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This is the Dan Levator show with the Stugots podcast.


Can I have that jacket?


Oh, baby. Hell, no, you don't. Almost got it autographed by Tim Rames, but it took too long.






You do not have a better jacket than that, do you, Roy Wood junior? No, you don't have, that. Expo's jacket is old school and wonderful, and you must wear that with a great deal of pride.


Here's the problem, though. When you wear this jacket, real Expo fans come up to you and try to have statistical conversations that I am not prepared to have. And all I can go is, yeah, man, 94 would have been the year. But that strike, man, damn.


That's all you need, Roy.


There's nothing worse than wearing a jacket of a team you don't know nothing about. I'm a Cubs fan. Larry Walker, he will him good.


You just need a handful of moises to lose stats or something, but you can't. You can't even fake it, huh, bro?


I can't do it. I saw Marquis Grissom at a golf thing in Birmingham a couple weeks ago, and even then he was like, oh, that's a nice jacket. I was like, cubs. Yes. I'm like, please, father, God, don't ask me about anything that happened in Montreal during your time there. Let's just talk about the brave. Good catch with the braves. Hey, you caught that ball.


Roy. Listen, just say you hate David Sampson, okay? Like when someone brings up the expos, he killed baseball in Montreal. Just so you know. Just so you don't like David Sampson.


Okay, yeah, yeah, that's fine. So I can get punched in the face by Samson when I'm down in Miami?


You shouldn't be making short jokes at anyone's. You're not very much taller than David Samson.


But I'm taller.


He's got shows coming up next month in Bloomington, Indiana, and St. Louis, and in Chicago. Get your tickets at Roy Woe, roywood You were at the Netflix as a joke fest may still be, for all I know. How much fun was all of that?


It was a good time. I think they just wrapped up last weekend, yo, to be able to thank you to everybody in LA that came out. But I think also, the cool thing with the Netflix is the joke festival for comedians. It's kind of like a. A class reunion. So, you know, you see the Chappelles and the Jon Stewarts and the Cat Williams and the Kevin Hart. We had a nice brunch at Ted Sarandos home, I guess, was, I don't know, some rich person's front yard. We were in there. And so we had a chance also to see Sinbad, who, you know, has had some health issues over the last couple years. And they did a wonderful benefit show for his health fund as well. So, you know, all in all, it was a good time just for me to be able to meet some of the ogs in the game.


I saw you in a photograph that had more great comedians than I've ever seen in one photograph together. Is that a common thing? Because it was just a lot of you in one place, and I don't know how many photographs like that have.


Ever been taken in the modern day. Not many, if any, with that volume of comics, like that legendary Harlem photo with all of the Harlem musicians during the Harlem Renaissance era. Not ever. I mean, the only other festival we've had up until this was the Montreal Comedy Festival, the just for last festival, which just bankrupted last year, ironically. So for Netflix, kind of slide in and have an opportunity to celebrate comedy at its biggest scale, all the way down to the smaller clubs. I mean, you're talking about legends, all the way down to, you know, open micro, who all get an opportunity to be seen by industry. And then, of course, the Tom Brady roast. Like, you're not gonna have that unless you have every great comic in town on the set. Like, it's really, like, it's the we are the world of comedy, where the we are the world. Taping only happened because there was, like, a bunch of. Listen at me. I watched one documentary. You ever talked to somebody who watches one doc and, like, I read a book about. No, you didn't. You watched the dot like everybody else, dummy. But it was because there was a music award show in town, and all the stars were already here.


So effort, let's do a song. So I think that's kind of probably part of why the Tom Brady Rose was so star studded, too.


How stressful was it, choosing where to stand in that photo? Cause I was stressed out for a lot of people in that photo. I was just like, if I was there, it would be just so stressful.


I'm not stressed at all. Anything with more than five people. I stand to the edge of all photos because the center is where the scandals be. Like, if you ever, like, watch, like, somebody in the center of that photo has done something that is not public yet, and I don't want to be the person next to that person.


It's Bert Kreischer. It's shirtless Bert Kreischer.


No doubt.


It's precious. He's right in the middle of the photo, smiling.


Bro, I don't fool with the center of photographs ever put me on the edge. That way I know I get cropped out in your documentary. I'm not gonna be in it. Cause whenever you're grinning next to the person, they just go, ain't that your boy? You with the boy? You just took one picture with Trump accidentally in 1984, and now, 50 years later, that's your boy, ain't it? Do you support his policies? It's like, man, that should have stood on the edge.


