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Draftkings Network.




Is the Dan Leviton.


Show with the Stuck At Podcast.


I've been a hater of the Colorado Buffalo program this year, and I've laid out plenty of reasons, and I'm not going to bore you with more. I will outline that Matt Rule is one game better than Coach Prime this season, and that's funny. But I was- Off to a bad start, man. I was watching the UCLA Colorado game. I think UCLA is good. Colorado covered a solid performance there. Something happened. Well, a couple of things happened after the game. We'll get to Coach Prime's criticism of his players later. But something happened after the game that really bothered me, and this may come as a surprise. It's bullshit that the Colorado players got robbed. Their jewelry was taken. I know they've been flashy, and they've shown to opposing suit and sections over the course of the year. They don't really hide that they've got some nice pieces. They got robbed while they were playing a football game. Someone went into their Rose Bowl locker room and stole their shit. A lot of people are finding it funny. Look, it's a little funny, but it's bad. It's really, really bad. Ucla and the stadium operations crew are totally sliding on this.


This is absurd. You get robbed while you're playing a football game? This is an inside job. Is no one concerned?


It is bad. It is an inside job. It is something that is not getting very much attention. A team should feel, if no safety anywhere else going into a road stadium, like their stuff's not going to be stolen while they're playing the football game. This is exactly the reason that you don't tell people that you're leaving your house for an extended period of time because then they know that there's an empty house there.


I'm not going to victim-blame and say that they've been flashy with their jewelry.


That's obviously known. But you already did say they were flashy.


With their jewelry. They've been flashy, but they've got nice pieces. You want to flash the.


Nice pieces. I know they've been flashy. They have nicer pieces than most college kids. They keep showing them off. You're surprised that probably a stadium employee went into the locker room and stole it?


Yes, I'm very.


Surprised by that. People are.


Desperate, man. I'm very surprised by that. I can't recall the last time a football team got robbed while their stuff was in the locker room.


I have not seen that story before.


I've seen chains snatched on the field of play before. But in terms of going out to the gridiron, typically, historically speaking, your stuff is safe and people are having a little bit too much fun at their expense because of how flashy they've been.


What do you want done? Do you want a- Jail. Okay, jail.


Let's start with someone investigating it because it seems like no one is.


No, let's just go straight to jail. Let's not even investigate. Let's just start sending.


People to jail. You can investigate and find out who is a perpetrator. There is plenty of guilt to be thrown around, and Rose Bull security is at the top of the list. Is there no one standing in front of the locker room? Whose job is it to make sure that the opposing football team doesn't get robbed?


I'd start with the guy standing in front of the locker room.


He's prime suspect.


But you'd start with an investigation of him or just send him straight to jail? Done him with jail. I'd send him to jail. Jail for fail- Him.


Or her. Jail.


Just straight to jail. Well, certainly fired from your job.


It's the job. It's literally called security.


It is not a great situation when you are playing a football game. That game, incidentally, UCLA is a good deal better than Colorado. Colorado did cover, but UCLA had cartoonish turnovers. It's all the matters.


Great teams, though. Great teams cover.


But to be playing in that game and to be Shadour Sanders because they cannot block and he gets sacked a ton and holds on to the ball a ton. I think he's been sacked more than any player in the sport, but also in that game, it was flooding through the offensive line, how quickly they were getting there, to do that and then get back to the locker room and go to put on your watch? Watch. And be like, Where's my watch?


What time is it?


Where is it?


I don't think that we're meeting the moment right now. You guys need to be properly pissed about this. This is bull.


Okay, but you're right. You have not said anything that is incorrect, but you also.


Want- It's also a little bit funny.


But it's bull. You want jail and you want investigations, and you don't want to point out that they flash a.


Lot of jewelry. I'm not doing that.


I won't. The flashing of the jewelry alerts people to the fact that you have valuables in.


Your locker. If it's an Arizona state student body member, I understand. That's the only time that I'm like, No jail.


I concur. I join Mike in conducting grand theft. In this case, it's weird. This will be solved. I'm going to guarantee that right now because there's too many people around a locker room. I know in an NFL game, a locker room always is populated with people from the team. Even during the game, there's an equipment guy in there, there's somebody in there, there's security around, there's cameras. I guarantee you this will be solved. Things like this happen occasionally, and it's almost always solved because.


It's so difficult. There have to be cameras in there, do they're not?


It's the Rosebars.


It's older. It's the Rosebars. Granddaddy of them all.


