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All right, everybody, Mother's Day is officially around the corner. If mom's gift isn't already on the way, you've got hours, maybe even minutes.


To get it together.


So head over to right this 2nd 1800 flowers still has great last minute deals on handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and one of a kind gifts ordered easily and delivered fresh. You want to get mom something that shows your appreciation for all that she's done. We know you've been a knucklehead. She knows you've been a knucklehead. Please do better. Help your mom feel appreciated. This Mother's day, this is your last chance to lock in these Mother's Day deals only good while supplies last. Order today at 18 Dan. D A N. That's 1800, Dan.


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This is the Dan Levator show with the Stugots podcast. God bless football. Billy Gill. God bless football.




God bless football. Chris.


God bless football. Lucy.


God bless football. Roy.


God bless hockey. Oh, football. Sorry.




Yeah, classic. Roy. How's the caboose in this situation?


So Willow's here.


We're not doing this.




God bless football.


No, we're not.


Yeah, no, that was the bit.


Well, the bit if we're gonna be you, I thought you were gonna interrupt and be like, what are you guys doing? We're not doing this.


What are we doing?


I've done that before on the real God bless football and doesn't go over well.


Yeah, but this isn't God bless football.


That's because we're doing God bless football when you do it.


Yeah, we're followers. Billy.




Following your lead.


Don't tune out.




No, but the bit that we discussed was like, we're pretend, and then everybody gets mad and then Chris is like, I'm in charge here. This isn't godless.


Football. Football.


I want to have fun, though. Come on, let's do this. Let's do GBF.


We did it. I mean, that's it.


Well, I mean, we could still have fun, even though.


Should we go home now?


No, I'm tired.


You know, we had a pack student.


God bless Friday.


We had a pac.


God bless Friday.


Fridays. We end here a little bit earlier than usual, and I tried to get everyone to agree to a pact before the show. I don't know if you were here, where we all agree that we can all politely just leave when this is done, and we won't feel the social pressures of hanging out and talking to each other. Like, we can just go on with our lives and go home.


Why? Do you guys feel some amount of pressure after the show to chit chat, some small talk? No.


No, but I feel like I should say yes.


No, but at least if we have the conversation, like, hey, I won't be insulted if you leave, then everyone can leave. And also, then I can just leave. And I don't.


So we're saying goodbye right now.


Yeah, goodbye to each other right now.


Have a great weekend.


No, but hello. Hello to the listeners.




Yes, of course.


Welcome to your nightmare. I'm in Dan's seat.


Oh, no. Dan's nightmare. Yeah.


Wheel of topics.


Well, hold on. Okay, so here's the thing is, I have a number of games that I'd like to play today.




With Stugatz. I want to do the one moment hall of Fame, which I told has been going on since yesterday behind the scenes between Stugatz and Jess.


Yes. I said, reggie Miller's in the one moment hall of Fame, and so. That's so offensive.


What a great career.


No, he did not. Name something else he did in his career outside of those 9 seconds at Madison Square Garden. Name one other thing, Chris.


Make your own list. The one moment hall of fame also led into, like, a bleed over conversation of, like, a potential two moment hall of Fame. But we'll get to that later.




The other game Billy wanted to play was one that we couldn't decide on if we should play or not.


I have at least four games, plus the one that we don't know if we should play or not. So I have end of discussion. Which we stumbled upon in God bless football, because to God just said an argument, and then he said, end of discussion. And I'm like, well, then I can't say anything. Like, the conversation's over. So if you guys here at home or whatever want to play along with these games, think of some end of discussions that you can just. It's basically, you make a statement and a discussion.


So I made a point to Billy and Mikey during God bless football, and I said, period. End of discussion. There was a minute left. Like, we had to talk, and Billy wouldn't talk because he said, the discussion is over.


Yeah, spoiler alert.


So Alexander Barkov is going to win the Selkie trophy. End of discussion. Hold on.


There's music. Friend of discussion. I didn't know we were playing. End of discussion. Right now. We also have. Closing the loop that we're going to get to. We have.


Wait, what's closing the loop?


