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This is The Don Levator Show with the Stu Guts podcast.


It is nice to be back. I missed you guys.




I legitimately missed you guys. I missed the always joyous face of one Roy Bellamy. Roy Bellamy's. Panthers play at the Bruins tonight. We'll get to that in a second.


Brew bees.


No. Which is it? Is it the bees or the brew crew? Which is it? Because big bad brewing. I don't understand why brew crew.




Thank you.


Welcome back.


Did you guys play?


You missed, huh?


Did you? Not for long. Did you guys play? It's like going to Vegas. You're all excited, getting back, and then three minutes in. You know that that hotel looks like it's right there, but you got to walk 7 miles in 110 degree heat. But yes, I'm about over it.


Wait until you get to the Big Suey.


Billy, did you do FIU football again? And were you again down 21 nothing in the first quarter?


Yes, and yes, I did do FIU again last week. Jacksonville State, coached by Rich Rodriguez, which was a surprise to what a fall. What a fall. I didn't want to say that that's.


Not happened to Jessica, but how much of that is happening to you guys every week where you tune in somewhere and you see, oh, look at there Al Golden's, the Notre Dame guy.


Can we find a sadder fall than Rich Rodriguez, though?


That's going to be tough to beat.


Oh, I think we can.


I think we can put on spring football once.


Where's Butch Jones?


Oh, good question.


Is it Arkansas State or something?


He did cry in their season opener.


He lost 73 nothing in their season opener.


Yeah, but who were they playing? That was probably a payday, right?


But still, he was crying on the sideline because of how far he had fallen, and I think he was on his knees. And it's a guy who had previously fallen. Didn't he tear his Achilles while shaking hands after a game one time?


It's recently announced that Todd Haley will not return as head coach of the Memphis Showboats.


It is State, though, because he's coming.


Back to the Steelers.


Hell yeah.


I know that, Jim. Tom Sula won a European football championship oh, stop it.


When undefeated what? Yes. In Germany. Yes. Tom Sula.


How's this, Brady? Tom Shula is the head coach of San Diego State. They're in 9th place in the Mountain.


West, but he's back.


Look how pleased is with Tom Shula. He's now calling the undefeated. Was it the Rhine fire? The undefeated Tom Sula.


Everyone said it flew right over Chris.


Thank you, Chris Cody. He came back to it because he's like, that's a good joke. He knew it was a good joke and he's like, no, you guys didn't acknowledge it the first time.


He was just slurring or something.


He came back the second time because god damn it, listen to me. I had the floor to myself last week. I could be hurt. Tom Shula.


Rough season for the Red Wolves. Four and four in the fun. Belt west. Yeah. They lost to Oklahoma, 73 nothing. That's understandable, right?




All right, put it on the poll, please. Juju out. Lebitard show greater fall from grace. Rich Rodriguez or Butch Jones, since you insist on arguing about this.


Oh, Belt.


Whoa, whoa.


I was wrong. He had a very rough 2022. Also, it went like three and eight. Not good. That's good. He did 2021.


Forgive me, Billy, can we merge?


Bad 2021, too. Butch Loans is not long for the Red jones.




Jones. What did I say?


No, the last name deserves to start.


With an L. Yeah, sorry.


Jacksonville state is good.


No, this is Arkansas State.


I was going back to the poll.


It's been a long day. Mondays are rough.


It's been a long day. We just started. We're three minutes into the show. Early.


They bust that out early.


Well, this is what's happening around here, and people don't understand what's happening around here, and I don't blame them. It'll become more obvious in the next couple of months why we were in Hollywood and what it is that we're doing. But Billy Ann Stugats have already done God bless football. It should be out. Stugats will tell you what the top five quarterbacks are who should be traded to the Minnesota Vikings.


Just top five guys that might be the next Vikings quarterback. That's all.


I kind of want that list.


Yes, I heard it.


You don't. Well, this is what happened before the show. I just asked Billy before we started, and this is why billy's already tired, because I said, what don't we cover? Because it's been covered on god bless football. And he's like, Please, dear God, do not cover who's being traded to the Minnesota Vikings. And Chris Cody waddles over and is like, I'd kind of like to know.


