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This is the Dan Leviton Show with the Stugats Podcast.


I am apologizing to the audience right off the bat, Stugats, because this is one of the longest weekends of my life. I am coming out of, and I will tell you about it one day in the book if I live long enough and am brave enough to ever write the book about all the stuff that happened to me this weekend. But I'm tired. I have not slept in 72 hours.


Just a book on this past weekend?


It could be. Really? It could be. An entire book on a weekend? Yes. I believe that my greatest fear professionally, the writing of a book, I believe, can absolutely spring from just the things that happen to me this weekend. And I say this as modestly as you can, it would be a best seller. Really? It would immediately become a best seller.


Yeah, the Chiefs, huh?


No, Chris Cody did, and I'll get to that in a second because good God, he came in here hot today in a way that one can only be if they bet on the wrong side of that game. So we will get to his thoughts on that in a second. But before we do, that Sunday of football was, save for three games, an unending stream of shit and horrible quarterback play because the Vikings are on their fourth one, and the Vikings are going to make the playoffs on their fourth quarterback. The sport cannot keep their quarterbacks healthy. Hear all about it on God bless football, which Billy has now returned to put out with Stugat. Chris, how much did you miss, Billy, that you had to do God bless football while Billy was away?


Honestly, with what happened with my homes and the Chiefs, I was fired up this morning. I wanted to be part of it. I missed it. Really? Yeah. I was like, I need.


To see. He was lingering in the control room. I was.


Like, Oh.


Maybe they'll ask.


Me to come in if I just walk through, do a quick lap, say hello to everybody. They did not ask, but I got takes.


Billy, did you miss the doing of God-Bless?




Get out of here.


Don't even stop.


Now you've gone.


Too far. Okay, well, welcome back, Billy. It's nice to have you back. Jessica is here, and there's someone back there wearing a lampshade. Jessica, can you tell me at all that's a punishment? The lampshade punishment? That person I heard mutter, but I could not tell their voice because I cannot talk to that person, and I don't think they're mic'd up. That person said, This is a lot harder than I thought it was. That person is editing, and I cannot see his or her face.


That person's wearing Cole-Han's shoes, if that.


Answers your question. Wittingham? Close. Okay, it's not Wittingham. What is the punishment? It's just a lampshade on your head?


He loves lamp, yeah. Dan, I ruled an iron fist. I come back and we're paying off punishments immediately.


All right, that's good, Billy.


Thank you for doing that. I thought you were the pirate last week. Yes. I don't remember that being a punishment, but...


That was just for fun. That's a freebie I gave you. Just a little freebie. Because I like that stuff and I was feeling good after the wife sent me in wearing it.


In the book? Or, I mean...


Not this weekend. I did not put on the pirate to outfit for the weekend. However, even though because football cannot keep its competent quarterbacks healthy. Sorry, C. J. Straud, enjoy the concussion protocol. Because the sport is totally insane, but because it also has the great gifts, Stugat, of you don't even need Dallas and Philadelphia as the nighttime game to be close. The only two games you got yesterday, Stugat, were the Ravens. The Ravens over here and the Browns over there and everything else, stunk, except for a star quarterback in that league, is more enraged than you've ever seen him. Travis, Kelsey's play, Taylor Swift's boyfriend, makes a play that would have been an all-timer for eternity, and it's turned over by the stupidity of the correct rule. Clearly offside, clearly needs to be a penalty, clearly should have been overturned. Chris Cody comes in here totally insane, and Patrick Mohomes, after the game, he's as angry as you have ever seen him.


I mean, the thing is, I'd rather let us play, man. Let us play the game. Then whatever happens, happens. The whole throwing the flag and deciding the game one or another, that's what hurts me. That's why last week I didn't say anything because it's letting us play, man. Let us go out there and win the game. I said I'd rather than let us play and go out there and see who wins. That's what you want as a competitor is you practice all week to go out there and try to win. You want it to be about your team and that team and see what happens. You don't want to be talking about this stuff after the game. That's it, man. I'm not worried about if there was a flag on the next player or whatever, like not a flag. I want to go out there and play and then see what happens at the end, see what the score is, and then I can live with the results. We know you.


