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This is the Dan Levatore show with the Stugats podcast.


I have two things here that I believe to be shocking. I believe I have a shocking stat of the day, and I believe I have shocking Lucy information. Which would you like, Stugats?


Shocking Lucy information.


How exhausting does all of the Caitlin Clarke conversation have to be when Lucy Rodine, who has been famously, publicly, pro Caitlin Clark before it was popular, before it was trendy, as our resident, Iowa correspondent, for her this fast into Caitlin Clark's career, I think we're talking about 10 games for her to be totally tired of talking about Caitlin Clarke.


Caitlin is the only person having any normal conversation about Caitlin. I never thought that I would wake up and not want to hear people talk about her. Every time I open up my phone, it's this sess pull of just gross stuff. Nikki Haley, shut up. Don't talk about Caitlin. She's mine, not yours.


She's reached rage levels, and we're just... How many games are we into the experiment? Is it 8, 9, 10, 11?


They played like 600 games so far. They played more games than anybody else by 10 miles.


I think they're three and nine. There's probably another one in there somewhere. It's too many games.


That was fast, though. It was fast for you to get to already tired about the Discord. We were talking earlier in the week about the idea that she's somehow controversial, even though she's done nothing controversial because she's just, I think Jessica said, she's just an avatar for whatever it is you want to talk about.


It's not her fault. It's everyone else's fault. I just didn't expect everyone to be that stupid. I thought they'd be stupid, but not that dumb. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't do anything. She goes out, she plays basketball. She's normal. Even the whole Olympic conversation, she wasn't mad. She wasn't upset. Then everybody else just gets so... She doesn't need you to do that. She's cool. She's good. She makes a lot of money. She's fine. Leave her alone. Just leave her alone. Be normal.


Does somebody be normal for five seconds? Yeah, no one can be normal. To Lucy's point, I was listening to the Athletic Women's Basketball podcast yesterday, and Ben Pickman was saying that USA Basketball stuck to basketball All Kaitlyn Clarke has been saying all season was like, she wants to tune everything out and just stick to basketball. And they did. They did that, and everyone's still really mad. And it's very just, why can't we just be normal?


What is generally happening with the coddling, though? The idea that people are rushing over to not just have an opinion, but to also protect her from expectations that come with being a prodigy?


It's all pretty much just like, it boils down to men being like, women need to be protected, even though men are the ones who do all the bad stuff to women. It's pretty much all of them. They're the ones that we need to be protected from, but yet they're saying they need to protect us. Caitlin doesn't need to be coddled, and it's like, I've followed Caitlin since she was in high school. That girl is a killer. She doesn't need to be coddled. Sometimes I think, hey, maybe the people around her need to be coddled because look, my girl's fiery. She doesn't need you, Nikki Haley.


Sounds like you're talking about it. Right.


But she's tired of talking about it.


I'm tired of listening to everyone else talk about it.


I'm tired of listening to...


I don't care what I'm saying. Lucy's allowed to talk about it.


I've followed Caitlin since high school makes Kaylyn sound less like a killer, and you said more like a killer.


Actually, I don't know what to respond to that.


That's true. He boxed you in. I hate it when he does it. He's a good checkmater sometimes on that. I still want to get to this stat because I do believe that all of you will be surprised by this, because I didn't believe it when I saw it, and I had to double-check it because I think of the Los Angeles Lakers as something, historically, that they have not in any way been recently. It came up in the weird story of Dan Hurley, who will be on with us tomorrow, incidentally. We will get to ask him some of these questions about something that is confusing, and there's an element of the story that I think people listening to this will be interested in because they're interested in the insider stuff, and Woj and Shams are going at it in a way that's public and interesting to me. But we were talking about the Laker job, and Jessica mentioned, Is it that good of a job? Because it's always been a good job, but they've got now at the center of everything they're doing, the oldest player in the league and the stat I'm about to read.


Start of the day, start of the day, in this year's start of the day. Start of the day, start of the day, in this year's start of the day.


Start of the day, start of the day, in this It is the start of the day.


Start of the day, start of the day.


It is the start of the day.


Before I give you the stat of the day, Stugatz, this from Hembo, because it will help you understand a little better the passing of Jerry West, how it is and why it is he was such a great executive. Hembo writes, On July 11th, 1996, Jerry West traded Vladi Divak for Kobe Bryant. Seven days later, Jerry West signed Shaq as a free agent. It is the greatest week any sports executive has ever had. That's what Jerry West did.


