to people? That's true.


Where are the people, Billy? Where are the people? There are no people here.


It's your job. I'm mine.


They're all dead. Those people are dead people. Talk to them. Hold on a second. I did find... Guys, no, this is very exciting because remember earlier when I pointed out a bird, you guys corrected me and said, Hey, that's not a flamengo. Well, guess what? We found flamingos. Look at that. Flamingos right here. It's a Peacock. It's pretty amazing. How exciting.


Go talk to the Peacock. Flamingos right here.


I think he's flirt with you. Isn't it great? Yeah. Well, no, the flamengo, it's beautiful, right?


It's not a flamenco.


Talk to the cock.


I don't think there's people there, Jeremy, because of the National Whether Service advisory.


Flamingo, how do you feel about the four check of Gustave Forzling? Excuse me, Flamingo. How do you feel about Gustave Forzling's- All right.


Thank you, Jeremy.


That is a Peacock.


Call him Peacock and see if he responds.


Lucy, do you have anything for Jeremy before we get rid of him?


Jeremy, if the tornado looks like it's not moving, that means it's coming at you, and then you have to go inside and take shelter, preferably in a basement. Stairwell also is good. Stairwell, maybe a tub.


We don't really do basements.


In the bathtub. In the bathtub and then put pillows over your head.


They're kicking us out. They're kicking us out, guys. They're kicking us out for real. There's people on the phone. We're going to go to Hollywood Beach. We're going to find people at Hollywood Beach.


All right, there you go.


He's running from security.


Okay, get out of there, Jeremy.


We're going to go. We're out of here. We're out of here, and we're going to go ahead and go to Hollywood Beach and find the Canadians. We're going to find the Canadians.


See you later.


There's people there. Talk to those people. Look, right there.


I can't talk to these people.


They're kicking us out.


Just scream.


Someone's on the phone.


Talk to someone in the parking lot. Come on, Jeremy.


How do you feel about the Florida Panthers? Florida Panthers?


Go over there, Jeremy.


That guy said oilers in six. He said oilers in six.


At least he knows who they're playing, though. I don't love that.


I don't love that. They know hockey. Let's get out. All right, get out of there.


Thank you. Hollywood Beach, though. Tony, this is where he's going to win because- Dan, you think he's going to win? He's going to find Panther fans.


If he goes to Hollywood Beach, Tony, he's going to win.


Tony, this is Per square foot in South Florida. If you want to find Canadians wearing socks and sandals on a boardwalk, the place that you have to go is the boardwalk on the Hollywood Beach. It's been that place since 1975.


Stugats here. Summer time is here, which means travel season is upon us. If you're like me and love to travel during the warmer months, the first thing you worry about before traveling is, how safe will my home be while I'm away? I no longer worry about that. Now that I have Simply Safe installed in my home, I've had my Simply Safe system in place for several years now, and it's giving me such peace of mind. Simply Safe is advanced home security that puts you first. I have the wireless indoor camera. It allows me to see what's going on inside my home. They have a variety of indoor and outdoor cameras, plus sensors to detect break-ins, fires, floods, and more. Simply Safe has been named in US news as World Report's Best Home Security System for five years running and ranked the best customer service in home security by Newsweek and by Stugats. Simply Safe has given me real peace of mind. I want you to have it, too. Right now, get 20% off any Simply Safe system with Fast Protect monitoring at simplisaf. Com/dlb. Again, get 20% off any new Simply Safe system with fast protect monitoring at simplisaf.


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Don Levatard.


Cheaters never prosper.


Stugatz. I ain't cheating.


This is the Don Levatard show with the You got.


I wanted to ask Billy something. Billy, I saw there was breaking news yesterday regarding Joey Chestnut that we haven't gotten to yet. Have you been able to get to the bottom of this? I read something about him being banned, but then maybe he's not banned, and then there's vegan hot dogs involved, and I'm very confused.


