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Draftkings Network.


This is the Dan Levator Show.


With the.


Stugartz Podcast.


Andrew Hawkins has been nice enough to come in here. He's very busy with Tomahawk. It's nice to hear them together. Joe Thomas, they've run into each other's loving embrace again. They brought back the original strong chemistry that those two have together as teammates in losing and teammates, brothers forever, I would imagine, given the relationship that.


They have. And perhaps one of the few people in football media that can step into the shoes of Mena Kymes and cover at least some of the.


Likability aspects. Oh, I like that. I appreciate that.


Well, Stugaz was just making small talk with you and said- That's what I do. -do you have any Halloween plans? You said you've never.


Done Halloween. Yeah, no, never done Halloween. Mom was a minister, dad was a deacon. They just didn't get into the Halloween, so I never dressed up. Then as I got older, it felt like I'm like, Yeah, I don't want to do this. I just never really partook.


Well, but then you said the thing I didn't know, which that part was one interesting. But you're like, I'm always.


In costumes. I'm always in it. Yeah, I do a lot of skits, as you guys may or may not have seen. I do a mean, Dennis Rodman, for sure. That went viral a couple of times. I have a bunch of random just costumes and props at the house. I recently bought a silicone muscle suit of around my skin tone for Shannon Sharp. I'm like, You know what? Shannon Unk.


Is-i want to see what this becomes. This was expensive, finding a- $400, yeah. -and you're going to do this correctly, right? You're going to look- Oh, yeah, I don't.


Have that.


You're going to look.


Like Shannon Sharp.


I'm committed, clearly. -you're going to look like Shannon Sharp because no one looks quite like Shannon Sharp in a suit, correct?


No. So you have to get a muscle suit. There's no way not to get a muscle suit. Even me, I'm decently fit. It would not come through a shed and sharp.


Without the muscle suit. Is there another signature to the costume other than the $400 muscle suit? What else are.


You putting together? I got to go to the soul patch, so I got to get rid of the beard. That's an important aspect.


Slightly off center soul patch.


Is it slightly off center? It is. Okay, slightly off center. I got to get the glasses. How's your skill?


Can you say, skip?


I'm working on that. The voice is a very important part of it.




Like, Have you tried it on yet?


No, not yet.


What are you about to unleash on the people with that? Certainly you have an idea in your head.


That's where the creative juices get to come in. You get the costume, and then you let it speak.


To you a little bit. Because I would love to host a show on Monday mornings with the fake Shannon Sharp and not even having seen what the muscle suit looks like.


Yeah, you're just already committed.


I think it.


Would be exhausting, though. I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to recruit somebody to also play Steven A. We might come do it here. We got a desk, we got cameras. We might just come shoot the skit.


But what is the idea? I'm sorry to.


Sabotage-well, your idea is to have him do it every single week.


Right, yeah. He wants to sign, Shannon. I want to hire that. He wants to sign.


But we had Shannon.


I want to throw a Metalark resources behind the fake Shannon Sharp that Andrew Hawkins does not have. I want to build this story. I believe that your inspirations must be followed here. Why are you interested?


Paak Dan loves costumes. Once you open this Pandora's box, like you.


Never have open it.


Why does he love costumes?


I don't understand why anyone loves costumes.


They're fun. It's fun to imitate other people, number one. I typically only do it for people that I enjoy. I can't look away from these people, so that must mean everyone else feels that way. Then I'll typically figure out a way to do a sketch around it. It'll be good. I'm going to make sure we come in next week.


I want to interact with this character.


All right, we're developing.


I did not know that people are so eager around here to get behind anything Heineke is doing. What is the fascination with the Green Lizard? Look at how it makes Mike Ryan smile. -makes everyone happy. -just the I don't understand. This is from who is more popular, Minceau or Heineke? Because there's reasons these guys aren't playing.


It was a massive Minceau. That's easy, but he's cheating. I mean, the short shorts, the come on. But the real ones, they know that Heineke, a backup in the XFL, the Green Lizard, as we like to call him, that's where the joy is. He came in and he was totally betrayed by his receiver.


Has the nickname ever done more for a more average quarterback? Everyone gets so excited about Tyler Heineke because he's called the Green Lizard.


