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This is The Dan Levator Show with the Stu Guts podcast. It is that time again. The Bucket of Death. I love it. At least for the next two weeks because I have the Golden Helmet of Life.


Are you sure this isn't three weeks?


What do you mean?


You've been saying that for a few weeks.


This is the second of three weeks.


No, it is. He's right. He's right.








Feels like the third two of three.


Okay. Thank you, Tony. Appreciate it.


So everyone is picking in here today except for Lucy.


Brought to you by KFC and me.


It is. Thank you so much. Billy. Brought to you by KFC's new hot and spicy wings. Order an eight piece of the new hot and spicy Wings for just 499 at participating KFCs today. And folks, we all know that it's finger licking good god.




We're having it for lunch today.


Has to be a typo. 499 for eight wings. It's just such a bargain. Before I pick my helmet, I do want to clarify. This is the third week of Stu Gotts having the I knew it. I knew it.




Tony back here just like yep.




There was no need for that lie.


I don't know if that's true. We'll have to look at the tapes.




I think that's what he literally I.


Think it'd be two of three. I think it is.


All right.


That's nope.


Jeremy wins. Jeremy's logging this.


Oh. Thank you, Billy. It's the rare time he's audited with Rummaging.


I know.


You're logging. I am.


Cleveland Brown hot team minus two on the road at the Colts. Wow. Man.


I dare you.


We talked earlier in the week about this being a letdown game go against the Duke.


I'm going to put it back. Wow.


I know it's a favorite. I know it's a bad idea.


Take your time.


The Arizona Cardinals.


There you go.


That is enjoy. That not good.


They're playing the Seahawks.


At the Seahawks? Seven and a half point favorite. That's what we call in the business. A downgrade.


But who knows?


Any given Sundays. Too. Guys.


Josh Dobbs. But in the business that's what we call it. We do. Really?




Hold on.


Love a good rummage. Oh.


You guys won't believe it. The Golden Helmet. Wait. There's some funny business going on here. The Golden Helmet? What do you mean? No?


Put it back.




Might be something better. I don't know. Wait.


More than one person have that? I thought we said no. But yes.


Yeah. More than one person can have it.


So I'm week two of three.


So Tony can also have Tony's week one of three.


Now let's go. He absolutely cheated. I saw him say something into Billy's.


Ear, like right before he picked.


He has long sleeves on.


What does that mean?


What does that mean?


I don't like this funny business. And I blame the reaper. Honestly.


Keep it moving.


Reaper, get over here.


Reaper, why are you celebrating with Tony? You're supposed to kill him.


They just fist bumped one of three.


Here goes.




Vikings, don't worry. Monday Night Football against San Francisco. Monday Night Football against San Francisco.


Niners coming off a loss.


Yeah, we're going to put that one back. We're putting it back.


I would have kept that, man.


We're calling in this bit. We're looking for this business. An upgrade.


Yeah. Kirk cousins.


Prime time.


The Bucks.


Seven and a half point dog.


All right. Two and a half point favorite at home against the Falcons.


I'll keep slight upgrade. Slide upgrade.


That's what we call in the business, a slight upgrade.


Who do you get?


The Bucks.


Got it.


I had a great week last week. I put my helmet back with a thank you for your service. I ended up getting the jets. The jets won today. Got the Big Apple.


The Big Apple.


Any New York team in any sport.


The jets have a buy.


The jets have a DC does already have the jets.


That doesn't matter.


Any New York team. The jets have a buy.


I'm taking the jets.


The Bills are at the Patriots minus nine. Okay, you got a buy. All right, go in there.


What's going.




I need to stop everything. Billy, what is happening with you?


I'm just figuring out here who has the jets, who doesn't have the no.


The Reaper sometimes doesn't know where he's going. He thought he was going to have.


To pick for Roy.


Roy wasn't here, obviously.




Billy, this is the opposite of an iron fist.


There's a giant asterisk here because Dan and Mike aren't here and we don't know who's picked who and who's.


I'm happy to choose for Dan and Mike.