So Ryan tannehill number three.


Well, we'll talk about quarterback evaluation in a second because it appears that Vrabel is kind of afflicted with the same thing Belichick was, where he doesn't know how to evaluate quarterbacks, and so he plays Drew Bledsoe, and then Drew Bledsoe has to get hurt, and then he plays Tom Brady. And Will Levis did something yesterday. All of a sudden, all of us was like, did all of us not have the same reaction of, really? DeAndre Hopkins can still get down the entire field? How were they playing football before this?


I had that reaction. I also had the reaction, wow, Will Levis is a titan, and he's good.


He was third on the depth chart prior to that start. He did not look good in the preseason. That was pretty shocking.




And why was Malik Willis not playing?


I guess they have a new GM over there and Ran Corathon, who basically took Will Levis because you look at the draft board and the value. Remember, he slid quite a bit second round. It's not punitive to take a shot at a quarterback. But Will Levis did not impress Malik Willis, I think earlier this season, was getting the backup action over there. And Will Levis comes in with a shock start and makes everybody look stupid.


Well, it looked Herberty right. Just drop back and throw the ball 50 yards. Big statuesque guy back there. And we were all like, Whoa, where did all that come from? Tennessee has been constipated for seven games. Like, you know, that offense isn't going anywhere because it's just Derrick Henry in a phone booth. It's just slants and slants. And they really miss AJ. Brown because it appears he's kind of good.




Dan, I saw on Sunday Night Live yesterday with Tony and Juju that you were on that. And I saw Tony with one of the worst takes I've ever heard that Will Levis looked like Dan Marino. How did you not eviscerate him?


Thank you, Billy. I was trying to support what Tony and Juju were doing over there. Unlike you, who loves to undercut. It's the first thing he said, and I wanted to break into programming and scream at him. But I was there.


I was there to support yes, and.


You can't support that, though. I mean, everyone has a line.


No, because he's trying to learn how.


To yeah, but it's like teaching your kids to drive. You can't let them crash the car well, up until you're about to get to the wall. And then you're like, Let me take the hit the brakes here. You know what I mean?


They are both six four.


This is what's happening around here and why it is that I allowed it with Tony even though he's clearly overreacting. You understand that he's learning at the stugatz trough. The next evolution of the takemaster has to take the take where the take hasn't been taken. And so what do you do? One start, he looks like Marino, and then we'll pull it back after you.


Four TDs. And again, six foot four does kind of look like Marino.


What a menace. He's better than Marino. Dan, like, why didn't you kind of push the gas on it?


Yeah. I have to acknowledge at this point, Billy might be right. This is why I have to acknowledge it. Because they are seeing sports through a different prism, he and Mike, as adults with children. And they see things quicker than I do sometimes. And this happened the other day with Jalen Ramsey because Jalen Ramsey objected. He was furious. Adam Schefter reported that Jalen Ramsey planned to make his return Sunday from a knee injury from this summer a month early stugatt. And Jalen Ramsey would have what should have been a pick six might have been a pick six from a healthier jalen Ramsey right.


Went the wrong way.


Yes, he did go the wrong way. Easy for us to say. We're not out there. But, yes, he did go the wrong way. And if it had been me or Stu gotz, it would have been a pick six. But he's coming off an injury, and so it was not. But Jalen Ramsey got legitimately pissed, it seemed like, at Adam Schefter's report saying, so this is why I just got a crazy amount of texts. Well, this is news to me that I'm starting on Sunday. MFers don't care about being right. They care about being first in today's media. That's sad. And immediately as that landed sugats, what are your thoughts to just that? What are your thoughts to what Jalen Ramsey's reaction was?


I think it's a weird thing for Jalen Ramsey to be concerned about, to be honest with you. Like, who cares what the media is saying? And who cares if they're saying you're?


Like, I'll tell you why someone cares. Mike Ryan immediately texted me. He's objecting this way. It's not about who's first or who's right or what's sad. Mike Ryan jalen Ramsey left Jacksonville coming in after a holdout or whatever, and he left and joined the team out of a Brinks truck. Stugats, he was making a music video. Then he goes to the Rams, wins a championship. Like, he's been at the top of this sport.