There's a lot going on with Joseph Chestnut right now. He's won, I think, 16 mustard belts, but this year was announced yesterday he will not be competing in the fourth of July. Nathan's world famous hot dog eating contest, whatever it's called. And apparently, what happened was he signed with a competitor, a vegan hot dog company, and he signed, I believe, a $1.3 million, $1.2 million four-year deal with a vegan hot dog company. Now, apparently, he was paid $200,000 every year by Nathan's to compete in the famous hot dog eating contest. So over a span of four years, I guess it's a better deal for him. But now, what you have to wonder is, what is he going to lose by not being part of this hot dog eating contest every year? Because are you still going to follow him while he's eating vegan hot dogs? Which, by the way, this whole thing seems un-American, if I'm going to be perfectly honest with you. Joey Chesnut not being in the hot dog eating contest on the fourth of July, un-American. Vegan hot dogs, un-American.


That contest, hugely American. Gluttony, hugely American. Hot dogs, hugely American.


I would argue it's... I don't think it's crazy to say it's the only reason anyone knows who Joey Chestnut is. So it's like $1.3 million over the next four years because there's no competitor that's been close to him the last couple of years. So obviously, he's going to slow down at some point in time. But we're now entering Kobayashi territory where he's banned from the eating contest. I don't think he's going to do what Kobayashi did, where Kobayashi would go and cause spectacles and get arrested at the hot dog eating contest.


Kobayashi should come out of retirement. Well, he just retired.


I know, but I mean-So did Tom braided. There's an opening. There is an opening here. That's actually a great idea. There's nothing more American than Kobayashi coming out of retirement and winning the famous hot dog eating contest on the fourth of July because Joey Chestnut is no longer... Horrible move. I don't know who it is that gave him this advice to sign a million dollar deal. Horrible move.


You asked what he's going to lose. Wait.


No, he's going to continue eating, but he's going to eat-He's still so competitive. Vegan hot dogs.


He still does like, tournaments all over the country.


He was here in Miami a couple of years ago doing a croqueta eating contest.


He had like 187 croquetas. Yeah, but he's not going to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to go do that at Croqueta Palooza.


But it's part of the circuit, though. This is a terrible job. Terrible job. Seriously. No, wait, who? He's the star of the sport. People aren't out there because of Nathan's. They're out there because of Joey Chestnut. That is not true. Can he win his 17th straight? No, I guarantee you, Billy- People are not going to go this year.




Have Joey Chestnut just go eat hot dog somewhere down the boardwalk, like a quarter mile down? There will be more people in front of that just watching him eat than there will be in the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest. You know what they should do? He's a fraudulent champion whoever wins it.


You should get Kaitlyn Clarke to do the hot dog eating contest to grow the game. My favorite thing about Joey Chesnut's statement, by the way, was that he said he was gutded to learn.


Something smells fishy.


Something's up here. Something smells hot doggy. Listen, here's the thing.


Is it a publicity stunt, you think?


I think this has Snoop Dog quitting smoking written all over it.


Oh, put it on the poll, please, Juju. Does Joey Chestnut being banned have Snoop Dog quitting smoking written all over it?


It would be great if all of a sudden, Jerry Chestnut shows up at the fourth of July, right? And it's just a mast man, and all of a sudden, whoa, 65 hot dogs. Jerry Chestnut. Where did he come from? It's hard to, by the way, find a product more disgusting than hot dogs, but vegan hot dogs is it.


Joey Hazelnut.


Lucy, do you have any familiarity with Bobby Valentine's move, like the one that Billy is suggesting, the former Mets manager got ejected from a baseball game and then returned to the dugout wearing a fake mustache after being ejected and was pretending to be somebody else. So you're not familiar with this story? Did it work? Well, no. They saw him doing that. It worked for a second. It worked for a couple of things. He's right. He did not have that mustache. He was in disguise. You're suggesting the band Joey Chesnaught-Shows up as Jerry Chesnaught. As Jerry Chesnaught.


Maybe change the last name.


Yeah, he probably would need to do that.


Joey Allman, something like that.


Are you guys as confused as I am by the fact that when Chris Cody makes the joke that Joey Chesnut will lose weight, that both he and Kobayashi can eat this way without ever gaining weight, that the two of them have an ability to eat in a way that is obviously unhealthy, and yet both of them are incredibly fit and have no issues with.


I don't know about that.


Kobayashi was incredibly fit.


