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Duraphkings Network. So much going on around here locally to talk about that we have gone four days into this talking locally about sports, and Chase, Claypool hasn't come up. The Dolphins got a receiver. Nobody thought they needed a receiver. Maybe you don't think they did get a receiver because Claypool has been so bad and such a bust. But we haven't even talked about it because some things have flogged against the show this week. It is rare that everyone just gets to laugh at the University of Miami. You heard some tense days with Mike Ryan, and yesterday he just took a mental health break to get away and just move on to North Carolina. But I noticed when I came in today, and I thought that this had been scheduled on purpose, we allow people whatever vacation time they want, I thought, Jessica, I had not considered this. I thought that had taken three days off because of the way Notre Dame lost to Louisville, that she was avoiding everything here. I had forgotten that the Miami game happened after that. So like a Phoenix rising from ashes, your Notre Dame suffering, Jessica, was about five minutes before you got to laugh at Miami, correct?


Before you knew you could come. You wanted to be in here, and you're not sure that Mike didn't tinker with the schedule to not have you in here.


I'm positive Mike tinkered with the schedule because, Dan, we get our schedule every weekend for the upcoming week. Every single Monday, I'm in the studio. That is the one day that I always know that I'm going to be here. This Sunday, I looked at the schedule and my name was not on it on Monday. Then I looked at the schedule again and my name wasn't on it until Thursday. And then I thought, Who benefits from me not being here after a college football weekend until Thursday?


Did you tell.


Anybody this? I told Lucy. And guess what? Lucy also wasn't on the schedule on Monday to laugh at the.


Miami Hurricane. So you think Mike Ryan, Mike Ryan, known freedom fighter, is corrupting the system? No, he wants on behalf of creativity. Known freedom fighter. Mike Ryan.


On behalf of- It is one of those things that is known about me.


Yes, Dan, he's censoring us. Me specifically, because Lucy at least got to be here yesterday, but I am being censored. I have not been on the schedule all week because of the way the Miami Huricans lost to Georgia Tech in embarrassing fashion Saturday night, making my depressing, sad little evening an evening full of myth and laughter and joy.


Well, wait a minute. Okay, wait a minute. She has tapped into something here that I really had not considered. And now I've missed that she wasn't here for three days for whatever the reasons, because I did not realize, after talking all of last week, one of the best things is your friend's pain in sports. When his or her team loses, and it's funny, it is something that can boo you and be one of the best things about sports to hate your friend's team and to laugh at your friends team. I had not realized that Notre Dame, Catholic at her core, that you would be broken Saturday night and then would wake up your boyfriend so excited. Wake up your boyfriend because Miami cured everything that.


Ailed you. It was literally the meme of like, Babe, wake up, Mario Cristobal just handed the ball off with less than 35 seconds on the clock and fumbled and Georgia Tech got the ball back and they scored a 44-yard passing touchdown and they won the game. And Lehman was like, Please let me go to sleep.


Lucy, the reason I'm laughing is because Lucy's got a giant smile on her face. And I totally regret. I think it's Metallark's biggest error so far as a company that Lucy and Jessica didn't immediately live-stream wherever it is that we had broadcasts to laugh at Miami. Mike wants to move on to North Carolina and Lucy hasn't even gotten... Lucy, you haven't gotten to laugh at Miami the way you wanted to.


No, Jess and I literally met up Monday and laughed about Miami together because I was like, This is not a time to be alone. This is a time to celebrate with the people you care about.


Did you guys do something for other companies? Did you broadcast? Did you do show about laughing at Miami as a guest on other shows?


We went to the mall.


We went to the mall and we went to lunch and we read all of Mike Ryan's tweets out loud to each other. No, no. I shouldn't even be revealing this. I'm afraid for my job right now. I'm afraid that I may get fired for revealing that. Lucy had nothing to do with this, by the way. I will take the fall. Then Lucy came on Golec and Smetty, and we did a 30-minute college football segment in which we talked about Miami for 29 of the minutes.


That's wrong. Golech and Smetty got the good stuff because Jessica was vacationed off the schedule against her will. Against her will. She wanted to be here Monday because she knew she wasn't going to catch much Notre Dame shrapnel.


I would be here every day, Dan. I hate going on vacation. But I was not on the schedule because I am being censored.


Lucy, you felt the same way when you guys are talking and reading Mike's text. Did you have a favorite?


Oh, God, that's tough. I don't subscribe to his tweet, so I couldn't see all of them. I don't know if I had a favorite. It's tough to see all of them. You have to pay for it, and I'm not going to do that.


Mike, how is that going for you? The Twitter information business.




How's today going?


Not just the 11th. We're off to an amazing start.


I'm actually really afraid.


If I had any influence, Billy would definitely not have been in on Monday.


Why? I was here for you.


After that, I was here for you. You were actually the most supportive.


Thank you. You weren't.


Grading in the bad row. It took you.


A day.


Mike's first two days of the.


Week- It was really Don Cheney Jr, if I'm going to be honest. I felt so bad for him, and I was trying to justify anything.


For that.


It's theconnection. Yeah.


You were uncomfortable on Monday and Tuesday, and you got a day of relief from it Wednesday. Now you have moved on to North Carolina and came in here today feeling like you might not win. Your positivity.


It's a tough game. North Carolina is very good. Because of what happened last week in which they snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory, it's a huge game for how this season goes now. It was always going to be an important one. Looking at the season, I think you can make the argument that Texas A&M in terms of vibes and culture building and mile markers along the path to getting back to where you want to was going to be the most important one. But after the unexpected disaster of last Saturday, this game, when you look at the schedule coming up with North Carolina undefeated, Clemson at home appearing to ride the ship somewhat, Florida State in early November, you need to get this one now. That's hard. That's a really good North Carolina team. They're in contention for a college football playoff spot.