And he's coming to Miami. Not unlike Tyree kills Stugatt as a brand. His Jr. His initials together to form a football. It's sleek. He's coming from Los Angeles, and he's star. And Mike Ryan texted me, I bet you that he's objecting to this because he's got some lame video he wants to put out on Instagram to signal his arrival. And he's mad at Adam Schefter because he undermined the release of his video. Lo and behold, look what happens a couple of days later. Unfortunately on Jalen rams.


This is a very hard thing to.


Return, to play from.


It. They get a crib with the maid and with a bigger fit I wish they made. We took a risk for this. I don't know why. If he gets any sucker between me and my city rabbits, I put on my bars. I really could.


It's just a high bar, is all, and people have no idea how hard it is to recover and return.


I think it's a tall order for.


Jalen Ramsey to come back and be Jalen Ramsey. Little over the top. You said to me, Chris Cody, you said you say Goosey's, you asshole. Right? You asshole. Why would you say no?


There was a roller coaster there, the very beginning.




About 40 seconds in, I'm like, all right, this is a bit too much.


Was it the rocky music?


Why was he getting a haircut?


That's a great question.


The other stuff kind of makes sense.


He's getting ready.


He's coming back.


He's getting ready.


Want to look nice when you come.


Know, Jessica, what's happening there between him. And it's is it that crass? Is it that brazen? I want to announce my return via music video. Schefter quit undermining me.


It was very silly because I read his quote, Heat, and I was like, wow, this is a bad look for Adam Schefter. And then I saw that he was active, and I was like, okay, I'm the idiot here.


Actually, just that being the go to, considering where we are and everyone feels like they can just take shots at the media, adam Schefter is pretty reputable when it comes to these things. And when you damn well know it's true because you've already shot your Hype video, it's just a terrible look. And just it's all that for just it's dumb.


Where we it would have been really funny if Schefter just tweeted out the video.


That would have been great.


Who's not watching that video? Like, if you're a fan of the Dolphins, you're still going to check out the video. It's not like up. I already knew it from schefter can't watch the video.


Just stay quiet. Just stay quiet. Instead of do the whole fake news bit. That's all tired and all that.


Don Lebotard could I interest any of you in an opportunity to make money where I buy some calling cards and I sell them to you, and then you get three friends and then you're making money off the ones they sell?


Stu guts. Anything to.


The more friends, the more you make friends.




This is The Dan Levatar Show with The Stugats.


I'm going to stop you here just because this Dolphin team is the most exciting of this century and they're interesting. They're going to play a Chiefs team with a evidently very sick Patrick Mahomes. We're going to allow him that sick to fly back and forth.


That's convenient.


That's a good idea.


By, you know what is Germany.


He should stay back. Safety first.


Funny hearing people in Florida be like, oh, he should stay home.


He'sick it's not just about him.


It's about others. It is crazy that the Chiefs and the Dolphins are going to be playing at 630 on the West Coast. Los Angeles at 630 is going to.


Be getting so good now.




West coast is so happy.


Last week, this was great.


I like those games early. I felt so less slothy late at night.


Waking up early, I think, adds to the experience of a big game feel Europe game.


It's like getting up for soccer or for F one.


I like that.


I like that you like this game.


Being played at 930 in the morning.


Have you seen the week nine slate? You have a monster national game in every television window. If you put in a bunch of teams in a bucket and ask AI to generate what's the most exciting matchup right now, they may come back with Chiefs and Dolphins. And you're starting your Sunday morning with it, and you're ending your Sunday with Bills at Bengals. It's just a crazy week. Especially when you compare that to this.


Week, which was just garbage.


I'm over Europe.




In general.




As a continent.


All of it.






What do you mean?


I'm just over it? And why do they get our best football game?




They didn't know that the Dolphins were.


Going to be this.


They knew that this was going to be a big game. It's tyree kill's revenge game. They knew that they want to come.


Out with a bang.






