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This is The Dan Levator Show with the Stugatt's podcast. Stugat I am telling you that I embrace wholeheartedly a character that I don't think that I have seen ever exist before in the history of sports championship excellence. Really. I believe this personality type as Elaine. You win the championship, you get commercial success. Even if you're Kawhi Leonard, even if you're giving people dollops of nothing as personality, you become a champion. You become a champion forevermore. People remember that you won in Toronto and Kawhi Leonard can get a marketing campaign even though there's no personality there that anybody knows. But I have not seen the lane taken by a champion, by an MVP, by somebody or MVP caliber player, a guy who could be best in the league at something that Djokic has taken, which is to give off at every turn. Pretty profound indifference. Like if work is work, it ain't play. You'd rather be somebody somewhere else. You'd rather be at a Serbian racetrack. You'd rather be at a party back home. You'd rather be almost anywhere in the world than winning championships easily in basketball, which the customers who are watching Stugats are saying, I wish I had that skill.


That would be joyous. To be able to just roll through the lane like a cement mixer and bam. Out of Bio's got no answers for me. I'm just going to lay it in. The best he can do is hold me to nine for 13. I'm going to be overwhelming against everybody, but I'm not going to enjoy or look like I'm enjoying any of it. It's going to be a robot, a Serbian robot, a joyless Serbian robot, until he gets back home and does some dancing. And we see all the videos we saw this offseason of him celebrating, but when he got to camp, he was asked, as any of us would ask, all the video we saw seemed like a huge amount of fun you were having all offseason. And they asked him, well, how much fun is it? Is it the most fun? Listen to this. This past summer, the most fun you've had since you've been in the NBA? No, I think it's actually opposite. Wait, why? Because we played two and a half extra months and recovering everything. So it was good, but I had fun. Summers that I had more fun.


The opposite of fun. It was good. He almost preferred not making the playoffs. It would be more time off. It would be less wear and tear on his body. Let's just show a couple of clips. There were many on social media of it seemed like he was enjoying the holy hell out of his life back in his homeland, dancing and drinking and it feels a bit POCA ish in the POCA family of dancing. It is not. Is he standing on something? It looks to be a chair. No, it's not. What do you mean? He's giant. No, he's standing on a chair. Dan, everybody. His hip is at where people's heads are. He's not 71, Chris. Guys, put that thing back up. He is 1000% standing on a chair. Yeah. He is much bigger than the five foot five people around him. He is a giant. Have you guys ever stood? My head is not at shaq's hip. It is. No, it's not. It is pretty close, though. These people are more giant than you think they are. And I do think that these women might be small. But that guy back there, brendan tobin in the background there he is standing on a chair.


He might be, but I'm not sold. Not the point of the video. Let's see him also having you have a room full of people not getting above his head. That's right. All fights. This is a two point perspective thing. I think I have him being an actual giant. How do you run, chris Cody? How do you dominate the NBA and make it look easy? You're that height against everybody you're playing against. You have me doubting myself, but I'm telling you let's see some more. Show the other video. This is what he looks like next to normal people. Clip this one right now. See, that is normal people go up to his shoulders. See, they were those are his brothers. Is that tobin again? Again. Looks like he's having fun. It is a stiff and starch kind of fun. But you didn't see him celebrating that much of the larry O'Brien trophy. Kissing people. He kissed a man where his beard is the trophy that he got for his horse winning? I think so. I think that's from the racetrack. Yes. These are normal sized human beings who are coming up to his armpit. He kissed a man where his beard is.


That's right.


Kiss a man on the beard. He kissed a man on the beard. But I was 20, I guess. Wordy. A bit wordy. Agreed. Kissed a man on the beard would have sufficed. Thank you, stugatti. I appreciate your efficiency and editing. Can we go back to the other one now just to see how stupid we all were? Not all of us. Just me. I did not think he was standing on anything. We can go back to the other I stand with you. I do. 5ft taller than everybody. I think those are small people. Again, he is a giant person. One of the reasons that he had great success. Are you guys with me on the idea, though? Because you can't be inside someone's head. Especially if they are stoic. Especially if they've arrived at stardom and are fighting through the interviews in their second language where they say something is good. Winning the championship is good. But they're not exactly elaborating with poetry and eloquence about their experience. But they are calling it the opposite of fun. And he has said it is work that all of it. I do think he sees the belly of the beast from a different angle.


