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To Duraphkings Network.


This is the Dan Leviton Show with the Stook-Ox Podcast.


Jeremy, the reason that you're not dressed like a bear today is you forgot because you lost at the grid of death, and today you were supposed to be dressed like a bear?


Gross negligence, Dan.


Okay, so you simply forgot. You forgot to do your job. You were supposed to come in here today. What are you shaking your head about, Billy?


I gave him a pass on it as the one that rules over the grid of death and.


Bucket of death. He didn't forget to do the sideline game for the Heat last night. That's interesting.


For his other job? What are we doing? I'm just saying if they had asked you to dress like a bear, my guess is that you would not have forgotten to do it. I think the Iron Fist of Billy, who is giving passes, and has been giving passes since last year, Billy has no control over this, and nobody does their job the way they're supposed to around here.


No, no, no. Dan, I will say this. I was supposed to dress as mankind this week as a punishment, but that was a simple situation where it hasn't arrived yet. So things are getting paid off. It's just if the causes aren't getting here, the whole thing. There's a helmet over there for you to wear.


I am of the opinion, I've been told, that Lucy served a grid of death punishment this weekend. What is the helmet that's out there for me? Is it an F-1 helmet? I've got to dress like an F-1 driver.


Yeah, you have to dress as an F-1 driver, so they ordered you an F-1 helmet, which looks very tight. Excellent. It looks like it's going to be very uncomfortable. I don't know how you're going to get headphones in there.


I'm going to put headphones on in here. Yeah, it seems not well for you. You chose it, everywhere. These are all harder. These are always harder than you think they are. Before we get to this video of Lucy eating fried food in Texas, what was the worst of it, Lucy, of all the food that you ate this weekend that was evidently also a grid of.


Death punishment? The fried Fireball shot. I did it. Everyone tweeted at me, said, Lucy, please do it. I said, For you guys, anything. Well, let me tell you, I don't want to spoil it. Very misleading, made my stomach hurt a lot, did not enjoy that. And you'll get a fun little story, too. That's a teaser.


There, folks. We will get to that video in a second. But Fireball is the liquor they serve in hell, right? That's the shots they give.


It's what.


Arpryles are drinking? Yeah, when Beiazibub wants to buy a shot for Art Briles.


And College Freshman. That's Jäger.


Is it Jäger? Is it Peppermint, Schnapps? Put it on the pole, JuJu, at Lebitard Show. When the devil is buying a round of shots for your friend. For Art. Is it Jäger? Is it Fireball? Or is it Peppermint Schnapps?


Schnapps is bad, man.


At Lebitard Show. But before we get to that video, I want to play some other video from college football. James Franklin, the Penn State coach who largely stays away from most controversies and has fixed their program coming off of what can be described as the worst scandal in the history of sports. It's in the conversation what Penn State did and what toppled and then killed Joe Paterno. Not the easiest thing to recover from. James Franklin has made Penn State matter like that. They're often undefeated at this time of the year. And people thought he stepped in it after his most recent press conference when he said this.


Hey, good.


Afternoon, James. Hey, Corey.


A follow-up to what you were just asked there about Drew. Is there a balance, though, between, Hey, we need you to throw the ball deep. No matter. Just take a shot. Don't overthink it. Take a shot. We need to see it. We're going to call it. We need you to get some confidence in doing this as opposed to even giving a young quarterback the chance to say, Hey, just check it down if it's not there.


I don't really understand what you're saying because we would never. I'm like, My skin is curling, when you say just drop back and chuck it deep no matter what. That is like... I don't even know what you're saying. It's like you're speaking.


Like from the.


Just send the guy in a post pattern, take the shot.


Throw it. No matter what?


Give your receiver a chance to make a play on a ball. Even if he might be covered 30 yards down the field, maybe you think he'll be open 45 yards down the field like Godwin did or with Jehan or KJ.


Like, I still don't like you're speaking Japanese. We have never done that. Just throw the ball up and maybe he'll be open and maybe he'll catch. My skin is like, you're making me uncomfortable. I don't know what you're talking about. So yeah, we would not do that. We would never do that. We've never thought about doing that. As a head coach, as an offensive coordinator, as a receivers coach, I coach to receivers. I didn't want them to do that. So no. No.




