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Draftkings Network.


This is the Dan.


Leviton Show.


With the Stugats Podcast. Well, the Coast chair is vacant and Dan is losing patience. Mr. Stugatz is a big no-show. Pto, PTO, PTO. Oh, the calendar has no indication of a December-long vacation. He claims he let someone know. Pto, pto, pto. When we finally hear from him after weeks of being MIA, then.




Reunion, I'm going to be out until May. While Skipper should have seen this coming, the audacities might not be, but I guess we'll just go with the flow. Pto, pto, pto.


Did Skugauts tell anybody he wasn't coming in today? Anybody? He told me.


He's like, buddy, they want me to do some stuff. I'm not going to be here. I was.


Like, oh, okay. I think at one point this week I heard Friday show.


He promised to work harder. Another broken promise. Mike Ryan is thrilled to be here today in yet another costume. Jessica enjoys laughing at Mike Ryan's general misery.


He's miserable today. This is not a.


Good day. Yeah. Paul Behrer. Is it the Paul Behrer or is it just Paul Behrer?


I don't even care to.


Correct you. He's a corporate mime.


Let's get this one.


Over with me.


Let's just go. We should not be.


Here today. This show has a lot of stuff in it in a very short amount of time. It's the Christmas discount bin of stuff, and we will get to a lot of it. But let us begin locally in Miami. It doesn't seem like a great thing to have your offensive line. All of it mispractice yesterday before Micah Parsons comes to town. That seems like a bad combination of things. And Tua is feuding with Shannon Sharp and everybody and to and on is alive and well. Let's listen to the quarterback of the Dolphins say that he doesn't care what anyone thinks about anything, but he is also keeping receipts. These things seem contradictory, but in his mind, they are not. So let's listen to the lovable quarterback of the Dolphins who Shannon Sharp says isn't that good.


I keep saying everyone wants to make this about me, about Tyreke. Please, keep pushing it to Tyreke. Make it about Tyreke. I understand that my platform and who I am in this league as a quarterback makes me, if you want, polarizing whether I'm the best, whether I'm the worst. I could care less. I don't listen to it. I keep or cease. We all have a way of how we do things, but all the narratives about it, yeah, sure. I am only good with Tyreke. You're right. That is the only time I met my best. You're right. I'm only good when Jaylen's in. I could care about it. Sure, if Jaylen and those guys are not, I'm only as good as Raheem Mostar allows me to be.




What the narrative needs to be. We're able to win games and we're able to go where we want to go as a team. I am the worst football player, if that's what you want. I don't care. I really don't. Whatever it is, whatever you need on your show, take clips out of what I just said. Do what you need to do. I'm just here to do my job, and my job to help our guys win games.


I don't like this vibe. He sounded very sensitive there. He is trying to come off overly confident, but to me, that was insecurity.


It's a bit of passive-aggressive, too, right? It was like, I'm the.


Worst, guys, so.


You got me. I'm the worst.


Put it on the pole, please, because a lot of people say this wrong. He is saying he could care less, and it's obvious that he could care less because he cares more than he should. I couldn't care less is the way that you're supposed to say that. Put it on the pole, though. I couldn't care less or I could care less. How do you say it? I want to get to Shannon Sharp's reaction to his reaction.


To a nail that, though, we did clip it and use it.


That's right. We did.


90, solid seconds.


Not only did we clip it and use it, I believe that sports conversation and debate continues to get dumber, and it is rarely dumber than it is here, where none of us actually know how to evaluate the quarterbacks before the recent change of how many of these quarterbacks are putting up best in the league numbers and we're still not sure how good they are.


I feel like I got a good read on reading quarterbacks. I feel like I'm good.


Do you? When you love all of them.


Well, when you call Jake Browning and say, Hey, this guy's a stud, and all of a sudden, Bengles are on a hunter.


You were on the Trevor Lawrence bandwagon, and then you ripped them. That's a bum. Yeah, I think that's fantasy related, I heard.


No, it's not fantasy related. It is not fantasy related. It's just a take related thing.