I like an eight-pack. Wait, but Billy, we've had him on, Stupadody, Joey Chestnut, and he says he doesn't bite into the hot dogs. He just swallows them whole with water, and then he throws them up later.


Do you think their gastroenterologist hate them or love them?


You think they have trainers that way?


Oh, they're inside Yes, their insides are not in good condition.


I think I'd like to try a vegan hot dog. No, you won't. Take it for a walk.


If we don't know what's in hot dogs, we don't know what's in vegan hot dogs.


I feel like we probably know what's in the vegan ones more than the... Probably says it on the box. We know what's in the meat ones, too. You just don't want to know.


Jim Rome once said that hot dogs were worse for you than cigarettes.


What? I don't know, actually. What is in hot dogs?


All the other discarded meats that you don't want from meats that you actually eat. It's not important. Let me Let's be honest, it's not important what's inside of a hot dog.


Tony has a theory that you eat a burger at a steakhouse because they have the best... Their ground meat is the leftover. Is that our hot dogs at steakhouses? Like the best of the best?


No, it's the worst of the worst.


No? Not the same rules?


Is Jim Rome a doctor?


I don't know. He just said it.


You quoting Jim Rome.


It has stuck with me forever.


What else does he have to say about health?


Nothing about health. He also said the Super Bowl doesn't start until Jim Rome gets there. He said it. Those were his words. Anyway, I have top five athletes that can own hot dogs.


Well, you. You are one of them. John Wiener. I'm not an athlete. Number five.


Cornelder. Cornelder. Cornelder. Cornedog.


Number four.


Joe Nathan.


Number 3. Joe Rose.


The Big Dog.


Number two.


Jim Bunny.


Number one.


Baba Franks.


That's a good one.


I did it all just for that.


No Urban Meyer, huh? It is hard to do better than Baba Franks.


No Kyle Hot Dog, huh?


Oh, a lie.


Can you guys get for me, please, the Diana Rucini tweet about Aaron Rodgers? Because I'd like to understand what it is that's going on most recently about Aaron Rodgers as, Inexplicably or is it explainable? He is missing a training camp, and it is not an excused absence. What do I have right or wrong here?


Well, her tweet said, Aaron Rodgers is skipping all of Jets' mandatory mini camp this week because he prefers to be somewhere else away from football. That's his choice.


I mean, he did go to all the voluntary stuff. He's been at everything. He's done everything that they've asked him to do. He had a conversation with Salah. He said, This is my excuse. Salah said, I don't accept it. I don't know if it's Salah trying to regain some power within that locker room by making it public yesterday. He's going to have to find Aaron Rodgers, I think, $16,000 for missing the first day of training camp. But of the mini camp. I don't care, Dan. As long as Aaron shows up to the first game, I'm good with it. He is 39, 40 years old. He has won three or four MVPs. He's won a Super Bowl. He is the least of their problems. He doesn't need show up to that. He just needs to show up to the first game and play more than four snaps. I mean, and I'm good.


He's the least of their problems?


I mean, Dan, we're jet fans. We've never had a quarterback who has a name like Aaron Rodgers, who's as good as Aaron Rodgers. It's never in our heads. It can't get any worse. Okay? So I'm praying for the best. Show up, stay healthy, and I guarantee you this Jet team will be a playoff team. That's all I want from Aaron Rodgers. I don't want anything else. I don't want opinions. I don't care about mandatory mini-camps. I don't even care about training camp. Just be healthy, be right, be ready for the first nap in San Francisco.


I need to do some of the Stugatz translation here because you do have to understand that this team has been a misery for him for 40 years and has never had a great quarterback.




The idea that Stugatz would go against his every principle on his team because of his desperation and say, The quarterback can miss mandatory mini-camp when the quarterback, the leader, never misses mandatory mini-camp unless it's a contract holdout. That Rucini quote is shocking to me that it's just like, Would prefer to be elsewhere, not at mandatory football things. It's not something I've ever seen a quarterback do who's not holding out for money.


I understand that. He thinks that his reason is acceptable. Robert Salas saying, I don't think it's acceptable, therefore I'm going to find him.