What Mac Brown has done in North Carolina, feeding off some previous successes, he has brought big offense there. He has.


And he's brought a team that has regularly beaten Miami's ass. These games have actually been pretty good outside of the time that Giovante, Williams, and Michael Carter totally embarrassed Miami. There was a shot at the Orange Bowl on the line, and Miami gave up two 200-yard rushing games to two separate running backs that are.


Both in the pro. North Carolina over the last decade has been a better program than Miami.


Yeah, I'd say quite easily. This game is always one of my favorite games on the calendar because out of... Look, there have been two things that have been born out of this move to the ACC that has not worked out for Miami. But in terms of things that have worked out, the basketball programs have really benefited from the move. And also this sneaky rivalry between Miami and North Carolina became a really good one, a passionate one.


They've given you a lot of upside down news.


They have? They have in your face. I think you.


Can't credit them. They invented it. They invented the upside-down you and you. North Carolina? You've get mad. That makes you mad, the upside.


Down you. I think we can credit North Carolina for inventing the upside down you.


Is that something you credit someone for? That's like crediting someone for inventing cancer. Yeah, in.


Terms of in my eyes.


That's very strong.


Oh, my mic agrees.


Not strong enough, I'd argue. But if you look at the history of the rivalry briefly.


They've been to cancer.


Connor Barthes, the game winner. I'm on it. Late November, Miami was number five in the nation. They had a shot at a national championship game. Connor Barthes eliminates them. There was a big Dallas Crawford game in which a converted safety runs all over North Carolina. North Carolina actually had an opportunity to win that game, but they decided against running out the clock. It's weird. I never knew that that happened before Saturday. You have, even last year's game, is the only really good Tyler Van Dyk performance that went down to the wire. I like this game. It's my first time attending it in North Carolina. I'm excited about that, but there's a lot of bad vibes, and everybody that's around the program that's not in the program is worried about how Miami will respond because this could be one of those, that Georgia Tech game could be one of those that you point to and say, Well, everyone just lost faith in what they were trying to build.


I'm worried, too. I'm worried that I don't know what days I'm supposed to be at work if Miami continues to lose. No, it's unbelievable. By the way, we do a lot of bits on this show and a lot of the stuff that- We do? -surprise. This is not a bit. I was being censored on Monday, and so was Lucy. We've got a problem. I have yet to get to.


The bottom of this. Well, we're going to try to here. Mike keeps deflecting and wants to talk about this team because he cares about it. This week hurt, man.


We still haven't gone past it.


The week- He put.


Billy on the schedule so that he could deny censoring me and Lucy by having someone who could be an ally in all of.


This Miami. I am a noted U. M. Ally. Well, Billy is- As Mike is a noted.


Freedom fighter.


I'm Catholic to my core.


Prior to today, I had no influence over the talent schedule.


Prior to today. Lucy, do you have back there any of the tweets that you were reading from Mike Ryan after the University of Miami?


Oh, come on, man. Get over it. For real? Are we still doing this? It's Thursday. I thought we refreshed the pallette. We cleansed it, and now we're on to North Carolina. If you.


Let us come in on Monday, it would have been out of our system because I agree. This happened four days. There's so much that's happened in the sports world, in the college football world since Monday. But you waited, you waited, you waited. Now this is the first opportunity I've had on this show to laugh at what happened to Miami.


Cool. I'm not laughing at Notre Dame or anybody else. You can.


We stink. I don't want to. We're five and two.


I don't.


It. We're losers. I don't like it. I don't like it. But nothing you can say can hurt me as much as I can hurt me.




Rule. That's the difference.


Between you and I. I live by the Golden Rule. I don't like troll in other people. Let's get to the FIU video that we have.


For you. We will in a second. Lucy.


Hold on a second. Let's get to the FIU video. Lots of.


Things are being said.


This-let's go back a second.


-yes, let's go back.


You can just say anything on this show.


Let's go back a second. What just happened there? Now, Mike is delighted with himself. You can't just do that. You can't just do that. Lucy, what are the tweet saying? What are Mike Ryan's tweet saying? Please describe the scene to me, Lucy. It's actually at the mall, and.


You guys-Which mall? Which mall? So we know what the vibe was. What's the name of the mall? Lincoln Road. Lincoln Road. Okay.


We were at the mall. I had to hit up to an Espresso store. It's outdoors. It's an outdoors. You guys are at a cafe or something and you're sitting down.


We were walking. Lee was taking care of all the shopping stuff that he needed to worry about. Jess and I were back and we were reading the tweets. It was a cloudy day, but the weather was nice. Everything felt really good about the moment.


More please. Give me what's happening right now. Have you been to this.


Strip of land? I have not. And so it was my first.


Time there. She's showing you some of Miami.


But I didn't care about that. I wasn't there to see Miami. I was there to talk about Miami.


This is way more than a pound of flesh. Yeah.


We also went to Sunset Harbor. We got a nice little chicken ball. So you guys.


Are having a lovely... This is a lovely bonding college football day where you guys are getting together over Mike's misery, and you're reading his tweets to each other.


Yes. And the best part about Lucy and I's friendship is we're on the same page with a lot of things. So I invited her to come over and hang out after. And she's like, I'm going to go take a nap. And I was like, Awesome. Because then I went and took a nap. So we both just had a nice little lunch and then we took naps. How cute.


Is that? That's really cute.


We're the best. Did we just become best friends?


This is a tortuous experience for me. Can we get-.


You're bringing them together, Mike. Yeah.


Laughing at you. You're nice.


You want me to join Miami and make friends. I've made a friend.


Laughing at Miami. Puck drops tonight.