I mean, Riley got LeBron and Bosh.


Same day.


And Wade discounted.


Yes, and discounted. On it, same day. So perhaps not the greatest week an executive has ever had. But because Jerry West did that and because the Lakers have been so relevant for so long, this is the stat of the day that surprised me. In the last 12 seasons, the Lakers have been higher than a seven seed once. Wow. Twelve seasons, the Lakers have been higher than a seven seed one time. I had to go look it up because I'm like, That can't be right. They've always been relevant. But Kobe played at the end for some really bad teams. They've always had stars. But the last twelve years of Lakers as a Mom and Pop business has been an illusion. It's been an optical illusion. It's all of their history is the way that you remember them. And the fact that they keep putting a star in front of it makes it seem like they've been better than they have been. In the last 12 years.


That one title in the bubble covers a lot of stuff up, a lot of losing up. They've also run through six or seven head coaches in the last twelve years. It's crazy.


And so to Jessica's point, when Hurley comes up for that job and it feels like the whole thing seems fishy and a negotiating ploy, and it's Hurley taking advantage of the situation because he can, because he's a basketball royalty name The Hurley family is known as basketball. And so if the Laker job comes open, yeah, sure, why not interview it, but not with the intention of taking it, and not because it's that good a job with the oldest player in the league in control of everything.


Stugats here. Summer time is here, which means travel season is upon us. If you're like me and love to travel during the warmer months, the first thing you worry about before traveling is, how safe will my home be while I'm away? I no longer worry about that. Now that I have Simply Safe installed in my home, I've had my Simply Safe system in place for several years now, and it's giving me such peace of mind. Simply Safe is advanced home security that puts you first. I have the wireless indoor camera. It allows me to see what's going on inside my home. They have a variety of indoor and outdoor cameras, plus sensors to detect break-ins, fires, floods, and more. Simply Safe has been named in US news as World Report's best home security systems for five years running and ranked the best customer service in home security by Newsweek and by Stugats. Simply Safe has given me real peace of mind. I want you to have it, too. Right now, get 20% off any Simply Safe system with fastProtect monitoring at simplisave. Com/dlb. Again, get 20% off any new Simply Safe system with fastProtect monitoring at simplisafe.


Com/dlb. There's no safe like Simply Safe.


Don Lebatard. I don't think in 2021, I can get away with Michael Irvin radio show impression.


No, probably not. Stugatz. Ha, ha, ha.


I think that's still okay. I think you need to do that.




This is the Dan Levatard show with the Stugatz.


Chris Whittingham, Stugatz. Many of us miss him around here. Many also don't miss all of the weirdness that Chris Whittingham is.


Some of us miss him. I mean, becoming less and less.


Who is this?


Chris Whittingham was the executive producer of this show for about six minutes and then went off to his dream job, but in so doing, took a wrestling heel turn that surprised us, I think, where he went from a Panthers fan to a Rangers fan at the wrong time, and did so because he was mad at the Panthers for breaking up what was a great offensive regular season team that then got strangled in the postseason by Tampa Bay. Whittingham was no-it-all loud wrong in a montage that we played last year about his hockey takes that somehow, even though it was historically gasbagged wrong last year, is even worse. It's aging even worse than the mockery of a year ago.


I would like to disappear in the playoffs again. We won't be in the playoffs. But the flames-Because of empty stats, Matthew could shop. The coach came in and was like, The style is going to change. We're going to play playoff hockey in the regular season. Listen, pal, if you're six points out of the final playoff spot, you're not playing playoff hockey in the playoffs. I'm trying to play a more playoff-style type of hockey. That's what you said. Playoff-style. Playoff-style. Are you going to play playoff style from home? I'm still offended at the opening night broadcast from the Florida Panthers when they came out said, We got to sell what we did in this offseason to the fans. And so what we're going to do is we're going to tell everyone we're going to play playoff-style hockey in the regular season to get you ready. And then to go right back to being outside of the final play. I'm offended. I'm still offended. It's so arrogant. There's so much hubris in. You guys were playing that little titty-tappy fun stuff in the regular season. That stuff is where we're going to play. We're going to play man hockey now.


After that unprecedented success, we're done with it. Why did they break the team up? They broke the team up. They didn't break the team up. They just broke the team up. They changed coaches. They broke the team up. You and Huber, though, you just won't get over this. They won that trade. It's been way better than Huber. It doesn't matter. Eric Saul has as many goals as Jonathan Huber It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Like, Matthew Kutchum's got a bunch of empty stats right of the play. It's a empty stat. It's awesome. What are you talking about empty stats? Yeah, they're empty if you don't win. No, they don't win games. I have no feeling towards this team. None. They ripped the soul out of it.