No. Like, yeah.


-he is disgusting.


-it was.


Another no. He walked into the wrong press conference. That's how Washington plays. That's not how Penn State plays. That's not how James Franklin will ever play.


I coach wide receivers, and I wouldn't want.


Him to do that. We're going to grind it out.


It is the interview that Chris Cody would do where he's pressing on.


-but just one time. Just chuck it up there, Coach. Come on. Every once in a while?


A quick post? There is a big disagreement, though, between the way that James Franklin reacted with a certain allergy to what was being asked and an accusation that you're speaking a language I don't understand. I am not fluent in the language that you speak, and all.


Of us being.


Like, Hey, Coach. Yeah. Hey, Coach. That seems pretty valuable. The 15-yard pass interference penalty that you can get by just chucking it up there and asking your receiver to make a play.


Hey, Coach, have you ever played Madden? Sometimes when it's like third and third, I'll just put a guy on a hot route, send them deep, you chuck it.


Up, see what happens.


Huh, Coach? No? My skin is crawling. That's just the voice that you're making right now.


He said, I'm uncomfortable.


He clearly was, though. When you talk about these control freaks and how much preparation and strategy they put into the nine % that they actually control, because once the ball is snapped, it's a bunch of college kids not doing what you.


Taught them to do. The thought of a kid throwing it 40 yards.


Yes, that's too reckless. Do you know how much easier it is just to power sweep it and try to be out toughing Indiana. I'm going to win eight games a year. Here, if I don't do that, I'm just going to beat Northwestern.


Little fullback dive. I'm going to beat.


Northwestern by just being better than Northwestern at football. Stop with your hijinks. Stop.


No one does that.


Hey, you don't understand the loosey-goosiness of what you're suggesting to me. A college football repressed.




Who wants to out tough you six yards at a time. I just want to get into second and three. Do you understand?


I'm good throwing at four yards.


The thing is happening 40 yards downfield. Don't interest me. It's scary over there. I like it where the big people are, where everyone is blocking, and I'm just going to big 10 my way to the championship.


They play Ohio State in two weeks. I'm excited to see how that goes.


You know how it's going to go.


It's not going to happen 40 yards downfield. Not if James Franklin has anything to say.


About it. His players aren't allowed to 40 yards down field. He cuts them.


They are not allowed. They start COVID testing for them. There are all sorts of protocols involved if you're more than 35 yards down the field paperwork.


Even with the wide receivers, when he was a wide receivers coach, he.


Didn't want them doing that. No, bureaucracy. A ton of red tape.


You have a table, the 35-yard walker.


I have a COVID tent, like a clinic. A bunch of physicians. Everybody is filling out forms, their lines. Nobody wants to go down there. Plenty of room over here in the back field if you want to just check down. It's why no one will want to see them in any of the Final Four games. They're not Wisconsin. No. It's probably not fair to do that to them. But there was a real allergy that James Franklin just expressed.


You can only ask that question on Zoom. That guy was not in the room. You could tell by that audio. I don't know how they're doing questions. That guy was not in the room.


James Franklin wasdiscussed it as if he were. Right. He was bothered by his presence. I didn't even think that that was the James Franklin sound we were throwing into because he stepped in it with Michigan fans when he was trying to talk about Indiana yesterday and scheduling stuff that people took as a shot to Michigan that he did not intend as a shot at Michigan. But people want the Penn State, Michigan thing to matter so much that they want James Franklin to say, he's allergic to that, too, by the way. He's not going to say anything about Michigan. He might say it about Indiana. He's not going to say about Michigan.


Well, I think we know why he said it. He was cranky. That question put him in a real bad mood. So basically, he called out Indiana for trying to get out of their series with Louisville because they want you to get as many wins as you can. It's not about playing the good competition. Michigan fans saw that and was like, You are talking about us. The shoe fit. And that is really rude, James, and you can never beat us. And then everyone was like, Hey, man, that wasn't about you at all. That had.


