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This is The Don Levator Show with the Stu Guts podcast. All right, we'll kick off hour two here with our friend Andrew Hawkins. Been in studio with us for a while now. We appreciate check him out. The Tom Hawk podcast. How often are you doing that?


Every week. Every week.


Are you enjoying having Joe back in your life?


It's great having him back in my life, man. The guy that I could count on. And when we played for the Browns, he was the only good player we had. And now it's the same on our podcast. He's the only good player on that show.


Because chemistry is hard to like, you have discovered. I talk to Dan all the time about chemistry and sports. He said it doesn't exist. This is when we first started doing the show.


The most important thing in podcasting, the.


First three years, we were dreadful. We still are, but we were dreadful. Doing our radio show. It took us three years to get our timing down. Like, this stuff is hard. You need chemistry. It is.


Because they have to be conversations that people want to sit in on. Who wants to sit in on a conversation of two people that don't have.


Good nothing worse than when you don't have good chemistry.


He's doing a thing.


I'm just doing a thing, right? Look at us.


Oh, man.


So you have Belichick coaching the Olympic lacrosse team?


Yeah, I think Belichick, when he gets fired he's not going to get fired. Is he going to get fired?


He should get fired.


No, he should.


Bill Belichick would fire Bill Belichick.


That's what he's earned, the right to suck more good chemistry for as long as he wants to.


He let Richard see. But will you shut up? Wow. Not you, Chris.


I was doing a thing also.


I'm joking. I know. Keep doing the thing. I'm sorry. Lazy river. I apologize. I'm sorry.


You think he should get fired?


I think Bill Belichick.


Who got rid of Bill Belichick? I'm sorry.


Yes, I think he should be fired. I do. I think Bill Belichick, who is a guy who's known for getting rid of people at their peak, at their prime, richard Seymour, countless others, he would fire himself.


He would. But I feel like he's done way too much, like worse. You start stripping away responsibilities, take away his ability to be the GM and take away his ability to play call, you got to give it a slow process. I don't think you can't pull the quick trigger on Bill Belichick, man. He's Bill Belichick. He's the greatest coach ever.


He deserves to leave on his own terms.


He deserves to suck. Everyone deserves their opportunity to be very bad for a little bit, especially when you have that much success.


How long?


Maybe a year or two. This one is pretty bad, right? I would say next year. You ask him in the offseason, you ask him to retire. If he says no, you say, okay, we're giving GM duties to somebody else. And if in the event it looks very similar, we don't end up with the guy that we want at the quarterback position doesn't look up, then we got to go in our separate direction.


I'm interested and intrigued by this flag football game. I really am. Because I think what Chris doesn't want to say, I'll say it, I don't care. Because he's scared of the Pat McAfee show.


Are you guys really playing the Pat McAfee?


That can't be true.


Chris cannot be scared.


We're about to issue a challenge.


We're going to levy a challenge to the Pat McAfee Show. Yeah, but I think Chris is they have, you know, they're friends with Jones.


They got right. I don't like our holistic.


We have you. We have Joe Thomas. We have Tony.


Joe Thomas. I don't know if that's you said who.


We have Chris Sims.


You said we have I mean, I feel like we have Chris Sims. I don't know if that helps us.


Maybe we have Brian Hoyer.


Maybe we have.


Bruce Grekowski. Does every couple with appearances on the Tomahawk.


So you have Eckler, who's questionable tonight.


Eckler be good.


I'm certain Eckler would rather be playing in the Super Bowl than in our flag football game. But yes, I would think that we would have Eckler, maybe Raheem Mostert.


They still have Brandon Staley. So we're good.


Yeah. You're not going to have to worry about that, right? I mean, you guys are worried about the McAfee show. Tony's not, right? Absolutely not. Right?


I wouldn't go that far. They're pretty pacman jones ran a four five one, like three weeks ago. He got it.


And DB still got it, too, I think.


Yeah. We have Jess.


DB also a good golfer, by the way. Who DB? Darius Butler.




Yeah, he's down here, too. Chris, there you go.


Get on this.


Trying to help out here.


I got my eyes set. I got to be honest with you. Rudolph is my guy, I think Wingo's not getting back to is it's insulting? Yeah.


