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Family owned from the start. Same family, same land. Now's a good time to enjoy Cuervo, the tequila that invented tequila. Go to to shop tequila or visit a store near you. Cuervo now's a good time. Trademarks owned by Beckle Sab the CV Copyright 2024 Proximo Jersey City, New Jersey please drink responsibly. This is the Don Levator show with the Stugots podcast. This episode of the Dan Lebatar show with Stu Gatz is presented by Smirnoff. We do game days. Please drink responsibly. The Smirnoff Company New York, New York. Love drinking responsibly. New York is the best. New York. I love a little glass of Smirnoff with my football. Just the best. I like it like Billy does, right there. Put the bottle on the table. Let everybody know we're ready to have some fun. You know what's more fun than anything, though? What's that? Finding out who won the Suis last week was cool, but I want to know who won. I have to make a confession. What's that? I already know who won two of the categories because I found out I. I came in second. Yeah, twice this year. I saw that, too, because Cynthia sent me, like, our winners, and she sent me, like, who was second and third.


And I was just like, oh, Jess. So close, yet so. I don't think I've ever won silver medalist. Really? Yeah. I don't. I would dispute that. I think you've won. I don't remember what you won for. I'm gonna. I'm gonna do research on that. Well, I think you're obviously. Or you would have said you. Ethan, get on. I have a limited fake sui, and then I think I have. Biggest mistake. I have one of each of those. Well, let's find out who won this year's Sui awards. We've made it to the grand finale. And now the winners of the 2024 Sui awards. Best. Back in my day, adultery. Wait a minute. I'm waiting for this one. Wait, wait, wait, wait. By accident, what just happened? I think that's the record. For years, has been counting the amount of time that he pregnant pauses there. That was the record because he was looking for his paper. Because he was surprised that he has her. Back in my day, I got a lot of papers here. I'm a busy man. Adultery. Okay, let's be honest about something inherently dishonest. Adultery, infidelity, cheating, whatever you want to call it was so much easier back before technology came along and ruined everything.


Or rather, I. So I'd imagine the clandestine Casanovas would lament cheating was easy once. You just had to make sure you weren't doing it around friends, neighbors, or co workers. So if you lived in Mayberry, the two of you drove up to mount Pilot, got a corner booth at the bar, then a room at the no tell motel, and called it a night. You were blessedly incommunicado. There were no cell phones, allowing any busy body snoop to record or photograph you. You were completely out of touch until you dropped a dime and a pay phone. Now every text message and voicemail exchange is retrievable. You think delete search history actually does that? Haha. Your naivete is so cute. Back in my day, you wrote a fake name in the motel guestbook. The board clerk said, you're in room nine, doctor McGillicuddy, and you went on your merry way. Now, there'd be an unblinking ring camera above the door, ratting on you. Modern day debauchers and lotharios have only two choices. You either give up your cheating ways where you hopelessly bemoan technology and understand that today a smartphone would be pinging your exact location in that dark corner booth as you swig your third Manhattan.


I'm Greg Cody, and that's how it was back in my day. Best story. David Sampson clogged a stranger's toilet during a marathon. What's the oddest place you've pooped while running a marathon? It was right before the New York marathon. And where you are staged is a army base. And I actually went into someone's house. Wait a minute. Who was in the army? It was a veteran. Oh, my God. No, no. An active army like general. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your service. Lucy, your mom ended up clogging and it flooded, and I ran. I didn't leave a note. And I think about it to this day. That poor person coming back after volunteering for the New York marathon. And what I left that person with, he comes home who shit in my toilet. Shit in my toilet. What? Communist? Worse. Shit. Here's a little nugget, Dan. I chose the master bathroom. Oh, my God. Because it was nicer. What do you mean? Why? You were scoping out the bathrooms of the general's house. This is an uncommon horror. Best limited fake Mike Ryan's limited fake Pierce Brosnan in the film Dante's peak.


