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This is the Dan Leviton Show with the Stugats Podcast.


The comedian Brad Williams is going to join us here shortly. He's skyrocketing. He is growing in popularity. He has done a wise thing, making himself Levitard and Stugart's show adjacent. He has increased his following. He's got a Netflix special. We will talk to him about that and other things. Actually, I don't think it's a Netflix special. We'll talk to him about wherever the hell it is. It's not Netflix, I think. But Stugart's is rampaging now because he's gotten to fire off some takes. And now he wants to do top five quarterbacks who need to show him something this weekend. And he was pestering Billy. He's saying, Let's go to the top five room where Tony did his top five earlier. But Billy's like, I don't have confidence in the audio of that room. And Stugart saluted him for the maturity of that decision. It doesn't seem like maturity. It just seems like don't use a room where the audio doesn't work. But I heard something that I think is fairly shocking for Stugart, and I don't know what it is that he was talking about. He said he was happy to overpay for something. I didn't think Stugat would be happy to overpay for anything.


So what is it that you were talking about that you were just... You are generally not someone who parts with money easily the way this works in terms of your relationship.




Trying to take money with it. Yeah, with money is you get all of it and no one else gets any of it. That's generally your relationship with money. What are you happy to overpay for?


Express lanes. I am happy to overpay. I do it with a smile on my face, Dan. When you get to that junction where every single road turns into 95 south and you need to get to the express lane so you could beat traffic, so you can get to the station on time or get to these studios on time, the other day, I am telling you, the traffic was so bad. The express lanes were set at $10.75..


That's the highest I've ever.


Seen it. I drove through it with a smile on my face. I said, Wee.


Then as soon as you got into them, you came to a complete stop.


Yep. I did. Yeah. One lane goes down on the express lane, and you are sitting in traffic for two and a half hours wondering why you spent.


10.75. There are a few things in life that make me as angry as watching regular traffic zoom by me as I sit in this express lane, bumper to bumper.


Put it on the pole, please, JuJu. Do you get unreasonably angry as you're in the paid lane and traffic in the non-paid lane is speeding.


Past you? I will tell you guys, when LeBron first came down here, LeBron, Wade, and Bosch, they would set the express lanes at like $25, $30 on game nights.


No, I've.


Never seen it that much. Roy knows.


No, in Super Bowl, it's really, really...


I've never seen it as high. The highest I had seen it- You live right next to the arena. The highest I've seen it was like $7. I've never seen it as high as $10. I took a.


$10 the other day.


No, no, no.


The highest I've seen is $12. No, I feel like I've seen a hundred.


That was game seven. No, for real.


Why would I make that up? What would I get out of that?


I get.


My Jollies off telling.




Stories. You're going to yell here and you're going to get mad at it. Billy's right about that. He's not right about it.


He might be right. It's never been $100. That's not a thing. You just made it up. And yes, you got your Jollies off. That's what you like to do. That's where you get your jollies off, is right there, just being an asshole.


It's Christmas time, so. My nomination is getting my car cleaned. I am always going to overpay for that. I don't want just the $22 you're going to vacuum and clean the outside. You want the works. I'm selling this thing. I'm selling this thing. I want you to take two hours to do this.


I feel ridiculous sometimes when I give the finger guns and I'm like, I want the works. But that's.


What it's called. Really get in there.


It's called the works.


It's called the works. Right.


That was awfully quick, Billy. That was not two minutes.


There's a meeting.


In there.


Oh, yeah.


I should have gone to.


The top five room.




Want to go there. There's a meeting in the.


Penalty box. There's nothing more infuriating than spending money to get your car clean and then you get back in your car and the little cubby, the little slot in your door is not cleaned. You got to get every inch of this thing. When it's.


Detailed, when you get.


The works. Right, right, right. I'm talking about the interior. I don't want this just the vacuuming. No, no, no. I want you getting in every crack. What do you get for the works?




It's a scam, I.


Feel like. It's not a scam.


Because the next one is a complete-place.


It's a complete detailing. It is a wax. It's everything that place offers is what it is that you're getting. It's going to take hours and it's going to be probably more than $100 if you want to get everything.


Then they look at you for the tip on top of that. If you're anything like me, I leave all of that until the last moment where I just can't take it anymore how dirty my car is. The works is the only option. I need everything done to this car.