No, look, I think in the let's just keep things moving along. Let's just make the picks that we need to make and then that's that.


How about I pick a helmet and you tell me if you want to keep it for Dan or not? Okay. Just to see what would have happened, you know what I'm saying?


OOH, I got the swap helmet.


Nice. Oh, my God, Tony. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


Are you keeping it?


I'm going to keep it. So now I need to pick something. I have to pick something great.


Poor Tony.


Spoiled by Billy.


That's what Tony deserves. The worst possible person to get the swap for Tony. Wow.


Thank you for your service helmet.


I love the troops. So that's what Tony has.


I'm going to keep that one.


Well, I haven't decided who to swap with yet, so I'm going in for Dan.


There's two jets out there that I may want to swap with, you know?




Air Force versus Navy. That's a double. Thank you for your service.


The Midshipman.


So we all win in that one. So that seems like a safe.


Do it for Dan.




If you're doing for Dan, do it, don't do it.


Let's just see what the helmet would have been.


Army playing LSU.


The Rams.




The Rams are at the Cowboys. Plus five and a half. Keep it for Dan.




We're not picking la. He's an La guy now. All right, you know what? I approve. Stu gottz pick for yourself now.


Well, I rule.


Oh, that's right.


You don't have to pick for Mike. Yeah.


Why are you picking?




Golden helmet.


I'll pick it for Mike.


Pick for Mike.


What about okay.


Nah, roy's off. We'll let Roy off the hook.








Ah, that's funny.


The Steelers are at home against the Jags plus one and a half.


Keep it.


All right. Mike has the jag. Roy I mean, the Steelers.


Roy's off.


No, no, Roy's off.


We're good.


Billy, are you going to swap?


Oh, yeah, I'm going to swap with Tony.


Damn it.


Good luck, everyone.


Don Lebotard. I read his lips and it sounded like he was saying, what, you want to fight me now?


But I'm telling you, if you look, we can play a game right now. The lips look the same on fight you and failure. Watch my lips. I'm going to turn off my mic.


No, I got.


And I want you guys to tell me if I'm saying fight you or failure.


Okay. Yeah. Still got. Why are your ideas always so bad for the podcast? We are very excited about this. We have been trying to get Brooks Capka on the show for many, many years. We have not been able to do so. He's going to join us right now. The live golf season ending team championship is this weekend in Miami. For tickets, go to, use promo code brooks 20 and Brooks Kepka joins us right now. Let's start in the obvious place, brooke, the Florida Panthers. Give us a breakdown, man. Like, tell us about this team. We go into the cup. What's happening?


I hope so. That'd be nice. It'd be nice to get back the redemption we lost last year. But, yeah, I think they're a solid team. We'll be interesting to see how they do. Obviously, losing GUtens and Duclaire was a big hit for them, but we'll see.


Are we expecting regular season Bob? Can we get playoff Bob? What do you think?


I hope we get playoff Bob. I mean, you're staying on his head there for a I mean, hopefully it's through the whole season. That's the big I mean, you had Spencer in there or was he was in there for a bit. I mean, line was unbelievable there for a half second. I mean, it'd be nice. It'd be nice to have him healthy the whole year.


How are we feeling about Eck Bled? Still a traffic cone or what?


I think he's going to be out here. I know he can't wait to shirt me on Friday when we're out here playing, so I'm sure he's going to have some words for me.


You're just walking around the arena, and you found that. You said, you know what? This is the perfect prop for.


It was. I don't know exactly how it made it into the suite, but it did. And then it was perfectly timed with a whole bunch of liquid courage. And, yeah, we had a good time. We had a couple of good laughs out of it.


Do you remember anything from that Stanley Cup run? Like, anything?


Yeah. Oh, I do. It was disappointing. Obviously, I didn't get the win, but at the end of the day, I think everybody was just so banged up where it was kind of mean. You go to the cup, it's kind of tough not to be. But, yeah, these guys are hopefully healthy right now, and we'll see how it goes.


How many pairs of sneakers does Brooks Capco own?