Literally nothing to do with you. And then everyone was okay with it. Indiana? No problem.


Indiana was like, You have a great point. We do not.


Want to play that game. Say whatever you want about Indiana. Nobody cares. It's okay. Let her rip, Franklin. No consequences. You say it about hardball, though, we're going to devour your face like Pirates. Oh, you're talking.


About us? Indiana? You're talking about us?


Oh, thanks, James. Thanks. We'll take anything that we can get. I am a little concerned, Billy, and I don't know if you are concerned because I believe of all of Stugat's many full-blown addictions, he has now developed one to Latto. I believe that he is every-.




Powerball. Every week he comes in here, I don't know what he's going to do.


With that. He said it like it was a coffee drink.


Lato. Lato.


Like Masterpiece Theater.


Can I get a large lotto, please?


Too sweet in those.


Are you addicted to it? Yes. What is happening here? What are you.


Going to-Well, listen, the prize is $1.8 billion. And so I keep going to the publics right by my house, and I'm starting to learn how the game is played. Before, I was just buying random pig.


Wait, there's a strategy to.


This, you think? Well, there's multipliers. There's ways you can do four times the.


Amount if you win. Not if it's 1.8 billion. You're not walking out of there with $8 billion. The multiplier is not going to get you $8 billion.


No, but what it does, Billy, is it takes a $4 winning ticket, and it turns it into a $16 winning ticket. That's what I've learned. I've learned how to play the multipliers.


You've learned how to lose your money more of it faster.


Well, I don't know if- Multiply the losses. I'm not losing. I'm winning some money. I make an investment of $200. I go back, I get.


$122 back. Then you lost $80. You didn't win 120.


Yeah, but I won the thrill of thinking this might be the nights.


There's nothing better than walking out of that.


Gas station. For me, that is worth $80 every single time. I love it, but here's a funny thing that happened. Game of the game. What if? I'm going there so much that I started buying $50 scratch-offs and $25 scratch-offs. They're great. Now, I told my wife, Here's what happened. She asked me why you're spending so much money on this. I said, When you buy a $100 a Powerball ticket, you get a free scratch-off. That's what I told her. How did you play? Is that a lie? No. Okay. The way you.


Said it, I told her that.


Scratch-offs are a tricky game. They're a dirty game. You know that? You get that stuff all over the table, you got to wipe it off.


What do you use? Like a penny or something?


I use a quarter. Santa quarter. Yeah, it's great. Monopoly.


I don't have Dan playing Powerball.


I have but I can't express to you the sadness that came over me when you actually uttered the phrase, There's nothing better than walking out of that gas station. Dan Lebertard. Stugatz, if you give him the choice, Stugart, you can have the very same thing one of two ways. You could get it honestly or you could steal it. He'll always choose stealing it.


Stugart. Well, it's the quicker path. I mean, it's.


Just, you know. This is The Don Levitard Show with the Stugarts.


There really is, Dan. Nothing better than that feeling. If you have the.


Tickets in your hand-That can't be true.




-dan. -the endless possibility. -you don't like to play a game of what if?


Chris, I'm not here to entertain the possible hope of Stugats's bad math. I'm winning. I spent $200. I get back $122.


Right. But $80 for that feeling.


This is a slippery slope, though, Stugats. I heard you in the other room talking about like, Are you partnering with people on this? Because I wouldn't.


Trust you.


With this. Well, I have promised Frankie 50 % of my winnings. Oh, Jeez.


That is Frankie ensuring that he's only responsible for 50 % of the losses. There is no way. Do you realize the disaster? We will never see Stugats again.


What do you mean? Well, I asked him in the break, I go, Sir, are you still splitting with Frankie? He goes, I am. And then privately said to me, He thinks. I don't know. Are you collecting.


Money from Frankie? No, I am not collecting money from Frankie. When Frankie goes and gets the Powerball tickets for me, and he does that occasionally, then I cut him in, 50-50. But I'm going to get these today because it's 1.8 billion. I have some numbers. I don't want to just do quick-pick. I have some numbers I want to jot down, like 23. Would you guys...