Right now. Speaking of tipping at a car wash, what do you guys do? Do you hand the guys who are cleaning off the car at the end? Do you hand them the money or do you put it in the jar?


The place I go, there's like a big bin.


I don't like putting it in the bin, though. I like them to know that I have put money into the-No.


I have to stand there and be like...


Oh, you show them, okay?


Until I see eye contact with the guy doing my car, like all right, there it is. You saw it.


The problem with this, though, Stugats, is that most people listening to this are no longer dealing with cash tip transactions.


So it'sYou have a Venmo.


This is something- It's not a tip then. This is something that has happened that has taken away some of the personal human touch involved with making sure that the person you're giving your generosity knows selfishly that you're the giver of that generosity. I get it. It's most important during this holiday season of giving to make sure the most important thing is that people know you're the giver. Not the giving, but that you're the giver.


What's the point of being generous if no one knows?


Put it on the poll at Labitard Show. What's the point of being generous if no one knows?


How do you do the thing when it's like you are paying with cash and something you paid for was one dollar and 97 cents? You hand them two dollars and they give you back three pennies. It's always a sad move of dropping those three pennies in a tip jar. Like, Hey, take my trash. Don't spend it all in one place. There you go. I went to a.


Chinese spot the other day and I had 50 bucks in cash that I had somehow, I don't know. But it ended.




Being $39.97 or.


96 cents. So the guy gave me two tens or.


Two fives and four pennies.


I was like, I cannot give this guy four pennies, but I'm also.


Not giving.


Him five bucks.


I can't give.


Him five bucks.


It feels.


Like an easy five. That's on him, though. I mean, five singles next time.


It feels like an easy five.


You have to ask for your fives to be returned in singles in that spot. I have felt great guilt of throwing four cents in the jar when what is in the wake of the jangling echo is a thank you when I don't deserve it. I don't.


You then grab 100 and put it in there. You're like, All right, fine. You should.


Thank them. You know how much change you just gave me? You know that I just threw it in. It didn't rattle.


In a way. That's sad, penny sound. A penny falls much differently than a quarter. It feels different to when there's just a normal tip jar. I don't feel that bad about it. But if it's a tip jar that's like, hey, these are for student loans, or where they're trying to guilt you into it, where they're trying to say like.


Hey, don't.


Fall for it. This is what the tip is actually for. That's when I end up feeling bad about it. There's also this time of year of, would you like to round up on your purchase for donation? I'll give it to you in December. That's it. You get it in December? Don't ask me any other month.


Right. But do they?


They get it. They round it up? I'll round up a dollar. In December, I'll find, What is it for? The charity thing? All right, fine.


Let's do that. If we were a show in which the producer didn't all have microphones and were required to produce, somebody would have found for me by now the highest ever.


Sunpass rate. Most I've found is 10:50. I've been looking for the 100 for 10 minutes.


10:50 was the.


Other day. I found 1050 a couple of times. I'm looking specific to Miami. Other places, mate, I'm telling you I saw $100.


You did not.


I'm telling you I paid.


$50 for He Cain. No, I'm telling you you're both wrong. I believe that what happened to Billy is that he was driving without his glasses, so it was $10, and it looked like a hundred because nobody is paying $100. It was empty.


You're going to get there quick.


I do want to talk a little more, though, about what is correct with tipping. You have heard me before, Stugat, say that I find it generally infuriating that a place will not take my cash, that they say they are card only. But then I see the jar next to the cash register for tips, and that absolutely takes cash. I've seen it a number of different times. It is offensive to me as someone who believes in the power of the American dollar. It's offensive to me, but you can't just throw three cents in there, can you? If the way that we're doing this is you've gotten a penny for change, you throwing it in there is the same as throwing it in the garbage, is it not? Does anyone now listening to us right now, would anyone see the value of me giving them a penny? I've told you.


Before that- I'm a big change guy. If you guys have change, I'll take it all right now. I picked up a nickel on the floor the other day. It was my first time since COVID that I picked up change from the floor. It was such a beautiful moment. I asked.


Wayne Heisinger one time as one of the world's wealthiest men, the lowest denomination of currency who would bend over to pick up off the floor, and he said a penny. He said he would bend down. I know you, yes, you, I know, are more dismissive of a penny than Wayne Heisinger is. But will you put a penny in that jar and not feel guilt? To me, you're better off walking away with the guilt of not giving someone anything at all than they've given you one penny and change and you've just dumped what is the equivalent of debris in their jar. I feel.