What made you guys issue a challenge to the Pat McAfee Show for flag football? Why was that the thing that you were like, we can take them here.


We like attention, okay.


We're going after the biggest. I like that. We used to be the biggest. Now he's the biggest. So we're going after we're trying to get a title back. I love it. Trying to do I love it.


That makes sense.


I'm not afraid of McAfee or AJ. Hawk for that matter. Yeah.


No, me either.


As long as we have you.


They got a pretty good defense, though. Hawk in the middle and then they know DB. They got Pac Man on the outsides.




I felt good against them.


They do.


In the podcast football game, I think we might need we need Hawk. We need everyone who's going to be there.


We need you to bring we might got to spin up a couple new shows, too. Between now and then, we have two goals, like welcome to the Tyreek Hill and Raheem Mostard and Mike McDaniel podcast.




You're right.


We should strategy.


Metal Larks should just sign shows with athletes so they can play in our flag football game. That is a genius idea by you, sir.


Travis Hunter weekly podcast.


The Gang here created a very funny scenario. The Gang. What a weird term to use. But anyway, they created a funny, great scenario where if Zach Wilson somehow got the jets to the playoffs and Aaron Rodgers is healthy, come playoff time, do you ride it with Zach Wilson or do you bring back Aaron Rodgers?


What kind of scenario?


A crazy one. You just had him winning the Super Bowl, man.


I'm just saying there's a very clear and easy answer here. This is a hard conversation to even have because you put Aaron Rodgers in.




Not even like really under. Zach would say, put Aaron Rodgers in. I'm a thousand percent sure that so.


The Patriots, like, Brady replaced Bledsoe. Bledsoe came back. He stayed with Brady, didn't he? Yeah.


That was smart. Yeah. If Aaron Rodgers comes back from injury, you give it to Aaron Rodgers. Follow the money. That's typically what you do nine times out of ten.


How is he on the field throwing without a boot with no I don't.


Know if it's real.


Is it real? What do you mean?


Go on. I like this. What do you mean it's not real?


You must drop all the energy to give these couple of second clips so that everybody is like, oh, it's right. I thought it doesn't make any sense.


You're totally right about this.


It's like, okay, I'm going to make it look as normal as possible. He's throwing just yeah, you don't need.


Your legs to throw.


Just throw in.


Everyone made what movie. He went back in there and cried after.


Wait, we have footage of him right here.


He didn't pop out his shoulder. I don't know.


So, Hawk, what are you thinking here? Just explain clearly what it is you're alleging standing.


He's not doing anything special yet. That's all I'm saying.




I'm not like, oh, my gosh, this is nuts. And everybody who says it's nuts, we're.


Supposed to compare this to Tony's dad's Achilles recovery?


No, we're trying to compare it against any other human on the planet's. Achilles recovery, which has never happened. Nobody ever in three weeks has been standing on a field, even doing side.


Shuffles, because they don't want to have the attention.


Who does?


Like, just go get better is my thing.


I don't think who's this? Look at me, Louie, ball catcher next to him with the glasses and the gloves. It's like you're just the guy that's there to catch the ball next to the quarterback. Why are we all decked out here?


He's got the Oakley's on I like better than Zach.


Yeah. I don't know. I bet you Kobe was putting shots up at three. Just he just wasn't doing it on.


The court in front of the camera.


Sorry. Five weeks.


You're saying aaron has a little JJ. Watt in him? Is what is what does that mean?


What is having a little are you kidding?


Everything's done in front of the camera.


Is that?






Watt I don't want to put you.


In a bad what's it like.


DJ. Not in front of the camera as much. Like some Bryce Harper in him.


Okay. Some little yeah, I'm okay with it.




Hey, man, they all have dollar amounts that are way bigger than my bank account, so maybe I need some JJ. Watt and Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson in my game.


Joe Burrow seems to be getting like and that's a problem for the rest of the league. Yeah.


I don't know if he's getting healthy. I mean, yes, he is getting healthy, it seems, but I would also say he doesn't have good starts to seasons. And I know that he's injured, but my thing with quarterbacks or anybody that plays in the NFL, I don't like to give people outs for being injured. If you play, you are judged based off of what your performance is. We all understand that people are banged up. We all understand if you're hurt, if you cannot operate the offense or your position at the level it needs to be, then don't go out there. You're not doing anybody any favors. So Joe Burrow is good. He's always been good. He was going to figure it out. He's going to probably have a great stretch down the back end of the season, because that's what he does. He starts slow and he finishes strong.


