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This is The Dan Levator Show with the Stu Guts podcast.


Dan, I pitched an idea for South Bend sessions a couple weeks ago.


With who?


Well, Jess would be hosting South Ben session, unless you want it.


That's a good one. No, I want to know. Look, man, Lucy's getting some plum assignments this week. Jessica's gotten some plum assignments? Jessica Left is the only one to leave on behalf of Metal Arc. Leave the country to go do something fun and exciting.


Are plums good?


Well, no.


Roy went to Roberto Luongo's induction.


That was plum.


It's plum season.


It's a cold plum, though.


It's ending, though.




Yeah, it's like the end of September usually.


That's peak plum.


Yeah, peak plum. Oh, I love plum season. Plum tart.


Put it on the poll, please. Juju at Levitard show. Do you love plum season? Mike, was that true? Did she have a banana bread recipe on during mike. Sure. Talking theater of the mind.


Dan, it wasn't open, but it is a tab.


No, I'm getting no wrong.


Let me look through the tabs, though. It wasn't banana bread.


Broke football week.


Seven Arizona USC.


It's an unfair shot, post Gazette, but most of the time you're in your phone. It's bana bread.


It's the crossword. I'm telling you. Get it right.


Let's get that segment off the ground. Just searching through Jessica's tabs because it's much dorkier than you think it is. It's finding what Steve Sarkeesian is doing. Lucy's tabs would look the same way, by the way.


Yeah. My tabs are all credentials right now. Trying to figure out where we're going next.


Where are you going? Where you're going? You're going to Colorado this weekend. We haven't spoken his name in a couple of days.


Am I allowed to say it?


Are you allowed go for it?


I don't know.


Go for it contextually. You're covered.


We're going to Colorado to see Dion Sanders. I'm very excited. It'll be fun. I've always wanted to go to Boulder. I get to go shopping today because.


It'S going to be very cold.


Very cold in the 30s. Who cares? Then from there, we're going to fly to Iowa on Saturday. We will not be watching the Iowa Wisconsin game. That's disgusting. I don't want to look at that. Under 34 and a half. You see money.




And then the Iowa women's basketball game is the next day. It's going to be so fun. I'm so excited. It's such a huge moment for women's sports and collegiate athletics right now, where just a few months ago, nebraska sold 98,000 plus tickets for a volleyball game. Iowa sold over 50,000 tickets for a women's basketball game in the football stadium. It is like an awesome time. And I get to see Caitlin Clark and that's all I ever want to do.


Are you going to sidle up to the Buffalo? You said both of the mascots are there. The scary tree that jessica hates the scary tree. You don't want to be anywhere near that, right?


I have beef with Stamford and the tree and the band. I will be keeping my distance.


But the beef you also have beef with beef or not beef with the beef. You don't have any beef with the Buffalo?


Okay, you lost me there for a little bit, but I'm back now. I have no beef with the Buffalo live mascots they don't necessarily like. It doesn't sit right with me. I do feel gross, but I appreciate it a lot. And Ralphie running out is one of the best traditions in college football, so I'm so excited to get to see that.


Billy, welcome back. You were dealing with God bless football, Calamities.


I was. I heard you guys were dealing with COVID Is that resolved?


Yeah. Well, Mike said it was resolved a few years ago, but debate me, bro. And I think he was called lame. I think Mike Ryan said several times that a debate would be lame, but I would actually want to watch that debate like I would televise that debate if I were McAfee, whoever it is that Darren Rogers wants.


Why, man? There's nothing interesting. We all know what it is.




