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This is the Dan Levator show with the Stugats podcast.


Roy, what did the audience say? I'm assuming I'm in the minority, and being someone who will not finish a movie once I've gotten 70 minutes in.


After 4180 votes, the answer is yes.


At 70.1%, what is the question?


The question is, if you get halfway through a movie, do you feel obligated to finish it?


And the answer is yes. At what percent?




I thought the yes was I leave a movie. So it's the opposite of that.


Good follow up.


Very odd way for Roy to do all of that. I would say to give us the yes and not the question.


So he's like jeopardy.


Yeah, jeopardy.


Or Yoda. What is yes? I'd like to put up on the screen here real quick for people so that we can devour it. A recent photograph of Pablo Torre. I want to ask the group here what they think of what Pablo is trying to achieve here with bowling shoes and what can only be described as Mister Rogers fashion gear.


Is he preparing for a role?


I don't know what he's doing there.


Is he bowling?


Is he on Broadway? What the hell's going on?


It does feel. It feels a little Broadway, a little bowling. The hand on the hip, it feels theatrical.


Well, people's eyebrow.


I'm not gonna have a go at someone else's style. I just couldn't do that.


Pablo Torre finds out is the name of the podcast. He is doing excellent work. I ask the group here, and I ask the audience to take some inventory about what Greg Cody came in complaining about today that I was not expecting. It's something that caught me off guard. Even though Greg Cody, I would say, is a Hall of fame complainer. Greg Cody came out publicly first ballot in indignant against the U turn.


Yeah, you know, I think it's because the U turn caused me to miss a light a couple of days ago when the line was very long and it like three, I'm like twelve cars behind, you know, so I'm already praying for a long turn signal to make my light. And there's four or five cars ahead of me all taking the U turn, which is very slow. When you're taking a U turn, people slow down too much. They don't take it on two wheels. They slow down, slows down traffic. I miss my light because so many people are taking a U turn. A U turn is selfish. Look, I understand.


I used to live somewhere where I had to make a U turn.


I understand that. I remember. But here's what else you could have done.




Here's what else I made.


Your dad had to as well, right?


Well, he did.


No. Here's what else you could have done. Instead of taking that U turn, you could have taken a left into that development and then turned around in there and taken a right. You didn't have to take a U turn.


You're wrong right now. I don't know what you're talking about.




Can we just stay on point, please?




Equally caught in the weeds on what's happening around your son's house.


You take the law way is what you're saying.


You have to take a U turn to shortcut.




Put in the effort. Quit taking shortcuts. You know, people take U turns willy nilly. You know, it's a bad thing to do. It's dangerous. 40% of pedestrian deaths made up in America are directly attributable to.


You're just started laughing at that.


Just making that up.


I'm estimating, but I'm not making it up.


Hold on a second.


Do you know what making it up means?


Time to throw away those and get reckless. Here is something we like to call reckless speculation.


You're good, Greg.


Thank you.


Mm hmm.


I mean, look it up.


So what do you.


How do you make.


So you just want a three point turn in in its place or no turns whatsoever. Yeah.


Take the long way. His thing is, you don't make a U turn. You're not allowed to do that. Just take the long way. Even if all you have is u turns.


They often encourage u turns. Sometimes. This sign says, hey, you want it banned? Take a U turn, Greg.


You want it banned?


I would ban u turns.




Because a U turn is never necessary. It's a convenience.




It's a shortcut, but it's rarely, if ever, absolutely necessary. Practice what you preach, because normally I don't.


Oh, you.


You don't take u turns?


Oh, come on.


Oh, shut up, Greg.


You don't. You abstain. You're an abstainer.


I will tell you what Greg does, because every once in a while, when I'm driving down on a Tuesday, I see Greg Cody in that beautiful Corvette that he has. And what Greg loves to do, he shoots the gap better than anyone I've ever seen. But what he really loves to do is tailgate. He loves to tailgate. He is right on people's bumpers.


He's drafting.


I watched him today do it.


He doesn't want people. He doesn't want anyone getting in front of him.




He's the guy that will get up on the person in front to not let somebody in.


Yeah, but if you never prosper, you go out of your way to get in front of front of Greg Cody, meaning you do something dangerous. There's an expectation that comes with that. Don't get in his lane and then drive slow. Drive fast because Greg wants to drive fast.


