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This is The Don Levator Show with the Stu Guts podcast.


David Sampson joins us every week. He is the former president of the Marlins. He hosts podcast, nothing personal. You can check it out every day wherever you get your podcast on the DraftKings Network as well. Good morning to you, David.


Good morning, Stu. Good to see you in that chair.


Oh, thank you, Dave. It's good to see you in a weird room with where are you?


I am in Stanford, Connecticut, doing pre and post game work for CBS Sports for the playoffs.




So I am doing late nights and early mornings and loving it.


Is anything going to stop the Phillies? First off, I want to blast the Philly fans, because, David, I am tired of everyone making a big deal about Philly fans. Do me a favor. Every stadium, when your team makes it to a championship round, okay, every stadium is standing. Every stadium is loud. Philly fans. Give me a break. You want to see the Philly fans go to a game on a Wednesday afternoon against the Milwaukee Brewers and tell me how loud they are. I'm tired of it.


David, I have a stat of the day on the Phillies if you would like it. Right off the top.


Of the day. Start of the day. Start of the day. It is the start of the day. Start of the day. Start of the day.


Too many.


Today's of the day is brought to you by Venmo. Your money. Your move.


With his two home runs yesterday, kyle Schwarber now has 18 career postseason home runs, tying him with Reggie Jackson for the most ever by Alex my goodness.




How about this? That's a great stat. How about a second stat about Kyle Schwaber? He now has the most home runs for any lead off position player in postseason history. He passed Derek Jeter and Jimmy Rollins. Is that crazy?


It is.


Kyle Schwarber a lead off hit.


Well, yeah, he shouldn't be a lead off hit.


Well, he should. In today's baseball, he should, right?


It's not about average anymore. It's not even about getting on base. It's just about the ability to get into one. And that's what Schwaber does. The Phillies are just unstoppable. And the thing about the Phillies right now is it's their pitching as much as it is their hitting. Their bullpen and their starters are just superb. You can't score against them, and you can't stop their offense. And as for Philly fans, I can't stand them.


I'm sorry.


We're on a national show. I shouldn't say it, but as a guy who was in the NL East for 18 years, it is absolutely ridiculous. What Merrill Kelly did, he shouldn't have done. Don't poke the bear by saying it's louder at Marlins Park. I get that. But let me tell you, in Philly, there were years when they were not in the playoffs, and it's quiet, and they're grumpy, and they're rude, and it's empty. And now all of a sudden, it's a bunch of front runners who are going crazy and cheering. They're not even in the top five fan bases in all of.


Mean. Well, they are right now.


Isn't that all that matters if you're talking right now?


There's only fired up David.


I kind of like it if you're talking now, though. They're the best fan base in any Mean.


Why are you criticizing a fan base?


No, I'm not criticizing the fan well, actually, allow me to criticize the Philadelphia fan base. They're not very nice. I don't mean all of them, but I mean a lot of them. Our players would come into the clubhouse, and they would tell me things that were being said to them when they were out in left field that would sometimes remind them of being out at Fenway Park in left field. And you know what I'm talking about. They can be very difficult in Philadelphia. Now, they do have the best cheesesteak in the clubhouse. It's one of my favorite visiting clubhouses of all time. But in terms of the fan base, I was attacked in elevators several times by people going up to yes.


What do you mean?


Physically or verbally in front of your never.


Never physically.


Never physically what'd they tell you.


Basically, I would never wear my badge in Philadelphia. In other places, I would, because you're supposed to, but I wouldn't want anyone to know who I was. And I'm in an elevator, and I'm with my son, and I was also with the traveling secretary. His name is Manny. And I was basically told that I am the world's worst human and the worst ineffective president, and my team stinks, and the Marlins stink, and how dare you? What kind of person are you? And my response in front of my son, I didn't know exactly what to do. I just said, Hi, nice to meet you. And that was the best I could think of to was out. It was silly. Most people want a picture or an autograph or they're not willing to do anything but be cyber bullies. But in Philadelphia, they're willing to be bully bullies.