Closing the loop is an important game that I feel like we should play every Friday, whether or not I'm sitting in this chair, where we kind of. I'll give you an example. Chris, do you have the music for closing the loop? Okay, so closing the loop, I'll give you. All right, it's time for closing the loop. So, in closing the loop, I feel like this is a great opportunity for us to bring back a topic that was discussed earlier in the week that we can close the loop on today, Friday, so it doesn't carry over into next week. So I'll give you an example. Earlier this week, Stu got revealed unintentionally. Or maybe it was last week, but we're closing the loop anyways, right? That he wears a hoodie without shirts underneath?


I did.


Shocking revelation.


That was earlier this week.


I believe this led to some debate amongst the crew. Some people were kind of confused as to how you do this. Other people say, no, I do that. That's not that crazy. So yesterday I was in the. This is crazy camp for just wearing a hoodie without a shirt underneath. Yesterday at home, I decided to do this Stu gatz.




Because I felt very judgmental, and a lot of people were like, what's wrong with you? So I wore an oversized hoodie. I bought a two xl because I wanted to feel like I had a boyfriend.




Hoodie. So I wore two xls.


They're not making xls like they used to. I mean, they're just not. Yeah. Right.


So I put on my two xl under armor hoodie. Under armor. If you're out there without a shirt underneath.


You bought a new hoodie just for this?


No, no, no. I bought this hoodie when it was on sale, but I bought it extra big because I wanted the feel of a nice, big. Comfy.


Comfy. Comfy?


Yeah, like, if I had a boyfriend and I took his jacket, like. Cause my wife will steal my hoodies. Sometimes. And it looks so comfy because they're so much bigger than her.


So you wanted to feel like her. Yeah.


So I bought. I bought sizes too large so I would have the comfort of the loose fitting clothes on sale, though. Yeah, of course.


Clearance. Yeah. Have you ever purchased anything not on sale, like, at retail, like, at regular cost or. No.


Try not to. I try not to. Here's the thing. The price is just a suggestion, because there's always a way to get that object cheaper. Anyway, so I put it on without a shirt, and it was fine.


Thank you.


Close the loop.


All right, good. Let's get loops.


No, no, no.


It feels like I ended it.


So if you guys have any loops you want to close, just let Chris know. We can play the music. We can close the loop. If you want to end any discussions, let us know. Also, here's the thing that I'm most worried about, because I saw the schedule.




And I saw that Stu gods was gonna be the one in here today.




And I said, stugots, if you want. Like, I can go and I can send the studio. And he said, perfect. You're driving. And I wasn't expecting. I wasn't expecting that.


You should have.


So my main concern was that we were gonna be accused with not talking enough sports today.


Mm hmm.


So I tried to come up with a segment and a game in which we check the boxes scores. So we check the boxes scores of covering sports, and then we go around and we talk about things that happened last night. So I don't know if anyone here wants to volunteer to be the person that checks the boxes scores, and they just kind of tell us what happened in the sporting world last night, and then we discuss the boxes scores.


Okay. The Rangers won an overtime against the Hurricanes last night. They did their. Up 30. Up 30. It was three, two, one, overtime.


The bread, man.


Yeah. Brent, man. Yeah. Score the game winning goal. Very early in overtime, by the way. Very, very early in overtime. The last game went to double ot. This game was over inside of two minutes inside the first overtime. So. So is the hurricane season. It's over. So the Rangers are through to the Eastern Conference finals, though. Wait, they are? I mean, they're up 30. Carolina's not coming back. They'll await the winner of the Panthers and Boston. A big game three tonight.


Now, this is good. As a Panther fan, Carolina's kind of had our number over the last few years, so I actually. Even though the Rangers seem a little scarier on paper, I am. I would rather face the Rangers than the Hurricanes.


Well, they swept them. The Panthers did last season in the playoffs. So kind of, we kind of had their number last. I know, last year.


I know we got them in the playoffs. But overall, of all the teams in the east, I feel like Carolina's had our number. If any team's had our number, it's been them last couple of years outside of the sweep.


I don't know. I think the Panther is going to be Boston this series, and they.


Roy's not afraid of anything. Roy's not afraid of anything.




I mean, absolutely not. You're just.


I don't do.


You're too confident.


You're not fearless. I understand.


Do game analysis during this game? Or is this just like we read the box scores and then we.


Right. Check the pre game kind of texting the boxes scores. Yeah.