I tooted my horn on the way to the studio today because the person ahead of me was not tailgating sufficiently, so people were cutting in front of him. And everybody's trying to cut in here. You don't let them, you know, it's not being mean not to do that. It keeps the traffic flowing. If everyone tailgated like me, the traffic flow would go much better. If nobody u turned, the traffic flow would go much better. You spend an hour and a half driving 20 miles in south Florida. It's ridiculous. So you got to keep the flow going. I'm trying to do my part. Others aren't. That's all I'm saying. Fair.


Put it on the poll. Have you ever considered banning the u turn? Billy, you seemed worried when this segment first began. You had the look of concern on your face, and then you started roaring with laughter afterward because I think you thought Greg Cody was headed somewhere else.


Well, you know, I was worried where that may be going.


Anytime he opens his trap, I'm worried.




You never know where that's going.


And you were kind of setting him up, and I was worried where you may be setting.


Cause, you know, sometimes you're the guy.


That likes to put the leaves over the hole and hope that Greg steps in the hole.


Yeah. Isn't that the truth?


A very vivid picture. That is also accurate.


Leaving a manhole uncovered, hoping I'll fall down it well, dug up by woodpeckers. Thank you.


In the spirit of all of that, I would say that the look on your face. I'm doing Billy translations here, suggested to me that you were concerned with the general take that Greg Cody walked into the room today with. As the WNBA season starts.


I don't recall the take.


Yeah, the take was free Greg Doyle.


The rare.


The rare free Greg Doyle.


There's the hole.




There is the hole with the leaves. That is correct. I still have to get to this butker story. I've got to read the story.


I've seen a couple of tweets. What is going on with our special teams unit over there? Kansas City?


I have to read this story, I need to get to this story. Was this during a commencement speech?




All right.


So awful.


I mean, it's not, no, you're right.


Let's stay there.


It is, it is like Andrew Tate.


Did a commencement speech.


There was a commencement speech last week that we played on Friday, that it was a guy trying to sell bitcoin.


Oh, Ohio state.






I bought in. By the way, GameStop's back halted video.


Do me the favor of getting, we didn't get to this story a couple of weeks ago, but Greg Doyle, who I think is the biggest newspaper columnist in Indianapolis, he handled the press conference of Caitlin Clark being introduced to the fever. And her debut is tonight pretty terribly in a way that made a whole lot of people recoil. And there's going to be some stumbling around here from men as we try to figure out how to catch up with the times and all of us correct behaviors and inequities from a long time ago that aren't acceptable anymore, even though butger is at a commencement speech saying evidently that women should stay in the kitchen. But Greg Doyle handled a press conference with Caitlin Clark in a way that made a lot of people cringe, a lot of people uncomfortable. And he was, he was punished by his newspaper. He was suspended. He wrote a column that made it worse, saying he was sorry. He was suspended from his newspaper. And evidently, and I dont know if this is indefinite, if this is forever, but hes not allowed to cover Indiana fever games, which is a hell of a penalty to start Caitlin Clarks career if youre the local columnist and shes going to be the biggest star in your market and a phenomenon, and holy hell, what a mistake when thats the punishment.


Greg Cody is not saying free Greg Doyle in general, but he wants something between those penalties, not both of those penalties. He wants that to be softer. And I thought that there would be better days to do that than a day when there are no women here. But I suppose there are leaves over the hole. Go ahead, Greg.


Okay. First of all, I'm barely a casual acquaintance of Greg Doyle's, so this isn't me sticking up for a buddy.


He worked at our newspaper a long time. He started his career at the Miami.


Herald, as many did. Now that I think about it, what he did was cringeworthy. It was sexist, it was creepy. It was juvenile. He deserved to be suspended for a couple of weeks. He deserved that. But I don't believe what he did was a journalistic felony. I believe it was a dumb misdemeanor but it's a felonious penalty when you tell the lead columnist in a city welcoming its new big star that he can't write about her indefinitely. I wouldn't stand for that. If the Miami Herald tried to tell me that and the role was reversed, I would use whatever leverage I have to say that's not standing with me. You need to threaten to quit. You need to make a mess of this if you need to.


You think that's a good idea? Are you crazy?




You would threaten to quit the newspaper?


Yes. They can't tell me what I can cover and what I can't cover because I misspoke at an introduction.


That was not Miss Greg. That was not poor judge. That was not miss. That was not misspeaking. Let's listen.


This is the employer, too.