I got a question for the class.




Something happened to me today, and I need some advice from the team, and I have a question to ask the gang. From the gang. I'll leave with this question. Do shitty Parkers do it on purpose? When you see somebody parked really shittily, do you think that they know that they park like shit? Or they're like, I don't really care. I'm going to do whatever I want.


They know.


There's a person in my apartment complex who drives one of those long body Jaguars, like the super long boat ones, and they'll park in, like, three spaces.


I've seen who it is.


It's an old lady. So I kind of feel bad, but then I don't, because I'm like, just park right just like, go in.


But she's an old lady.


She'll park halfway into the parking spot and leave the whole back half of her car in the middle of the road. And I'm just like, that's crazy.


That's just not push, like, the car.


A little bit further.


So at the train today, there was.


Somebody you wanted to actually push it.


I wanted to do something and not have it halfway sticking out. Okay, but at the train station today, there's somebody who parked on the white lines, like, right over the white line. So really into my spot. But I was late and I had to rush, so I had to squeeze into that little spot.


The last spot. I go to the next spot.


No, it was the last spot.


Then it's tough to get out of the car.


Yeah. You have to kind of, like, get.


Outsideways one of these moves.


You can't open the door too much. Do you think park like, Shit, do it on purpose?


No, I don't think I do it on purpose.


There's levels to this.


What city are we talking?


The jerk in the truck at the mall. That's just, like, as diagonal as possible. That guy did it on purpose. But for the most part, I think people just go over the line.


Does car size matter? If you have a huge car and you kind of park like, shit, it's.


Like, oh, it's not the size of the boat. It's the motion of the ocean.


I don't like it when people think that their big car is more important than my car. Your big car doesn't just because it's bigger doesn't mean it deserves more space.


Hell, yeah.


That's right.


You tell them, Chris.


What do you mean, special? It absolutely does.


I think physics says it does need more space.


No, I know. I'm saying if your car takes up that entire parking space, you made that decision. Okay, that's not my fault.




Your fault for buying a big car.




Now I have to park three spaces down because your big truck took up one and a half spots.


Yeah, but they don't make special spaces for big cars. But they give you, like, oh, here's your compact spot. This is you get your own spot.


No one needs a car that Derek Jeter does.


What if you're in construction?


I'm getting defensive because I drive an Escalade extended because I have three children and I need all the space that it comes with.


Cars are too big.


Are you always back in?


Yeah, mostly.


I'm a back in kind of guy, too.


You got to back it in, man. It's too hard. I mean, it creates too many issues. Trying to reverse out?


No, not when somebody's behind you, though. You're obstructing traffic if somebody's behind you, you're trying to back in five minutes while you park. I hate that. Yeah, I hate that. Just park the car. Yeah, park the car.


Why? Just pull it anyway. I don't care how I park. There it is.


So you don't do it on purpose. Gotcha. Tony, I think you're doing it on purpose. No.


I am a great parker, so I always park.


Tony does seem like a guy that would park like a jerk. Tony Parker. I mean, that like Tony Parker. That's good.


Go on, Chris. You're berating me.


Hockey. Knicks. What happened, Chris?


He just screamed the F word.


Splash. Thank you.




Don Lebotard. Listen, it could be Julius Randall's building. How about that? The Mecca ours. Julius, the Mecca spugats.


Steve Martin was a prop comic.


You said that.


I said it 2 seconds earlier than you.


This is the Dan Levitar Show with the stukats. All right, we bring on Jay Glazer, our friend here. He is kind enough to join us for a couple of segments. What's going on, Jay?


The dream man. How you doing, bud?


Doing well. The Unbreakable podcast, which I love, by the way, congratulations to you. You're inspiring people, man, during a very difficult time. You are inspiring people, Jay.