He's not good. I think that's just us.


It certainly hasn't taken on. I was going to say this is news to me. I had no idea what his.


Nickname was. Jim Van Darkman that you used to call.


Heineke the Green Lizard. Heineke and the Green Lizards. Yeah.


He realized, I don't think people are calling him the Green Lizard.


We are. Take it off. No, it's.


Take it off.


Here's the thing about.


Taylor, why everyone loves him.


He's the guy who readily admits during the off-season, Hey, rather be back up. I'm good holding the clipboard.


That can't be true.


I don't think he said it.


Look it up. He said it. That's not true. He is good. He said.


It's the best job in sports.


Where is he going to find that?


Best job in sports, he called it.


You look it up. All right, here you have until the end of the segment. You find it for us.


Dan, you know we learned while you were in L. A, do you know? I guess this is a nickname that the show just has for him that no one else has for him. We've just been using it as though it's a real thing. We found out that Lando Norris, the race car driver, it's the same thing. Baby Lando is not a nickname anyone calls this person other than Jess. We have been here calling this person Baby Lando, and it's just a pet name that Jess has come up with him. And he was on the show and we were calling him Baby Lando and Mr. Baby.


Jess, you seem embarrassed. I haven't seen a lot of.


Shame on you. I didn't realize that no one else knew that that was me infanticilizing him and not something that everyone.


Called him. We assume when you say something about that sport that that's the thing.




That was the thing. That was just me doing a bit for myself, I guess.


My wife thought for several years that one of Jay Cutler's actual nicknames was Fat Elvis, and that's just something I called him.


They were calling him Mr. Baby to his face. That happened.


He didn't.




Correct them. I called Daante, DiVincenzo White Daante to his face, not realizing that everybody wasn't calling him White Daante. That was only Bermonday Jones. I'm like, You didn't know that was your nickname. He was like, I've never heard that. I'm like, Oh, okay. Sorry about that. Do you know any White Dauntes? Like, no? Oh, you.


Followed up?


You followed up. Me neither. You're the first one.


I've ever met. You followed up. Deandre Hopkins, are you in any way surprised? All of a sudden you look up and in the coolest uniforms I've ever seen. Those are dope.


The coolest I've ever seen. They shouldn't be.


Allowed to have that.


They shouldn't be allowed to have that. I'll turn her back on Huston. You saw the NCAA, they told Huston, the University of Huston, that they can't wear their oilers, inspired uniforms. They put the caboch on that. But Adams, who takes the Titans to Tennessee and rips all its history with them, he gets to, well, that family now gets to trot out those sweet throwback uniforms, and it should be a Brown situation. Oilers history should have stayed in Houston.


Think so? Yes. There's no new team? I guess with the.


Texans, the Texans- The Texans should assume Euler's history.


I don't know if I agree with that. Taylor Heineke, I understand it.


Taylor Heineke being a backup in the NFL is probably one of the best jobs in America. And he's right.


That is not the same thing as the court that you gave. Wait, where's the quote from? You said a sentence. You just said Taylor Heineke said, I would rather be on the sideline than ever played an info game. Fox News. Oh, God. Really?


Are you serious?


Fox News. Do not. That's where we're at. Okay, excellent work.


By you. Five minutes.


Go sit in the penalty box for five minutes. What do you mean? Oh, no. It's right here. It's right here. It's right here.


Go sit in the penalty box. Wait, do they say in the article who the.


President is? It's not what you said it was. It's not what you said it was. You lied, fake news.


I also don't think that's a real thing on the internet. What did you search?


My phone. Jess sent me a link.


Jeremy sent it.


To me. Jessica, go sit with him.


Everyone's passing the buck. Jeremy, who sent.


It to you? Jeremy's not even here today. It's the ghost of Jeremy. He's always here. What happened with Will Levis and DeAndre Hopkins yesterday, where all of a sudden, DeAndre Hopkins is 50 yards down field. I want to just tie that as well to what happened with Kyler Murray yesterday, where he's a healthy scratch from the game. That team at one point, it wasn't but like, I'm going to say, 20 games ago, Arizona looked like they might have been the best team in the League. Yeah. I thought DeAndre Hopkins, I thought he was done. What was that yesterday?