Flying to another city to get up in the morning and go do a walk around, a walk through for 90 minutes in some new city when you don't. Pretty easy life. It is an easy life, but he doesn't want to be doing it. He does it 82 times a year, man. He's on the other side of the world from what he actually cares about, though. Horses and poker music, as Dan would call it, and a good chair to start. He's got two real passions in life. The equivalent of poker, kissing someone on the beard and a chair. And as Chris Cody said, a chair that makes him look more giant than everyone around him. But I would say the polka genre of music, what was it? Serbian music I didn't recognize. Let's all stand up and do the polka right now. No, it sounded like it might have been an accordion. That there might have been an accordion, which we can all agree is essential to the POCA genre. Absolutely. I don't know what is essential to the pocah genre. You tell me what you would have described that music as. I deserve your mockery, but tell me what the music I would have just called it Serbian music.


I wouldn't have put myself out there with the POCA. I'm glad you can you find from our library is this happening in the Porsche belt? Do me a favor. Find what is this in kenosha. Kenosha, as our licensing agreement that doesn't allow us to have any fresh music. Can you please go through the entirety of our library and find the closest thing that we have to the polka genre that I can now put behind Jokic and have you tell me whether it is representative of the kind of music that we just heard? I just found a video called 80 minutes of polka. Thankfully, it was in my favorites. How I get up for Tuesdays with Greg? All right, let's wait. There's one simple oh, I got hit with hold on. Let's watch this thing. Let's watch it together. Not terrible. From Dan. I stand with you again. Thank you. Stand with me on a giant chair. Maybe he wasn't on a chair. Wait, I need to see Jokic dancing in order to confirm your report. Yes. I think my music here we go. Confirm the report. Capitulate. Capoculate. Hi, capoculate. Hey, I wanted to ask Kenosha kick in the ass.


I wanted to ask you guys I don't know if any of you feel the same way that I do. I stutz at this point in my life understand that so much of sports beyond people just saying it's a business is the coldness of transactions and doesn't leave a lot of room for care about your actual moralizing. But Urban Meyer being sold to me on Sundays. Standing on the Ohio state sideline. The coach he's back on the sideline. Last weekend when they were playing against Maryland and the entire Fox experience propping up Urban Meyers credentials. When the last we saw of him coaching football games was the universe laughing at his general incompetence? Is anyone else bothered by Urban Meyer's resuscitation or the attempt at resuscitation? When the last time we saw you, everyone was laughing that you couldn't last through one NFL season without being a laughingstock? I'm also bothered, but I'm bothered by it on Saturdays. Traditionally, that's when college I get so bothered that it stays with me the following day. Really? It's 24 hours. It's in my football experience. I'm like I remember when I used to enjoy these Sundays more because I could laugh at Urban Meyer, but now they put him on Saturdays where I could laugh at him less, and I feel like I should laugh at him the same exact amount.


Well, to be fair, the only time that I ever really laughed at Urban Meyer was on Sundays, because on Saturdays is it possible that our news factions are so fragmented that people who get news on Saturday are only getting it on Saturdays, and therefore their experience is urban Meyer is a leader of men of triumph. I've not seen any of the information that he gave me on Sundays that proved he is not. He's a jackal and a jokester who is lying and stealing and cheating and failing at every turn. And I think it's wait a minute. What about Saturday night? Wasn't that photograph in a bar on a Saturday night? Wasn't that a Saturday night? No, it was a Sunday night. He didn't fly home with a team, but I think it was a Saturday night. Oh, maybe it was a Sunday night. It was. He didn't fly home with the Sunday afternoon. What time zone was it? It might have been a Saturday game. I think it was Jags browns Sunday. And he didn't fly home with the Jacksonville Maven, Ohio just whatever is happening in this segment, don't make me play poker music behind him getting grinded on inside of his draft.