The reason that I think this keeps getting dumber, right, is here's Shannon Sharp saying, and this is feeding at the to and on trough, you're not a top three quarterback. And okay, is he a top four quarterback? Is he a top five quarterback? What does he have to do to be a top three quarterback? The hair splitting here continues to get dumber as we still don't know the reasons that a quarterback is or isn't putting up the Brock-Purdy numbers. And dumber still, by the way. This one's a shocker. This one's got to be a shocker to you, even if you understand how business is changing. The fact that the University of Texas is backup quarterback, Arch Manning, is making three times more than Brock Purdy?


The backup quarterback of Texas. Third-string actually, technically, last season.


Well, now backup.


Well, now backup. Yeah.


All right, put it on the pole. Are you surprised that the third-string quarterback at Texas is making three times as much as the MVP of the League, Brock Purdy. But let's listen to Shannon Sharp as we continue to just drift off of content, people yelling at each other about how good someone is, whether they're the third or fourth best quarterback in the League.


He doesn't care, but he spends 90 minutes at the podium telling you that he doesn't care. But where was this attitude after the Tennessee loss? That was your time. No, don't get up there. You beat the jets. You beat the lonely, pathetic, playing jets. You hang 30 on them. They get nothing. Now you want to beat your chest like you King Kong on the Empire State Building. Bro, you standing up there like you Dan Marino. Stop playing. We remember what you were before Tyreek got there. Let me tell you how much they wanted Tyrete. Debonte, Adams signed the largest contract in a wide receiver history as a free agent. The Miami Dolphins moved heaven and earth to get Tyrete gave a major compensation and made him the highest paid receiver in NFL history with years on his contract, something we don't normally see. You want to get up here and pretend like you're the driving force? Really, Toa? That's what we're doing right now? Oh, you keeping receipts. We got some, too.


What are.


We doing? Wasn't he trying to pretend to be the opposite?


I would agree with him there, Shannon, that when somebody says I really don't care, they usually care, right?


Put it on the pole, please, JuJu. When someone says they really don't.


Care- I genuinely did not care to correct Dan when he called him the Paul Bearer. Put it.


On the poll. When a person claims to really not care, do they actually really care? At Lebitard show. Don Lebertard. Mike, Marty.


Schottenheimer passed away. Stugart. Why do you sound so happy? Why did you say that? You're very excited about it.






Not excited. I was not excited. What happened? Unbelievable. I was merely pointing out that a Brown's legend had passed away. Hold on. That was unbelievable. Me and.


You guys, buddy Sean.


Had him die. Hold on. Hold on. And maybe the greatest.


Coach to never.


Win a Super Bowl. Okay, wait a minute. Let's just everybody, let's just settle down. Let's all settle down. Mike, you're here. This is.


The Dan Levator Show with the Stoo Gat. I want.


To go through as many things as possible today as quickly as possible because we have a lot. So do you have the wheel of issues back there? You have it? Oh, wow. We're spinning it already. Okay. The place that I'm going to start, oddly.


Enough-it hadn't stopped spinning yet when.


You started talking. We also didn't know what was happening.


Do you want to hear everything that's on it? Yeah, please. Do you want to hear everything that's on it? Okay, this is everything that's on it. There is a Dicker the Kicker commercial. There is a Jim Maura video. There is Useless Sound. There are Jesses top five wildest things to happen this year. There is The Dodgers have paid more than a billion dollars before the Marlands have spent a single dollar in order to buy the Asian market. They are buying international. Baseball is going to become more international. There is Billy on his last day of work before the holidays not only ruining the survivor finale, but also pissing off the mother of Mena Kymes. There are some poll recaps. There is a stat of the day. There is a Apuca-Nakua statistic, and there's an assortment of other stuff, information on the hacked- And other. -grand theft auto.


There's just more and more stuff. Did you see how that hack happened? Yes. I would love to talk about that. Well, hopefully it comes up. Hold on.


Hopefully. That's the first time.


I've lit up all day. Yes. You have had some trouble with your enthusiasm today. Let's spin the wheel and let's see. Jessica, I can't see it from here, so you tell me where it is that it lands. Spin it again. I don't know where it landed that time, but that one didn't count.


It's the Jim Maura video.


Nice. All right, so this is Jim Maura, senior. This is not Jim Maura, Junior. This is off of the game last night. What are you making faces at? Playoffs? It's not the playoffs video, but it's a similar pissed off. He's pissed off at Morten Anderson saying that Saints fans deserved better.


This is from.


This year. This is from this year.


Jim Maura is pissed off at Morten Anderson.