I'm trying, man. You know what? I see also? More and more people just starting to talk about it, where I think when I wrote my book Unbreakable, about trying to give mental health words, I think it was like, almost early, where people were like, oh, my gosh, I can't believe someone's talking about this right now. And now, thank God, it's not looked at with such shock. People are like, okay, I need the words to talk about it. I need to be able to describe what's going on between my ears to other people if I'm going to get help. And there's nothing wrong with look, I go and I talk to these sports teams. I've talked to the Colts, the Seahawks, the Vikings. I tell them all I said, man, mental health is so reactive, you guys, with your physical health, you don't just catch passes when you have the drops or bench press. When you feel like you're getting weak. You're constantly getting coached in it, right? Constantly. And you have five coaches out there doing this stuff, and you have a whole training staff with mental health. You guys are only getting help when the sky's fallen.


That doesn't make any sense, by the way, with mental health. The collective bargaining agreement, teams only have to have this bargained by both the union and the league. Teams are only required to have a full time mental health professional on site two days a week. That makes no sense whatsoever. Imagine if you walked in with you hurt your ankle this weekend, and they said to you, oh, you got to wait till Wednesday for the doc to treat your ankle. Makes no sense. So we're still far behind the times. But for me to be able to give words so people can start talking to each other, that's lifted me up. That's made me have way fewer gray days. I live in a blue a lot more than I've ever have because I'm able to talk about this now. And the same thing for other people. The more we can talk about it, those grayer days become less gray, and a lot of them turn from gray to blue.


Am I a weirdo for actually feeling bad for Bill Belichick.


For feeling bad for him.


Yeah, I feel bad. I don't know why he had so much success. And now I see him on the sideline. He's spiking tablets.


He's becoming a punchline. He's becoming a punchline. He's losing to Josh McDaniels. He's losing to Brian Hoyer. Teddy Brusky is calling him out on pregame shows like, he's becoming a punchline. Yeah.


And I think here's the thing. No matter what, you got to look at what a guy's body work has been. And no, you got to respect him for it no matter what. I don't care what happens toward the end of someone's career. We see this a lot of times with fighters. A lot of times with fighters, right. They just pick up loss after loss after loss toward the end. But, man, I always try to remind them, these losses don't define what you did earlier in your career. That's who you are. That never goes away. So I think right now it's easy. Plus, I think Bill kept everybody at such arm's length for so long and people for so long that people now are lining up to take their shots when he's down.


Right. Do you think this is it for Belichick? Do you think Belichick deserves to walk out on his own terms?


I don't think there's any such thing as kind of if you're not winning, it's time to move on. Everything about this league is about how do you win a championship as soon as possible? There's nothing else. How do you win a title? If you don't think he's the right guy to win you the title, then it's time to move on. And here's the other thing, too. I think his coaching style and that old school coaching style isn't as conducive to today's player.




I think a Dan Campbell and a Sean McVeigh and a Mike Tomlin, I mean, think about they need authenticity, and they need people kind of building them up a little bit more. Now, follow me on this. We just talked about the mental health part. These players, their lives are filled with nothing that's real. Fake. From what? This phone, right? Instagram, social media. We see everybody else's filtered, not real. Filtered highlights of their day. None of it's real. Or on Twitter. You're getting hate by a bunch of bots or people from different countries. They're just like, man, they're just murdering know? So you're just getting beat down all day, or you're seeing things that aren't real. So when you have guys that come in that are authentic and that can lift you up, I think they start to gravitate toward that. It's interesting. I had a change myself and Randy Couture and Chuck Lindell's of the world. We've trained a thousand pro athletes whatever it is, I don't know the number hundreds and hundreds in our mixed martial arts program. And a couple years ago, Randy came to me and said, hey, we got to change how you kind of coach these guys.


One fighter in particular was driving me freaking crazy. And man, he kept dropping his hands and kept dropping his hands. And Randy said, hey, don't tell them what you don't want anymore. Only tell them what you like. It just doesn't resonate anymore to tell these guys to beat up on them for what they're not doing right. Just tell them what you want. And I had to change my style from that also. It's the evolution of I mean, coaches have to evolve constantly. Players have to evolve constantly, but it's more of the coaches to have to evolve.


Help us settle a heated debate we were having earlier. Where do you sit on pulp with your orange juice?


I like pulp.


Like, a lot of pulp? A little bit of pulp.


Not worth getting caught in my teeth and shit. No, but I like it.


That's the good stuff.


Jess, you want to make your argument for pulp?


What if it's not getting stuck in your teeth? Because then I'm digging it, but it's very thick still.