Way too many. I know I own more shoes than my wife, so, yeah, I think in my office, it's probably about 300, and then it's even more in my closet. And then we have a little upstairs storage room that's probably got another 100 and 5200 pairs.


What's your latest pickup, Brooks?


I'll tell you what. Ever since I've had crew my son, I haven't been into the sneaker game, so I got to figure it out. Travis Scott sent me a whole bunch of his shoes, so I know they're sitting in the house. I haven't unboxed them yet, but it'd be nice to get back there and see what's in there.


Your favorite of the 300 and some OD shoes you have. What's the one that you like? Your Grail.


I wear them every year at Augusta. It's the Virgil louis Vuitton. Off white. Nike. Collab. They're in that Augusta green. So I always figure with the tag still on a green jacket, you got.


The tag still on them.


They actually didn't come with a tag, believe it or not, and it was pretty cool. So, yeah, I had some stuff going on with Virgil before he passed, and we were on a plane flight when I found out that he had passed away. So it was kind of chilling just to know that the last pair of sneakers he ever basically was a part of that he put and sent them to me. And especially being a gusta green, I think it's pretty cool. So hopefully one of these next few years, we can pop a win off.


I love your confidence. You're wearing those shoes in the event that you win the green jacket. So everything matches.


Oh, yeah. You have to, right? I mean, it's got to look good. Yeah, it'll be pretty cool slip a green jacket on with those. I don't think many people in the golf world would exactly know what's on my feet at that point, but it'd be fun.


But that's what we love about you. You don't give a about the rest of the golf world, Brooks.


I don't care, as long as I look good. I look good in a green jacket, those shoes. I'll look good in anything.


If you could only win one because you've won five majors, but you have not won the Open Championship and you haven't won at Augusta. I think you finished second maybe two or three times at Augusta. If I told you, Brooks, you could only win one. The open championship or the masters. Which one you want?


Masters easy. I mean, you get to go back there every year, right? I think that's pretty cool. And then the Sunday before, you get to bring a guest. I don't know. My dad was a huge fan of the Masters. It was the one tournament every year we knew we were going to go in and go watch as a family. So that one means a little bit more to me.


Give me the one negative about Augusta. Everyone just talks about the good stuff. Like, come on, now. It's got to be something bad about Augusta.


Something sucks.


There no, man, it's legit. It's pretty cool. There's not a blade of grass. It's just out of place. It's so perfect. I guess you could say that tree falling last year wasn't there. It is. That wasn't the best. I'll tell you what, we came back the next day and it was like it never happened.


Right? But if the tree never fell, there's nothing. Right?




Congratulations on being a new dad, man. That's cool.


Yeah, it's the coolest thing. It really is. So it's fun. So he's going to be down here this week, so it'll be his first event. It'd be nice just to get done and go hang with him when we're done and try to find that new routine.


What's the strategy when we're going in the room in the middle of the night and he's awake? Are we bouncing? Are we swaying?


Driving in the car? Driving in the car.


What's the method here?


We're going to go with some bouncing. Bouncing has been effective as of late. Little pat in the back. That's worked thus far. So hopefully this week it continues to work, but you never know.


Are you good at changing diapers?


Yeah, it's like a pit stop, man. Trying to do the fastest time as possible. At this point, cleanup has gotten a lot easier. I know what I'm doing a little bit more. It all kind of helps.


I have to imagine that probably a couple of months ago, I mean, when the baby's coming? Because I have a newborn, too. You're like, I don't want to be cleaning up human. And now it's like, no big deal because you just have to kind of do it.


Yeah, it's one of those things where you're like, man, I don't want to throw up on me.


I'll get anything on my hands now. I don't care. I just got to keep it moving.


Yeah. You stop caring. There comes a point when you get the first few in you and you're like, man, okay, this is it's just going to happen, and it's going to continue to happen, so just get used to it.


Brooks when you're standing over a career altering shot, as you do pretty often competing in high level tournaments, I get nervous over playing $5 a hole. When there's like a three hole carryover and I'm standing over a putt, I get nervous. I'm just wondering what you do in those moments when you're standing over a.


Putt to drains it.