I don't think he was done. No, when you get past- Nobody.


Wanted him. -30. Nobody wanted him this offseason.


They didn't want him for the price that he's demanding. When you get past 30 in the League as a Y receiver, everybody wants, I don't want to call it a discount, because it's the fact of life, you're slowing down. You're not the same guy that you were at 25, 26, 22. If you are still demanding those prices, even if you can get it off now, it's only a matter of time before someone says, I'm not paying that much money for a 33-year-old Y receiver, because eventually it's going to be done and I don't want to be left with the bill. And so that's what you saw with DeAndre Hopkins, lack of probably a lot of teams trying to get his services that amount. But DeAndre Hopkins still has a lot of ability. Someone like Will Levis can bring it out because he has a rocket arm. I'm never dead if someone like Will Levis can air it out as much as he can. That has been the special thing about Will Levis.


But what is he? Because we love doing this. I've made the argument for a long time now that almost anybody in that league can go in there and beat 20 of 30 in one game at the quarterback position, complete 66 % of their passes, and not throw anything downfield. That's not what that was yesterday.


No, that was Will Levis putting on display the thing he does really well. The reason why there was an infatuation with him going into the draft is because he looks like Tarzhan. He can throw the ball a quarter mile. You look at his resume and you say, I don't know, it doesn't really quite match that of a first round or someone who's leading a franchise. But you can't help but see the way he hits an out route from the opposite hash with that ball and a zip and the tightest spiral you ever seen. And so yesterday, a player comes in with no prior film, but a defense can't say, We know what you like to do and don't like to do, and he does exactly what he's good at, which is air it out. Deandre Hopkins, who's an incredible receiver, is making those plays down the field. Now, can he do it again next week? And continue to do it is the biggest question because you see a lot of quarterbacks coming and have success because there's no film on you. We haven't seen you. We weren't prepared for you. I think that also had something to do with the success they had on Sunday.


Have you seen any of the video coming out of Milwaukee Bucks pregame where Flavr Flav is singing the national anthem? Have you seen this?


I've seen some clips on Twitter.


What do you think of this as an idea? If I just tell you, if Marketing comes to you and says Flavr Flav wants to sing the anthem.


It's genius marketing because you will be everywhere.


Bad is.


The new good. Bad is the new good.




Is... It's hard to bubble up.


All right, let's play some of that for the people. Let's hear it.


Okay, turn it off. That's it? I'm good. That was all I needed to hear.




Glad that he tried seriously to do this, but you're opening yourself up to all sorts of... You're disrespecting them.


Who sang the.


National anthem? Also his hat's on. -fergie. -if I have to take my hat off at a sporting event, Flavio Flavio has to take his hat off at a sporting event, too. -wasn't he.


A player? -fergie had a popular one at an All-Star Game one year where she did her own.


Rendition and it was interesting. -yeah, that was...


-and Carl Lewis as well.


Carl Lewis. I wish through God to see if we can do a top five worst national.


Anthems, but-Do we have our hats off?


Demarcus Ware.


Wasn't great at the Hall of Fame. That's who it was, DeMarcus Ware. He wasn't-But.


Then it was like he was doing it for a friend that passed away and we couldn't criticize it for a little bit. But I feel like it's been six months. No, we're good.


No, we're good. Are we good now, Millie? Because it seems like an awkward ending to the segment and throwing that out. 10 seconds. Thank you, Billy. Also wearing sunglasses, disrespecting the eloquent, whatever-In the clock.




The clock.


Don Libertard. Enough with the DJ Khaled collaborations with people that are hot right now. We want to see DJ Khaled work with some of the great singers of yesteryear. Can you imagine how great it would be if DJ Khaled started bringing out special guests onto the stage? And one of them was Brian Adams.


Hey, everyone, it's Liza Minale. Stookots. Barbara Streizan. Yeah! Elton John, it's.


Your song.


Andrea Bocelli. Another one, Tony Bennett. Freaky Avalon.


Thomas Dolby, he's blinding you with science.


This is the.






Show with the Stookots.