We'll get to that. Roy's over there. No, look, Disrespected Panthers is over in the corner. He's chomping to get in. We'll get here. Hi. We'll get to you in a.


Second, Roy. There was a preseason game across the street that Jeremy said had to play off at like, atmosphere. There's a lot.


To talk about. Understood. Read one of the tweets that you enjoyed as you paint more of this picture, please, Lucy.


I like this one because it's simple. This game's been rigged.




I mean, I stand by that. Although, Al Riveron came out and defended the decision. Al Riveron came out from his cave.


You stand by that?


Yeah, that game was rigged. That game was rigged.


Okay, so that's your.


Starting point. I'm not going to bore you with the 15 calls that decided that.


Game, but I'm not going to do that. I can level with Mike on the fact that ACC offitiating is horrendous. Across the board, like college football offitiating is generally pretty bad. There's memes about the Pac-12 reps, but the ACC reps, sometimes they fly under the radar, making some pretty.


Bad calls. Yeah, they've made my week a personal hell. If they get the call right, I don't really experience this week.


Do you guys think I have this part of it wrong? Once you get to the big business of professional football that this is, don't your referees have to be best of the best because of the amount of money that are involved and the game is getting harder to officialiate. And if they're not good at it and it's a plague, it's like, oh, maybe the officials aren't good enough because those need to be good paying jobs with strong unions because they're now governing a multibillion dollar industry.


I will say they did do the right thing in not calling the Georgia Tech receiver down, letter of the law, can he picket rule? They did do the right thing. That would have been a bullshit way to survive that game if the receiver was actually ruled down properly, that he slid at the one because he did. But this whole thing is horse shit. The El Riveron's quote saying, Well, there wasn't evidence to overturn the call on the field. The call on the field was horse shit. We all saw the replay in my very fancy, luxurious, Golden Cains box. I have monitors. I saw the replay that they saw. It was clear as fucking day that he didn't fumble.


Well, this is why your rath is a problem around here and the scheduling mania that you bump these people off the schedule with. They've got a.


Legitimate complaint. I don't bump anybody off the schedule, but I'm going to begin doing so.


More tweets, please. More tweets.


But what are we learning here? Are we learning that it's better to censor them? Because it seems like this is worse for you. If you just have them there on Monday, it's ripping off the Band-Aid right away. It has backfired.


Okay, we're doing this thing on the local network. We're not taking breaks and you're affecting my mental. I'm going to get up and get water. You guys have your water. Wait. Oh, come on. That's fine. What's going on? No, it's been 25 consecutive minutes of brow beating. Do you want to sit with my water? I've done a lot. I've given you more than a pound of flesh, and I'm just going to get a water, walk it off, and hopefully by then, we've changed topics like wild Panthers.


Okay, we will see because Roy is ready. Wild Panthers? Roy wants to talk. The Panthers have been disrespected. But I think your punishment can't be self-inflicted. I think you need to go out because your mental health about the University of Miami affects.


Our fun. He's gone, Dan. Yeah.


Okay, I'll talk as if he's not here then. He left already, Dan. He left the door open. I'll talk as if he's not here.


Tony's here if you want him to come in.


Tony can sit in that seat, sure. Thank you, Billy. We'll see what the show becomes with you undermining him all show in that seat. I'm sure that will go well. We'll get to Billy's FIU broadcasting, not debut, but- Paws up. -now he's a star. He's now a star. He was a star last night, prowling the old grounds. We'll get to that in a second. But, Jessica, the fact that Mike Ryan's allegiance to the University of Miami while noble, legitimately, he loves that school, but it's infected this program with his boosterism so much that you don't feel comfortable enough to be free, even though he's a known freedom fighter, free enough to read his tweets because you guys having lunch, laughing at his tweets is hysterical. But there's not the safety around here to do it without fearing, pissing him off, and the emotional parts of him, the UN fan that are the worst parts of the UN fan base.


No, I think we took it too far, Lucy. I think that A, I fear for my job now. B, I fear for Lucy's job. And C, I'm never going to be in on a Monday ever again.


Well, I fear for all of us because in a lot of ways, Mike has already checked out around here. He's gone Hollywood. He's having so many meetings with McKay and Sher about doing big Hollywood moves and stuff that he is... He's fed up with how small this little job has become that burdens him when he comes in on Monday and Tuesday and we make fun of his team, and it hurts, and he doesn't think it's good content.


You know what? I think Mike's right. Oh, boy. I think there's something to Mike that we don't see. There's more that meets the Eye than Mike. We need to see deeper into the person who Mike is.


What are you doing?


What do you mean?


I don't know what you're doing. What do you mean? All right, go sit in the penalty box. That job is hard to do. I need it done better than that. If you're going to sit in that seat, you got to- You.


Mean with the scope? Put a microphone or a camera.


In his throat? See who Mike is, really, as a person. We're just too surface level on Mike. We got to go deeper. What is he talking about?


Go sit in the penalty box for two minutes. I don't know what you did in that seat. You immediately get in the seat and you show how valuable he is by just shitting yourself.


At least he tried. Good teammate, Billy, huh? Bringing in an incompetent to make Mike look better.


All right, fine, Billy. Fine, we'll get to your thing.


Dan Lebertard.


If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gun drops, oh, what a rain that would be-Stugats. -standing outside with my mouth open wide.




All the rain.


Drops were.


Lemon drops and gum drops. Oh, what a rain that.


Would be. This is the Don Libertard Show with the Stugats.


Let's talk about your big star thing. Mike's back. No, no, no, no, no. Mike is punished. He doesn't want to talk about it.


He's got his water. You look lighter. Thank you. After losing that pound of flesh. Thank you.