No, I know, but is there a routine? You go like, what are you saying to yourself? Or is it just it's golf to you and you don't get freaked out in those moments?


I don't get freaked out. I think where you're supposed to be right. You want to be in that position where you're a little bit uncomfortable or have a chance to win. So I love it. I think it's fun. I enjoy the thrill of just being in contention, and obviously losing sucks, so just make sure you don't do it.


Do you miss anything about the PGA Tour?


I do miss seeing the guys. It is kind of different seeing them four times a year, I guess five at the Ryder Cup being this year, but, I mean, it wasn't the full group of guys, but I see a bunch of them just practicing at home, but it'd be nice to see them a little bit more.


But this seems like liv seems perfect for you, Brooks, from this standpoint, because you care about the majors, right. That's what you care about. And so this seems to especially as a new dad and someone who just got married, this seems to allow you to have more time for your family, still play the sport that you love, and you get to play in all the majors.


Yeah. I mean, right. That's the ultimate dream. Play all the majors. And then playing live has been a lot of fun. Right. I started my career traveling the world, playing golf all over, and to get to do it know, you mix in a little vacation here, it's, uh it's always fun.


Did anything make you laugh? Like, I know you guys lost the Ryder Cup. That was disappointing. But was there a moment where you just sat back like, Rory, getting into it with a caddy where you were just like, what the hell is happening here?


Yeah, that was interesting, man. There was a lot of hold me back energy going on at the Ryder Cup. I would bet to say of the 24 players and the 24 caddies, I would say the caddies is definitely who would fight, but I don't think really, any of the players have ever been in a fight, including Rory.




That's weird. It was kind of OD. I think the caddies definitely spent a few more hours at the bar than we do. So they're probably accustomed to that.


If we have a royal rumble of team Europe versus team USA who are like the last three or four in the ring, that's great players only Brooks.


Is one of them of that. See, I'll tell you. I'll tell you. We were actually talking about this. This is how far deep down the rabbit hole we got. I was like, man, I really don't want a piece of Finno Tommy Fleetwood's caddy. I know. He just kicked. He was my choice. I was like, I do not want I'll let anybody else go.


Wait, so you guys discuss this. Which caddy would you want to try?


We had an open conversation of who was going to take who.


How about your caddy?


I don't think Rick's that intimidating. I love him to death, but being five eight northern Irish, he could have taken I mean, I don't know. He could have gone rory, same size.


Nobody's afraid of bones, though, right? We can all agree on that.


He's laughing. He doesn't want to acknowledge it, but he's laughing. Brooks, we've been talking a lot this week about Halloween. Are you a big Halloween guy? Like a costume guy?


I am this year. I believe Jenna has already bought the outfit for crew and myself. I'm not afraid to dress up couples costume.


What are you guys wearing?


I think it's the Mario Luigi costume. Something like that.


Nice. How'd you come up with that name? It's a great name.


It's all Jenna. Jenna. She heard the name. I don't know where I think I was on all those baby websites where you just kind of come up with names and look at names and there's like 1000 of them and I just couldn't scroll any longer so I just let her come up with it. Yeah, we ended on that.


I don't mind.


I like crew. I think it's cool.


Wait, but was crew like you had a top ten, I'm assuming, right? Because that's what parents do as they're approaching having a kid. You had a top ten. Crew was not on the top ten. Right. She just came up with that.


She came up with it and then I was like, listen, I really like it. So it's better than anything I'm going to come up with because my dumb ideas aren't exactly always the best.


Just continue to do what she wants you to do, Brooks.


Yeah, exactly right.


It's my lesson for you. Okay. If I were to show up to the Kepka house for Halloween, what could I expect? Big bars, small bars. What are we getting there?


I think you're going small bars. I think. I'm not going to lie. I'm a big Reese's peanut butter cup and snickers guy. So I'd say intentionally, we're going to buy probably, I don't know, four or five bags of those and keep know two to the side. Just got to fill out that dad bod. You know what I mean?


Yeah, I do.


Brooks, stu GOTS and I in a couple of weeks are playing versus Bob Does sports. Three verse, three golf match. Please say yes. We're kind of in the market for a third.