Why aren't the potentially scandalous people, the ones on the outside, like my cousin's grandmother used to tell her grandkids, boyfriends, and girlfriends, like, go stand on the edge of the photo. That way, when you guys break up, we can just cut you out and still save the photo. So why is the photographer not doing the same with potentially scandalous people and letting them know, like, hey, we feel like you may have some stuff come up in the future.


Scandalous people want to be the center of attention. That's why they're always in the middle of the photo. You can't push them off. They have ego. They want you to know that they're out there and doing their damn thing. Look, man, it's too many scandals and too much dirt coming up about people left and right that I just don't want to be in nobody's photos no more, man. I'm just. I'm done with it. How's that picture with Diddy working out for you now? That one, right?


It's a dangerous game.


There's a picture with Diddy. That's what I'm saying. You don't know. You don't know. Bro, I worked in hip hop radio for 15 years. Do you know how many pictures I've taken with rappers? I don't know what's gonna happen to me, Dan. Now every photo, I'm on the edge. That was the perfect place. Put me next to Ken Jong, and I think I'm over there with all the asian comics that came out that day.


You mentioned Trump.


It's atsuko, it's Kim Jong. There's like. There's a couple, but Jimmy Oyang, he's over. Yeah, man, put me over there in the corner with the, with the no scandal asian comedians.


You mentioned Trump. And new polling out today from the New York Times says that he leads Biden in five crucial battleground states he. He wins more than 20% of black voters. The highest level of black support for any republican presidential candidate since the Civil Rights act of 1964. Is that shocking to you?


Is it shocking that black people are rocking with Trump.


At the highest rate since the Civil Rights act of 1964?


What does that mean? Like, the polls, like, it's like, this is the most black sentence. Freed the slaves. Like, that makes it seem like Trump is as good as slavery. Freeing Republicans back in the day. I'm not surprised at any of this because we got a lot. I think we got more single issue voters than we've ever had as a voting populist now. So if you have someone that is just saying the right thing, even if it logically does not make sense yet, you probably could get that person's vote right now. We're so in pain and so fed up with not being serviced as a black people that some of us are just going to go, all right, I'll do anything but this. I'm not surprised by it. I don't necessarily. I think everybody should be doing their homework on the policies a little bit more. And I think if you do that, you probably would have these candidates more neck and neck than 20% up.


Michael Cohen's on the stand. Don't agree with Michael Cohen's on the stand this week. Do voters care? Do you think they care? Or is this something that people don't care about because it's not on television and it's courtroom sketches.


I don't think people care. We need cameras back in the courtroom, bro. That's the only way OJ trial was made because of the video. If there was a sketch of OJ putting the glove on, nobody would have cared. It, like, it's. It's got to be the right circus. And it's crazy because this is the simplest of all the Trump cases to follow, and we don't care. It's the simple. Did you pay her or not to shut up after y'all got butt naked? That's literally what it's not hiding holdings and manipulating people and the money and the stocks and where are you hiding the real estate? It's just, yeah. Did you wear a condom or not? Like, it's hilarious. But also, sidebar. How is, how is courtroom drawer? How is that still a job? And I'm trying to be respectful when I ask this question, how there's two jobs that I don't understand, how there's still jobs. I'm happy people have a job, but I'm trying to understand in this day and age of cameras and also just AI. How is person drawing? What happened? Still a job. Also movie theater ticket Ripper. Why do we still need this person?


Who is this person in charge of ripping a sheet of paper in half? And where does the other half of that paper go?


Excellent questions that I have not considered until.


The movie should literally be a boarding pass scan like you get on a flight situation. At this point, we don't need to. Theater two to the left. Huh? Why? If I can find my airline gate without assistance, I'm pretty sure I can find which one of these theaters got the planet of the eight movie. I'm digressing, but I just, I don't, and these drawings aren't always good. If we have to act like it's good because. Because it's the only drawing we have. Why not have competing drawers in the courtroom?


I have to disagree. The Tom Brady courtroom sketch is one of the greatest works of art, I think, of the 21st century. I don't know if you remember that.


One, but because it was terrible. He looked like a caveman. I remember that. It's only good when it's bad.


It's hard to explain, but if you don't allow cameras in the courtroom, what do you want them to do? You want to use artificial intelligence to just figure out how to do that?


