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This is the Dan Levatore Show with the You Got Spotcast.


There is a crazy amount to talk about. Rare is the day that we come in here and have this much stuff that is rich in societal interesting. Billy Gill is in the big boy seat with Mike Ryan literally almost breathing on his neck. Jim Nance in the crowd. Billy, is everything okay? You're not in front of the microphone right now, and I want to talk to you for a second.


I have to turn on yours and Greg's mic, so I'm putting little arrows here to make sure that I turn on the right one. There's a lot going on. Okay. Bridges are falling.


All right. Yes. Well, yes. Not to make excuses. Billy is in charge on what is, I'm going to say, a day of intersection where we have a whole lot of things happening that One of them is calamitous. Overnight, a bridge collapsing in Baltimore when a cargo ship hits it. The video will be everywhere by the time you're listening to this. We're making a choice not to show it just because... And Greg Cody doesn't agree with this, and I don't blame him for not agreeing with this, just because we don't want to show what feels like death in real-time while family members are still searching for the dead. But I don't blame you if you disagree with that and say, Look, when 9/11 happened, the video of that is something that needs to be in front of people because you have to jar people into incidents that show you when if you want to make this an infrastructure story instead of a death story, none of us have ever seen that. None of all of us would fear the idea, Wait a minute, I've got to be safer than a cargo ship can hit my bridge, and grandma's going to lose her life just driving to get over to see me.


Yeah. I mean, families who lost a loved one are not going to feel any better by the result of this. But eventually, you have to figure out negligence. How much blame was there on the cargo ship? Was there an infrastructure problem? I mean, was it an old bridge in disrepair? We don't know all that, and it's all happening right now. But I think it's For me, it's necessary to show the video once and not twice, as you would with a calamitous NFL knee injury that's so gruesome. You almost don't want to watch it, but maybe you have to show it once.


But, Greg, we have been talking about the deterioration of media and how it is that the internet consumes everything. You understand right now that if I put that video in front of everybody, anybody, they would watch it many, many times because we've never seen that. And so news entities all over will show it all day today. Look, I didn't even want to start with the idea of this being a moral stand. They're just a bunch of people dead right now, and there are all over the world. All over the world, this is happening. If you want to check If you want to check in on Gaza, if you want to check in on Ukraine, there's death happening everywhere. Faces of Death was something in my youth that was televised showing of death in real-time. But if you to bed last night and you woke up this morning and you have someone you love in Baltimore, you wonder if they were on that bridge at that moment, and we're supposed to be safer than that. But this isn't an infrastructure story right now today. It's just we don't know how many are dead. Right as we say this.


They might still be looking for people. But also, adjacent to that, in pop culture and in sports, you've got the Internet gathering around Diddy yesterday. I don't think we've ever seen stuff like this, right? Because your childhood disappears with Bill Cosby. What the hell is that? You're watching Quiet on Set on Max, and you see that Nickelodeon was pedophilic. Files on the loose. Like, everywhere you look, people are gathering to look at the dirty stuff. Yesterday, what we were watching is an icon from many people's childhood, a mogul. There's video of him walking around what looks like an airport scared. At that moment, we're all wondering, like we did with O. J. Simpson, is all of what is happening right now in the federal raids of his homes that leads to his kids in handcuffs is accusations that if proven, which he's denied, and it needs to be said that he's denied right now as we see, but everyone's gather around watching whether is did he about to lose all his freedom or is he about to try to do what Russell Simmons did and go to Bali and get out of town on a private plane because he can?


Can money escape? In the internet age, what was watching O. J. Simpson on television 20 years ago. That's what the internet was doing yesterday, correct?


Absolutely. Especially with his kids being handcuffed and put out his Miami house. That was very jarring to see. You feel me?


It was. Yeah, that's what really hit me. When you see the two kids, they looked like teenagers in handcuffs. It's like, wow, this is so real. Now, unfortunately, there will be a presumption of guilt.


Okay, everything here is alleged.


There's a bunch of allegations that children were implicated in this ring, and social media slews started digging up videos of young women that Diddy claimed to have adopted. And so there's overwhelming circumstantial evidence. There's an overwhelming number of allegations in the court of public opinion. Many of these have hold water. Diddy has denied seemingly a mountain of allegations against him, and now the optics of him seemingly on the run to add to all of this.