Like if it's going from their hand to yours and in one motion, your hand takes it from them and sweeps it all into the tip jar, that's just like, I'm giving you whatever's here. I'm sorry that this time it happened to be four cents, but this is my routine. I take it from your hand into the jar. I don't even think about it. It's just my process. I feel like you can get away with it. I feel like you shouldn't feel bad. You should feel good about giving something, because some people put all that shit in their pocket and go home. Here's the thing about pennies. If you collect 1,550 of them on August 29th, 2018, you could have taken the express lane in Atlantic. It was 1,550.






I have a confession.


To make.


There was one.


Time we came back from our honeymoon in Thailand, and Thailand deals in a lot of coins. Broccovin.




There was.


One time.


Where I had.


A-you did not put Taiwan currency.




Was one time I was.


Picking up food, and I just had it in.


My pocket from those pants or whatever, and I dropped in a.


Bunch of coins.


I was like, Let's go.


That's a heady flight. You tried to get 50 bucks in Thai points. That is almost like right on the cusp of fraud. You left there feeling good about yourself, though, because it's not just that you're a giver, but you got away with something. It sounded the same.


The guy was so happy. He's like, Wow, thank you, man. I was like.


You got it. I will always. If it's a couple of pennies, I will throw in a dollar with it. You have to. Because I cannot.


Simply-but $5? I mean, you're rich, Dan. A dollar for you? That's it, Dan? A dollar? Oh, my God.


$5 is too much, Tony. I'm with you.


I have books and four pens? I couldn't do it. I couldn't.


Do it. $5? No, if your choice is between Tony said he had two fives and four cents, and he's boxed in at that point because I would ask for change. And now I'm making-.


Put it on the scroll. Dan Levitard.


Asked for change for five. An inefficient transaction.


The guy is going for the $5 tip.


Yeah. Rapport is now saying that Aaron Rogers is getting activated of injury. What is happening?


Get out.




Here. I'm a loser. Don't let me try. Yes, you can't talk about double-digit national titles when every single call of you winning the national title. It sounds like this.


Oh, there's a stepy check running down the sidelines. The audio, yeah.


That's not true.


And there's a World War II veteran pitching into.


Another white guy, and he avoids.


Another white guy. Oh, my God. Not a name. The fighting Irish have done it again for the eighth time. They're the paying white people. Spoogots.


Chubby Jekger.


I'm sorry. He's black. He's black, and I was.




Going, I thought he was the one named Chubby Checker. I picked.


Him like, I'm sorry, man.


I'm improv in here. This is a pretty cool rip. He's a pretty cool rip. He's a pretty cool rip. He's a Chubby Checker running down.


The side.


He spells it differently. All right. His name is Chubby. Maybe you didn't hear me correctly. His name is Chubby Checkers. There's an S at the end.


I feel like that should be the largest.


Of fun. Yeah, it's Chubby Chucker. It sounds like a college football name.


This is the Dan Levator Show.


With the Stugat.


Brad Williams, our friend has a new hourlong special. It is called Starfish. It will premiere Thursday on the live nation streaming platform called VEPS, V-E-E-P-S. He is with us now. He is joining us from what looks like a very sad office, perhaps in the back of a comedy club of some sort. It doesn't look like it's the height of entertainment, wherever it is that he is. Where are you? And is that a calendar? Is that an old timing? Ishighlighted. Old-fashioned calendar behind your substantive forehead?


This is my office. This is how I've been regulating, too, in my house. I have a lovely, wonderful new home, which my wife has decorated immaculately. This is my corner, my sad calendar, which is filled, by the way.


It could be less. Yeah, it could be more sad if it weren't filled. You're very busy. You are a very popular comedian, very successful right now, touring the country with many dates all over the country.


You would not know that from this setup. Right now, it looks very sad. This is why I need to go to veeps. Com and get this special because I got to upgrade my office. I got to send the Asian dwarf baby to college one day. So yes, get the special. Well, you guys put a book about a lion. You fans put a book about a lion from Greg Cody at the bestseller list. You can't show up for a comedy special, which is going to make you laugh. I need the Levitard fans to show up, show out so I can upgrade my office and be way less sad. By the way, what the hell is going on in the back row of the shipping container right now?