But you're saying it's the least of our problems that the team leader who did not play last year, who has a bunch of conspiratorial theories that have made his reputation be in tatters because people think that other things are more important to him than football is skipping mandatory football camp for no good reason that the coach is not allowing. And he's saying, Bleep it, fine me. I've I've never seen a fan of a team be okay with that behavior from a quarterback because I've never seen it from a quarterback.


That's how desperate this fan base is. I guarantee you I'm not alone. If people are saying they're upset, I'm thankful we have Aaron Rodgers. I know that sounds crazy and ridiculous, but that's how bad it's been for me over the last four decades as a jet fan. I'll take whatever the upside is if he could stay healthy. I don't care about anything else.


Well, you're saying you want him to be healthy and be ready, but I think the argument is that this is something that helps you be ready for the season. That's why they do camps like this.


I mean, four months from now.


He also this year, this calendar year in January, said, quote, Anything in this building that we're doing individually or collectively that has nothing to do with real winning needs to be assessed. Flush the bullshit. Then he disappears for mandatory training camp.


Would this work for me? If I got Diana Rossini to tweet out, Chris won't be on the show today because he prefers to be somewhere else. This is ridiculous.


I feel like you did do that in one of your first days in the role of executive producer. You flew to New York to go do something instead of being here.


There you go.


I took time off, yeah.


And you're still here.


I should have had Diana tweet it. That would have made it better.


I mean, there are different rules for different folks, man. I don't know what to tell you. And by the way, he got fined for it. It's not like the Jets aren't saying anything. Salah embarrassed him yesterday, and he's trying to regain control of the locker room. He's never going to get it.


Aaron's probably really thinking about what he did He doesn't care. Exactly. That's why the fine doesn't matter.


We have not seen him- Him missing doesn't matter.


That's what I'm saying. It's not going to impact how he plays when September comes around, four months from now.


What month do you think it is? I'm still trying to figure that out. You think it's April right now?


I had it a month. I needed it.


August is preseason. That's like six weeks. Oh, my God. That's in six weeks. Football starts. Oh, my God.


Is anyone Anyone listening to this just confounded and confused by all things Aaron Rodgers not having a precedent in the history of the position? Just all of the behavior, everything that's happening, it's just not something, Stugatz. In that sport, at that position where the team leader is always trying to avoid distractions, he's always trying to be maximum teammate guy. Everything you hear about Tom braided from everyone who's ever played with him is, Man, what a grace that person has as a leader making me feel like we were all in it together. When you watch everything that's happening with Aaron Rodgers, I'm speaking to the audience here, aren't you just confounded by the behavior?


Not anymore.


Mandatory training Manning camp is not something that I've seen a quarterback sit out just because he feels like it.


It's not something a Manning would do.


It's not something any quarterback does.


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Dan Levatard.


World Rar 3.




We're going to get that off the ground.


World Rar 3, our group chat has a pretty good feeling about this one. This is the Dan Levatard show with the Stugatz.


There he is. Look at that. Look at that face. You say, There he is. Look at that smile. Look at that mustache, a playoff mustache.


Is he at a school or a bookstore?


I don't know where he is, but he's at the height of sports. Look at him, at the height of his dreams and also in some second-grade classroom where they're selling incense. Evan Rodriguez is with us. Where Where are you joining us from?


I'm in one of our management's offices, so I don't really know exactly what's going on.


Let's start looking through yours. All right. A cubicle, absent ambiance. Let's search some things here. What's to your left there. Just grab the book here on your left and tell us what it is that's there as we search through somebody's office here because you're joining us again from the height of Sports, The Hite of Championship Greatness, Alumni Game, Coral Springs, Hockey Festival, Wednesday, February first. An old pamphlet. Who can forget? We all forgot. Yes. Okay.


It's an odd thing to keep in the office.


Nothing too great. It's mostly Panthers stuff.


Nothing too interesting. The reason we're excited to have you on. I'm sorry. Yes. The reason that we're excited to have you on is because I can't believe everything that's happening around your franchise. I cannot believe that Florida has taken this sport from Canada over the last five years, and Canada must hate you. The Panthers pride themselves on being hated throughout the league. Hated but respected, correct?