We're back. Here all it is. It's the same thing that's been happening in this country for years. There's a bunch of white guys that don't want to give you the pleasure of admitting that they were wrong. And so they'll do ridiculous things. They'll tie themselves into pretzels. And like I said in that tweet that you got for free, they'll footjob healing crystals and blast their Achilles with dolphins. But the fact that we're rushing a vaccine is too much for them to wrap their heads. Just why would I want to hear Aaron Rodgers and RFK debate with Travis Kelsey and Tony Fauci? It's like, what's the logic there? What's the entertainment value? It's just it's a weekly test on I'm not going to give you what you want. That's what Aaron Rodgers is doing. And that's always been the play. I won't give you the satisfaction here. And I'll double down and triple down and I'll find something that confirms my beliefs. What Aaron Rodgers is doing is maybe unique to the position of quarterback in the NFL, but it is not at all unique to every other meathead that listens to Joe Rogan. It is what's going on in this country.


And people will turn to whatever podcast, whatever health expert, whoever can confirm their opinions, because we live in a modern age where you don't actually have to accept what mainstream is. That's what the whole thing is against the media. No, that's not the truth. I'll find my truth. People know that there is some subsect of the Internet that'll just confirm their beliefs so they don't actually have to conform to basic logic. That's all that's happening.


I'd like to kick myself out because we were out of this and I brought it back.


This one's on me.


I'm sorry.


Go ahead. God bless football. Wherever it is. You get your podcast. Levitard and Friends Network, he's working very hard on it. They're friends with Austin Eckler. It's hard to chase down Stugats all manner.


Think about the vax.


Love to have his opinion there. If you want to throw that on god bless football.


I get all my medical advice from Stugats players.


Oh, Eckler.


What does stugatz? Oh, it was eckler. I thought it was Stugats, too. I wanted his thoughts on the Vax. I was hoping that we would get that on god bless football. Why don't you have him debate someone.


On the Jake Owens think Jake Owens and Aaron Rogers against.


There's no s at the end.


Sorry about that.


That's my move. That's usually what I get fined for. That one would happen to me every time. Right there.


That's on me.


I like that s right where you.


Have I don't believe you'll pay.


You're right.


She doesn't have cash. Right?


No one's ever actually paying.


I think I do have $5 from when Willow won the fine bucket plus Instant Death last week. So I will just put that back.


Mike. You say no one's paying. I continue to pay. Every time.


I continue you have cash. No one has cash anymore. I've noticed.


Well, what are we going to do about that?


Because I don't think we're going to change our ways. We should have a peer to peer pay app.


There was actually talks at one point should I say this? It doesn't matter. There was actually talks at one point.


Censor the company.


No, I won't mention companies, but we had one point where we were going to have a crypto sponsor and you were going to have to sign up for a thing and pay in crypto and then get paid out in crypto. And then there was another time that it was like a cashless app that was going to sponsor these things, and I don't know what happened to those.


Okay, well, we might want to get on that because we don't have a very good finding system and it doesn't.


Mean I'll excuse myself again.


Okay. Yes, please. Thank you. You can leave a couple of different times. That's fine. Yes.


And while we're on the topic of my tabs, amin's not actually afraid of my dog, or else I wouldn't bring her into work. I got called so many mean names on the Internet last week, and it's all your fault, LeBatard.


No, it's not my fault. I'm siding with you. I think dogs should be here. It's not my fault that Amin is afraid of dogs. And now the Internet is coming after you because he wants to hide that he's afraid of dogs. He doesn't want anybody to know because he's a tough guy, because he's playing a bit. Now everyone needs to know and everyone's coming after you. Because he won't stay in character.


And I don't know which day to bring Willow in to do her punishment because I want to make sure no one is here that's afraid of dogs, even though I know no one's.


Actually, I want more dogs here, not fewer dogs here. And I'd like to look at Lucy's Tabs because I imagine that she is following all things college sports. But this one got my attention this weekend, Mike, because Bill Self finally survived everything that needed to be survived from those silly FBI wiretaps. All the documentaries being done on that whole investigation of college coaches. Are they giving people money? The FBI investigation was a total sham. But what I loved about him getting exonerated yesterday is the headline actually exists now. Self avoids all big penalties. Comma 2017 2018 erased. They erased a year, a Final Four year of Bill Self that you can't actually erase. And I love a big deal. No, but I love the idea that he avoids all big penalties. One of them is you got erased, but that's not a big deal. A year of your program just simply gets erased and no one actually cares because it's not a real penalty. We all saw it happen in the Final Four, and you can't actually take.


