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Happy opening night, sugats, for the Heat today.


You're excited?


I am. I wanted to, and I was told I'm not allowed to, which sucked, but I wanted to just not talk about the Heat, like, similar to how the day after the Super Bowl, we did the Mass Singer. I was like, I just don't want to do Heat today and see what happens. And I was told that's not allowed, so we have to talk Heat today.


Well, no, it was me who said we should probably talk some Heat. I'm fine if you don't want to talk Heat. The season opens tonight. Tony has his T shirt on. I mean, that's the only reason I brought it.


Yeah, but I feel like they're going to do plenty of Heat talk from, like, how much heat did people want to hear from us today? You know what I mean? I guess maybe a lot because it's opening night, but I thought that the joke would be funny and in line with what our show does is just not address the Heat at all on the first day of the season.




So I'm privy to some of the stuff that's coming out of La. And it seems as though there's no Heat talk.


That's impossible. Possibly. I don't believe what that can't be.


I'm just saying.


Wait. They went to La. And didn't talk about the Miami Heat?


Remember, you said they were covering Lakers Clippers, too, so you can't cover both teams on both coasts.


The aftermath of the Lakers lost last night.


Yeah, they're probably recapping that with Sedano.




He play the Pistons tonight.


The he play the Pistons tonight?




FIU plays Jacksonville State tonight.


You're on the call. Yes. They invited you back.


Hey, big night in Miami sports.


I heard Lucy saying now I didn't hear it. I asked you for clips. You did not provide them.


That's false.


Well, what do you mean?


I mean, we had it just took a little bit to get it.


But I am told that you were very good on the FIU broadcast.


Okay, let's address the I didn't have it. This is how that went last week that I did this or the last time that I did this. Two weeks ago.




So Thursday I came in. I had to come in because people weren't in. You did not come in that Thursday.


Well, I was told to not come in.


Well, whatever, it doesn't matter. So I was told to come in. So I come in, I do the game. It's a late game, whatever. Right. And I'm in on a Thursday, and then Stu Gotz is like, we're doing goal, like at 1030. Do you have clips? And I'm like, Dude, no, I was calling the game until 11:00 at night. I got home at midnight. You want me to then go through my own broadcast and hours of that broadcast to get, like, ten second clips. Like, no, that's impossible.


I thought FIU would have someone on staff who would do that for you. You're a big star. I mean, you're doing them a favor.


I'm not a big star. Well, okay, but you are. This is a favor that you asked, not that I asked. If I wanted to bother someone, maybe I could. We asked.


Well, who can I bother?


No one. You're not going to bother anyone. They did say this, though, the last time that I did the game, and they basically said, like, oh, we'd love like, oh, we'd love it if Stugats could do it. We'd love it if whatever. And then I was like, Am I good enough for you? Am I just your way in to get Lucy to do exactly right? They're like, Anyone you want can come. I'm like, okay, that's fine.


What a sad bridge. That was a bridge to me. I mean, trust me, I know. Do they pay well?


What kind of question is that? That's so rude.


I was just wondering perhaps I'll do a game with you, that's all.


Well, why don't you just do it for free? Because you want to spend time with.


Me free now you've got too far.


Lucy's here, and Lucy's playing a dangerous game, from what I've been told.




Yeah. Lucy is going to put up for poll where it is that people where she's going to go this week to cover a game, which seems like a very bad idea.


Oh, no.


A very bad idea.


They're going to send you to the worst possible place.


We have two options, all right?


Only two?


Only two.


Two and only two. Roy.


There were, like, two ranked matchups, and we got approved for the two games we wanted to go to, but we.


Could probably find one that we could get you approved for that you're not considering.


Okay, well, you bring me your suggestion. Juju can we put on the poll? Should Lucy go to Oregon? Utah this weekend or Georgia? Florida.




What is it?


The largest outdoor cocktail party.


It's not the cocktail party anymore.


At the landing right in Jacksonville.


I think the vibes will be better. The game will be worse. Utah. I'm going to have a hard time finding drunk people. But the game will be better, right?


It's Wednesday. This seems like a very stressful existence if you don't know where you're going to be in a day.


You're telling me.


Is this every week?


This is every single week.


This crazy.


