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Draftkings Network.


This is the Dan Leviton Show with the Stugats Podcast.


Mike, Easting stick, starting Thursday.


I know.


He's sticking around.


I thought Special Agent Baygent was going to be the most obscure cubie of this year.


It doesn't happen often, and I feel like it's happened more times than any in previous history, where I just flat out am learning of someone's existence as they come in to play the most important position in sports. It's a year unlike any other. Easton Stick apparently threw a pass in 2020. News to me. I saw a dude run it onto the field by the name of Easton Stick, and he wasn't a hockey player or a porn star.


He should be.


A lax player, I think. He was. He was playing quarterback. How did I not know that this was the insurance policy behind.


Justin Herbert? No, I like playing this game. I'm not even kidding you. It happened to me like two or three times yesterday where I'm like, Huh, Mullins. They're back up quarterback. Or McCarron. Oh, there's AJ McCarron. I didn't know he was there.




They've gotten down to their fifth one. The others don't have legs, and one of them has just totally chewed up in a hospital bed, but they got, Huh, AJ McCarron is going to play.


Quarterback now. I think people were watching, not knowing that AJ McCarron had gone to the XFL and even left Cincinnati. There are people that probably just assumed he's been there the whole time. And nick Mullins is always hanging around, Dan.


He always is, right? As long as there's an NFL, there will be a nick Mullen. I'm convinced.


Jeremy, can you give me some information about Easton Wick, please? Yeah, you got it. I'll get.


There in one second.


Easton Stick. Stick, yeah.


I'm sorry. Oh, my God. No, that's a fine. Hold on. You know he was the quarterback at North Dakota State.


Between and.


Trey Lance?


Quite the.


Program there.


They've had a run.


Order back you. Didn't the North Dakota State head coach just leave for USC to become an assistant? I think you're going to see a lot more of that.




Head coach left his job to become an.


Assistant elsewhere? Yeah, you're going to see a lot.


Of that. He was a linebacker's coach.


A lot of that.


In fact-.


Mid-playoff, too. Two years ago, when the hurricanes were looking for an offensive coordinator, there weren't serious negotiations with Jason Candel, who is the head man over at Toledo. I think in the modern age of college football, the staff numbers that are being thrown out there have to eclipse even the NFL, that you almost have to take some of these what is perceived as a step down.


Mr. Gotts, as we analyze all of this stuff, and all of these super competitive people in a salary cap age. They are fighting over inches that we yell at the referee for not spotting correctly. And all of the decisions that you're seeing made on Sunday. Again, yesterday was not a good day with a lot of close games, but there are many close games in that sport. Chris Cody, I thought of you yesterday because during one of the three exciting games that there were, I thought that there was a call in the modern age, given everything that's happening with the refereeing and that would happen later in the Kansas City game. I thought I heard one of the great calls of all time with Raven fans hearing what I believe to be some of the sweetest words you can ever hear as punctuation as a broadcast before the broadcaster backs off and allows crowd noise to do the speaking for him. That Ravens game ended whatever it was, 37:31 on a puntery turn with the backup punterer, like staggering down the sidelines. You see him almost fall. I believe it should replace Do you believe in miracles?, given where we are today.


There are no flags.


Because I fully expected one to drop on the field, holding- Of course. We were all.


Looking around, everyone.


Block in the back. Everybody was looking on television. Everybody's looking at that little yellow box. It's going to come up and ruin all of this, right? Somebody is just 700 yards from the play. Put a hand in a face mask. Nope, the announced get. I believe that that should become the new Do You Believe in miracles.


Totally legal. It's worthy of celebration.


Absolutely. An absolutely totally legal play. Cedarius Tony was not off-sides by a toe.


I love Shannon Sharp today saying Cedarius Tony robbed us of one of the great plays in NFL history. He scored the touchdown. He robbed himself.


That's right. He robbed us, robbed himself, robbed everybody, robbed mankind, robbed, yes, the entire country. Tony is by the water. Tony is looking right now, I would say, like he is soaked in sultry, saucey, sexy. He is just casually out there with his shirt open.


