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Draftkings Network.


This is the Dan Levitard.


Show with the Stugartz Podcast.


Today's episode of the Dan Levitard Show with Stugartz is brought to you by Peloton, party on a bike or rower or treadmill or.


App or walk.


Or weight room or anywhere. Peloton.


They say that. The assistant commissioner or assistant vice president, whoever it is, used to be Troy, the corner man.


Troy Benson. Yeah.


I don't know who it is now. It's always a.


Former player. Is that Runyan?


It could be.


I think it is John Runyan.


But they keep track of all that. It is John Runyan. They explain in a letter to the guy, You were being penalized this much because you have had previous offenses here, here, and there. They quantify it all.


You did hear that we stopped talking about 30 seconds.


Ago, right? Yeah, I heard the horn. But it.


Was so good that we just re-racked and started back up again. We're just back up again?




In right now.


We're just back up again? You know what? If you were a sore loser about today, we probably would have just stopped it then. But you've been so admirable and defeat that I wanted to throw you a bone.


We have an update. Roy, he's getting compliments from everywhere around the company. Roy, in the Slack, just said, Thank you for all the compliments. Here's the recipe. He attached a website link, which means it's not his recipe. It's from a website.


I never said it was my recipe.


I follow the recipe.


I feel like that.


Takes a little away. He's like Rick Rubin. He samples and he just punches things up and makes.


It better. Roy, just say thank you next time. Bye. Take the victory.


Take your lab. Roy, just take credit for somebody else's work for Crenel out.


Speaking of lying, I want to get to a Netflix documentary I saw called Bad Surgeon. It was three episodes, and I spent the entire with my mouth hanging open because I met a liar bigger than Stugat. What? Wow. It's the first time I've ever seen it. And for me, the lies compound so much that it does feel to me while I'm watching it like water is rising in a room when you're lying to your fiancé about how the Pope is going to marry you and the wedding date is approaching and you have not yet secured the Pope? That discomfort for me is something out of my nightmares to.


Be- Wait, the Pope can't marry?


He does marry some people ceremonially, but-.


Oh, be married by. I thought he was like, yeah.


Not marrying the Pope. He's going to be Mrs. Pope. The Pope is going to marry them.


Okay, my bad.


I was stunned to watch a movie or a documentary about a surgeon and find out that he was replacing wind pipes with plastic wind pipes and was doing so without having tested it on animals. So people, human beings, started dying and rotting from the inside. And this person was not only getting away with it, he was being celebrated as a world-renowned doctor who didn't feel like he was world-renowned enough. So he made up an assortment of lies to his wife and others about how Barack Obama and Bill Clinton was going to come to their wedding and that the Pope was going to be the one marrying them. I was watching the whole thing, thinking to myself, outside of Stugat. I'd never met anyone who lied with this proficiency. But to have… It made me wonder how Stugart's feel when the walls start closing in on you. When your wife is like, Hey-.


That's what I thrive, Dan.




Wedding's in a week. Wait, I'm up against it and I tell my wife, The Pope is going to marry us, that's when I thrive, when the pressure.


Is on. All right, well, I don't want to spoil too much of- Make me feel alive. I don't want to spoil too much of this, but I feel like you thrive the way this guy thrived that when he was confronted with his fiancé, he's changed his story from, I am a surgeon, you are marrying, and he made it. I'm a CIA-contracted sniper. I couldn't tell.


Anybody about this. If anyone's going to get Mike Francis to marry me and my wife, it's me. I mean, come on.


It really did make me think of Stugaz, though. I'm not making that up. Here we go.


It seems like it- It doesn't bother you at all.




For the walls to be closing in on you on something and everyone seeing that you're not telling the truth about something in matters of import.


It's just like you're the comparison point. You're the Michael Jordan of lying. No matter what we watch-.








Please. He's coming back to you. Let's go. The compliments.


Lucy, are you ready to play a new game that we are debuting right now today? Lucy is the moderator. Lucy, Greg Cody, is going to make you feel old, I think. You fancy yourself someone who is very good with words. You are very good with words. You know more definitions of words than just about anyone that I know. But Lucy thinks she can stomp you.