In the.


Year of our Lord 2023.


This is not 20 years ago. This is not Jim Moore, Jr.


This is what a crust in '03.


This is Jim Morris, senior, off of last night's game, and Morten Anderson saying, Saints fans deserved better.


Morten Anderson tweeted.


Saints fans deserve better than this. Do you.


Agree with that? No. No.




Do you mean? These guys bust their tail out here, our players and coaches and everything. Don't tell me that the Saints fans deserve something better than that. I mean, they get what they get. They got to be just hanging in there with the Saints. Okay, they what? They may not, but they still could make the playoffs this season. So what's going to happen when they make the playoffs? Oh, everybody's excited and happy and Saint's fans and all that stuff. Right now, they're down in the dumps. Morten Anderson saying that he doesn't know what the hell is going on. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and he's a kicker. Why should he know about the offense and defense and stuff like that? And he voices his opinion? Don't give me that baloney. That's shoot. I mean, that was 20 years ago for crying out loud when he was playing. And he can watch a game on TV and decide whether or not they're worth whatever they are and all that stuff. That's not right. I don't believe in that. I'm not joking. I'm serious. No, I'm letting you go. I was going to let.


The rant end. I flinched for a second there because I thought something.


Else was coming.


Jessica, you seem delighted.


So when I saw this on the wheel, I thought it was a Jim Maura Jr. Video on him complaining about Youkand not getting like, N-I-L money or something I saw on the internet a few weeks ago, but this was so much better than that. I'm so happy it was this.


Jim Morris subscribed to The Secret of Aging. Just looks 70 for 40 years.


Why is he holding his microphone down by his-.


That was my favorite part. I was just imagining the producer behind the camera trying to signal to him, Hey, hold the mic closer to.


Your mouth. I mean, Jim's probably been doing this local saints coverage for 25 years. What are you doing, pal?


But I'll.


Tell you, as the local producer, they're ecstatic that he's taking up multiple minutes of that postgame show because they're just trying to get to breaks. The fact that he's ranting is helping them so much. That's all you want as a local producer. Just get from break.


To break. Lancemore's turtle neck, by the way, clean look.


The idea that Jim Maura having made so much money off of football tells fans you get what you get, customer. Like, you're the restaurant server and yeah, you didn't like the meal. You thought you were entitled to a better meal than that. Well, let me explain to you, as an original chef two decades ago, you ain't entitled to shit. And furthermore, Morten to Anderson, quit complaining in my kitchen. You're the kicker. You're the kicker who lives in Atlanta 20 years ago. Your opinion does not mean anything.


It was a Sui-dominated, I think, dismissal. I wish this had been... I guess it's eligible for next year, right? Yes. Okay.


What does the fan deserve, though? The customer in sports deserves maximum effort, and that's the end of it, correct? Like customer service in sports is you're going to give me your maximum effort as a team, but the Saints aren't as good as the Rams. Hey, look, McVeigh looks pretty good on offense. It's when the players are actually healthy. Matthew Stafford has a complicated legacy for me. And it's not the same as Joe Stachke's complicated legacy. Matthew Stafford was at one point one of the highest paid quarterbacks. No, was the highest paid quarterback in the League at one point.


Like him and his family.


He is responsible for Cooper Cup, Calvin Williams, and Pukanakua having some of the best seasons we have ever seen. Pukanakua now in the Super Bowl age has more 150-yard games than anyone ever.


His name is Cooper, good at running curls. But when his hammy got a tear, he saw Pooca standing there. His plate diminished, hustle take over. Nukua hopped into the car. Mcveigh has maybe found a star. And then that stabover through. M-25 and two. Oh, there's a brand new kid in town out of B. Y. U. They call him Puca. Puca. Puca, Nukua. Puca, Nukua. His quarterback is not named Tua. Yeah, he is Puca. Puca. Puca, not Kulu. Fantasy Assassin is the time to cash in. Yeah, it's Puca. Puca. Don't need the blood.






The blood. Puca.


We got an email yesterday from Amazon Prime wanting to use that song after Apuka-Nakua touchdown, and they didn't end up using it. He did score. We gave them permission. They didn't use it. But I could show you guys. We got the email.


Jessica, you were laughing at- I'm fine. -chris Cody stumbling into the Christmas break.