Follow a lot of the ball. Do you feel like this is isolated frustration to you, or do you feel like it might be a.




Problem as.


Far as this entire? The flag today was tough. Offense of all sides. It's something that, like I said, elementary school we talk about you line up, you point to the ref, you're good, you're not good. If not, they come to you, you need to get off the ball more, you need to be on the ball more. You have a discussion. That's the ref's job. You want to have an open discussion so that you can go out there and put the best product you can on the field. For him to throw that flag, no explanation, no anything. I saw the pitcher and he probably is barely off sides. But for him to take the game into his hands over a call like that that doesn't affect the play at all, at all, didn't affect anything. It's just tough, man. Like I said, man, that's a Hall of Fame tie in, making a Hall of Fame play that won't be shown because we threw a flag for our offensive all sides. It takes away from not only this game in this season, but from a legendary career that Travis has had. That hurts me because I know how hard he works for it.


He is so very obviously right, and he is so very obviously wrong. Because Stugat, that's not him angry. Angry was him after the game, restrained by teammates. This is what I'm telling you is happening there. It ain't that there was a call, and it ain't that it was a referee's fault. What's happening there is, Hey, Patrick Mahomes, look what it looks like now for every quarterback in the league. It's really hard to play that game if everything doesn't go exactly right. Referees do an amazing job spotting the ball correctly, which none of us would do correctly. We could spot the ball correctly. Your teammate cost you that game because of an elementary school mistake, and you're frustrated because it's really hard for you to get to 17 points now. That's all projection. Everything that just happened there. You just saw the real Patrick Mahom to have his life made easy in football for a really long time.


He's worried about Travis, Kelsey's career, and he wants the referees to ref a game in accordance to what they think is best for Travis, Kelsey's career, what a joke. Dan, he has lived a charmed NFL life. The second thing, stop going his way. He's never had to play a playoff game on the road. He's likely, if they make the playoffs, going to have to do that this year.


Andy knows his team is not good enough. Andy knows his receivers are not good enough. Like, man, Stugatz, those receivers are terrible.


Yes, they are.


They are awful.


Right. But he won a Super Bowl with pretty much the same receiver core as he has.


There are so many more drops right now, Stugatz. I know. So many shitty plays.


But Dan, here's the deal. Even with the call, and I understand, great play, we'll never talk about it. The best play in the history of sports that didn't happen. Okay, I get all of it.


Is it?


Well, I think it is, right?


It's the one from yesterday, yes. Certainly the one from the weekend. Certainly the one from yesterday. Yes.


Certainly the one from.


The weekend. Certainly the one from yesterday. The four.


O'clock window. I don't even know that we're not going to watch a highlight of that again. Don't we watch the highlight of him going parallel to the ground, throwing that ball? Wasn't that an incomplete? We still see that play all the time from him?


It wasn't an incomplete. Was it an incomplete? Was the.


Play that-I don't think that play counted.


Well, it didn't count, but it wasn't an completion. Well, if it.


Didn't count, it's not a completion.


I love this. Best plays that.


Didn't count. Well, there was also who was the Dolphins player that went upside down? The fat lineman that went and he put the ball over the end zone. That's even his profile pick, and that play didn't.


Count either. I think the best play that never happened was the intercepted spike attempt. That was great.


That was from last weekend. The best play from last weekend.


But Dan, they had second and 15. They're the best at second and long, third and long, fourth and long.


Used to be. They're not anymore.


He's complaining they still had plenty of three opportunities to get the first down and go on and win that football game, and he didn't get it done. So you don't blame the referees for making the right call after the game.