You say, Of course, those two guys, thank you for nothing there with granddaddy of.


Them all. He's right. It's the.


Granddaddy of them all. He is right, but he's not right that your granddaddy always has cameras.


What do you do if this is like an Ethan Hunt situation, where you get lowered from the ceiling? What is the security guard at the outside of the locker room supposed to do about that? If someone's crawling through the air vents, how are you supposed to prevent that if you're outside of the locker room?


I don't know if that's what.


Happened here, but… The investigation will show early on. Mike, I am reading a report right now. The Pasadena police, they're investigating the situation.


Oh, okay. Does that make you feel better?


Oh, yeah, it makes me feel better. They might be in on it, right?


Everybody's in on it. They're inside job. Everybody's in on it. But it's not at all funny, even though it's a little funny. You just accused the.


Police of being.


Involved in this? He said inside job. All he's had so far in this segment is inside job.


He loves- I love a good inside job.


-stugart's loves an opportunity to shout in the general direction of anybody who's got ears. It was an inside job.


Speaking of inside jobs-.


What if Dion did it to teach them a lesson?


Oh, wow. That would be a good story.


That's what I was getting to because that'd be weird and redundant because already took the opportunity to teach his team a lesson in the postgame interview. You mentioned how their offensive line is bad, and yeah, maybe Shadrah Sanders is holding on to the ball a little too long. But for all the infusion of new talent, for all the roster turnover, building in the trenches, especially when that's a weak point, that does take time year over year. Some of the best recruiters on the planet still need time to solidify the trenches. It sounds like Coach Prime needs a little bit more Louis, and he's making no bones about it.


Coach, you mentioned the coaching aspect.


Of it as well.


Yes, sir. Specifically with.


The offensive line, I mean, what has to improve in that aspect besides to- The line has to improve.


There ain't no aspect.


The line has to improve.


I said, the big picture trying to keep Shidur.


U'brien, healthy. The big picture, you go get.


The lemon. That's the picture.


I'm going to paint it perfectly.


We've never seen that. We've never seen that. I'm not even saying it's bad. We've just never seen that. And it's not a great to treat players that are already on your roster, but he's doing it his way. What are your opinions on that?


Well, you say it's not a great way to treat players on your roster, and you are correct, but it's also a professional way to treat players on.


Your roster. They're not making great money over there. What do you think a lineman is pulling in the University of Colorado?


Wait a second. For the most part, these are players that he chose, right? Yeah. Don't tell them to be better. Coach them. Evaluate better.


Did turn over the roster. They're falling victim to how he spoke to the original Colorado team when he first made his appearance over there. He said that he was going to bring his own luggage, and it's Louis.


But even at the pro level, you very rarely hear a head coach say, We got to get new lineman. You hear them say, We got to play better on the line. You don't hear them say, We got to replace who we got, like he did. That was pretty extreme. But you wish you did.


Oh, yeah. No, but you also don't hear it because they can't quite do it that way. And he can. He can just replace them.




It's bold to.


Do that one.




Several games left in the season when those are the guys in charge of protecting your son.


Just seems like a very bold move from the other. But they can't be any worse at it than they are. We're going to see.


They might. They can be dead. They got a lot of this weekend. They got a lot.


Of this weekend. I don't think you guys... Did you watch the UCLA game?


He was zacked.


Seven times. But it was startling how quickly they were getting there, as if nobody was.


Blocking them. And look, him taking accountability specifically doesn't make the same sexy news that it does when he blames other people in ways that we've never seen. I think rightfully so, because he's blaming players in ways that we haven't seen. He does say the right things. Does he mean it? That's for other people to decide. But there have been quite a bit of failings on the coaching front, especially after.


A buy. Did Nardozy do the same thing.


After they lost? Yeah, but no one likes Pat Nardozy. Everyone likes Coach Brad. I like Pat Nardozy. You like Nardozy? He is such a weirdo.


He has the biggest main character energy.


Out of anyone. It's Pat and Arduzy's.


World, and we.


Are all.


Living it.


He's the biggest sore loser in college football. Love it. That is saying a lot. Here's the latest clip of Pat and Arduzy, who's been more seasoned at this head coaching game than Deion Sanders. I'd like to hear your thoughts on how he handled this.