Can you put together a top five fan bases in Major League Baseball off the top of your head, or do you easily. You can do it right now.




Okay, go ahead.


I want to hear number one. Yes.


I guess we'll start at the bottom.




Number Five Milwaukee Brewers. Outstanding. No matter what thick or thin, it's Milwaukee.




Number four, Chicago Cubs.




A wonderful fan base. I mean, you have to love them. They're so good. Even when they're bad, they're good.


They're better when they're bad. That's the beautiful thing about the Cubs fan base.


They like the when they're bad are still a great time.




They like to be the story when they're bad, and they are.




I worried about them once they won the World Series because there's something about never having won it for that hundred years that I worried after they won it in 16, would all of a sudden it not be cool to be at Wrigley, but it still is amazingly cool. And the fan base is still amazing.


And the fan base was able to make itself miserable again by convincing themselves that they should have won more than one World Series in that run, which isn't necessarily untrue, but now they're back to feeling like, in a lot of ways, like back to being the Cubs again. So the identity hasn't changed too much.


Despite it's only been seven years, and people are already despondent saying they don't win enough.


The end of this season, I think, did a lot for Cubs fans, but there were a couple of years after they traded the core two years ago, david I think everyone was a pretty sour mood. Chicago being a fan is not rational, david I'm not justifying this behavior, but I am saying that Cubs fans, it's like, yeah, we won the World Series, but now we can go back to being like, oh, man, we can't catch a break.


I thought Bartman ruined it for Cubs fans. No, I just wanted to say Bartman.


People don't really know who Bartman is anymore. It's the 20 year anniversary of Bartman. It just happened a couple of days ago, and I was wondering what became of him and whether or not he has, like, a voodoo doll of Alex Gonzalez, I mean, the Cubs shortstop, because it was really his fault and not Bartman's fault.


But you're saying young people have no idea who Bartman is.


I would think that's correct.


Okay. It's fair.


I blame Moise Salu. Really overreacting drama queen.




Drama queen did overreact. He told me directly he couldn't have caught the ball, but then in the media, he likes to say, oh, no, I would have had it. He knows he wouldn't have had that.


It's ridiculous.


All right, number three, the number three fan base. And I'm holding my nose, but it is true.


Oh, boy.


It's the Yankees.




And the reason why the Yankees are number three is the outrageous prices that are paid at all levels of seats for the fact that they're supposed to win the World Series every year, and they haven't since 2009. And yet they they still draw. They only make it up a little bit. They're still drawing in the that's a damn good fan base.


I like that one. Can you do it again, though, while holding your nose? Like, is that possible? Do you mind doing it? I want to hear what it sounds like.




Number three, the New York Yankees.


Thank you.


I grant you.


That it's.


Yankee Stadium. And I grant you that it's fun to be a Yankee fan because you've won more than you've lost. You are a good fan base because the team hasn't done much winning, and you're still coming to games.


That's fair. Number two.


This one, you will not guess it even if you begged me. The second best fan base los Angeles Dodgers.


Really? Yep.


So they've got the worst reputation. They come late, and they fight. There's bad. It's bad in the parking lot. But guess what? The Dodgers, over the years, since they moved from Brooklyn, they have the most loyal, dedicated fan base, second in all of baseball, in my opinion. They come to games always by the scores of thousands, and they've had a team with smart leadership that's done more than its share of winning, and I respect it. I love people who leave early when the team isn't winning. I love people who come late because they're in La. Doing cooler stuff. I'm good with it. They're the number two.


It honestly sounds, David, like you're describing the Miami Heat fan base in the NBA like a truly, truly, truly passionate fan base. But the reputation doesn't necessarily reflect it, because Miami and all of these other.


Things, it always bothered me that people viewed the Heat fans as not good. And I was in Miami for so many years, and yeah, after have you ever looked at a Heat game, like, with ten minutes left in the third quarter, it looks like there's nobody there because they're all doing their halftime stuff. I'm good with it.


You want to define what that stuff is?


If you've been in the bunker suites, you know exactly what that's it's cocaine. Number one, marlins, the greatest fan base in all of baseball, and it's not even close. The St. Louis Cardinals.