Yeah, a little bit. I think we play a hard style of the game that opposing teams don't look forward to playing against us. But I don't think we're dirtier, cheap by any means. I think we just play the game hard and we make it a difficult night for opposing teams day in, day out. We've done it throughout the whole regular season and continue that into the playoffs.


Is there a team more annoyed by you than all the others, though? Is it Ottawa? Is it somebody else? You guys are professionally great assholes.


I don't think it's anything crazy that we do. I think it's just that we like to wear teams down. It's constantly hitting, constantly being on the forecheck in your face. We play an aggressive style. And when you play 82 games in a year and plus, play-offs up to 100. By the end of it, it starts to get annoying. And that's the way we like to play. We like to play aggressive, and we enjoy it.


Evan, Maurice has given giving you credit for... You've played basically with everybody this year. You've been on the top line, you've been on the fourth line. You found a home in the playoffs in the second line with Benny and K'Chuck. And I want to know, of those two, who's crazier?


You know what? Two completely different people. Chucky likes to talk, likes the media. He's always in something, and Benny's more of a keep quiet, go about his business, and just play hard day in, day out. Playing with the both of them is a lot of fun. It makes my job easy. It's like take the leash off those two and let them go play. And I've just supported them and try to be a F3, try to be a high guy. And yeah, it's been a lot of fun playing with them.


Evan, can you articulate what Monday night felt like for you as you're going through it and after the game? Because I imagine that's the best hockey ever made you feel, right?


It definitely was a good feeling. At the end of the day, it's the win that matters the most. But being able to contribute to a win is obviously a good feeling. But at the end of the day, after these first two games, we've got the results we wanted, and now it's time to turn the page, get ready for game three. It's going to be a big one, and it's going to be a loud building to play in. It's going to be a lot of fun, but we're definitely ready for it and looking forward to it.


Evan, forgive me. I mean you no disrespect whatsoever, but I'm not going to abide that answer. I understand these hockey guys are serious, and they're great, and they don't want to cause any waves before they've actually won against Edmonton. This trophy is very hard win. But I'm going to tell the audience that this person in his first year with the Panthers has 12 goals and 39 points in the regular season, but he's got 6 goals and 11 points this postseason. This is the big part, Evan, that I'm going to call bullshit on you. You've scored three goals through two games, and McDavid hasn't. If I told you at any point in your dreams, Hey, listen to what's going to happen here to you in the Stanley Cup final. You're going to have two games where you're out playing the MVP of the league. You're not allowed to just come on here and say, Yeah, definitely a good feeling. You're I'm going to need to do better than that. I need you to do better than that.


He's trying to get to the calm there. No, I know, but he's also at the height of his hockey dreams.


You're living things that I imagine right now through two games are bigger and better than what you imagined in your wildest dreams?


Definitely. Yeah. I mean, it's a great feeling. It really is. But let me tell you something. It's not possible without our entire team playing the way we play. We're doing a great job of playing McDavid dry settle really hard and playing good team defense. The reason why I even have that opportunity is because we've allowed one goal in two games. So if the games are 4-3 or 4-4, whatever it may be, the storyline could be a lot different. It's good team defense, and I've been lucky happy and happy to be on the right side of the offensive side of the game. Yeah, it's been a great start. We're two games in, we've gotten two wins, but there's something bigger that we're going after, and I want to ride the roller coaster.


Let me ride the roller coaster. Don't let him bully you. I want to ride the roller coaster. It seems like a lot of fun.


Go hands up on roller coaster.


Three goals. Yeah, hands up.


You can get on that roller coaster with your hands up in the air. You can do whatever you want.


Let's do it with us right now. You can feel great about yourself. I can feel great about myself after the first two games, but it doesn't really mean anything if we don't keep it going. All of us. No, all of us. No, no, no, please. Right now. Hands on the rail. Only here. No. Only here. Take your hands off the rail and do this with us. You put your hands up and do this with us. Evan, just now, just now in private. No, you're not going to do it. You refuse to do it. No roller coaster.


After the series, you'll come back on to the roller coaster with us.




After. I will come back on, and I'll take my shirt off and put my hands on.