Well, are you talking about Tony, Billy, or Jeremy?


I'm looking at one Jeremy Tashay. Listen, my people have gone through a lot right now. We got kicked out of Snow White. We got kicked out of the new Wanka movie. We got tall people taking our jobs left and right. Then you come in, Jeremy, in Elf face. What is this?


Oh, it's not a costume. I'm an Elf. Well, technically I'm a human, but I was raised by Elps.


You're an Elf? I haven't seen you at any of the meetings. Good God, man.


He's an.


Angry Elf. Are you offended? Are you on behalf of your community? It appears that way. Is it cultural appropriation or what is the equivalent?


Yes, this is cultural appropriation. I don't care if you're like, but it was a grid of death punishment. All right, if they had some other offensive grid of death punishments, would you have done that? Would you have dressed up like Dr. Ken John from The Hangover and gone full? Would you have done that? Why is it okay to do to my people? We're losing jobs left and right, Jeremy.


He must be a South Pole Elf.


I can't stand this man. I'm going to bring this up at the meeting. Let's play.


You're not alone, Brad.


Let's play for the people here. I got my friend Jeff Miller, who you ran into on an airplane going somewhere, sent me a photograph with you and with this video of you at the Denver Broncos game. The Broncos, I believe, also sent this out. The Broncos are big fans of Brad Williams. Let's play for the audience this video of a very happy Brad Williams back before they were losing to the lions- Just crushing it. -by several touchdowns. Good. Are you a very confident dancer, Brad?


Yes, I'm a very confident dancer. And when a dwarf dances, whatever I do looks like a win. Just whatever happens is like, wow, good for him. He did it. Well done. So the amazing part about that video is if you look at.


It- The sideburns on the guy next to you?


Yes. The guy.


Sitting next to me.


Has mutton chops. He looks like a captain in Andrew Lux Army, and he is lip-syncing to the song Who Let the Dogs Out.


Yes, that's correct.


That is the most impressive thing about that video, not the dwarf dancing, but the fact that a middle-aged man with mutton chops is rocking out to Who Let the Dogs Out. That man is an American hero and should be celebrated accordingly.


That is an excellent reference by you, Andrew Lux-Army, because I did not even notice that guy because of how vigorously you were dancing and because of how you commanded the stage with your dancing, that I somehow did not notice a man who absolutely looks like A-hab. It's not just Andrew Lux-Army. That man looks like he spent a lot of time at sea in the 1920s.


Yes, that's my friend Robb. He's actually the master distillator of Metallica's Whisky called Blackened. And he should be getting his flowers for holding his own next to a dwarf dancing to the Baha Men.


That is your friend, you two walking into a place, I imagine, creates something of a visual stir, you and him.


I found out that if you add me with just about anyone when we walk into a place, it's like, Okay, what's happening here? My opening act on the road is a fantastic comedian. Chris has seen him. Mike's seen him. His name is J. B. Ball. There's Robb. Look at that. Sexy man with his mutton chops. That's how you know he's a man. He rocks mutton chops confidently. But my opening act is a comedian, great comic named J. B. Ball, who is about a 6'3 black man. And sometimes we walk into towns and we're looking around like, Oh, look at the riff-rap in this town. And then we have to pause for a second and go, all these people just watched a dwarf and a 6'3 black man walk into their town together. What's their reaction?


What is the story of these mutton chops? How old are they? Clearly, they're a distinguishing feature for this person. And for the audio audience, Stugat, I don't know how I would explain this, but imagine that Santa Claus's beard just stopped as it got toward his chin. Santa! I know him.


Like a reverse goatee.


I don't know how to explain this to the audience. Can you help me with this, Brad? Because they are about the thickest mutton chops I've ever seen, and I imagine they've been a distinguishing feature for this gentleman for many years.


Yes. When Rob and I walk into an establishment together, we look like hipster Santa and hipster Elf. We look like the Santa and the Elf that just aren't caring anymore. By the way, is a really tough time for me, Jeremy. In addition to you being an Elf, you can take off that outfit and go to a mall and blend in, okay? I can't go to the malls nowadays because everyone just assumes I work there, I get thrown in a line, I get asked where certain things are. This is the second worst time of the year to be a dwarf. The second worst time of the year.