I came in today, Stugat, and I asked Mike Ryan, Did anyone around here talk about Dwight Howard while we were in Los Angeles? And Mike Ryan- We knew. Mike Ryan, stared at me and said, So you're asking, did Stookots talk about Dwight Howard? Cannonball! I don't believe we have seen anything like this in major American sports before. I remember a long time ago, Stugart, that I thought in football, for example, it wasn't even that long ago, to be honest. I thought in football, we would never see a gay player. We would never see it in my lifetime. And things have changed throughout sports, but they haven't changed so much that what has happened with Dwight Howard is something that can happen quietly or not covered well or not talked about because we've never had a player of his caliber come out and come out. He has not come out. No, no, but come out.


By- He hasn't come out. It should be said, because we've already gone too far without addressing this, that all these details, and there's been online conjecture about Dwight in the past, and what came out now was a sexual assault allegation that someone was unwillingly a part of something that moved them to file a complaint against Dwight Howard. In all the coverage, I know he went on SiriusXM, and they asked him directly about it. He's in line with his personality on social media saying things like, Where I lay my wood is my business. To that degree in terms of who he decides to spend his time with, he's absolutely right. I understand why it's interesting, but in all of this, people seem to just be glossing over the sexual assault allegation.


Well, but when you say, Where I put my wood is my business, right up until there is a lawsuit, and it's making its way through legal ramifications that now make it so he feels the need to address it in his own voice, Dugald, with a reaction that, while right, is a surprising reaction. It's not something that you have seen before where he is correct. Stop gossiping about my personal life. Stop gossiping about my bedroom. Yes, that would all be better if we were to do that. But we're not talking about Dwight Howard right now for any other reason other than what the details are in that lawsuit.


I also think it would be discussed differently if he came out and denied everything about it. But his argument was- He's not doing that. -what happened was consensual.


I don't think it would be discussed necessarily in the mainstream if he came out and was denying it. But the way that he has approached it has now made it something that everyone is talking about even more than I would say the initial details, which are the ones that had everyone clucking, because in the lawsuit, the details are of a man dressed as a woman named Kitty, and some of the details that make people be surprised to not deny it and come out after a lawsuit is in play and say, It is none of your business where I lay my wood. He can be right and also be someone who's responding in a way that's surprising.


I'm telling you, out of all the things that I've experienced, Dwight Howard related, no one is covering the assault. The alleged assault, the alleged assault. No one. No, not the way that First Take approached it. Keep in mind, basketball, Twitter, while the nation has come further along, basketball, Twitter seems to be stuck in a bit of an arrested development when it comes to these things. No, there's like a sideshow attraction to this thing. There's a got you element to this thing.


But he's better off, Mike, leaning in. He's not dealing with marketing people or the economy around Dwight Howard, but he's better off putting flares over here and saying, It's none of your business where I lay my wood, than actually talking about the sexual assault that is the reason all of this is in front of us. That is an imposing man. When the details in the reports of the lawsuit are, I will do whatever I want to you and you will like it. He's over here denying in a way that, or not denying it, but just talking in a way that's awfully comfortable with the subject matter. He's denying it with sexual assaults.


Yeah, but Stugald's- He denied it to the proper authority.


But what he sounds like is it's more offensive to him to be in his business, in his bedroom, than it is to be a sexual assaulter, which is the reason this is all out.


In front of us. Dan, I think you're articulating one of the more difficult parts about discussing this story, which is among sports fans, the bigger offense might be, Wait, what do you feel about your love life? Where are your deeper passions? I mean, given the recent, very recent history on how both have been handled in mainstream sports, I don't think that should come as a surprise.


I don't think that these details can come across anybody's computer, knowing what they know about Dwight Howard and for the details not to matter. You can laugh at Dwight Howard all that you want, but of course, there's going to be more laughter here than there is going to be sexual assaulter. But this man is an enormously strong physical man, and sexual assault in this realm is not something we've talked about in sports. This is not a conversation we've had because this has always been in the shadows, whispered, rumors. Nobody talks about it. No, but this is something that exists on.


The internet. I haven't seen him be asked about the sexual assault. I haven't, which goes to my problem with how this is covered. It's not about that. What he's addressing on social media isn't about the sexual assault. What he's being asked about on SiriusXM, J-45, is not about the sexual assault.