Well, when you lose like you lost today, you had a tough one last week. Why is it? I'll go back. As a football coach, you lose a lot of good players a year ago. You think as a coach, you're going to replace him. We obviously haven't. Again, starts with me. I didn't do a good enough job coaching today, and put it on me. We got to make play. It just comes down to making plays and doing a better job coaching.


-patty, what is it about the road?


-that's softer. They lost by 50 to no today.




-it took accountability. When he says it literally starts with him, when it literally started with the players. Right.


That's the move that he realized. If you play that back for me again, you will see when he realizes, This is the thing that Deion didn't do. He didn't walk it back at all. Nardozy realized, I've just lost by 50, and I'm blaming everybody but me. Halfway through, he's like, And it starts with me. I don't think even hears himself saying that. I think he's got something in his coaching program- That he has to say it. -that presses a button after a loss and says that.


Well, when you lose like you lost today, you had a tough one last week. Why is it? I'll go back. As a football coach, you lose a lot of good players a year ago. You think as a coach, you're going to replace them. We obviously haven't. Again, it starts with me. I didn't do a good enough job coaching today, and put it on me. We got to make plays. So just comes down to making plays and doing a better job coaching. Are you saying he has some body clock? It's inside, it starts buzzing when he doesn't say it starts with me for 25 seconds? Yes. And Iaccountability clock. He's like, Oh, accountability.


Yes, he has to say it whether he believes it or not. But another place that it starts with him is he's responsible for all of it. He gets the players and he had good ones last year. It's not because he got good ones last year, but this year he got good ones and they became bad without him having anything to do with it.


It's because of that God-Forsaken portal. Speaking of God-Forsaken and portal, we will explore the Davo Zwini clips that have gone viral. Next.








Chris, what was happening there? Can you please just explain to me? Just give the audience a glimpse into what's happening inside your soul as your father is delivering clunker after clunker.


It's just not surprising. He was texting.


Me last.


Night trying to get lines for it to make it funnier. I was just like, I don't know if this.


One works.


You're not really bringing anything to the conversation. It's just classic Greg Cody. Still guts. Actually, Christopher and I never had that conversation because I did reach out to him and got zero response.


That's not true.


I can show you my text right now. I wasn't a fan of it. All right, show me.


That text. There are the Codys, a tag team in the show to kill it. The Codys as the crazy tag team duo, The Show Killers.


This is the Dan Levator show with the Stugats. It has been.






Week for College Coaches.


Brians parents, gone.


Everyone is celebrating.


And then.


Dabbo Sweeney, off the rail.


So he did his normal coach call in show Monday night. Someone named.




Calls in and.


Gives his two cents.


Now, normally I'm always.


Team not Dabbo. In any situation, just team not Dabbo. This time around.


I don't want to say I'm team Davbo, but I'm definitely.


Not team Tyler. Tyler calls in and starts.


Talking about God. And he was like, So I get that you're a man of faith. Why in the world are we.


Paying you that much money? And Davbo.


Lost his mind.


Coach, Wayne, it sounds a whole lot like Tommy Ballvin. And I'll tell you one thing, Tommy Ballin didn't make the same amount of money as you do. You make $11.5 million a year. That's second in college football, if I'm not mistaken. And I know you're a man of religion. I'm a big fan coach. Before you categorize me as being in the 1.5 %, I was going to Clipsen Games and my entire family going back generations. And I respect the fact that you're a man of faith. I'm curious if you've ever read Proverbs 16:18, which talks about pride coming before the fall. I was in the military and I was overseas for the big run. Something changed after 2018. You're humble, you're hungry and everything. And I always told people, man, dad, but just listen to this press conferences. But after that 2018 national title, something changed. And there seems to be a lot of arrogance that came in. There's a lot of friends and family. So I'm curious, why are we paying you $11.5 million to go four and four? And it's not just this year. It's been just a refusal to accept-.


What's this guy's name? Tyler. Hey, Tyler. I've listened to enough for you, Tyler. You can have all your opinions that you want. I don't know how old you are. Don't really care. But let me tell you something. We won 11 games last year, and you're part of the problem, to be honest with you, because that is part of the problem. It's people like you that all you do is the appreciation. The expectation is greater than the appreciation, and that's the problem. And so we've won 12, 10 plus win seasons in a row. That's happened three times in 150 years. So if you want to know why, Clemson ain't Sniff a national championship for 35 years. We've won two in seven years. And there's only two other teams that can say that Georgia and Alabama. Is this a bad year? Yeah, and it's my responsibility. Take 100 % responsibility for it. But all this bull crap you're thinking, all these narratives you read. Listen, man, you can have your opinion all you want, and you can apply for the job, and good luck to you. But to answer your question, we're second in draft picks. We've graduated 98% of our guys.