Get that right now. No, I don't have the time. Get the video back there. We don't have him getting grinded on at his own draft house in our library. If they could find the video in the next 90 seconds of the he was certainly playing a POCA that night. Urban Meyer. He was trying to poke POCA. Barely. Noah hey, wait a minute. Did you just tighten a rotten imaginary tie after making that joke? He just did the old timey stand up comic who was wearing a tie pulling uncomfortably at his tie because his joke didn't land the way that he wished for it to land. Take my wife, please. Urban Meyer might still be pristine on Saturdays, and now they're cleaning up his image on the rest of the days because I'm told that Netflix documentary on the university of Florida was very successful even though it was just blatant and clear propaganda made by and for Urban Meyer. I'm also told that Michigan state is very interested in Urban Meyer. We don't have a video of the finger poker. Thank you. There is a poker going on there that is put the music right behind it.


Thank you. This is Urban Meyer on a Sunday night refusing to come home. How's your uncle? That is not what I would be saying without that is a hey, how's your uncle? That is a hey, how's your uncle? It's what you do, Dan. It is not. It's not a hey, how's your uncle? It's what you do. Dan says to God, king of the hey, how's your uncle? Don Lebotard well, my point about Jimbo.


Fisher is that Nick Saban, he's been trying to cancel me for saying that Mrs. Met has cake and Bobby Bowden would have said, Mrs. Met, she is snatched.


Stu guts.


I never pay for a player now. I would pay for Mrs. Med to give me a lap dance.


This is The Dan Levatar Show with The Stugats.


So Jess and I are back with another edition of our unnamed college football show. Honestly, unnamed college football show sounding pretty good right now. Better than all the other options, better than every other option. I will say people have pretty much given up on sending us names, which is also better than the other option. 100%. I feel like we're at a good point now where we're just going to pretend it doesn't have a name for the rest of the year and just never acknowledge it. Unnamed college football segment. Yeah, I think it works. SEO I'm sure they'll love it. Is it unnamed if we name it that? My brain's in a pretzel. I don't know the answer to that, but I do know, Lucy, that Stu gott's voice. Dan georgia, they're back is back. Georgia looked georgia did exactly what I expected them to do this weekend. This Georgia team I don't think is as good as in previous years. I think it's safe to say that they have a new quarterback. They're just a five star machine. They just rotate five stars in at every position. But sometimes it doesn't mesh and it doesn't click.


But when they struggled against Auburn, I knew that they would then go on to kick Kentucky's ass. I don't think that Kentucky was like a great litmus test of how great Georgia is or not because they hadn't really played anybody outside of Florida who also we don't really understand right now. I would say it was everything I expected to happen because that's what Georgia does. If it's like, oh, this will be a competitive game. They're going to beat the crap out of you. If it's a game they're supposed to blow the waters off completely destroy somebody, they're going to keep it real close. Georgia is still my favorite to win the national championship. They have been for the last twelve months. Yeah, I'll say twelve months, since midway through October 2022. I was like, they're going to win the next two national championships, and guess what? They won one. They're still the favorite to win the next. We talked a lot about the Red River Rivalry on Golic and smitey this week, so maybe you don't need to recap that. People should check it out, though, if you want to hear more of this segment.


We basically did like a 30 minutes version of it on the Golick and smitey show, which you can catch wherever you find your podcast. It's also on YouTube. But Lucy, we didn't get to talk too much about the USC Arizona game, which was like one of the funnier I don't want to call it like a stinker. The ending could have been great. Arizona had an opportunity to really put the nail in the coffin, and then instead they let USC with the heisman winning quarterback Caleb Williams, come back and win the game. But this was, to me, one of the better games of the night in terms of back and forth competition all the way throughout the game. And it shouldn't be just in the sense of talent alone. USC should wipe the floor with Arizona every time they play. But it's something that you have pointed out so well since the beginning of the year, that if you're just watching Lincoln Riley, you're not going to see any defense. He doesn't care about it. He doesn't want to care about it. He's going to ignore it for as long as he possibly can to the point where people are blaming Alex Grinch, which they should, and they should blame Lincoln Riley as well.