This is not misspeaking. Greg. Hi, Caitlin.


Greg Doyle, Indy star.


Real quick, let me do this.


Doing the heart signal.


You like?


You like that? The heart signal here. I like that you're here.


I do that at my family after every game.






Start doing it to me and we'll.


Get along just fine.


So. Question is terrible. I'm not defending any of that. Don't. Don't put me in the category of defending that. I'm not. What I'm saying is it didn't merit telling him you can't write about Caitlin Clark ever again. And I'm just saying that wouldn't fly with me.


In your mind, what should the penalty be? You're saying it should be something, just not a full season.


Okay. He's been suspended a couple of weeks without pay. I understand. I think that's perfectly fair. He's written the mea culpa column, which to me seemed reasonably sincere. I think there's contrition there. I think if it were me, I would make sure that I had a private meeting with Caitlin and apologized to her directly. And from that point.


And the shame. The shame is also punished.


The shame is punishment indeed. And from that point on, unless Caitlin Clark is so upset that she backs what's happening, if she's in a forgiving mood, I think the rest of us should be. And there should be a clean in Indiana. Woof.


And you would threaten to quit?


Yeah, threaten.


And would you quit?


I think I would. Keep in mind I'm at a point in my career when I'm already plotting retirement anyway, so. Meek wedding.


This is the new right now. I would not be with the stugots.


Gamble on by draftkings.


Howdy, listeners. It's Mike. And you know, a lot has changed over the years. Just look at sports. There's instant replay, a three point line. There were shifts and then not shifts. But one thing that hasn't changed over the course of all those things I just mentioned. The great taste of Miller Lite. That's right. It's so good. And it's also less filling. So what's the best thing about Miller Lite? The original light beer? Well, Miller Lite sparked this debate way back in 1975. We still haven't settled it. Be like me, I don't pick one. I like it because it's both. Miller Lite keeps it simple, undebatable quality, great taste, only 96 calories. It's a beer that strips away everything that you don't need and holds on to what matters most. You don't have to choose what's best. Be like me, say both. Miller Lite, great taste and is less filling. Tastes like Miller. Time to get Miller Lite delivered right to your door. Visit dan or you can find it pretty much anywhere that sells beer. Celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin 96 calories per 12oz. Fewer cows and carbs and premium regular beer.


Don Lebatard. Yeah, very good.


Imagine if someone told you you couldn't have a corvette.




I'm a grown ass man who's not, who's not filthy rich. I can't afford a Lamborghini. Well, I probably can, but that's.




This is the Dan Levator show with these two guys.


Perhaps it was obvious to you guys, given his age and general state. He's been coughing for five years here. Although thankfully it's gotten a lot better in recent years. But Greg Cody just announced something that I've never heard him say before, ever plotting retirement. Now, maybe that would be obvious to the rest of you, but he has been reluctant about admitting it for a long time. I do not hear that word come out of his mouth. He is probably the most longstanding member of the Miami Herald, not just the sports department, just no one's had more years presently working at the Miami Herald, I don't think, than you have currently.


I think you may be right.


Are there people at other papers that.


Have been there long?


I feel like you could be in the top five, like of all papers in the United States.


I know. I. Well, he's top 5% top. I don't know.


Sports writers.


I don't know. Well, I just think that.


Bornheiser still writing?


No, he is not. I think that. Well, maybe you are. You've been how many years?


I never know how to answer that because I worked, like, seven years part time as I.




You were hired? No.




Well, you should count.


Just. Since when?


You should count the part time years.


Yeah. Just say I've been with the Herald since.


Well, my first byline was 1972. I was full time in 1978 or nine. I can't recall.


I don't know why you're making a distinction between part time and full time. They paid you beginning in 72. That means that you have been there for 28 years plus 24. So that is 52. 52 years.


Jesus, man.


You got 22 to go if you want to catch Sid Hartman.




He's still writing in Minneapolis. There's no way he's.


Well, no, he just has the record. He may not be with us anymore.


I was going to ask, but I was afraid of the $50 fine.


I said, may.


I want you, Hartman.


You're saying Hartman was with his paper longer than anyone's been with their paper.


In the history of papers amongst. Yes, that's what a quick Google search told me, but it could be wrong.


He died in 2020.


I think Edwin Pope was with the Herald longer than I have.