Michael Jordan. Would you be kind enough to just look up for me? In order to win this amount of money, you have to have the one ticket that would be in one seating how many football stadiums. If I gave you 100 football stadiums, how many football stadiums? What are the odds against you having the one ticket so.


That people understand? We're all typing into our computer right.


Now, but I don't know what we're all typing.


No, I'm guessing there are- It's one in 292.2 million, so that is many football stadiums, Dan.


Let's do the math then. Imagine how bad your odds are when you have to have the one seating the one stadium of however many stadiums it would take to arrive.


A lot of stadiums.


Those odds are insane. I think everyone listening to this knows it doesn't mean people aren't fascinated by get-rich-quick, and it doesn't mean that education doesn't benefit from the fact that many people betting this don't have the proper math skills to know what a bad.


Bet it is. I have a bone to pick with that. I have a bone to pick with the fact that the lottery always tells you that they're raising money for education and make it seem like it's this charitable thing because I feel like then it should be a tax write-off. You know what I mean? My lottery tickets should all be tax deductible- To donation. -if I'm donating to charity.


Dan, do you think I'm walking out of that public thinking I have a 25 % chance of winning?


All right. Because you're right. I got 292.2 million in my calculator right now. What are we saying is the average football stadium?


Let's make it 80,000, 70,000.


Okay. I'm going to do 80. Divided by 80,000, 300... Oh, shit. 3,652?






Is that it? I doubt you're reading those numbers right.


That's one. That's great. I'm telling you, do the math.


It checks out.


3,652 That's how many stadiums. One seat. That's a lot of stadiums, Dan.


It is a lot of stadiums. The math would suggest that your hope is misguided and that you are throwing your money away. You have just as good a chance of flushing it down the toilet and having $1.8 billion somehow come up from your septic system and be a winner there. Because this keeps carrying over, at least in part, because nobody's winning it.


That's the only reason it's.


Carrying over. He also would have lost it if he bet on the O'Reals too, though. So one way or another, just throwing it away.


Chris is right, by the way, 3,600 stadiums.




Out. Way to go, Chris. I didn't think that there would be anything that I would trust you less than reading, but calculating.


Better odds than I thought.


Let's get to the video, please, of Lucy. And if you want to set this up, what are the highlights of what it is that we're about to see and hear here, Lucy, from your trip? You wept in Texas. You were so moved by the energy of everything happening there that you admitted on God-blessed football that you were not necessarily a proud weeper, but you were willing to share that vulnerability with us. What was happening? College football felt so good that it moved you at your soul.


It was before the game started and the stadium was full. Both marching bands were playing. Everyone was cheering and so happy. At the same time? Yeah. That might be annoying. It was a little chaotic, but it worked. Bevo was there. Oklahoma was shooting guns off. Everybody just felt so happy. You could just tell it was such a community aspect that I started to cry. Kind of like a lot.


Grateful, crying?


Oh, my God. It was so grateful. I was like, I can't believe I'm here. This is such a special moment. Thank you, Dan, for taking me to this. This was so amazing. That's so awesome. Then they kept shooting the guns off. I was like, Okay, all the good.


Feelings are gone. We will find out in a moment, I assume, some details on what the fried Fireball tasted like. But what can you tell us that doesn't spoil this audio?


I have felt bad for several days since.


Wait, why is there a grid of death punishment in here? Explain that.


Because I have felt bad.


But what's the punishment that you had.


That you're saying? She selected it, yeah. It's called a carnival barker. She just had to go eat carnival food.


I ate a lot of it, and I didn't enjoy it. Let's hear it. All right, so you guys kept asking me to eat fried food. I have no desire to do that. My bag is full of pepto bismol so much. But since I'm doing it, I brought a friend. I'm not going to do it alone. Billy Gill, if you're watching this, all this food is bad, actually, and it's terrible, and it should count as a grid of death punishment for me.