I went to La last week. We bought her plane ticket Wednesday. I flew out Thursday.


So before we get to that next weekend, both me and Lucy, I have to attend the Iowa Northwestern game. It's at Wrigley Field. I think Lucy is going as well.


You're going to?


Well, I have to. So they're doing the national championship ring ceremonies for Northwestern lacrosse. They're doing it at Wrigley Field during that game. Which is very cool for my daughter and the Northwestern women's lacrosse team. So I'm excited about that. I'm not excited that they're doing it during an Iowa Northwestern game.


So how this went is I'm iffy if I'm going to go to this game, me and Iowa, we're kind of in a fight right now. We'll work through it. We need therapy, counseling, whatever.


They sent you stuff.


No. The Iowa soccer team. I love.




Nice stuff, too.


Nice stuff. Look, you can't see here, but Nike Iowa soccer stuff.




And they gave me that bobblehead there and more stuff. I'll wear it all tomorrow.


But that's great.


Thank you, Coach Diani. It was very, very nice. But my family is going to Iowa, Northwestern for sure. And my dad was like, you should invite Stu Gott. You should invite him. Tell him he can come tailgate with us.


All right.


So I know what bar they're going to be at, and the tailgating scene is going to be weird because it's at Wrigley. But if you want to hang out with my dad, he will be there.


Should go to the Cubby Bear.


Wait, so, Lucy, you're not going?


I'm like 50 50.


Okay. Coin toss.


Since you're going, that makes me want to go more because I think we'd have a good time, but I'm not going.


My daughter's getting a national championship ring at halftime, too. I have to endure a half of it.


Why is everyone yelling?


I don't know.


Because I have to go to Iowa northwestern. That's why I'm yelling.


But you live at Wrigley Field. You have, like, a timeshare there. You're always in Chicago. What are you complaining about?


I have a house. I don't share it with anyone.


Yeah, I'm looking up college football teams in Alaska, and I've had no luck thus far.


There's not one.


You should go to Hawai.


I would be so hawaii.


Oh, a midnight game. San Jose State, I believe, already checked it out just in case I lose all my bets.


But it's not midnight for her. You should go to Hawaii.


I would happily go to Hawaii.


Wait, hold on a second. Can we let's do this right. Let's do this right, gang. Can we set up, like, back to back weeks that Lucy has to go to games in Hawaii and then it wouldn't make any sense for her to come back, right.


And we'll go to Hawai with her. We'll create content, send it back to Dan and.


Iowa. Northwestern. That's where you're going to be.


Hold on a second. Because I thought you were going. And what I wanted to do was on Saturday do a show called College Lame day because we're at the lamest game of the entire season, iowa and Northwestern. And I wanted to do that, but now I'm going to have to do it with your dad.


He is a star. The fans of this show absolutely love him. Okay, you guys will be great together. You dress the same. You both love The Grateful Dead. There's a lot to talk about.


Done. Sold.


I was looking at Hawai's, actually. No, lucy, I think that November 11, you should go to Hawai because number 19, Air Force is going to be there.


Oh, wow.


Veterans Day.


Everything on the line. Yeah, that's a big day.


We've neglected Air Force, which is irresponsible of us and unpatriotic. They're a ranked team. If they keep playing or well, they're going to keep playing. If they keep winning, they could be maybe a bubble playoff team. Well, no, they're not going to get.


They'Re not going to make the playoff. They should be in the playoffs.


We can't say that out loud if we're trying to get Lucy to go on vacation to Hawaii. Right?


Yeah. Well, what are the choices next weekend? Have you looked at them yet?


Not next weekend. I can pull up a list. This weekend kind of sucks. This is like the last sort of, like, not great weekend.


Have you been to?


I've never I've it's a great time.


Yeah, I've never been that's a game I wanted to go to, even though I think the game will suck.


Have you been to Jacksonville before?


I have been to Jacksonville.


So, you know, not a great time.


Yeah, it smelled kind of weird.


Big place, too.


That's a fair assessment. Is it smelled weird.


Put it on the polaroids. Does Jacksonville smell weird?


By the way? Don't be alarmed. I know that you're new to this area. Don't be alarmed that when you turn on your shower and your faucets for the next six weeks, it smells like chlorine.