Edwin Pope. I thought of him just last night, the former sports editor of the Miami Herald, because he had a great move. And the reason I thought about it is LeBron getting those seats. Last minute notice, you know, those seats are hard to come by. And he gets the best seats. And of course he would get the best seats, but Edwin Pope would show up at a hotel, and if it was sold out, he would get mad. And he says, you mean to tell me that if the president of the United States shows up here, you guys don't have a room for him? And then the answer would be no, of course. Or, well, then give me his. He's not coming would be the move that an old Edwin Pope would fire at the front desk.




You're saying it's hard to get those seats. It's not hard if you're LeBron James. If LeBron just walks up to the Mecca tonight, right?


Sit wherever he wants.


He'll sit courtside. He'll sit.


I understand, Stugatz. I'm just saying that those tickets are hard to come by last minute. And I would be interested in what scurrying takes place back behind the scenes when people who aren't quite as famous as LeBron but also Bruce Springsteen want seats the last minute. And what do you do? Like, where is. Where is the line on where you don't have seats because other people want seats. I don't know the answer to that question. I'd be interested in finding out how people get turned away in those situations.


You have to think it was not a spontaneous arrival. You know that LeBron's people called the Cavs people a week ago and said, he's going to be in for this.


But what if it weren't?


Do you guys have Josh Cabernet from 2021?


What if it weren't? Is the interesting hypothetical in my mind whether somebody like LeBron could just show up that day and expect to walk over to public relations.


They're saying they only have J Lor.


It would have been hilarious if he was like, in section 128, row seven. We got an end seat for you, LeBron.


I have told you guys over the last couple of years that all the public stuff about Tyree kill makes me think that there's no way that he's so unlucky, that every bad thing or wrong thing that he's doing, we are learning about that. It suggests the amount of incidents suggests a general recklessness in your life that is uncommon. If that much of it is spilling into public, and I bring it up because of the last couple of years of Rasheed Rice, Super bowl champion. If you want to see some of the things that have become public, that would suggest to you that there is a bit of messiness around him that is problematic and has largely and quietly been eradicated from this sport. I came down hard on how Roger Goodell made himself emperor of rules to clean up all of the arrests and the bad behavior in his sport when he had a public relations nightmare of Pac man Jones getting in trouble everywhere. He cleaned that up with such firm discipline on the employees and unprecedented penalties that you don't think this way about football anymore. You may do so, athletes in general, but you don't think anymore that the NFL has an arrest problem, that the NFL has a crime problem.


There might be an occasional Ray rice or something here and there that grabs your attention, but this is not a blanket over the sport the way it was when we looked at the Bengals and it was Chris Henry and Pac man Jones, and we're like, what the hell's the matter with that team? How is it that nobody can stay out of jail?


Well, the penalties are so stiff because of Roger Goodell that players aren't doing it, obviously, nearly as much. Are you apologizing to Roger Goodell?


I got it wrong.




I got it wrong that that was so heavy handed and so unprecedented that it violated the rules. I thought of the collective bargaining agreement that he should be with his partners, not fighting his partners on that, but he wanted to clean up the image. And it did work. It didn't work immediately, but it did work. But in spite of that, I bring you the last couple of years of Rasheed Rice. This is from ML football. Reportedly involved in a shooting over a girl with friends. Fired five agents since his last game in college, according to sources. Negotiated his own rookie contract per source. Set the NFL rookie record for playoff receptions in January. Won the Super bowl. Hit and run major accident in March. Faces eight felonies. That was with a bunch of luxury cars, all under his name, that apparently were racing. And it's after the rugs stuff where the lesson is very recent on how you can throw away everything. Driving fast because you're a young person who thinks he's bulletproof. Arrest warrant issued in April and then allegedly punches a photographer in May. That's a good amount of stuff to be public.


And I'm guessing that we don't know just of all the bad in his life, there's just a recklessness there that seems a bit unsafe.


Teams, new teams, new. Because as he was starting to come online last season, when Kansas City needed a receiver to step up, I was wondering aloud, why did this guy go so low? Personnel guys knew all these things that were around him. That's when I found out about the car incident that happened in college. Yeah, no, they. It's impossible to keep secrets these days from Chiefs folks.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I mean, the Chiefs are taking all sorts of chances. This might be the opportunity to talk about Harrison, but Kirk. But their special teams unit just shows you, like, at these. These guys don't even see the field really all that much. Anyways.


They took a chance with Tariq Hill.