Checking the boxes is just checking off all the things you're supposed to hit. Yeah.


Which is sports, but we're doing with boxers.


Should we do it with things that we are actually going to talk about in earnest or are we, you know, is it a segue into a better, longer conversation?


No, you can discuss. Okay, I'm not.


So we're doing it the right way.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


We're doing it the right way. There's another game that we were afraid to play that we discussed before the show, and the decision wasn't made before the show. So I don't know if we should carry the conversation onto the air as to whether or not we should play the final game. Slash bit. The bit was wheel of topics we won't discuss.




In which we spin the wheel, and if it lands on said topic, we can't discuss that topic.


Can we try it out?


The only reason I bring it up is because hockey was submitted to that wheel. Now, it didn't necessarily land on hockey because we haven't spun the wheel yet.


Yeah, you can check that off.


Now, had we started the game, though, and we spin the wheel of topics we won't discuss, and it lands on hockey, though, we can't talk about it.






But we already talked about it. Yeah.


So lucky that we got that in. In case we.


On the wheel.


Let's just spin the wheel, see where it lands it.


Right. Spit it.


Okay, here we go.






Comedians, huh?


All right, so that means we're not gonna talk about that.


Look, we can.


We can't talk about it. Yes.


We'll get to it next week. We didn't end that discussion. That's a different game.




This is just a wheel of topic.


Can't close the loop.


It feels like if you land on end of discussion, though, right?


For the day. For the day doesn't carry over.


There's always Monday.


There's like a tie in to another game when you spin the wheel of topics we're not going to talk about. I kind of like it. Yeah, nice synergy there.


Should we try it again? I mean.




Spin the wheel.


Spin it, Jess. Ooh.


It landed on the Kendrick Lamar Drake beef.


Oh, wow. I wanted to discuss that today.


Well, end of discussion.


No, that's another top. That's another game.


That's the same game, so we can't discuss that.


Yeah, but let's stop spinning the wheel. Cause we're gonna run out things to discuss today.


Yeah, get back to it. Not certain we'll run out, but okay.


Also, later today, I want to play a game. It's not really a game. It's more of a conversation where we discuss the proper way to eat a sandwich. Because I saw a picture of someone in the way that they cut a sandwich, and it's not a way that I've ever seen before, and they were saying this is the proper way to cut and eat a sandwich.


Hmm. Well, it depends on the sandwich.




Like, what if it's a hoagie as opposed to a grilled cheese? Like for bread?


No, well, we're. Yeah, I mean, we mean more like the regular toast.


Regular toast. Okay.


I mean, is there more than one way to cut, like, a sub, like a hoagie?




There are some places that cut at, like, a diagonal on the hoagie.


I don't like that.


My hoagie diagonal.


Cut it in half.


Yeah, that. That is such a good point.


Equal halves, please.


A square sandwich, diagonal all you want. A sub, a twelve inch.


I totally just.


You angle cut that. You are a monster. You know, that first bite is so weird.


No, the pointy bite.


No, I hate the point.


The pointy bite. Point of the bite.


I love the pointy bite.


Yeah, but if the bread's not good, the pointy bite is not.


Great assumption that it's good bread. If we're talking about bad bread, then that's a whole nother conversation.


Yeah, absolutely.


I love the. I like the. I like that there's more. I don't know what to call it. Like the part of the sandwich where you can see the filling. I like that there's more of that surface area with the diagonal.




You pick it up and then, like Stu said, that pointy end if I'm with you, if you got great bread, maybe you point cut. But hey, most of you rush, most you sub shots, sub shops, you don't have great bread.


So. Jess, they don't know great bread in New York. New York has the best everything. It does. Well, it does. It does.


I'm so tempted to wheel of things.


Hey, now.


Come on now.


Hey, New York really does feel like Stu guts. Can you make a list?


Better. The pizza's better. The water is better water. It is. Why is it the minerals? That's why you can cut it the way Jess likes it. Cut. In New York, the bread's always good. You can't do it down here, Stu.


Guys, different bread. Thank you.


End of discussion.


Oh, hold on. All right, Siri. All right. This escalated very quickly.


All right, everybody, Mother's Day is officially around the corner. If mom's gift isn't already on the way, you've got hours, maybe even minutes.