You're looking good, man.


He looks like a fucking idiot. He is the create- The create- The create- -that shrugged you up, Billy, because he knows he looks good. Dork. Welcome back. I mean, the creatine looks good on him. He is not phased by Billy's defense against him at all turns. Tony, are you ready for your top five? What is happening out there? Where are you? Last time you were by the water, you don't understand, okay? Because we are an international show, the rest of the country is suffering from winter. The fact that you can do this is an envy across the land and across the continent and across the globe. You are aware with whom?


Right now, Daniel, I am outside on the Bay right here. As you look over my shoulder, we're hopefully going to rent this Tiki Hot boat. I wasn't even scheduled to be on today. Obviously, we've got the Miller of the Light Contest winners, Michael and the boys. I had to show them out a good time. That's why they call me to make sure that everybody's got a good time here. We're going to bring in the boys to have Tony's top five. But we're going to try. There's actually no captain here on the Tiki Hot boat. After the top five, I might just take out the boat myself. Okay. We're just going to figure that out in a second. - Boat are free, though. -we've got two OLIs to start off the proceedings.


Thank you, Steve. Wait a minute. You're saying you're going to go out in that as soon as you guys are done here? The five of you are going to go party on the bay?


That's what it's looking like. That's what it's looking like, Dano. No captain. They're not watching. I'm in. How are you guys doing?


Time now for Tony's top five observation. Any O-L-I? Or are you getting right to it?


Two O-L-I's today, Dano.


Let's do it.


The jets really are a QB away. They really are. That defense is really good. They shut down probably one of the best young quarterbacks in the league and made them look, the entire offense, albeit they're missing a lot of people, made that offense look really bad. The jets, if they had a good quarterback, this team would be going.


To the Super Bowl. Okay, but Dell is pretty important. Yeah.


Yeah, and so is Niko, Collins. So is Dalton, Schultz. So is.




Quarterback, so is CK, Schrau.


Yes, all the carnage.






Yes. They're tunnels.


Hurt, I think.


Getting unhealthy at the wrong time. He's so.


Right about that.


Go play trade, William. Stop. Play an extra game this season. Go, yeah, good luck. Good luck. Go play Trent Williams. It's so absurd.


Ola number two. Can you guys imagine how good Kyle Pits would be if he wasn't in Atlanta? Oh, my God. Just, everybody, take a moment to think if he was not handcuffed to the Atlanta Falcons and Arthur Smith and Desmond Ritter, who sucks, how good Kyle Pits would be? Imagine if he was on any other team. Just pick a team other than- Carolina.


He would be the number one title in Carolina.


He was actually good with the Falcons when Matt Ryan played quarterback. That's correct.


Wasn't Tony on the Desmond Ritter bandwagon at some point?




Kyle Pits has never.


Been good.


In Florida, he was. In the first year, he was good. No, but he's always been disappointing in Florida. I can't wait to find out if Tony loves any of the six quarterbacks we were introducing.


We're about to find out. I'm sure he has. He is always the one falling in love with the new quarterback. Number five.


Number five, Dano. Last night, the nation as a whole was introduced to a man playing at the peak of the sport. The peak at his position. His name, Brandon Aubrey.




Guy's got a leg.


That guy is good.


Go Irish.


Notre Dame stand up.


Yeah. Go MOS.


Have you seen a kicker be that good that quickly, that early?


Seventy yards. He can hit one from 70 yards away. Number four. That is a miss.


He's Steph Curry. He's Steph Curry, Dano. Number four. The Josh Dobbs thing was fun, right? When it lasted, it was fun.


You fell in love with him. He's one of the guys you fell in love with.


Yeah, 10 for 16 or whatever it was, 63 yards, getting bed for nick Mullen, not good.


How are our contest winners doing? Just vibing out next to you? Is it awkward for.


Them yet? No, not awkward at all. The boys are loving it. The boys are loving it. They're agreeing with all.


Of the plays. Tony, ask one of them. Can you ask one of them how he has felt about his experience so far mingling about the show?


Yeah, my boy right here. How have you felt.