Anything away, which Final Four got taken away because they did beat Miami in the lead eight once.


It was the 2017 2018 season that got taken away. But the thing that it made me want to ask you guys, as people who care about college sports and see it changing sort of rulelessly, what are going to be the penalties for anybody cheating now when we have bags of cash at Tennessee, like fast food bags of cash?


I mean, the Tennessee punishment that they recently got would show you that there's no real teeth to these punishments. Just they're just going to try to find a postseason ban. Doesn't mean anything in college football anymore because most of the players that are going to the NFL opt out of playing in a game that isn't the College Football Playoff anyways. So that's why the NCAA hired former politician to come back here, because they're trying to get the government to do the work, because they're in a different spot.


You can do what Arizona State did, which is at the beginning of the season, they were like, OOH, I don't know if we're a bowl team, we're going to self impose postseason ban.


But this is what I want to ask you guys, because to me, this part of the changing of the system, like when you're talking about this many dollars, your rules can't keep up. And we're now learning, are we not, with the greed of these things, that the people who are enforcing and protecting this stuff are fools. Like, they're fools. They're running an empire. That's a billion dollar empire with mall cop security. They're chasing people around. And now that the floodgates have opened and Dion can show up with 53 players. And it's not about any of the stuff it used to be about.


Hold on, Dan.


How do you enforce any of it?


Paul Blart enforcing NCAA rules is a great idea, chasing down coaches on a segue down a mall concourse.


But isn't that what it is?


You're onto something? Yes, because the only place where NCAA, like, vacated losses and all that stuff shows up is on Wikipedia pages. It's so stupid. Stop editing Wikipedia pages and making it so that when I look at a team's record, it's all in gray. Because they vacated a loss. They won the game or they lost the game. There's no in between. It doesn't count. It doesn't matter. Give Reggie bush's. Heisman back.


Taking scholarships away does matter in football. There are creative ways around it. Basketball, it really hurts you if you take scholarships away. So I do think that the NCAA will keep power whatever governing body it has. I think they're kind of powerless when it comes to the machine of big time college football. And now it's to the point that if the NCAA or any governing body tries to do too much in terms of punishment for an offending party, that's mutually assured destruction. Then they'll just get a bunch of their friends to say, if this is what you're going to do, if this is the precedent that you're going to set forth, we don't need the NCAA anymore. So the NCAA does kind of have to tread lightly as this money train keeps a humming, because they want to squeeze every last dime out of it. But they'll still have whatever governing body's still around, still going to have plenty of power when it comes to the other sports.


I mean, it's already sort of happened. They reverse their Tez Walker ruling where he couldn't transfer and play. Everybody lost their mind. And then they switched course and was like, well, it's UNC's fault that we didn't let him play, but don't worry, it's good now. They did the same thing with the Iowa and Iowa State gambling investigation. They reduced the penalties on that. The NCAA doesn't have power anymore. That's just like the stone cold truth of it. They will find a team to make an example out of, and I assume it's probably going to be Miami. And I don't say that in a mean jokey way. It probably will be.


Don't you find it funny that you're governing something that has no governance, like you're watching on Saturdays? Something that can have no governance?


Yeah, but if Miami is the example, they'll find a way to rally around the NCAA.


Don Lebotard I got somebody here making fun of me. How old do you have to be to reference Sheki Green? Man, I went comedically there with the funny name of a comedian. That's on you for not knowing who Shecky Green.


You got to know who shecky Green is.


No, you don't have to know who Shecky Green is.


But I'm your ally.


No. Yeah. I don't like my ally. Hang of the borsche belt stugats. I have the soul of a borsche belt comedian.


I should be in the Catskills in 1945, opening for Shaggy Green. That's who I was destined to be.


This is the Don Levitar Show with the Stugatsday Thunder.