This has been every hockey season. We check in at about now.


Which is to Zazel's point, exactly what it's so ridiculous that they broke the team up. You were saying you change stylistically and you swap superstars to a player who does not match the style that you had before. He's not a much better player. They lose terrible games. They're not fun to watch. They don't have any discernible style. They play like all the other hockey teams. And in the middle of it, there's a very standout individual who is getting his stats, but is very clearly not helping the team with those stats. Listen, pal.


I have an idea. We should let Woody back on the pan wagon and get him on a float if and when the Panthers win, which I've said, I've had a feeling they're going to win all season, but only with the stipulation that fans are allowed to throw tomatoes at him while on the parade route.


I like it. I'll allow it.


What's going to happen there? Because I don't know. In the event of a parade, and you got to be careful with all of that stuff, you will infuriate the superstitious among us. But I don't know the details of where that would even be. I'm assuming it would be Los Angeles or it would be Fort Lauderdale. I know you guys have been working the Panthers, trying to figure out how you can be a part of the parade, if indeed there is a parade.


We have not been told no yet. That's where we're at.


That's good.




I think they'd go for the tomato thing. I mean, that would go super viral.


That's probably some liability issues with that. Can you put up on On the poll, please, Juju, at Lebitard's show, are, quote, ListenPal, fighting words? Listenpal-for white guys. For white guys. Okay, put two polls up there. Are the words listen pal, fighting words, and are the words listen pal, only fighting words for white people? Let's do against the spread, please.


That's right. It's time for Against the Spread.


Against the Spread. Not a lot of enthusiasm from the group there supporting you, Chris.


It's brought to you by DraftKings. Stay tuned because you'll hear all that DraftKings has to offer throughout the show. Draftkings, the Crown is yours. Lucy, kick us off.


All right, Starting off with some WMBA action tomorrow night. The Mercury. That's always a hard word for me to say. Mercury? I can't get it. That and Arnold Palmer can't get for some reason. That's not the point of this. That is not what DraftKings spends their good money on. The Mercury, I think I got it that time, are playing the Aces. The Aces are a 16-point favorite. No, you got to take the Mercury plus 16. The Aces have lost three in a row. They're not looking good right now.


That's a huge spread. Jessica made a face at your bet, though. She didn't like it.


Maybe the Aces are due.


Yeah, but 16 is a giant spread.


It is giant. Lucy, you're absolutely right.


Thank you. I can say Mercury and Ulmer Parmel now.


I couldn't get it. You were so confident. Against the spread.


We're going to the association tonight. The line just moved right now from minus three to minus two and a half. I'm taking the Dallas Mavericks. You took the Dallas last weekend. I know. But they're due again today. Luca back in action. No poor Zingas, no rim protector. Luca Kyrie getting to the hole. He's been in action the entire time. I'm saying he's back. He's at home, ready to go. No Porzingas, getting into the lane.


Is Porzingas indeed out or is he questionable?


Dan, you know his injury. It was obvious when it happened. We knew what it was. It was the rectilium. Why do you keep saying rectilium? Because it says... Where's the paper? Read it, Stu.


Stu got to throw it away. He doesn't. He's allergic to it.


The arm rolled the torn medial retinal column.


It was making me sneeze. Okay.


Dallas Mavericks minus two and a half against the spread. All right, Billy, who you got?


What happened to the music? We ran out of music. The spread.


I'm going to take the USFL champion Birmingham Stalions, over the XFL conference champion, San Antonio, Brahma, in this week's NFL Championship Game. Now, a lot of you are saying, Billy, the Birmingham stallions lost one game all season. They were nine and one. And that game was to the San Antonio Brahma's. Who were seven and three, as we all know on the season. But the one loss the stallions had was to the Brahmas. How are you picking the stallions to win by three, minus three in the Championship game against the Brahmas, the only team that defeated them this season? And it's because in the NFL Championship game, we all know, revenge is a factor. And this is a huge revenge game. I'm going to take the Birmingham stallions minus three. This is a three-peat. Against the spread. This is a three-peat for the Stalions if they win, by the way. They've won the last two. Well, it's the first year of the league. Well, they won the last two in the USFL.