The annoying thing about this place is I keep eating food like, Oh, this is the most ridiculous thing. It's going to be terrible. It's going to be great content. And that's all good and annoying. Am I supposed to capture the food-eating noises?


What feels.


Right to you? I mean, let's see if there are some good chewing sounds.


Oh, gross.


It's good, right?


Aaron is letting me have a bite of her turkey leg. I guess I'm just going to… You.


Guys are so poor.


Here you go.


You got.








There. I can't think.


I can. Pretty good. Thanks, Aaron.


You're welcome.


They said fried Fireball.


Shop, but this is not… They didn't fry the Fireball itself. They fried this thing and then they put….


Everybody's looking around. All right, how do you guys think we should take this? What are we supposed to do? Do we eat this first or do we take the shot and then eat it?






It is? What if we done? It's going.


To be like a.


Fried cup. I thought it was going to be something different.


We're all disappointed, okay?


We don't know. All right, Luca Garza, if you're seeing this, fine. You can finally tell people about what happened. In college, he came up and he bought me a shot and I thought it was so cool because look, the big basketball star buying me a shot. So I said, Okay, I have got to look super cool taking this Fireball shot. I took it really fast and it came out of my nose and he saw the whole thing.




Was cake. I don't like Fireball.


It happened. She ate something disgusting.


It was super gross. Gosh. Well, the Fire… It was just Fireball with funnel cake in it. That's it.


They didn't fry.


The Fireball. I thought I would assume the Fireball was fried.


They haven't invented.


The… That would have been cool. It was literally just funnel cake and a Fireball shot.


They fried something and.


Put it in Fireball.


That's exactly what happened.


They could have called it Friarball, too.


That would have been good. I know Drinnie on the job is frowned upon, but you just made me take a Fireball shot that was not fried and it was gross. My favorite team, Oklahoma won today. I actually just got a notification that I was up 10 points and somehow our quarterback stat line is one for nine with an interception. So I need it. Do you know who stew.


God's is?


Stew God's.


-stew? -stew God's. -stew God's. -with a T.




-oh, my God. -am I supposed to? -that's big time right here. -yeah. -where you with?


-right here. This show.


Is big time. How big time is the show? I'd say it's on a scale of one to ten, probably like eight and a half. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Do you not pay attention or no?




Mean, no.


So how is.


That an eight and a half? Because I feel like if you're a sports person, you know this show.


That fried Fireball shot, feel it in my stomach. Nasty. Shouldn't have got this. Should have gotten a water. Now, fried Oreos.




Guys happy? All this fried food? I feel like shit. I couldn't feel worse. So we're about to leave. But I have one last thing for you. I can't even think. I can't even get my words out. It's fried butter. Oh, my God.


I really.


Don't want to eat this at all.


Honestly, that might have been the best thing I've had all day. For real. I wouldn't eat of it, but I dropped this on the ground, so perfect.


What was the last thing that you had there?


Fried butter. That's why I was gagging. I really did not want to eat the fried butter.


You sound hammered at the end there.


I was not feeling great. I was not feeling.


My best. Which one was worse? You did the Dan Campbell challenge of the equivalent of 10 Red Bulls, which is his routine coffee order in the morning. It's a couple of ventis with Espresso shots added as a bonus. Which was worse in terms of how you felt the following day?


The following day, this one was worse than how I felt. The day of definitely Dan Campbell. That was really painful. This is his sat with me. I think I felt bad for like three days after this.


Not good. The flight is difficult under these circumstances. You're in a fried coma of some sort that I imagine is very often just Chris Cody's Sunday.


He had to walk like an hour to the Uber, and I was like, I don't think I could... Or it was like a mile. I was like, I don't think I can do this. I can't keep going. It was not a pleasant experience.


I learned, I would say, many years after the fact that Billy was hospitalized for a grid of death punishment of- He sent you a.




From the ER.


-many years after? I did not remember. I mean, the day of. I did not remember you at all being in the hospital for eating what was a quarter of a raw onion?