To get it together.


So head over to 18 Right this 2nd 1800 flowers still has great last minute deals on handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and one of a kind gifts ordered easily and delivered fresh. You want to get mom something that shows your appreciation for all that she's done. We know you've been a knucklehead. She knows you've been a knucklehead. Please do better. Help your mom feel appreciated. This Mother's Day, this is your last chance to lock in these Mother's Day deals only good. Wow supplies. Last order today at 18 Dan. Dan. That's 1800


Dan. Don Lebatard, let's go to 80. His name is Bo. Wow. I think Billy typed an eight instead of a B. Fine. Clear as Dave Bow, Stugots number eight. It's Chris Corner on the line. CC, go ahead. This is the Dan Levator show with the Stugats.


Well, end of sandwich discussion. But I.


No, it's not.


We don't have the New York discussion yet. Because I saw a video yesterday. I don't know if this was recent or not, but this video really disturbed me. It's Clyde Frazier eating fries at a Knicks game, it appears. And the way he's doing it.




Is unlike anything I've ever seen.


He's like. He's holding the cup up and he seems to be gnawing at the cup.


He's eating more cup than fries.


Like there's a wet ring.


He's eating it like it's a sandwich. He's eating a cup of fries like it's a sandwich.


I feel like if you're sitting courtside, you got to do all your snacking in between. Like, when you go underneath, like, I just. If I ever sat courtside, you would not see me court side eating a hot dog.




And I would be one of the people that accidentally spill something on the court, and they have to stop the game to, like, come.


I'm surprised that doesn't happen.


More happens to, I think, Mike Ryan's daughter, like, spills m and m's all the time or something. That was an off air conversation, but this is really alarming. And to me, it seems like a guy who doesn't want to get grease on his fingers because he wears really nice suits and nice clothes. He doesn't want to get grease on his clothes, which I understand, but it is a very strange visual.




So if you're sitting courtside, is your play, let me be as weird as possible, or let me be as normal as possible and blend in, because I feel like I would want to just blend in. But then, like, why did I spend so much money?




Like, it depends. Like, if you're a celebrity, you're there to be seen, right?




So do you think he really eats fries like that, or he's just doing that so hoping someone. I mean, he's old enough that I don't think he's trying to do that for attention.


MSG is basically his living room. Right? Like, this isn't.


No, it is his living.






Basically, he's just comfortable enough where he's going to do his thing there.


Imagine going in pajamas because you're so comfortable and it's your living room, and you're just like, I'm going to be maximum comfort here.


Wall Fraser should show up at BJ's. Yeah.


So we have the picture of the sandwich. If you want to get to the sandwich now, because I feel like there's no point in going back to it later because we already got off all the time. So here in the left is the new dove cut, which is this y shaped triangular thing where you're instead of two, you get the three.




Yeah, it seems crazy.


I like it that way. It's better than the chef gruel, but no one.


What are we doing here? Why a duff cut?


Who is chef Gruel?


Isn't that the top one?


That's. No, but why duff got. Why is it called the duff cut? It.


The guy's something. Duff or Duff?


They're tv chefs.


No, it's not. It's not that duff. It's some other guy, just as a tv chef.




He's a monster.


That doesn't make any sense. He's cut one third of the sandwich. Yeah.


Thirds periods, if you will. Hockey.


I think it's one of those things you do. You stamp your name to it, you get credit for it.




I'm gonna come up with a cut.


Are you?




I don't think you will.


A stew cut.


And what would your stew cut be?


80 20. My way.


It's more as the chef gruel looks like the Stu coordinate.


I'll cut the crust off now.


Have you ever. Okay, this is actually like a. Brings back a traumatic babysitting story from when I was, like, 13. But I was babysitting these kids once, twins, and they both hated crust. So the mom asked me to make them peanut butter jelly sandwiches, but cut the crust off, and I was like, okay, no problem. The problem was, she left. And when they wanted the sandwiches, I was by myself, and I opened the bag of bread, and the only pieces left were the two ends of the bread.


Oh, my God.