Okay. I actually think I can stomp all three of you.


Dan thinks he's.


Skating from this.


Greg lost.


Once today. I'm not going to make him do it again. Thank you. So you should have to help him.


Thank you.


So the Oxford Dictionary declared Riz as their word of the year. So I put together a list of TikTok words, which Riz is one of them, and you guys are going to guess what they mean.


What is the definition of Riz? Start there. That's not a great start.


Not great. You have to guess.


I said it's one of the words.


Thank you. But what's the definition?


Stugat, close your laptop.


You're not on freak.


On Fleek. On Fleek? Nope. I am very much on freak. You should see me in those costumes.


Stue, she said close your laptop.


Close your laptop. Why? Because I don't want you to cheat.


It's all ESPN. Com. I'm watching.


Your hands. We're good.


I'm ready. All right.


Put your phone down, please. All right, what do you guys think the definition of Riz is? I'm on.


Record as asking. You have to give a guess.






Know. Can you use it in a sentence?


He has a lot of Riz.


All right, I'm going to say it's synonymous with sauce. Like he's got a lot of, he's cool.


I would say self-confidence.




All right, I think that was solid. Riz is short for charisma. So it's like if a guy has a lot of Riz, that means he's got a lot of charisma, and it's usually in a flirty connotation.


Who has the most Riz in this room?


I'm not going to answer that question.


I asked the question. But who won that? Who came closest? I think you all won. You all won.


You all won. Great job. But we.


All lost. All right. What is O-O-T-D?


You mean the acronym, right? Yeah.


That was a good filibuster by you asking a follow-up question. O-o-t-t-d. I'm going to say... I'm going to say overtime drive. I'm going to say something that is that somebody's got a lot of will and is somebody who works a lot past their fatigue.


You forgot the second O, so that's very wrong.


I love it when I'm very wrong.


Oh, boy.


Well, the music will carry us.


I have no idea. I don't even know.


Hey, no, you have to give me a guess. You're making this not as fun as.


It should be. Insecurity, that's what I'm going with.


Okay. It stands for outfit of the day.




So great job, guys.


Outfit of.


The day? Chris Cody, why.


Are you disgusting? I was trying to give my dad something that would be funny there.


And he just didn't. Yeah, he waved you off on everything.


You guys need faster guesses.


-outfit of the day. -yeah, O-O-T-T. Who calls clothing an outfit? My mother used to do that.




No, outfit of the day is very normal. That's a nice outfit, she used to say to me. I'm like, What?


Now, the kids just call it a fit nowadays.


Yeah, they do, actually. Really? All right, next one is Chugie.


Oh, I should know this.


I'm going to say it's in the branch of the Chonga family that if somebody is Chugie, they are somebody who is ethnically representative of something.


Stewart, what did you just write down?


Chuggy. How did you spell it?


I think it's a... -how do you spell it?


-i think it's a...


-c-h-o-o-g-i-e. -nope. It's something that tastes really good, like that is Chugie.


All right, Steve, what's.


Your guess? Like my turkey. It means it's something that's really cool.


-all this turkey.


Is really chugie. -all of you were very wrong-I'm wrong? It means something that's cringey.


That room. Okay, I'm sorry. You're the coolest. We are rampant Chugie people. Our band.


Dan Chuggy is actually chugie now, so people don't use that term anymore, but just for the game.


Please don't say that again. Sorry that my O-O-T-D isn't quite riz enough for you, asshole.


You really don't know how to use these. All right, next one is BFFR.


I'm going to say best friends forever.


It's a good guess, but no.


You stole my thunder.


Best friends forever in reverse. Okay.




Former best.


Friends forever. -all right, stew. Give us your desk.


I'm thinking about it. What is it?


Bff what? Bffr. R.


Bffr. I don't like you.


It stands for Be and For Real. Oh, wow. I use that one a lot, actually. All right, next one.


I hate our music. Get into.


The spirit, Dan. Feel young. Enjoy the music. You're doing really bad right now.


Best friends forever. Give us a normal word.


That was a really good guess. Best friends or verse. I like that one the best.


All right, ready? No crumbs.




Nas Bridges.