I don't want to get to the sports stories just yet because we've got two giant sports betting scandals, and I think the lesser of them, or certainly the less obvious of them, involves O'Tani. The less obvious of them, because I was just presented with something so staggeringly stupid that I'm like, That's the most obvious alleged. But that's the most obvious betting crime I've ever seen, wandering off to the locker room with eye issues as opposed to just running around on the court, falling down, fouling out, doing something that would allow you the deniability. We'll get to that story in a second.


For lack of a better phrase, hedging with allegedly on this particular scandal. Oh, man. And it allegedly is holding up a lot on its shoulders right now.


I believe I will present to the audience what I believe to be the single... I mean, no one has been until proven guilty. The single most obvious betting crime an athlete has had since Bart Giamatti died after punishing Pete Rose forever for gambling on baseball. I want to get to what the last 40 years have wrought, because this is just the very beginning of you seeing the dirty underbelly of how many people compete and bet and can't control what gets into your locker room when money is involved. And the gates have opened on this. But let's stay with Diddy for just a second here because this is nearby. Star Island is right here. His life has been here. His mother lives here. He was here all the time. He was here all the time during the most debatrous of where it is that Fame and power grabs people and the temptations of Miami come. And all of a sudden, your is totally out of control because you're so powerful. All the vanities are huge. The Kardashians can create that into a billion-dollar empire. You're a mogul on top of mogul. It made me think of Vince McMahon when I think of the allegations here, how powerful people get to a place.


I'm not saying that all powerful people are some version of perverted, but there are so many, I'm going to say, perverts who are powerful people. It makes me I wonder, do you get to a level of fame where whether you're Vince McMahon or this, the heights of pleasure are just none of us would even understand it because you're just an abuser of power and part of, again, all allegations. But that's what he… When Russell Simmons is hiding in Bali and he's hiding, and we all know it. We're like, Oh, you did those things and you're hiding. And he denies them, and allegedly.


But we're watching yesterday thinking we were going to see the O. J.


Simpson thing again, correct? And people are tracking in private planes now as well. We know what about where he is as we speak.


The fire alarm is- I know.


I'm live. I'm live now, though. I can't stop what we're doing just because there's a fire alarm.


Billy, is everything okay?


You just pretend that's not there and keep going. Private plane, I mean- It's piercing into my brain.


I know it's tough to do our job. What are we talking about? I don't want to be a Monday morning quarterback on this, but love air.


Someone should have. Hey, What's going on? Right? Wrong? I'll turn this off.


Can we pick apart the easy one and just head into the John Tate Porter one? Can we start there?


You want to start with the sports scandal?


Yeah, because that one seems like the easiest one to tackle because this one seems like the most obvious whenever you have, thank you very much for the warning. Maybe we should get out of here. Let's investigate, everybody. But a prop on Jontay Porter is the single biggest moneymaker in the NBA, according to DraftKings' sportsbook that night, we got something to look into, especially when the player willingly takes himself out of a game in all the under's cash.


I've been wrong. I bet on Jontay Porter like two times his ass went under. God damn it, salute to Jontay Porter, but lock his ass up.


How did everybody I know. Was there a group chat? How did all the gamblers got together and told each other?


It was a TV show called World's Dumbest Criminals. Dare I say, if it was still on air, my boy Jontay would be front and center.


All right, let me explain to the audience that may not be up to the details. I discovered who this person was yesterday. I'd learned that he is the brother of Michael Porter. I learned that he played for the Raptors. I was not familiar with his game. I learned this name because it just came across with Betting Scandal. There's been an investigation into Betting Scandal, and I'm like, Okay, we better get used to those. I don't know who this player is, but there will be many names coming in the future, and this will be the first. This will be much worse, much worse than Calvin Ridley. This is so obvious that that career is over.


Well, he's also of a stature where you could say his career is over. That's correct.


But we all discovered together, correct, that he looked like, not like Michael Porter, but like a 2000s rom-com of what a basketball player would look like if you went to Hollywood to go get a basketball player, correct?




Loving basketball, extra.


We agree, yes. But the thing is, that by itself, scandalous enough, you could Oh, shit. This is going to be... People paying attention will know that this is worse than Ohtani, no matter what the details are on Ohtani, because this is just so very obvious.


Allegedly. None of this is proven. Allegedly.