The NFL is never going to take off in Germany. I'm just going to say it right now. Wasting time. They're wasting time in Germany.


I think they sold the game out in, like, four minutes.


Yeah, that's great. One game.




No time.


I'm talking about last year's game, which was the bucks in town. They sold that one out and there was a crazy appetite for it.


Put a team there. See how many times people go to watch American football.


They're going to promote Jim Tom Shula's team over there.


There you go, my guy.


They are going to go global with this. They're going to try. I mean, London Super Bowl. Okay, okay.


A London Super Bowl.


And London should never get a Super Bowl.




Mark my words on that. The day that London gets a Super Bowl is the day that Americans should stop watching football and see if Roger Goodell continues to around with us.


He's right.




I'm sorry, Preach.


We've gone too far. The Super Bowl. We're going to have to wake up and watch it at 06:00 A.m.. Get the hell out of here.


Very myopic out of here.


I think they started at, like, 330.


Well, then why can't they all start at 330? If all of a sudden the Super Bowl can start at 330, why can't every game start at 330? So everyone can watch it.


Keep in mind that you're so sick.


Of these 09:00 A.m. Games in Europe for what Super Bowl should be doing.


Super bowl should be on a Saturday.


The 09:00 A.m.. Maybe on a Saturday.


There because of the whole time zone thing.


I don't even know.


We'll discuss that.


Another Australia.




The 09:00 a.m games are new. It's just like a couple they've been playing for how long over in London? And those games would always start at 01:00. It'd be a primetime game in London. They're experimenting with these all day TV windows.


You know how I know it's not going to work? NFL europe.




Caso Serrado.


No. The Rhine fire is a two time world bowl champion. A what? They're in Germany. The Rhine fire.


And they're back.


Greg Lobos is a seven time Greg's Lobo Bowl champion. Who cares?


Just deflect. I need to leave for two weeks more often so that Billy comes out of the gate like that. I need to go more.


You agree, though, right?


Go more on trips. No, I don't, Billy.


You just sound scared. You just sound like you're already making excuses for the Dolphins.


Oh, I'm terrified. Well, I don't think they're going to travel well.


Well, the Chiefs look, the Chiefs looked so bad. I know.


Revenge game for the Chiefs.


I want to do this. I want to do this part for a second, though, because that is a fun game. And Tyreek Hills Dugat is having the best start to a season from a receiver that we've ever seen.


He's the MVP of the league. Maybe Dan like, I can't imagine what the Dolphins record would be without Kill.


AJ. Brown has been just as good.


He's been great.


And their team is better because the Eagles are kind of like Georgian college football, where you're like something's, a note off. Some things are not off. Oh, they don't lose.


It could be because they also drafted all Georgia players.


They lost to the jets.


Yeah, I know, but that's their only loss, and we'll get to that game in a second. That was a suffering. I did not want that game to go into overtime just because I did not want to have those two teams play any more shit football. But I want to get back to the point that Mike and the general objection of the room to what Jalen Ramsey is doing. And I will tell you again, Stugatt, I understand La doesn't care about sports, or we think it doesn't, but Jalen Ramsey won a championship there and went there to become a bigger star. Stifled by Jacksonville. Goes and becomes a champion and was a part of weekly matchups. We don't do this a lot anymore. Where we were talking about Jalen Ramsey.


On this guy, I think I'm the only person in this room that took objection to what Jalen Ramsey was doing. No one cares. The media is such easy fodder and such an easy mark for Jalen. No one's going to be like Jalen Ramsey. We're holding you accountable for lying about that Adam Schefter thing. No one cares. The media is a bad guy, as always. My whole thing is Jalen Ramsey. You're not helping with that. Just stay quiet if it's all about your video.