We're second in wins.


That is the hardest question I have ever heard a bit of a tongue-to-mouch BS.


In the longest, yes.


To ask that directly, is there more sound of Davo just being defensive?


Yeah, there is more. I think so far he's acquitted himself nicely outside of not thanking Tyler for his service. That's a huge message.


Big message. That big mistake. Big misstep. But it does start with him. He did.


Say no to that. Which I appreciate. Tyler does go at Davo quite a bit. I mean, calling him Tommy Bowden and saying Tommy Bowden didn't make that money and sighting the Bible, Pride comes before.


I called him arrogant.


Pride comes before the fall.


Something changed in 2018.


I mean, I thought Davo did explain his cause quite well, but he.


Goes on. Again, I'm telling you, we're not perfect. Frank Howard never had a bad year. Coach Ford never had a bad year. Coach K never had a bad year in basketball. People have a bad year. But the part of the problem is the appreciation. I used to tell people all the time. I'd say, What's the difference in Clemson? Let me tell you, at some places there's an expectation, but at Clemson there's an appreciation. And what's happened at Clemson is we've won so much that even when we used to be the funds and the winning, now even when you win, people like you complain and criticize the coaches and question everything. People like you, when I hired Tony Elliott to be the offensive coordinator who never called a play in his life, I'm sure you were critical then. And he took us to two national championships. People like you who just love to destroy people with your comments, I'm sure you've never made any bad decisions. I'm sure you've lived a perfect life. I'm sure you've led a bunch of people. I'm sure you do your job in front. So to answer your question, I started as the lowest paid coach in this freaking business.


And I'm where I am because I've worked my ass off every single day. And I ain't going to let some smart ass kid get on this phone and create stuff. So if you got a problem with that, I don't care. I work for the board of trustees, the president, and the AD. And if they're tired of me leading this program, all they got to do is let me know. I'll go somewhere else where there is an appreciation.


Thank you for your service.


I like Davbo now. I got to be honest.


I took all of that and didn't think that Davo was wrong. He has altered. Clemson was a punchline before he got there. It was... Clemson was always going to Clemson. They were going to lose every important game, and he made them matter. I'm sure they're spoiled the same way that Patriots fans are now spoiled. But once that toothpaste comes out of the tube, you cannot put it back. Once you've given the people the taste of that, you can't be four and four and then defending yourself this defensively.


People like you—I.


Love that.


You... Intent on destroying other human beings.


He goes on to defend himself some more because clearly what Tyler said didn't really bother Davo. So he goes on for another minute.


Am I perfect? No, I'm far from it. I am a man of faith. Absolutely. I'm 53 years old and there ain't one thing in my life. Now, I have been a part of failure many times, but there ain't one thing in my life that I've ever failed at, Tyler. Never. I wanted to get an education. I got two degrees. I wanted to be the first college in my graduate with my family. I did it. I wanted to go play football in Alabama. I earned a scholarship, later three years. I earned it. Worked my ass off. Won a national championship. I wanted to get into coaching. I worked my way to be in a head coach. And when I got this job, and I'm sure you didn't want me to get this job, 15 years later, I'm still here, and I'd say the results are what they are, and I stand on them. So you don't ever have to call back. I wanted to get married. I've been married for going on 30 years. I wanted to be a father. I've raised three great sons. Nailed it. If you don't like how I run the program, don't be a fan.


I don't care. But I'm the head coach, and I'm going to do what I believe is right for the long term of this program, what's best for the players, and what I think is best for the moment. If you got a problem with that, that's fine. But I'm not going to sit here and let you call. I don't give a crap how much money I make. You ain't going to talk to me like I'm twelve years old. You're going to be freaking kidding me.


Amen. I stuck to landing, man.




Host of the show, being like, All right.


That's right. I'm going to wrap it all up with a punctuation, a little punctuation with God involved. Amen. Amen. Can you please, Mike, get for me the Tyler isolated with Rodney, with Draymond Green's Rodney, because I believe we have a new competitor now to the dismissive Rodney McGrooter clip because I cannot believe the Tyler that he just dismissed Tyler with. Lucy, you seem delighted over there. Are you kidding?




Hilarious. Tyler. Tyler.


Oh, my God.