Yeah. You haven't been here, but they're in the middle of their chlorine treatment and, like, the Miami Water Management Facility or whatever, and it's normal. It's safe, but it smells like chlorine. So don't be alarmed by that.


They tell us it's safe. Which, again, worries me a little bit.


What do you think they're trying to control? You, of all people?


To control?


No, not just me. All of us. Not control, but chlorine's good. Don't don't drink it in the pool, but drink it in the water.


That's the thing. That's weird.




So, Lucy, which game do you want to go to? Like, I know you're leaving it to the fans of this show, but if it was left just to you, which game would you be going to?


That is why I'm leaving it up to the fans of this show, because I really don't know. I think Oregon, Utah is going to be a much better game.




I feel like I've heard it's a cool environment there. I've never been there before. It's also the last time that they're going to play in the same conference because we went to USC Utah last weekend, and it was actually kind of sad at the end because you're like, you're never going to play again. So it's like a game with meaning. Where Georgia? Florida I don't think is going to have a ton of meaning. I think Georgia will probably kick the crap out of Florida, but they'll be really drunk.


So next weekend is Alabama, LSU. That's the game you should go to next weekend.


That's where we want.


In fact, I wish my daughter's ring ceremony was there.


I have a question.


Okay, I have a question.


No, it's at Alabama. Okay.


Even worse, I have a question that I should know the answer to and I don't want to put you in a bad spot, but when you're going the intention is to do videos. Correct. And have social media videos or videos for YouTube videos for the show Et. Right. So it's not covering the game. So when they gave you shit about the whole Colorado thing, that was kind of ridiculous because you're not covering the actual game. You're there to get the festivities and kind of paint the picture, the tailgates, the parties before and she does a.


Great job of it.


Yes. No, I agree. When I had to do it at the FIU thing, I not had to, but when I did at the FIU thing a couple of weeks ago, it's hard walking around and just talking to me and Taylor's like, we're just going to do this for twelve straight minutes. I'm like, this is the first time we talk about this. I didn't plan for this at like wasn't that easy. But you shouldn't be looking for great games, you should be looking for great environments. Right?


Yeah. So the thing is a great game produces a great environment. So like last week we'll hopefully have a video sometime this week of me in La. And that environment sucked even though it was a really good game. And so most of the content we do is all tailgate stuff. We get there a couple hours early, we walk around, we sense the vibes, but when it's a game that people care about, they're more excited, the environment is better, but they're not going to drink in Utah and that's kind of the big.




So I'm telling you, you go to the landing at Jacksonville for this game, it will be the best environment you've ever seen.


I don't know about that.


It's pretty good, Billy.


No, I mean yeah, like the environment would probably be better if you go to that game, but the game is not going to be as good know Utah, but I feel like you should go to like Ole Miss or something, right? Don't they have like great tailgates?


Yeah, we definitely want to go to Ole Miss at a certain point. The problem is it's wild, the college football season, we've got a month left of the regular season, which is super sad. So we've tried to be smart about going different places, talking to different fans, trying to do different conferences. I've had the most fun going to SEC in Big. Ten games so far, but this is the last year of the Pac Twelve. It's the best teams. It's this whole weird thing.


Don Lebotard how do people always go missing in the mountains? Don't go to the mountains. And by the way, I don't want to bring racism. This is the most white people thing ever going missing in the middle of the mountains. It's the strangest thing. You go by yourself, you don't take a radio, you don't take a phone. You're missing for four days, and they find you, like, ten years later covered in snow, and it's like, don't go by yourself. If you're going to go on a trail, don't go by yourself.


Stugats put it on the pole. Is it the whitest person thing ever, I believe, is what you called it. Going into the woods by yourself is going into the woods by yourself.


I can't disagree with that.


So black people don't camp? Yeah, black people don't hike. They don't camp. They don't go out into the woods. This is the Don Levatar Show with Estugat.


What are we doing for bowl season?


Oh, that's a good question.


No idea.


Question. I would like to go to as many bowl games as possible because can.


We send you to every bowl game?


We can try.


They have seven in a day.


I know, but we just get the metal arc jet and just have you like herp street it.


We have one of those.


I'm sure there's someone that would be really fun. Dan would say yes if I pitched it to him.