This is all allegedly. Okay. Larger than $10,000 bets came in on his unders in random games. Like, Brother, the dumbest criminals.


No, the details.


Allegedly. Just say no one got an E-Pay to this group chat. This would have made this all go away.


The free E-Pay, by the way. We piled it on at this point.


I need the audience to understand that what John T. Porter did was, allegedly. Allegedly.


Has he denied?


He did that shit.




Or has he been like, You got me?


Not yet, but we all got you. Do you realize that crimes are rarely solved by the internet quite this successfully, where it's like, There's no need for allegedly here. We all see what happened. This is obvious, but I've got to get through the details of the Allegedly.


Not since Kirek Rambis' likes has a Twitter case been this open and shut for me.


This is what-We can see those.


For Bridget Christ, the road to love was not so straightforward. Bridgie, I forbid you for marrying that spent with you, Miles car.


What the devil is that?


I'm setting up an M50 video account on my mobile cellular telephone, thus procuring a discount on the M50 highway tow path.


Very prudent, Mr. Carr. It seems I've misjudged you. Eflow presents accounts and accountability. Pay your tolls automatically and get a discount with a free M50 video tolling account at eFlow. Ie.


Dan Levatard. Sports.




More sports.


This is the Dan Levatard show with the Stugats.


This is what I'm going to enjoy about this time, Greg, in journalism, as gambling, the gambling money is propping up all of sports media content right now. All of it is being held up. And when you invite, as the league did, because I remember when it happened, right? Fantasy Leagues had become so omnipresent. Europe was already doing this. But seeing the name DraftKings on the basketball court was like, Whoa, this is gambling, right? Gambling. So sports in America is now going to normalize gambling. And then the pandemic came and then oil wells everywhere. And the gambling money is holding a lot of people People up, like industries, because the gambling money is something that makes March Madness. Even though you don't know the names, they're just uniforms running up and down. The average game is getting 8 million viewers Because that's gambling on television, running up and down. The corrosive elements of that are, the dangers to the integrity of sports are that your players can be bought, your referees can be bought. In this case, these are the details, and they matter because they're this obvious. This guy didn't do us the courtesy of just wandering around, bumping into people and fouling out so you could deny that you were throwing the game.


This guy went out with an under He went out with an eye injury, and then the pets have poured in to make it... To make this guy's under and everything.


The single biggest moneymaker.


On DraftKings. That's the most suspicious thing in the history of American gambling.


It was a re-aggravation of his eye injury. So he had an eye injury prior, too, if you want to play the alleged- People probably knew he has an eye thing.


Any little thing could re-aggravate it.


It was a re-aggravation of he was gambling.




I learned yesterday that Michael Porter had a brother. So I do think it's pretty sus that this is the top moneymaker when it comes to DraftKings Sportsbook. And we should say that we are presented by DraftKings Sportsbook, and there's a lot of people that have opined on social media. There are a lot of people that also have their own conflicts of interest, by the way, taken to the pulpit and saying, Well, what did you expect to happen when sports gambling became legal in this country? I will say, is there an uptick, as we saw in Iowa, with both those college football teams. Yeah, maybe some of this is a byproduct of sports gambling becoming more legal. I would say what is certainly increased as a result of sports betting becoming legal is you finding out about it. And these sportsbooks who are league partners reporting their data to these league partners. It's how Calvin Ridley got pinched. It's certainly how DraftKings apparently shared this very suspicious data with its league partner. If you think that this is now just an invention, fixing games and players taking a dive, if you think that this is, allegedly, a new thing because all of a sudden a DK logo is on a court, you are so naive.


So, so, so naive. This thing has been happening all over the world, and now we at least have these entities cooperating to report some of this stuff.


Then they rig the 1917 World Series.


Allegedly. I wanted to step up and say one time, I have never been prouder to represent DraftKings Sportsbook. They sniffed that rat out and they called his ass out. Salute to DraftKings. We love you.


I do want to say one thing, though.


No, what do you mean, allegedly?


They're heroes, allegedly. And that is our unbiased spin on all of this. If there is one thing to take away from this story, completely unbiased, it said DraftKings Sportsbook is the best.


No, allegedly there.


None whatsoever.


If you were to bet on your overs, I feel like that should be okay.


Okay, well, you've taken the hot take out to the place. I'm not prepared to take it right now.


If I'm betting on my overs, I'm trying to play well, right?