But he went to the Mike Francis' School of dealing with criticism. This is not going to end well for him. If anyone there has a sense of humor, every week will turn into people trolling him. I wanted to get married. Did it? Tyler.


Two degrees. I wanted to have kids.


I wanted to have kids who were like an animal.


Three of them.


Tyler. I was procreating like crazy. I only wanted one kid. I had three. That's how successful I am. Tyler.


The list of achievements. You have three kids. He gave them the whole- I'll run this program. -gave them the whole resume. Let her three years, went from walk on to a scholarship.


Tyler. The fact that he didn't point out is four and four.


And two and four in the conference. Amen. Okay. Tyler's feeling good about that, though, right?


Tyler effectively got to him. It takes a lot for me to say, Dabbled made a lot of good points. I do think he is a victim of the expectations and the bar that he's set over there, This isn't a surprise. This season following last season isn't a surprise because of their trajectory. You can only be hot for so long. What nick Saban has done in Alabama is really without precedent inside of college football. It was headed in this direction. But when Davbo snaps back and says, We won 11 games last year. We won the conference. He has very recent success. Miami has been in that conference for 20 years, and they've got plenty of prestige. They've never won it. Dabbo owned that conference, so I think you can afford him a bad year.


Can we please just play again the long question? I want to know the spot that you think Davbo got most pissed off. Because there were three or four that he hit him with. Davbo was going to lose his mind as soon as he's quoting scripture to criticize him.


I don't know if you're familiar with Proverbs 15:17, Pride comes before the fall. I think that's what got him.


I think towards the end of it, there's something where he just hammers back to, What are you doing to deserve this $11 million?


It sounds a whole lot like Tommy Ballvin. And I'll tell you one thing, Tommy Ballin didn't make the same amount of money as you do. You make $11.5 million a year, that's second in college football, if I'm not mistaken. And I know you're a man of religion. I'm a big fan, Coach. Before you categorize me as being in the 1.5 %, I was going to Clipsen Games and my entire family going back generations. And I respect the fact that you're a man of faith. I'm curious if you've ever read Proverbs 16:18, which talks about pride coming before the fall. I was in the military and I was overseas for the big run. Something changed after 2018. You're humble, you're hungry and everything. And I always told people, man, dad, but just listen to this press conferences. But after that 2018 national title, something changed. And there seems to be a lot of arrogance that came in. There's a lot of friends and family. I'm curious, why are we paying you $11.5 million to go four and four? And it's not just this year. It's been just a refusal to accept.


What's this guy's name? Tyler.


Such a bad job by the producer.


I counted two Pashas before he said, What's this guy's name?


He snorted snot from his nose in disgust. And it wasn't even friends and family that got him. So much friends and family. That was fifth on the list.


People like you.




Don't let me try.


Cody decides to give his opinions on things. Right when we're coming back, he started yammering about, Don't you hate the phrase controlling your own destiny, Destiny can't be controlled.


Right. An oxymoron. Stugatz. I fully thought you were to go in with take the oxy out of it. That's what you are. I didn't say it. I'm saying that's something that damage me. Oh, no. I see. Okay. I love you. You didn't say I love you back. You're mad at me.


Put it on the pole, Guillermo. Does Stugats throw out I love you, is only to get I love.


Yous back? Greg, I love you. I love you. Okay, feel better then. This is the Don Lebotar show with the Stugaz.


The mask looks so tight on your mouth area.


I had.




Cut it.




Was just like a normal little slit, but it wouldn't work.


I tried to.


Talk and it didn't work.


That is Shay Serrano and Jason Conseption. They are with us. You remember them from Grantlin. They worked together on Shay's new show, Primo. I can't hear nobody. Primo. They're back together with a big new podcast called Six Trophies. All right, go ahead and explain to everybody, Jason, what it is that you see happening here.


Are you talking about on the show?


No, just right now. Just right now, as we gather together, set the scene for everybody on what it is that you're laughing at and why you're laughing at.


Well, Freddie Krueger has arrived to do the hit here at the Great Dan Levitard show for Meta Lark Media. And I guess I never noticed this before with all the times I've seen Freddie and been terrified by him, but his mouth is very, very tight. I don't know if he got fillers. He might have got fillers and I think a little procedure to tighten up the cheeks. And he looks great, but he can't really enunciate that well now with the new cheek fillers and I think a little lip plumber, too. Your mouth looks really tight, Freddie. Are you good?