He was so excited to tell you that.


Put it on the poll, please, at Levitard show.


Everyone look at it. You guys have never stumbled over your words before.


Everyone's staring at me. Dance at 2023 yesterday. No one bat at an eye.


Thank you.


I am, like the rest of you, stumbling toward the holiday break, hoping not to fall on my face and end up in the hospital. That's all I'm trying to do here. So we're going to spin the wheel a couple of more times. But the thing with Stafford is going to be hard to explain to your grandchildren how he's a Hall of Famer, but he wasn't one of the best of his time. Because so many other quarterbacks you regard more highly than he, even though he threw a no-look pass in a game-wining drive in a Super Bowl Championship season.


What if he played in the 90s? How highly would we think of Matt Stafford? Brett Farv.


Are you claiming that he didn't? Because I feel like Stafford has been around so long. He didn't, but I feel like Stafford's body has been breaking for 35 years.


Stafford is better than Farv all time, right?


For sure.


I mean, I know that there's a longevity and- He's not.


Going to be remembered as better than Farv. No.


I feel like history is changing the narrative a little bit on Brett Farv now.


Different times, though.




We didn't value not making turnovers the way that we do now during Fivv's age.


I just don't hear him in the conversation all that much. When they talk about the guys of yesterday, Fivv is already dropping off that discussion because he's not even the greatest hacker's.


Quarterback anymore. Yeah, but he's won an MVP and Stafford hasn't. And those are pretty golden in terms of how we remember.


But Stafford threw for 5,000 yards for the Detroit Lions in 2011, Dan. With an all-time great receiver. The Detroit Lions in 2000-2011.


Look, man, Stafford should be in the Hall of Fame just because, unlike Calvin Johnson and Barry Sanders, the Lions didn't make him quit. He made them trade him.


He won a championship.


Yes, he made them trade him, but they didn't make him quit. Put that on the Polat Lebiton show. Should Stafford be in the Hall of Fame just because the Detroit Lions didn't make him quit?


In 2009, Brett Farv, who was 40 years old, had a season of 4,200 yards, 33 touchdowns, and seven picks.


Not bad.


A lot of guys are doing that now, though.


I don't. I think the audience would find blasphemous you saying that Matthew Stafford is better than Brett Farv. Really? Or will be remembered as better than Brett Farv. I'm not even saying that you're wrong, actually.


Because I think do we-Who here thinks Brett Farv is better than Matthew Stafford?


Counting stats or eye test on a quarterback.


Well, the eye test is what makes Matthew Safford amazing. He's been one of the most electric quarterbacks to watch for his whole career. They've just been on losing teams. Game for your life.


I go, Oh, that's a different question. That's a horse of a different color.


That's a different game for my life. I'm going far.


It's not a different question, though. It's how do you remember people? It's just how you remember them.


Did anyone have a dad die before this game for my life?


Let's go ahead and spin the wheel again. Jessica, again, I'm sorry, I don't have my glasses on. You're going to have to tell me what comes up here, please.


Mike, you're not going to like this one. Dicker the kicker.


I hate this guy. Why do you.


Hate him? He had a hand. I blame Brandon Saley more, but he had a foot and your boy losing-foot, foot, foot.


That money. Foot. Oh, you're still holding that Jacksonville half time score.


Yeah, the 27-0. Yeah, that cost tens of thousands of dollars.


I came into the makeup room yesterday and I was like, Mike, look at this adorable Chargers video. He was like, I hate it. I don't want to see it. I hate him.


I carry a resentment for the rest of my life against Dicker, the kicker, and.


Brandon Staley. If you have a name like that, you got to lean into the dick. I know the dick or the kicker has done it. My uncle, Dick, has done it. If your name is Dick, you got to lean into it, or else it's always going to be unspoken joke. And that's what he's doing in this video. He's leaning into.


The dick. But nobody's name is actually Dick. Uncle Dick's name is Dick.


It's Richard, but everyone calls a dick. My grandma used to yell in public, Dicky, Dicky. Once you couldn't find him, they'd be in different aisles. He hated that. I'm about to do what my dad does. Carry on with your show.


Put it on the pole at Levitard show.


Do you need to lean into the dick?