I don't know if you're going to.


Be in Florida November 1. It's a Wednesday. We have no shame in our game.


John Rom did it, didn't he?


Any chance we get you on our team?


We need some help, Brooks, please.


I would, but I think we're in Vegas. We're out there.


Yeah, you and your boy.


He totally would have, though.


You're a parent now. What are you going to Vegas for? Stay home with us.


I'm trying to celebrate my boy's bachelor party. I'm trying to make sure he has a good time. What's the perfect and a good friend?


The perfect Vegas trip. The perfect Vegas trip is how many days for me, it's like two full nights.


Two days out of yeah, yeah.


You don't want to be there that long. I love Vegas, don't get me wrong. But man, it's in and out after about three days. Not good. Brooks.


How about your brother? Is he on this trip?


No, my brother's not on this trip.


Is he busy November 1?


What are you no, I don't think so. I think he should be available. You can get him.




He'll be down to play.


I'll text him, tell people about the weekend coming up.


Yeah, no, it'd be a fun weekend. Right? It's basically match play all the way through to Sunday. Guys. Teams can get knocked out. You see guys kind of fighting for the last win of the year. It'll be fun. It'll be exciting. I think I've got Phil the first round, so that'll be exciting. Good matchup. I'm sure Lefty is going to try to bring it. I know he hasn't played that well this year, so no, it'd be another notch on his belt just to get one over on me. But a lot of good teams, a lot of good players. And it'd be a fun week. And you can come on out, come support us. And we've got a nice little smash ten on nine green there, so feel free to stop by.


Where did your love of hockey come from, Brooks?


My mom. My mom was a huge hockey fan growing up. Yeah, I played it a bunch when I was younger and then long story, stopped playing, couldn't play contact sports for a half minute, so yeah, gave that up. I thought I had a better chance with baseball and golf. Clearly baseball didn't work out, but golf did, so doing all right.


How do you feel about tricked out golf carts?


I mean, they're fine.




Yeah, I guess I kind of own one, so yeah, I got to say yes on that, right?


Yes. Well, tell us about the golf course. I want to hear about this because I have one, too. I have a tricked out one, but.


I'm not as good. It's the one from the match when Bryson got spanked.




Riding around with the I guess. Yeah. That was probably the worst beat down he's had in a while, I guess. Well, I did steal four mil out of his pocket there last week, so yeah, that may be the worst, but sorry, I can't help myself.


Don't help yourself, please.


Yeah, but yeah, so it's got the whole Michelo Boltra. I guess it means a little bit more riding around in that golf cart, knowing exactly the beat down I gave him.


But you and Bryson have become friends with this, right?


Yeah, it's definitely helped. It's been a lot better. He's a nice kid. He was just an easy target. And then eventually, when you start he tees it up for me that much. It's kind of hard not to take a swing at it.


That's what we love about you, because, Brooks, you just stroll onto the golf course. It doesn't seem like you practice too much. I know you have. Okay. But you just stroll onto the golf course and you win majors. It's like you don't give a bleep about any of know.


I could care less about all this stuff. I just want to have know. I love smack talking. I'm sure Friday me and Phil will be going at it between the ropes. Smack talking. Phil can handle it. He's got thick skin. He can deal with it's. Just to me, it's fun, right? It's part of yeah.


Yeah, it is.


Every other sport gets some smack talk going while they're playing golf. Really doesn't do it, so might as well have some fun with it.


Is your South Florida fandom specific to the Panthers, or do you like the like how does that work?


No, I'm a packers fan.




I couldn't do the Dolphins, and then the Marlins are that's a tough, tough look. Yeah, it is, considering everybody's got the hat on, right?


He's laughing at you. How'd you feel about Aaron leaving?


Yeah, that was tough, man. I love Aaron Rodgers. I think he's super talented. Hopefully he makes it back by the end of the year, but that would be impressive in itself.