I'd like to talk for a second about Stugat's just how dreadful football was yesterday, but they gave us this, this one thing. We can argue. Think about what you're watching on Sundays that none of these teams can keep their quarterbacks healthy, even though you can't hit them in the head and you can't hit them low and you can't land on them and you can't do anything to them. None of them can stay healthy. The one that we've conceded is the best in the league, suddenly people are talking about maybe he's not. The reason they're doing it is because they lose a close game like that on a technicality. He gets the media content games to gut. I woke up this morning. I fell asleep for 10 minutes last night in the peace that I had of 72 hours. I missed everything that was happening in Cowboys and Eagles. And when I got up this morning to find out, I had a hard time finding it because it was my homes, Chiefs, everywhere. I had a hard time getting through it because the story of the day was his quarterback icon, commercial spokesman, Super Bowl champion.


Oh, he's whining like a loser. Patrick my home feels like a loser is acting like a loser, and he's hiding behind Taylor Swift's boyfriend.


Well, I don't cosign any of that. But Billy was right. It was an incomplete pass in the Super Bowl, the sideways throw that is one of the most famous pictures of Patrick Mohomes throwing a football. It was a great throw.


No one caught it. Almost intercepted, too. It could have been a horrible decision.


I can't believe it would have been funny if it was. How many of those did Josh Allen yesterday, by the way? Horrible decisions where he's fluttering the ball up.


Totally recklessly. I don't understand how it's not consensus that the chiefs got screwed. The last two weeks, there's a no call on a clear pass interference call. That's no call. We're going to let him play. We're going to let the players decide. The next week, all right, if I'm going to admit that he was offside, it's by a toe or inches. By a toe?


His back foot was where the other receiver's front foot was. He was a full person ahead of where he was supposed to be. If you.


Look at where the ball is, you're judging off this blue line that is not a real line.


What? Chris, it's a real line. There's a lineman standing there saying don't come over this line.


You know the blue line is not going across the field.


We understand that.


I'm telling you that it is inches we're talking here. Right. Then that's a no-call. That's the call. We're calling that. It's a ticky-tack call to decide your game, and then a no-call on a clear pass interference call.


It's the right call. How much money did you have on this that you're so upset.


About it?


Hold on, before you answer that, because you realize these losses helped.


The Dolphins, right? Yeah, that's what I mean. As a Dolphins fan, I wanted the.


Chiefs to lose. Be careful there. Helps the Dolphins. You're a Chargers fan. You do not want to see these bills. You're going to have to beat them late in December, and you're going to have to beat them again if you beat them in December. I'm not sure you want to see that team.


Everyone here is in agreement. We want that call. We want that flag called.


Right there. The flag was thrown before the result of the play. What happened after was irrelevant. It's not like they took the play away. They had already made the decision that was.


Going to happen. We need an IN. Why is it that ESPN and networks can get a referee who's watching from the sky and telling us the right call? Why is there not a guy talking to the referee in his ear? Why is there not a referee in the sky that's like, Hey, we.


Screwed this one up. How would that help in this situation? This is what Carl Schrefer said after the game, and this was from the NFL Pool report. It's one of those things we don't want to be overly technical on, but when it's in his alignment, he's lined up over the ball. That's something we are going to call as an offensive offside. That's what the down judge saw. He saw that the alignment was over the ball, and that's what he rolled on the field. That's what he called.


The blue line.




What do you mean it's not real?


I think he's super emotional right now, and he's lashing out when he's the one that's actually using the blue line out of everybody. I get it. It stinks, but it was the right call, and it was objectively hilarious that it was Cedarius, Tony, that did it when he was the one high stepping into the end zone. Can we just for a second, relish in our one and only Fast Switch Energy drink player of the week, Cedarius, Tony, having two of these during an NFL season. Come on, guys. I understand the emotion, and I know what's happening there is misplaced anger. It should be all directed at Cedarius Tony.


Billy, can you please get me real quick the stat line for Cedarius Tony, when he was our sponsored Fast Twitch player of the week. Had a game.


Oh, yeah. Keep in mind, a lot of what he did in that game won't show up in the box score.