What he feels the need to defend is not the crime.


Well, didn't he? He denied that to the proper authorities and publicly, he's just saying with this other thing, that's none of.


Your business. He's also, what Mike is saying, not being asked about the crime. He's not going to defend it. He's not being asked.


About it. The interest from sports fans and a segment of basketball fans is not the sexual assault allegation. It's not.


But Dan is saying it should be.


I agree.


But it's not.


I agree. But wait a minute. Hold on a second. It should be in some morally cleansed, utopian place where we all know how to talk about this stuff correctly. Yes, it should be. But I'm unsurprised that these particular details, salacious as they are, about this person. Again, I told you, Stugat. My ex-girlfriend was in a locker room. I was outside… I'm sorry, not in a locker room, outside a locker room. I was talking to Stan Van Gandhi, and I saw over my shoulder that my ex-girlfriend brightened from whatever was smiling behind me, and it was Dwight Howard shirtless, half of him coming out of the locker room, as masculine as anyone you've seen physically, that person with these details.


Yeah, you're.


Also- I would say as fit as anyone, not as masculine.


As anyone else. Yeah, you're conflating a lot of different things. I understand why you're doing it because he's a giant and a nightmare scenario in which there is an alleged victim here trying to fight that off. I understand why you're doing it, but sexual assault doesn't matter if you're a seven-footer. I think you're highlighting that in ways that you probably shouldn't because it could come from someone that's five.


Foot six. That is correct. But I'm just talking about all of it, the way that it's being received from everybody, specifically because it's a man who was stronger than the other men in the NBA. I'm not talking about the sexual assault part of it. I'm talking about the parts that everyone is clucking about that isn't the sexual assault part of it, which is the details that are out there which people are finding. He's finding invasive correctly, but it's the reason everyone's talking about this. It's not just that he's gay. It's the details in that lawsuit.


I think you're reacting to the reaction, which from my vantage point, has just been homophobic. I don't know why that's something that we ourselves need to enter into the conversation. There's these really tricky topics I understand about sexual assault and power dynamics and all of sexuality in a sport that has overwhelmingly not dealt with it well, but I don't think that we need to inject that into the conversation ourselves.


And so where do we take it after that?


He's been accused of sexual assault. It's incredibly serious. I think that as long as we have these details and we know what we know, that is what we should be focused on, not his perceived sexuality or any of these other things that people have just been laughing about on the Internet. Or people like Stephen A. Smith have been laughing about on their podcast that have major platformforms.


Isn't that where the disconnect is, though, between how it is that people talk about this stuff and where it is that we invade your privacy? Where Dwight Howard, we can all sit here. All of us listening to this could say that the rest of America shouldn't be in our bedrooms.


You don't get privacy if you're accused of sexual assault. There's been an alleged crime committed, so your perceived privacy goes out the window. Now we can read about what this person says happened.


Usher's privacy went out the window the second that there were those allegations that were made public. The defense, something similar. It enters a pop culture conversation with portions, especially when you're considering sports fans that aren't getting the H or annual video when it comes to how you behave in these instances. For me, the headline is the alleged sexual assault. Everything else... Well, it's interesting that a Hall of Fame caliber player such as Dwight Howard, when you've had Collins here and you've had past rushing specialists in the NFL, you haven't had a huge, mucky name because he is still active being gay. Certainly I've come across, I mean, openly gay. I certainly have come a lot further in the last 20 years where I'm not at all interested in that and where the reaction to it makes me take a step back and go, Oh, ill. On major platforms. Just mentioned top of the line industry types that aren't navigating this well. So no, I'm not surprised it's to get in and tackle it.


This is why.


To me, the.


Part- I spoke to a.


Boat captain. And it's the right call. I think it's the right call, especially considering how this goes, because you keep going to how big he is. I would like to dissect the reaction to it among sports fans, but there is a lot there. There is a lot to dissect there, and it's not necessarily fun to do.


I find the crossroads of it super fascinating, which is the way this is being talked about, buries the sexual assault. The way the reaction, I know you're getting on me for inflaming the reaction, but the reaction has been louder to anything that you find around the sexual assault.