Put the town on alert. Best revelation David Sampson reveals he cries after sex. Look at him. He's radiant. He's post coital. Look at him. It's unbelievable. What are you doing? He's going to, like, cry. You're what? And apologize every time. Sorry. So bad and short. I'm old. Best laugh, Katie Nolan. Very good. Wee wee. Worst mistake. Roy Bellamy sounds drunk. After the Florida Panthers win the Stanley cup. All right. We have made it from Amaranth. Wow. Jesus, Roy. We have made it from Ameren Pecarena to the infield, which is a couple blocks down. Celebrate. Celebrate. Championship. We are going to celebrate a Sally cup championship. Greg Cody calls Mike Ryan a giant infant. No, I'm not going to apologize. I wouldn't expect you to apologize. Then you're a giant infanthenne, okay? You have no control over your emotions when you're calling someone, you know, an idiot. I don't deserve it, okay? And you're a fool for saying it. Okay? You're a fool. I was kind of following you. Oh, you're locking in right now. You're locking in on us. Yeah, right. Let's drop the gloves, pal. You should be thanking me. For what? Every day.


For what? For what I've done around this character. And the second shit gets real for you, you want to come at me and call me a fool, huh? No, no, no. Seriously, Jeremy. Seriously. I've added ten years to your career. You want to call me a fool? Wait a minute. You'd be toiling away. You owe me. You'd be Michael Yormar. You owe me everything. You owe me everything. You have added ten years to my career. Yes, I have. This man has that man. Who the hell are you? I am who the should be banking. Bullshit me. You're a rude young man. You're a fool. You're a fool. I already called you a fool. Right. You can't call me again. It's a fool. You're an idiot for dismissing how much I've helped you. You are a fool. You're nobody. You are an infant. You have nobody. Best dismissal. Stugatz dismisses the Kansas City Chiefs. Dan, this time of year, everyone talks about teams they don't want to see come playoff time. I want to talk about a team that I actually want to see come playoff time. I want to see the Chiefs. I want Patrick Mahomes strolling into my stadium with Max confidence.


I want Travis Kelsey. I want Taylor Swift. I want the team that lost to Jordan Love. I want the team that lost to Aidan O'Connell. I want the team that trailed 17 to nothing to Jake Browning. That is the team that I would like to face in the playoffs. That's the team, indeed, that I would want to face in the playoffs, because that team is not very good. Best musical performance. Greg Cody, Yeti blanc and Mike Ryan. Buka Nakua. His name is Cooper. Good at running curls but when his hammy got a tear, he saw Pukka standing there, his blade diminished. Hustle take over. Nakua hopped into the car McVeigh has maybe found a star and then met Stafford through him 25 and two oh, there's a brand new kid in town out of BYU they call him Puka Puka Nakua his quarterback is not named Tua and he is Puka hookah Nakua fantasy assassin. It's the time to cash in yet? Pooka don't need the glove. What a year. It was supposed to be a trumpet. Yeah, for the viewing audience. Awkward. Yeah, it looked like something else. Ah, what a year, dude. You know what's funny?


But every time I hear, I hear different things I didn't hear the first time. So, for instance, was to gossip Smith. The chiefs I heard in the background was. Jeremy informs me. No, I think that it was Dan. He does that move when he spins around. When Dan, like, he was. I think he was like, oh, yep. That trying to be a hype man for Stu gods. And. And in the Mike Ryan giant argument. Yeah. He dismisses a Peter Yormar. You'd be Peter Yormar. And I just felt like, you know, that poor guy, unnecessary. He's like, hey, let me listen to levitate. Have listed him in a while. So you're saying I didn't win musical? You did not. David Sampson two series this year time winner. Impressive. Yes, Fisher should have won. Limited fake bridesmaid Renee Montgomery next howdy folks. It is Mike Ryan, and over the course of our 20 years together, there have been a lot of changes. A lot of changes to the show, a lot of changes to my body, a lot of changes to you and your listening habits. But one thing that hasn't changed is the undebatable great taste of Miller Lite.


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Certainly not from your lovely grandfather.


God, may a soul rest in peace. This is the Don Levator show with the Stugots. Finally, a genuine conqueror in the building. We've got. Thank you. Some strength and some wisdom and some happiness and some power. We got management in the building. Ownership over here. Everyone sit up straight.


Let's go get it together. Oh, they really did. What's up, good people? I'm here for a good time, not a long time.


Yes. She's got a photo shoot. She's got a go to. She's always between photo shoots. She's a two time NBA champion, co owner of the Atlanta dream, and a vice president. Right, co owner, MVP. And she is also a meadowlark contributor. Renee Montgomery. I am always happy when I see you. I imagine this is an affliction that a lot of people have, right? They immediately get happy when they see you because you're perpetually pouring sunshine all over the place.