Billy- Hey. Can you tell me how last night went? Because I felt very bad for Taylor when I came in today. And evidently, Taylor, who shouldn't be betting large sums of money, bet a large sum of money on the joy of the experience of I'm doing FIU with Billy, surely they'll win. It'll be a home game, and I'll make lots of money. And then you're down to Utep's fourth-string quarterback in the first quarter, 21-nothing.


Yeah, so we found out about Taylor's bet early yesterday morning. He came in and he told us exactly what he put down on the game. Dumb person. Everyone reacted the exact same way.


The behavior of a.


Dumb person. Everyone just audibly groaned when they heard what he had on the game like Taylor.


That's not the best. I don't even know what it is. I don't want to know what it is. I know that Taylor is hustling, trying to make his way in the company. He was with you last night, chasing you around, getting video. He's working very hard. Supporting your shit. What? Shit. And he goes down there and he is immediately down. How much money did that cost him? I don't want to know.


The number of the money. Well, how do I answer how much it costs me if you don't want to know the number?


What I'm saying is he was at work yesterday and working for you cost him money.


Well, working for the company. I would also say Taylor is a very hard worker and he did a great job because he was also, I think, more egging me on than anything, which is what I need in those situations is I need to be prodded to go up and do things. Yeah, because if it was up to me, I'd just be standing there watching what's going on. But he's the one that's telling me, Go up and start talking to players. Go do this.


Be your personality. Don't slink into a.


Corner and hop. That's exactly right. Well, because here's the thing, is that I've been scheduled for a return appearance, so I didn't want to blow it on my first shot. So I saw opportunities to maybe just walk around and do whatever I wanted. And I was like, But I don't want to get kicked out before the game even starts. So let me be on my pseudo best behavior.


Can I say honestly, this is going to embarrass both me and you, that seeing the video of you walking around on that field, like broadcasting giant, Billy Gill, cowling his sideline, pause up, covering his team like a big shot, your players are so small, or at least.


The ones that saw on the video. I was going to say some people thought I was a literal giant because of the people I chose to go up to.


I could notbelieve this happened when I saw-The video.


That we're about to play, my main takeaway is how much.


Bigger Billy is. If you notice, the people I had the courage to go up to, the least menacing, respectfully.


To them. It was a special team, even.


In no doubt. I really don't think people understand what I'm about to say, which is at the top levels of college football, how close those human beings are to being almost physically professional football players. When you go watch FAU, for example, even the Lane Kifen team that was winning 10games. You feel like you're watching peewee football, like peewee or like Grandeose High School football because everyone out there is so small. Cristobal helps build FIU into whatever it is. It was a 10-win team at.


One point. Yeah, I think first ever conference championship, first ever four-star recruit.


So, Billy, I was proud seeing you walk. Thank you. You were big man on campus, and it's your campus, and it was nice to see.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


Well, here's some video from yesterday.


Hey, it's Billy. We're here at the cage for F. I. U. Vice Night. Setting the scene right now. See, these are the Vice uniforms right here. I don't know if you can see this. Right up there, Good Year, Blimp, made it out. If you turn around here, right behind you, there's a Lamborghini on the field, which I'm told is not standard at most college football games, but this is the first college football game that I'm calling. If you follow me down the field over here, we're also going to run into a Rolls-Royce that's on the field, a pink Rolls-Royce. They're the Vice Uniforms. Let's see if I can tap up any of the players. They don't know me, but see if I can get any of here. There we go. Back up quarterback. Just business as usual at a college football game. Rolls-royce on the field, Lamborghini on the field, Blimp, some.




The team not like… You know what I mean.


Taylor, how does this compare to UNC Games?


The crowd?


Well, it's.




Still? It was rainy too. I was a little worried about the weather, I'm going to be honest. You're late arriving, crown? Yeah, well, there's things to do here. It's a vice night. How are we feeling, guys? So small. You got this one? Yeah. You're going to take on the dub? Yeah. Yeah? All right. That's what I like to hear. I'm not sold. I'm not sold. Do you think I should just blow off calling the game and patrol the sidelines during the game? It's not what I was asked to do, but I feel like maybe I'm building morale here on the sidelines, which is really what I'm looking to do.


Billy, you just did sideline reporting better than it has ever.


Been done. I would like to note that that was about 20 minutes before the game, so that's why.


It was empty. Billy, I would so like you to become the sideline reporter who is mumbling under his breath after talking to players that don't convince you that they're actually going to win.


I just call it as I see it, unfortunately. I would have.


Liked to have been convinced. Exactly right. They were down 21-nothing in the first quarter. You didn't have any reason to have any confidence. Do we have broadcast audio from the night?


Yeah, speaking of calling it.


A left side of the line there. I thought you'd get pushed around a little bit upfront.


Right now. I have a new key to the game if.


You'd like it.


What do you got?


I've plugged the holes. -pug the holes. There you go. We got nose to the.


Grindstone and plug the holes.




The blinders on too. -binders on, blinders. Put to the gas.


Keep it on the gas.


That's what.


We need. -that's for later, though. -that's for later, yeah. Hankin's stumbling forward and got through. Manual made contact at the one that Hankin's able to fall forward. Tough start here defensively for the Panthers. Hankin's just tough to take down. I mean, he's a grinder, and FIU is going to have to keep their nose to the grindstone to be able to tack on him. They did not have their blinders.


On there. No. Didn't plug the hole.


Didn't plug the hole. Got to be better.


We'll be better. It's early still, guys. Very early. I'm going to lose faith here.


B-a-t from Buzz Flaviano is through the upfronts because they put both their hands up. -yeah. -that means the field goal is good.


Buzz is probably not the given name, correct?


That's what they.


Put on the roster. There's a lane for you here, Billy. No one is taking the muttering, lacking self-confidence broadcaster in.