Wait a minute. Not just like that. I'd just like, if you're a dicker, the kicker, do you need to lean into the dick because he is leaning into it here. The Chargers' social media team, I believe the Chargers are better at nothing than they are at social media, and they are leaning in here to him as an attorney, a Saul Goodman type of attorney.


Well, they're not that.


Good at anything else. Yeah, what is second place?


It was a retort trip, but their.


Quarterback is good. Making sure they're down a score with 60 seconds left and no timeouts because they're pretty.


Elite at that. Dicker wants to get into the pro bull, so he's just made a commercial.


Have you ever.


Been victimized by a misviewable? No good. Right to the right. No good.


My name is Cameron Dicker.


And I'll kick for you.


50, 40.








I'll make it. Bang, bang, bang.


Rain, Sleet, or snow, this leg is.


Ready to go.


Don't believe me?


Ask him.


My aunt.


Ryan Dicker, is a.




Good character.


He's outstanding, and I.


Love him.


And I did not edit that.


So don't be a and let me kick for you at.


The Pro Bo.




Go to chargers.


Com/vote to send me and my leg to kick for you. And I'm going to be trying to get to know you. Vote for me.


Vote for me. Pro Bo. Pro Bo. 2023, baby. Let's go. Tony looks like one of the kids in Disney World meeting his favorite character for the first time.


That was.


Incredible, dude. No, I don't like that. Can I recreate that? Can I do that? Dude, you're five and nine, okay? That's all fun and games if you're nine and five. Seriously, though. What are we doing here? What are we What are we in this for? What is this all about?


Get serious.


I mean, this is something you'd see from The Dolphins right now because they're having a fun season. You just fired your GM and your head coach. The social media team is like, What can we do here? Let's celebrate our kicker. It's like, No, you're five and nine. I don't know why I'm so angry about this. It's got.


To be shocked if you're five and nine. There's still games in the season left.


Not only are you angry about this, I'm looking at you and what I'm seeing in front of me is Jim Maura senior. It's a mic.


Way down here.


Try that again. Try that near you. Take the game seriously. Lean into the dick.


I'll lean into the dick. You're five and nine team. What? All right? Respect the game. Respect your fans. You think your fans are happy? No, Tony's over here because he didn't give a shit about the Chargers, okay? Everyone's laughing at you. We're not laughing with you. We're laughing at you, dicker. Get your shit straight.


This is the betrayal you still feel because you.


Left to-It's all the KC thing. It's still that KC play. You left.


To a side and chose Herbert. You're a chargers van.


Don Libertard. I actually thought you look good.


Stugats. Thank you. I had a beard grown out a little bit. I got a little life in my face, I feel like.




Tan, Colorado, San Francisco.


I had a great time. You got life on your face.


You got death on your face.


I think you've got 40 to life on your face.




Is the Dan Levator Show with.


The Stugats.


I was looking at the football reference here for Brett Farve, and there's a lot of stuff to see. He threw a ton of touchdowns, but he also threw a ton of interceptions. He's got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 seasons of 20-plus interceptions. One of them, he almost had the James 30-30 through 20 touchdowns, 29 interceptions in 2005. He won three straight MVPs.


That's why I'm saying he's going to be remembered as better than Stafford. But you just mentioned the stats with the intersections. I believe Hall of Famer, Troy Ackman, has 120 touchdowns. One- I'm on it. -one passing season of 20 touchdowns. You just said that Brett Farv has six seasons of 20-plus intersections.


And it's like 22-plus.


Just put this on the poll, even though we don't do serious sports polls very often. Who is better, Matthew Stafford or Brett Farrve? Who was better? Just put that on the poll because, again, the whole thing has changed. Mike Ryan was talking this week about the fact that some of the best offensive basketball teams of all time, some of them are that you remember as great offensive basketball teams would be like middle of the pack if they were playing right now. If you just inserted their offensive efficiencies right now because of how much the sport has changed.


You should clarify better at football because one of them is maybe better at alleged money stealing crimes.


Okay, who is better at football or better at quarterbacking? Matthew Stafford or Brett Farv. Because I think Mike Ryan is going to be surprised and disappointed by the fact that a three-time MVP is going to be chosen as better than Matthew Stafford.


Personally, like a booth.




Have a.


Big fan of Brett Farv and all.






I think we're.