Universal agreement in here.


Just yep.




That fits.


I don't know how I feel about the Cardinal fan base.


I've been to a game there, like, years ago, and they're really nice.


It's just from the standpoint, I feel like they're looking down at, like they feel like they know more about baseball than we do, because they do.


Oh, please.


There's, like, a whole best fans in baseball like meme account, making fun of Cardinals fans for being actually the worst fans of baseball.


David, is you mean the least knowledgeable or the least loyal?


Like, least knowledgeable, like the meanest. Yeah. Are you guys St. Louis? Yes, St. Louis.


I've been to a lot of games at Bush, and I have never had an issue. Our players have never had an issue, and I don't view people in St. Louis as mean at all. That is surprising to hear. I don't see fights in the stands. We don't worry.


You okay there?




He gets emotional.


He loves St. Louis.


That's a fine wait, you have a best friend from St. Louis who's mean?


She's so mean.




And why is she your best friend?


Yeah, she's my best friend.


Yeah. Is she mean to you or mean to everyone. Oh, okay.


I love her, though.


Yeah, I get it.


But she's mean to you.




I think you can love someone who's mean, but do you try to make her less?


It doesn't huh?


This isn't Emily, is it?




You can't love Emily.


You're not allowed to.




Do you think you're going to change her?


I don't want to. She's my best friend.


I like that.


I guess there's a reason.


Does she have redeeming qualities?


Of course.


Okay, so you just put up does.


She think you're mean?




Okay, well so you're the mean girls.




Well, if you're mean and she's mean and you both know that each other is mean, doesn't that exactly define what mean girls means?


Do you have a burn book?


I was kind of doing a thing here and there's been a lot of follow.


Yeah, it's like it really has.


We're just pretty par for the course when David's on, I think. And now I'm like I don't even know if I should answer truthfully or not. I don't know.


Don Lebotard few things feel better than when you're on a roller coaster with no underwear.




Try it.


A very weird observation by Stugatt.


You should try it. Don't knock it until you try it. Dano.




You know what, Stugats? I reconsider my position. I have not tried it and so I won't knock it. Please explain to us in as much elaboration as you can why it's so wonderful to ride on a roller coaster with no underwear.


Well, you just get that incredible breeze that you can only get when you're high up on a roller coaster and it's about to go down, and when it goes down, oh, does it feel good? It's like air conditioning inside your shorts. It's amazing. It really is.


This is The Don Levatar Show with the Stukats.


David, because he's played so well in this postseason, has Bryce Harper become the face of baseball?


I don't think there is a face of baseball. So everyone tries. It's supposed to be Trout, he didn't want it. And then can it be Otani? He's got those New Balance commercials that, if you're watching, they're on every commercial break, it seems. So that would be a good opportunity. But no, they tried with Jazz. But in order to be the face of baseball, you have to be better and you have to be in the postseason, which the Marlins were able to accomplish this year. So he's in position next year. If he does better and the Marlins continue to improve, he could be the face. He's a great representation of what baseball wants to be young, hip, and cool. Bryce Harper, he likes commercials, he likes winning. He is turned into a leader, there's no question about it. But I believe he's too old to be the face. They want somebody with a two handle, not a three handle.


Well, I mean, wouldn't the face of baseball kind of just present themselves? Like, if it's baseball deciding who it is, they're never going to catch on, right? Like, you can't make fetch happen, you.


Can'T make viral happen, but you certainly do you think Jazz was put on the COVID of MLB, the show, just by happenstance because he was free on Wednesday at 02:00 to do the photo shoot. It was a purposeful choice by baseball.


That was weird, I think, how baseball fans, not like there was kind of like a pocket of baseball fans that rejected Jazz as being the COVID of the show because they decided he wasn't good enough. And really they just wanted their player to be on the show. And I thought that was strange.