And so I told the kids, and these kids were, like, really little, and I was like, hey, guys, like, unfortunately, this is the only bread your mom left for me, and it's the ends of the bread, so it's all crust, and they're like, we're not eating that. And I was like, well, what do you want me to do? Because I can't, like, cut the crust off because it's all crust. And they were like, well, we're not gonna eat the crust. So I had to, like, peel the layer of, like, brown crust off of the ends of the bread for them to eat their crust.


Bad parenting. Just leaving you with no bread for the kids.


Oh, it was devastating.


Do you guys ever eat the ends of the bread? Anyone?




Yeah. No. If it's toasted, I, like a little crispy. You know, I'm kind of like Jim Nance. Like, I'll eat, like, a super toasted piece of end of a bread.


I usually don't, but, like, if I'm, like, really, really hungry, I can toast it and put some butter on the good ends, and then I can, you know, put it down.


But you have to be really hungry and desperate.


I don't want to say desperate, but I'm also a big, wasteful guy. You know what I mean? But I do more often than not, throw away the last piece on each end of the bread.


All right, so which game are we playing? Well, no.


I mean, this isn't. This is supposed to be a sports radio show. It's not just games. I was just listing the games that we had. Should you want to get to them, we could get to them. These are opportunities, avenues, if you will, that we could travel down to get to these games. The one moment hall of Fame, something you said you wanted to do. And I was kind of, when Chris was saying the whole New York thing, I was wondering if you wanted to make a top five list of things that are better in New York, that New York's the best at XYZ. Because basically anything that's mentioned, any New Yorker will say, that's better in New York, no matter what it is.


I would just say that the pizza is better, the bread is better, the water is better, the delis are better. That's about it. I mean, the football, certainly not better.


Ooh. Hall of. One moment. Aaron Rodgers on the jets.




Well, he won a Super bowl, but I'm saying.


Okay, well, he had one moment, right?


One moment of the jets. Literally one moment. Yes. Amazing. Had three plays in one moment.


None of them were hall of Fame worthy, though.




The most memorable thing he did was run out waving the american.


I'm confused as to how to play the one moment hall of Fame. Because Reggie Miller, everyone thinks he's a hall of famer. He's in the hall of Fame. Well, Dan doesn't, but I'm saying. Well, Dan doesn't. Right. But I, you know, he's defined by that one moment. Like, I could do one moment and say, david Tyree, no one thinks he's a Hall of Famer, but he had one moment. That one moment. One moment in time. Yes. That's one moment.


Reggie Miller had multiple playoff series, was like an all time great shooter.


You don't remember any of it, though. That's my point.


But I know he's an all time great shooter.


Right? He was twelve and 33 against the Knicks on the road. He had one moment. One moment.


Are the Knicks in trouble? Jess, I will ask you, as the.


Knicks expert, I did say yesterday, thank you, Billy. While you're sitting, I was just too.


Well, because here's the thing, right? If we're going to be honest, it was perfect. I feel like, so good. Jess has seen more Knicks games than you. Just because Lehman puts on the Knicks every single game.




So you are a bigger and actual Knicks fan. But Jess is an actual Knicks authority this season.


You know the meme that's like, are you winning son. And it's like the dad walking in the kids gaming. That's like, me and Lehman's relationship with hope will be watching the Knicks and I'll be like, are you winning son?


Anyways, is Lehman like a little boy in the sense that, like, he's just like, so excited about his team still? And you say, oh, Lehman, it's just sports?


He. Yeah, exactly. But I said yesterday it felt like Game 2 may have been the apex of the season because the Knicks are dealing with so many injuries now and they're going back to Indianapolis and it's going to be really tough for them to do much more with the level. Like, Jalen Brunson's questionable OG's out for game three. It feels like game three is, is going to be an, they're going to, they're going to get the friendly whistle because of Rick Carlisle. But it just feels like, you know, this team's given New York a lot, but the amount of injuries that they've dealt with is going to be really tough to play through.


I would say this because I checked the box score. The Cavs beating the Celtics on the road last night. The NBA is freaking out. They cannot have Cleveland and Indiana in the Eastern Conference final. This bodes very well for the Knicks, either tonight or in game four. The NBA needs the Knicks to advance because of the threat of the Cavaliers.


I like that. That's a good conspiracy theory.


I haven't ended discussion submission that goes along with this.




I mean, Juju has been telling us all season that there is something wrong with this Celtics team. Yep, there is something, and he is right. There is something wrong. End of discussion.