So far mingling about the show? What's your boy right there's name? I dare you.


Josh. Is it Josh? Elliot. Oh, I was close. I had Josh Dobbs on the brain. That's why.


It's Josh Dobbs. Tomato, tomato.


I was close. Go ahead.


Number three. Act for MVP. Hey. Act for MVP.


Can you hear me? Really? We can hear you. Yes, we hear you. Yes, we hear you. Daq for MVP. The universe whispers before it shouts.


Hey. Act for MVP? Just something to keep in the back of.


Your mind. Man, those Brock party prices keep dropping. It looks like Brock Purdy is going to be the MVP.


It's so great.


It should be Tariko.


And we're all like, Is he good? Do we know?


Are we sure? I mean, he's leading in every passing statistic.


I know. Agreed. But come on. Yeah, but.


Come on.


It's fair, Tony.


That's the best bit of.


Analysis with.


Regards to Brock, Purdy and the MVP.


Guys, you can ask a couple of people that were around in Miramar on Thursday night. I could do that if I was Brock Purdy with those weapons. Give me a break.




Not- And.




Lost us. Tony, Jimmy Garapolo couldn't do it.


That's correct. And you tried on at FIU and they didn't even hand you a football. You only.


Threw- That was a scam, though. They didn't give me the ball.


That was a scam. The number two overall draft pick couldn't do it for that, but.


Brock Purdy can. That guy sucks, too. That guy sucks. He's only on clipboard. I can do the same thing with Tray Lans. I can do the same thing Tray Lans is doing easily. Stand on the clipboard, sit behind an MVP guy, and not worry about it. I could do that.


Okay, again.


Tony-in fairness to him, Dan, they didn't give him the ball. How is he supposed to prove himself?


I know, but Tony at FIU, when he was walking on or trying out, they had him throw passes, but did not give him a ball. He did drills with an imaginary football. Tony, where are we in the list? We have less than a minute. -embarrassing progress. I'm less than a minute left.


We're at number one, Dano. Yeah, maybe it was the right call on paper for the nerds and dorks everywhere. But we were all robbed of a moment yesterday in the Bills and Chiefs game. Not only were we robbed of an incredible touchdown, Travis, Kelsey throwing it to Caterious, Tony. We were robbed of Josh Allen having a moment for himself to come out and score a touchdown and win the game in the final seconds of that game. Again, we've got some amazing plays between the Chiefs and the Bills throughout history. This was one of those moments again, and we were robbed of it. But of course, Billy, the dorks, Koogs, probably. All the dorks that love the rules and to see you, bro. No, he was right. His toe was off about three-million inches. Give me a break. Get out of here, nerds. We were robbed of a moment last night. That's it. Let's go. We're going on the tiki boat.


All right, get on the boat. No, Captain Dano. I don't love that you're the captain now. I don't know why Coogs took a stray there. He's got the Millers. Thank you. Go have fun, Tony. I'm pretty sure that you skipped number two. I'm going to think that it's an editorial decision, and it's not that you're bad at math. Thank you.


Let me see here.


I think Josh Elliott.


Gave it.


Hold on. Let's see if he did number two. You could close it.


No, number two was I was whispering, dash for MVP.


That was the number two. Oh, it was hard.


To hear. Three, which I thought that was three. Okay, it's okay.


Oh, number three. I missed number three. I thinkI'm in Denver, boys. I knew I missed something.


Dan Lebertard. What up, JT?


What's up, guys? What are you doing? What's up, man? Good luck today, boy. If you know him the way I know him growing up, everyone knows he's a come boy.


Hi, come in peace. Don't do that. You just embarrassed me so much.


Stugats. Okay, guys, nick Jonas is walking this way.


Can we get him to say what's up? I'm going to say, That shot on 18. Oh, my God.


-i think we're pretty tired.


Of doing that. -do we have Charles? Yeah, we're going to get Barkley.


Hey, what's up, nick?


-what's up, nick? Good luck today. That shot on 18, my God.




Made a weird...


That time you.


Embarrassed us. Yeah, I.