We went two for three last week. That's a loss, because we need the parlay, every single leg of it, to cash. However, in our defense, we had no idea Dick Butkis would die hours after our initial pick of Commander's Moneyline. We did not see that one coming. Had we had that information available oh.


Don'T be that indelicate.


We would have picked Bear's money line.


Okay, I have a question. I'm a novice to Thursday. I'm not a novice, but I'm out of practice on Thursday Thunder. This is different than against the spring.


Totally different. Very different. But in a similar way. It is also brought to you by DraftKing Sports.




That's right.


Yeah, but that's where the similarities end. By the way, use code, Dan, when you sign up on DraftKing Sportsbook app for a limited time offer for new customers. Jess, I'm going to kick it over to you for the first leg of our Thursday Thunder parlay.


Dan, there are potentials for severe thunderstorms. Wind gusts up to 40 mph tonight in Kansas City. So we're going with the Broncos plus eleven on Thursday night.


Oh, no. Yeah. No. That's disgusting. You are dirty. All of you are dirty. What is the matter with you? No one bets against Kansas City.


I don't think you can say that.


That's disparaging.


And we're going to take our second leg of the parlay here with something that Lucy has been hammering all season. That's the under of every Iowa game. Iowa and Wisconsin big, Big Ten West matchup a lot on the line in this one. That's 34 and a half points.


We're taking the no dirty four and a half.


Dirty? You want to get dirty four.


The winner of this game will most likely play in the Big Ten Championship.


Are you undefeated? Taking unders?






No, I didn't take the Western Michigan under. And that the overhead on that one.


It was crazy.


Iowa scored so many points, something wasn't right.


And finally, with the last leg of our nasty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirt bag.


Parlay this is a dirt bag parlay. It is.


This is the dirtiest, nastiest part of it all.


It is.


North Carolina and Miami are playing on Saturday night and we're going miami Hurricanes money line.




Live dog, Dano.


It's a live dog Dano. You don't have confidence in that bet?


None whatsoever.


That's broncos plus eleven. Iowa, Wisconsin, under, 34 and a half points.


That's dirty.


Miami Hurricanes money line, Saturday night, North Carolina.


You know what? I think that this is what we need to start doing for DraftKings. We need to have fart games. We have to have because this isn't.


A fart different sound effect. I can find one.


This isn't a fart game. This is Kansas City's playing. But we need to start a fart game segment where we're taking bets on a game nobody actually wants to watch and then a segment like this where you guys are betting things, no one wants to bet, no one wants to have the Broncos tonight. Nobody fart game is just when I.


Talk about Iowa every week.


That's correct. Well, you're already making that bet. But that's different than this game. This is not against the spread. What we do here is dirty. Fart game can be an against the.


Spread to Mike's point about Dick Butkas it was a compliment to the rally that the Chicago Bears did as a team and as an organization to break that losing streak in his memory on Thursday night.


We couldn't have known could have been.


A fart game, but wasn't.


We couldn't have known. That's right.


Rest in peace to a legend.


I still think it was a fart game, but they scored a lot of points in a fart game. Roy, you have smiled a couple of times today in unusual times, and I don't know what is going on with you right now, but you mentioned something about Stephen A. Smith, and then you delivered to me that Stephen A. Smith had said something and you did it with a smile on your face. But you haven't told me what it is that he said and what the details are of why this makes you so happy.


Well, on his podcast, he cryptically went after a member of the media calling him a no good fat bastard, and I think it's pretty easy to guess who he was.


I've tracked down the sound of this.


Of him calling someone or me a no good.


Well, right now you're the leading candidate, to be honest.


Yeah, one to two.


I haven't listened to this.


What you do now, Dan?


Well, I don't know what I mean.


You have game. Did the two of you call each other on the weekend and say, this is going to be the week that we're going to be fighting against each other?


Yeah, like an engagement exchange program as.


It'S on and off.


I mean, I feel like you both kind of like this back and forth.