But this is why, though I would argue he doesn't have to stay quiet, and it's part of what I've seen that's been so fascinating to me with this Dolphin team. There are a couple of guys on it who really want to be stars. And Hard Knocks is coming to town. And the Miami Dolphins have been a regional team for 25 years. Dugats for, like, legitimately 20 years, they've been a regional team. And now they're a story in sports because everyone sees. They can see. Look how fast that team is. Look how creative it is. Look how relaxed their coach is. Their coach is a little strange. This is not a normal football coach. And what you're seeing from his schemes looks even better by a good amount than what's happening in San Francisco because the quarterback gets rid of the ball so fast that they've created something in their organization, Sturgotts, to kind of protect the economy. How do we get to a not hurt? Throw everything in 2 seconds. Yes, everything gets thrown in 2 seconds. So that even your offensive lineman, they're all out. You can't run the ball at all. He's still not getting pummeled because he gets rid of everything so fast.


They're incredible. They're fun to watch. They score 35 points in a day where not everything is clicking. Not everyone is healthy. If they get home field advantage, I think they'll win the Super Bowl. I really do. I think they'll make it to the Super Bowl because I believe that team is unbeatable at home. But I don't care about the Jalen Ramsey stuff. Dan, it is so absurd to ask Adam Schefter not to do his job so you can present your video to me. That's ridiculous.


It's all ridiculous. My only point is that Jalen Ramsey has half a season to make himself a star. He started yesterday with an important interception.


That might have been that's what makes you a star. Do stuff on the field.


Stugats. Stugats. That's not true. Go ahead and name all the Eagles corners. Go ahead and name all of the Chiefs corners. Go ahead and name.


But you're asking sugats. Big play. Slay has solid branding safety.


Correct. But Jalen Ramsey doesn't want to be out for six weeks and fall behind in stardom and name. Power to Big Play Slay because he can't play in the game like that's. The pressure that's on these guys, I get all that.


Just stop fake newsing the media when you already shot your entire music video. It's so good though, and it's also.


Schefter that you're going after, but you're objecting to it. And I can't help but find funny the idea that Jalen Ramsey wouldn't want the news, quote unquote news of his return released in any other way than with a heroic video that includes Rocky music at the end.


If you've been paying attention to knew like it's why I texted you, you could see this coming from a mile away. His agent, all his clients do this of it's kind of lame when you preface it like that. And it was a cool video, especially when it crescendos to the Rocky stuff. Remember his Hype video for when he got traded to the Miami Dolphins? That was also kind of cool. I just don't like the whole preface of you're lying. No, this is news to me. The media is always out to get me. It's stupid.


Do you think he did an email to the whole organization?


Who told him who did it?


That's who we should really be mad at here.


I'm going to pay the Dolphins. I'm going to pay the Dolphins the greatest compliment I have paid them in 23 years. This is the greatest compliment I can pay this team that I am presently watching. They have gotten me to watch commercials. I leave the red zone because I want to see what is happening and that they have pulled me away from the red zone, which is just instant crack for 7 hours. Somehow. I don't know how. I do not know how they sustain nine games in one window. I want to sleep during the late games. What do you mean? Mahomes is losing. I'm tired. I'm jet lagged. I'm sad. Let me sleep during the 304:00 games.


Do you ever do the thing where you're watching the Dolphins game and you're like it's commercial. Going to go over the red zone for a few minutes. Dangerous game. Then you just get lost and then.


You might never go back.


And it's like, damn it, I missed half the dolphins.


And then they show up on red zone and you're like, oh, no. How did they get in the red zone?


Sometimes red zone is ahead somehow.


How is this happening?


And sometimes ten minutes behind inexplicably. You never know.


Give us your answers, Hansen.


Is it the future? Is it the past? I don't know. It's not the present.


It's one of the things that's happened is I used to be able to go back and forth with my TiVo remote and the YouTube remote makes it harder. I know it's funny.


I love TiVo.


I know it's funny. But I used to be able to slow down plays and YouTube makes that harder. It does. I told you something was going to change about my viewing experience.


I learned that TiVo has a patent on all DVRs. That when DirecTV came out with their own brand, they still had to pay TiVo.


I miss it.


You learn something new every day.


I miss it and you make fun of me. But the way I used to watch the games is I could slow everything down.


I didn't have mute and slow.




An offensive line play that's like you're watching in The Matrix.


You could still do it. I realize what you're saying. It's much harder on YouTube.


Toggles harder, right? No, you're right. I noticed that.