Did. This is the Dan Lebertar Show with the Stugat.


I am staring right now at one Jessica Smitana, and she is one scroll away right now. I saw it. One scroll away, Stugat. I can't believe it. I'm starting a segment. And she's in her phone. One physical scroll away from becoming a boomer. She is going to get to boomer status. She's a.


Young person. She's in the moment.


She's a young person in the moment who's about to fall out of the moment by becoming an old person. You're very young, Jessica. Very young.


I was younger before I started working here, Dano.




Everyone calling Dan Dano today? What is going on.


With this? It's a little bit of a thing that we do. We like to have fun. I joined Facebook this week. What? What? Why? Because people have been telling me for months that the best thing about Facebook is Facebook marketplace. It's the best place to buy and sell lightly, gently used things. And so I said, okay, I have a few things that are nice that I want to sell that I don't want to throw away. Someone could use these. I'm going to join Facebook and get on Facebook marketplace and see what the big deal is about. So I made myself a little Facebook account. I used to have one many moons ago that I don't think I've used in a long time because Facebook has become overridden with boomer memes and immediately was assaulted with. And this account that I made does not follow anyone, not friends with anyone. Just the most unhinged pixelated memes you've ever seen are now on this page. When I open up my new Facebook account, it is absolutely bananas. I can see why the older adults of America are being radicalized left and right. And then I went on...


Oh, and now my Facebook account suspended, apparently. I just went to go look at Facebook marketplace to prove my point, because Facebook marketplace in Miami is a weird.




Weird place.


What did she do? What did she do to get your.


Account suspended? I don't know. I mean, I sent a nasty message to someone on the Joe Regan fan podcast Facebook group, but I didn't know I'd get suspended for that. But no, I went on marketplace yesterday, and it's like, Here's a car. Here's an apartment. Here's a used pair of jeans. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. And they all cost a thousand dollars.


I will tell you that something strange that has happened in my life. I am going right back into the 1950s very often, walking to a post office because my wife, this is in loving service of making my wife happy wherever I can, no matter how little time I have. I am often walking into the 1950s into a post office to mail something that she has sold for $39.




And she loves a bargain.


And she loves you walking to the post office.


Well, I just can't tell you the number of boxes that I can tell you. Well, she loves not only a bargain, but she also she doesn't want to be wasteful... And so she likes having things that are good and not just throwing them out. And if people, they're nice things. People can get them cheap. She helps somebody on the internet. She spreads the bargain. The problem is that I'm just going to the post office a lot, and it's not a great.


Deal of fun. It's tedious. Reselling stuff is very tedious. There's also this new phenomenon called by nothing. What? These groups on Facebook called buy nothing groups, and I think they also have an app. Now I have never used this, but I've heard incredible things from people that do use them in New York. And you go on this thing and everything's free, I think. And you just post like, Hey, I have this broken toaster. And someone will be like, Oh, actually, I need a broken toaster. I'm going to come pick that up. And then you just- It's very popular. -just barter things on this app. And so it's for people that don't want to be wasteful and go buy something brand new. So they'll maybe get a used thing from someone else.


You need to be careful with those because when my daughter had her first birthday, there was supposed to be a tropical storm, so we had to cancel the party. And then we didn't have the party. So my wife had these backgrounds that were made because it's her first birthday party. It was like, There's this big turtle, and there's this, and there's that. And she's like, What am I supposed to do with this eight-foot balloon arch? We had to cancel the party. We can't do anything. We took two pictures, and she put it on one of those thinking like, Oh, someone that can use this for their kid's upcoming party can use this. I'm not going to charge them. What's the point? Then a truck was sent to pick it up, and it was someone who has a party business who came and claimed all of these things. That is smart. Then was going to resell them. We thought that we were giving this to a nice family or whatever that could use these things for free and ended up being some scammer who was taking them for free from us for their business. Now, explain this marketplace to me because I bought the wrong size windshield wipers.