The worst? The worst time of the year is obviously St. Patrick's Day. I hate that holiday. You guys can go out, have a lot of fun. Chris Cody, you're feeling me on this as a ginger. You guys can go out, have the fun, drink the beer. I don't leave my house on St. Patrick's Day because people just get drunk and stare at me and goes, He knows where it is. It's not good. I don't leave my house. St. Patrick's Day is the dwarf version of The Purge.


Put it on the pole, please. It's a great pole. It's St. Patrick's Day, and put in parentheses that Brad Williams asked... I don't know the question, is St. Patrick's Day the dwarf version of The Purge? Your special is dropping on December 21st. Is that symbolic? Is that done on purpose?


Yes, because that, December 21st, is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Look at that marketing. Look at that. You're good. Done it and done. So on the Winter Solstice, you will think of me and you will go to veepes. Com and you will get the special Starfish. Now, unfortunately, I called my special Starfish without remembering that Limpbiscuit released an album called Chocolate Starfish in the Hot Dog, flavored water. So now everyone thinks the name of my special is a reference to anal.


Excellent. Hell, yeah. That is what I think of second when I think of Starfish. The first thing I think of is the Starfish. But that's second, Limpbiscuit's asshole reference to Starfish. How much time, Brad, did you spend thinking about the decor in your office?


About 31 seconds.


That shows. How about a light bulb?


Listen, the sad part is, I'm going to turn this over. Oh, no. Over here, there's a lovely painting of Robin Williams, which would be an even better background. That would be a great background. You can.


Control that. Yeah, why are you.


Using that? Why is the.


Calendar your background?


I have.


A desktop. It's plugged in. I can't yank it off the wall and put it over there. The microphone is attached to the desktop. I wanted the audio to be good more than the visual. That's why I chose this sad Milton from Office Space corner in my house, in my office, and not the giant, lovely painting of a comedic hero who once gave me the greatest compliment of my life. When he met me, saw my act and called me Prozac with a head.


Can you tell us, please, how it's going for you with other comedians who are famously competitive about things, famously jealous, famously insecure? You're rising in a way that's obvious to everyone. You have had great success here recently. I believe this is the very top of your career so far. May it continue to climb. But how is this going over in the competitive world of other competitive comedians?


So far, so good. But I was at the comedy store a few nights ago, and there was a comic who saw me and said, Man, I've been seeing your ticket sales and seeing the venues that you're playing. God, I wish I was a dwarf. That would really help out my career. And I just thought to myself, You can have it. By the way, you can have it. You can wipe your own butt. I have back problems. I have T-Rex arms. I have bidets in my house. That is what helps me. I take showers on the road. And if it's ever a situation where neither of those are available, I go on Craig's list and try to find someone with a very specific fetish. You can take the dwarfism. Okay, you can have it. I'll write other jokes. By the way, if you want to be disabled as a hook, I don't know, there's tools to help you do that.


What an insult, though.


I'm sorry. But Dave's plural sounded like a flex, though, if we're going to be honest. It did, yeah.


Yeah, he's trying to flex on not being disabled. It's fine. You can go out and you can soft an arm. You can be like that guy at 127 hours. And Presto, you have a brand new 20 minutes. Okay, so if it's hurting you that much, go out and really take a chance.


Were you hurt by this? Did you walk away from that saying, What asshole says that to me as if I don't have any other talent other than being short?


Yeah, I hurt. But you know what? That's okay. I'm okay with it. I know that I do other jokes in my act. I know that I don't just stand on stage for an hour and say, I could take a bath and a thimble. That's weird. That's not my material. So I'm confident in myself and whatever excuses that particular comedian has to make as to why they're not as successful, that's okay. But I'm confident in myself. I'm confident in my special Starfish, which will be streaming on Weeps tomorrow. And I'm confident going out on tour in 2024. We have over 70 dates booked. I'm booked New Year's Eve 2024. That's how far in advance. And it's pretty nuts. So I'm thanking all the fans that come out, and especially fans of this show, because I do a meet and greet after every show, and they always come up and say, Hey, Brad, I get the show. And that is awesome. I always love hearing that.


Who said it, Brad?


Jane Cooke? Now he's going to hear this and text me. Now he's going to think that I outed him.


Damn, it's.