You know what is not a repeat? Draftkings giving us another contract with this is against the spread. A bigger one they're going to give us. Revenge game, and they're due? That's the analysis.


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Dan Levatard.


Did someone say a conservative entity?


No. See, this is why. Stugatz.


Wait, five? Yours is better than mine. In the fifth, Sagaki.


Yours was bloody. How is the fifth, Sagaki better than the third and the fourth, Sagaki already?


This is the Dan Levatard show with the Stugats.


Hi, El. Oh, it's my girl. Okay, Jessica, can I tell you, I spent three days after Formula One going, Was I too familiar? I called her Jess right away as if we were old homies from college. Did I just have just kept calling her Jessica? I really spent an absurd amount of time I'm tormenting myself over whether I should have called you Jess.


No, I go by both. But also, I wear my Hannah Hidalgo shirt today for you, but it's too cold to take off my sweatshirt, so you can't see it.


It's underneath. That's all that matters. It's there.


Exactly. El, we are so happy to see you. I don't mean to sound too parental here in feeling proud of you, that you can display the full range of your personality in a way that the prompter doesn't allow. But it's nice to see you again, and thank you for making the time for us.


Dan, are you I squoaled at the call. Thank you. Hi, Stugats. Hello, Al. Hi, everybody. Hey, I see Lucy. It's, Oh, hey, what's up, Greg? Okay, I can't see who's in the very back. Yes.


Is Billy, Tony, and Greg? That's fine. You did fine. El, I should tell the people, she's been a mainstay on SportsCenter here close to a decade and obviously excellent on WNBA Countdown on ABC. It's a show and looks and acts like none I've ever seen, El. I think It's fair to say that, right? There's never been the space for this chemistry, this show at ESPN, correct?


Yeah. No. I mean, I would agree. It always feels weird being that person that's like, Yeah. But yeah, I mean, I think that for it's good and it's bad, there is an opportunity there, or at the very least, that place has let me be who I am wherever I am. So that's been cool.


Can you take us through, and I want to cede the floor to you here, just the last 10 days, the last 10 days have been interesting to you, why and how?


They've been exhausting. I have used the phrase from the Green Mile from our beloved, what was his name? John coffee, as tired boss. I have used that phrase more in the last 10 days than maybe ever. I'm really exhausted. I certainly know know that social media is not a place to have nuanced conversations. But if I'm being honest, you guys, I think I'm a little disappointed in myself. I think I naively thought with all of the momentum from the college space, with these amazing numbers, with these ratings, with just all the good feels, with the hope that it was going to translate to the W because it just hasn't for whatever reason, for a bevy of reasons, and I think we know what some of those are, that translation has never been there, that you can love these college players, and then you can watch them level up at the professional level. And I think I just naively thought, all this attention that Kaitlyn is going to bring is going to shine a spotlight on everyone else, and it's just going to grow, and it's going to be so great, and everyone's going to get to see how awesome the W is.


And it has become, like everything else in this country, a total and complete culture war, where everyone that's new to the party is showing up with pitchforks. And that doesn't sound like a fun party that I would want to be at. So, yeah, it's been a little bit of coming to terms with the fact that I very naively thought it would look a lot different.


El, that's crazy to me that you and Lucy, 12 games into the Caitlin experience, are already, I'm tired, boss. That's crazy. How can that be?


Yeah, I know. Especially, I know Lucy being a big Caitlin Clark fan. I mean, I watch all your stuff, Lucy. I love it. I'm frustrated for many reasons, I do think, and I've asked, because here's the thing to address some people on social media that have been like, Don't you scold us? This is your first foray into the W as well. You are 100% right. I've been in the college space for three years. I have been in this W space for just this season, a handful of weeks, if you will. And a lot of that is because of the growth that Kaitlyn Clarke brought in the idea that they wanted to carry some of the momentum that me and Andrea Carter and Shana Guamakey I had from the women's tournament. But I, unlike some new people in this space, are asking a lot of questions, and I'm trying to do a lot of listening, and I'm doing a lot of research. And maybe that's because that's my job by nature. But when I ask people that are in this space, Why are we here? What happened? How did we go from, Kaitlyn Clarke is going to help level up this whole league, to, Now we have othered her in a way that it is either you are showing complete fealty to Caitlin Clarke or you're a jealous, bitter hater, and there's no in between.