Just hold on. I think Resavis would call that a risk-free investment, my friends. By the way, that cashed. Everyone that wants to give Ries shit, it cashed.


All right, let's normalize, please. If we're going to normalize it, let's normalize it. Okay, fine. Do I want to join you on the limb of, all right, everyone who wants to bet the overs on themselves, have at it. We don't care about the integrity of this. You're just betting on your own confidence. America believes in you bet on yourself. Let's make that be the rule. Just you can't bet against yourself.


Exactly right. There's nothing more Integrius than going after something yourself and then doing it and then reaping the benefits of that.


Well, I don't know if that- He said integrous. I don't know if that is a word, but it should be a word. Integrous is absolutely a word.


It should be a word. That's a car.


I had a very long drive home, and on my long drive home last evening, I decided to fix sports. And so number one, this one's free, by the way. I fix the NBA. I fix the NBA.


You don't want to maybe hold this to June, July?


No, I fix it.


We're going to fix sports today. Here it is.


Mike, hold on.


You want to know? This one's free.


I want to know the only thing... I just want you to make a decision between two things because I do want this content. I think it is good content. But what Billy said there in making fun of Tony, that Integrius is the name of a car. It is an amazing name. It sounds like it's a word.


No, it's absolutely a word. If you want to look on Oxford, on anydictionary. Com, it's a word. Sorry, guys. Integrus. Sorry, guys.


Idiots. Dorks. I would buy that car. Okay.


Also, I believe- Sounds reliable. I think, yes. What else is it? Because the Integrus, it doesn't use gas. The Integrus preserves the environment. Somebody's got to call a car an Integrus that is just economically friendly and also environmentally friendly.


Or a medication. It also sounds like a pill you would.


It also sounds like a deer-lion hybrid, some Integrius. Yeah, maybe. We're workshopping it right now.


It sounds like something's too God would have the antidote to. Or be allergic to.


He'd be allergic to. Yeah, he'd be allergic to it.


Allergic to integrity. Mike, you were saying?


I fixed the MBA on my drive home. We're all frustrated. We said, Let's change the dimensions of the court. I understand that that's tricky with the set infrastructures of certain places.


We're not all frustrated. There are plenty of people who like basketball just the way that it is.


I love it more than I've ever loved it.


We're It's not all frustrated.


I understand. But let me break it down for you. There's a very clear trend when it comes to NBA basketball, and it's not a good one when it comes to people tuning in. I think the viewers are weighing in by switching the channel that they don't love this style of the game. You can romanticize post-play, and you could watch videos of the '80s and say, For real, this is what we're missing. But the way that the game is going, it's less visually appealing to some. I understand where you're coming from where you like guys, bombs away. Here's my solution. Bigger balls.


Ayo. Smaller rims.


Smaller rims? No, this is easy. This is a carnival? Why a smaller rim? You can almost fit two balls in one rim. You can almost fit two. But not like side by side. You got to move it around. People don't realize. Just make it bigger by a centimeter and let's see what happens.


But if you make the rims- Make it bigger by a centimeter-Make it bigger by a centimeter. To Greg's point, you have less things to adjust, right? No, you're only fixing the ball. Keep the dimensions.


You have to fix a lot of balls. Keep the rim. There's all sorts of different size balls. The WMBA use a different size ball. Swish? Yeah. Make a bigger ball. Like a beach ball. Just a slightly... No, no, no. Almost imperceptible. A slightly bigger ball by a centimeter and see what happens.


What if you tell people you made a bigger ball, but you never did? Then in their head, I mean, if it's just centimeters bigger, you wouldn't know the difference, right? But once you know it's a bigger ball, you'd be like, I don't know about this. It's like a placebo effect with basketball where you just tell everybody, Hey, you know what? This year, the balls are bigger. It's the exact same balls, and then see what happens.


It's such a good advertising campaign, right?


And we got bigger balls. Oh, shit. Do you understand what I came up with on my drive home, they would have paid a consulting firm $7 million for. Just make the ball A lot, a little bit bigger.


I can't wait to reach that point in my career. Consulting? What a racket.


Bigger balls. All right. There's an easier way to fix the NBA, okay? And I just thought of this off the top of my head. It makes so much sense. Shorten the season, Limit three-point shots. You put a whole new strategy into the game.


You know how you limit three-point shots? With a bigger ball.