Yeah, I also think that treating this like a curiosity certainly doesn't do anything for the victim in the case.


But we're there whether we think that or not. It's not going to stop us. Us not talking about it isn't going to stop anybody else from not talking about it. It's just going to be, We didn't talk about it.


But no one's talking about an alleged victim. When you see what he did with serious sex, and you see where a person feels comfortable straight up asking, Are you gay? First question, him being forced to answer that, there is an alleged victim here that everyone's ignoring. Don't let me tard.


Ravens could double up the Colts, and they are good against every team except the Stealers.


That's a 14-point win there for the Ravens.


Yeah, double-up, two touchdots.


Stillgots. I think double up is a score. Like if the Colts have 10 and you double them up, you score 20. I don't think double up- That's how you do it. I do it differently. Okay, but I don't think that double them up… You explained it to me as if I was supposed to- You have your way, you have my way. I understand, but that's not technically doubling up. I think you used the phrase wrong or something happened. Double up plus four. Exactly. Okay, that's what he meant, of course.




Touchdowns. You never cease to.


Amaze me. He's amazing. He really is. He's breathtaking in his stupidity. This is the.


Dan Levator Show.


With the Stoo Gats.


Don't sound like a European sports thumb. Don't sound like a European sports thumb. I love the NBA's in-season tournament. I love it all. I love that there is a second trophy. I love that a European influence is making its way to the States. I love that the NBA is forcing it down your throat. American sports fans are doing the Stugat thing. If we didn't ask for any of this. I don't know if you guys have seen the lengths that the NBA is going to to make sure you think that this thing matters. But they have announced specially designed courts for the NBA's in-season tournament. Every team's home court will look the part. We have a couple of examples that we'll throw up on our video now. You can check out all the shows, full shows and full video on DK's... Dkn, a fast channel, and on our YouTube page, YouTube. Com/adlevitardshell. Right now you see a fully red court with a brand new trophy, which I happen to like. I think it's a great trophy of the NBA season tournament. This goes for every team. The Lakers have a special designed one, and nobody likes this.


Nobody wants this. Nobody really understands why the NBA in-season tournament games, for the most part, count against your regular-season standings. No one likes it. I'm telling you, there is going to be one fan base in the end that is going to love it because they will hype themselves into thinking this matters, and this is how you do it. I'm making special courses.


Why don't fans like this, though? It's not like it's extra games. It's just replacing regular-season games a little more meaning.


Making them matter. This is what you like when you don't get Damian Lillard. Right.


That's true. Mike, they do matter. There's 82 games. Each one matters. Right. But you're seating in.


The post-season. This also is going to be an issue when Jimmy Butler is sitting out most of these games, or LeBron James decides, You know what? Quarter finals, I don't really care about this. It's a Sunday, I'm not playing.


Exactly. I've got to play every Sunday.


I have dinner. That's the problem. I'm not playing on Sunday. The players are going to matter. But it's not really an issue, don't sound like a European sports knob. It's not an issue when other trophies in Europe and other competitions go on simultaneously as a regular season and big clubs decide, We're going to rotate our squad for this. That's part of the fun, I think, at all of this. Part of the fun is maybe the Sacramento Kings, actually, they're pretty good right now. Maybe the Washington Wizards can catch a team sleeping, not taking it seriously, and you can have a rtag tag group of professionals that decide this thing is going to matter to them and there will be a banner. No, there won't. There will be a banner if you.


Win then. Isn't there money.


Involved, too? -there's money involved, which is great for the players, but ultimately it's a trophy. It's an opportunity for another team to come away feeling good about their season. In the all-in way of American sports, God, I'm not doing a good job of helping myself. No, you're not. This is great to have someone explain, No, the season wasn't a failure. We won the in-season tournament.


No one cares. I feel like a bad team winning the in-season tournament is not going to get Stugatz interested. You need to have one of the good teams. I'm with you, Mike. I agree that it's fun to see the Bobcats... Not in the Bobcats, the Hornets won the tournament. You want to know what's.


Fun, Chris? Chris, let me tell you what's fun. Hoisting the Larry O'Brien trophy in June. That's what's fun. These are fake trophies, fake banners, fake corks, fake tournament. If the.