Well, but if you're getting it so much stuck in my teeth where floss becomes a whole extra job for me, I'm not about that. I got enough shit on my plate. But if the pulp was going down easily, I'm all for it.


Paint the picture of your perfect breakfast.


Oh, boy.


My perfect breakfast doesn't come till noon. I do that intermittent fasting. It's a lunch.


All right, so what's the perfect lunch?


Be honest with you guys. I go work out, and then I go to this place over here. I start day drinking about 1230.


That's my boy right there.


So it's shots of tequila. That's the perfect lunch for you, Jay.


Yeah, I got a little tequila. I go a little saucer wine. And then I'm a big sushi guy. And there's a place over here, I go to Soho, Malibu all the time. I love sitting out. I mean, your callers right now are like, shut the up. But we got dolphins and, like, sea lions. And I just sit out there and do my work. It's great, man. I've worked my ass off so I could. And I've lived in some really shitty places right in New York on the way up. I know what it's like to be unbreakable and broke. I was making $9,450 a year for the first eleven years of my career. I have enough money to take me from I usually go subway to a bus to Giant Stadium back every day. And the reason why Stray and I are so close, he felt so bad for me. I didn't have enough money to do it both ways. He would drive my ass back in the city every single day for seven years, and he didn't even live in the city. Just because I wasn't able to do it, I had to fight for myself and fend for myself.


So I know what it's like to be broke, and I'm breaking.


Jay speaking of driving, I deserve the day drinking day.


I felt like you were lashing at him and like, I have no issues with it. You should be drinking every day at 1230 Jed.


I don't fucking care. I've earned that shit. Hey, for a long time, I was playing like this bill roulette like, okay, all right. Which bill am I going to pay this week? I was going to pay my phone bill because I need scoops, but it was going to not pay the heat or the electricity or the cable or somehow do something with the rent. And that went on for a long, long time. Look, the secret, I guess, to my success was allow myself to be rejected more than any human being I've ever met in my life, and just say, no matter what, I will just keep coming back and getting up and coming back and brushing myself and coming back until somebody would say, hey, we should hire this guy, this NFL insider. Which, by the way, wasn't a real position back then.


Jay when you're talking about parking, about the driving situation, when you're parking, do you see when people park like, shit? Do you think they do it on purpose? Or is it something we're like, oh, I'm late.


I just got to park?


Kind of weird.


I've never really put any thought into it, to be honest with you.


Right. But I have you as a shitty Parker doing it on.


My think. When you see bad Parkers, though, it's because people are on their phones. They're parking. They're doing something else. They're parking. Then they just get out and they're still on the phones.




Jay poke a hole in the Dolphins. I'm a Dolphins fan, and I'm feeling too a. Give me a straight shot.


Jay, I said earlier, I think they're the best team in the NFL.


They're one of the best teams in the NFL. I don't know what the holes are in the Dolphins. They have one on there. Like I just said. Also about coaches need. These players need why y'all start cracking up over there? What did I do right?


Because no, Jess had a great line.


She said that they do have one in their back. I guess they have a blowhole.


Blowhole. Sorry, Jay, but continue. Lazy river. It's okay. There are no bad jokes on the Lazy River. Anyway, go ahead. Jay poke a hole in the Dolphins.


Well, I was saying about players now know they're gravitating to authenticity and man, Mike McDaniel is authentic. As you look, you look at Belichick every day. It's kind of, oh, you're going into work, and I'm sure it's miserable over there. And every day you're going into work with the Dolphins, you can't wait to get to work with this guy. So it's a totally different culture over there. Mike McDaniel is as real as they get. He is hilarious. And that's not an act. None of it's an act. But I don't think there's any holes in that Dolphins team either. No.


Jay, do you think Kirk Cousins will be with the Vikings throughout the remainder of this?


Yeah, yeah, I said it last week. I don't think he's going to well, there's two things. He has to waive his no trade clause, number one. Number two, who's going to get him? Like, who has Cap room for him right now?




People are talking about the jets. They don't have the draft picks to go do that right now. Plus, Aaron Rodgers going to play there next year, so that doesn't make a lot of sense either. So when I was in their camp, they were talking about them wanting him back, but I just don't see, like, who has that kind of room sure. To make that deal.