I'm just going to stop everyone now because we've got plenty to talk about today, and I'm now officially mad that Mike Ryan has decided to fix basketball.


How does a bigger ball fix three-point shots?


Because less shots go in, and so it'll naturally legislate fewer shots being taken from outside, and people will want to get a little closer to the rim because their margin for error has now shrunk because the ball is a little bit bigger. But guess what? Zack Eady, you now have a place in the NBA.


But Greg wants to literally legislate how many three-pointers you could take. You'd even have it on a board, and every time they take one, an X goes through it. Exactly. Like, timeouts.


I'm not sure what the The numbers should be. In my mind, it's 10.


Yeah, they got three three-pointers left in the game. They got to use them. This is so convoluted.


If you just make the ball a little bit bigger, it does everything. It does all the work for us.


Nobody sees that change.


I'm on Dan side. I do know that no matter how big you make the ball, the Celtics will find a way to blow a damn lead when I'm in Miami. If you look back on the track record, if you see me in Miami, Jontay Port, I see you out there, bet the Celtics to lose when I'm in Miami because they will lose and crap to bed. I bring my Celtics jersey every time to wear it down here, and I can never wear it without being embarrassed.


Salute. You can't do a salute at the end of that.


Please salute a bit, brother. Please salute the bigger balls idea because I think the bigger balls idea is a good idea.


He is pushing that idea, man.


You didn't even get to how I fix gambling in sports.


We'll get to it. There's time.


You don't neuter the hater that you sound like.


Oh, whoa. Wow. Allegedly. Okay, here we are.


Deny those allegations.


I deny 100% the allegation. With a salute. Salute to Dan Levatard and that beautiful jacket, by the way. It is a nice jacket. Hair perfectly quaffed as well. We'll be back after these messages, ladies and gentlemen.


Don Levatard. If all the rain drops for a lamb and drops and gun drops, oh what a rain that would be. Stugats. Standing outside with my mouth open wide.


If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gun Oh, what a rain that would be.


This is the Dan Levatard show with the Stugats.


Juju ever so gently, and that's not fair to call him a hater when he's very positive and he's a Celtics fan, and they are enraging because- He denied the allegation. I know he did, allegedly. Okay, a hater. Viemently. Allegedly. But he just throws salutes out there when he's crushing people and then says, Salute, salute. It does dilute it. I'm not going to lie, it works. But I hear in there the thing that everyone is doing to the Celtics now. You know how they're going to lose? Like they did last night where they're up by 30 and you know they're 30 points better than everybody. Then something happens at the end and the game gets close. Then, Oh, look, at the end of the game, bigger balls like Atlanta and all that. Who's going to... At the end of the games, Mike's trying to fix the sport, and I'm here to tell them there's nothing wrong with it because you'll get me in every time if, Oh, this is the best Celtics team I've ever seen. They actually crush everybody, but they've got that weak spot of that's how they're going to lose everything in a game seven against Milwaukee.


I guarantee you, if you put out to the world, Hey, Raptors, Wizards today, bigger balls. If you just put the word out, They're going to be playing this game with bigger balls, you're going to have people tuning in like you won't believe.


You know who needs some bigger balls? The Joe Mazzula. He needs to grab the reins in Miami, I mean, in Boston, and tell those brothers, Look, too much isolation ball in critical moments. We need to swing the ball around the perimeter, everywhere, whatever they call it these days. Allegedly. Allegedly. But they need to get more team-oriented instead of trying to shoot jumpers because they're going to shoot themselves right in the foot.


Salute to Joe Mizzula, though. Salute.




I don't think I'll ever get over him trying to defend that shot at the end of a quarter. Did you see that, Dan? Where he's just going out it, going out and trying to defend it. It was so weird.


I never forget him for saying he watches the town.


Integrus is the word.I'm sorry, guys.Integrus. Sorry.


He watches the town every week.


What is that? The ending's not going to change. It's the same thing. Right.


X and O's.


That team should be an overwhelming favorite to win this year's Championship. They are leaps and bounds better than everybody by a lot.


Oh, come on. Their superstar goes missing in weird times. Their other superstar can't dribble to one direction.


But that's not play off basketball. You didn't let me finish.


I'm sorry. I'm a hater.


I was in the middle of my take. I was having- I'm sorry.