I don't know if that's the end of the discussion.


I'm just saying something about this Celtics team. Everyone has them on paper as clearly the best team, and they can't, they can't stop farting.


You're right.


Respect the game.


Sounds like a problem. Are you declaring the Celtics season is over? They're not winning a title.


No, but I just think that.


Well, then you can't end. I don't have anything.


I don't think what, what happened with the Heat is they got game two and then the Celtics blew him out the rest of series. I actually think we're going to see a long series in this one. I think that's just like, to Juju's point, there's something wrong with this Celtics, and I can't even put my finger on it, but there's something wrong.


That's a different game.


Yeah, different game. Can't put my finger on it. I can put my finger on it, but go. Zing is up. Oh, I put my finger on it. There you go. I checked the box score. I put a finger on it. We ended a discussion.


Your finger is currently on it.


Did the heat fans get, like, some satisfaction out of seeing all the Celtics fans leaving with, like, four minutes left in the game last night?


I did. I also got satisfaction out of hearing you talk about the Knicks injuries and, like, make like, because he'd have been making these excuses for seasons now.


I don't want to hear about it.


I'm just saying it's nice.


We have four and a half players, but. But, but the counterpoint there is also, the Knicks are winning that series. They're leading 20 right now.




And the heat, we're, like, always down.


I don't think it's an excuse for roster construction or anything like that. I think it's just, like, a rational outlook on what the next two. What series look like. Exactly. Whereas the Heat have been like, well, if we had Jimmy Butler in the playoffs. Oh, then, like, it wouldn't matter that all of our other role players are maybe not as good as the players that we could have gotten if we had done better to get them in.


Defense of Heat fans, it's Jimmy Butler who's saying that. Are Heat fans saying that, like, Chris, do you feel like if you had Jimmy Butler, you'd still be playing?


I think the series. Yeah, I think we would. I'm not saying we would have beat the Celtics, but I think it would have been a longer series.




Hmm. How's this going so far? Lucy, what grade would you give this?


Why are we talking about the Heat so much? They lost.


I don't know.


I've been thinking about this for, like, a week. All we do is talk about.


Hold on.


You can end it.


Let's spend the discussion. We'll see what topics on there we can't discuss anymore. Today.


The Miami Heat.




I drove taylor into work today, and I literally said, I cannot do heat talk today.


Did he?


I said it to Taylor, and he agreed. This is Chris Cody. Did Chris Croatie's fault? Because we brought up the Celtics leaving, and he turned it into, like, oh, this. This is a heat thing.


When you talked about Nick's injuries, it opened the door for me.


Bucky Dent. One moment. Hall of Fame. Absolutely.


That's a good one.


Thank you.


Speaking of Taylor, we had a conversation privately, off air. Taylor's having a moment he is very big for Taylor right now. His basketball team, his hockey team.


Taylor's already trying to get me and him to New York for the Panthers, Rangers.


He said that you were going with Roy.


That what?






How about you get past Boston?




That is true.


Thank you. What? No.


Taylor's already planting seeds. If you go, if you cover Rangers.


Panthers, you have to take a train.


You need a video guy.


I'll go with you.




He's like, let's do the same game time bit. We'll take a train up there. It's not that bad.


A lot of opportunists around here.


Hey, listeners, it's Mike Ryan and I've changed a lot. Over the course of 20 years that you've known me, I've gone from unlikable to, well, my hair has changed. But my point is, while a lot's changed over our relationship, there's one thing that hasn't changed one bit, and that's a great taste of Miller lite. Another thing that hasn't changed is that it's less filling. So what's the best thing about the original light beer? Miller Lite has sparked this debate way back in 1975, and we still haven't settled it. They keep it simple. It's got undebatable quality, great taste, 96 calories. You know, all those things. It's a beer that strips everything away that you don't need and holds on to what matters most. But with Miller Lite, you don't have to choose what's best. Miller Lite has great taste and is less filling. It's both those things. Tastes like Miller. Time to get Miller Lite delivered right to your door. Visit Dan where you can find it pretty much anywhere that sells beer. Celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin 96 calories per 12oz. Fewer cows and carbs than premium regular beer.