Right. Is there a move maybe? Do you think there's going to be a big move at some point in this regular season here?


I'm trying to look at so usually the big moves are big name players. Last year, their contract current team doesn't want to re up them to a long deal, so they move them, and then that player gets a new deal. That's usually when these trades are made. And I was trying to look at who these players were, and I wasn't coming up with a lot of names. There wasn't the Jalen Ramses or the Chubbs or, like, even Draftwise. You had, like, AJ. Brown people, like, know somebody who wants a new deal. I just don't see a lot of those players like, we've had a lot in the last ton of them in the last few years.


Jay, what's going on with the Giants? I know you're close to that organization because you're close with Michael Strahan. What's happening there with the Giants?


What does that have to do with anything?


It's a loose connection.


But you think Strahan has time with all his 90 jobs?


It's a loose connection.


Giants meetings.


Yeah, I made a segue I made a very loose connection. I apologize for doing it, but I was trying to place you really inside the Giants organization for some reason that you would have infinite knowledge of what's going on because you're friends with Michael Strayan. That's what I'm doing. I'm not going to lie. It's a lazy river. Let it take you where it takes you. What's going on with the Giants?


My ass. What's going on inside the Giants? Man, he got a million jobs going on.


All right, what's going on inside the Giants?


Yeah, look, I think the Giants, their personnel, man, they've been banged up, obviously, with Saquon and losing Andrew Thomas, man, I just don't think they have their identity right now. Defensively, they started to put it back around together, but offensively, it kind of just makes you scratch your head and. I think they got excited with some of the pieces they have there last year, and even, like a Daniel Jones maybe got a little too overexcited about it that their rebuilding process, because they did such a great coaching job, sped them up. And you know what? Look, I think that's what happened with the Vikings. I think the Vikings had, let's say, a four year rebuilding plan, and Kevin O'Connell went and screwed up last year by going 13 and four or whatever it was. And that's why all of a sudden you saw them start to get rid of some of these pieces. They stuck with that plan. I think the Giants kind of shocked themselves with how good some of their talent played, and they weren't able to. Instead of rebuilding, they thought, okay, all the pieces were here when now they have to look at and go, are the pieces really here, or was it an aberration?


The podcast is unbreakable. Jay Glazer is the host. It's fantastic. It's inspiring. I enjoy it very much. I appreciate you inspiring us during a difficult time, Jay.


Thank you, brother. I appreciate know look, God blessed me with the ability to communicate, and I want to try and give this stuff words so we can all start talking to each other. And the more we open up to each other like I said, I haven't had one friend when I call him, and I'm like, Man, I'm having a bad, bad day.




None of them have told me to suck it up, or, oh, come on, Jay, or, man, your life is great. Yeah, my life is freaking great looking at dolphins over here, but between my ears sucks. And that's the shitty part about having mental health issues and depression. Anxiety, is I can look out over here right now, over this beautiful ocean over there, see dolphins. And I still feel this horrible doom between my years, like the sky is falling or just, man, my world is crashing down around me. And you get this anxiety, like everything's just falling apart from the inside out, and it sucks. And unfortunately for me, I'm anti depressant, antianxiety medication resistant. So I've been on over 30 of them, and they haven't worked. I wish they would. And when something comes out, I'll try it again to hope that something does help. I'm always going to work on myself. I'm always going to try and figure this out. Yeah, it's not a fun existence, but the more I can talk about to show people just talking like this to your listeners, I know a lot of them have reached out to myself, and Dan said, oh, man, I'm so glad somebody else is talking about it.


So I don't feel like I'm the only one, because when you do feel like you're the only one with these problems, that gray becomes a lot darker. And it sucks. It absolutely sucks. So we don't have to go through that suck alone, man. It's a lot easier when we walk this walk together.


Jay, were the first couple of episodes hard to get through for you, or did it help just speaking it out loud?


I've always been okay talking about it. Always been, you know, I've done this with a lot of combat vets, a lot of former pro athletes. But now to be able to talk about it with everybody else, because once I started open up and talking about it, I would say the majority of people I talked to about it said, oh, man, I go through something, too, or My friend is struggling. I didn't know what to do. I just had a good friend recently asked me to help, and I said, Look, I'm not a therapist. That's one thing. I'm just dude who's up good with talking about his upness.