No, he wouldn't.


Maybe Debatable.


Well, how about this? And I'm not going to mention any names because I don't want to break any rules or anything like that, but I very clearly remember when we were at Super Bowl this past year that Stugats kept pushing a certain private jet name over and over again. He's like, Buddy, trust me, this is approved.


Don't worry.


I'm like, I don't know about this, Budy. And he's like, yeah, trust me, trust me. I talked to Bimmel. You could say it. I'm like, I don't know about that. And he's like, you're going to get a flight home. Trust me, you're going to get a flight home on a well, the problem.


Was I was going to Syracuse. You were going to Miami?


No, but on the front end, he's like, Buddy, they're going to get me with the Syracuse. They're going to get you home because.


You didn't believe in me. And had you believed in me and we talked about Wheels Up the entire week, I would have told you. I mean, you would have had a flight home.


That's what I was trying so I.


Had to get Scott Van Pelt on the air to promote Wheels Up, and that's how I got my flight home.


It was very strange situation, great plane. But I am thinking if you have this relationship, then maybe this can benefit. Like, maybe you talk to these people. We get the wheels in motion now and we know said airline company, which I won't say, and they're the presenting sponsor of Lucy visits every single bowl game, and they're going to have to be on standby. And it's going to be a terrible month for you, just so you know, because getting on six flights a day is going to be but what does.


She do when two bowl games start at the same time on the same day? Because it happens.


Just go you cover some of it from one game and then you leave. Yeah. You're not there for the whole game. It's impossible.


They're all in Florida, so it won't be that far to go. I think this is nice because we can go Bahamas Bowl to Little Caesars Bowl.


The Hula Bowl in Orlando, Idaho.


Potato bowl.


Can I go with you?


Of course.


If I get the plane done, I'm.


Going, bill but you're not. That's the thing. You say these things and you don't really want to.


Do you want to come with us?


No. And I'll tell you I don't want to come and it's not a personal thing. I don't want to go to 70 bowl games thing. I'm just being honest with you.


With Lucy, though, on a private jet.


No, I get it, but I don't want to do that and it's not a personal thing. I also don't want to tell you because I've learned stugatt you just want to be invited to things you don't want.


The invite is what it's all about. Put it on the polaroid.


You don't want to do the things but you want to get, especially if other people get the invite. You want to get the invite to do, like trust trust tree here. Everybody here trust tree. We're all in the trust tree branches. Stut didn't have any interest in going to La. What would have liked the invite, I think.


No, I'm okay.


I've had a blast when Amin was there, though.


Stress free as I've been in three years, man, are you kidding me?


I'll go. How about that? I'll go.


You're going to go to every bowl game with her?


I will go. I got nothing else stepping into the breach.


I mean, you do have other things to do. You're a father. You have a family to raise.


Oh, yeah, that's right.


Takes a lot of time.


That's true. I got a phone.


You got a phone?


What does that mean? Yeah, I got a phone. I got like, little video thing.


What are you going to do when you go to the bowl games with Lucy?


I don't know what know what Lucy.


Tells me to is I do think that it would be good content to have Lucy be like, super energetic and enjoying it and you not. That's always been kind of like a dream of mine, is to do a travel show where I'm the not eager person and there's like a super eager beaver that loves doing the things, and then there's the person that's not, and I'm the person that's not. I always thought that it would be funny, and obviously we're not anywhere near the same level, so it never would have happened. But I always thought it would have been funny, like, if me and Marty Smith traveled the country together to cover games and he's like, we're going to get shot out of a cannon. I'm like, no, we're not going to do that, Marty. And then that's like, the whole dynamic of the show is he's really eager to eat, like, cheese straight out of something. Some cow just made cheese. Or he's like he takes, like, a mouthful and I'm like, that's disgusting. Not doing that.


It's a Marty party, though. Yeah. No, I know.


And I'm like, the party pooper. I'm the Marty party pooper. The Marty party pooper. Yeah.


I've just heard word from a Jacksonville correspondent that says the landing that Stugats keeps telling Lucy to go to has been demolished.


Oh, no.


They relocated. Where is it now? I'm so old.


That new land.


Where's the game?


Still in Jacksonville, just not at the landing.






Don't go.