Well, I shouldn't say I bought the wrong size windshield wipers. I bought windshield wipers, but they don't have the right connection for the car that I have, which is very odd. I don't know why RainX would make windshield wipers that don't fit the standard car, but this may be more of a Mazda situation, not to name names. But I lost the receipt because bought them some time ago, so I can't return them. So what do I do with said windshield wipers? How do I make sure that I can get these, because I'm not looking to turn a profit, guys. That's not what I'm here for. But I'd like to make my money back if possible, because now I have to go and buy another set of windshieldwipers for my wife's car.


I mean, I don't think you'll make your money back on this app. I mean, buy nothing, but someone will.


Definitely take that. Guys, this is by something. It's by Windchill Wipers. There's no by nothing here. We learned this after the party. No more by nothing, okay? Because scammersers are coming and.


They're taking things. You just want your money back, no profit.


Yeah, no profit. I'll tell you right now, I bought them at DJ, so they were already on sale. So you know what? I'll give you the price that I paid for them, and they're on sale to you without the DJ's membership.


You are being iron-fisted and getting some.


Success around here. It's December, Dan. What do you want me to do?


I'm liking your strengthening here. You are calling for costumes. Jeremy has spent that whole show in a lamp. Jeremy, how are you holding up? It seems these are all worse than you think they are. That's a deeply unpleasant way to do the show. The shit sucks so much, Dan. Seems like the light went out.


What happened there? He said that he saw floaters at one point in time, which seems not great. Then he had a light that was put in there. Then I gently asked, as we were talking about gently, I gently asked if we could elevate it to him actually starting a fire on his head because he left the lamp on because I thought it would be a fun visual guy. It would be fun. And he said no.


Okay. Surprising. Jeremy, go sit in the penalty box for not allowing us to set you on fire. For not.


Setting you on fire. Five minutes for not setting.


Yourself on fire. Five minutes for not on behalf of the show, just setting yourself on fire because Billy.


Wanted it. So, Dan, a couple of things here. It's never been easier. It's never been. There's never been a better time to go to the post office. I imagine, right?


Put it on the pole at Levitard show. Has there ever been a better time to go to the post office? There's never anyone there, as to, God, and the people who are there are doing exactly what I'm doing. It's just returned.


Right. So I figure it's a breeze, nice little walk, cathartic for you almost. Get to think a little bit.


Yes, that's right. And walk straight into the 1950s. Right. And I'm assuming that most people listening to this don't know how much a stamp is these days. I'm assuming. You tell us. Well, I just put it on a card.


Oh, you don't.


Know either. Got you. And I also just go with whatever. You have to imagine, I've got all these boxes, and so I'm making my way in to the place.


I hope I get myself to the level of success where you go to the post office and you're like, I don't care how much those stamps are. Put it on my card.


I'm making $39 at a time. You can charge me whatever you want. It's costing me more to get there and buy the stuff that I need. But in this case, I go dutifully with the receipts that allow just the things to be sent where they are. Very often I don't have to actually buy stamps.


But back in the '50s, when everyone was actually going to the post office, that would take all day. I'm saying this has to be an in and out mission for you.


I don't think the post office was.


Ever an option. Are you kidding me? It was buzzing back in the '50s and '60s. Even the '80s.


The '50s and '60s. Were you even born yet, Stane?


No, I was born in '72.


Holiday Elves Forever stamps are 66 cents. We're up to 66 stamps for a stamp now?


Put it on the floor. It's 66 cents too much for a stamp.


I thought we were probably like, I knew it was 39 at one point. I thought we were maybe like 42, 46, 66.


Yeah, seems like a lot. The other thing I was going to tell you is you should sign some of these items to increase the value. That's what I'm thinking. Like, Billy, same with you.


Like a dress?


I don't think, Dan's wife are selling things that people would want Dan's.


Autograph for. I mean, imagine a signed pair of jeans by Dan Levitart. I mean, that's something I would buy.


These aren't listeners.


Of the show.


We actually have today our event. You can go check out our event at Dolphins Mall, Vivo Dolphins Mall.