But your experience helps, Jay, you know?


Yes, yes. And we were able to help get my friend's friend into some help in a really dire time. That person is doing fantastic now. And here's the other wild thing, is that I have teams that reach out to me because there really is no great action plan in place for when a player says he wants to kill himself or a coach says that, or somebody just falls off the reservation. Like I said, I think it's a harder world for us now because of social media. Whether you have my level, like, I could talk about it because of my suffering, because I am clinical depression, anxiety, ADHD. Let's throw a little bipolar in. But we're all going through something because social media makes us think our lives suck. But also, I think we're taking up so much data in our brains with our tablets and our computers and our cell phones. So I think it's just a harder world. It's a harder world than I think the way people talk to you now is the way they tweet at you a lot.




And that's a little bit more difficult for me to kind of exist out there, somebody like me with anxiety in the first place, being around kind of crowds and shit, it gets a little bit more difficult for me, too.


I tell my daughters to stay out of the mentions because there's poison in there. That's all that's it poison, right?


But think about this. Think about these mentions. Would you ever walk up to someone and say to them, hey, man, you suck at what you do. Your parents like, Are you shit? Like, you never do that, but they say that to you on Twitter. It's not a real world, and that's not the world we should be living in. All this hate out there. And, look, the reason why I think people do it is hurt people. Hurt people. So people are so damn hurt these days because they think their lives suck, because their meal doesn't look like that meal on instagram, or their car doesn't look like that car, or people aren't at that party, or they feel so damn left out, so they're hurt. Or they're seeing so many other people say things, they get hurt. So hurt people tend to hurt other people, and they lash out on social media. And, man, that's not how we should be here, man. We should be loving each other up.


Jay, you're doing great work. Appreciate the words, appreciate the time, so keep it up. Unbreakable is the podcast. Check it out. Jay, thank you very much.


Appreciate you.


All right, man. Don Levitard.


A recreation of the iconic scene in A Few Good Men, as told by Chris Cody.


Colonel Jessup, did you order the code red? You don't have to answer that question.


I'll answer the question. You want answers?


I think I'm entitled to them.


You want answers?


I want the truth.


I you can't handle the truth.


This is the Don Levatar Show with Estucats.


I kind of get what Billy's dealing with with Stugats right now, having to plan around your schedule this week with Dan out because Billy on jury duty.


You mean?


I mean, like, God bless football in general. We have a potential big name guest, one of the biggest in my world, right? And also, like, the rest of the world, maybe outside of America, coming on the show this Wednesday, and I'm trying to figure out if I should structure the interview around, like, a real interview or a game of Lando or Land no. And I've told our guest booker there's, like, a 0% chance.


Good question.


Tony Surround long enough for this guy to come on the show.


Landon Donovan.


What a get.


Mr. America.


Has he ever been on our show? And if he was, did you just shit on soccer the whole time?


Landon Donovan? Yeah, he's been on the show, and yes, I did shit on soccer the entire time. Yeah. It's what I do. I shit on soccer. It's dead.


Oh, man.


It's a Formula One driver, Lando Norris. He came on last year. It was electric. It was one of the best interviews of my life. I enjoyed every second of it.


Wait, so why am I involved?


I mean well, because you're the host this week.


Oh, okay. I got you.


And the only time that they can do is a time that I have almost guaranteed you will not be here. Like, there is in my mind a 0% chance that you're here. So I'm writing out lando or land.




And I feel like Billy a little bit, because on the off chance you are here I know even if you say, I'll be there, Smetty, in this segment, it doesn't mean anything. Then I need to be prepared to be able to handle this by myself.


Okay, I'll be there. Smetty. Yeah. Land no.


I have a different game I want to play.


Wait, Smetty, if you want to do it, I'll do it. If you think I could add something to it, I'm happy to stay here and do it.


It's not like I think is he.


Coming in studio lando?


They're in Texas.




I think you could add something to it's that you're the host of the show, so it'd be good. But I also just know that even if we have this conversation, it doesn't matter because you're probably going to leave.


You're right. But I'm there for I know you.


And I know it's like, oh, he's going to say the right things. And then I'm going to be like, oh, like, okay, Stu's going to be there, but then I know you're not going to be there.