But when you credit Goodell, the reason it's working is that the players union went along with these penalties, which a lot of people didn't agree with.


Well, they fought a lot of them. They fought a lot of them in court. They didn't collectively bargain what the penalties were. They were fighting them case by case basis because they were trying to keep the precedents from being set.


He still finds himself in a bit of a pickle in that everything is open to, to his pov on things. There's no real textbook. What, what does a rule book say about, is it 25 allegations? Is it 32? And that's where he seems to be making up the, the rules as he goes, goes along. But I think, as Dan pointed out, what? That's a better option than what we had before.


There's no question that it got fixed. Like, this league had a legitimate problem where we were spending off seasons talking about the NFL's image problem. I read the other day that basketball was bringing back the dress code for coaches. Is that an accurate report in the NBA?


Do you. This is where I find myself with Chris Whittingham here. There's just. I like the coaches in suits. I just like the coaches in suits. I agree, and I won't apologize for it. There. I said, man, that's a relief.


Put it on the pole, Juju. Do you like the coaches in suits?


At Lebat, everyone looks like Bob Huggins out there. Let's have some pride.


I like spo in the polo.


No, no, you're.


Well, guess what? You're gonna love spo back in a suit.


Just basketball coaches, right?


Just basketball coaches. I don't know if it's because I grew up around Pat Riley looking like a million dollars.


Million bucks. Armani.




Put the baseball managers in suits. That's where you get my attention.






That would be funny.


Yep. I'm serious.


They walk out to the home plate for the meeting, and they get like clay in their shoes.




Well, you know, you're wearing a wingtip.


I just can't.




Where it bothers me the most is going to sound stupid, but where it bothers me the most is I can't tell the assistants apart from the trainers. I don't follow the sport that closely enough, and I'd like to. I'd like to know if someone's whispering something in the. In a player's ear, whether or not that's an assistant or just, like, a towel guy.


Dan, another question that's coming. Connie Mack was born in 1862. Yeah.


I mean, let's reel it back.


He died in 56.


Can we isolate, please? Greg Cody's. You're wearing ring tips like a car. It sounded like a car trying to start wing tips.


Okay, what do you guys feel about the. Let me know in the comments below. What do you guys feel about the coaches wearing suits? Because I. I agree with you. It bothers me. It bothers me. And I understand why, you know, you want to go comfort and COVID and just like it was a pandora's box.


If I were a coach, I'd prefer to be able to throw seven sets of sweats in the luggage and just go and not have to worry about ironing or dry cleaning or any. Or dress shoes. Or anything like that, doing that.


I'd rather a whole team of people that handle all that for them.


I want the coaches in uniform, the NBA coaches that would.


That would be good with a number and everything.




I think if I wore a suit and I was a coach, like in the NBA with the wooden floor where tap shoes to make sure you get your players attention. Cause then you don't even have to screen that much. You just, you can call a play with exactly right. You can always fire like, morse code. What's going on?


Yeah, it's great idea.


You'd be like, the sideline report would be like, holy shit, popovich. You really, you really tapped the hell out of that sequence.


Michael Flatley would be one of my assistant coaches.


So just a Morse code, though, that's unique to your team, right? Because you can't have them be expert and fluent in tap as well. And they know how to tap class as well.


Yeah, they know because you want to have. Well, now it's complicated because how do you have tap sneakers? When you change the play on the.


Look, that's for the league partners to figure out.




Why Savion Glover's calling the two.


Connie Mack lost nearly 4000 games as a manager.


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Dot don Lebatard.


He called me on my own podcast. He called me full of shit, claiming that I'm faking interest in the solar eclipse.


You do do this. You love to just get excited about everything.


Okay, junior stugats. I had to school you and explain.


He was gonna take you to Augusta.


I mean, when I was 17 years old, Alan, Sherry and I used to haunt the Bueller planetarium.


This is the Dan Levator show with these two gods.


I really do hope that juju clips. You guys heard Greg Cody just throw his phone on the table as he started, right? Yeah.


Spike did it.


Greg has been loud today away from the microphone. Loud when I didn't need him to be quiet, when I do need him to be loud. It is a Greg Cody Tuesday in full force, and we need to clip and send to the masses Greg Cody getting out there with one of the hotter takes I have seen, which is if the Greg Doyle situation happened to him, he would send the flames roaring into the sky and create a giant political division between the genders in America today by being a freedom fighter on behalf of. I don't know what. He would quit if the newspaper told him that he couldn't cover the fever games. And he would become. He would become somebody who would become weaponized by the right wing as somebody who's fighting for the America of yesterday, the correct America, the America that men deserve to have one of free speech. And what are you getting mad about?