And tell the people again just real quick, because we do not do this, and I've told you before, we're not doing Mas this year. There's been a lot going on. So the only time we're going to meet and greet people this year, and we do like doing this. We like meeting our fans, except for Mike. And all of us go with enthusiasm to these things as part of like, We're really appreciative that we get to do this.


I want to meet the shit out of you.


What? That's what.


I'm saying. I want to meet the shit out of these people.


But why that expression? Because I like it. You want to meet them and then they shit on the floor? We're not just.


Going to meet them. We're going to meet the shit out of them.




Talk about some dollar shave club and some mille-like.


You want to meet them till they poop.


That's what he's saying.


-yeah. -accurate.


-from the floor?


-well, we're giving out shirts, and we have things that we can... I believe we're giving out shirts. I don't know if I'm supposed to say that. But I think that we have things that we're going to be giving out. The thing is that they're black shirts, but I was going to go and sign all of them black Sharpie anyway. And then everyone would be getting an autograft shirt and not even know that it was autograft. What do you think about that? If that doesn't get you out there.




Tonight. I've got some bad news, by the way. I know we were all hoping for the against the spread pay off today. Yeah, that's today. But you're not going to believe what happened.




Happened? We've got a.


Five-way tie. Five-ways?


He headed into this Wednesday's tie-breaking edition of Against the Spread. What? Of a guest. The Sprout.


Stugard, something happened yesterday that I thought was funny. The bears are on Detroit's 38-yard line. And by the way, that's exactly how Jared Goff is going to lose in the playoffs. The bears have-If.


He gets there.


-fourth. He's going to get there. There are a lot of bad teams. He's going to get there. -we'll see.


Here comes the Packers.


Fourth and 13, Stugat, at the 38. That's real no man's land. You got to punth there. What are you going to do? Like, No, we're all going for it on Fort down? Nope, the bears say they're going for it. And this happened twice yesterday to somebody. And a Detroit lion on fourth and 13 from the 38 jumps-off side. Free play, DJ Moore, touchdown. And if you're a Detroit Lions fan who has lost for 50 years, you wanted to disembowl that player.


Dan Lebertard. Tanya, kids, you don't really realize how much time it just adds to your day.


And how little they bring to the table.


They bring nothing to the table. Nothing to the table. In fact, you.


Have to bring the table.


Physically to them. But I wanted to go to Flanagan's before. You know what I would do? I grabbed my keys, I had hopped in my car. Now there's seven different bags you got to take. It takes 35 minutes to go to Flanagan.




Nothing lazy. You didn't move everything around. All of a sudden, you can't leave knives everywhere like I'm used to.


Put it on the pole, Guillermo, at Levitard show. Is there anything lazier than an infant?


This is the Dan Levitard show with the Stugart. I don't.


Know if I can do Tony's top five as well as Tony does his top five. He left out three.


Yeah, but I think.


He's still... He's so good at it that I think he's still better than me. I'm going to try, though. All I've been able to do is put together a top three from yesterday in football. Really? Yeah. And I don't know. Like I said, this is tough to do. And Tony does it. I think Tony does top five football observations better than anyone in any market doing top five football observations, even though today he only did four because he forgot number three. Yes. But I've got number three here. Are you ready? And again, I'm practicing, so be forgiving.


These are football observations?


Yeah, from yesterday. But I don't know how to do this. I'm admitting on the front end that.


This is-Well, you're doing something called the top five with three.


Well, I'm just learning, baby.


It's a three and only three.


Yes. An old game.


Bring it back. That's your game. I don't want to steal that from you. But this is just training wheels so that one day- You can have it. -i can do top fives as well, maybe as Tony. All right. So number three, Drake London.


Yeah. That feels.


Like one I.


Would do. Yeah. Number two, Joku.


Yeah. He has that game.


Right? He looks so good. He always looks good. I mean, unbelievable how good that… I'm not even talking about playing football. I'm just saying he looks so good. He looks like a superhero from Mad Max, like shirtless, just blonde hair. He's beautiful, muscles on top of muscles. Number one, number one, Jimmy Graham. He's a saint. I mean, where'd that.


Come from? Still getting it done.


Still catching tuddies.