I mean, I wake up happy, definitely. But I was hyped to see Mister Grump. I haven't seen Roy in a minute. I was so I can see, bro.


Mister Grump. Is that what she just called you? That's her nickname, yes.


Because he tries to act like he's grumpy, but he's really happy on the inside. I'm sure you guys already know that by now.


No, they don't. I feel like if I had that nickname for Roy, it wouldn't go over so well. Yeah. Yeah. That would be an HR issue. But we don't have HR. See, but Renee sees you more clearly. We do now. We do now what? Yes. We do have. We've had HR. Yes. That was fun. This I really like to report, Chris, right now. We do have hr, yes, had hr, Billy. I did not. Why?


Is it news that we have some.


Catching up to do? JK, it shouldn't be news that we have HR, but it is nice to see you. It's always nice to see you, Renee. I have a ton of questions about things, and I know you're here for a good time and a fun time, but you did meet Kamala Harris recently, and I don't know whether that was a fun time and a good time. I don't know what that was all about. How did you enjoy that?


That was fire. I mean, she invited us to her residence, and it was called t with the VPN. So I was with it. At that time, we didn't know she was gonna be running to be the president.


Look at me, blue. I asked her. Doesn't matter. I told him to play it her residence. I mean, come on, Dan.


I mean, it was fire. And so I usually, like, kind of stay the whole vote, vote, vote thing and kind of keep it, but it's like, this is about to be fire if we got a woman there. I mean, you guys have been. Guys have been doing it the whole time. It's not been going amazing.


You got that, so, right. I would say not well, too. Okay.


Yes. I mean, I'm trying to put. Cause there is the male ego.


So gentle.


Be careful.


You got that right. Renee, what's the moment where you're like, what has my life become?


Oh, you know, I think I have those moments almost every week now. Like, even my son, I have to start telling him, like, this is not normal. Some of the stuff, like, people that he's friends with and people that he knows that calls him, like, little homie. It's like, I have to let him know. Our life is getting beautiful. I mean, it's crazy that once I was an athlete for eleven years, WNBA. But then once I retired and became owner, like, my life then changed. We know WNBA is catching up now. So when I was a player, it wasn't as flashy. But, man, it's just crazy, because the people that are at our games court side now, it's just.


What a time is that Atlanta that's happening? Is that ownership? I'm not. No, I'm not saying that it's not happening for you everywhere. But when you say to. You know, when you say to your family, this isn't a normal thing. I would have assumed that that would have happened more as a player than in ownership.


No, I mean, WNBA right now is different than it's ever been. I mean, like, Nye came in at 2009 to the league. So from 2009 to 2024, everything's different. I mean, even the shoe companies. When I came in, I signed to Nike. I think, like, 80% of the league would be signed to Nike or Adidas. Now you got new balance. There's just so many different now. Sponsors coming in and with sponsors eyes. I mean, Ted Lasso's at every. Oh, I was talking to him on the phone last week. Hit the.


Where's the. It's coming. Sudeikis, you were talking. Now, Dan. I gotta explain something to Dan. Dan. Black people don't know people's names. Just know him as, like, the main character. You've seen him somewhere. So my buddy, Jared Ferrara. Go ahead and hit it. Everyone just calls him Turtle from entourage or proctor from Turtle. Doesn't deserve to look at me. Louie, that's not a big enough. Everyone's friends with that guy.


Wow. Has this ever happened where you asked for the. Look at me, Louie, and I've been rebuffed?


No, that's a first. You witness history over here.




But, yeah. So you talking to Ted Lasso?


No, I mean, and that was just, like. That's just the thing. Ted Lasso's at so many WNBA games. He's a WNBA fan. I don't know how many A list celebrities are super stans. When I came in at 2009, they weren't necessarily at the games. Maybe Lil Wayne was super stanning. Skyler Diggins in college and Drake in college. For Skyler Diggins, I could just name him.


On one hand, you have such an interesting perspective because you've seen so much of this growth, to be in power in this position now where you're seeing all of it explode, but you've been in the middle of it throughout, and a whole lot of male ego is coming to criticize and analyze and opine on things that we don't necessarily know about to be a part of the conversation. So let's play Charles Barkley on the Bill Simmons podcast, talking about some of what it is that surrounds Caitlin Clark.


Oh, no, not Chuck. What's he going to do?