I'm a hater. I don't like that team. I don't like them, their fans, what they represent, the fact that they built their prestige on four other teams with maybe three black guys in the league. I don't like them one bit. In fact, most people hearing my voice right now have seen the Toronto Raptors win the same amount of NBA championships.


Yeah, I have. But you know what? This sparked the question. You call me a hater, and I understand you're a Miami guy, and you just told me you don't like me to my face. I understand that. But what do you guys like? Because I listen to the show every single day. I hear you all. I see you all look into the camera and be like, I don't like this person for doing that. And this person should be ashamed of himself. What do you brothers like in sports?


I love Matthew K'Chuck. I love Matthew K'Chuck so much. Honestly, his brother, braided, is expecting. I liked and I got so happy for Uncle Chucky. Same, too. I just love this man.


Huge game tonight.


Oh, my God. What do you like? Wait a minute. Okay, my bad.


No, I like the Panthers, Juju.


I like what you're doing, Juju. But Billy, all of a sudden, and this was curious, but you'll get used to this with Billy, just threw out there, big game tonight, Panthers and Bruins, that we could talk about. Is it not? He's just trying to ruin the show.


You were trying to break- How so? It's the biggest game of the year, Billy. Excuse me? It's a biggest game of the year.


I'm giving you an on-ramp to discuss it.


I'm like, not. I appreciate. Thank you.


It's a playoff matchup, Dano.


Thank you. Always appreciate.


Playoff opportunity. Juju, head on a swivel. He does not care about this game tonight.


Falls hood. I now subscribe to Bally plus Sports plus. No, I do.


Let me get your login.


No, I don't share logins. I don't trust the sharing of the logins. I don't want to be that guy. I don't trust it. I'm going to be the guy that goes down.


You wouldn't let me cheat on a test in school, would you?


If you cheat off of me, you're not going to get an A.


I'm telling you that right now. Forcing and Barkoff back in the lineup today would appear. This is huge. We're experimenting the last few games with Teresynco on that third line. That's where I like him. That's where I like him. I don't want to screw up the chemistry of that first line. However, E2 and Lundell with Sam Reinhardt, something there.


Dress rehearsal tonight summer saying, right, Mike?


This is as big a game as you'll find on the NHL slate. And that is saying something because every night there is banger after banger. Last night, the LA Kings going to Vancouver. Banger of a game, three, two. You found out exactly why you cannot trust the Vancouver Knucks. One Iota, they're going to get upset in the first round. Trust me on this one.


I wish there was a place I could get tickets.


I did that yesterday.


Okay, it's a Tuesday, so I was just trying to- No, I appreciate it.


But Game Time, promo code, Dan, $20 off your first purchase. There you go. I use Game Time all the time.


Can you tell me more about Game Time? Because I'm here to tell the audience that Game Time has done right by us, and so we ask to do right by the people who do right by us.


And they have, Dan. They have. I've heard back from Game Time, and they are so happy with our fans using this promo code, Dan, for $20 off their first purchase. Guys, if you don't have an account, create one right now. Take advantage of that promo code, Dan. Terms apply. Last minute tickets, lowest price is guaranteed.


And they give you a view of where you're going to-How do they do that? How do they do that?


The future AI.


Ai technology. Integrus. Integrus, yeah. Salute to them.


It is a word, by the way. I looked it up. What does it mean?


I'm trying to tell you guys.


Did he use it right? It's a root of integrity. Like Paul Maurice.


Yeah, it's legit. It's one could be integrus. One could not be integrity unless-Correct.


Somebody can. That's correct. Well used by Tony. Tony, this is the One of the bigger upsets we've ever had around here because Greg knows his words, and I less so, and I didn't think that was a word. An automobile should absolutely be integrus. But I don't want to allow Billy to escape here. Someone talking park, please.


Finally. Been waiting. Jeez, Louise.


Is someone talking park? Guys. Yes, we are. Do we have a Barrel ride for you tonight on Braze?


I'm excited.


Oh, he's alive. I've missed you so much. Where have you been, hockey guy who talks far away from the mic? Where have you been?


North of the border, mostly. Great year for Canada. They're going to fall on their freaking faces. Let me tell you something, the Florida Panthers got it going on. You got Evan Rodriguez out there. I like to call him Boca Grande. Have you seen the size of that guy's mouth? Huge mouth. Biggest mouth you'll ever see. I'm telling you, not enough people are talking about Boca Grande. You got nick Cousins, Primo's, I like to call him out there, doing Primo's things. You got the smoothest skater in the NHL, Sasha Barcov, going back home to Finland next year. Really jacked about that.