Splitting hairs. I have more things. The wheel seems to be multiplying so that there are more things on the wheel than there were before. There is Lion's offensive coordinator, Ben Johnson, seeking Belichick money, $15 million a year. There's Christopher Nolen, instead of using CGI, planting 500 acres worth of corn for Interstellar because he just refuses to use CGI in a way that hurts the studio and their costs. We have the Pistons losing 25 straight basketball games last night with eight Utah Jazz members out of.


The game. I want to give you guys that one for free ski.


You did, but it was tied to two other anytime touchdowns.


Yeah, Camara screwed us there. That last touchdown at the end, I was really hoping for Camara.


Let's spin the wheel again and see what comes up. Again, the Dodgers are buying Asia as a market for international sales by spending more than a billion dollars. That's also in play. Let's go ahead and spin the wheel.


Oh, useless sound.


All right. It's Friday. You sound thrilled.


It's really late in the week for useless sound to make an appearance. -but let's go ahead. -he's on the wheel. To do it? Yeah, we do. The wheel decide. Let's see what we've got here. It took everybody: players, coaches, crowd.


We understand.


What position we're in right.


Now, and we.


Got to win games.


Yeah, we're all pros. You get ready to play the next week. That's our job. I look forward to the opportunity to play next week. The story isn't written yet. He wants to prove.


Everybody wrong all the.




And he's usually right.


So it's good for him.


That was sweet.


We've been working on that.


Play for a while.


And so I'm glad.


That it worked. It was a.


Little dicey there for.


A second, but we got.


Indians on. I thought our guys played well. I thought offensively, defensively, and the kicking game. I thought all three phases do.


Feel like this was a.


Complete game by our team.


I think.


Every team goes through that.


But our superpower.


Is how we respond.


He's checked.


All the boxes. He's doing.


All the right.


Things now, and we.


Can't say enough about him.


I screamed at a camera and.


Said they never should have cut me. We got a lot of other guys that we trust, that we believed in to keep on the team. And that's what happened out there.




Team was really prepared to come in here. Just like we talked about.


That mentality, the playoff mentality, to.


Come in here with one job in mind and just find a way to win. And we did that. So just couldn't be happier of this group, and so we'll enjoy it. But then hit the reset button on the next week.


We just needed to.


Win, and we did that today. I feel like I need a beer. Hey, look, this is a tough league. And like I said to the players afterwards, you're going to play in these games once in a while. It's difficult to swallow. Certainly as coaches, it starts with us.


We've got to be better.


I'm happy for all of them, man.


Getting opportunity in this.


League is not an.




Thing, and they made the most of it today.


Helped us win. I don't.


Think we would.


Win without them. We know we're a good football team. Great defense, great special teams, productive offense. You got to put it together, man. You got to just put it together, a complete team unit.


We can.


That's what we're all striving for, for sure. We're excited about getting.


Back to work. We're not going to keep doing the same things that we're doing and expect or hope for a different result. But I'm just acknowledging right now that we're playing losing football, and I own that.


He is so good. I can't believe I'm living in a year where he and Belichick are in legitimate trouble for their jobs. It seems like it doesn't make any sense. The hierarchy of things around here that have power, the wheel generally cannot be knocked off kilter. If we're at the wheel, the wheel has to be respected. But I learned of something. Mike was talking to me during the useless sound montage, which is supposed to be respected as well, but he has an official announcement, and it's an official announcement I didn't see coming. And this official announcement not only knocks out useless sound, but also knocks the wheel aside. Mike is now officially concerned, not just concerned, but officially concerned about Matthew Kachuk and the Panthers. Yeah, man. There's an official concern.


Chris, I know we've been holding the line. It was a tough road trip, but they come back home and they play the St. Louis Blues. They only score one goal. They're struggling right now. Form is bad. But I think the most concerning thing of all is a player who could have probably laid claim to the title best American hockey player on the planet. When the playoffs ended last year, he is on pace presently for about half of his point production from last year. I don't know if Matthew Kachuk rushed getting back.


Of course he did, Mike. I assume that this is because the only remaining functioning part of his body is his torso, barely.


Well, no, it was his torso that was all broken. Maybe his toe is okay, but Matthew Kachuk does not seem to be the same player, and I don't know if he rushed it. You can see lately, he's pressing a little bit, and I hope they get off the Schneide, but I'm officially concerned, and I think it's time for a player's only meeting. No. I think it's time. You can't be dropping that game to the St. Louis Blue as you were minus 2-10.