I think that what they were concerned about is that he was being anointed as, this leader, and he had not yet shown that he can either, A, stay on the field or B, perform on the field in a way that would merit being in a commercial with Jeter and on the COVID of the show. And the thought was, is it too much too soon? And it's going to actually impact whether he's going to be good, which is something you have to talk about with Jazz. You got to do it on the field if you're going to maintain sort of his persona. Otherwise it just gets old.


But Peyton Hillis was once the COVID of Madden.


He was I want to make the argument for Mike Trout, not only obviously a top player in the league, but he also looks the most like a like, think of Mike Trout's face. If you had to pick a baseball like a baseball, it's Mike Trout that is the face of base face of baseball.


David, your thoughts under that theory? Could there ever be a face of basketball who's orange Trump seems like a dangerous game?


That would be Donald Trump face of one person.


You imagine if they anointed Donald Trump, the face of the NBA, because the only criteria is you had to match the color of the ball.




He would love that.


Baseball is trying to do the opposite, actually.




Trevor May. David, I found this to be fascinating. The former A's manager ripped the A's, ripped everyone. Is he going to get a job again in Major League Baseball?


So he was in the bullpen. If you're a Mets fan, you're familiar with him. He's sort of mediocre, but he had a career and he went scorched earth. I'm nothing personal this morning. I just played some of the tape. I don't know if you have the tape. He went a little nutty on John Fisher talking about the fact that he's a nepo baby. I mean, he would have fit in great with this crew and how he did nothing. He's done nothing. He doesn't even have the guts to be front facing and tell us what he wants to do. And my reaction was, I get what May is saying, but you really don't want to do that. If you have any interest in being involved in baseball, because he went after owners, his only possible job now is with the players union. Or he can do an independent podcast, but he doesn't have the credibility to be a podcaster because he didn't do enough research before going on this rant. And the fact about what John Fisher does and I'm against the a's moving. I'm not even sure they're going to move, but I'm not against owners who don't talk to the media, because very few of them do.


And that's what Trevor May was complaining about, saying what a wussy, that he won't own what he's doing. And I did disagree with that.


Stugats was real close. Trevor may, not the manager of the a's.


Thank you.


Really close, I said. But Jeremy, I tried thank you for.


The correction, david, I know you really tried to kind of help contextualize that.


There, but not hard enough. Just throw it right back in my face next time. David, what are you doing?


Well, no, you're in the number one chair right now. I'm trying to make you look good.




I don't want to point out when you're making mistakes because you're not prepared.


I don't care about looking good. I made a mistake. Make fun of me. No, you don't.


Around it.




Stu was just really trying to see.


If David was saying, make sure he's on his toes. Right.


There's one thing I've learned from you, Stu, and that is always to be prepared, no matter how little you prepare.


Do you have an update for the Marlins on us? What has happened since the last time.


We spoke earlier this week.


So there's just been a little bit of news, as in their GM is gone and they are in the market for a president of baseball operations. And I have gotten a bit of attention, and I wanted to talk to you all about this. People are a little upset that I was willing to say that it's possible that the marlins could be better off without Kim and that they need a true president of baseball operations, whether it's a male, female, or whoever it is. But that is not Kim's strength. And that the problem, is when you brought her in, it was Derek Jeter running the show and not Kim. And people in the industry just know that. And people are telling me, well, just keep that to yourself. Don't let people know what the truth is about that. And I say screw that. I want you to know what the truth is. The marlins made the right move. If you're a Marlins fan and you want to win and continue winning, you need someone running the baseball side. That's not Jeter, and it was never going to be Kim.


Well, can it be true that she may have not been prepared at the time, but she'd done enough to earn a chance an opportunity to have that.


Role, except you have to ask yourself what it is that she actually did. And this is not Sulling Kim. I think it's outstanding. I think anybody should have that job who can do that job, who is the ability and gets a chance to do it and then does it. But it is a job that requires you have to have great management skills, and you are running a big business. The baseball side of an organization is the biggest business part of the baseball team, the most budget. And then on top of that, you have to know who to listen to and who not to. It's not that President of Baseball Ops are big evaluators themselves. It's that they know who is evaluating and who you listen to and who you don't. And I think what Bruce Sherman is trying to do is find someone who has done it. So I don't think you're going to see a first time President of Baseball operations. I don't think you're going to see an internal promotion. I think you're going to see him bring someone in who is the anti Jeter, someone who can actually do the job and help the Marlins be where Bruce wants them to be, which is a consistent winner.