No crumbs. That means you've cleaned up after you've done something. You've left the area with no clues.


You've covered your bases.


I like that guess.


I think it means no gossip. I don't want to hear any crumbs about me.


No. All right, stew, you were the best one. So if you say she ate and left no crumbs, I mean, she crushed it. She absolutely killed it. So a point for stew. I believe that's our.


First part of the surprise.


That's a surprise. I'm jokey. Oh, no.


That's cringe.


That's incorrect. That's not the way that goes.


The next one is if someone says, I'm an accountant. How many.


Different game show musics have we used here?


I'm an accountant.


This is a good one, though.


I'm an accountant. That means.


That you're-I like this being a trick question. It's just you're an accountant.


All it means, that's right, is you work in finance. I'm going to guess that this is someone who is meticulous.




Well… You guys are-You know how to save money.






I take it literally. If somebody tells me they're an accountant, I assume that they actually are an accountant.




Fair enough. If someone on TikTok tells you they're an accountant, it means they are a sex worker of some sort.


Put it on the pole, please, JuJu, at Levitar show. Did you know an accountant on TikTok was a sex worker of some sort?


Congrats on not knowing that, guys.


All right, that's on period, CIS.




Wait. It happens every 30 days. Say it again?


No, no, no. Damn.


Say it again? That's on period, Cess.


That's on period. On point.


Is that our final guess?


Greg, we love when you stare at us for five.


Seconds before we're asking. That's a good guess. I think Stugas nailed it.


You can take his guess, too.


He's the Roy's turkey of this game.


So your way of saying he nailed it was just by staring at us.


I'm trying to come up.


With an answer. Staring vacantly at your son and not speaking into a microphone surrounded.


By silence. It wasn't my turn.


No crumbs.


It was your turn. It was your turn.


It was your turn.


You're an accountant. Get out.






What? Dan's a sex worker.


Every Tuesday, I'm.


You never know.




Right, is that our final guess?




That's correct, stew.


You got it. Yes. I have more.


But this went about as bad as I expected.


Yes, every bit as bad.


That's wins. It's the daughters, man. They keep you young.


Yes, wins. Two points. Congratulations, Greg, on sounding younger than I do. Thank you. Accept in speech?




That's on period, CIS.


Don't live.


A tard. Ron, I can't walk around my house naked because If you're too traumatized, I fear that the cat would be traumatized. Stoo guts. Like if your cat or dog suddenly saw you nude walking around your house, how would they react to that?


What would they think?


Probably wondering why I don't have spines at the.


End of my penis. Yeah, like a cat. This is the Dan Lebertar Show with the Stugatz.


It's pretty easy to find the show. Draftkingsnetwork. Com is all you have to do if you want to find what we're doing every day, all of it, instead of just the live hour on YouTube. Also, SamsungTV+. Com. We're on channel 11.68, and the praise is pouring in from all over the Internet, Stugat. Somebody writes, Does Dan think that he himself has been giving fresh new takes and analysis at any point in the last five years? Dan calling stew and asshole for spoil the new Netflix movie of the moment when he himself spoiled the finale of Success the Monday after it aired and never addressing it is hilarious, I am begging for one crumb of self-awareness.


No crumbs. You got my tweet.


Dan's thing is anybody on or affiliated with the show is that they are the best at what they do, even though it's not true most of the time.




Can't think of a single show topic less interesting in 2023 than Player Empowerment. First off, no one gives a shit about your highlight team. Second of all, no one gives a shit about your highlight team.


You've crossed.


The line. That guy can kick rocks.




Levitard... What did it lands between the four and seven?


At Levitard show on Twitter, does anyone young use the phrase, You can kick rocks, at Levitard Show? Stugart, I thought you'd have an opinion on this video I'm about to show. The Lakers took the in-season tournament and the celebration of it, and they took it seriously. They have had a letdown since winning the tournament. They've lost three of their last four because once you won the in-season tournament, there's going to be a natural letdown. Of course, yes. They lost it home to the Knicks last night. Look at this ceremony, Stugats. Look at the lights. They are putting it in there. They're putting it around their actual championship banners, and it looks better and more modern than their actual championship banners.