My team. I will say this. Lucy makes it look a lot easier than it is on the videos that she does every weekend. It's not easy, particularly when there's no one around, but it's not easy to do it.


Well, she's an instant joint creating machine.


I'm not that. It's the thing. That's the issue.


It's a best description. That's the issue. That's better than Freedom fighter. Instant Joy Making Machine. She lands on the canvas.


Make out your bio. Lucy lands on the canvas. Everybody wants to be around her. That's the way it feels. That is so nice.




You. Instant Joy Making Machine.


Everyone's dancing, eating fried food. Billy gets there and his confidence leaks on to the players and they're like, Who is this guy?


Oh, you think it was my fault?


Might have been.


We have enough time here in South Florida. You having a good time?


I've had better.


What are your impressions of your.


Performance here? You know. How are.






I would.


Say-you're in a flow state right now?


Like a C at best, I would say. I haven't brought my A game. I'm not going to say that this is all because of my performance, but I haven't been bringing it. I'm sorry.


I apologize to both of you. I think FIU could help the cause.


Well, I'm not a, Hey, we is.


Greater than me. Am I right? Wee is.


Greater than me.


Billy, a lane for you is just honest broadcaster. Just guy who talks freely. They were very good.


I don't think we have the clip. But at one point, AJ was making a comparison of himself to Joe Buck, and I was like, You know, Joe Buck?


Oh, my God. No, right next to him?


Then he called Joe.


Buck an alcoholic? What? Not exactly. He was a.


Joke, but it was really funny. I listened. He did a great job.


Well, because they were saying, he said that Joe Bucky, from time to time, has a beer before the game. And then we just moved on. I'm like, Are we calling Joe Bucky an alcoholic? What's going on here, AJ?


Oh, Lucy. So this was a cool way. Were you the only one here who heard it live on Spanish radio? Because you would get the unique experience of getting the inside joke of, Oh, look, Billy's not going to actually respect the constructs of how they do a football game. He's going to be Billy in the middle of this.


Well, that's why I listened. And it was a great broadcast. I thought Billy did a wonderful job. He was so funny. And when the game was like 21-nothing, I was like, God, they really need some humor right now. So great job, Billy. I'm so proud of you.


O. J. Simpson was at the game.


That's random.


His son was playing.


Against us. Okay, there is context. That's what we were looking for. Second and two. Did you talk to O. J?


We took a picture.


With him. Second and two, handoff. Hankins, again, why not, right?


Where's that picture?


It was back before digital photography, so there was a print... Now that I think about it, I think that my aunt had the picture on her fridge for a little bit, which is weird. But we went... It was my seventh grade or eighth grade football team, and we were playing O. J. Simpson's son, and O. J. Was at the game, and everybody was afraid.


Can we get it? Can we get.


That photograph? I don't know. I can look into it. There must be a copy somewhere. But everyone was afraid of O. J. Because of the speculation. And then we said, Well.


Let's-what should we ask? Take the picture of it. I don't know how you view that video, because it's been how many years since you were on that campus as a student. But what I see is the overgrown kid, an adult now walking onto that field and being able to enjoy. That's the part of it that was cool to me to watch, is that you're going back to your school and they're making you a star of the broadcast and you're doing it differently. You're not actually respecting how a broadcast needs to.


Be done. Quite respectful, I thought. At one point, they welcomed me home on the screen, which I thought was really cool, and I waved. Then I turned and I was like, If only they knew that I'd come to half of these games and just sit by myself because I don't have any friends.


But that's supporting the program.


I also had Alcasels for my back pocket because my tummy was rumbling.


Were you nervous?


Oh, yeah. I was in over my head, and I knew it. No. Yeah, and I was trying to do prep beforehand, but my daughter's sick. She has a fever. So every time I'd go and I'd be looking up YouTube, I was trying to.


Watch- And you got less football and you got 15 hours.


Yeah, I got to step out at some point today just FYI, just for a little bit.


So you enjoyed it, though? We make fun of everything around here, but it ended up, once you were done with... Because I thought it was very cool as a sports experience for you to like, Yeah, you got a night to yourself and you were down 21-nothing in the first quarter. And of course, you noticed that because you're like, Of course, this is what would happen to me.


I wouldn't get- Well, yeah, but I felt worse for Taylor, if I'm going to be honest with you. And if you were listening to the game, you had to be very confused because we clued in the broadcast team as to what was going on with Taylor. So every time that a score or something would happen, we're like, Oh, poor Taylor. With no reference to why we're feeling bad for someone named Taylor whatsoever.


That's good. Draft Kings got content. The inside joke throughout the broadcast of poor Taylor, he just lost a giant bet because he's the idiot who comes in here and makes a giant bet on FIE.


The vibes were immaculous when we got there. Dan, the Good Year blimp was there, and people were confused by that because it's been a while since the Good Year blimp has been in that area, because normally it's not on ESPN 2, it's on ESPN+ or CBS Sports or whatever. So the Good Year blimp made an appearance, and it led to some confusion at night. Once you couldn't see the blimp and all you could see was the blinking red lights in the sky that the blimp has on it, so much so that Only in Dave had to make a post explaining to people this is not a UVO. This is what we call a Blimp, and this goes to large sporting events. -that's so funny.


How is that possible that.


Only a day-It's Westchester. I mean, the Good Year Blimp has no business being over Westchester on a Wednesday night. But we have Wednesday Night Football now.


It's the big business of college football. It exists at FIU, too, the program that Mario Cristobal helped build.


The Only in Day post said, and I don't know if this is true, but it said that hundreds of people sent videos of the Blimp to them asking what was floating over the sky.


Well, there was a big foot yesterday that was going viral, right? Somebody just scampering next to a train that people were saying that now that's going to be the next step of the Apocalyptic. Blimps and Bigfoot are aliens. Do you think people called 911 last night because there was a blimp?