No, but he had. One of them was a drop that's not in the box score. That was returned for a pick six. So that will not be in there, but it's among the plays from that game.


Just, I mean, Leon Lett better watch out. Chasing him like Don Beebe is Cedarius Tony.


Don Levitard. Smart. Stugards.


More sports. This is the Don't Let Butard show with the Stugats.


Chris Cody, I'm worried about you, okay? I've never seen or heard you so fired up as you were about this one thing and everyone that's arguing about this one thing. I just think it's.


Clearly ticky-tack. I just can't believe I'm the only one in here that's like, I don't want that called there.


No, Chris, I'm with you. I'm with Patrick Mulhomes when he says it doesn't really impact the result of the play. There's no real discernible advantage there. A couple of inches here or there, I'm with you. But the rule is the rule. I think they got way more screwed last week, and the emotion pouring out of him is not only how difficult it is for his offense to be in those games because he lived a very charmed life where everything came super easy for him, but it's just an amalgamation of all the things that have happened to the Kansas City Chiefs this season. And you turn your attention from Kater, as Tony Squareley to Taylor Swift. I'm telling you, this is becoming a thing.


The refereeing this year has been really inconsistent. It's been something that a lot of NFL fans and reporters are talking about. It just feels like it's been very inconsistent. And there's been egregious calls. This, I think, was probably ultimately the right call, but it did impact the result of the game, despite the fact that him being offside didn't impact the play at all, as Patrick Mohomes was saying. But there was a call in the Thursday Night game, which we didn't talk about last week, where the Steelers got the Patriots player to jump offside on a punch, and they would have been able to get a first down and continue their drive and potentially tie or win the game. And instead, the ref called a false start on the punting team. Everyone on the field and everyone in the stadium and everyone watching on TV was like, That wasn't the right call. They called the long snapper for snapping his head up.


Finally, we're getting the stealers, Pat.


Thank you. I've been waiting for four days to talk about.


This game. Steelers are in the playoffs. If the season ended today, I can't understand how...


Could give it a couple of weeks.


Everyone else is broken to- My point is.


You could make jokes or I'm sorry, you could argue about the refereeing and these types of calls as much as you want. Every single game has something like this in it. It's exhausting to bring it up every single time it happens because it just keeps happening. The refereeing is not... The affiliating is not getting better. This is what we have to get used to as NFL fans, I think.


Week one, Lions at Chief Caterious, Tony had five targets, one reception, one yard. He also had one rushing play for negative one yard. So he had a grand toll of zero yards.


And the PIC 6 that went through his hands.


Well, that doesn't show up in the.


Box for a while. Yeah, exactly. Jessica, I'd like to get to the point that she's making, Stugat, because I believe that what she's saying is right in spirit and in theory. The refereeing is wildly inconsistent, and all of us are getting mad about something every single week. Both very true. This is what I want to ask you guys, because everything out there seems like it's moving super fast. And like I said earlier, I'm surprised that they spot the ball as well as they do. I would get that wrong all the time if I wasn't watching on television. I would just think it would be very hard to do. But the thing that I want to ask all of you, because I thought of this yesterday, I don't even know who it was, Stugat. Somebody at the goal line, they kept stopping back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, is his chin down before the ball crosses the goal line? Is the chin down or is it not down? Is an ass cheek down or is it not down? We watched it a hundred times. All of us have money on these games. All of us have microscopes on these old guys.


All of us are waiting for the Mahom screw up. We're all breathing on their neck. It's all moving very fast. The question I want to ask you guys, What the hell are we doing? What the hell are we doing? You're going to really do it like that? Is his chin down? Is it an inch? Is it two inches? Is it three? You got it wrong, you old f*c. You got it wrong. Is this really what we're doing? Seven hundred replays. Was it an inch? Was it three inches? Hey, why didn't the referee know that was going to be one of the most amazing plays of all time before he threw that flag?


But, Dan, it's a game of inches.