Have you submitted your resume?




That's another misconception. I was never the President of Baseball operations. I was the president of the team. So the baseball department reported to me, no, I'm not qualified to be the President of Baseball Operations. Only the president.


If left to you, who would you hire?


I would bring back Mike Hill.


Really? Why?


Mike Hill was let go by Jeter with Bruce Sherman having no knowledge of that. Mike Hill is tremendous at surrounding himself with people who know what they're doing and knowing who to listen to and who not to listen to. Mike Hill did not have the opportunity under Jeter that he should have only because Jeter was making all the decisions running that team from the baseball side. And I think that Mike Hill has no ramp up time. He's familiar with the organization. The question is, he's doing so well at Major League Baseball? Does he want to get back into the game in that way? But I think if he does, he'll have the opportunity.


Well, did he not have an opportunity under Jeffrey also?


So yes, he was our President of Baseball Operations, and Jeffrey was involved in a way that many owners are involved. And there was some things going on in our organization where the power was not necessarily with Mike.


David, what movie we have about four minutes here, so hopefully I've left you enough time to review a movie for us. What movie are you reviewing?


I hope someone there in that room. Have you watched the Beckham documentary?


I have not. My wife has.


She loves it, so I didn't realize any of this. So there's a new documentary in four parts, and I knew that he was married to Victoria posh spice or something. I didn't realize or remember what had happened to him with the red card in the world cup. I didn't realize and remember that he had been vilified by fans in London. I had not remembered that he had gone to real Madrid. All of that was news to me. I learned so much about beckham. The only thing that bothered me about this documentary is as a person who loves Miami so much. It was like two minutes of the entire documentary was his Miami part. And it really pissed me off, because it didn't even go into the great business deal he made to get the $25 million option to have the expansion team. It didn't go into the struggle to get the team into Miami. It didn't go into how they got messy. All the things that I thought they could have done, they didn't. And that's the only negative of the documentary.


Did you learn anything about him that you didn't know before you started watching the movie?


Everything, really. I had no idea how mean his father hmm. I didn't realize what it was like with him and posh or Victoria, how he would leave the team and drive hours to spend five minutes with her.


Did he come off as likable to you?


Do you like I had never I dealt with him when we were trying to build a soccer stadium next to marlins park, and we were trying to get Miami to do that into Miami at the time, or it wasn't even into Miami. We were trying to do a deal with MLS, and we wanted beckham, as part of the deal, to be not just involved in what was on the pitch, but involved in the community and marketing. And his interest was only in the colors of the franchise and the clubhouse and the type of pitch it was, and the players on the pitch. He wouldn't do any of the other things that we wanted. So a deal never happened. So my experience with him was not necessarily positive. And after this documentary, I said, wow, I wish I'd been able to spend a little more time with him because I didn't realize his past and the way his father drove him and how difficult it was for him to deal with all of the fame and the attention and how he was able to overcome all of it. So this documentary really did change my view.


David shane Beamer just broke his foot after losing, blowing a ten point lead against Florida. Do you have an example of a player after a game or a coach getting mad and injuring themselves after a game?


The only one I can think of is our closer, AJ. Ramos, who broke his hand by hitting the top of the dugout. And that's the only fight he and I ever had. And we're still in touch to this day, it is the only fight we ever had is when he did that. Players who get hurt during celebrations, we had we had our Rookie of the Year get hurt. I can't remember his name. Chris Coglin. He got hurt in a celebration. I had bad words with Juan Pierre, who I love. JP. And again, still in touch with him because he did that thing where he would dunk and get involved in post game. Dee Gordon used to do that and I would be annoyed. These players, I love that they want to celebrate, but I can't stand injuries because you're paying players not to play.


In that case, all right, nothing personal. Check it out every day, wherever you get your podcasts. Of course, here on the Dan LeBetard Show network and the DraftKings network. David, we appreciate it. Two times this week, man.