All right, Brooks, we appreciate the time. It's a busy time for you, so we do appreciate it. The live golf season ending team championship this weekend in Miami. For tickets, go to Use promo code Brooks 20. We'd like to make you a friend to the show if we can. Brooks know how we do that, but we'd like to have you on more often.




Let's do it. We'll figure it out.


Will you broker this deal? Can you help us get your brother to be available on November 1?


Yeah, I'll see what I can.


We'll do a group.


Text me, your brother.


It'll be great. All right. Yes.


Perfect. Sold easy.


All right, Brooks, congratulations on all your success, on being a new dad, on getting married. Great time in your life, and good luck this weekend. Enjoy it, man.


Thanks. Appreciate it, guys. Have a good one.


All right. You got it, man.


Don Lebotard, elton John does not like performing Crocodile Rock, but to the point we were making, I think he still does because he just knows the crowd wants to hear it.


I feel like that's safe. He might be litigious, but that was such a poor imitation of the song.


Stugats, we can all agree. Piano man. The crowd needs to sing Piano Man.


Yeah, but I want to hear Billy Joel sing it.


He just lets you at the end go.


Does he still have she just wants Suey nominations. That's what she wants to rack up Suey nominations.


Crocodile rock fake Billy Joel's piano. You got it. It's all right.


This is the Don Levitar show with the stu guts.


I am so excited to welcome Lando Noras back to the show. He is a Formula One driver for McLaren. He's also my favorite Formula One driver. He came on the show last year and Dan hijacked it, and it was terrible. So now Dan is gone. Stugats, predictably, has left, even though we were preparing to play a game of Lando or Landono. Maybe we'll get to it, maybe we won't. I'm not sure. Lando, how are you doing today?


I'm very good, thanks. Yeah. Good to be back. I'm excited. Season's going well. Yeah, just a pleasure to be back. I guess so. Thanks for having me once again.


Of course. Anytime. The last time we saw you on TV, you were sweating in the cooldown room after the race in Qatar. Have you fully recovered yet from that?


I did, yeah. I mean, it took me a couple of days. It was probably the toughest race I've ever had physically. Just very draining, lost a decent amount of weight. It was a tough one for everyone, and I think that was very clear from the videos and the pictures that probably everyone saw. So a tough one. But, yeah. Now in Austin, ready for this weekend and ready for the end of the.


Season, there was some consternation amongst former drivers and analysts and everyone about whether or not there was, like, a legitimate safety issue in Qatar. So what were your thoughts on all of that and all of the chatter after the race ended? And obviously we found out that a few drivers did have to go and get some medical attention afterwards because they were so hot.


Yeah, I think the main thing, everyone was okay in the end. It just shows how difficult it is. It's one of the sports that almost looks the least demanding and physically looks fine from the outside, but probably is one of the most demanding and physical sports that there is in many ways. But it went maybe a. Little bit too far, I think you never want to get to the point. Maybe some sports, I don't know. It's seen to be like pushing people to the limits when people start to pass out and things like that, but not in racing, not when you're driving a car at whatever, 300, 350 km an hour. You don't want to see people getting to that kind of off limit. That's not what it's about, is it the most physical sport? It's about racing and it's about the actual, the racing itself, not so much the physical aspect. That's not what Formula One is about. So we've spoken about a little bit. It's something that will be reviewed and they're definitely going to try and avoid, I guess, simply going to places which are as hot, as humid as Qatar was.


And the main thing is that Qatar next year is already six weeks later on in the season, so it's not going to be the same. But there's still going to be places like this weekend in Austin, it's still going to be 35 degrees, which translates easily to probably 50 degrees or so.


In translation into Fahrenheit, because the entire right now, no idea. 35 is like 88 degrees Fahrenheit, I think. Does that sound right?


No, it has to be a lot more, I think.


Okay, see, I don't know either.


95. 95.


95. Okay, I was not that close, but that's going to feel like a walk in the park compared to last race, right? Not quite as hot.