I mean, you're.


He's saying you would be weaponized.


Well said. I get it. I've been there, okay?


I'm on the right side of this. I'm on the side. I'm on the side of sanity. I'm not trying to. It's not a backward opinion I'm throwing out here, Greg.


I do see your argument absent context. But Greg Doyle, there was a history there. I think you sake your reputation against Greg's reputation. It goes differently for you.




Now, you make your public apology, and I think you've bought enough in the court of public opinion that people would. Would give you a pass on that one. Greg Doyle's got assorted history. I mean, even Dave Portnoy had a go at Greg Doyle. I mean, it's a body of work. Yeah. The unlikeliest people came out against Greg Doyle's body of work.


I believe I prefaced it by saying what he said was juvenile and sexist and a bunch of. Greg.


I just.


Like he deserved the suspension.


Yes, you did say all of that, and I'm just laughing at the idea of the whole thing getting so much worse because Greg Cody is someone who can be stubbornly right, but also takes a minute to give up on stubbornly wrong. And so, because he'd be fighting his newspaper, he would get caught up in the whirlwind of threatening to end his career at the end over a principle, and he would absolutely be turned into a political talking point. He would become a symbol for an assortment of things that we argue about today.


In fairness to Greg and shocking to no one, because he didn't think his take all the way through. He said, I would quit. Pause. I think.


No, but we pressed him on it. And I am just enjoying the way arguing goes with Greg Cody and me over, I don't know, 40 years is. Even if he's wrong, he's gonna try and argue for a long time that he's not, and then he'll come around days later. Now, I want you to imagine Greg Cody's career going up in flames over this, because he's quit at the end. He did 50 years of service at the paper. He's fighting for free speech, I guess, but he's. He seems to be against women. What he's saying.


Wait, wait. Timeout, timeout, timeout.


This is just what people are saying, hypothetically, right?


I'm not saying it about you. I'm saying I know you care about women. You've just had what happened with Greg Doyle. I'm praying, I'm putting. I'm not saying you actually don't care about women. I'm saying you've just had the.


I just say that he didn't say hypothetically.


If you were just tuning in, then you would be confused by it.




By the way, I I do think body of work matters.


You have a back at my day.


But let's just say this happened to you. I think you would. You'd lay your shield down the second you got a phone call from Armando Salguero. As an ally, Greg, I agree with you.


As you get so many allies, Greg.


I don't know what Armando Salguero has to do with this.


You don't get this, okay? Shitstain has a website that has an assortment of shitstains doing the political work. You'd be weaponized in sports, and you would turn into a freedom fighter for those people. Let me go back because I know I hurt your feelings.


We have long established you've misrepresented me.


Hear him out for a sec.


Just let me finish, please. Because you have said on the show, and we've hurt you here before, that you are a lover of women and an advocate for women, and your woman is the great, your wife is the greatest person in the world. And we all know what you believe here. I'm saying, hypothetically, you have exactly the controversy that Greg Doyle finds himself in, which, whether you believe it's against women or not, Greg Doyle is now buried under. This guy doesn't know how to deal with women. He's getting buried under a controversy that's no longer about him. It's about the symbol that he becomes. As we argue about this shit during the gender wars, the culture wars, the race wars, everything that's going on. And so the idea of you stubbornly ending your career that way, with that as the hill that you die on at the end. Hey, this is a journalistic misdemeanor. It shouldn't be a felony. I want my God given first amendment, free speech right to speak freely about the WNBA. WNBA. I want to cover it. I want to cover the WNBA. That's a funny mountain for you to die.


I have no idea why you're saying that with a shit eating grin. And I'm surprised, as a former journalist, that you don't respect what I am talking about in the point I'm trying to make, which is that I have never, in 50 years, been told. Not that as long as I've been a columnist since the early nineties, I have never been told what I can and cannot write. I have never been banned from writing about a particular subject. In this case, I think Greg Doyle is totally guilty. I think he deserves to serve the suspension he's serving. But I don't think what he did deserves to have a lifetime ban from doing his job properly in Indianapolis. And if my newspaper is not going to let me do my job properly, I'm not going to work for that newspaper anymore. That's all I'm saying. If I were Greg Doyle, I would threaten to quit, and I would quit with my head held high.