It's like you are either saying that she should be given everything that she wants because she's been transformative, or you hate her and you're a racist, which I've been called numerous times this week as well. So there's just There's no in between. It's frustrating because everyone has taken to their respective sides, and there really is no room to listen. I didn't think that the Olympic thing would be that talked about naively. Sure enough, we're still here five, four, five, six days later talking about it, too.


Isn't it possible that it's just because men want to be a part of the conversation now and it's easy to do all-star snubs and Caitlin as an entry point and everyone can look at what's happening and say, I liked it better before the men got here.


Yes. All my girl group chats just look like, What is wrong with the men? What has happened to the men? They're losing it. Yes. I think that's the frustrating part is that I'm not one of those people that's like, You're new. You should have nothing to say. But the problem is that these new people don't really have anything else to talk about. They're not particularly researched. They're not watching these games. They're certainly not texting the experts or the analysts that they have at their disposal to ask them what are story lines that are worth selling? And so they keep going to the same bag of tricks. She's being targeted. She's the best thing that ever happened to these women, and she's being snubbed. It's just the same rehashed. And it doesn't matter how measured the conversation is around it. I mean, actually, Dan, I was really excited that when this thing leaked last Saturday, that we were going to get to do a WNBA countdown. Because again, naively, I was like, Andrea Carter and Shana Guimara, she should be the first voices on this. Before the men get it, let's let these two very pragmatic, measured, researched, incredible people give their thoughts on why potentially she was left off the roster, which is different than being snubbed.


She was left off, she was not snubbed. And it still hasn't mattered because the people with the biggest platforms are the ones who want to be able to throw Kaitlyn Clarke in the A block, but in a way that they think is digestible to their fans, which is simply going to the one thing that they know about which is besmirching and denigrating an entire group of women, thinking that you're doing it in a way that's promoting Kaitlyn Clarke, which is beyond strange to me, too.


I have a question looking ahead to the next Olympics in 2028, which will be here in the United States. There's going to be even more of an influx of talent coming out of college next year and in the next three years with Paige Beckers, Juju Watkins, Hannah Hidalgo. Plus, you'll have rookies this year, like Angel Reece that may be eligible to play in the next one. Will this be the deepest pool of talent in USA basketball that we've ever seen in 2028, trying to make that roster?


Sure. I mean, listen, it stands to reason that Diana Tracey is not going to be on the roster at 46 years old. Who knows? She could surprise me. Certainly, she's doing things that we haven't seen any 42-year-old do in basketball before. But absolutely. I think the thing that's frustrating to me about this Olympic conversation, Jess, it Jessica, Jess. We're friends. I'm going with Jess, is that people just want everything handed to Kaitlyn, and Kaitlyn doesn't want that either. Come on, man. She didn't become the greatest college basketball player of all time by wanting anything handled to her, the greatest shooter, by wanting people to not defend her or face guard her. And so, yeah, it's going to be a really tough decision to make for the Olympics. I think it was a really tough decision to make to leave Enrique Agumbuale off. And if you talk to the analyst, the reason is, part of the reason anyway, is because Arique is a very unique and special talent, much like Kaitlyn Clarke. And she's not exactly a plug into the system and go type of player. You have to a little bit build around her to play to her strengths, which she has many.


But you have to build a team and a strategy around that one player, which is not really ideal for an Olympic roster. So, yeah, it's going to be incredible. And I love that you mentioned Paige Beckers. We're talking about her coming into the league next year. At some point, Juju coming into the league. At some point, Hannah Hidalgo, who I know is buried under your sweatshirt in there, Jess. And so it's going to be an incredibly still difficult decision because, again, you guys, all of the best basketball players in the world reside in America. So you're talking about picking 12 of the best in the world, and it will still be a tough decision, and there will still be people who are upset and will be snubbed. But in this particular instance, it was just not Kaitlyn Clarke.


There is another rookie that we haven't been talking about a lot, Alyssa Peely. She had this incredible half-court shot. I'm not sure if you saw it. We're going to play the video right now.


It's B-roll, so talk over it.


Okay, well, here it is. One-handed just launches the ball from half court and makes the shot. One of the most incredibly athletic things I have ever seen. I'm truly... What do you even say?


She threw it like a baseball.


I was going to say, that's why I love it, Dan, is because it actually looked incredibly unathletic. It looks like she's like, whatever. She shot put it, and that's how far it went because Alyssa Pealey has grown, grown, grown woman strength. That is not surprising at all.