You can't do that. That thing, that banner, has no place in the arena. Pathetic. It does not. It has no place hanging in the rafters over that basketball court, and it certainly has no place next to the 54 Lakers banner that included George Miken. I mean, Miken must be rolling over in his grave right now. Seriously. Those are NBA title banners, okay? This is for regular-season game number 21 that they won and they haven't been good since. That's an embarrassment. The fact that LeBron is taking this thing so seriously, the fact that the Lakers are taking it so seriously is a complete embarrassment for one of the great organizations in the history of sports. You don't do it. Maybe the Pacers do it. Maybe the Hawks do it. Maybe another franchise does it. But if you're the Lakers, you're the Celtics, you're the Yankees, you're the Red Sox, you're one of those organizations, you don't do it. It's a meaningless banner, Dan.


I couldn't agree more. I would liken it to the New York Yankees celebrating with a banner because they had the best record in spring training. It's a made-up tournament. It's got no history whatsoever. Now, 15 years from now, if the in-season tournament is still around and it is accelerated and picked up steam and is truly a bigger deal, maybe. That's how.


You get. How do you think you get there? It's one of the dumbest things you've.


Ever said. No, because right now.


The L. A. Lakers-so we just shouldn't pay attention to it for 10 years. You should put up a-And then in 10 years, we can care.


About it. You should not put up a banner that's the same size as your NBA Championship banner.


But in 10 years, they should.


No, in 10 years, it might be worth more than it is right now. Right now it's worth nothing.


It won't be in 10 years.


I promise you. I would love to know the tournament that wasn't made up. All tournaments have to start somewhere. I will say that- Yeah.


But most of them don't start in the middle of a season.


The beginning of a season.


Right. Most of them are.


After the season.


In Europe they do. They do all across the globe. I think that they're actually pacifying you a little bit because from the looks of this, and this is something I picked up from this shot over here, it looks like they're only going to hang one banner and they've made room on the banner to put up additional years. It's not like they're volume shooting banners here. There is one banner of recognition for this tournament presently.


But Mike, don't mix them in with the championship banners. That's all I'm saying.


You didn't win a championship. Such a weird semantics thing you guys are doing. So putting it over there in the arena, but not right here.


It's right next to a 1954 championship banner.


Why is that up? -they represent accomplishment.


Why is that up? Weren't they Minneapolis back then? That is an accomplishment. What are you.


Talking about? -winning the IST?




Nothing. It is. No, it's not nothing. They got a trophy. There was a competition for all the teams, and they were the ones standing at the end. That is an accomplishment.


Right. They were unbeaten, correct? They were the 7-0- They went.


To really good teams.


You make a trophy for PFPI.


Well, that's got a tradition. You host a gala. That's been around since 1969. The Nags Lobos have won eight times. This won't have tradition. Everybody's climbing to reach the lobos. But this will.


Have tradition the.


More that they do it. But it doesn't now. That's what Greg is saying.


The teams were.


Even taking it seriously. They were benching their players.


To arrest them. The teams were taking it seriously. We were not all four at the end. I dismissed that take. Teams were very clearly taking this one seriously. Just because you guys aren't down with the idea, that's fine. You want to diminish it? Cool. I mean, you have pretty strong opinions on whether or not they should hang a banner. They hang up their Southeast division champion banners. There's a Ron Colp banner at Arena. No disrespect to Ron Colp, but he deserved it.


But those banners are nowhere near George Mikens banners. That's what I'm saying.


I love you being the guy that's like, Move it 20 feet away and then it's fine. What are.


We doing? You've got to carry your anxiety.


You're getting what you want, though. It seems like they're just honoring it with one banner and the additional years that they win, they're going to throw up numbers there. By the way, this might establish a precedent, and all banners with regards to this tournament may follow that in suit with, Okay, we're just going to have one banner and we're just going to throw up the years to acknowledge the years that we've done this. It's not being treated like a main Larry O'Brien championship. It isn't. It's being treated like a new trophy, but it's very much being treated as an inaugural season tournament. You're lamenting that it doesn't have tradition. You don't get tradition without doing it for a couple of seasons.