Was it-No, I was halfway through, and then it all came back up. But yeah, I had to eat an onion. Then I just kept vomiting and vomiting and vomiting and vomiting to the point of dehydration. Then I had to go to the ER. Then because I was dehydrated, I had dried up kidney stones, I guess, were floating around in there, and then they had no place to go, so thank you. Then those came out. Then I was in the hospital for, I think, two, three days. It's quite an expensive bill, too, that the company didn't pick up. You wonder why I don't like the grid of death.


There you go. It's like.


Two grand.


Don't blame that on me. We worked at ESPN.


At the time. Yeah, I know, Mickey Mouse didn't cover that one. What do you mean?




Didn't get- Out of pocket, but I mean, yeah.


You did not get health insurance because we.


Had-no, I had health insurance, but there's a deductible that had to be met, and it was $2,000. What? Yeah.


It's not fun.


Now you understand why sometimes I don't want to dress like Waldo. I don't think you're going to be honest. I lost my enthusiasm there.


This is why you run this all so poorly. I grew.


With an iron fist, though, have you know? That was a paid-off punishment that we may or may not have made up this weekend.


Two thousand bucks.


The number of times that you have had us know that you would have rule with an iron fist while us never getting to actually know that you rule with an iron fist? Don Lebertard. At the end of our conversation with Alex Smith, and we talked for about 30 minutes, but I feel like nobody is going to remember anything about that conversation other than how you fell flat at the end with your very last word. Listen to how Stugaz here at the end of this interview says goodbye, just exhausted to Alex Smith. Stugaz. What happened? Alish?


I'm dead. I'm exhausted. I haven't stopped talking in a month. I don't know what.


To tell you. This is the Don Lebotar Show with the Stugaz.


I did not think that we could do much better than Chris Cody saying that there is no better feeling than walking out of a gas station. And he didn't even complete the thought. It didn't even have to do with Powerball or Latto. It just had that sentence sitting there by itself that made me feel sad because I don't love the sentence, There is no better feeling than walking out of a gas station. But I think I have a sentence here that might be better, or at least the way this one starts.


Sentence off. This one starts with the word hogbeat. I like it. H-a-w-g-b-e-a-t, hogbeat. This is an internet site, I'm assuming. A media outlet that covers Arkansas sports. It's a dangerous game. Maybe it can be anything, right? Be careful with any Google searches on Hogbeat. There might be some stuff there- Is it still Hog? Yes. H-a-w-g.


Bobby Vitrino pops up if you look it up.


Don't put H-O-G.


Be careful with that. But that's the first word. How about Beat? The words that come after that that I was not expecting. Hog Beat has confirmed through a Freedom of Information Act request. Jeremy just did a spit tick. He just spit into… He has.




Liquid in his mouth that it's still in his mouth, but he's holding it in with his hand because the phrase, Hogbeat, is confirmed through a Freedom of Information Act request-FOIA.


-that Arkansas offensive coordinator, Dan Inos, his university email address, responded to multiple students who were criticizing him after the Texas A&M loss. Hell, yeah. So he goes to his computer, his work computer, and students are ripping him, as is the case often for anything related to a Dan Inos offense. And what is the back and forth? What did the Hogbeat Freedom of Information Act request reveal? What a great sentence. It is. Thank you. I appreciate you getting to it late, but yes, I thought it was a great sentence as well. I also am enjoying the journalism of how horrified Dan Inos has to be when he hears, Well, Hogbeat requested what? Hogbeat did what they used, what a Freedom of Information Act to go through my work email address and see, because I'm guessing he is a state paid employee in some way, as college football programs are funded very often by the state. So you can do this. What were the back and forths that he was having with students?


So a student found his email and emailed him, quote, I just wanted you to know that I'm available to call Forth Downs for you all if you all need it, and you all don't have to pay me millions. What a disgrace. Dan Eno's response, What would you call? And he spelled you, just the letter U, three question marks there. I feel like that's important.


But a harmless question. He is asking, What- What you call? He's basically saying, Let me hear the play that.


You- He's open to it.




Crowdsourcing. Correct.