The chiefs had a spoiled existence in which they were that much better than everybody else in the league that they never had to worry about the refs being a huge part of the end result. Now they've come back to the rest of the league. I, for one, am super excited to see what Patrick Mohomes has to do to get to another Super Bowl because he's never played a road playoff.


Game before. Can he do it? Because all the greats have done it.


I like this theory, like mediocre teams, we've had to deal with a call like this deciding the trajectory of our season. We've all dealt with this before, where you could just blame one little false start or one little... But in reality, your team just didn't play very well. And how many downs did he have after that to try to get a first score, a touchdown, and they weren't able to convert?


I wouldn't say the team didn't play very well. I would say the Bulls are really good and we're playing for their.


Season yesterday. And Pacheco is out. We know what they look with Clyde Edwards-Hilair and how much Pacheco has upgraded that coming off of one of his best career games. That's a huge part of it, too. But to me, the main story is I don't really understand what Joe braided was doing at the end of the game in throwing and not running clock. Have you not seen the Chiefs this year? Have you not seen how difficult it is for them to score this year? It's not the same, where 12 seconds is too much time to.


Leave at home. Meaning when the Bills got that call and they had... And the Chiefs only had two.


Timeouts left. This is a middle of the pack offense right now. It's got bad receivers. I understand. I don't think JuJu, Smith, Schuster is the only thing. I think everybody's getting a little bit older on that team. When you don't have Pacheco, that takes away a dynamic that that team sorely needs, I just don't think they're all that good anymore right now.


You guys want to play a game called What does Sean McDermott have to do to lose his job? Because it seems like he's playing the game by himself and he survived 9/11. What does he have to do to lose his job?


Well, that game would have gone a long way because the rest of their schedule is hard and they can beat anybody and they can lose to anybody, and they're fascinating. I'd be scared of them if I were the dolphins. I'd be scared of them if I were anybody because they can beat anybody.


Their schedule is such, and this is dating back a couple of weeks now, considering where they are in the standings, every game for the Bulls is going to feel like that yesterday, which was a huge part in an otherwise ugly Sunday in which we all find out who Easton Stick is.


I have an unpopular opinion on the Dolphins, and she mentions the Dolphins as a build-in. I love the Dolphins schedule to end the season. I love that they have to host the Cowboys. I love that they have to go to Baltimore. I love that they have to host the Bulls the last game of the season. Because the whole narrative around this team, the whole season has been they can't beat good teams. You're headed into the playoffs with three playoff games going into the playoffs. Here's the good thing about it, if you lose them, it doesn't really matter that much because it doesn't count. We'll practice the four layoffs. Exactly.


Why are you saying it like that?


Playoff prep, dress rehearsal.


I am scared of the Dolphins in December. I don't trust them.


That schedule is- They've already won in December this year, Dan. That's last year's narrative.


Undefeated. You sound silly.


By the way, if you want to watch the dolphins, come watch the Dolphins with us tonight.


Where are we going to be doing that?




Dolphins. Vivo Miami at the Miller Lights stage, Dolphins Mall.


Good work on the producing of that, Billy. Somewhere. Good promotion. But he got us there. He got us there. But he got us there.


By dollar Shave Club and Miller Light, there's going to be dollar-off Miller Light specials. It's open to the public all ages over there. Please come watch the second most important Monday night game of the week.


Stugats, this is pretty damn great. The idea that we are doing these microscopic examinations of the judgments of a game that's being measured by ChainLinks, the fact that we're doing it after a Sunday in which none of the games were any good, except for the three, there were three good games yesterday. Everything else stunk. I'm telling you, the quarterback play, horrific. Joe Flacko is presently a top 10 quarterback in this league. He's great. He is one of the top 10 quarterbacks in this league because everyone else stinks.


What did he do on Sunday? I wasn't really paying attention.


He crushed everybody.


Yeah, he's great. He looked good. Jag's looking funny in the light a little bit. Anytime they play a defense, they lose.