It's what he does.


How was that?


Not great. I was hoping we would have talked this out and you were doing this so that you could have had a three and only three but two O-L-I's while saying you didn't know how to do a top five.


I, too, wish we had talked it out.


Especially since I have the three and only three imaging now.


Oh, my God. Try to get with the bed and see.


You want Dan to try it again?


I don't think that's the imaging for three and only three. I don't know what that is.


Well, then it's mislabeled.


I don't think we had imaging.


What is that? Is that an organ? What is that? Why is the music so cheap around here?


You would have thought since.


It's so iconic, we would have remembered. What is that? Is that an organ?


This was before draft games came into our lives. This is whatever it was. I think I got royalty-free music off of CDs back then.


That seems impossibly bad. It's not really great, Scott. I wish our music was slightly better than it appears.


To be. It does punch that segment up.


I mean, that's not saying.


Very much. I mean, you weren't either. You were just saying, Jimmy Graham, dot.


Dot, dot. Well, I got to get good at it. It's hard, Jimmy. You think anybody could just walk off the street and do a top five football list?


Well, we let someone.


It's hard. What was number three? It's his, Tony's, or mine? Yours. Because Tony didn't have a number three. He forgot to do number three. I'll do it again. I remember. I was working. That's why it was such a hard 72 hours for me this week. I was working on this list.


All right, let me thought. I can't wait for the book. We have the bed. We have the bed. Let's punch it up a little bit.


Number three. Oh, boy. Well, hold on a second. O-l-i, Drake or Mayfield? That's O-L-I. Okay, got it. I forgot my O-L-I because this is hard. It's hard to do. Number three. Yeah. Drake, London.






Gives us a little more context than you do.


Well, I got to get good.


At it. Well, less is more.


I'm not saying I'm good at it yet I'm asking for your patience. A lot of people say I'm ruining the show. Let me get good at it. I need some practice. I've only been doing this for a while.


How would you.


Expand that out, trickle? I don't know. I got to practice. A wrap's failures.


Like-give them time, guys.


Thank you. Fair. Speaking of giving someone time, Jessica, the Pittsburgh.


Steelers- Are in the playoffs.


Mike Tomlin has always had a winning season. Mike Tomlin has coached for 17 years, Stugart, and he has always had a winning season. However, do you want to know how many years in Mike Tomlin's 17 years, they've won a playoff game? Do you want to know, out of 17 years on Mike Tomlin's resume, how many of those years have the Pittsburgh Steelers won a playoff game. Any guesses?


It's probably a lot fewer than you would think.


Any guesses?




Four. Four of the 17 seasons, he has won a playoff game. And now in Pittsburgh, not one, but two radio hosts are calling for his firing because they lost two really bad games in five days because it's really hard to play football twice in.


Five days. He's also won the biggest game twice.


Once. Once, I'm sorry. They lost to the Packers in 2011. He's won two AFC Championship games those two. So you weren't far off. But I think, I mean, okay, truly, I could talk about this for hours, so I'll try to condense my thoughts into a few seconds. There have been a lot of Steeler's fans for the last, I want to say, five years since the end of the decline of the Rothlas-Burglar era that have wanted Tomlin to go because like you said, their postseason record has been wanting. They have not played well in the postseason, and they have had some really bad management, especially on the offensive side of the ball. To. And for the last five years, I've thought that the quarterback situation has been holding them back. And I also thought that Matt Candida was not a great offensive coordinator. And I think that maybe some of the personnel stuff is, that's not on Tomlin, but some of the coach assistant hiring, that is on him. And so I have disagreed with the people calling for him to get fired. But at this point, watching these last two games, I think more Steeler's fans than not are starting to go in that direction.


Whoa. I really like Mike Tomlin. I don't want him to get fired. I don't think that he is incapable of coaching a winning team. And I think that truly- That's crazy. I think he's capable of coaching a team in the playoffs and winning another Super Bowl. But with this current team and this current roster and this current coaching staff, that is not the case. And these two back-to-back losses have been probably among the worst of my lifetime. I'm as a Steeler's fan and maybe a lot of fans's lifetime. So it's a bad situation right now, and they're.