Can you help us with the story lines? If people need to be talking about the basketball this Saturday, you have Saturday and Sunday games. You got Aces hosting the Liberty, and you got Brittany Griner in the Mercury hosting the Storm. When you talk about story lines that people should be paying attention to, Instead of Caitlin Clark talk all the time, what should they be paying attention to?


Yeah. And let me be clear, come for the Caitlin Clarke and stay for the other story lines, right? There is no such thing as growing the space. If you still only watch one particular player. It doesn't grow really anything. It helps just the Fever's numbers. So this weekend alone, you're going to have an Aces team that looked like they were streaking towards a third straight Championship. They've taken a little bit of a hit right now, but they still don't have Chelsea gray, one of the best point guards in the entire world right now at their disposal. So it looks like there's a little bit of blood in the water. But Asia Wilson is having a 2001 Shaq here. You guys know what that means. She is dominating and is just must see TV on every single level. The Liberty look like a team that is finally figuring some things out. They just took down the Connecticut Sun. The Sun is like the perennial. You guys, we always want a good underdog type of story. That's the Sun, man. They are always the bridesmaid. They are never the bride. They've been to more finals and semis appearances than any other team without an actual championship in W history.


And they look fantastic despite just losing to the Liberty. They turned around and beat up on the fever. Nafisha Collier has been stupid for Minnesota. I don't I think anyone was talking about the Lynx when we were coming in. Now, they're the second, third best team in the league right now. And you talk about the Seattle Storm, right? We thought this could be a super team with Nneka Agumake, with Skyler Diggens-Smith. They started out the season not playing particularly well. They've won seven of their last eight, and they are absolutely bawling. So there's so many. And the Mercury. Diana Tarassi is 42 years old, wanted to make this Olympic team, is shooting better from long distance than really anybody else in the league. And my girl Kalea Copper is absolutely on one, makes her first Olympic team because she leads the league in scoring. She's been so fun to watch. Brittany Griner shaking off the rust. She just put up a 24-point effort. There is story lines galore in particular this week, and I hope that you guys will be watching on ABC. The best teams are being featured.


Before we let you go, in honor of Chris Whittingham using the fighting words ListenPal, we have a top five list for El of most threatening things said by the White Man. Number five, or we have O-L-I here, Stugan. Just a straight five. Okay. Number five. Hold your horses, pal. Okay. Number four.


You've got another thing coming.


Is it thing or think? Number three. Two hits.


Me hitting you, you hitting the floor. Number two. I'm going to clean your clock. Number one.




You got to add a buddy at the end of that. It's newsflash buddy. That's what really stings. That's what makes it a fighting word is the buddy.


The shipping container hated your list.


I feel like there's more threatening things, Hold your horses as strong.


It's my list, and it's white men.


No, are you talking to me?


Are you talking to me?


I'm going to turn this car around. That's what I would call. For a kid, though. I'm going to kidnap you, put you in a cage in my garage. The family's not going to hear from you for six months.


It's always white people that do that. That escalated. Al, thank you for being on with us. Again, I will tell the folks, WMBA Countdown on ABC. She is doing a spectacular job with it. It's nice seeing you again.


Thank you. Can I throw one in for Stugats that no white person would ever say, but you would be the first, and it would make a lot of sense? You finna get your wig split. If you could just say that, I promise you. That was all I for me.


Al, nice seeing you.


You guys are the best. Thanks for having me on, Dan. Let me hear you say that again. Thanks for wanting to talk about other shit.


In the event I need to say that, can I hear it again?


You finna get you a wig split.


Got it.


I'm writing it back. Stugats here. Summer time is here, which means travel season is upon us. If you're like me and love to travel during the warmer months, the first thing you worry about before traveling is, how safe will my home be while I'm away? I no longer worry about that. Now that I have Simply Safe installed in my home, I've had my Simply Safe system in place for several years now, and it's giving me such peace of mind. Simply Safe is advanced home security that puts you first. I have wireless indoor camera. It allows me to see what's going on inside my home. They have a variety of indoor and outdoor cameras, plus sensors to detect break-ins, fires, floods, and more. Simply Safe has been named in US news as World Report's Best Home Security System for five years running and ranked the best customer service in home security by Newsweek and by Stugats. Simply Safe has given me real peace of mind. I want you to have it, too. Right now, get 20% off any Simply Safe system with Fast Protect monitoring at simplisafe. Com/stugats. Com. Again, get 20% off any new Simply Safe system with FastProtect monitoring at simplisafe.


Com/dlb. There's no safe like Simply.