The Bigfoot was just Billy walking along the sideline talking to the.


Fiu players. There has to be a 911 call somewhere of somebody calling that doesn't know what a blimp is saying. What is that thing? How long has it been since the blimp was around here on a Wednesday night?


Oh, man, it has to be a while. I would think maybe an occasional random game, but probably since like 2008 or 2009 or something, because the last time they had maybe a big game. I don't know.


The Blimp had to have been at the Notre Dame Miami game in 2007.


Yeah, yeah. Right, Miami?


Yeah, but that's a difference between Miami-Dade and... Different part of town. -their use of the blimp in Miami Gardens. Westchester? Not so much. I was.


Throwing you a bone there. Reminding you of a good win over the team.


That I like. Appreciate it. Puck drops tonight, though.


Also, last thing about the blimp, the age demographic of that area is probably '80s. You could have people that are also-No.


That's why I'm asking for the 911 call.


-maybe a.




Confusing. -no, Beale. There were people that have actually traveled on Blimp when it was a mode of transportation.


Billy, I am certain. I don't know. I want to- I.


Had tickets on the Hindenburg.


I am certain.


I don't think there's anyone to tell the tale.


Well, they missed it, luckily.


All right.


I bet you that.


With the- And they're speaking in English.


-the Freedom of Information Act that we can absolutely get 911 calls that were made last night by Spanish speaking elderly people.


We'll put.


Taylor on it. Surprised by the blimp.


Taylor, go find the 80-year-old Cuban woman, confused at the Good Year blimp on 911 call. Yes, Taylor, go ahead. Please do that before the end of.


The hour, please. Happy North Carolina week. Use the Metallark budget that you blew in gambling on just a terrible.


Terrible bet. He doesn't.


Look busy. Go for it. Yes, please. Don Lebertard. Stugart, if you give him the choice, Stugart, you can have the very same thing one of two ways. You could get it honestly or you could steal it. He'll always choose stealing it.


Stugats. Well, it's the quicker path. I mean, it's just, you know. This is the Don Lebotar Show with the Stugats.


Roy, finally, we will get… Roy has been dying for two days. He can't get in. There's no room for his disrespected Panthers.


I've been keeping him off the schedule, too.


Roy has gotten boxed out. Got to laugh at U. M, got to talk Dolphins. It's crazy football season. And it was pretty recently that the Panthers had a great deal of excellence. And now everybody in hockey thinks that Roy Bellamy's Panthers are a one-year wonder, a fraud. It might not even make the playoffs, according to the experts. They don't believe that what they saw last year was real, Roy. I imagine this has made you a bit insane.




I mean, it makes sense. You got Aaron, Eddlet, and Brandon Martore not being able to play until December, so they lost out on a couple of defensemen there. But I mean, come on. I mean, they lost some pieces. Yes, he lost Radcoe Goudis. Okay, fine. But they replaced him. I'm really excited to watch Mackie, Smaskevich, get some big time minutes.


Yeah, it's a tough one. You could have just gone Mackie. A lot of people are super excited about Mackie being added to this team. I haven't seen much of the preseason hockey. I do find it funny that the injuries that Roy highlighted were injuries that players sustained throughout the playoff run and played through. They were such, and I don't know if you saw any of the.


Off-season photos. No, it's crazy.


Well, Mike, fine then. There were a couple of weddings of Panthers and former Panthers that happened over the off-season. It was laugh out loud funny to see Panthers in attendance in their tuxes with their necks and braces and in crutches and in walking boots. Deep postseason runs really beat teams up. That's what's happening right now to the Florida Panthers. They're best two defensemen in terms of reputation, not in terms of man marking. Four Slings are really good defensemen, but they're out for an extended period of time and spitting chicklets. Did their episode? Nobody had the Panthers making the playoffs.


Paul Bissinette should know better than that after what happened last year with Boston.


Bouchie is the only person that seems to have learned. Yes. Bouchie, after getting it wrong, left, and right, has learned. But I think this team has proven last year that they can navigate a slow start because they took a long time to get use of the new style of Paul Morise. You would imagine that there would be less hiccups there, but it all comes down, as it always will, with this team, the goaltending. Is Bob going to be closer to what he was in that playoff run, or is he going to be the person that makes you want to.


Tear your hair out? Also, Spencer Nights is going to start the season in the A. H. L. As he was on player's assistants for his O. C. D. Last season. He's going to get some season down in the Minors. We got Anthony Solars as the backup.


Roy, I want to not skip past something that happened to you there. It was a moment of vulnerability, and I recognized it because it happened to me trying to say Antetukumpo's name at the beginning and Tonga by Loa's name at the beginning. I got a little scared of it, and I would get get close to it, and the speed bump would scare me. I saw there. You're normally very confident talking about the Panthers. This is your wheelhouse. But that name tripped you up. It scared you. I recognized that fear. Yeah, some Eskovage. I know, but you got scared of it. Mike is saying you can cheat.


You can just- Just call him Mackie. Dan's not going to call you out on it.


I'm saying you're okay there. You're safe and free to just call him Mackie because you want to be respectful. You want to be respectful. But the name is tough.


Yes, it is. But I really do want to be a professional about this. But he.


Will either force you to pronounce his name correctly or he will not by however good he is or isn't. Correct?




Is correct. Or we'll.


Just call them Bob.




That's right. Which is always something that hockey affords us to just shorten the name and add a Y.


All right, but help me. Have a boy, Bobby.


Or an ER.


Help me with some of this, though, because your.


Team- Kainer.