Thanks. Now, it's very... All right, we won't talk to Shay. Shay is struggling. We'll come back and- I can only hear.


Jason sometimes. It's a bad costume choice when you have to talk.


Yeah, it's not great. It does look extra tight. I appreciate that these two guys really tried today, unlike this lazy metal art crew of Halloween frauds. Thank you. Fork in the road. Thank you, Shay and Jason for being on with us. I should remind everyone they've got a new podcast. It's very popular, Six Trophies. They hand out six pop culture trophies each week for six different basketball things. We'll get to the top six in a moment, but let's get Freddie Krueger's analysis so far, Shay, because he wrote the new Slam cover story. I imagine this was a career highlight on Victor Webanyama. What did you learn, Shay, speaking to him?


All right, he can't hear us. He can't move his face.


Shay, they're asking you what you learned about Victor Webanyama for your Slam cover story.


I know that he's awesome and.


That he.




And that I love him and that I'm watching him play basketball for the.




15 years.


We're going to work through.




On this one. I want to ask one more thing. Freddie, what are Victor's dreams like? Have you crept into his dreams yet? Yeah. What are those like?


It's like a marker.






Like the little floaters in.


The paint. But instead of skibball, he's shooting a.


Crate into.


The cappuccino.


Beautiful. As a Parisian myself, a Parisian bed bug, Victor Wembagyama, you might have read some of my great works. Oh, no. Such as The Wretchard Bug. Oh, no. Wembergyama?


I am really troubled by Shay's general sound issues.


Yeah, it makes him sound extra creepy, but I enjoy the psych gag so much that while we interview Jason, we're just going to keep up an image of Shay, of Freddie Krueger with filler.


Of a sad Freddie Krueger with his mouth not working very well. Shay, do you have a.


Top six? So you go straight to Shay?


I'm sorry, no. I can.


Relay it. I can relay it.


Yes, no, I don't want to go to Shay anymore. Jason, I want your help with setting up the top six moments. The top six moments in Six Trophies. How's this going? In Six trophies. Your head has been in your hands the entire time. Old fork in the road. Not helpful.


Shay, you know what Chris is for Halloween?


In any way.


Yeah, what.


Is that? Fork in the road. It's someone who's not trying enough. It's what it is.


It's profound. Can we go around the control booth? I know you've probably done this, but I would love to understand what these costumes are.


They're not very good. Go ahead, Lucy. Lucy's wearing one. Billy and Stugatz and Mike have done nothing.


I'm Braxton Garrett.


Lucy is the Ghost of Iowa Offense. We're back. And Greg Cody is a promotion for his new book, number one, on the niche, bestseller list of environments.


Coassie the Lion.


-kawasi the Lion. I am the patriarchy. I am what no one will be this Halloween, which is a lot of Barbie and Kent.


Yeah, Kent and the beautiful horses that have influenced him. Wonderful. The six trophies, shall I tell you what they are?


I would love that.


We do six trophies that never change every week. They're always the same. The six big trophies, they are the Denzelwashing training, the trophy given out to whoever has had the best overall performance of the week. The Lauren Hill, you might win some, but you just lost one trophy given to the player team at the worst performance of the week. The Dominic Torretto, I live my life a quarter mile at a time trophy given out to the person or thing or team who made a decision with no regard for future consequence. The Daniel, Plan B, I've abandoned my child, I've abandoned my boy, trophy given out to a player or team we're temporarily giving up on. The Chief Chief, that's that shit I don't like trophy, which is given to the player team, did something that we don't like. The Step Brothers, Catalina Wine Mixer trophy, giving that to the thing that we're most excited for looking forward.


I'm going to try for Shay one more time, even if he can't talk. I can hear. Oh, yeah. Unfortunately, we can't hear.


He can't hear. He can't speak.


But I really enjoyed Freddie Krueger struggling with tech issues. In fact, using his claws sometimes to poke at his keyboard to see if he can get connectivity. Welcome aboard, Shay.


Thank you. I'm very excited to be here. Very excited. Super uncomfortable.


But it's worth it. Yeah, you're uncomfortable. Your sound didn't remain shit. Jason, can you please take us through the awards, please?


Who won them this week?


No, explain them again. No, don't.


Explain them again. Don't listen to Billy. He's dressed as an anarchist.


I'm Brax and Gary. Well, gosh, I don't want to step on it because the pod comes out Wednesday. You're just going to have to tune in much like I've been tuning into the Netflix series Neon, which I can't stop watching you guys.