New. The new hourlong special is called Starfish. We tell fans of this show to support the people who support us. Veepps is the live nation streaming platform and it premieres tomorrow. Thank you, Brad. Good seeing you.


Always a pleasure, guys. Thank you so much. Jeremy, I'd better see you at the meetings.


See you there.




Libertard. I feel like we need to normalize saying these.


Scientific terms for.


Organs on the air. Like in a someone? Yes. You know what? If someone takes a foul ball to the penis, we should just say he took a foul ball to the penis. Say it. Stoogaz. That freak can't get them right in the cock-a-doodle-do.




Is the Dan Levator Show with the Stoogaz.




It is time for a game.




Brought to you by DraftKings sportsbook, used code Dan. Roy, turn this down a little for me, please. Thank you. I'm struggling right now. I got to get up to this one. Hold on. There's a lot of things I.


Got to do here. Ride the game, Roy.


It is like a foot away from your hands right there.


It's a.




Point. Brought to you by DraftKing sportsbook. Use code Dan when you sign up on the app. A limited time offer for new customers.




Do you feel about how you handled all of that?


Yeah, that sucks.


Wow. Chris Cody is in charge today. You need me to go first?


Please. I am going to go first, Dan.


Oh, really? I mean, you had Dan ready to go.


No, I want to go first.


All right, you might change his mind.


All right, Dan, you go first. Thank you.


I'd prefer you to go first.


See? I am going with the L. A. Rams Minus 4 on Thursday Night Football against the Saints. The Saints stink. Stafford, this is the sneaky one of the better teams. Of all the seven and seven teams, I love the rams the most.


Chris, go sit in the penalty box. I need to leave it. I just get out of here. You couldn't have been any worse the first couple of minutes of this segment. Roy, what are you selecting? Against… Against.




Spirit. I like that, Dan. To the spirit.


With the Aaron Rogers news, I figured that the jets are probably.


Going to disappoint this week.




Are playing the commanders at home.


The commanders are.




Three-point dog. I'm going.


To go with the commanders. Against the spirit. We also don't really understand the news. They activated him, but it seems like they're activating him just so he could practice, but he's not going to play according to Roberts Hall, which is cute because he thinks that he makes those decisions.


I don't think he's going to play. It would be moronic, even by the standards of moron that the jets generally produce for 40 years to play him.


They're activating him just so he can say he was active. This is all assinine.


Well, no, it's part of his rehab process is what.


They're saying. Yeah, he can't be on the practice field, which they view as invaluable to his teammates. This is a technicality so that he's allowed to interact with them. I'm exhausted by this loser.


Tony, please give me some information and against the spread.


Dan, today for Against.


The Spread, brought to you by HMS Bonds and DraftKings, we.


Are going to be taking the.


Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Baker Mayfields have been playing excellent.


Against the Jacksonville Jaguars in a battle for Florida, Daniel.


Minus one, taking the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


Against the Red.


It's F. M. S.


Bons. Billy?


I didn't want to give them the whole shout.


Well, I mean, that's where I work. That's where.




Originated. Oh, that's.


Where it was. Wow.


That's where I was slinging Munis.


That's interesting. Billy, what are you doing against the spread?


I'm going to take the giants plus eleven and a half against the Eagles. Christmas Day miracle, Dan. You never know what's going to happen... I mean, it's a big spread. I'm not saying they're going to outright win the game. Right. Eleven and a half, though, is.


A lot of points. You're just.


Doing it again.




Was so tempted to do charges against bills, but I'm not going to get crazy.


Stugats, what.


Do you got? Dan, big game this weekend. Big game this weekend. Some might say a Super Bowl preview, Ravens 49ers in San Francisco, Ravens getting five points on the road. I believe in Baltimore. I don't believe in San Francisco. Therefore, I am taking Baltimore to not only cover the five points, but to win the game outright. I am taking the Ravens plus five against San Francisco against the Sun.


So you don't believe in San Francisco?


Not now. You're the only person watching football who doesn't believe that the San Francisco 49ers are great.


We'll see how it plays out. I mean, got to stay healthy. I don't know if they're going to stay healthy. Brock Purdy needs to do it in the playoffs. I don't know if he can do it in the playoffs because I've never seen him do it.


I have a game here that Billy said he didn't want to get crazy with, but I think it's time to get a little crazy. The Buffalo Bills are minus 11 and a half against the LA Chargers. They've been playing incredible football. I'm petrified of them as a Dolphins fan.