Don Lebatard photography's not as hard as it's made out to be. And now with computers, I mean, you can make anything look like anything. Dan, it's almost cheating. It's not fair. If you push a button, it takes a thousand pictures. You're gonna find a good one in the batch.


There were a lot of photographers there.


Taking a thousands of pictures.


One got that photograph. Okay, good retort. Stugots.


Haven't you ever passed by photographers? I guarantee you when that shot was taken, we didn't just hear. That's not what you heard. If you were by that camera, like.


In my ear with that.


He does a good camera.


This is the Dan Levator show with the stugats.




Yes, sir.


How's it going today?


Well, let's check some boxes.


Oh, okay. I was.


I noticed. I noticed during the break that Roy was doing that. He was checking a box score.


Checking the boxes, course.


Yeah. I was looking at the Western Conference in the National Basketball Association. I saw that the Mavericks beat the Thunder, 119 110. Wow. Not it up at one game apiece, Roy. Yeah, but that's good. Nuts. Garlic knots. Five. Not. Yeah, top five. Not top five knots. Okay. What? All right. I want Roy to come up with top five knots, because I was not. I was telling Roy that when you're down one. Oh. And you tie like the Panthers were, and you tie a series up at one game apiece. Okay. It's all knotted up at one game apiece. Yes. That is a top five knot for me. How about that, huh?


That's a statement.


Yeah. By the way, Luca went 29. Ten and seven. Slipknot. That's a good night. It's a great one.


Steve Martin.


Yeah, no, I heard it. And listen, dead and company is coming up at the sphere in Vegas. Help on the way. Slipknot. Franklin's tower. Just unbelievable. And that's why I was thinking it.


Cat paw. Not. I was on the Internet earlier and saw that there was, like, a weird press conference moment last night with Luca.


Did you guys see this video?




No, we were open shots. We were open shots. Just are sharing the ball. And our energy was great. What do you think? Okay. Okay. Moving on the.


Okay. From the reporter mid question, where he's, like, about to ask a follow up. Here's moaning, and it's just like, okay, this is awkward. Now, is someone met? Like, has there been any reporting on this? Because this is either one of two things. Someone's messing with him or someone's having sex in the other room, and I need to get to the bottom of it. End of discussion.


That's not how I did this.


That's how it's working right now.


He wants to close the loop on.


This, but we can't answer you. We can't talk about it.


He wants to close the loop. The guy who invented. Okay, sorry, my bad. It seems obvious that someone had a tab open on their phone, perhaps closing the loop. The duff cut was invented by a guy on Twitter named Ryan Duff.




Not Duff.




So this was an amine situation?




This was an amino Hassan.




Someone had porn on their computer at work.


I believe so, yes.


That's great.


Yeah. But Amine was doing research.


I thought that that was very obviously, like, teammates of his or something, like, messing with him, just, like, moaning in the back. I went to an all boys school.




These things happened where, you know, you're trying to be doing something serious.


You don't think it was a reporter's phone? I thought it was a reporter's. Like, I thought it wasn't a mean thing like I thought a reporter had.


It's possible now we're playing a different game.


They'd have to have it so loud.


All journalistic credibility and get reckless. Here is something we like to call reckless speculation. We're all good. You're saying Daniel Gafford was making sex noises while he was doing that press conference?




I think we need to listen to this again.


I agree with that.


I want to hear. Let's go play it, guys.


Yeah. Okay. Okay, moving on.


Let's restart it.


We were open shot, so just our sharing the ball and our energy was great. What do you think? Okay.


There'S an echo there, folks.


Well, hold on a second.


The acoustics, speaker one.


Hold on a second. Because here's the thing. If Jess is right, then it has to be either the person that was asking the question or the people directly next to that person, because that person's holding a microphone. So the microphone picked it up. So if that is what it was, there's probably only four people that could have been responsible for that.


Luca's reaction here, we might need to watch it again, please.


Yes. We were open shot, so just our sharing the ball and our energy was great. What do you think? Okay, moving on.


It feels like it may have been.


The person holding the microphone the way he's like, okay, moving on.


I've got it. I got someone getting freaky in, like, a closet next to the.


I don't really next to a breast.


Like, you know what? The game's over, right? It's time.


They have no idea what's going on.


I can't wait till we get home, celebrate.