Lucy heat pistons tip off at 710.


Yeah. Tony, you excited?


Yeah. It's funny because we were talking earlier. It's already basketball season 730. We just finished talking about basketball, like a week.


It's opening night.


Billy I took a gamble. Well, I didn't think we were actually.


Going to the time.


I just try to throw that in to have that be our coverage. Wait, so is the poll up? So they have two places to choose from for you to go, and you're committed to doing this?


Yeah, I was going to go to one or the other either way, and I couldn't decide. And I already texted my brother and asked, and he said he didn't know.


Okay. Wow. You're putting a lot of faith in our fans and salute to you for doing that. I know. I said salute. Yeah.


There are two good options, though. Like, next weekend's going to be difficult because I just realized that USC plays Washington, and that's at USC and that's home for you, though.


Yeah, I don't want to go to that. I went to USC this weekend and then I was like, I didn't even cry.




I didn't even cry.


Is that like a mainstay of things that you do? You cry when you get to a game?


Yeah, it's usually an emotional experience. It's so cool and it's such a wonderful environment and everyone's all together rooting for stuff. I didn't cry there. It didn't make me want to cry.


I'm going to cry at Northwestern. In Iowa. You'll cry.


You're guaranteed a lot of tears at that one.


Sad tears and happy tears. Sad tears that I have to endure. First half happy tears when my daughter gets her national championship ring and I'm out of there.


Did you get one tears for me? Are you getting a know we had.


The coach on, if you remember, right after they won. And I told her that all the parents that went to every single game and I was one of them, like one of five, they should all get national championship rings. Now, if you remember Kelly Hiller, she agreed to that. She's the coach.


I don't remember that.


She did agree to it. I'm telling you. I've listened to it several times. I've sent it to an attorney because it's a binding contract. And so I'm expecting a ring at Wrigley Fields on Saturday. Yeah, I am. Marty party pooper.


Yeah, it would have been a terrible show, but I had a whole series of shows in my head that either didn't age well because of things happening or that were just completely unrealistic that I thought would have been great that I've talked about before. I don't think I've ever told the Marty Party Pooper one, but that was one that I wanted to do. I wanted to do, and there was controversy around it, so it didn't happen. And now we're never going to the chance because he passed. But I wanted to do a leach like treasure hunt show. Mike Leach teaches me American History show where I'm just going to random battlefields or whatever with Mike Leach, and he's just like giving me all this information just because he seemed like kind of a crazy person. But that one obviously is not going to happen anymore.


Rest in power.


And then there was the whole Jose Conseiko bigfoot thing that didn't happen.


That one we still have some legs with.


Yeah, I'm trying to get and we probably shouldn't talk about this. I'm trying to get something done at the Super Bowl with Jose Conseiko. If we're going to be there in Las Vegas, and that's where he lives, I think he either sold his car wash or his car wash was for sale. So I don't know that we're going to be able to do car wash related things. But I wouldn't mind going into if I die, I would, but I wouldn't mind going into the desert with Jose Conseiko looking for supernatural beings and having Area 51. Yeah, we could take it all the.


Way to the line. Nothing happens when you go into Area 51. The military just tells you to go back with guns.


But if you get how do you know?


Because I've heard about it.




And if you get to that point friend of mine did it on mushrooms. If you get to that point, that.


Seems like not a good idea, going up to a military base on mushroom.


Something Jake Plummer would do. No, his are healthy.


Exactly. His aren't psychedelic.




But if you go all the way there to the fence, the military just tells you to turn around and keep going back so we can go all the way to Area 51 with Jose Conseiko.


But he'll send Ozzy conseiko.


Of course he will.


I would take that. Honestly. That would be great. That'd be such a good story. What are you talking about? You think I'd be disappointed?


It's already happened, though.


Okay, yeah, but you think that my disappointment would be like, Jose Gonzego tried to one up us and gave us his brother with different tattoos. I'd play along and be okay. Jose, like, this is great when it's clearly not.


Just call him Jose the entire exactly.




Tony was giving us his thoughts on the Heat and then Billy just interrupted him. You brought it up. He was giving his thoughts and then you went in a different direction.


Well, we're going to get to it later, eventually. Mike sure will tell us about it or something.