Well, that's my favorite part about this. Greg Cody demanding history from a tournament that just started.


If it was 10 years, if it's been around for 10 years, maybe we can celebrate it.


Did you have a trophy your first year of your fantasy league?


Your first year? Yeah, we did. But it was a modest trophy. It wasn't a banner.


It's called Dad's Dynamics Cup.


Well, that's true. After my late great father, wild Bill Cody. To this day, Dad's Dynamics Cups. Right now, Dicks Roughwriters have tied Tati's Llamas for first place, by the way.


But that trophy goes to the champion of the League, not someone who wins week three, right?


Right, exactly. Thank you. That's the analogy. We don't give a PFPI Cup to the week three winner. Great saying by Stugatz there.


Thank you. Wasn't a saying.


Whatever he.


Said, if he said it, it was a saying.


This is when he starts petering out every week. If he said.


It, it was a saying.


Look how tired he is.


I'm not tired.




Tired. The tryptophan is kicking in.


Right now. Roy should be tired. He got up at 3:00 AM to make an award-winning turkey.


But, Dan, you said it right. You have to respect Mike.


I was making fun of you for demanding a respect for 1954, George Mike. Did we find out whether the Lakers are holding up a banner that they won in Minnesota. During a time when the second jobs that players had in construction.


I'm just guessing based off the color scheme that those belong to Minneapolis. I don't know when they moved, but I do think it was after 1954.


That's why they're called the Lakers, named after the.


Great Lakes. I understand, but you don't take offense to them hanging up Minneapolis Lakers titles in that arena? I mean.


They came over when they moved.


They have history.


They were.


The future Lakers. There was somebody, though, in Minnesota in 1954 shaking a fist at the idea that the Lakers put up their banner, their beloved banner.




Correction, they're not.


Named after the Great Lakes. That's five of them. They're named after the 10,000 lakes.


In the state of Minnesota. Well, that thing. They're named after the lakes, I said, right?


Right. Did you turn off your oil?


Oh, shit. Oh, no.


Yeah, I did.


Isn't a Laker an actual occupation, too? It's like a sailor, because there's this other mascot in college that- It's one.


Of those TikTok words.


They're also called the Lakers, but they have a dude with a Popeye pipe in his mouth.


You're saying somebody who makes a living.


On the lakes? On the lake is also called the Laker.


It's a good question. I don't know what a Laker is. Put it on the poll. Do you know whether a Laker is someone who works on the lake, lives on the lake, or other?


But what's a 76 a day? The boat is apparently called the Laker. The boat that does its work on the lake is called.


The Laker. What's a heat?


I don't know. A Laker sounds to me like someone who celebrates a bogus championship.


Wow. Yeah. I was proud of that one. He gave the. He was impressed with himself.


He should be. It was another good saying. Thank you.


You don't have an issue withYou don't have an issue with these Minneapolis banners hanging up in the Crypto. Com arena. Did you have an issue with what we saw on Sunday where the Houston Texans were playing the Tennessee Titans, but the Tennessee Titans were dressed like the Houston Oilers?


I mean.


Daddy, you just asked you a question.


I like those, Younies, man. They were born in Houston. I mean, the Titans were the Oilers, right?


Yeah, but it just feels wrong when Huston is trying to mount a comeback against the Oilers. Right. When Modell moved the.


Browns to Baltimore. Those uniforms are beautiful, by the way. I can't help but fall in love every time I see those oilers, old.


Huston oiler uniform. The Derrick logo is fantastic.


And I do understand that the Tennessee Titans were the Tennessee Oilers for a brief moment in time, but I would love to see the NFL restore the history of the Oilers, because I know the argument from the Adams family would be that it was made by the Oilers franchise, but that history was also made in Huston. I feel like the NFL should broker an agreement that reflects that of the Cleveland Browns, where the Browns get to keep all their history and the Ravens are essentially treated as an expansion team, and they don't keep any of the Browns history.


There's that situation for most franchises, right? I mean, didn't the Chicago Bears begin as the Chicago Cardinals?


Yeah, you also have the Indianapolis Colts that maintain all the history of the Baltimore Colts.