-did go to the... You ran into a Vegas team that was playing overwhelmingly well, but over three series of hockey, it can be made the argument. The Panthers made another final run 25 years ago. But going through Lindros-Le Mue and what they did back then, this was the best playoff run a team has ever had in South Florida hockey that you're coming off of, and then you run into Vegas, which was just a little bit hotter and their gold tender is better.


Better. I mean, the salary cap numbers, I went well over the salary cap and the depth did Florida in. But I think we can all agree that the greatest achievement the Eastern Conference Champions achieved last year was finally giving Dan something else to talk about other than 1996. By one game. Thank God.


Okay, and yes, but those are the two runs this franchise has had.


I'm super hopeful that what 1996 did for me did to a whole slew and a new generation. I know fans were made because there's nothing like it. I know Jess is a huge Chicago Black Hawks fan. There is nothing like deep postseason hockey runs. It's just got something.


Special to it. But my point is the reason that you're feeling disrespected, the two of you, is because the season opened last night. You guys are all fired up because you had one of the best teams last year. I'm guessing, you correct me if I have my information wrong, that Florida is such a weird fit for hockey. It's just strange all around. But Tampa created a giant hockey market. And the first time they got there wasn't the suspicion. Well, they'll not keep doing that. This is really hard. You can't just keep getting back every year, every year. And the Panthers throughout that time weren't getting any fan base because they couldn't get any traction on any playoff hockey. So you're just coming off a playoff season in the most exciting sport, and Tony's walking over to his television. He's like, What's that? Let me watch. Oh, that's pretty cool. It's violent. And look how much the players care. They're going to weddings after the season, and they're all physically broken. People don't believe the Panthers are getting back there this year. They believe an eight-seed was a fluke.


I do have a bone to pick with the schedulers here. This is back-to-back years where they're starting three games on the road here. We're talking about a team that won the President's trophy and then won the conference title. Why are we starting on the road? Throw us a bone here. Let's get a home game. Let's start the season.


It's going to be a tough start to the season. I think you got to manage expectations and just navigate the injuries because it's at least going to be better than last year was, which was they didn't really start finding form until after the All-Star break. But I think the most encouraging thing is not only do you have recent success to build on, recent corners that were turned, but you have this guy that wants to be a superstar, wants all the interviews, is charismatic, plays a style of hockey that annoys other fan bases, but is someone that you can rally around that gave you moment after moment. You have a superstar that you can market. Even in 1996, they had Beazer, maybe, but they weren't a marketable bunch. They were just this rtag-tag, Journey Men expansion franchise. They have an absolute superstar in Matthew Kachuk, which that'll draw people. That'll move.


Units, as they say. Made a superstar by this run, right? Hockey knew who he was, but this market and tohave some what Tyric Hill now has in this market where you're getting some legitimate name, Kachuk is traded here a bit unpopular after they blew up the best offensive team anyone's ever seen, not just Panthers.


Traded the best player arguably in franchise history to get him, and what he did in one year was give you- And it worked out. Yeah. If there is ever a statue outside of that sinking arena, and hopefully they're not there by the time Matthew Kachuk's career ends, but if it is, there better be a statue of Matthew Kachuk sliding across the ice after the game winner that sweeps the Carolina Huricans. I think a lot of the doubt that is also projected onto the Florida Panthers this season, Dan, is the Eastern Conference is really good. The Atlantic is really good. It's tough. It was really tough for the Panthers to make it that far. You saw that if you get, it's not like previous years now, especially with the way that they're doing the playoff formatting. We saw with Florida getting upset over a historic boss and Bruins team. If you make the playoffs, there isn't a bad team that makes the playoffs anymore. It's a.


Rock fight. If you look at that division, you look at the Atlantic, Ottawa was better. Buffalo was better. Now you got two added teams to go along with Boston, Toronto, and Tampa to fight with. It could be that one of the Florida teams might not make the playoffs this season.


Yeah, Tampa probably might be at the end of their run finally, because Carolina has- Don't do it. -caroline has finally done the things that their fan bases asked for, improve this nucleus because they were so close. Brendan Moore is pissed off. He is tucking that polo into his shorts.


Extra tight. Do I have this wrong, though, when I remember the history of this? Tampa became a giant hockey market off of the success that people didn't think was going to be able to be duplicated, at least in part, because everyone thinks when Vegas or get there, they're not going to stay there. It's hard to get that deep into the season. They don't get to just stay there. Aren't the Panthers in the same position from that regard? They just showed you over the last two seasons vividly. Look at what playoff hockey looks like. When you have the best offensive team and you're not built right, you lose immediately with expectations and you stop playing offensive hockey. They flip the team over. No, it's going to be tougher and Kachuk is going to do 1,000 tough things. This is where you build a fan base right here with winning again as people think you're not going to. But do I have it wrong on the history that they're going to be doubted? Because why would a Florida hockey team be any good for.


A sustained period? Right. Why would this Eight Seed actually be the real deal? I think what they're doing, honestly, is looking at the rest of the landscape inside the division. But this is a franchise that... We're doing this off the top of our head, Roy, but I don't think they've ever made the playoffs three consecutive seasons. You're talking about Tampa that had sustained success, generationally handed down. There were people that saw Martin St. Louis lift the cup and they had their kids become fans. Florida has never had the opportunity to have that because when they've had these isolated little runs, but then they go back into the barren wasteland of mediocrity.


Tampa, it's an amazing market as a test case just for professional sports. They've been great at baseball, smarter than anybody, and they can't make baseball work there. They have built a huge and legitimate hockey town in that part.


Of Florida. A hockey town that could recognize Gustav Forceling at Monz Venus. That's the type of hockey town. If you ever go to Tampa, and this is a city that recently won a Super Bowl, every home in that cool little city with all these old homes with big front porches, they have a Tampa Bay lightning banner. They are crazy. It's like north of the border over there.