And the players are like, no, it's our fault, it's our fault. No, it's not bestie. It's not you, it's not them. I agree. The USC fans are freaking out now because they are about to play the meat of their schedule, like the toughest teams on their schedule, the really good Pac Twelve competition with these high powered, high flying offenses, and it's a question mark. Arizona is the best team USC has played this season, and it went to three overtimes and they only won, I think, because Jedfish doesn't know the overtime does. Can we take like five minutes? Maybe not that long because we don't have that much time left in the segment already. We're halfway through somehow. Take like, one quick lucy, what are the college football overtime rules? Because they changed before last season. Now you have to go for two in the second overtime if you score a touchdown and in the third overtime onward, you can't score touchdowns. You just are doing two point conversions. Yes, you explained it well. I believe this was a product of LSU. Texas A M was a break. It was like a nine overtime game and it was like a seven hour long game, but they're like, we can't make college football players play seven hour long football games.


And then we went to the product of that was Penn State Illinois two years ago, where you had like, I think it was a six or seven overtime game where I don't think either team got in the 20s. It was bad. It was an incredibly low scoring game. I think the big thing that people don't understand about these overtime rules is so in the beginning, the first overtime is normal than it's what you would normally expect an overtime to be. You can go for two in that situation and win the game. I don't know why coaches are not doing that. So that was what Jed Fish didn't seem to realize, because if they had gone for two so the other thing that I don't think we, I think, realized this during the Colorado Colorado State game, this like, it's not alternating possessions. It's not like, Arizona goes, USC goes, arizona goes, USC goes. It's alternating choice. So USC elects to go first, then Arizona goes, and then Arizona will go again, and then USC goes. So if USC and I can see why this maybe sounds complicated if you're if USC goes and they score a touchdown and kick an extra point, and then Arizona scores and they have the choice, right?


You either kick an extra point and tie it, or you go for two and you win the game or you kick the extra point, you're tied. Now you have to go again. And in the second overtime, you still have to go for two because that's the new rule. So instead of doing the two point conversion in the first overtime and that's it, that's the end of the game, they kicked the extra point and gave USC the opportunity to then go in the second overtime and win it, which they still didn't do. If you're a dog like the way Arizona was in that game, where, like, USC's defense is bad. But I think we can all say that USC is way more talented than Arizona is. There's no reason you shouldn't just go for two in the beginning, just seal the deal, go after the win. Because I don't think that Arizona and they didn't you're not going to survive multiple overtimes against Caleb Williams. That's just not going to happen. I feel like when the NCAA came together, the rules committee and they said, let's put this overtime together, someone rose their hand and said, how can we make this as difficult as possible?


And they're like, yes, confusing and silly. Make it make no sense. The best defense for what Arizona did was like, did you see the two point play they drew up? It wasn't very good. That's probably why they didn't go for two earlier. And you know what? I respect that. So there's a little overtime review for you. It's a little confusing. It's very confusing. USC's got notre Dame this weekend? Yeah, I think weird one, it's going to be weird. You've told me the weather is going to be terrible. It might rain all day and then stop for the game, but we'll see about that. I think Rain probably favors Notre Dame. Absolutely. They're a two and a half point favorite right now. I think just because USC's defense is so bad and Notre Dame has had like a really tough stretch and lost two of their last three games against ranked opponents in these primetime games where everyone's watching. And so they need to be able to figure it out on their offense against a bad defense or else this is not a nine or ten win team. This is very much an eight win team if they can't figure that out at best.


So it's a big test for Notre Dame and also a big test for USC because now they're playing Notre Dame and now they've got to play Oregon and Washington after that. So huge weekend for a lot of teams. Coming up, louisville, who is now undefeated after beating Notre Dame. They're six and their best start in ten years with Jeff Brom. Notre Dame got brahmed feels bad. It's sad about happened to all of us. We're in a little therapy. Like we got Brahmed group chat right now. But Louisville's got a pretty easy conference schedule this year. They're playing Duke, Miami, and Kentucky. Those are the only air quotes ranked teams left on their schedule. They may all be unranked by the time Louisville plays them and it kind of remains to be seen. The win over Notre Dame I think is huge for them but still kind of want to see more body of work from this team. It's got not in the style of football but just in the situation they're in. It's got a little big Ten West energy right now where just by luck of the draw, you might end up in the ACC championship because this is a good year for the ACC.