It's weird. Well, that's a great defense. But the point that I wanted to make about the games, Stugat, and the referees is we got one of these controversies, and none of the games were close. To me, this should be happening more. To me, this should be happening all over the place because you've got so many of the games are close that any one call can decide any of these games. That all the games you're watching are in the witching hour. Yesterday was shit because we're used to it, 3:45. There are five teams that are five and seven playing each other, and they're playing for the last 15 seconds of.


Your Sunday. But did you see Vikings Raiders?


It was a deuce. That was a three-point game, Dan. One call.


Changes that game. Minnesota on its.


Fourth quarter back. The call was to play the game.




Lebertard. If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gun drops. Oh, what a rain that would be… Stugats. Standing outside with my mouth open wide.






If all the rain.


Drops were lemon drops.


And gum drops, oh, what a rain that would be.


This is the Don Lebotar show with the Stugats.


The thing we're not talking about enough from this Chief Spills game last night is what an insanely reckless decision Travis, Kelsey made late in that game. Did we go down a hypothetical? There's no penalty called.


Hes throwing it terribly. He throws it terribly. Throws an interception.


We're all questioning how much he's paying attention. The Taylor Swift thing is affecting him. We are doing the Travis, Kelsey has lost his mind show today. If that just goes a little differently.


He's done it before, though. He is very good at whatever the hell that was. Yes, it is.


It was a dime, and he does have quarterback chops.


But if you look at the replay, there's a Bill's.


Defender that comes.


Within an inch of deflecting that, then we have a fumble, and it is chaos.


I have a prediction that we can revisit in 12 years. I think laterals are just dying to be exploited in this league. The hook and ladder, and everyone is so afraid of turnovers because if you turn the ball over in today's NFL, that has a point value. As we just discussed, all these games are so close. But I do think maybe a dozen years from now, there is going to be someone labeled a genius because he's doing what seems to me to be a fairly obvious thing. If you watch rugby, there are all these big plays being left on the field. If someone just tosses the ball to someone else and you design a lateral play.


It was honestly the best part of the college football video game was you get a running quarterback and you just call the option. Then right before you're about to hit, you just pitch it, and then you get like a 90-yard run. Let it go. You're the best.


Part of all the college football game. Billy, when they're onto you, you fake pitch it? , and then you.


Throw it around the quarter back. They had no answer for that. They never know.


They never know. They never know.


They never know. They never know.


They never know. They never know. They never know. They never know. They never know.


Or you run right up to the line and then a little three-yarder. Oh, God. Madden was so far behind college football video games.


Mike Ryan, I was jealous that you got to there before I did because I think it's going to happen faster than 12 years from now. If I can watch a Dallas Cowboys game where that guy is going forward on fourth down all the time, and Dan Campbell is going forward on fourth down all the time when all we're doing five years ago is talking about you got to punk there. Five years ago, I do believe that we are headed, not 12 years. It's a lateral-12 years. Whoever is the next... I mean, McVeigh is now old. Mcveigh is yesterday. Belichick is yesterday. Whoever the next McDaniel is going to be watched when Debo Samuel can pitch the ball to another Debo Samuel.


That's going to be incredible. Actually, a couple of weeks ago, I saw a video of a rugby team playing pickup football, American football against just these, presumably American dudes. They were doing that shit all over the field and kicking their asses. It looked beautiful. I know it comes with its risk because the ball, as you know, is not super round and can take funny bounces.


And the coaches are conservative and turnovers have this value now where everyone's terrified to give the ball over. So it's really going to be constipated the same way it was about punting on Fort down. They're all scared of getting the decision- But.


I do think it'll look different if you actually design these fail-safe for these receivers that are doing the lateral and you have downfield blockers. In the NFL, it won't get two out of hand because they have the ineligible men downfield rule. It's why any time a running back is trying to turn the corner and being pinned down for a three-yard loss, they're not just throwing the ball for an incomplete and not taking the loss because they are really good at enforcing ineligible receivers downfield.