Well, I think it's funny. I do like the back and forth, but it's never gotten so personal that he would call me a no good fat bastard. That's not how we argue. We're arguing about things. It's not insincere. We disagree about a number of different.


Are you denying that you're no good fat bastard?


I feel like I'm an occasionally good fat bastard, but I think he would call me a sanctimonious. The worst that he's gotten in the name calling with me is calling me sanctimonious. He did that to my face.


To his credit, he wasn't no, he's got bars, but he never really omits names, which is this is so cryptic. He never really does.


But what's the part you're smiling about, Roy? Is it that he's talking about me? That he's ripping me? Is it that the rip is very good.


Well, I have the audio here. Let's find out for ourselves what he might be.


Off your phone. You're going to do this off your phone? This is the Stephen A. Smith show that he is doing on YouTube apart from ESPN. He's not doing this on First Take, correct?


No, this is not first take. God, that'd be something that would help our engagement if he was indeed talking about you. But here we are.


No good fat pastor. But is the Internet trying to figure out who it is, or do they know it's me?


There are some people that have pieced together that this is not you.




But let's listen together.


There's a lot of people out there that want me to address other names. There's one particular person who will remain nameless, and I will not deny it. I think he's a fat no good bastard who I despise to the core. That is not Marcellus Wally I'm talking about. It ain't hard to figure out who the hell I'm talking about.


Is it me?


I'm where I'm at. That particular individual is where he's at.




This could still leave it at that. And no, I'm not talking about Marcellus Wally.


Again, unnecessary.


No, I'm not talking about my former colleague on First Hague. No, I'm not talking about them. They ain't fat bastards.




Seeds of the devil. What wishing up but black folks home.


Well, that's definitely.


Wait a minute. That's not me.


It's not dan.




It's not dan.




All right, well, it's touch and go.


They're even sowing seeds of the devil.


We were not at the very end. I kind of pieced together that it wasn't Tan. Still have no idea who he's talking about, though. Like, none lost on me. Maybe I'm not an alpha male enough to know exactly who he's talking about. Maybe I'm just too beta to figure that one out.


Yeah, a couple of beta males a week.


I don't actually know. Now that you've put this in front of me, I really and you've cornered me on this because I don't know what to do with the following. I do know so much backstory on what it is that's happening right there, but because he's leaving the person nameless, I don't think Stephen A. Smith would want me to reveal much of anything that I know there about because he wouldn't want to bring more attention to something that was really poisonous. Yeah.


I mean, he's never shied away from actually saying someone's name. I don't think that's going to be really effective. I think people piece together but I.


Tried to broker piece.


There why would you do that?




Because if he's indeed talking about the person that we think he's talking about, but again, our beta minds maybe can't piece it together.


It might be windhorse.


Dan was like, one of the last defenders of this person, the last defender.


Of this person, probably.


Yeah. And I am still confused.


Windhorse definitely caught windy caught Astray or Marcellus.


Wiley too. It's not Marcellus Wiley. It's like, well, who's calling him a fat?


Well, I think he's emphasizing the fat, and I don't know, this stops.


They just don't name.


I thought it was me. Yeah, well, there's a whole bunch of.


Media people right now that are hoping to God that you don't say their names for the joke, but I thought it was me. Poor Ray Rodo is out there listening to every hour of this podcast, hoping that because you mentioned witty, that he's not next. Do not do that to Ray Roddo. He is a gem of a man.


Don't do it to Dan Silio, either.


Or Len Pascarelli.


I think people would be interested in a lot of the backstory here, because I've been confused at a number of times over the last couple of years at what has happened to some people in my life where the current of the day that has separated friends and family because they are so far apart ideologically and didn't even know how far apart they were ideologically until the country came apart over the last couple of years. But the person he's talking about, I would have at one time considered a friend, and I don't know what happened to him. I don't know. But I tried to at one point, broke a peace between these two people, and Stephen A. Smith was so insulted by the idea of this other person that he said to me flatly, I will never speak to that person, and I will never speak about that person in public. I will never acknowledge who that person is, because it's one of the first times and only times I've seen Stephen A. Smith so properly indignant about who a person was that he would not abide even a conversation about this person would like to be in your good graces again.