It is one of the most inexplicable, like, technology proof jobs. Like two people who work forever is courtroom drawer person and Vanna White. And just for whatever reason, technology will never eliminate either of those two jobs. And I met Vanna White when I did celebrity bill of fortune. I said it to her face. It's all respectful.


Again, you're hitting him with the, look at me, Louie. He doesn't necessarily know the show just because he's mentioning stories.


No one really understands it.


What did you make of students walking out of Jerry Seinfeld's graduation speech at Duke this weekend?


I don't think it's any different from any of the other protests. The students have a right to do that. The wilder thing is that I don't know if you saw the footage of it. Seinfeld has, like, got this smirk the whole time while it's happening. Almost as if he's like, oh, yeah, I've expected this. I've, I've anticipated pause for booze within my act. I think that with all of the protests, what we can't do as grown ups is write off young people as just being huffy and not knowing anything. These kids are more plugged in and more educated on topics way faster and sooner than we need it to be. So I think that thinking that they don't have the same scope of world politics as we did when we were at that age, I think we're really, really, really underestimating the value of the youth vote and what their opinions hold.


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Don Lebatar, are the stakes that high that if Angel Reese loses to Caitlin Clark, you need to start over again as a race stugach?


I don't know that we have to necessarily start over, but it might have to be. It will be a black people's meeting, an important one that will be called the next day, where we might have to put some things on the agenda.


And get it on the table.


This is the Dan Levator show with the stugs.


To the Drake Kendrick beef. I did want to ask you, and I failed to ask you when you were talking about it before. Netflix bankrolling your industry right now. You mentioned that the comedy festival in Montreal had gone bankrupt. What is Netflix doing right now for your industry?


Netflix is keeping stand up comedy at the forefront. My hope is that the other streamers will eventually follow suit. You know, HBO Max has some stuff. Excuse me, Max. Now they still have you know, new stand up specials and everything. But I think Netflix by volume is the. Their dominant Netflix is today what Comedy Central was 20 years ago, when Comedy Central had stand up on almost every night of the week. They had our specials. They had half hours. You know, I'm old enough to remember when Dane Cook was only doing 20 minutes up in Hudson yards in New York City. So they're integral to getting the industry of stand up comedy relevant in the sense that what Netflix does, by putting comedy on television, you're encouraging people to go and see comedy live. Part of what the Netflix is a joke festival does, in my opinion, is that it shows a bunch of people all out seeing comedy live. So when these people, no matter who they are, no matter where they are, where they rank in the game, when they come to your town, you're more inclined to go see them live. The idea of still getting up off your ass and going into a building and buying two drinks still will make sense to the next generation of comedy fans.


So, you know, I think that part of it, you know, we talk about bankrolling, but, you know, the idea of, like, stand up as a showcasey thing on tv, like evening at the improv or comic view or premium blend or. Those shows are gone, where it used to be a 30 minutes show with four comics all doing a couple of minutes apiece. You might get some comedy on Fallon still. You might get some, you know, every now and then on Colbert. But by and large, at volume, stand up comedy is not on tv, on cable the way it was 20 years ago. So if Netflix is gonna flood the block with content, so be it. That's good for my industry, and it's good for the comedy clubs.


If you want to get up off your ass and get two drinks and sit in a building in Bloomington, Indiana, or in St. Louis, or in Chicago or 30 minutes outside of Chicago, you can get and you should do so.


He's got me scrolling through all my old photos, and I'm deleting a lot of them. Like, I'm deleting Sid Rosenberg photos.


I mean, one of them's done something, I guarantee.


Oh, he's got a photo from the eighties with OJ Simpson. He does?


Stu guts does, yeah, deleting photos with him. And if you go through your photos and you're the person in the center of most of the photos.


I am. It's you.


The problem is you.


You could have deleted the OJ one a while ago.


I should have you. You quit the daily show about eight months ago. Jon Stewart is three months into his return. He seems to have done good by the ratings. Have you been watching? Do you watch?


Yeah, I still watch the show. Funny fact about that Netflix photo. That was the first time I've seen John since everything, you know, changed over or whatever at the show. And we had a good, you know, quick little chit chat about everything. The ratings are up. The show is relevant. It's an election year. It's an essential program. I still watch it. There's not a lot of places other than daily show or John Oliver where I can get the news boiled down to some degree. I watch Bill Maher when I can, so I still want to be informed. I just didn't want to work in that environment for a little while because it's too pressure field. But in terms of still figuring out what's going on, I'm not gonna watch CB's Sunday mornings every week. That's too slow.