Thank you.


We appreciate your time, buddy.


Have a great day.


Okay. See you, Dave. Feel better.


Stop coughing.


Don LeBatard risk reward of going into the woods by yourself. You die or you see some trees. I'm not going to die to go see some trees.


Stu guts.


Listen to me. You've seen one tree, you've seen them all, okay? There's no special trees out.


Of nowhere.


This is nonsense.


This is the Don Levitar show with stu guts. It is time for Stu Guts to share his game notes. No one in the media will tell you what happened better than my boy Stu.


Weekend observations on a Wednesday. Brought to you by Miller Light. Great taste. 96 calories available for delivery.


What are you eating?


Granola. Thanks. Was hungry. Dangerous game. What are you looking at?


Maybe a swig of water. You want us to fill a little bit for you?


Yeah, go ahead.


What are you looking at?


Me? Yes.


I'm just you you've gotten caught with granola so many times, I don't understand why you keep doing it.


I don't know.


Sounds better instantly after the water, I.


Don'T learn my lesson. It seems Dan still stuck. We haven't seen him on the field in over a year. But he's always somewhere and he's always an injury away. Yesterday or Sunday. It happened. Jimmy G did what Jimmy G does. He got injured and Dan just like that. Make no mistake about it. Brian Hoyer is back.


Miss him.


No, he's not.


He is.


He's starting. What do you mean?




Las Vegas. Jimmy G got hurt. You're not know?


I don't know why? I was thinking Jimmy Graham.


What? I don't know. He's a tight end.


I know.


He still plays.


He's with the Saints right now.


He does?




Get out of here. Yeah, he had like a there was.


A mental health issue in the office.


Not a great start playing the Dan character, but you'll get there.


No, but he brought up mental health, so that helps.


Dan. You know what the T in Tez walker stands for? It stands for. The U is not back. You can't spell frauds without the U.


I would argue that I'm sitting in Stugatza seat and I did a great job there in this seat.


You did. Michael Pennix Jr. Congratulations on winning the heisman. Walking into Dick's Sporting Goods. Dangerous game. Brian Hoyer lives one injury away. Death, taxes. And can you win a super bowl with Dak Prescott? I love a good dicks. It's a dangerous game, though. Spend a ton of money in that place.


I want to buy every hydro flask in the little entryway.




I end up buying Big League Chew every time I'm there.




And I don't ever actually use it at the counter.


The candy they get you on the way out.


Great candy selection.


Sunflower seeds.


Oddly, though, right? Like you're thinking you're walking into a sporting goods store, there's not going to be candy to make you fatter.


You probably spend 2 hours in that golf section.


I do. Trying out the clubs.


Little putting green. I hate when there's a kid in there. Hey, this is for business here. This is not for you to play while your mom shops, okay? You're whacking the ball all over the place. This is for me to practice and learn if I want to get this putter right.


You never get it, though.




They're expensive putters.


I like to try lefty one, too.




Just get a little fun. And then the kid's like, hey, this is for serious business.




And I'm like, you don't know. I'm not a lefty.


I'm going to start calling you lefty. Chris has played a full round at Dick's.


That's where I bought my golf clubs.


You never use them.


I use them a couple times.


You use them as a prop. We have like a big golfer on the show. On the shows that we do, separate from this one. You put the golf clubs in the back so they could see it and so they think you're some sort of golfer.


Falsehoods. What do you mean? I have golf clubs and I don't have room for them, so I have them stored in the background next to the couch because I don't have a place for them not to impress golfers. What do I care?


You're right. I'm sorry.


Max home.


I need them to be my friend. What do I care?


But you put them there when home is on. Every time they don't move, I don't put them there.


It's not like I set up. Continue whatever you're doing.




If you ever find yourself wondering where Brian Hoyer is, look for Josh McDaniels. Hoyer won't be far behind. Dan, you know what the D in Dak stands for? Death, taxes. And can Dak Prescott win the Super Bowl? I'd said something was off. In Athens, they've won 24 consecutive games. Kyle McCord. Do it against Michigan. The C in Colorado stands for Choked. The L in Lucy Rodine stands for left early I'm proud of you.