I've thrown it at harder in this room. I'd say you, Dan and Chris, Cody and Roy are the most passionate of Dolphin supporters. Have you guys gotten accustomed to owning Bill Belichick? Because that's wild two is six and o against Bill Belichick. Considering what the last 20 plus years had been of Dolphins fandom where it was always a guaranteed loss outside of a miraculous primetime home game where you catch them sleeping once. Well, that's it.


Yeah, that's it.


Dolphins home games.


That's the only time that I can actually get used to it.


It's so good.


Yesterday the first good thing was he mouthed that bullshit. That's good to see. And you don't think you're going to get better than that. And then later in the game do you guys see this? He, like, fumbled papers and dropped them.


Did you see it?


He grabbed it from his back pocket. He dropped it and he had to.


Bend over and get it.


I'm like, he's bubbling. It was so good. Been scared of him for 20 years.


He's dropping papers, reaching for a challenge flag where he can't even challenge it.


He's been a monster. Like, people will dress as him throughout South Florida tomorrow because he's been such a haunting person. But you don't have Brady anymore, do you, big Bill? And now you drop your papers. Pulling papers.


Where's Brady?


Brady's not in here.


Can't find the challenge flag.


It's usually in the sock.


Where are the socks?


Yeah, bill, you're going to do it with Devontae Parker, are you?


Yeah. Go ahead.


Him and gosecki.


Go ahead.


Let's see it.


But for the life of me, I don't understand Bill Belichick owning this team for two decades and being like Devante, Parker and Gaseki.


Give me those guys. No, you did it with Welker Belichick. You've been robbing us since welker no.


You did it with Brady.


That's it.


Two is six and against us.


Don Lebotard.


Common thread was Stu gotts chumming it.


Up with Aaron Rogers.


I met my quarterback. Yeah.


As you know as you know, Stu Gotts didn't talk to Aaron Rogers.




Stu gotts thought. Country music superstar Jake Owen was Aaron Rogers. They had a 20 minutes conversation.


Identical twins. I mean, Jesus, Stugats. Listen, I will never have the relationship with Aaron Rogers that I have with the guy that I thought was.




Mean, that is the greatest conversation I've ever had with my quarterback.


This is The Don Levatar Show with.


Roy. Give me what you've got. Because it's hard for hockey to get in here on a football Monday, but you've got an exciting one tonight with the Panthers going to Boston.


Dan Roy has a hockey show now, I don't know if you're aware of that.


I was not aware. I saw something pop up on YouTube. It was Roy after the game.




I don't know. A lot of things I'm paying for here. I don't know what they pay. Don't. So thank you, Billy, for you got this one for free, Dan. Look at that.


Well, you do go to the games and someone's paid.


I'm paying for gas. You're on salary.


Expense gas.


That's a good idea. You should expense the gas. Everything should be expensed there. It's our money. Don't give me any ideas, Dan.


I will.


I'm just saying.


Wait, all gas can be expensive.


You can't expense his gas if you're going to work.


I think if you're going well, now.


That he has a show, he can.


Not if you're coming in and out.


Of work, get this clarified. We can expense gas. Yes or no?


You can expense jet fuel every time you fly.


I was of. The opinion. I'm assuming that when you guys fly on trips, the company pays for the flight, but do they not? But cars not also to gas. This is binding rental cars? I would assume so, yeah.


I thought you meant the daily gas.


I was about to be like, yo.




You thought that driving into work? That is the General just said that.


It's a long drive, man.


I would say some places do do that.


They do some places.


Oh, yeah. Or you get like, a pre tax benefit.


When did that start? When did it start?


I know when it could start here.


Well, hold on.


Just now when you said it.


I do want to be a progressive company, so let's talk this out.


Well, we're behind, okay?


I don't think we're behind yet. I think we're still I got three.


Years of gas receipts.


I've been saving.


No, you don't.


I've been tracking my miles.


They're all in your Venmo account.


Stugats wanted me and him to dole out the money. That's what he wanted originally with this business. That's how that would have gone.


Just throw it everywhere.