Buffalo Bills, minus 11 and a half.


Wow. Tony's laughing. Tony is laughing because he heard what Chris Cody whispered in my ear while you were talking, which is the following. The start of that segment is going to sit with me for a while.


Does somebody need a hug?


We've all been there, Chris.


He totally fell apart. I am going to take the Sixers. They are playing the T-Wolves tonight, and I'm going to take the Sixers minus three and a half. The Timberwolves are very good. They've only lost five times all season.


Just played last night. I like what you're thinking here.


They played a couple of nights ago. I hope they played last night. It was a couple of nights ago. Maybe I got that wrong. Yeah, a couple of nights ago. You got that wrong. It was a contribution that was useless and wrong, not helpful in any way. And also, as an added bonus, also wrong. Thank you for your non-help help.


I was trying to support you. I know. Anthony Edwards, four titles. I didn't realize he was 22. I'm thinking about five, maybe six even.


Please support me with accurate information.


Well, Jordan has eight in my personal record.


I saw the other day that Bloombergs had reported something that I haven't noticed, but I'm assuming that the audience has noticed because, yes, there has been inflation all over the place in ways that are uncomfortable and make me sad. But I had not realized the number that Bloomberg is reporting, which is since the pandemic started, restaurant prices are up 24 %, up by a quarter, basically. And while I had noticed obviously that everywhere prices have gone up on everything, I had not noticed that it was that much. Had you noticed, Stugat, that it was that much? Because the pandemic has changed any number of things, including just restaurants being able to stay in business. I've said this before. I don't know if the audience knows this, but it is such a hard way to make a living. The restaurant business, the Hulu series, The Bear that shows you the frenzy of it, 80 % of restaurants fail. You just open it. You got all your dreams in there. You got to work so much of the time just to keep it open and keep your employees functioning. Day to day, you're running on a treadmill.


And 80 % of the time, you get failure. Your finances are gone and you're doomed. Had you noticed that it was at 24 %?


I haven't noticed if it was 24 %. I just noticed that I'm paying a lot more for food at restaurants and at the grocery store than I was, I don't know, six months ago. So yeah, I've noticed it.


Well, three years. It's the pandemic that fast... It's fast forward and all.


This stuff. The Bear, you talk about this show, I've worked in the restaurants. That is such a crock, that show. It is not that intense in the restaurants. What? Every episode of this show, it is the most intense thing, and I've been in kitchens before. It's not- No, short-staffed, Chris. It's just the franticness of that show is exhausting.


It is one of the signature staples of that show. It's that way on purpose to give off the.


Tumult that is- You want nothing going on when you watch.


This show? I get what you're saying that a show about a boring restaurant wouldn't be as entertaining. You want to just lay cards at the back, hang it out? A lot of people are like, Man, I can't believe that's what restaurants are like, and they're not.


Wait a minute. What job did you do? Were you in the kitchen?


I was F-O-H.


Oh, okay. Front of the house guy. You understand then.


Look at that face. I got to put him front of.


The house. But the general undercurrent of The Bear, the thing that I remember about that show is that they elevated the stress to a place that you could feel it watching on television. It's what they were going for. The Jamie Lee Curtis hourlong episode that starred Odenkirk and all of those famous people, what they're going for is just flogging you in the face with the intensity of a stressful atmosphere. I don't generally think of restaurants in Miami as having very good service or having people who are happy working there because so much of the clientele can be rude and mean and treat people poorly. I don't think of them as happy environments generally, except for the places that have the best customer service, and there are not many of them. I just can't believe that prices have gone up that much in restaurants. Everyone is going to feel, I'm assuming everyone listening to this is saying, Yeah, I've felt the price hike. I just didn't know it was that much.


You mentioned the Jamie Lee Curtis episode as the second and last episode of season two. That was.


Some of the.


Greatest minutes.




Television I've ever seen. I was breaking bad levels that episode. My wife was the other day like, Man, we can't go out to dinner for under 100 bucks anymore. I'm like, Oh, three glasses of wine didn't help. Oh, yeah.




Also put up the number of alcohol, too. That's creeped up easily. If you're an Elf like me, you don't really have to worry about the prices going up because we stick to four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and cereal. Get out of here.


Shut up, Jeremy.


You speak for all of us, Tony.