Molly, Joker.


Oh, come on. I love that stream with little birds. 90 seconds of a stream. A sound of a stream just here. Here's 90 seconds of serenity with the world's oldest television program.


I'm excited to see what Jon Stewart and him do on the road. Jon Stewart is at his best. He's like Conan, where you put him out of town, out of his element. And then I think that's where he really, like, becomes on steroids. So when the Daily show goes to the conventions this summer, I think that's when you're really going to see the show hit another level.


I am told that you have a theory of diss tracks and how they relate to sports. I'm very excited about where this might be going because beefs are having a moment. If you throw the Brady roast in. With everything that happened here with Drake and Kendrick. Drake's security guard got shot outside his mansion. Another rapper is claiming that Drake allegedly paid him $150,000 for information on Kendrick's fiance. So it is now time. What do we have here in terms of imaging for Roy Wood's semi sure bet of the week?


Semi sure guaranteed. Oh, that's nice music. I appreciate that.


A lot of work by our production staff putting together only the finances for you.


Quality. You guys need to hire Metro boomin like Kendrick did.


We we do not have a little out of our budget, a lot of money for licensing music, and so we just go to a generic bed. You deserve more. As someone who has worked at the height of entertainment, this used to be.


An ad rebet at ESPN.


Damn it, Roy.


We don't have air conditioning.


It's not great music. We don't have water today.


Do you guys?


Okay, so now it's my job, Dan, to be responsible in giving your listeners a guaranteed sure sports bet that they can take to the bank. And I do this using guaranteed data. I've done the analytics on this. Now, beef tracks have been the thing. Now, what was interesting, I'm going to ask you, Dan, what was interesting about the Kendrick v. Drake battle to you? Give me one thing that stood out above all.


I mean, that Kendrick's hate for the essence of Drake seems to be substantive and real, that he rains down judgment from on high as if he's better than him at everything.


Correct but wrong. It's an interracial rap battle.


Oh, okay, let's see what we're gonna do here. All right, let's hear this.


We have a lot of rap battles in hip hop, but what we don't have on a regular basis is interracial rap battles. So I went back and dug in the crate, and I found out some years of more recent interracial battles in music between artists hating one another. 2013, you had Eminem versus Mellie Mel. 2021, you had Takashi six ix nine ine versus meek Mill. That's the old Puerto Rican v. Black. If you're wondering what Takashi is, 2018, you got Donald Trump versus ice Cube. I guess that one didn't really play out on wax, but still a beef nonetheless. 2017, Taylor Swift v. Kanye. Taylor Swift, you know, took a jab at Kanye. One of her records. In 2016. My personal favorite, Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj versus Taylor Swift and Remy Ma. Now, in those same years, we're talking 2016, your NBA champion was the Cleveland Cavaliers. 2017, your champion was the Golden State Warriors. 2018, Golden State Warriors, 2021, the Milwaukee Bucks, 2023. The Los Angeles Lakers. Was it the Lakers in 23? No, the IST.


Yeah, the in season tournament.


Yeah. Oh, yeah.


Ist. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We take that. That plays. That plays.


Okay, that works. You seem to have a factual thing there. You got your brain got stuck on.


Almost for sure he needed the Lakers doing something.


Yes. Okay. The semi sure bet of the week. Almost guaranteed.


Now, Dan, about all those NBA champions, what letter is the same and all of those NBA champions? Golden State Cavaliers, Lakers, Milwaukee Bucks.


Is there an a and everything?


The letter a. The letter a. So now, in years that we've had interracial rap battles, you have seen an NBA team with the letter a take home a trophy. This year, in this year's NBA. NBA playoffs. The teams remaining with an a in their team name. Mavericks, Pacers, Cavaliers. One of those three will be your NBA championships.


But none of them are going to be my NBA champion like that. You mentioned all the three teams that are not.


Are you questioning Roy Wood?


I mean, it is semi sure. Guaranteed bet of the week.


Are we, are we not in the midst of a current interracial rap battle? Yes or no?


Yes, we are.


And when there is an interracial rap battle, does a team with an a win the trophy? Yes or no?


That is correct. Yes.


Okay. Mavericks, pacers, cavaliers. Those are your picks, huh? Guaranteed Mavericks out the west. Put that money down right now. Put your house up.