You've got UNC. Duke is a little bit of a question mark now with Riley Leonard. We're just going to I still think Duke is good. Yeah, no, Duke is good, but Leonard yeah. Leaves some questions to be answered. But yeah, Louisville feels and also I say Louisville wrong every time people let me know that I can't say it. I literally can't do it. I've tried so many times. I can't do it and I'm sorry. I literally try and I can't. So I apologize. Please don't be mad at me. I'm doing my very best. Yeah. They feel like a team that's just going to kind of luck in. Not that they're undefeated. They're a lot better than under Scott Satterfield. Excuse me. Yeah. Brahm's, the prodigal son. He's back home. Some are saying they're as good as Georgia, so losing to them really not that bad. It's like getting blown out of the home by penn State. They're probably the national champions hell, yeah segment. But they play Pitt this weekend, and Pitt has finally decided to bench their transfer portal quarterback Phil Djokovic. They didn't even bench him. They were like, you're tight. We think.


We think. Lucy, we have a new segment called College Football Head Coach role play. Do you want to be Pat Nardouzi or the reporter here? I think I can be the reporter. I bet you do a great nardusi.




I haven't really practiced it, so I might just read it straight. But this is what happened in Pat Narduzzi's press conference this week when asked about the rumors that Phil Djokovic had moved to the tight end position. All right, coach, will he play tight end then? No. Again, rumors get out there, I guess, whatever you want to call it. He's been in the quarterback meetings. He's a quarterback and that's what he is. Could he be a tight end someday? Yeah, but I'm talking down the line. He's a quarterback here at Pitt. You do a great Nordic in the depth chart for the game notes, is he listed as number three on the quarterback depth chart? Who? Phil. He's listed as number two right now, but we'll see how the week goes. Did Phil run routes this past weekend at practice? Did he run routes? Yes.


I don't remember.


No, he didn't run any routes in a team period at all, ever. What about in the drill setting? Did he run any routes? I don't recall if he runs routes. He's a tight end. Thank you, Pat Nordusy. Thank you. The who question is phenomenal. That's the best part of all of this. What are you talking about? Oh, man. Good stuff. Good stuff. So there's a lot of good games this weekend. Lucy, you're going to Colorado versus Stanford on Friday night. What else are we looking at this weekend? I mean, we have, like, two minutes left. We could talk for days about the Georget Miami debacle. We've been over it. All right, guys, we're not enough. North Carolina, miami. Listen to Thursday's post game show if you want to hear Mike Ryan and Taylor do a little recap of that. But what else do we have? The big game this weekend, oregon, Washington. I think it's going to be awesome. I'm super excited for it. I think Michael Pinix Jr. Is not getting nearly enough conversation. Just I know Washington hasn't played a ton of people yet or a ton of teams yet, but he's amazing.


The numbers he's putting up are absolutely insane. He should be a Heisman front runner at this point in time, but I honestly think playing in Washington, playing on the West Coast has been tough for just his like status. This game should rule Oregon's. Defense has looked better throughout the season. It's bo nicks michael Pinix Jr. They're going to be a lot of points scored. I'm really, really excited for this. Yeah. Washington's receivers all are so good. I think Oregon's probably got the slight advantage and their defense is like a little bit better than Washington's if you put them up head to head. But again, this game, I anticipate lots of offense so I am very excited. It's the opposite of whatever's happening in the big ten west game that your team's playing in this weekend. Well, I have a great segue. So Iowa and Wisconsin are playing this weekend. Most likely the winner will go on to play in Indy for the big ten championship game. Saw a tweet this weekend. Both coordinators for Washington have Iowa ties. Come on home. We want you. Come on. You're going to love it. Flee. Fly, you fool.