Let me ask you a couple of questions as we're talking about guests. We were just offered Mac Brown for either the main show or God bless football. Now, we have a tradition on God bless football. Anytime the Canes lose to anybody, we bring their coach up. Okay. Just to piss off Mike Ryan, we do it. It's a rule. Okay. So do you guys want Mac Brown on the show or should I go God bless football with Mac Brown?


I want Mac brown. I want to ask Mac Brown why every time he shakes a head coach's hand or meets them at midfield after a game, he like, clutches them.


If you're watching, it's an old person move.


This is what I'm doing it to.


Chris Cody right now.


He will grab if you're lucky, he'll grab your arm.




If you're not lucky, like he did to the App State head coach, he'll grab your neck. Grab your neck like he's a vampire.


And he's about to suck your blood out like patino. Yeah, I got it. But do we want Mac brown?


Yes, we do.


Sounds like GBF to me. But if Jess wants him, I'm excited.


About I know Dan's got a thing with coaches, but Dan's not here.


He's not here. Right. Lazy river. Do we want Brooks Kepka? That's an obvious yeah, sure. Okay. Dustin Johnson, DJ.


Sounds like you're just looking for a third golfer for this thing we have.


Coming up for you.


How do you play available on November 1?


I have a fun game that I want to play. It's called what's the second coolest thing that happened in the NFL this weekend? Because everyone I feel like the first one is just like, that's too easy. What everyone plays.


So we establish a baseline of what the first coolest thing was so we can play the second coolest thing. What was the first coolest thing?


I don't know. It doesn't matter.


I want to know.


Go around the room and say, what was the second coolest thing that you saw in the NFL?


Tony's trying to establish what was the.


Coolest I'll play the game just for Hills celebration.




We'll make that.




No, number one is the Dolphins just being really good and beating the Panthers.


But that's not a cool thing. Him doing a backflip with a phone, watching himself do it is cool.


Okay, see, I'm doing this game differently than you, but it's my rules around here.


You're right.


Forget it.


I'll just lazy. River, it's your game. Go ahead. Go ahead.


The second coolest thing to happen in the NFL this weekend was, to me, the Patriots stinking.






You're doing, like, a big arc narrative.


Yeah, like a specific of because I feel like everyone's first thing is going to be their team doing well. So I'm looking for that deep cut. What's the second coolest thing that happened to you this weekend in the NFL?


All right, can I say one from last weekend?




The second coolest thing from the NFL last weekend was that guy in the Jaguars paint in the stand in the London game.


Sad jaguars paint.


That guy was awesome. But not the coolest.




It's second coolest. That's perfect.


All right, Tony, do you have a second coolest thing from the NFL weekend?


Yeah, the Minnesota Vikings playing higher by Creed and then getting a dub against.


The Chicago Bears vikings back in the.


You just want to ask someone when they say their second thing, like, what was the first? But you can't that's part of the game.


Having a moment. Right? Creed is having a moment, but where did this come is this, like the Fleetwood Mac thing on TikTok's are in right now. Posted a song and it's, like, streaming again. I don't know.


I've always liked Creed.


Can you take me higher?


No, he's talking about Apollo pretty good. I was right. You're right. Jeremy, do you have a second coolest thing that happened this NFL weekend? Yeah.


Did you guys see the kid singing the national anthem at the Dolphins game?


Oh, that was mine. He was spectacular.


Oh, my God, he was amazing. No, it wasn't me.


I didn't know if you were doing a bit like you were the you were jealous.


I'm not.


The was amazing.


You guys were seriously, go to Twitter, find this video. It was incredible. I was actually at a sports bar for the start of the Dolphins game. So the sound was on and I heard that, but I was watching seven different games at once doing the national anthem, so I couldn't figure out which national because this kid had a really deep not deep, but it almost didn't sound like a kid. It was spectacular. I was playing this game of at bar. There's one game with sound on. I guess in hindsight, I should have known it was the Dolphins game, but I didn't have my bearings yet at this bar. So I was just like, I see seven people singing the national anthem, and I don't know which one is this delightful voice that I'm listening to.


Why you got to get to the bar early, buddy?


I know what's the play for a football. What time do you get to the bar for a football? Monday. Football Sunday.


Atta boy.


What happened? Time.