What's so good about it? Watch it now. What's so good about it? Because you are invested.


It's just a fantastic show about following your dreams. Those dreams being stardom in the music business. I just think it's a wonderful television program created by true geniuses. I wish I know who those geniuses are, but the show is fantastic. It's called Neon. It's on Netflix now.


The genius is Daddy Yankee. I had a.


Dream that you would answer to Ed's question and give us the six awards.


Hey, give us the six. If not, we got to kick it over to Sugato as the top seven. Can you.


Give us the last.


Six winners? Can we give them the six awards? Who won the awards?


How about One?


The person.


Who won the Denzel Washington and Train Day award, which is given out to whoever had the best performance, it's a single best performance, Damian Lillard.


Wins it.


This week for his debut in Milwaukee.


Where he goes bananas. To spite the Miami Heat, clearly also. He did it to spite them.


Do youI want the Catalina Wine Mixer Award, too. Can I get that one? You've got four other awards to tease there, so you can't give too much of it away. But what are the chances of getting the Catalina Wine Mixer Award?


Go ahead, Jason. It's the mid-season tournament, which starts this Friday, which, like many, I'm very fascinated to see how it turns out. I had no feelings about it until the wonderful commercial with Michael Imperiale aired. Now I'm all the way in and I can't wait to see what happens.


That is a great commercial. It was very well done in the Oceans theme of The Oceans 11 movies. That commercial, though, has not sold Stugart. Stugart is not in on the tournament.


I'm not in. Why? You got something. Listen, the NBA is fine. I don't need midseason tournaments. I like the Larry O'Brien trophy. I'm just not in on it. It seems like a gimmick to keep me interested. I'm plenty interested in the NBA.


That's exactly what it is. The NBA is fine. I don't need gimmicks. That's got people running to their television. Guys, the NBA is fine. Come on down.


I mean, you're going to run to your TV to watch a tournament, a midseason tournament that starts five games in for a trophy that no one cares about? I mean, come on.


Half a million dollars for the winners?


Cash money? But what if LeBron tears his ACL? Right. Then you'll rip it. Come on. I'm just asking. World baseball class, there's a bunch of injuries that.


Never been turned on. What are you doing? Billy, what if he tears his ACL against the Memphis grizzlies in game four. Guess what? That's also counting, isn't it? In mid-season NBA tournament game.


I just asked the questions.


Is your top seven ready, Stugant? Yes, it is. Okay. What is it? Your top seven what?


This is, and I should just give you a couple of them, but this is the top seven NBA players I want to retire.


Why should you just give me a couple of them?




I'll give you a few. No, why should you just.


Give me a couple? Well, because they're only giving us a couple and I feel like I should only give them a couple. I mean, the Seven Trophies Podcast coming at you. I'm telling you that right now.


Yeah, keep.


Up, Ken. The Sly Stalone Award. I mean...


Who are the players who should be retired? Do you have any outside looking in or is it just straight seven?


I just have straight seven, Dan.


All right, let's see what you got. Number seven.


Nicola, Jokic. It seems like work. He won his title. He wants to go be a jockey. He has no interest in being in the United States. Go home and retire.


Number six.


Pj Tucker.


He's just.




Pretty fresh star.


Yeah, you know what? Trade yourself to retirement because I am tired of PJ Tucker. He's the missing piece. He's this, he's that. He's been on four teams in three years. Get over yourself and retire.




Five. Number five, Robert Covington. Roko. Everyone thinks they're a Bobco away at the trade deadline, Dan. Every single year. You know what? They're not a Bobco away. Retire Bobco.




Four. Everyone always thinks, Dan, they're a Nicholas Petume away. You know what? They're not a Nicholas Petume away. Petume, retire.


Number three.


Everyone always thinks, Dan, they're a Marcus Morris away. You know what? They're not a Marcus Morris away. Morris, both of you retire. Wow, both of you.


Just one. I don't.


Want to give the rest. You have to listen to the podcast. Number two is the Seven trophies.


You don't have a podcast.


Number two, The Clipper. All of them? All of them, yes. Number one. Lebron James. Enjoy a Sunday night dinner with a family. Monday with a Halloween with the kids. Do something besides play basketball. I got an idea. Retire.


The Six Trophies podcast, they're back together again. Jason, Conception, and Shay Serrano. Thank you, gentlemen. We hope next time to have slightly better connection.


Truly disastrous. Although the bug costume was great.