Yes. So the student responds a cubie sneak. This isn't hard, Dan. And then Dan responds with gaps, defense, for laughing emojis. What a joke for laughing emojis. Then he double emails them, You're so innovative, laughing emoji. Then the student said, I don't know if you know this, Dan, but a QB sneak with a 250 pound quarterback is hard to stop even if you know it's coming. Also, but what you've been doing isn't working if you didn't notice. And then Dan responded, Thanks, Robinson. You should have been a coach in about 17 exclamation points. Also, every time he says you, just the letter. I think that's very important.


What is-Go ahead.


Oh, it's still going. They had a full back and forth. So then the student said, Maybe you should stop trying to be innovative and get a first down. If I was a coach, I would have been just as effective as you are. And then Dan said, You still have time. Apply for some jobs. I'm sure you'll be great. And that is where our conversation ended.


The double email is the part that's really standing out to me because it's one thing to reply to a student who's criticizing you. The first couple of exchanges were pretty funny, but to double email shows a level of desperation, like some high school dude double texting a girl that he's into Please, please, please, please, please, please just respond to me. What is Dan Eno's feeling right now that he feels the need to double email a student that's criticizing not having a QB sneak?


What is the perfect amount of exclamation points? Four. When you're really trying to hammer it? -four.




Yeah, I think three, clearly.


I think it really depends on the situation. Me, I'm an exclamation point girly. I'm always using them. So if I don't use them, it sends a message.


But if you're really angry, how many are you using? None.


Okay. And they'll be like, Oh, my God. She just used a period. She is so mad.


But what do you use generally? What's the.


Go-to amount? Exclamation point for every single thing. Two, one-Usually, just one. Two, if I'm feeling special, usually I have to go back and look at my emails and say, Okay, Lucy, you're an adult. You're a 25-year-old woman. Get rid of some of these exclamation points, and I have.


To go back. Do you ever write a text where you exclamation point too many sentences, and you're like, Let me figure out which sentence here I really want.


Exclamation point. Pull one back.


Yeah, all the time. You can't go all your sentences with exclamation points. So it's like, You know what? I'm going to come out the gates a little softer. Period. At the first sentence.


Why can't you? Because you seem overly excited. It just.


Seems like too eager. It doesn't work. Yeah, you got to.


Play cool. The biggest issue is in professional emails because I'm someone that likes to exude like, Hey, I'm into what it is that I'm doing here. I'm excited.


I'm excited. What's your intro to a work email? Hey, all.


Right. Hey, all? Hey, you all. Even you all. Hey, you all. Even-you all.




You all is all encompassing. That's not a work email. No, you all is all encompassing.


Hey, you all.


On a work email. It's unprofessional.


-no, you all...


-unprofessional. -no, you all... -unprofessional. -you guys have to understand, in this modern day and age where we are trying to de-gender greetings, you all is a purposeful, all-encompassing greeting.


You can't say all? Hey, all.


You can say all, but who.


Says all? Me.


What are you doing? Walking into a cracker barrel?




Seriously. I love.


A cracker barrel. Who doesn't love a cracker barrel? Howdy you all. The you all with anpostrophy. I'm from the.


South, Dan.


He didn't say howdy. I'm from the south. Yeah, he didn't say howdy. I mean, come on.


I might as well. The you all and the exclamation points, neither one of them give off a whole lot of professionalism.


I respond to every single one of your messages with the word you all or an exclamation point.


At it.


The cracker barrel rocking chairs, by the way. Thank you for your service. -overrated. -what? -you shut the hell up.


-overrated? -they're not comfortable. I don't want to throw something at you. They're not a good rocking chair. There's a reason they have 42 of them. You think they got top of the line rocking chairs? You think they're like, Yeah, we're going to pay top dollar for all 47 of these out here.


It's so you have a comfortable seat to sit in.


While you're waiting. They want you to think that, but it's not actually that comfortable.


It is, though.


I've sat in it. I'm not in the middle of it.




Agrees with me.


They serve a purpose. They're there. You can rock. I mean, no one's going to buy them. If you buy a rocking chair from a crackerill, what are you doing? A thousand butts have been in that chair.