Why should McDaniel wait? Because he has the guys. Why not get it to to re-kill, get the entire defense going one way, Waddle comes around, flip it to him and let him go.


They've played with that notion. I think they've already done one hook and ladder play this season. It's just dying to be exploited, but I understand the risk.


Do you understand the conflict of philosophy, though? You've got the entire league going in the other direction. Quarterbacks are the most valuable. They're all getting hurt. Valuable quarterbacks don't turn the ball over. My homes is turning the ball over a ton. His value is going down, and he's like the second highest paid player in sports after Ohtani and Messi.


Third highest. Yeah, I think this is where you get results. I think laterals are the NFL version of the corner three, where everyone realized there's all this value there. It's the shortest three-pointer on the court. Now you essentially have to run your entire offensive scheme around it. It's just sitting right there for everybody. I hope to see more because it's a super exciting play.


Chris Cody is so right, though. We would have, if Kelsey had done that, not even noticed the Tony penalty. No one would have ever noticed like, Yeah, there was a flag on the field, declined.


Can you imagine the Taylor Swift narrative if Travis Kelsey doesn't throw a laser in between four arms? It's all Travis.


Kelsey's fault. What's he doing? That's not smart. That's just reckless.


He was showing off. He thinks he's a big star.


It still.


Might be his fault. Did the Stu Gauts do that shows like two weeks.


Ago already. Three weeks ago. I was just warning a friend about, Hey, this is going to come.


He didn't do it. He said that it would happen.


Yeah, I'm just trying to help him out. I'm telling you it's coming for him and my homes. It's coming. It's coming today.


Actually, it's coming tomorrow. I do understand where my homes was coming from, and that's a legacy play. He's remembered for all times for that play.


So the ref should allow it?


Because of an inch, because of a foot being one inch.


Past the ball. It's a bummer, and it would have been a great ending to the game. But also, you know how my homes was saying you check with the official to make sure you're offside and there's some dialog there? Look at Cedarius, Tony. Never checked. My guy is locked in half-foot off the ball.


Chris Cody, and we'll move off this subject in a second, but the absurdity of how much we're playing the result here when the ref who called that, and none of us have ever objected to that being called at any other time in any other game, the ref who called that did not know that play was coming. We are all playing the result on what a bad call that is.


He should feel great about that, right?


But how many-.


Hey, I threw the flag before I knew the.


Greatest player ever on history. It's the only time you'll hear commentators take shots at people's intelligence is when there's a presnat penalty on a wide receiver. It's pretty easy. Line up behind the ball.


This is what I am telling you, though, Stugat. I am promising you, okay? If that referee had known, Chris Cody, I know you're pissed off about this, but this is what I'm promising you, and I promise you it from my soul. I know I'm right about this. If that referee had been so good that he did know that play was coming, he would have picked up the flag and just put it back in his pocket. If he had had that premonition, he would have said, You know what? I've aired. I've made a mistake here. I don't need to call this.


Right here. What if he intends to throw the flag, he gets stuck, he can't get it out, the play develops, he's still trying to get it out. Then he just says, You know what?


Forget it. He treats it like an NBA official that waits to see if it's going to be an and-one. Yes. You got that bucket? No fail there. It whipped out. All right, we'll send you the camera. Let me.


Stick this flag back. Yes, he'd pretend to be pulling up his pants. He would pantomime something. Yes. I want to get to Steve Kerr and what happened with Steve Kerr and stadium noise in stadium arena. Djs having fun with music. Steve Kerr is complaining here, and you will hear it for yourself. He's complaining about that. He's become Stan Van Gundy. No T-shirt cannons. I just want to play basketball. We don't need all this noise, all this racket, all these DJs playing music all the time. Let's hear that. You feel it. It's a communication. It's playing with force. It's playing downhill. It's playing with great communication. You can hear everybody talking defensively. Although in this building, you can't hear anything because it's like a club. It's like a South Beach club out there. What are we doing? I'm being dead serious. I couldn't hear anything out there. It's just the whole game. It's just this thumping techno club music. Can we just have a basketball game anymore? What the hell?