Knicks get deep in this.


Thing, you'll buy it. I don't care. No, I will not.


I will not. You certainly will.


I will. This is coming from the Inter Miami fan who won the in-season tournament and now is going to-.


It's all made up.


-already missed the MLS playoffs.




They won.




Trophy. League's Cup.


I need to explain to the audience just how much of Stugatz's sports soul is dead. You can present him with nothing new in sports, nothing that Stugatz will not react to, don't care, no one cares, not caring.


The Red Zone was the last thing.


He accepted. He does not like change. This tournament, to me, is only interesting because the NBA has now resorted to we know our regular season games don't matter. To gimmicks. Let me pay you extra to try. Let me pay you extra to win.


Because we're not.


Paying you enough. Let me pay you extra to care. Let me pay you extra to play play-off games and treat these like play-off games because we're giving you an extra million dollars.


I feel for the people who have to set up this court, it just seems unnecessary.


They set up a court every day. Well, they do that.


Daily, anyway.


The current court is fine. I'm with you. I hate painted courts. I just want wood grain. Just give me wood grain. Not gray, not teal, not purple, no trees in the background.


Just wood grain. Okay, these courts are a bit garish. I get that. They could have made it a different court and not made it the team's primary court.


Someone from my end is calling it Garish. That's when you know.


It's a lot. It's a lot. And when you're already having a difficult time selling this to sports fans, putting this in their face, these courts, if you can show me just the Heat one, there's a really bad Suns one, too. But it's a lot. If you're.


Experiencing- The Spurs have the Space Needle on it for.


Some reason. What's different about this? It's just the court. It's otherwise NBA games just like the other games. But here's a court, here's a trophy, and here's an extra million dollars.


Don't you like that they're trying something different? Yes.


I like that the trophy is half of basketball. I could put something in it, maybe eat cereal.


You say trying something different, Mike.


Aren't the finals in Vegas? It's going to be fun to attend. I think it's going to be a fun festival of the sport.


You say trying something different. I check in with the pregame show last night on Sunday Night Football. It's Rodney Harrison, Tony Dungy, and Jason Garrett.


What was your favorite bit of analysis?




Collins. I've gotten nothing. Jacko. In the last seven years of.


That broadcast. Tony Dungy didn't say something that really resonated with you.


People don't like change, man. They like the comfort of everything just staying the same. How many people do you find complaining about Tony Dungey and Rodney Harrison and Jason Garrett? I think we.


Passed a tipping point on that. Come year 13, we're like, Okay, he's just not going to say anything. Right.


Dan, you're wrong about me.


You're just not calling our name fans on game days if you don't think people complain about.


Jason Garrett. And you're.


Wrong about me because I do love new things. I love Thursday night football. I love Friday Night Football. I love when we get to regular season Saturday games, Saturday football. I don't like LeBron playing on Sundays, but I like football.


On Sundays. Who has the more unnatural smile? Jason Garrett or Ron DeSantis.


Put it on the pole, please, JuJu, at Levitard show. Jason Garrett has always looked like a mannequin at Sears. It's a great question.


He's smiling like when other people are talking, which is what you're supposed to do on studio television, but it's just unsettling. Someone should give them the note. Stop doing that.


There's no such thing as Sears anymore, correct? There is.


There's a Sears auto. Yeah.


How many Sears are there right now? Oh, a handful.


Sears is killing it.


There can't be a Sears.


There can't be a Sears. There's one on CoralWay.


They can't be. It's not even called the Sears Tower anymore in Chicago now. It's the.


Willis Tower. I'd like to know. Right Aid went bankrupt the other day. That was another fallen giant. Has Sears gone totally bankrupt?


There are 12 Sears stores. 12 locations in eight states.


But you can't buy a house out of a catalog anymore, right?


Put it on the pole, please, JuJu. Can you? Can you buy a house out of a catalog anymore? Sears catalog.


Florida is tied with California for most Sears.


That's right. And what do they sell at Sears, though? Can I get a Jason Garrett mannequin at Sears? What do you want? I want Jason Garrett Manikin. You can get it. Are you sure? Yeah. Is Sears still selling clothes? Because you guys said tower and auto parts. And houses. Sears is still out here in the retail clothes market?