Thank you.


Don't apologize to anyone for that. Just so we're all on the same page, before the NBA season starts, if Chris Paul wins a championship with the Golden State Warriors, it will not count as a championship in my personal record book. Speaking of my personal record book, I have reached a deal with a major publishing company. I'm writing a book.


Did you get an advance?


I did.


Well, you need to deliver, though.


A book?






It's not just they give you an advance and that's that.


I'm getting to it.


When is this coming out?


I don't know yet.


Have you written anything?


A couple chapters. I might change the title to I wrote a Book Before dan, did Alabama survive in advance? In honor of Billy Gill being at jury duty, this week, top five people in sports who cannot a courtroom.


OOH, this is good.


Number five, Johnny Bench. Number four lawyer Malloy. Great list so far.


Thank you.


Number three, david justice. Number two, aaron. Judge.


There'S better than that.




There is, and I think he's going to miss it.


Well, what's your guess?


No, I'm not telling.


Not no.


Not ty law.


It's not Thai law.


Who's number one.


DA points.


That's pretty good.


Benjarvis Greenellis, the law firm.


Oh, man.


Guys, it was right there.




Two Patriots.


I had Courtney Vandersloot.


Well, that's pretty good.


DA points, though.


As good.


As good.


Do you know who DA points is? Does anyone know who DA points is? He's a golfer.


Next time he's on Supari, I'll put my golf clubs behind me.


Here come the Maple Leafs. You know, hockey started.


It's the shortest offseason ever.


I know.


Chris Fowler talking about Michael Pennicks Jr. Said lefty quarterbacks just look better. He must have never seen Pat White. 15 to six is so Iowa. Wisconsin. Sorry about that. Granola bar.


It happens. They choke a lot, too.


Thank you.


Brock purdy blah, blah, blah. You know what the B in Brock Purdy stands for? Billy, blah, blah, blah, devante Smith. Stop crying. You know what the S in Smith stands for?


Billy, stop crying.


Very good.


You're on your game. Tez Walker. Sunday's collision course. Eight days ago. I had no idea who Tez Walker was. Washington didn't win. Dan Lanning lost. Michigan. I have an idea. Place somebody. Anybody. Just place somebody.


I'm being told we have a picture of DA points.


Let's take a look at this guy.


There he is.


All right, the DA, back to you.


Nice bangs.


It's worth keeping an eye on. James Madison. The Dukes, Lucy, they're pretty good, right?


The NCAA won't let them compete in the postseason, though, right?




Pretty much ever.


Welcome to my world.


Well, till next year. It feels like forever. Because they should have played last year, too.


UCLA. You are not alone. Very few teams walk into Corvallis and come out alive. Seahawks, four trips in the red zone. In the second half and only three points. You know what the b in Cincinnati Bengals stands for? It stands for bend but don't break. Philadelphia Eagles. That had to hurts. It felt like I was watching Ryan Tannehill limp off the field for the final time.


Do you see that?




Tannehill felt bad for him.


I can't believe that he's still in the league.


That does feel like it might be it, right? Like if Malik Willis is just their guy or rather they're terrible and then draft the next guy.


I think if Tannehill is your a, you have a good quarterback situation.


It just feels like the Dolphins gave up on him so long ago and he's still doing it.


He just has to realize the perfect world that is being a backup quarterback. He could be the best. Like to sue's point. He could be the best in the league.


Learn from his backup quarterbacks, Chad Henney. Learn from Matt Moore. They got to live the life.


Chad Henny probably hated the first four years of his career when he was playing and then he went to be a backup.


He's like, this is sweet. This is awesome.


Same amount of money, no stress, slightly less money, but well, he had the.


One big drive last year for Kansas City in the playoffs. 98 yards.




Mahomes went out.


That was selfish of Patrick Mahomes. We've done this.


So we could say Chad Henny went out on top.


He did.


Good for him.


He won a super bowl, right?