These ladies, and I'm a WNBA fan, they cannot have this Caitlin Clark thing up any worse if they tried. People believe what we say on television. Just because people don't like you or your personality, they can't get on tv and slander you. It's just total bull. This girl is incredible. The number of attention eyeballs she's bought, the cards and the pros, and for these women to have this petty jealousness. You said to yourself, damn, what is going on here? And the thing I love about her, she never says a word. But these ladies, who I love and respect their game, they couldn't have this thing up in a worse. There's been so much negativity, and a lot of it is just petty jealousness.


Oh, my God.


What's going on with those glasses? Chuck Swan? It looks like a grandma. Geez, I got some negativity towards Chuck's glasses. Oh, no.


This is. Who are the women that he's talking about, WNBA players. Who are these ladies?


It is a good question.


I'm just curious.


Just ladies. Just petty women.


Okay. So there's. There's a lot of eighties. Wow. There's a lot to unpack there. And that's, you know, that's my guy. I mean, Turner. You know, it's crazy, because I think that there are two different entities. I think that there's Caitlin Clark, and then I think there's Caitlin Clark fans. I think that the human basketball player Caitlin Clark, she's obviously amazing. Rookie of the year. You know what I mean? Like this. It's that simple. Like, she's doing things that we see great rookies do. You know, I played in an era of the Maya Moore's and the Candice Parkers, so I know what good and great players look like. That's Caitlyn Clark. Then you have the Caitlin Clark fans. I don't know what that is. It's. Sometimes I think that there's an agenda happening with these fans where I sent out a tweet and it went viral. I had no idea it was gonna go viral. I'll put out. Asia Wilson is the only one competing with Asia Wilson for MVP. She had just gotten 41 points in a standing ovation from the opposing team. They're chaining MVP in an opposing arena. I'm like, that's new.


Like, I never seen that. I tweeted that out. It went viral in the worst way possible. The Kaylyn Clark fans were very upset. I'm assuming they thought it was a slight to them, but I would have thought, if anything, Nafisha Collier fans should have been the ones mad. She's probably the next closest one, and she's not close.


Dan, I'm gonna give you the greatest comp to Caitlyn Clark, because what you just said, I felt the same way about this guy. Rest in peace. Kobe Bryant. Love Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant. Fans called him Kobe Stanis. He came from the great nation of Kobe Stan, and they always support their supreme leader. And so I would say things like that had nothing to do with nothing. Like, wow, what a great game. You know, how great is Steph Curry players? He's not as great as Kobe. I'm like, what are y'all talking about? Who even brought up his name?




And so that's. That's what I. We're dealing with. Also want to point out Charles Barkley. Looks like Madea does a podcast. Well, wow. The glasses. Chuck's my guy. I love you, Chuck, but you can't.


Say I love you to somebody and then call them Madea.


Yes, you can. Have you listen to the show.


Oh, I got. You know, I should listen more. I'm just saying. But I don't know. I just think it's been an interesting growth. Like, for me, I love it. Like, if you have to have thick skin to be an athlete. Anyway, so they're all in my mentions right now, calling me everything, and it's like, oh, that's what's up.


Well, you should love it as a note owner now, because. Because this is. This part is fascinating to me. Right. The Atlanta dream and the WNBA in general were at the front of the culture wars in a way that helped make Renee who she is today. And so for you now to see that, everybody wants to talk about just the culture war between Angel Reese and Caitlin Clark, that is magic. And, Larry, for the modern day, like, you need it to have a bunch of garbage in it where people care unreasonably about some dumb stuff instead of just the basketball.


Absolutely. I mean, because you gotta. You gotta. What's going on over here?


Oh, you just saw it, huh? Tyler Perry is with you. Does a podcast.


Wow, you guys are fast. And there is that. But to your point, I have no comments.


I love you, Chuck. I love you.


No comments. But I do think that it's, like, there's some people that watch sports because of sneakers. Like, there's some people that watch sports because they think the players look good. So, of course there's gonna be people that watch sports for other reasons. That's a fine in sports. By the way, your phone ringing. We had a meeting.


Demand it, Renee. Demand it from him. It's normally a sound that gets it off. Well, Jess gets it. I feel like I do owe you money.