Can I stop you?


You got seven teams in line for the Biden Cup, bro.


Seven. Seven. Not one, not two.


That'll hit you harder than a nice tarte Siddish.


Look, hockey guy, surfer guy, far away from the mic. I have missed you so much that I am willing to accept you back as an occasional correspondence that bothers the audience with his hockey knowledge.


Who's the best defender in the NHL? Kael McCart, Quinn Hughes. Discuss.


No, we don't want to discuss that, though.


I'd like to hear that conversation.


For me, it's Usopp Forest Lake. That wasn't an option. No one better in the NHL when it comes to plus minus. Not talked about enough, fellows. Get on board. Hop aboard and paddle.


That's right, sir. Hop on board. Lord Stanley's coming. Hop on.


If you get stuck, cut the strap just like Jimmy Buffet did to Colin Joss in his book.




Did you know that Jimmy Buffet saved Colin Chose's life surfing in the Dominican? Really? You didn't. I read that book for Book Club. Still waiting for that mystery Great episode. I'm ready. We're getting to that. That's where I've been. Last seven months, been reading Colin Joss's book. Jimmy Buffet, rest in Peace.


Lovely Cruise.


Greg Cody has been denied. His sweet sweet ending on the show of Jimmy Buffett singing his last song as he retired. Yes. Instead, he is- Couldn't get that happen. Instead, he is going to a concert, Hollywood Bowl, a concert of a lifetime, to watch a former Beatle and other musical greats basically tell Greg's favorite, Hey, we respect you as everyone knows how subjective all this art is as one of the greatest, and your loss will be felt. Greg Cody is going to do that.


I was smoking a Hollywood Bull watching Nancy Kopitar last night.


I want more of your coverage, okay? My problem right now is, though, I'm a little scared at how good Billy or how comfortable Billy has gotten inside of both Anarchy executive producer, because what he just did to me deftly as Juju tried to insert positivity in the room, as he flogged our entire audience with hockey, that's what happened. Juju was trying to make the room positive, and Billy doesn't want a positive room. What the fuck? He doesn't. No.


Billy does not want a positive room back there.


What the fuck? You were trying to get Tony to take... So positive, Juju. Tell me what you like about sports. And Billy's like, No, don't tell me.


We brought back an old friend we haven't heard from in a long time.


The Vegas Golden Nights are going to upset the Vancouver Knux. It's plain as day. You're going to have Mark Stone coming back into the lineup and Tomas Hurdle. They made a deadline move for him. Keep an eye out for these Vegas Golden Nights, man. They're doing something shady with that salary cap. How do we allow this?


Billy, please get the sound as quick as you can because I I heard Tony say who, I think. Tony's listened to this show for a long time, and we can't get him into hockey. It's not possible. He's Cuban, and he lives in Dade. But Billy just shouted out Tomas Hurdle. It made me think of... Because someone shouted RIP. I don't know who shouted RIP. Someone might say, Well, what? Did he just kill Tomas Hurtle, who I don't think is dead? No, Billy is- Just hasn't played for a little bit.


Vegas is pretending he's dead, only to resurrect him, undertaker style, against a Vancouver Knux, who they will beat in the first round. Take that to the Biggity Biggity Biggity Bank. Wow. The Biggity Biggity Bank.


I believe the time I was Most exposed on my lack of hockey knowledge on ESPN was with our hockey correspondent, the late Alan Thick, RIP. Have you found that sound, Billy, of me making Tomas Hurdle, Tomas from Hialea, because I his first name Hispanic, instead of whatever it is that I was supposed to be doing there? I want to talk Tomas Hurdle with him. Is he the best player in hockey? Hockey correspondent. Who the hell is that?


I miss that man so much.


Rest in power, King.


Oh, God. Seriously, though, if you don't place a bet on the Vegas Golden Nights to upset the Vancouver Knux, when this matchup becomes official, you are fool yourselves, boys. This is as vintage a President's Trophy potential winner falling on their face as humanly possible. I do not trust the Vancouver Knux. One bit. This is free advice. That was well said by the surfer hockey guys.


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What the devil is that?


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