Oh, shirtless roller coaster. You're promising us this is a bet. If that happens, it's a deal. Everybody heard it. Again, on Monday night, he scored two goals, and it was a great deal of fun. I have some hockey questions for you because when you say wear a team down through your style of play, it is empirical. It is inarguable. The Florida Panthers this season, the entire season, have been the best third-quarter team, a third-period team in the league. When you say you wear people down, do you guys have math and science to prove that? Because the way that you play suggests suggests that you're better at the most important time than every team in the league. It can be proven mathematically. You're telling me it's not coincidence.


No, I don't think it is. You can feel it. You can feel it when you dump pucks in and the D are more reluctant to take hard strides and go back and get the fuck, and you can feel it when they get it and they're just trying to get rid of it. It's because they can. They don't want to take the next hit. So that's what leads to turnovers. And where we start to capitalize. So it's a style of play that we've been playing and we've learned to play. And we don't ever chase games because we know in the third period that we'll end up getting the result. So even if we're down one or two goals going into the first and second, there's never any panic. There's never a reason to open our game up and start cheating for offense because we know come the third period, it's going to start to go our way. We're going to start to get those turnovers and start to capitalize on them. And the mindset of every game is 60 minutes, and we're not going to change the style of play after the first 20. We're going to continue to do what's made us successful throughout the whole year.


And you train the entire year so that when you get into big games like we're in now, it's almost like muscle memory. You just do what you've done all year long, and If we do that, we believe we'll get the results we want.


I have the math you craved, Dan. Panthers, two; oilers, nothing. How about that?


Thank you, Stugatsch.


Two wins away from the cup.


One of the things... That's correct. Two plus two. Evan, if you had told me... Thank you, Stugatsch. If you had told me, Evan, on Monday that you guys could do that to Connor McDavid and Edmonton, where they don't have a threat other than the goal they scored in one other shot the entire game. I would have said, They're great at defense. They're not that great at defense. Monday night was not conceivable to me, even as good as you guys are, just because of how much I respect the Edmondton offense. Were you surprised that you were able to suffocate them like that on the power play and beyond?


A little bit. I think when you have elite players like they do, they're going to get their chances. There's no stopping it. And I think in the first game, we played We played timid, and we played like no one guy wanted to make that mistake to give them those chances. And I think that's why they came at us in waves in the first game and got all the chances they did. And I think in game two, we were more aggressive. Our D were more aggressive. And I think as a team, we played better defense. But that's because our back-end stood up on plays, took the chances, and we had guys... A big thing with our team is that no one's afraid to make a mistake because they know they have two, three, four guys on the ice who are going to cover them up. And I think we all have the confidence right now to be a difference maker and make the next play. And if you screw up, you're not going to have someone yelling at you. You're going to have a guy there to pick you up and back you up. And I thought we did an incredible job in game two.


Evan, you cost me money last night because you scored your first goal. I was in 128, row seven, going nuts. And my people around me, as you score, I got so excited and lost in the moment. I was like, If Evan scores another goal, I'm going to buy an Evan Rodriguez jersey. And then you scored a goal. So I just want to let you know that I will be purchasing today in Evan Rodriguez's jersey because I'm a man of my word.




Hey, I respect that. You're a man of honor, so my respect for you just went up.


All right. I took me scoring two goals in a Stanley Cup game.


One wasn't enough. If they win the championship, if they hold up the trophy. Chris will do it in that jersey, the show, and he has promised us he will be shirtless, and we're going to do the roller coaster together as a show with a Stanley Cup champion. I was confused upon being introduced to your story, Evan, because I was just delighted, again and again, as a Hispanic kid in South Florida, to hear Rodriguez and Hockey. I've heard Rodriguez all my life, and I've never associated it with Hockey. So I went looking through your ancestry Then I'm like, Oh, he's Canadian. I didn't even understand how any of that could happen because I was ignorant. I did not know that there could be a Canadian Rodriguez. So your lineage on all this stuff, are you running into a lot of people in Miami who think you're Hispanic or They don't think that you're Canadian. They want to talk Spanish to you because Rodriguez is a Hispanic surname.


A couple of times. I've gotten some support from the Hispanic community. Yeah, I do have some Portuguese blood in me. It's nice to be embraced and feel the love a little bit. Maybe I should pick up my Spanish language, I guess. Do you know any?