Come back. Come home. It's going to be a fun weekend. We also got UCLA and Oregon State. UCLA, big pac. Really impressive last weekend against Washington state. We're going to learn a lot about the pac twelve this weekend. Thank God. Putting that on the record right now.


I don't know what we're going to.


Learn but we're going to learn something.


Don levitard. Kiss me where you bruise me. Taste me on that fleshy part. Really? Yeah, really. Taste me on that fleshy part. Taste me not, touch me. Taste me on that fleshy part. Wow. Bruce, I'm talking about the clitoris. Yes, I am. Now we're out here riffing and I'm going to try to find it if I can't. What a wonderful rendition. This is the dan Levitar show with the stu gats. Am I the only one that feels terrible that HBO real sports is going away after 29 years? That something that was doing good, expensive, resource soaked journalism that did long form projects. That was a magazine show from a different time. Doing some of the best work in just television. Not just sports television. Does anyone care? Did any of you watch Bryant gumble?


No. Hit it, Roy.


I've never been so happy to see this the grim reaper bucket. The grim reaper. Never been so happy to see the grim reaper. Yeah. Than to do the real sports segment again. This bucket of death and that grim reaper brought to you by KFC's new hot and spicy wings. Order an eight piece of the new hot and spicy wings for 499 at a participating KFC today. It's finger licking good. Who has to do it? Everybody. Jeremy is not here. Chris Cody had a family engagement that he had to go to. Yeah. So Lucy is picking twice. Once for her, once for Jeremy.


I hate the pressure of that, by the way.


Jeremy is first. So what's the first one? So this is how it works since I rule the nylon fist. If it's good, it's yours. If it's bad, it's Jeremy's.


Okay. So we got the raiders.


The raiders are a favorite against the patriots. They're a three point favorite at home.


I'm picking for Jeremy right now.




I really like Jeremy. So. I'm going to put it back.


Okay, that's not a bad but I mean, three point favorites, a good pick.


I don't trust it.


There's nothing good in that thing. I'm so on the path this week.




Oh, that's much better. That's a good one. That could be billy, stop it. Billy, stop.


No, you could swap with yourself. Jeremy on his. That's true. Let's go.


Nice loophole. I roll with an iron fist. You have to pick now. What Jeremy has to swap with or.


If it's good then I'll just keep it for me.


Yeah. You are not helping Billy. He never is. You're not. You are not ever trying. I found out I had a punishment to pay off this week and I thought my costume wasn't here, but it's been here the whole time. Great. Crazy. You roll with an iron.


Why does the reaper look bored? I'm sorry, sir, are we bored? Yeah. So this is Jeremy one and a.


Half point dog at home against the Saints.


Okay, so do I need to pick again?


He's forced it. No. Now you're picking for you. This is what someone ends up with.


Let me tell you. I told you guys I didn't want to pick for Jeremy. I was overwhelmed.


Lucy, let's do this. Okay, Lucy, this is what we're going to do, okay? We're going to cause inner office squabble because and you're not going to tell Jeremy that I did this on your behalf. You get the swap helmet. You've stolen it from Jeremy. You are now selecting for Jeremy. All of what just happened is yours. You now select for Jeremy.


I don't think I understand a word you said, but I'm just going to.


Pick it for Jeremy again. You got the swap helmet. Congrats. You just stole it from Jeremy does make it cleaner.


I got the Panthers, which that sucks.


The Panthers are a 13 and a half point dog on the road against the dolphins.


I can put this back.


Put it back for Jeremy. This is for Jeremy. It's weird because today has gone so easy. Well, Billy got back. What's different?




Underdog. Okay, you can pick any underdog here. OOH.


Okay. So this one's mine?






No, this one is Jeremy's. This is Jeremy. He's going to have to pick an underdog. You're good. We move on. The Texans are at home as a favorite against an underdog against the Saints.


I would also everywhere. I am very overwhelmed by the moment.


I would take a pay. There's also the swap. If you want to swap for the underdog, Billy, go ahead. And you, Billy.