I mean, the thing which made it so much worse in Qatar was one, it was just a very physical track, a very high speed. We were almost forced to do a pit stop strategy, which was a three stop race, which means you're pushing a lot more. There's no, let's say, chilled tire saving things going on. It's new set of tires, high amount of grip, you're pushing flat out, by the time the tires start to drop away, you're pitting again. So that made things even worse than it kind of should have been, and normally is, but also it's so humid, so normally you kind of open up your visor, you get a little bit of a breeze from just the air, but because it's so just humid and was so hot, that wasn't helping. And just the air is very thick and warm and it's just not a nice feeling. So it probably won't be as bad here in Austin, but it's still going to be tough and it's still going to be a challenge for us inside.


The cup baby lando. Why are you guys letting Max Verstappen win every race?


Why not? Just why not? I guess someone's got to do it and the people chose him for a little bit, so his time will come to an end, but just for now it's him, but in a couple of years it won't be so all good.


I like that. So the Driver's Championship is already locked up. Max clinched it in the last race, but there's five races left, a couple of them in the US. Including the new one in Vegas, you and your teammate, Oscar Piazza. You're having a really great second half of the season in the McLaren car, which is one of the fastest on the track right now. So how important is it for both of you to finish the season strong?


I mean, it's very important. I would say it's more important for the team almost, than it is for us as drivers. It's always just a bonus if we can go into the offseason and into the winter just feeling good because you're on top form and things are under control. That's always a nice thing. And you can just feel good about going into the winter. If you end on a bad note, you kind of don't want to finish like that, so you have to wait, what, two, three months before you can try and turn things around again. But it's more important for the team that they have that motivation, they have that boost and that energy going into the winter to just push them on and try and find that more lap time, make the car quicker, because that's what the winter is all about, to make sure we can start the next year even stronger. So it's very important, probably more for the team than it is for us as drivers. But, yeah, the better anyone can do at any point of the season, the nicer it's going to feel. So it's what we're trying to do.


We're on good form, the team are doing an excellent job, and our goal is to try and maintain where we are till the end.


Mr. Baby, what's it like being the veteran on your team?


It is definitely slightly different to how I've been the last few years, just because I don't have that experience of, I guess, first of all, working with different teams. That's one of my big things. But that can be the case. Even if I'm 20 years in Formula One, I can still do all of it with McLaren, so there's a little bit of that, but at the same time, there's knowledge. There's always things you pick up along the way. Even though growing up, like I was always say, stubborn in terms of never wanting to blame experience as a reason of failing to achieve things, the more you kind of do, the more you realize that it is a factor and it is something that helps out over time, is learning all these things along the way. Sometimes it's very small things, but they all add up over time. It feels good, it doesn't feel too different, which is a good thing. I just feel like the team rely on me a little bit more because I have the experience and knowledge of our last few years on what was good, what was bad how we've done as a team, and I guess that's probably the most different and important thing.


Do you feel like tennis and golf are kind of stealing Formula One's thunder now that they have their own Netflix shows, too?


Absolutely not. They've got nothing on drive to survive.


Oh, have you watched full swing and breakpoint? Is that what it's called?


Yes, I have.


But you're like, this doesn't even compare. You guys don't have me. Don't have Daniel, Ricardo, Carlos.


Yeah, it's just not as exciting. You just don't have as much of, I feel like, personal rivalries team competition. Tennis, you would easily say, is one of the biggest sports in the world. I mean, golf is also huge, and Formula One is something that's growing very quickly. But I just feel the experience of supporting people in team events is way higher. I feel like that's why the Ryder Cup is such a big event comparing to normal golfing events. I feel like the team aspect makes it so much more exciting.


We don't want to talk about the Ryder Cup here, Lando. Let's move on.


Well, I do.






You invited me on, right?


I can talk about what I want.


Well, we're American. Shots fired, and you're in America right now.


Okay, true.


I want to get out of the country.


Exactly. Is the video of you breaking Max's trophy, is that all that behind the scenes going to be in drive to survive next season?