This person would like to not have offended you this way, and he would not even tolerate a conversation with me trying to broker peace between the two.


If I may, the only time that I really get mad because I've had fun on today's show, too. The banter is the banter. But the only time that I've really ever gotten mad at someone for what they've said about you was when look, guys, I think he's talking about Jason Whitlock. I'm just throwing it out there.


Yeah, I think so.


Yeah, it might be Roddo.


Well, lead dog right now is Jason Whitlock. Is for years I was telling Dan, why are you caping up for this guy? This person sucks. They suck. And I said that for years as what made them similar started changing. And Jason's just started going totally against some of the ideological takes that he had had. He was a really good guest on our show for a while. And you would always defend him and you're confused by what happened, leaving me super confused by what happened. And he's constantly taking cheap shots to the point that there isn't anyone in this media industry where I would say it's on site for but him. I really dislike the man.


You would fight him on site?


It would be a problem. It would be a problem. It would be uncomfortable on site.


We sound ridiculous as a show. That sounds threatening.


The accusation to me and Roy specifically were that we were beta. So the only way that I can show someone like Jason Whitlock that I'm.


Alpha is by fighting him on site.




On site.


On site? Yes. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Roy, roy.


That would make me an alpha.


Roy, you want more of this? Absolutely. You want more of this?


Damn right.


All right.


Maybe we should I just don't want to be called a beta.


I've got some good secrets here. I've got some good juicy stuff the Internet would eat up here. You and me, Roy, will do a twelve minute podcast called I listen to Tar Heel podcasts and talk to Taylor and also have secret info about Jason Whitlock that we'll put on Mike Ryan's Twitter feed. Subscription only. You don't get that stuff for it. I'm going to do what Stephen A. Smith is doing on his show where he goes off ESPN off site and talks about people to increase his numbers. I'm going to increase Mike Ryan's subscription numbers by allowing Roy to interview me about Jason Whitlock on Mike Ryan's Twitter subscription.


This is going to net me at least $36.






Don Lebotard. Let's go to 80. Wow. I think Billy typed an eight instead of a B five.


Clear as day.


Stugats number eight. It's Chris Corner on the line. This is the Don Levitar show with Estugats. Mike before we head out to Hollywood because some of the show is going to try attempt to do some show from Hollywood in the next couple of weeks because we've got some meetings out there to take as part of other metal lark business. And so the show is going to be a little bit fractured over the next couple of weeks as Mike becomes a Hollywood producer trying to make big deals over there with all of the players and the show here.


All of them. All at once?


All at once. That's what he's trying to do. I tried to get a meeting with Mike and he told me, I'm all booked up.


It's got all the players.


I said to Mike, hey, would you like one day to go to lunch? And he's like, my schedule is. Getting all full.


I can't do lunch, babe.


I don't have any time. You guys think he's joking? He's not joking. His schedule is filled.


I don't think any of us think he's joking.


Half lunch with the director, John Wick. I can't do lunch with you.




Do lunch with you.


Every day he's making big moves or trying to make big moves. One of them is the I Listen to Tar Heel podcast and talk to Taylor new podcast that is coming out. When? When is that coming out?


Today's post came.


Okay, so that is, um that's a, um look, man, there are a lot of podcasts that are regionally specific to programs. Nobody's going to cover the University of Miami better than you are on football.


Yeah, but I'm worried about the shape that this has taken because we've empowered. Taylor, who played for the Tar Heels, is very plugged in over there to produce this segment, and I think I'm just walking into yet another troll.


Okay, you might be, but regardless, that's going to be today's post game. Jessica and Lucy also have a college football segment that still doesn't have a name. Where's that going to be? Foot Girl? No.


Friday probably.


Okay. That's going to be Friday. And me and Roy are going to do a podcast where we spill Jason Whitlock's secrets, but that's only to be found on Mike Ryan's Twitter subscription feed.