Do you feel any remorse whatsoever at the profound disrespect that you launched for no reason at the late Miami Heat trainer Ron Colp?


I think it's strange.


He doesn't have a banner.


In my defense, I said he earned it.


Everyone has a banner there.


But do you not feel... One of the things Mike McDaniel was quoted here this weekend as he's told everybody who's saying the Dolphins haven't beat any winning teams and this game against the Cowboys features a game with teams that have won 20 games and haven't played anybody in a way that no game in the NFL has ever looked like that. And Mike McDaniel said, All due respect, he's told everyone to bleep off and told the players to tell others to bleep off. And I don't think you can say, No disrespect, tell everyone to bleep off, anymore than you can say, No disrespect. But the late Ron Kulp, his banner shouldn't be respected the way other banners are. It just.


Feels that ridiculous to me. Having that much anger over an accomplishment being acknowledged on the IST.


They're the ones trying to rank banners, okay? We're cool with all these banners. They're the ones over here. This banner is allowed, but that banner has to be just separated from that banner. There's a lot of anger here between you and your dad that I don't think is about banners. Well, no, Stugats was doing the.


Banner thing. No, it is deep-seated, but it's also the added bonus of not caring about this tournament at all, but caring deeply about the banners.




Levitard. It's the classic first ballad Hall of Famer, the musical fart, where it can be a creaking door. It can be an orchestra tuning up before a concert, and the bassoon is a little bit off key, and it comes out like that. Stugaz. The musical fun. It's a beauty. It is a beauty. It is a beauty. Fuck me. Sorry.




This is the Dan Levator Show with the Stugaz.


Stugaz, you have heard me say over the years that the quarterback's jober, as I have seen for a long time now, as public facing face of a team and voice for a team, is to get in front of the cameras and say a whole lot of nothing that will become headlines or distractions or anything. But you are marched out all the time in emotional circumstances to say something about why you've lost the football game. And you have to come up with something that is so benign that it doesn't land too hard on your teammates' head. You have to take the responsibility for it, whether it's true or not. And really, I believe every quarterback is going into these press conferences with, Let me just get out of here without saying anything. Let me just endure this press conference. Jaylen Hertz, after that loss yesterday, he's playing hurt as everyone is this time of year. He's playing sick. The Philadelphia Eagles have fallen some from where it is they were at 10 and 1. They have lost now four times, and the Seattle Seahawks are making fun of them on social media. Once upon a time, the Jets put up a meme of who's the only team in the NFL to have beaten the Eagles?


And it was the Will Smith meme in an empty room, and it was the jets. But now the 49ers are in there. Now the Seahawks are in there. The Cowboys. After the game, Jaylen Hertz said something that I hope lands on Jason, Kelsey, the way it would have landed on Travis, Kelsey, if my homes had said it of Travis, Kelsey. Jaylen Hertz said, We're losing because we've got players who aren't committed enough. And his center is the one doing a podcast that could be termed a distraction under these circumstances. Stugartz warned you that this will be what's coming for Travis, Kelsey if his play falls and if the chiefs have fallen some, the criticism that they're not committed enough. What do you make of Jaylen Hearts getting at microphones after a 2017 loss, in which Jason, Kelsey has again gotten a major penalty, a penalty where he was told many times by referees, We're going to start calling it if you keep moving that ball up when you're beginning to take the snap and you keep advancing the ball, we're going to call something.


On you. They've called it on him a few times already. So yes, they've been warning him and telling him, Hey, we're going to call it.


So what are your thoughts on Jaylen Hearts saying those words and then headed back into a locker room where he's making it look to his teammates like he's more committed than they are? Is that leadership or is that something that he shouldn't have said?


Well, do we know that he is specifically calling out Jason, Kelsey?


No, but once you say it's of your locker room- That's where people go. No, I'm just saying it gets draped on everybody. I'm not saying that's where people go. I'm saying he's a famous, Kelsey, who's got a famous distraction.


But I think Jaylen Hertz is an incredible leader, a really good quarterback, probably a top six or seven quarterback in the NFL. And if he feels that guys in his locker room are not giving the same effort that he is giving, I'm okay with the leader of that team, the guy who took them to a Super Bowl, outplayed Patrick by Holmes in that Super Bowl even while losing that Super Bowl, I'm okay with him calling his teammates out.