Here's an idea. Just give us, like, a cash credit every month for our commutes and, like, maybe $500 a person.


You guys are alleging what happens when.


We talk hockey if we all get a Ramp card? Just everyone honor system.


You guys are alleging that there are companies out there that are now paying and I'd like to know when this started.


I'm not alleging, I know this.


That are now paying for their employees to simply drive into the office, to drive into the headquarters.


This is not as foreign.


When did that start?


Years ago.


Or you can buy us all cars.


Wow. I'll take that. But you got to pay for the gas on those two.


I'll take a $50,000 credit, I'll spend it on a car. Wink wink.


Could you imagine if Dan gave you a $50,000 chevron card? You'd be so pissed. I mean, it'd be great, but you'd be like, how the hell am I going to spend $50,000 in gas? And it'd be like two tanks, watch some heaters.


My Metro Rail card is up in two days. Just so you know.


I would be standing at the Shell station offering to buy gas for everyone and they could just Venmo me back.


Billy, to answer your question, I believe all of you have learned in whatever it is, the management or the mismanagement of this company is that if I were in charge of the money, everything would be a yes. Sure. Pay for everybody's. Trains and planes and cars. Thank you, Dan.


Can we vote who's in charge?


I'm not in charge.


I vote for Dan.


I vote you.


I vote you dan.


Thank you, guys.




Well, not binding. I'm not in charge of the money.


Kulikov has as many points as Jonathan Huberdow.


What? Yeah.


Roy has a hockey show.


Roy so you have a hockey show that I just learned about. Billy, can you please endorse it? Can you tell people why they should be listening to it since you know so much about it?


It's just a great listen, after the game, Roy has David dork on with him breaking down everything that happened on the ice.


Thank you, Billy. I appreciate that endorsement, but it's just.


For the Panthers or National In Scope.


No, we have a post game show after the game and we are trying this out. We have a weekly hockey show that goes on every Friday during the post game. So yeah. Please listen. Please, I beg of you, please.


It's hockey. Please listen.


Like my sport. Please, like my sport.


You need to play. It like, hard to get. Roy, you can't be like super desperate here. You got to oh, I'm super desperate. It's hockey.


I saw Nickelback was performing at a hockey game.


What I'm talking about, I'm super desperate.


Nickelback, if you were tuned in to Bears Chargers, you got problems because the Heritage Classic had Nickelback playing the second.


Look at his post game show.


Go ahead. You guys should do right there. That should be the imaging for the start of the roy Bellamy and David Dwarque. Yes. You should never do that again.


Oh, man.


The Roy Bellamy and David Dwark. Hockey post game. Extravaganza, extravaganza.


Bit of a mouthful.


What about the preview?


Just post pregame show.


No, right now we've got the game tonight that you have to pay for.


There's a big game tonight is what Dan's trying to get around to. It's panthers at Boston.


He wants you to set the on.


Hold on. Let me just understand what just happened here, because, Roy, you're going to go to the penalty box in a second.


We got to pay for that one.


No, you definitely have to pay for that.


Two minutes for starting a podcast. You don't pay for it.


Roy, go ahead and leave. Just leave right now. Just leave. Go sit in the penalty.




No, just go. Because you came in here with that. I'm not going to fight you. No, you're not going to fight me.


Imagine if he did, though. This ended in fistic.


He used to have anger problem. He used to throw chairs around here. Roy, get out.


I'm throwing tens on that.


Just pull your shirt over your head. That would actually look funny.


Somebody feel free to pull his shirt over his head.


No, I meant you. He just walks in there.


I'm on your shirt over your head. No, I think roy, this is what just happened here.




This is what just happened. It embarrasses me that Roy has learned so little in 20 years doing this.


I mean, he looks like he picked up a new hockey show.




Yeah, well, that I just found out about. And so I'm trying to also pay.


For him to go to Roberto Luongo's induction.


I mean, I don't have a hockey show. I want one.


God bless hockey.


God bless hockey.


Go ahead.


God bless puck.


Have at it. God bless puck. Whenever you want.


The brand is strong.


You paying for gas.