That's right.


Okay. I'm glad we covered all of that. Yeah.


But I do have a meeting later today with a 24, so wow. Maybe not today.




But the next Beta say that the.


Next couple of weeks are on site. They're going to be very a stands for Alpha. Before we get to anything else, though, I did want to put in front of the group because we got to get to polls. Billy's going to get to the polls in a second and we got to talk about what Billy's doing on God Bless football because it's a lot of work and he is getting big names over there and they are covering football very well. And there's some sound. I want to play from Austin Eckler in a second, but before I do all of that, I just want to put in front of the group something that I was shocked by, which was Lucy, who seems at her core a decent and kind person.


Not so sure anymore.


She came in today, and I thought she would have some remorse about burying her former roommate Emily, who she hates and she lived with for two years. But she got so much positive feedback from other people who also hate Emily, her former college roommate, that Lucy said something that I didn't think would come out of her mouth, which was and this is a level of hatred that goes even beyond sports hate and the way people feel about rivals. I'm rooting for bad things to happen to her.


I think I said, I hope she's doing bad.


You know what? You did say that. I misquoted you. You're absolutely right. An important correction. I'm sorry.


And I do hope she's doing bad. I want to make that very clear.


But they're pretty close.


Yeah, they're pretty close.


I hope she's doing Jessica like that's a level of hatred, Jessica, that I didn't think that existed inside of Lucy.


I thought that only existed for Iowa's offensive coordinator. I didn't know it existed for other people, too.


I know he's doing bad. I don't have to hope for it.


Put it on the poll, please. Juju, have you ever hated somebody with such hatred that you hope they're doing bad?


Didn't you describe her as like, a nice feeling machine or something earlier?


Well, maybe that's why I'm surprised that.


Occasionally, good fat bastard. That was about Lucy, right?


Occasionally, yeah.


I see the good in people as well. Even in fat bastards.


I'd love for you to meet Emily. That will go away so fast. She is the worst.


Samson works for it.


Oh, yeah.


I see the good in people. I try to see the good in people.


It's important, man.


You need to be a realist man. Jesus Christ.


I don't generally want bad things to happen to people.


Well, that's nice.


Of any kind. Well, they asked me the other day, do you hate anybody? I'm like hate is awfully strong. Maybe I'm repressed. Maybe I'm too repressed to feel to hate someone is to hope that they're doing bad. I don't hope anybody's doing bad. I felt bad for Saddam Hussein when he was walking through the gallows to his death.


That's true.


That was a weird one.


Yeah, that's a weird show.


That was a whole show, Lucy.


There's no pretending that one back. To just identify with the humanity of someone walking to their gallery did not need to make Saddam Hussein the avatar for that.


Well, agreed. But anybody walking to their death is.


Going to take that back, jack right now. Of course I didn't feel bad for him at all.


Of course.


In fact, he deserved it.


Yes. Agreed. I think you want some poll results.


To bail you out.


Yes, please.


And just know that the polls are brought to you by dollar shave club. Epic razors. Epically affordable. Find them in stores or online.


Does everyone have beef with Pete Garcia?


Been a beefy episode.


74.4% of the audience said yes. Do the veins in Brent Venable's neck have muscles from all the rage? 95.6% of the audience said yes. Matthew McConaughey. Cool or crazy? 55.6% of the audience said cool. Has your spouse ever said to you, this is not a sports bar while you were decorating the living room? 53.4% of the audience said no.


It needs to be said more.


Oh, Jess, you're going to like this one. Have kids, yes or no? 55% of the audience said no.


Oh, wow, that's low.


I would think.




When I voted, it was like 88% no.




Including my vote.


My bronchitis is back, by the way.


Oh, my God. $5.


He says it's not contagious. Don't worry.




He treated it with beer. Is Greg Popovich full of shit? In the best possible way. 86.7% of the audience said yes. When you have a chance to shout out the Rooster, do you have to take it? 81.8% of the audience said yes.