But, Greg, consider the body of work that we're talking about.


I don't want to argue that part. I just want to thank you for.


Taking all the fun out of this.


I want to find the humor in what it.


The way that Greg laid it out. I side with you, and I do think that fentanyl is a huge issue that we should do something about as well.




Greg, your argument on behalf of what it is. And that was a nice cut there. As a former journalist, it was a you. I have clearly. I have hurt Greg Cody.


It was a bar.


It was. As a former journalist, I would think you.


Yes, most people would have heard shit eating grin and moved on. But the one the bar there was former journalist.




That was with intent.


I know, I know. And it was funny that you got this way about this subject matter. The thing that I'm trying to accentuate is your career ending that way. Head held high. And then Erlene coming over to you four days later. Hey. And because Greg Cody would absolutely enjoy the general attention, applause and everything of. Yeah. And at the very end, I just threw it all up in the sky because I didn't know how I was gonna end it. And that'll do like, just the glorious, like, flames in the sky. I'm a national figure. I'm a sports columnist. Who matters. I've entered the gender wars, and I'm for free speech. Men, women, everybody. And you cannot censor me.


Follow me, everyone.


I insist on covering the Indiana fever.


It's just him and Doyle.


You must give me my right, my constitutional right, to cover the fever he.


Did in the 18 hundreds. That was a pandemic that swept the middle of the country. He was there, doctor, fever first hand.


But okay, Greg, not a single smirk from my. He's not. Oh, he's not. He's enraged. He's enraged.


I'm not enraged. I'm disappointed.


You once had a go at Dan for being too. Look at me for the. The hall of fame vote. This was when he was an active journalist, not a former one. Don't you think that that would be a little. Look at me. And this. This is all understanding that this is all a hypothetical.


I can only speak for myself and Greg Doyle.


Don't do the whole spiel again.


If what is happening to Greg Doyle was happening to me, right, you would.


Have stubbornly fought it.


I would not sit quietly, serve my suspension, and come back under the rules that I am banned from covering this team and this woman because of what I did, which I don't think. I think it was a journalistic misdemeanor. And what I said before is very important. You have a personal conversation with Caitlin Clark, and how she feels about it matters. Okay. If she's so upset that she doesn't want to deal with Greg Doyle, that's a different matter. If she's forgiving.


But are you okay then? If you're getting banned in this hypothetical.


Now, I would understand. Then I would understand.


For what it's worth, like, jokes aside, I side with Greg Cody in that. You know, if Greg Doyle. I would actually enjoy to hear Greg Doyle's perspective going forward after going through this and seeing how he can evolve with it. I don't think that we should close him off from it. This goes back to the pacer series of yesteryear. I don't like Greg Doyle one bit, but I understand, though, that it's a different thing.


I want to make clear to the audience that the part of this that I'm focusing on is not whether I agree or disagree with Greg. Punishments are subjective. All punishments are subjective. Again, Greg Cody, one with one G or a mobile.


It's a Greg with two G's. Greg Cody has spoken out against which he looks down.




And isn't the y, like, in the middle of it?




That's very confusing.


So it's Doyle you're defending Agg Greg?


I am in this. Wow.


Oh, wow.


I challenge Dan Lebatard to tell the audience whether or not he agrees with me.




That the punishment of Greg Doyle should stop at the suspension and should not bar him from continuing to rape.


This is getting interesting.


Someone's about to be weaponized by the right.


Oh, wow.


All right, let's go ahead and play the sound of Greg Cody stammering.


Classic former journalist.


Put it on the side. Put it on the side. Because you've caught me toward the end of a break here. You have maneuvered me into a position where you're unlikely to be aggregated, and I'm very likely to be aggregated and.


Keep it that way.


I wanted to keep it on the hypothetical Greg Doyle that you were when you asked me, who do I agree with? Greg. It's the Greg Cody that's acting as the hypothetical Greg Doyle who's trying to avert punishment.


He pulled a u turn.


He really did. I should ban those around here. I should ban the U turn around here, because you have positioned this now in a place where I have to maneuver and gather my thoughts on this and. And butker, which I've promised for several segments to talk about. So if I'm going to get aggregated, I'm gonna do it next.


You know, you're wearing a wing.