I'd rather play that triangle game with the T's, the golf T's. You guys ever play that? We have to jump. How are you at that game? I'm terrible. One time I think I got down to three T's left.


That's really bad. No, that's good. No, two is good. Three is... Come on.


Go get one of those things. I'll do it right now.


David Samson put those rocking chairs in the Empire Rooms at Marlin's Park.


Billy, you are saying what of the person's life? You are comfortable judging someone's life based on whether or not they have bought a rocking chair outside of Cracker Barrel that I think you said has had 1,000 butts.


In it. At least 1,000 butts per chair, right? That's an easy... No one actually buys it. Imagine going to a Cracker Barrel and then thinking, You know what? I need to take home the rocking chair from outside that the general public sits on. And how am I going to take this? I don't know. I'll have to figure it out. Take it apart, put it on the top of my van. How would you even get one of those home? I don't think anyone's ever gone there for breakfast and left with a rocking chair. Now you go in there and you get all kinds of trinkets. I'm not going to disparage against the trinkets inside a cracker barrel.


Those are the best. I had no idea you could buy those rocking chairs. Oh, yeah.


Some of them have a price tag on them.


Wait, Billy, I'm confused, though. Do you find the chairs to be comfortable or not?


I find them to serve a great purpose for the country.




Did not know this was called the Triangle Peg Jump game.


It's what I would have guessed. It is very accurately described. It's how I would... I don't know. Yes, I'm a big peger. What peger would I be if not a big peggar?


Where do you start the hole? I go right in the middle. Sometimes I go middle, right.


When pegging? Yeah. Which hole do I.


Start with?


I think you can go-That.


Was the question. -depends on where you're going to jump first and how long you're going to last.


You came out here and you immediately said that the rocking chair was overrated.


Great take by me. Louis said in my ear.


Great take. Again with Louis. Again with Louis.


He's just.


Building our confidence, Dan. No, I need to get control of what is happening here. I am so.


Truly-he's like, Keep going. This is good.


Good. Keep going. Go with an iron fist like me, Dan.


The pollutants that have saturated this show and contaminant that are led by Louis speaking in everyone's ears and you guys being a bunch of parrots.


Better than Danny, if we're going to be honest. I don't want to take.


Shots today. Not a compliment to say better than Danny.


I'm not being a parrot. Louis has put like 3,000 things in my ear, and I haven't used one of them.


Earlier today, Louis tried to, when we were talking about where the big people are with James Franklin, he tried to get me to sing, I want to be where the big people are. I didn't do it.


Do you shake them off all the time? Constantly.


I do, too.


Back to peg jumping.


I would prefer that whatever Louis is saying in your ears, stay in your ears and not reach the microphones. My greatest preference is that I must not be speaking in anyone's ears, but I'd like to never find out about it. The show is bad enough without his help. I don't need him saturating what it is that we're doing with an unoriginal take that's not even yours about rocking chairs outside of crack.


Or barrel. No, it was my take. He said it was a good take. He just built me up. He was like, Good take by you. Keep saying that.


You're being mean to Lewis. I mean, it's not nice. He told me to say that.


He definitely didn't say it in my ear just now, screw Dan.


Do you hate Lewis? Is that the person you hate? Did we find it? We found it.


Say it. Emily's off the hook.


No, she.


Is not. I do not hate Louis.


You hate Emily.


Yeah, you hate Emily. We all hate Emily.


Say it, Dan.


Say it.


We hate Emily.


We hate Emily.


We hate Emily. We hate Emily.


We hate Emily.


Come on, Dan.




It. I hate what Louis has done to this show.


Oh, wow.


We hate what... Oh, sorry.


And I hate that I don't know when you were telling me your opinion about rocking chairs outside of Cracker Barrel that I don't know whether it's your opinion or not. I would like to have, I'm not being fooled enough by the internet as it stands now. Any opinion arriving from any direction I don't know who it belongs to. I don't know if Billy is wearing a suit to tonight's game on Double Kue A… La Grande.


You always got to say it and come down that way.


You have to. What are your mom, Bee?




Better… That's another one.