This you think is a play or random people?


I think it was people that work for the arena that are married also.




They were just like a marriage.


There's no infidelity.


They have three kids. Kids are all up. They just got a text from the babysitter that the kids are up. So they're like, we're not gonna have another chance to do this.


But they both work there, and then.


They just kind of do the thing to the closet. There's a closet over there. So they do a little head point?


Yeah. Go in there.


Next thing you know, we got this sound.


Really? That's what you think?


Two married? Stadium.


Are you ending the discussion? What are you doing here?


Just recklessly speculating.


You're good. I already said he's good.


So, the thunder loss for the first time in the playoffs, huh?


They did, yeah. I'm tired of them. I mean, you're telling me. Oh, you haven't watched the thunder all year. They're so good. They're this, they're that. Lucas limping around like that. He looks like he's 77 years old. That guy Kyrie gave him nothing last night. Absolutely nothing. They lost a PJ. Washington. I don't want to hear about how good Oklahoma City is. I am tired of the thunder, I am tired of that team, and I'm tired of everyone telling me what I missed the entire season. I didn't miss anything. I missed a team that's about to get bounced out in the Western Conference semifinals. What about SGA? End of discussion. Okay. I can't talk about SGA.




Now you can talk about SGA. No, you ended the discussion. I ended up under discussion, technically.


Right, Billy? How does that one spin the wheel?


Sorry, Chris, the commercial.


Oh, thank God. Thank God.


Can't talk about it today.


SGA still available. Okay, what do you got? Well, you went 33 and ten and 33 and twelve, and pretty much was the catalyst in that game for them, but they just couldn't finish, basically. So, like, don't blame the thought. Don't blame him for the Thunders. Rose. I'm not blaming him. I just said, I'm tired of people telling me what I missed all year with the thunder. Like they were sitting around watching Oklahoma City Thunder games all year.


Can I ask you a question?


Yeah. Can I. Can I ask. Yeah.


We're very loosey goosey on the rules of these games, and I don't respect game.


Whoa. That's her game.


Oh, that's. Yeah, that's the other game. Lucy or goosey.


I'm worried that people here don't know my name. It's happened so many times.


I was actually.


Hey, nice to meet you, Rodean.


Hey, you said it right.


Thank you, Dan.


Calling her I get was an all time show moment for me.


Doug Fluti.


My friends were there for that.


It was one moment hall of fame. Wow.


I have.


Because the Hail Mary.


I have a controversial one for you.


For the one moment hall of Fame.




USA Hockey two moment hall of Fame or one moment?


One moment hall of fame? Yeah. When they beat Russia in the semifinals. TJ Osi. TJ Oshis had two moments.


Enough. That was not his one in the discussion moment.


Wasn't a moment.


Always had three moments, actually.


Oh, that was a him moment. Not a US hockey moment.


We went on the gold. Now, that was one of his moments. Yeah. Another shootout moment, right?




Yeah. So that's.


He's had two moments, but one of his. His moments didn't count.


Now there's hockey moments.


The US hockey.




TJ Oshi standing and making the entire table stand at Lake Tahoe for the national anthem was his third moment. I witnessed like he was sitting. The national anthem. There are a bunch of food trucks out there. Oh, she looked at his entire family, who was not standing. He gave him the look.




That you give when you're disappointed.


Speaker three anthem at like a golf tournament banquet, though.


I don't know. It was weird, but. Oh, she. When an anthem is played.


Oh, she stands at the table next to the sad Brian Kelly table.


Yes. Brian Kelly was by himself.


Just by himself.


By himself. Classic B cat.


I almost went over there.


Why didn't you? I don't know.


I got nervous.


Is that happening this year? I hope I'm going okay in the discussion for me. So here's my question to you, Stugat. So you said you're tired of hearing about the thunder. You're tired of people talking about it, saying you didn't watch it all year. I have a suspicion that you want the teams that you paid no attention to to lose immediately, so you don't actually have to learn anything about them.


That would be most of the teams.


Yeah. But then you can also be like I told you. I told you.


Yes. I mean, of course I'm rooting for myself to be right. Plus, I want to see Dallas in the Western Conference finals. I want to see Luca versus Anthony Edwards in the western Conference finals. I do. Do you? I do.


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