It is nuts.


Florida, South Florida especially, is never going to be that. But they also have never had the opportunity to be that. They barely get out of the first round. This is the first time that they've done that consecutively in two seasons. I really hope for the sake of the sport down here, which they had promising season tickets or season tickets. Oh, yeah, the lower bowl. The lower bowl is sold out for season tickets. I think the ratings for Florida Panthers games were encouraging. They're given a lot more Marquee games this upcoming season, so hopefully there's sustained success there. Now can we talk a little bit about not kneeling and previewing the biggest college football game of the season for the Miami Huricans against North Carolina.


Well, why would we not preview all of college football with Lucy and Jessica because they have a hot new, unnamed podcast? It's still unnamed. No one's giving you a- I.


Thought we decided on footgirls. No, we did not.


We did.


Not decide on that.


I thought it was footgirls. Well, can we come up with a name? I think Metallarks should have a name. It doesn't have to be right now. I'm not putting that pressure on you now.


You have five minutes.


But it's just an unnamed... Well, they've had many weeks, not five minutes. I've just.


Been under the impression it's been footgirls this.


Whole time. We did get a great suggestion that I think we should make into a digital video series that was from someone on Twitter. Sorry, I don't know your name. And it was Heisman House estate sale. And that's something that I think Lucy and I should do in the off-season. Go to a state sales and find College football memorabilia.


That's fine. You can parlay it into a situation.


It seems very specific.


It's also wordy and doesn't really get to it.




Right out. I like it. On algorithms.


What is the name of the... We still don't know what the name.


It's better than footgirls, Mike.


Well, not on the algorithm.


Not in terms of growth on YouTube.


But she's right. Footgirls is cheap.


You can.


Make a girl's feed, whatever you want.


Don't do that. You can do better than that. In the Heisman House estate sale, are you buying... You're going to estate sales looking for college memorabilia, or you're going to estate sales of former Heisman winners who are down on their luck?


We're going to rob the Nissan Heisman House. That's what we're going to do. They're not dead yet.


You cannot be in front of people on television, manipulating the schedule on who gets to talk to you what day, and then manipulating the algorithm into footgirls in that same hour without a commercial break.


These are false accusations. I have nothing to do with the talent schedule.


How dare you attack a freedom fighter, David?


I don't.


Believe you. I have nothing to do with that. I don't believe you. I have nothing to do with that.


Say it again. So Mike's not a freedom fighter. Did you see him go after Aaron Rogers? Mike's not a freedom fighter now. He's not fighting for our freedom?


He's actively censoring people, I would say.


He's probably not a freedom fighter. No, not here.


He's not. I'm not censoring anybody.




Silenced us, Mike. I didn't. I didn't.


Silence anybody. What do you want to tell us about North Carolina? I'm scared of them. I'm scared of their offense. I think they're just as big as Miami and physically strong as Miami.


The book on North Carolina, anytime that they've won these games, is Miami has only been staying in these games because they're soft. But we had Morty Smith on and he said that this is a really physical team. I've listened to a lot of Tor Heels podcast, and I've talked to Taylor and while they've made strides there, so this will be an interesting matchup. Now, as much praise as we've heaped on Miami's defensive line, they're not actually getting sacks. They're dominating the line of scrimage. They're good against the run, but they're not.


Getting home. Heap, praised. You are saying that all of these guys at some scouts, you'd heard some scouts say this is the best D-line in the country. You've been saying that a couple of times over the.


Last few years. Yeah, Leonard Taylor is going to be a first round draft pick. Ruben Baine, the true freshman, is showing you why I think he's going to one day be honored in the Ring of Honor. Butthe door has been out for a couple of weeks and their sack production has been missing him. We don't know his injury timetable. They haven't gotten home. They haven't caused big turnover plays by getting to the quarterback. They're going to have to sack what, for my money, is the second best quarterback in the nation in Drake May. If you haven't watched him, shame on you, because he's a brilliant, super athletic, prototype body, and he's got his best receiver back now in Tess Walker. This is going to be a really difficult game and the conditions for Saturday say it's going to be slippery. That might play into Miami's hands, but we saw what they did with the slippery football at the end of the game against Georgia Tech. So who knows?


How does the rain affect whether you take a knee?


It shouldn't. It should affect, actually, hey, we probably shouldn't run here. Slippery pill.


Lucy, you are nodding vigorously about all of this. I don't know if you had the same idea that I had, but I thought another podcast that should be sprung from this well of Mike Ryan cares too deeply about this team is a podcast named, I've been listening to a lot of Tar Heale podcasts and to Taylor.




A little long.


For a name. Well, I think it should be the name, though, because he threw in Taylor and said, Well, I've talked to Taylor, so clearly I know what's going on with the North Carolina program.


Taylor has actually been one of the nicer people to me this week.


He just did a You Down as he walks past the window.


Wait a minute. Taylor is afraid. But he doesn't think that I'm not privy to the conversations that he's having as I turn corners? No. Because I hear him with Jeremy, You got to get this one. You got to get this one this weekend. They think they're being coy about it. I hear every single one of his conversations, and I know that he does that stuff out of the corner of my head. But to my face, he's been nice. We're both going to be in Chapel Hill.


Taylor, come over here for a second and just get at Billy's microphone real quick. I want you to tell me honestly.


Your honest- Very quickly. I will censor your time.


Your honest reaction to seeing the University of Miami lose that way and what you immediately thought. You, the nice guy here, what you thought, what you felt about specifically just Mike Ryan.


Yeah, we have a college football group chat, me, Jess, and Lucy.


And it was.


Blown up and everybody was so excited. You guys have censored me from the group chat. I'm not talent scheduled on the group chat? Assholes.