You don't know?. You have no idea what he's saying.


I knew a little bit Portuguese when I was younger, and now not a lick.


The home fan is chanting USA, USA, USA, when most of the guys in the team are Canadian. Can you tell them to stop? It's stupid, right? I mean, it is. You noticed it.


Tell them. I think it's more of a Florida versus Edmonton thing. So if it gets the fans in the game, I'm not telling them anything.


What are you trying to set them up for here?


What were you trying to want?


It's a stupid cheer.


I mean, it's a stupid cheer by anyone's standards.


No, no.


That doesn't matter. If it gets the fans into it, if it gets the fans into it and gets them loud, it does not matter. All right.


All right. Stugan wants him to be anti-USA.


Dan, I have a top three- I want the fans to be pro-Canada. Top three Rodriguez's to ever put on a uniform in South Florida. Do you want it?


Sure. Oh, wow. Top three. Top three.


There's only three that I could come up with.


There are two others. There's three. They're baseball players. Number three. What?


For the University of Miami, but not actually, West Minister Christian, Alex Rodriguez. Number two, Yvonne Pudge Rodriguez.


Oh, boy.


Number one. Yes, number scoring two goals in game two of our Stanley Cup Finals.


Congratulations. Evan Rodriguez. Yes. Yra. Yra. Yes. Quani come lately. That's what we are.


I appreciate it, guys. I don't know if I'm on their level yet, but hey, I'll take it. I appreciate that.


Evan, you're not yet, but soon. You are.


I mean, Dan, he's number one on the top three.


I respect the honesty.


Thank you for joining us on your way out, though, because I know you're not going to say controversial things before your 2,500-mile flight to Edmonton, and as you guys have game three coming up here. But people have been talking for a couple of days because Barcoff got hurt, and he's hugely important to everything that you guys do, whether or not that was a dirty It's a hit. My take on that was all the Panthers have played on that line for a long time. You're not supposed to leave your skates. Obviously, it was a penalty. But your thoughts in general, after seeing Barcoff hurt about whether or not that is something that has a place in the sport, where are you on the line of what that hit did and what happened there?


Yeah, I think first and foremost, you never want to see your captain go down. I think that's the biggest thing. Secondly, Secondly, it's playoff hockey, and the line starts to disappear a little bit as you go further and further along. The biggest thing is you never want to see your captain go down. And so I'm not going to comment on whether the head crosses that line or not.


I like what he's doing there, where he says, Hey, look, do you know how deep we are in the playoffs? Basically, the line is, Don't shive me with a machete. Anything Short of that is allowed. Do not pull out a machete and stab it in my abdomen. Otherwise, play off hockey. Broken jaw, whatever. It's play off hockey. That's what you're saying. The line, you just said it gets erased this time of year.


You don't know what the line is at this time of the year. I think that's the biggest thing. I don't know if it gets erased, but on a game-to-game basis, it could be different. Worrying about that stuff isn't going help us win hockey games. I think that's the biggest thing is we're here for one job and one job only, and our focus is on game three.


Evan, nice seeing you. Do you want to rummage through that cabinet anymore and see if you can find something less antiseptic than what it is that you produce for us in this Florida Panthers cubicle on the edge of the Everglace?


Maybe the drawers, any cash in there? Anything in there?


Let's see what we've got here.


A football.


Look at that. Super Bowl-y, which I don't think that's what that's Super Bowl-y is what it is. I think it's a... I don't know. It's L-V.


Super Bowl-V.


Yeah, it's like the Roman numeral after Super Bowl.


It's got to be a P-R off it.


It does look like a Y, Dan. The V does look like a Y.


That's the best I got for you guys.


Super Bowl-y. Thank you, Evan. Super Bowl-V.




Thanks, Evan.


I love you. Evan, bring something home from Edmonton, the cup. How's that sound? Let's bring the cup home from Edmonton. There it is. Yes, there it is. I will try my best.


I will try. I will try my best. Bring us a shirt, a swivel, and a poster. All right, guys, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it.


You're too nice for a hockey player. I love you. No? Okay.


No, I think it froze.




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