Seven and six. All right. But just to be clear, what Jessica just did in these radio hosts are doing, and it's happening in New England as well, Stugart, because if you make all of this a bit unreasonable, and we'll talk for hours and days about how could you be such an idiot to line up offside? You should be at the top of the AFC. And now you're not. You're going to have to road playoff game because you lost to Buffalo. There's a great indignity in that. At the top of that sport, Mike Tomlin has won every single season more than he's lost, that he has coached a football team. And Jessica is telling you, and she's not alone, that the standard in Pittsburgh is such a ridiculous place, at least in part, because Mike Tomlin, for 17 years, has overachieved just about every year before he gets to the playoffs. This year's Pittsburgh team, which all of us knew from the start, wasn't any good, that their offense was limited and that Kenny Pickett is limited. You do not agree.


I don't really agree. So I think Kenny Pickett is definitely a problem. I think there were expectations that he would play better this season. I think Joe Flacko now is tied with touchdowns with Kenny Pickett.


What are you looking at? And he's.


Played like two games. Why did you look at me when you were saying that? It's amazing. Because I know you know if that's right or not.


Just an NFL fan. Mike, who were the passing leaders yesterday?


But I will say that the Steeler's position players are some of the best in the League. And I think it's really disappointing, given that they put a lot of effort into making this year's roster better than last year's. They improved on the offensive line, which has been playing, I think, better the last few games, although their results aren't there in terms of winning and losing. And their skill position players are great. Like, Deante Johnson is great. George Pickens is great. Pat Freimut, great tight end. Najee Harris, Jaylen Warren, great running backs. Yeah, Nadee maybe not. I really- He was the.


First round runner.


Yeah, first rounder. But Warren's good. It should be better. Their offense just should be better. And I think bringing back Canada for this season and then firing him midway through the season, that's a really bad move. I also don't think it's entirely his fault. I think part of it is on Pickett for not being at a place where I think the Steeler's wanted to see him be at.


This point. Is anyone just saying, But their offense looked the best that it had all season, and then Kenny Pickett got hurt. I know that they were struggling prior to the injury in that one isolated game.


Not just hurt, but with concussion issues throughout all of last season and more this year where you're like, Did he get concussed again? Jessica, all fair, but I'm just trying... What I'm trying to do here is show people where the margins are on some of this stuff organizationally, right? Because the jets are a loser franchise. The jets are going to ruin Zach Wilson.


Zach Wilson, fifth leading.


Passing on Sunday. And by the way, TMZ is reporting that Aaron Rogers will be cleared to play on Christmas.


No, you're right. The margins are razor thin. I think there's so many things that went wrong over the last five years in Pittsburgh that I don't really blame fans that want to change. I just think you could do so much worse.


Than Mike Tomlin. And I really like him. You do realize that as we talk about this, Okay, this is what we're going to do now that we're going to do this. I want America to stand back and celebrate what we're now doing with football. Shin down, microscopic, referees suck. Every game is this way, could go either way. But the Stealers, whenever Mike Tomlin is the coach, they win more than they lose. And I don't think their is any good. He was good when he was old at the University of Pittsburgh, and I liked watching him at the University of Pittsburgh. But I haven't seen him be in the pros, be anything other than Brock Oswiler in a different uniform and body because it's a whole lot of short passes with all those skilled players.


This is next level because what they're saying is do it in the postseason, but he's done it in the postseason.


That's correct. But only four of the years and one of those years did he win multiple games. Now this is what I'm saying is where we are, which is Assinine. And she's not wrong. Assinine. The man has won for 17 straight years, more than he has lost. Fire him.


I don't think he'll get fired. His contract's up at the end of next year. I don't think he's going to get fired. The Stealers also, they're like the old school of old school. They don't fire coaches. They have had three coaches in the modern era.


Had he won that second Super Bowl, I thought he won, he'd be fine.


He would be. That is correct. Jeremy, can you make sure to turn down my levels where I scream there? Just put happy music in there or something.