Let's remember, though. I feel you, and you're right to feel the way you do about Kachuk's start, but he's still doing better than Jonathan Huberdell.


Yeah, but that's... Look, Matthew Kachuk was very clearly the best player on this team. This year, when you look at point production and just overall form, he's maybe seventh best on the team right now. Is he the seventh best player on the team right now? I love Matthew Kachuk. Honestly, my favorite hockey player of all time. He needs to.


Turn this around. Mike's not wrong. Let's just have a little. It's only two months. It's still a long season.


It's not a little, but you said it's only two months. It's a small sample. I'm a little worried about my guy. I don't know if he needs a couple of weeks off to rest up.


What they did to him and what he did to himself in pursuit of the cup are things that the human body isn't meant to endure. I know a lot of hockey players play through a lot of stuff, Mike, but it can only be so surprising to you that they ravaged his body that way. They gave you the announcements after the season of all the surgeries and the things all of those players need. Then you're surprised that after playing more games than just about anybody last season other than Vegas, after playing more games than anyone else and breaking his body, that that body is not.


Working right. I'm not at liberty to share exactly what Matthew Kachuk went through the fractured sternum and coming back. He came back after suffering a fractured sternum and had a game-wining assist and changed that game. But it wasn't so much in that moment as the adrenaline is pumping. It was the day after and the stuff his body went through. It's a horror show. I can't believe that he had to be stopped from playing hockey. You know the code of hockey and he's tough. He said some of the stuff, that dude, the story that I heard about him trying to play, it's up there with Ronnie Lot in terms of the toughest goddamn thing I've ever heard in professional sports. He earned my ultimate respect. But he's struggling right now.


This is the cost. Let me ask the room because Ronnie Lot is such an ancient name. Do you guys all do the word association with Ronnie Lot? Where it's not Hall of Fame safety with Ronnie Lot. He was given the choice to come out of the game and keep a functioning finger or stay in the game and lop off the finger, and he chose to lose the finger.


My word association is that he's a badass, but I didn't know specifically one time where he went in.


And played. You obviously don't remember him playing, but you.


Know- I can know just bad, like a hard hiter.


That's what I just think. You know Ronny Lot is associated with badass things, but you don't know the thing that really pushes over the edge.


Will cut off his finger in order to continue playing is what I associate with Ronny Lot. More than Hall of Fame, more than hard hitting, more than safety, just willing to win at.


Such a cost. No one would want to know what Matthew Kachuk did, even though you don't have an appendage missing as proof, and that's pretty permanent. I got to admit, what Matthew Kachuk did in trying to play after suffering that injury is tougher.


Let's go ahead and spin the wheel again, please.


Billy spoiled the survivor finale.


He got people so mad at him.


What are you shaking at? You guys know this?


You know what? That's who he is. That's who he is. He always wants to poop on everybody's parade. He always wants to bring everybody down, and finally cut up with him, Dano. That's what it is. You do that enough to people, it comes back around and bite you in the ass. And it bit Billy.


Evil cat. Wow. I didn't even realize that this happened and no one bleeped it out. Did anyone know?


I don't want survivors. I didn't know if it had actually happened or if Billy said it.


That's why he's not here today?


Yes. Well, he is in shame and the Internet is mad at him. He's used to being popular as an anarchist. And this one backfired on him because it was on the same day. Again, he pissed off the mom of Nina who is the only person on the Internet who's allowed to be beloved because Nina Kymes' mom sends her nice messages and Nina puts them in the screen so they can be on ESPN positive, loving messages, and Billy has legitimately pissed her off.


He faffled. He might have pissed off the video team, too, because this picture that they've selected of him is one of the worst.


Shots of a... And best.


And I'm the one who has that- That's terrible. -xfl picture with Mike. I feel bad for Mike.


There is news on the XFL front. Hopefully, it's on the wheel.


Let's spin it and sing.


This news about the XFL.


I don't have enough time. It didn't land.


Oh, no, I don't have enough time.


I flipped back to the lions.


You have 10 seconds, go. No, wait a minute.


They're keeping the XFL as its own conference and the USFL.


Has its own conference.


And the players get to say in their respective conferences, and they.


Can cross-pollinate.