Yeah. Appliances is their.


Big money maker. 3,655 Southwest 22nd Street Miami, Florida 3,3145, if you want to go today.


Dan O. $642,000 in sales.


Last year. Closes at six, which can't be good for business.


That's in sales. I would love to see them bust open their books, though. I'd just look at sales. I'd just look at sales. Let's see how much money there. No, when you put it that way, Sears seems very healthy. It's a shock that they only have 12 locations.


They're killing it if it's $680,000 for just 12 locations. But how is it possible that Sears would be killing it in clothing when I'm walking past a Jason Garrett mannequin.


Do you think Robuck was pissed?


Oh, my God. Simmering hatred in the shadows that Sears is still out here fighting and Robuck has fallen by the wayside.


I found a pizza maker on Sears. Really?


Put it on the pole, please.


There's some cooktops also.


Juju, is Robuck embittered? Is Robuck insane with jealousy at Sears?


Sears brand shoes?


Is that what this is? They're good shoes, yeah.


They cannot be good shoes. No, they are. Billy, you cannot tell me. You cannot make the argument on behalf of Sears shoes being good. I will not allow it.


I grew up on Sears shoes. I hate to break it to you. And Payless shoes. Payless shoes, RIP.


Yeah, I always used to say it. No, I got the news shacks. Ignored the big Warner Brothers logo on the shoe top.


They filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last year, and they're going to liquidate and permanently close all their shops.


So maybe hold out just one or two more years on the Jason Garrett mannequin, and we can get a killer deal.


Stock up on your shoes now.


You could go with Kohl's, I think, for the analogy. Oh, yeah, of course. Coles Bucks.


Stugat's found on the internet using it craftily as he always does that Sears was indeed killing it. What he could not find is Sears has gone bankrupt and all 12 of their locations will be gone shortly.


I found that they actually sell Jordan.


There's another.


Side to the story. But appropriately, they only sell Mids.


I just look at.


Revenue, dad. Stugat, all you do is say whatever it is I've said the opposite.


Like, it's-This website, the shoewear, it's like if you've ever seen a dad at Disney World, this is every dad at Disney World's dream.


Aren't you frequently a dad at Disney World?


With way nice shoes.


Billy, what are the most expensive shoes that one can presently purchase at Sears?


Right now I'm looking at craftsman tools. Oh, craftsman, Dan? That's where you get your screwdrivers, is it a Sears?


I need a new toolbox.


I don't want to talk about tools. I want to.


Talk about their.


Discount shoes. Rodney Harrison, Tony Dungey, and Jason Garrett saying nothing for 10 years on your television.


Don't you find it really frustrating? I know you do, and maybe sports fans like, I like my meat and potatoes and my sports and being the way that it is and all that. I get it. Who's that guy? It's just Joe. I'm not meat and potatoes.


Joe meat and potatoes.


Joe, meat and potatoes.


Save four dollars on L. A. Gear.




Nights? I like this character.


Make your.


Free throws. I knew it. I knew it. Bad, call ref. Joe, meat and potatoes is a character that I want to do.


Don't fumble ball late in games. I have two hands high and tight. Clearly, clear the neutral zone. What is the offside role? No, that's not Joe, sports fan. But don't you want to celebrate someone trying something different? And if it's a failure, maybe we'll laugh at it. And yeah, the courts are a lot to deal with. But can we just take a wait and see approach? This is exciting that a league and a brand that is strong in the NBA feels compelled to try.


Something new. Mike, we do not wait and see anymore on criticizing and laughing. Social media exists.


For that, too. I'll wait and see who wins in June.


There's no wait and see here.


That people- Can you imagine if it's a team that won the in-season tournament and then they're going for a double?


No. Wouldn't you say that people are quicker to laugh and criticize something than they've ever been? Because get to the jokes. Get to the jokes as fast.


As you can. People are mean, and they're naturally predisposed to say, I don't like it, but they also won't watch. I'm looking at you, Sue Gauts.


I'm looking at shoes right now. It's Sears, $220 for Timberland.