He scored 17 points in this game, and their offense hasn't been what it was.


That's a boiling point to built up frustration, right? I mean, when you're 10 and 1, and all of a sudden you lose three games in a row, something's wrong. You see your Super Bowl slipping away and you're frustrated. And your quarterback's been injured a lot playing through pain. And he see it's not usual for two stars in the NFL to have a podcast during the season. It's not the norm. I mean, Tyree, has a podcast for a couple of months during the offseason, but once training camp comes, he puts the podcast to bed and concentrates on his real job. And if you're the Kelsey Brothers, you have every right to be second-guest if things aren't going right on the field. Why are you doing a podcast? Because it does take effort. I mean, look at the Greg Cody Show podcast. This is not every Monday.


Travis, Kelsey said it's the hardest job in the world podcast.


There you go. It's not just the podcast. It's why are you shooting so many commercials? Why are you invested the way you used to be invested in this team and this thing that we all do together.


We are rattling off some high achievers. When we reference NFL players that have in-season podcasts like Micah Parsons, Travis, Kelsey, Jason, Kelsey, these are guys. Those are three guys that you would say might be at the top of their positions in the NFL.


No, Mike, they are, and they could do the podcast. That's fine. The reason I said what I said about Travis weeks ago was I was warning him of what's going to happen if their team start losing.


Tyreeke Hill does release episodes.


Throughout the course of the. He released an episode on December seventh, November 30th.


November 24th. Okay, he didn't last year, I don't believe.


I think that's different. He works more than you do on your back in my days.


I understand why we're all assuming that he's talking about Jason, Kelsey, because I struggle to find who else he might be talking about. Does he have a problem with boss and Scott? I'm not exactly sure. Jaylen Hertz has been turning the ball over plenty, and that happened before he got sick with the flu. It might be tied to his injuries. Jason, Kelsey actually had a great postgame quote where he took full responsibility because he got penalized as they tried to do the brotherly shove at the goal line. He got penalized for moving the football and he says, Yeah, the officials have been warning me for years that I've been doing that. I have to stop doing that. I think part of the problem yesterday wasn't necessarily so much focus as it was you kept calling tight end screens with Ques Watkins and Devonte Smith as your lead blockers.


They shouldn't warn him. They should only call it the final play of the game.


Pete Carroll is 8-0 against the Eagles.


He was doing his best to lose that game. Yes, he was. He was... I mean, he had a moment. I've never seen a coach from an opposing sideline be so confused at another coach's tactic that he looked across the field and said, What are you even doing?


That's Ciriani. Ciriani looked around. He looked like Taffer from The Bar Rescue show, looking around the referee saying, What are you doing? He is such a wonderful meathead. Ciriani is, feels, maximum Philadelphia meathead.


Yeah, it's great when you're winning that, Dan, but I'm telling you, Eagle fans are going to come down on him as well.


They're going to. It's less wonderful when you're losing to Drew Lock and he's giving you... Drew Lock gave you the most emotional postgame interview anyone's ever given after winning a regular-season thing. It was great. That was cute.


I would love to know because Seattle has been running pretty much the exact same defense in the secondary as long as Pete Carroll has been alive. That is his-.


It's all Pete knows.


-it is his tactics. What showed up in the film that called for multiple plays, be it pitch, be it swing routes? What showed up on film that said, I have to get Dallas Goddard in space coming off an injury with two of the most slender wide receivers in the league as his lead blockers?


What? It's a good question. I thought Goddard would have a better game. I thought Hertz would have a better game. I thought that Kenneth Walker wasn't going to be able to run all over the Philadelphia defense.


Meanwhile, they have two games left with the giants, one with the commanders. They'll be 14 and three.


They'll get right. Four, right? They've lost four?


Yeah, they're four, I'm sorry.


They'll get right. But the turnovers with them are a big issue. From two games, I think the Cowboys are better in head-to-head competition against the Philadelphia Eagles. They should have won that game. The only difference between that game and the one that happened in Dallas was, Philadelphia got all the fumbles that they lost in the first matchup. They fumbled the ball three times and just were so happy to be lucky enough to land on their.