Some money. Give me my money. Yes. So, as I was saying, checks in the mail. Um, yeah, no, for real. I just think that. Yes, there's the Angel Reese. There's the Caitlyn Clark situation. I don't have a dog in the fight. I mean, like, Caitlin Clark fans should know I'm all things Atlanta dream anyway, so I don't really care. But I love to see it. Like, I love to see that Angel Reese's games are selling out. I love to see the shy Barbie. I love to see what she's doing. She has her own shoe line engine a. She's with Reebok. This didn't happen normally to two rookies, so I don't really care. Yes, it's a race war. I know, a lot of the WNBA fans, the women's basketball historians like myself, they hate it. I mean, they want those fans gone, but it's just like the stats. They're a stat to the WNBA now.


So players often, when they think they know everything, and then they make the transition, usually to coaching or just front office. Then they learn, oh, wow. There's this whole other side that I did not realize and I did not appreciate as a player, did not fear enough as a player for you. Now you're not only front office, you're also ownership. What are some things you're like, oh, I had no idea. Was like this, man.


I don't even have enough time for that. I thought I was going to come in and us, and me, Larry, Suzanne, we thought we was about to shake some stuff up. We're like, all right, we want to do this, this, this. And then we started to see exactly why that stuff isn't done. It's like, there's rules to how much you can give players on your team. And we're like, these are professional athletes. This amount is extremely low. I don't even know what the amount is. It's something below 500.


It's like a gift card.


Like, you know what I'm saying? Something, I get my son's birthday, like. And so we started to realize that, like, okay, there's systematic problems that we can't just do right unless we want to break the rules. So then there's two different worlds. You got ownership groups that they might not care to kind of push it to the edge and play along with the rules. But it's tough if you want to follow the rules and you want to spoil your players, that's kind of where we're at. So there were so many things where we would love to do is getting there now. I mean, we have private flights now, which is new. I didn't think that was going to happen during this CBA. But the WNBA is growing along with everything. You know, we're 20, what, seven years old, and there's a lot of growth. Like, we have room for improvement.


How do you think that the new three on three, unrivaled league might shake up some of the stuff with WNBA contracts and offseason play?


Well, it won't shake up WNBA contracts because there's the prioritization clause that this is technical now, but WNBA players now have to prioritize. The WNBA, if you're not in your rookie contract, you have to report to the first day of training camp, or you could get suspended. So really what unrivaled does is it allows people to get a check in the off season. I think it's going to be huge. They already. The names that they already have. I think they have 18 of the how many ever people, and them names are unreal. Paige Beckers has already signed on my UConn pup, her and herself. It's like they're doing it here in Miami. I just realized we're here in Miami. I only say that because, like, if they was doing it in Idaho or I don't know how many players might be like, yeah, sign me up for my off season. You know what I mean? But they pulled up sexy Miami. I think it's gonna be dope. Like, I'm gonna pull up definitely one time. Are y'all gonna activate around? Are y'all doing something?


We have to, like floor seats from John Skipper. I don't know what we're doing. The angel Reese commentary that Stugat's had before you got here, I think is something that you need to hear.


Renee, what would you say?


Well, I was asking Renee if it's really a single season rebounding record, if what you're rebounding is your own shot.


Oh, gosh. Is he a Caitlin Clark fan?




So here we go.


Sounds like it.


This is a stat that's been out there that if you take away Angel Reese's offensive rebounds of her own shot, she will still lead the WNBA in offensive rebounds.


How dare you come back at me with facts? I'm sorry.


I know that we're supposed to be just out here saying anything, but it's like, angel Reese is doing some crazy stuff. And if people think that it's crazy that she just rebounded her own stocks, why doesn't the other team stop her? I'm mad that she got, like, 19 boards on us in the Atlanta dream. I'm like, what's going on? You know? That's what she's gonna do. That's how, you know a player's great.


And Moses Malone did it all the time, and we all thought it was amazing. Like, that's the funny thing, is foe, foe, foe. It's kind of like the same thing that Chuck was talking about right there. He's complaining. I'm like, Chuck, like, this is what happens in the NBA all the time. You got a rookie who comes in with a little bit of possess, whatever.


And Charles Barkley complains about NBA all the time, too, so I don't take no offense to it. Have you watched the show? I mean, that's what they do is they complain. And so he's complaining about WNBA. It's almost like a rite of passage.


Renee it's not only that he made up, he said a lie. He made up his own stat and said that she rebounds 90 90% of her rebounds.


Who's the researcher here? That gives him his retailer, Taylor.


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