Yeah, he'll tell us that he's scared about the Heat, even though the Heat are possibly not as good as they were last year. But the most important thing is we just started talking about this team and now we're talking about them again. Like, the season just ended and feels like we're starting back over right now. But I'm excited for the heat, man. They got to figure something out because they struck out in free agency a couple times and it's not looking great.


Well, okay, but you just said you're excited for it. So what?


Excited for the NBA? I don't think the Heat are going to be very good. Like, listen, I've done kind of doubting Jimmy Butler because I didn't think he could be a number one. I didn't think he could be the best guy on a team and lead that team to the NBA Finals. He's done it twice. Right? And he's went to the Eastern Conference finals. They were a shot away. But Milwaukee and Boston too. Good. Like, too good. And I'd be surprised that the Heat are in the top four in the playoffs.


Very surprised.


I'm not even certain the Heat are going to make the playoffs. How about that?


This is my question as, like, a Heat cynic. What should I be excited about for this season? What should I be looking for and be happy to see tonight?


Development of the younger guys, hopefully.


No, development is not when you start with development.


But that's what the Heat do, right? They turn guys into Gabe, Vincent and Struse that go get deals somewhere else.


What Riley used to do was forget about the young guys. No development. And go get LeBron, Wade and Bosch. Yeah. Okay. What he's doing now is selling you on. Hey, we'll develop the young guys. They're all interchangeable. Gabe vincent goodbye. We'll get someone else. Max drews goodbye. We'll get someone else. The Heat are not good enough. They are not good enough to contend in the Eastern Conference. They're not.


I agree with. The both conferences are top heavy.




And then there's a bunch of teams that are in the middle that are just hoping to make the playoffs and then get destroyed by one of the top teams. The thing is, the Heat last year, with a better team and a better roster were a play in team. Of course, I feel I'm convinced that the only reason why they've made it to the NBA Finals, because we said they weren't going to do anything. So it's just the karma of that.


You're giving us the credit?




No, it was proud of you.


It was 100% us. But if we were to tell, hey, yeah, the Heat are going to make it this year all the way and be a typical Miami fan, then they're going to get blown out every game. Just the way it happens, man.


So how do you feel about this season?


I feel like they're going to be a playing team, but if they're playing.


You have to go one or the other. Like, either they're good and then they are bad.


No, they're average.


They're bad.


They played in and went to the.


Finals last year, playing team.


But by your logic, you should say that they're going to be terrible and then they'll be good.


All right.


They're going to be terrible.


We got to it. Weekend observations coming up next.


Don Lebotard the alley has a bad reputation in general, right. Throughout American history.


But on South Beach, someone's always just.


Sitting somewhere smoking a cigarette.


You can't go down an alley around here and not see someone sitting there smoking a cigarette.


It retains a pulsating heat from the night before.


You walk by some liquid that you're.


Like, is that water? It didn't rain last night. That's definitely not water. Avoid the liquid. Always avoid the liquids in an alley.


Stu guts. I venture a guess that if you were to rake your tongue on the asphalt of an alley, you would die immediately. I don't think it would be immediately, though. First you'd contract very quickly, right before death, several sexual diseases, and then you would die. This is The Don Levatar Show with Stugats.


Guys, we have very big news that I've just been made aware of.




Yeah. This could like big news.


Not Billy big news, but big news.


Billy big news.


Oh, okay.


We're all going to Hawaii.




Thank you, Billy.




I can't believe you talked.


Wow. You came through, man.


I haven't done that yet, but this may impact Lucy's Go to every bowl game. Actually, it doesn't impact it at all because the bowl game still exists, but there was a sponsor change at a bowl game that stugats may interest you and may impact God bless football.




Yeah. So do you guys remember the Jimmy Kimmel Bowl or whatever it was called?




No longer.




Yeah. Jimmy Kimmel is out of the Jimmy Kimmel bowl or whatever it was called.


Fallon yeah.


In La.




It is now, as it was announced this weekend, the La Bowl hosted by Gronk.


Oh, my God.


So Rob Gronkowski is going to be sponsoring a bowl game.


Not gord.