I mean, yeah. The question is, is it going to get picked up by Netflix? I'm sure it probably will be, because it turned out into being quite a big thing at the time, which was a shame, because I had no intention on doing that or anything, so I wouldn't want anyone to do it to my trophy. I did feel bad and apologized to Max straight away for doing it to his. Yeah, so it was a shame it turned into quite such a big thing. But yeah, I don't know. It was a weird experience because some people found it funny. Obviously a lot of people didn't, and it turned into quite a big thing. But I apologized. Of course I laughed about it, because that's just me, I guess. I laughed about things and giggle and whatever. But I did feel bad the whole time about doing it. So, yeah, it was a shame. But it's probably going to be a Netflix. We have to wait and find out.


Will we find out how you figured out your champagne bottle popping technique and where that came from?


I mean, that started years ago. That started already, like, 2016, I think.


Old enough to drink in 2016?


No, but there was, like, apple juice, sparkling apple juice. It was like a kid's practice. But yeah, I think my friend did it. And I would love to just claim it as my own thing, but I copied it from a friend and then he kind of stopped doing it or he stopped racing a little bit, and I just continued the tradition for him. So, yeah, I guess it's kind of become my thing in formal one especially, so, yeah, I'll continue doing it. I don't mind.


Okay, we have just over a minute left. We're going to play our silly little game. Billy is going to explain the name of the game as Stugatti's producer. Billy, what are we doing right now?


Okay, so this is the way that this game works, Mr. Baby. Lando means yes, and land no means no. So Jess will ask you a question, and lando is yes, and land no is no.


All right?


Does that make sense? Do we need to explain it anymore?


So if you agree with something, you would say yes, and if you don't, you would say no.




No, I'm just saying so we understand what yes and no mean. And then if you wanted to say yes, it's land o. And then no is land no.


Get it?


Yeah, I got it.


All right. Number one, a Formula One race that starts at 10:00 P.m. Local time. Lando or land no?




Oh, I wasn't expecting that. Pictures of Valtteri Botos's butt cheeks.


Hell lando. Lando.


The Miami Grand Prix.




Lando. It sounded like that was a land.


Maybe that's not on the books, so.


I can't you don't love the Miami Grand Prix?


It's not like an instant um no, not for me. Just the track. I don't find the track the most exciting.


But it's in Miami Gardens, Florida.


I know, but was that so funny? Was it? But when you're driving the cool, you want the track to be cool. You don't really care where it is. It can be in the freaking middle of nowhere. You just want the track to be cool. And when you're driving, it's not the most exciting.


So simple as hmm, penalties for exceeding track limits. Lando or land no.


Hell. Land no.


Don't like breakfast tacos since you're in Austin. Lando or land no breakfast tacos. Have you ever had one?


I mean, what you have in the.


Taco little eggs, little sausage, little bacon cheese. No. Land no. You've never had a breakfast? Have you been?


I've not tried it.


Tell your team to get you to tor cheese before the race. I think I like it. That might be a land.


If I have a good race Sunday, it's because of that.


Okay. A couple more Americans trying to do a British accent.


Oh, it's like the cringiest stuff ever. I feel like British people trying to do American is almost just as bad.


Do that.


That was my next question. Yeah, do answer in an American accent.


I'm not getting paid to do that, so I wonder.


Okay, they should pay you to do that. Bringing your dog to work. Lando or lando?


I think that's a great thing. I mean, I don't have a dog. I need to get a dog in the first place. I probably wouldn't bring it into the paddock. I don't think I'm quite at the level of lewis hamilton confidence just bringing my dog into work. But I'm a dog lover, and if I had more time at home, I would love to get a dog, even if it was just myself looking after it. So that's a different lando.


That's a great answer. All right, last one. Lando. Getting your first formula one race win. Lando or lando?


What kind of question is that?


I don't know.


Do I want one?


Are you going to get one this weekend?


Unlikely it's going to be this weekend.


Well, not with that.


Exactly right. Jeez. Come on, baby.


Okay. Yes. I'm not that guy, so I'm not going to say yes. I hate saying yes to those kind of questions.


So land. No to that.


That one lando.


Lando. Thank you for coming on the show. Enjoy the USGP. And we're excited to see you back here for vegas.


Thank you so much. I'm sure I'll see you all again very soon.


Appreciate it all.


I hope so.


Thank you.