I want the audience to see and know what just happened there. He's been with us for 20 goddamn years. There's your big chance to promote your show. You get one. You get one. You beg first to have people listen to it, and then you tell me when I ask you Bruins Panthers tonight, preview it. That you've got to pay for. What do I have to pay for? How little you're giving me in this segment to preview that game when hockey is your expertise and hockey is your show? How has he learned so little about how to do this? The David Dwark and Roy Bellamy. It better be dwark first. Roy Bellamy postgame show. Go check it out, because Roy begs you to.


It's got a great name called after the Game with Roy.


Right on the nose. There's no confusion as to what it is.


Keep my post game show out your mouth.


Come on.


None of your goddamn post.


After the game, Dan.




Somebody help him.


After the game.


I love it. I love it.


Keep it straightforward. You know exactly what you're going to get.




No frills.


But then Dave Dwark appears.


Who's leading that show? Is it Roy? Is it dwark?


Roy opens it and then tosses it to David.


I think Dwark needs to start leading. I think you'll have to start paying his name. Are we paying, Dwarf?




Well, these dwarks.


The Bruins are off to a better start than last season. The Brew crew, they set the record for points in regular season last year, and they're off to a better start.


And I think I'm not sure about this, that Mike Ryan was made happier watching the broken look on Mike Scher's face about the Boston Bruins than even the Boston Celtics, because in the frenzy that was the last postseason and the Dolphins appear to be headed toward one, that's going to be pretty fun. In the frenzy, I don't think it got lost how fun all that hockey was, but there has been very few experiences in the history of South Florida that measure out. Taking Boston out in two sports that way, and taking Boston out on something they care about that way. It's not just beating them, but it's like the cruelest way possible, where Boston fans are staggering into the street for two weeks with a hole in their stomach because they can't believe that a record breaking Bruins team, best regular season team of all time, would suffer the greatest upset in the sports history. Or up there.


There's a three one collapse, too, to an eight seed team that needed help getting in the postseason. The NHL playoffs are great because in other sports, if you back into the playoffs as an eight seed, you really don't have a shot. Historically, you always have a shot, although.


The Heat just did it at the same time as the Panthers, which made it so magical.


Yeah, we're in a pretty unprecedented time. When you look over the last 30 years in the NBA, these last four years would suggest that there's actually parity coming to the sport. But, I mean, the jury still out. We've always known that about hockey. But for the Panthers as an eight seed to win after trailing three one, even though you can classify it as well sometimes hockey happens, that's still pretty wild. That being said, the Eastern Conference was amazing last year, and I just provided the example that the eight seed made it to the Stanley Cup because they were so good. It's even better this year. They're going to be really good teams. That could put a scare in you, maybe make a run. If they get hot to the championship that are going to be shut out of the hockey playoffs this year, it might be the Panthers because they're off to another kind of slow start. I think they're navigating these injuries well. The encouraging news is that Ekplod and Montor returned to the ice and practicing, and it looks like a Thanksgiving rejoining of the team for both of those players, which is excellent.


Mike mentioned injuries. Dugouts and I want to get to it in the next segment. Something funny that happened with my wife yesterday while she listened to 90 seconds of football and was just horrified by the casual commentary of, like, in the 90 seconds going across screens on the Red Zone Channel where I'm trying to avoid this stuff. Three mentions in three different games about concussions. And my wife's like, Is that normal? I'm like, yeah, it's pretty normal now.


Every game, no one got carded off.


Yeah, but she's like and she's like, Is it worth it? And I'm like to who? To them, to me, to everyone.


Are we going to have another virtue signaling segment where we're no, you're going to be glued at 930.


I was glued. No morally conflicted. There's just a couple of funny things happen with my wife that aren't funny, because we're just used to the casual violence of half of the breeze, half of the strongest men in the world in a league playing together. They've gotten through half a season and all of the teams are broken. It's like, yeah, it's hard to do what they're doing because if a 350 pound man just steps on your foot, most of us wouldn't work for a week.


Tyrod Taylor, man, that guy's poor chest.


Do you think he says no to the shot this time? You are not taking that needle anywhere near my ribs.