My guy.


He sounds like my dad on bowling night.


It is. It's Stan Van Gundy. I can't believe I'm old enough to hear Steve Kerr sound like he's.


Huber Brown. I mean, these stadiums do need this pump and circumstance around it. Otherwise, it can be pretty sad.


The Knicks did a game, I want to say, five or six years ago against the Warriors, where they cut off all of the arena noise, all the music, the PA, everything. And it was just silent for the first half. It was so weird. I was just sitting there and I could hear myself chewing popcorn. Where am I? It was also like a one o'clock game. I was like, What? I'm taking a.


Nap right now. Put it on the pole, please, JuJu. Is it a bad in-stadium sound experience if you can hear yourself chewing popcorn?


It's super boring to watch sports without music. And I didn't realize it until the All-Star Game was down here a couple of years ago, and I was at the celebrity softball game watching it, and they just had music playing throughout. And it was a soundtrack. I'm like, Man, baseball is fun if music's playing underneath the entire time. I imagine every sport is like that. With no music and basketball, you probably get super bored just watching back and forth. All you have to do is like. That was.


Literally the only sound. It was just sneakers back and forth the whole time and myself chewing.


Well, the sons and their DJ, their arena DJ, took the opportunity to listen to Steve Kerr's words and then sample them. You know what?


In this building, you can't hear anything because it's like a club. It's like a South Beach club. It's just this thumping techno club music. Thumping techno club music. Thumping techno club music. Thumping techno club music. Thumping techno club music. Put it on the pole, please, JuJu, at Levitard show. Do you like the sounds of sneakers squeaking in a basketball gym? Because some people do like that sound.


I love that sound.


But I do believe that we need the T-shirt cannon. It's not enough stimuli for young people, especially not people Steve Kerz age, but young people. You need more than just the basketball, and people Steve Kerz age are going to prefer to just have the basketball.


This next game I went to, no T-shirt, Cannon either. No celebrity row, nothing. It was completely silent.


They expect young people to have a conversation? They expect people to talk to each other?


I was on my phone, please. I don't know why. My guess is James Dolan got in a fight with the PA people and didn't pay them a check, so they didn't have it. I don't know. They didn't work that day. I don't really know why.


They did it. The Ravens Stugatz beat the Rams yesterday.


They figured out a way to.


Win, Dan. They did figure out a way to win, but that's the rare game, Stugatz, where they figured out a way to win, but gave you another reason to doubt them in the playoffs anyway. It is rare. Because the Rams can do that. The Rams can all of a sudden make your defense look pretty bad. They won on a pun return.


Their receivers are really good. Nikola made an insane grab with no gloves in that game. Cooper Cup, who's battled through injury this year, is as unguardable as ever when he's healthy.


They're six and seven. They're one of the teams that got the good quarterback play yesterday because there weren't many of them, Stugats. Oh, my God, nick Mullins. You saved the Vikings because you could throw for 80 yards. But I'm watching Bryce Young and he's going 13 for 39. I'm watching who was the quarterback that had 100 yards in the... Less than 100 yards in the third quarter? There was another quarterback yesterday where I'm watching. I'm like, They can't get any yardage. These defenses are so good, and the quarterback play has to be... The quarterback play has gotten so good from the very best of the quarterbacks that when it's shitty, you really.


Notice it. Derrick Haward had 119 yards for the game.


Well, CJ Straff finished with 90-something. He got a concussion halfway through the fourth, but in the fourth quarter, he didn't.


Have 100 yards either. What's crazy is Brock Purdy is putting up insane numbers. He's number one in every stat that you would judge. He had a quiet, just shy of 400-yard passing game yesterday, and he's probably the fifth most impressive player on that offense when you watch them.


I'll tell you the other one I was thinking of. Baker Mayfield was shitty right up until he wasn't.