Well, here's what I've learned in our years of dealing with the Gronkowskis. They travel in a pack. They are like wolves. So if Rob Gronkowski has a bowl game, gordy Gronkowski. Chris Gronkowski. All of the Gronkowskis have a bowl game. And I feel like lucy, I see you already checking it's December 16. Mark your calendar. This is a Saturday.


We're there.


I've never been to La. I've never been. Really? I wonder if this is the what? Yeah, I've never been to La. I wonder if this is what we need to do to go out to La to cover this bowl game between teams that we don't know. And also, is it worth it going to La. Just for, like, a day?


That's an upgrade, though, right? Jimmy Kimmel, the gronk.


I mean, it is. It's an so, like, there's only certain things that you do. It's just a it's right. Do you remember when it was like so we had, like, years of Barstool has a bowl game, and then it got canceled the first year, I think, because the team pulled out or I don't know what happened. Something happened the first year, and I think they did it last year. And you realize, like, it's kind of just a bowl game, I think.


Depends where you have a bowl. Like the Idaho potato bowl. The winner gets dumped in French fries. That's very cool.




Same thing with the Duke's mayo bowl. I think it matters when it's a.


Food that's less cool.


Again, dumped with mayo.


Oh my God, I would kill to see Iowa in that bowl game.


But what do we think a Gronk bowl game is going to be? Because here's another thing that we've been discussing behind the scenes that now we'll just say publicly and then see if that kind of gets the wheels in motion, is we've been invited the past couple years and have always left before. The Gronk beach party happens at the Super Bowl, and this year it's happening on a Friday afternoon. And we behind the scenes have talked to the Krakowskis, and they're like, do you want to just do the show from there? And we're like yes, please. So we need to kind of figure out who we need to talk to and who needs to talk to who about that, because it's like, we're going to go cover the Super Bowl. We're going to be there there. We're going to be there on Friday. If we could just delay it by, like, a day, then we can just do a show from there, which seems like it would be absurd, right? But now we're also adding to the wrinkle. Do we want to go cover a bowl game between two teams? That could be like Minnesota and know, hold up.


Minnesota beat Iowa this weekend. So we respect them a lot.


Okay. We respect Minnesota. Even though we haven't gotten your thoughts on this game, on this show. I don't know if you covered it in La. I'm sure you did, but, like, ridiculous.


Terrible call.




Terrible, terrible call. However, if you have, like, two yards of offense and a half yeah. You deserve to lose.




It's on you. That's your own fault.




We have weekend observations on a Wednesday.


We do?


Yeah. We have to get to at some point.


Let's do it right now.


Oh, it is time for Stu Guts.


To share his game notes.


No one in the media will tell you what happened better than my boy.


Stu weekend observations on a Wednesday. Brought to you by Miller Light. Great taste. 96 calories available for delivery. Dan, we spent a good portion of last week discussing whether or not this legendary coach was done. That was then, this is now. Because after a 29 25 victory over the Buffalo Bills and recording the 300th win of his career dan, make no mistake about it, Bill Belichick is back. Speaking of back, the God Bless football curse is back. Our apologies to Mac, Brown and Taylor. You're right. Personal record book update. Due to the 219 wins with Tom Brady as his quarterback, belichick only has 81 career victories. How about that? Ways to go. Not as good. No, to the guy having a heater in the alley in Evanston, Illinois wearing a latex glove heady play.


Have you ever thought of that?




Latex glove?


No, not until I saw him. We discussed it in the alley over.


A heater savvy Vet.


Yeah, it was great. I'm like, what's the glove for? He goes, So my hands don't smell. I'm like, do you have an extra? You didn't? How do you play that? College football chaos. Ohio state defense wins championships. Penn State offense wins championships. Dylan Gabriel, revenge game. Lincoln Riley, blah, blah, blah. Caleb Williams. Blah, blah, blah. Oklahoma survive in advance.


There's a Pop Tarts bowl.


What pop Tarts?


In toasted, right? You have to toast them. Right? Got. Toast them.


You can't eat them too quickly either because then the gelatin the roof of your mouth burns your mouth.


Miami might be there and Notre Dame might be there.


What a great observation.


I've bitten so many Pop Tarts that have burned the out of my mouth.




The shocking thing wasn't the fair catch call. It was that Iowa scored a touchdown.


Special teams is great.


I'm convinced he threw a flag saying there's no way they scored a touchdown.