Oh, you guys talked about Don Venoti yesterday.


Yeah, rooster.


The Rooster.


When the devil is buying you drinks, what drink is he buying you? Jaegermeister fireball or peppermint snaps?


Such a good question.


43.1% of the audience said Fireball. Do you love plum season? 59% of the audience said no. Have you ever hated someone so much that you hope they are doing bad?


Wait a minute. That was just now?


That's up to the minute. Dan, how do you want to vote on this? So I could get the results?


I would say no. I've never hated someone like that.


Okay, so say no. Wow. Two votes never happened before. 50 50.


I was one of them. Well, we haven't sent how'd you vote. She hates Emily that way. We have not sent it out to the universe yet before we get out of here, because we have not talked about this enough at any point during this season. And in speaking to what Lucy was saying, that women's sports is having a moment because you heard her right? If you were unaware of that story. 90,000 plus people filled a football stadium to watch a women's volleyball game and one of the coolest things to happen in sports in the last couple of months. But the WNBA is playing its final round, and before the season, it seems like this has been pretty predictable. These were the two teams that were supposed to be there. Everybody thought that they were overwhelming. Neither one of them lost very much during the season. And now the Aces are up 20 on the liberty. And this is not what you want with your finals games, because this is what's happening in baseball now with the sweeps. Last night's game, 30 point blowout, not close. And now everybody is assuming after two home games that it is a foregone conclusion in the WNBA, we do this all the time at 20.


Is it also true? I thought this was supposed to be a competitive series throughout, that these are two superpowers that are going to play against each other and that the games would be close and they would be dramatic and that we aren't going to have just a reigning champion become a champion again and defend their crown easily.


Well, they played a lot during the regular season and none of the games were close. But it wasn't like the Aces won every game or the Liberty won every game. I actually thought I'd give the edge to the Liberty going into the playoffs. But then they weren't shooting as well in the early rounds, and the Aces have just been just incredibly overwhelming. And last night in the first quarter, I had FIU on one screen and the Aces on the other screen, and FIU and the Liberty just getting blown out in the first quarter while the Aces and the UTEP minors were like foot on the gas. So it was definitely a bigger blowout than I think even anyone was even expecting. But I wouldn't say necessarily it's a foregone conclusion. The Aces are going to win because now they have to play in New York and go back to the East Coast and the like. They just need to have a game where they can put it all together. They need to be able to stop the Aces offense, but they also just need one of their players to go on a run like multiple Aces players have been able to do.


I need New York to win this one because pro sports has come far too easy for Las Vegas. They need to suffer way more than they have so far, and they have the Raiders, and we can count on them. But Knights and Aces been way too much of a walk in the park for them.


The Knights. Does make me wonder as we enter the start of this NHL season, because so much was happening in sports at the end of last season with the Florida teams, that I do wonder if people understand how amazing that night story is at how quickly that team has gotten that good, where they took the most positive hockey story we've ever had in this town and they squashed it under their skate in five games, made it look awfully easy because they've built something in Vegas that is totally overwhelming. That's one of the things that they have that is championship worthy. And the Aces are defending champions like they've been a good deal better than everybody else in a way that's obvious.


It's pretty funny because the Golden Knights owner, before they even played a game, predicted that they would win the Stanley Cup in six years, and that's exactly what happened. But obviously they didn't expect to make the Stanley Cup Final in the first year where they lost to the Capitals, but winning it in six years, that's a feat.


And they're going to stick around because they were supposed to be in cap hell, but they actually kept a lot of pieces, surprisingly, including their goalie that was All World.


That was shocking.


Yeah, all world.


He was like a third string goalie in San Jose before they acquired him. So they're going to be around for a while, unfortunately, because they annoy a lot of people in hockey.


Oh, but Vegas is about to load. The sports leagues were always afraid to.


Go there because of Formula One going there, too.


And the race starts at 01:00 a.m. Eastern. Can we just make something convenient for us. Poor east coasters. One time it.