That was a part of it. Billy. Like a major part of it was.


The Dolphins quarterback that got me. He's the one. We drafted him. I'm like, he's the one.


Did he have a better career than Tannehill?


That's a good question.


Tannehill never played in the playoffs for the Dolphins. He got hurt. Matt Moore played that game.


Tannehill's been to a couple of AFC championship games as a starter, right? Maybe one with the Titans, but that's.


Derek Henry's AFC title game, not Ryan Tannehill's.


Yeah, it's fair.


Chad Henny. Two Super Bowls.






Super bowl winning quarterback, Chad Henny.


All right.


Two time greatest Dolphin quarterback ever. More than Marino.


He didn't do it for the Dolphins, though.




Greatest Dolphins quarterback ever. He was on the dolphins.


He's in the top five.


I think you have to win it with the Dolphins to be in the Dolphin category.




I would say two is already ahead. I think two is the second best quarterback in Dolphins, 100% behind.




I agree with you. No.


Greasy right now is number two behind Marino.


But he won a title.






I know you're saying he's better than Marino.




Okay, I'm getting confused. What's happening here? Dolphins quarterbacks all time, moreno greasy. I am putting Tua third already.


I'm putting him second number.


Think. No, I think this is down to Chad Henney and Bob Greasy. They each have two.


You're the just.


Chad Henny didn't win with the well.


Neither did Dan Marino and you have him as the best ever.


What do we do with Jay Cutler?


That's a great question.


All right, moving on. I don't want to move on.


Jay Cutler has one of the greatest plays in Dolphin history, which is when he was lined up in a wildcat out as a receiver and he didn't even move one of my favorite plays out.


Where is Jay Fiedler in this conversation?


Ahead of Chad Henney.


Impossible. Chad Henny's a two time Super Bowl winning quarterback. How that's impossible?


Where is David Woodley in this conversation? He took him to a Super Bowl.


He's not where do we stand on Jay Cutler presently? Because I wasn't sure on that one. Like, I wanted to get a Jay Cutler Dolphins jersey once. Very cavalieri started and then I think he fell out of favor with the general public and I thought maybe I shouldn't get one.


Yeah, I would say so.


Okay. Well, it was hard to find anyway, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't.


We still have four pages left on.


Game mean we're getting down to best Dolphins quarterback ever.


I'm down big.


We've never done this before.


I'm down to do pickers next. It's a Linda Mari or bus. There's no one after.


Get out of here.


Pete Dionovich would like a word.






It's a Linda Mare. He was in a lunchables ad.


Linda Mare had a cool name but wasn't very good. What overrated.


I'd say.


Oh, shut.


I was going to say shut your mouth, and then I said, shush, and then it turned into shut.


Hear people saying that Bill Belichick has lost his touch. He hasn't lost his touch. He lost his quarterback. I spent 730 to 10:30 p.m. Eastern on Sunday night wondering how we beat the Eagles and how we lost to the Patriots at home. 49 ers Browns.


You have good wins.


We did.


The bills also.


We had bad losses, though.


You almost beat the Chiefs.


I know, but we lost to the Patriots. 49 ers Browns, Jets, Eagles. Any given Sunday. The one text I got from Smetty.


Over the weekend.


Made me smile, though. 49 ers Browns, Jets, Eagles. That's why they play the games. Derek Rose is a grizzly. Do you know that, Tony?


I did not grizzled vet.


He didn't play for the Knicks at all.




Like, he just wore a jersey and.


Just sat there on the bench the entire season.




I also had any juice do inside 72 Dolphins champagne.


That's right, you did.


Guess it didn't make the cut.


It didn't. I put it down. I send them to Chris and he decides what goes in and goes up.


Wait, you're blaming I did not make any cut.


Welcome to the club.


Do you think Jimbo Fisher has looked at the Texas A M athletic director and said, go ahead, buy me out? I dare you? Yes.


Probably not in those exact words.


No, but just with his performance.


He said that? With his performance.


With a wink. Notre Dame. Hell of a bounce back. Speaking of hell artbrials dan. Those are the weekend observations.