It's the second time we almost won a game with a special team score.


Twelve to ten is. So Iowa and Minnesota.


The Gophers a little high, if we're being honest.


22 points, Lucy.


A little high.


Okay, my bad. Death taxes at Penn State. Losing that game 20 to seven. Tennessee in the first half, 27 nothing. Alabama in the second half. You of course know what that means, right, Dan?


What's that?


Oh, thank you.


I have to do it. Somebody has to do it.


It means Tennessee. And Alabama was a tale of two halves. Gardner minshew could scoot Dan Campbell. Loving a good loss is so dan Campbell. That was great. Max Verstappen. Steppin.


Steppin for stappin.


Whatever, Mr. Baby.


Do me a favor. Stop winning.


No, that's not that's not Mr. Baby.


No, that's lando.


Oh, gotcha that's fine.






Just it might be so the Gronk Bowl might be Wyoming and UCLA.


We'll take it. The boys.


Wyoming is fun.


The boys.


The Cowboys.




Oh, my bad. Sorry.


I love bowl projections. It's so fun. No one has any idea. This is so fun.


The Bills have lost to Zach Wilson and Mac Jones. Sean McDermott, hot seat. Pittsburgh Steelers. How anyone? Mike Giusecki still catching big touchdown passes for the Dolphins? Maybe. He's biggest. Javon Carter, Academy Award. You guys see that? It was great. He's barely touched Lionel Messi bust.


What, has he played yet?


I don't think he's made the playoff. I mean, played in a month? Dude, terrible waste of money.


This other website, sugats has the Gronk bowl, has Air force in it.




I mean, if it's a TYFYS bull.


With Gronk, how can we not 21 of 31 for 180 yards. Jordan love the Alex Smith is strong in you. Ohio State has won seven straight over Penn State. You of course know what that means, right, Dan?


What's that?


It means Ohio State has Penn State's number.




James Franklin saying, I'm not certain we didn't just watch the two best teams in the country play after losing yet again to Ohio State. James Franklin, the Stugats is strong in you. Death, taxes and North Carolina losing a game they have no business losing. 62 to nothing. LSU over army. LSU. That is not a way to treat our troops. LSU? Beat them in a fight. Do you know what the D in Jaden Daniel stands for?


What's that stuck out.


It stands for disrespecting. Our troops.


Can't have that. Can't no FY F-Y-S. You know what I mean? Unacceptable.




You like that was good.


That's not coming from me. I would never somebody said that.


Somebody else.


Not me.


Not you.


Iowa unders the gift that keeps on giving. The biggest winner in conference realignment is USC. They'll never have to play Utah again. The Utes Michigan State put up zero points in a rivalry game against Michigan and somehow that wasn't the most embarrassing thing they put up on their scoreboard. Bernie Kozar watching the Chiefs game with Taylor Swift sounds like a mad libs. Bill Belichick without Tom Brady has a worse winning percentage than Lovey Smith. Wow, that's bad.


That's bad.


Derek Henry, Buffalo Bills collision course. Kyle shanahan blah, blah, blah. Brock purdy blah. Blah, blah.


I'm surprised you didn't say, you know what the B and Brock stands for.


Blah, blah, blah. I was dan. You know what the B and Brock birdie stands for.


What's that suggest?


Blah, blah, blah. Why'd you just fist bump me? I don't know. I didn't change this one. I wrote it down. These are weekend observations I was supposed to do on a Monday. It's Wednesday. I wrote, Major League Baseball is one Arizona Diamondback win away from its worst World Series matchup in the history of the sport.


You're a sousayer.


We're here.


It happens. Minnesota Vikings in the mix. Game seven. Best two words in sports. Unless you are the Rangers and Astros, it's a dud. Milwaukee Bucks. Boston Celtics. Eastern Conference finals. Collision course. Don't know how they do it, but every Falcons game comes down to a final drive and a coup kick.


It's so true.


Yeah. Two yards of offense in the second half. I don't know what Nepotism looks like, but I'm pretty certain it looks like Brian Ference. The CW has college football and Fboy.


Island, and it rules.


Not F Boy Island, but the college football.


The hell is going on? Speaking of hell. Art briles Roy. Those are the weekend observations.