Put my house up on the Mavs.


They're up to what?


You seen Denver?


Yeah. And. And Minnesota has an sound.


Scared. Scared. Money don't make money.


He's right about that. But it's not an a in the first name like Minnesota or the t. It's.


Listen, don't dissect. Don't. Stop it, stop it.


Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


This is the almost for sure.


Okay, all right. I'm sorry.


He doesn't listen well, Roy.


All right, I will stop it. I will tell the audience.


Dallas Mavs to the finals. Pacers, Cavaliers. Eastern Conference finals. Put it down.


The NBA's worst nightmare.


It really is. You are wishing ill upon the NBA. I will tell the people again. is where you go next month. Bloomington, Indiana, St. Louis and Chicago. Thank you, Roy. Always appreciate the time.


Sir, I don't feel like y'all appreciate the knowledge that I bring to this program, but you know why, thank you anyway.


No, it's good. It's good knowledge. We didn't respect it with good music. We got it. We have to. You have worked in the highest realms of entertainment. Comedy on television.


Turning it louder doesn't make it better.


It doesn't make it better.


It does not sound official.


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Don Lebatard Mike, Marty Schottenheimer passed away.


Stugats why do you sound so.


How did you say that?


Yeah, you're very excited.


I was excited. I was not excited.




I was merely pointing out that a Browns legend had passed.


Keep hold on, buddy.


Sean Heinemann died.


Hold on.


And maybe the greatest coach that ever win a Super bowl.


Okay, wait a minute. Let's just. Everybody, let's settle down.


Mike this is the Dan Levator show with the Stugatz.


It's interesting to see Stu Gatz, the rush to cover the WNBA better than it's been covered. As you see that, customers, if you've got eyeballs, you will get better opportunities. And ESPN is going to put on an event around Caitlin Clark's WNBA debut. They're going to cover it in a big fashion the way they would cover WNBA finals level. Production setup Tony Kornheiser was complaining the other day on pardon the interruption, that the WNBA is wasting a Caitlin Clark opportunity because he couldn't find the game anywhere. He was having trouble. Wilbaugh had told him that he's got to have the WNBA pass. And the quote from Kornheiser is, it was unwatchable by me. I couldn't find it any, anywhere. Mike, you told me during the game that it was only available if you had the WNBA pass. I said, that's insane. What are you doing? This is the most popular athlete in America. People want to see her. Every time she's on television, the ratings spike. You have to put her out there for free. What is the WNBA doing? It's a terrible marketing blunder. You don't do this to Caitlin Clark. You make sure you let her be seen by people.


Koinhizer is late to the criticize the WNBA for any reason. Parade Stu Gotts was featured in the Caitlin Clark documentary. That wasn't a Caitlin Clark documentary in which she said, among other things, she really yearns to be a normal person and has trouble not being a normal person because of how famous she's gotten. Here is a clip from the audio is not good on this because it's just someone recording it on their phone. But here is Stugatz makes making a featured appearance in a feature of Caitlin Clark's nobody's taking 40 shots of me.


Like you see across the country.


We're not that kind of team. I hope great for the levels of immortality or the pantheon to win championships.


You cannot go down as the greatest college basketball player of all time without.


Winning a national championship.


You can't do it. I'll take it.


Sports talk radio host is what they called you.


Different outfit too good for you? Honestly, it was jarring. It was jarring when I was watching this documentary, which was very, which was very good, by the way. I'm a little like picky when it comes to sports documentaries, but this was a nice, nice, easy, good four part watch. Breeze through it on my Sunday. Recommend it to anyone who's interested. But hearing Dan's voice at one point talk about like everything that comes with greatness. And then the next episode, hearing Stu got say that she needs to win a championship, both times I was just like ah, ah.


Sports talk radio host Stu Gantz with the take that was echoing just what Jay Williams had said. It's not his, hold on a second.


I want to take issue with this because I don't like the ordering of the set.


No, but Jay Williams has it first. You did not know.


I, Jay Williams stole it from me.


Dan, that is not true.


I'm telling you right now.


Stugott, I don't think, I think he had it first this year. Stugots, I think you've had it first in every other scenario. I took it from you this year.


He did. I said it before anyone else. In a different year, I said it before anyone else. I don't care. Williams ran with it. I remember blasting him on the show.


To got for stealing it.


But from another year, you didn't have.


That take about Caitlin Clark. It's just your general take that you apply. It's a one size fits all take.