Billy. Billy already picked. Well, I'm picking for Chris. No, I don't want things better. Here we go. Where's your iron? Over here. Reaper. Why don't you stick your iron fist in the bucket of whoa. Asshole. What? Yeah, stick it there. Sponsored friends. Oh, the raiders. I'm going to put that one back again with the raiders. The Raiders are a three point favorite at home against the Patriots. The Patriots. I don't think they're playing the Raiders. Is that the patriots? This is the patriots. But the swap is still a play, so Jeremy Lucy could possibly come on, Reaper. Let's go, Reaper. Let's go, Reaper. Just get it away from get it away from Billy. Get the show away from FIU. Welcome this into get the microphones away. Language is atrocious messing around. Why is the Reaper mumbling under his breath? The reaper is not confident. His pants been yelled at. Reaper, get over to Roy, please. Reaper, come on. The Reaper's. Timid, I'll go quick. Weirdly. Timid. I got the chargers. They're monday Night Football against the Cowboys. Two point dog at home. Jesus Christ. The Broncos. All right, so you're taking the Broncos instead. Cool.


Broncos are ten and a half point dog against the Chiefs. At the Chiefs. Well, we know that they lost because that game was last night. So perfect. Good thing we know that. Yeah, we know that for sure.


Is pushy. OOH. Thank you for your service. Are any of the service academies on a buy this week? Perhaps air Force?


Bad memories on that.


Well, I don't. They're playing Wyoming. I don't want that. Wyoming, maybe navy's on a buy.


We'll get back to you.


Well, I need to pick if they're not on a buy. No, they're playing charlote. Charlote's bad. I'm going to put it back.


In the Coast Guard. Thank you for your service. You're against America. Unbelievable. You're against the military coast Guard. That's disrespectful. It's the most controversial thing that went.


To Ireland to watch the troops play football. None of you did that.


You hate what you root against the troops. I stayed here supporting them. The sailors.


The jets.


The jets are a six and a half point dog at home against the.


I should have gone with Air Force.


I'm surprised that you said no. Thank you for your service. That was shocking. The Cincinnati Bengals. The Bengals are two and a half point favorite against the Seahawks. I have to keep that one right. All right. Come on over here, Reaper. You trust the Bengals now? You bet. The Bengals last week, you like them against Arizona. Arizona stinks. You think the Bengals are back? Everybody's fine. Jamar Chase is fine. Burrow is healthy. I've learned my lesson from putting back favorites. You have doubted the Bengals the last couple of years. Yeah, but I'm back on. They're going to get back to shitty. Nice little get right game against the Arizona Cardinals last week and the offense looking a little bit better. And that's a two and a half point spread. Right? I'll take it. The Timid Reaper is taking his time getting into this room. The Timid Reaper is moving very slowly. Defeated sad, real Emily. Shit. The Reaper. Come on. I don't like this game. Can you move a little? Just move a little. Bit faster. Thank you, Reaper.


He's making the show all about himself.


Reaper self absorbed. Thank you. Thank you for your service helmet. I will indeed believe in the troops. Which one are you taking? Whichever one is favored by the no, no. Navy. Right, navy. Navy's playing charlote, right?




All right.




I'll take Navy. All right. I believe in our troops. I believe in America. I believe you. I feel like I'm patriotic. Yes. I don't want to watch that game either, Jessica. I'm trying to support America. Thank you, Reaper. Dan, I have some news for you. Yes? It appears that the Coast Guard football team is on a buy. Well, take that, then. Well, I'm sorry your pick was locked in. Well, you would have I take the coast iron fist. Well, hold on. There is a swap. Lucy has a swap. Lucy can then pick an academy. Or Jeremy.




I don't remember. Wait, jessica can have the service helmet. She can have it. I can't gift the service helmet. She had it first. So Lucy's keeping the Texans?


No, I'll take it. And I'll take well, no, guys. Iron fist.


I roll with an iron fist. Don't you want to swap with Roy? Who took the Broncos? They had a shocking upset last all right, let's all just draw again. Let's all just draw again.