Own fumbles. There's eight teams that can consider themselves Super Bowl contenders. Seven of them have flaws. San Francisco seems to be the only team that is truly balanced: run, pass, offense, defense. The seven other teams, including Philadelphia, Dallas, Miami, they all have weaknesses. And so I think any of eight teams can win the Super Bowl, which is delightful.


I like that he's pointing out that of the seven teams, two of them are viewed, Dallas and Miami, as fraudy teams that haven't beaten anybody. And I love Stugatss' point of, You know why they haven't beaten anybody good? Because no one's good. Because there are so few good teams that basically the Dolphins or the Cowboys can win the game when they play each other and someone will say they haven't beaten anyone good.


Because- That game is for.


Everything, man. Man, so many people were out there calling the Eagles a fraud. I'm like, We're real quick with fraud these days if you've lost three or four games. If you lose three or four games in that sport at this point in the season, you're a good football team. You don't call those.


Teams frauds. I mean, you're doing that, though, saying the Cowboys haven't been a good team, right? They beat the Eagles.


I'm saying everyone's doing that as the Cowboys flaw. They're saying they can only win at home, but if they go on the road against a good team, it's going to be, Check down, Charlie, is what Jack's going to do.


The Eagles beat Dallas. They beat Kansas City. They beat Buffalo. I mean, what are we doing?


But they haven't won in December. They lost to the jets.


They have some bad losses. Flawed League with flawed teams, and no one's beating anybody. We love it and can't get enough. Speaking of.


Which- Here comes Josh Allen. That's right.


I wanted to talk college football here with Lucy and Mike real quick what's going on at Oregon and Minnesota. People are complaining that we're talking too much college football around here because of how Jessica and Lucy love college football. Guilty as charged.


Yeah, you're welcome. For the last 17 years, where we didn't give the sport the proper respect, because right now the sport is on some uneven ground, and it's on the precipice of a gigantic change. There's things happening that we've never seen before, and we don't talk about it nearly enough.


What could possibly be going on in Minnesota.


So Minnesota is having some issues with their quarterback. They're playing in the quick lane bowl, and their quarterback they thought was going to play in this bowl, decided to enter the transfer portal, and they only had one option left. And he was like, Hey, I'm about to get married, move to Arizona. I'm done. I'm out. And they were like, Well, this isn't good. We don't have a single quarterback. So allegedly, they paid him, or the NIL Fund paid him $30,000 to play in the quick lane bowl. Wow, good for... This is the best sport.


Not enough. They're not paying him enough.


It'll be his first collegiate start ever.


$30,000. You can make so much money if you're a real serious gambler and you want to go through with a fine-tooth comb all the portal issues, all the NFL draft issues that these teams have, because talk of old Dominions transfer portal talk, that's very niche. Find out this information because there are so many players missing. What is happening in Oregon is fascinating. What Dan Lenning did in the transfer portal is he got not one but two of the most coveted quarterbacks in this game of musical chairs, they somehow landed Gabriel and Moore, the transfer from UCLA. They have their succession plan already in place. It's very clear that while their checks bouncing all over this great nation in college football, Uncle Phil's checks are not.


Uncle Phil. I don't know what it is about this Oregon team. They make me so excited. I look at Dan Lenning, and I really think that he is in that next stage of one day when nick Saban is done, is going to be curvy smart and Dan Lenning. I think he's a phenomenal recruiter. I think he's a great coach. Oregon still has a few Kings to work out, but you have two of the best quarterbacks in college football, a great offense. And now you're going into a conference. It's very weird, very different. I just love Oregon. I love it. I'm so excited for this season. And this one is not even over yet.


You're already excited for this?


I'm the best part you have to come.


How are you already excited for next season when it's the best season of all? It's the best bowl season.


Right now. I can be excited for both.


Greg Coda, you seem crushed.


I'm not crushed. Bowl season needs to go away. I just read now that the Heisman Trophy winner is skipping his.


Goal game. This is a new and an improved than Levator show with the Stugars, gamble on by.


Draft Kins.