Could have been any documentary.


I made it four years ago. I didn't know who Caitlin Clark was.


I know last year, I'm promising you that you said it after Jay Williams said it. Because when Jay Williams said it, I'm like, why do you have to say that? It's so unnecessary to say that. And then I'm pretty sure you followed up with what was the take that then identified you as a sports talk radio host, even though we're not on the radio anymore.


The reason I think Jay Williams had it first was because I went on Golic and Gojo around that time. I think it was the day after Jay Williams said it and they asked me about it and I said, this is a very stugatzy thing to say. And then we talked about it on this show, either that day or maybe the following week. And you said it and he stole it from you. But he didn't steal it from you in that week. Or even, I think, in this basketball season, still get credit for the horrible.


Opinion Taylor is texting me right now that I am 1000% right, that I said it first and that Jay Williams stole it. And the only reason you heard Jay Williams is because you don't listen to me and he has a bigger platform. That's it.


Speaker two settled now because Taylor texted.


The show or did you say it on.


I said it right on this show. No, I said it right here. I said it right on this microphone on this show with Dan. All of you are here. I think I remember sometimes Mike is here.


I have an open mind like you. You could be right. But my recollection was that he said it and then we talked about it after he said it.


Okay. It really doesn't matter.


No, let's get bogged down.


And I think a little more quicksand here toward the end of what we're.


Doing is what you said about Tony Cornheiser by the. Tony's ears keep, like, he keeps getting scared that way.


What did I say about Caitlin Clark?


What you said is so true is that he's, like, late to being mad at the WNBA. There was a links sky preseason game last weekend.


My sky.


That wasn't exactly. It wasn't available league pass. So someone who was at the game was streaming it on their phone and it had like 2 million views on their livestream of it.


Because I was like half it.


Yeah, you're. You're a million of them into this right now really is a tale as old as time.




Malik Pass is only $35 and you can watch the games that they do carry on.


I love Tony saying, you can't do that to Caitlin Clark.




What Tony is saying is you can't do that to me. You're going to make me go buy the WNBA league bad. Which Tony Cornheiser.


Thank you.


Did you, did you buy yours yet? Stick out. You pledged to do so last week. Season starts tomorrow. You don't want to miss tip off.


He said, done right. He said, yeah, I'm in. Or some sort of.


I mean, it is like words compared to other sports streaming things. Passes like it's two months worth of Netflix is the WNBA lead pass.


Let's check in with somebody who's worse at their job than Stugatz. How about this boxing ring announcer who is announcing the winner of a fight over the weekend and gets the original winner all wrong. It was clear that the other woman won. You can see that in her unmarked face that she has won the fight, as opposed to the woman whose arm gets held up. Because this ring announcer is truly terrible. Draw.


Judge Keatley scores the competition 96.94. And Judge Nakamura scores the competition 98.92 for your winner by majority decision and.


Still the WBA world champion.


And by the way, Nakamura, who had that 98.92 scorecard, will be the referee for Lomachenko.




Keatley scores the competition 96 94.


Nakamura 98 92.


Foyer, winner by majority, fighting out of.


The blue corner scheduler.


Is this guy for real? Is this guy Lieutenant Dan Hennessy for real?


Tessa Tour was pissed off. This just begins him being pissed off. He was pissed off in the studio show afterward. Listen to Tessa Tor. You rarely hear him this angry.


I want to clean up this absolute clown show garbage. Amateur hour we saw with the ring announcer moments ago. Bernardo, what can you tell us?


Heartbreak from Nina Hughes and then heartbreak first from Shanika Johnson. I have the actual scorecard. And Lieutenant Dan Hennessy admitted that he read the scores improperly. So the winner was Shanika Johnson from the jump. It was just announced improperly.


All right, that takes care of that. Let's move on. And let's hope that he can read the scorecards properly when we have our world championship fight.


I love that.


I might rate right now. Why is he a lieutenant?


I don't know.


We had Officer now Joe test.


We had him booked. Not Joe test, Lieutenant Dan. We had him booked and then he bailed. He bailed at the last minute. He got cold feet. We had him booked last night. I was very excited. I thought it was going to be the guest of guests for our show to get today, to ask him what happened. Because I love the vigor, the enthusiasm he showed trying to sell it at the end, while truly mortified as pointing at the correct corner like you saw him just fall apart, but try to fake his way through it.


The niddily nittany lion.