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This is The Dan Levator Show with the Stu Guts podcast. I am truly embarrassed by this company's Halloween effort. What do you mean, truly embarrassed? There is so little effort being put in here into Halloween costumes. There was a notice sent out that there was a Halloween costume contest today. Now I've got to salute the people in video to whom I saw it in the slack. It was in the slack.


It was a lot of channels in that. Slack. Slack, please.


What are you, Greg Cody? What are you supposed to be right now? You've got just a furry brown thing on your head. I have no idea what you're aspiring to.


It's not obvious. AMA Kwasi, the lion that stars in the Pride of a lion. The new book dropping December 5 and now available for free order at Amazon and wherever you buy your book.


What is that about?


It's the life story of the first male lion ever born at Zoo Miami. Ron McGill and I collaborated and the book in Presales preorders is doing really, really well. We're super excited about it.


Chris Cody.


What are you supposed to be?


I'm just first, I'm a fork in the road.


Of course you're wearing a shirt with.


A fork on it.


Yeah, well, there's a roadway.


You're my second or third place right now on costumes here.


First place for me.


You're a thief as always, Lucy.


What are you, the ghost of Iowa's offense?


You finally got some relief on Iowa's offense. Why are they waiting until the end of the season to get rid of Brian Farron?


Because they went over Kirk Ferrari's head to do this.


Well, they had to.


They had to do it. Who cares? I'm free. Today is a great day. It's the happiest Halloween ever.


What is the over under. I was playing Northwestern this weekend. What's the total in that game?


I think it was 30 and a half last time I checked.




It opened at 29 and a half.


I'm going under. Lucy.


I'm going over. Lucy has given me Iowa unders all year, but not this time. I can't do it. I'm taking the over.


Should be noted that there was a really bad call. There was a baseball game at Wrigley this season that had 29 runs in it.


We will not hit that. Not a chance.


Mike, what are you just someone wearing?


I'm just dressed normally. Yeah, I didn't see the aforementioned slack, but I would have ignored it anyways. Nice hat. Thank you.


Yeah. Available at the Greg Cody Show merch store.


I'm not King Shaming here, but dressing up on this show know I reserved that for a bucket of death punishment. I'm confused.


We've just passed my dad giving him some sort of victory. The main is usually not above the head of a lion.


This is a lion as a Russian babushka.






So we're combining cultures here. But it's Kwasi. Yes. Thank you. You'll meet and learn to love Kwasi in the new book The Pride of a lion.


Can you guys put up, please, on the screen? That kid who did Mike McDaniels as a costume for Halloween. Oh, that was yes, he's it was pretty good. The sprinting off of the field away from the camera at halftime of one of these games. I think we also have I have not seen yet randy Johnson as a bird.


The best costume I've seen.


Randy Johnson beside a bird. It's a couple's costume.


The big unit.


I'm braxton garrett, if you were wondering.


On a Saturday, this Randy Johnson costume is the best I've seen. Yeah, he killed a bird once.


Yeah, that wins the day so far. What are you dan?


I am the patriarchy.


Oh, so you're Ken. You're not going to see that anywhere else.


I'm sure that's going to be everywhere. And somehow I won the contest here in the room.


No. Ghosts of Iowa's offense. Pass and Babushka lion. They're one and two.


That can't be true.


Everyone's doing Ken. Also, did you not get the memo from SAG? You're being a scab right now.


I did not get that memo.


Did you give yourself first prize?


Well, it's just look. Look at what? The room I'm in.


It's not fork in the road.


You're doing Ken. Lucy, easy. First place. Babushka the lion second.


Thank you, Mike. I'll take second. I've been second my whole life.


You don't deserve second.


I do.


I don't understand your costume. The ears are in the front.


Lions have ears in the front.


The last time I looked.


Yeah, you're right.


What do you expect now?


You're lions.


Where are your ears?


They're on the side of your head. You're no lion.


I'm going to have difficulty the entirety of this show. I'm just lying to keep the earphones on with the cowboy hat that is too small for my head and too high on my head.


It looks great.


And I'm unlikely to keep stu Gotz's attention at any point today because he's distracted by NFL trade deadline stuff. Deadline day. There was a big one. There was a trade in the NBA last night. James Harden got traded and many of us learned that two or three players in that deal were still in the NBA. I knew only because I saw box score earlier this year when Kawhi Leonard was banging on the floor angry because Russell Westbrook took the last shot with 2 seconds left. I just looked at the box score and I realized that Batum was still in the league. He was in this trade last night. Who else was in this trade?


Marcus Morris and Robert Covington for me really drove it home. How does James Harden always get his way? How does he always get his way?


Because he does messi without caring about who he's offending more than anybody else.


But can I do like the play. The Miami Heat victim, Damien Lillard didn't get his way, and the reports were true. Initially, he got killed for calling it a spike deal. It was a spike deal. They said that they were going to send him to Miami, but then the agent started acting in a way that made them say, no, Miami, not at all. We're just going to make this a spike deal. James Harden's agent is amazing.


Why didn't the Sixers treat the Clippers the way Portland treated?




Because didn't he say he wanted to go the Clippers?


Yeah, well, I guess part of it is there were no other takers for James Harden.


I thought that was the thing for.


Us, too, but there were very clearly other takers. He's in Milwaukee and Brooklyn was also in it. And the agent, after being told there's a hardline we're not sending him to Miami, the agent started working other teams. It's just it is crazy that James Harden is going to be remembered as this malcontent that is never happy and never wants to stick around, has forced more trades than all the other superstars combined.


I understand I'm agreeing with you, by.


The way, but part of his legacy is he forced more trades. He requested more trades than all the other superstars of his era combined. And he got his way every single time. And now the Clippers become even more interesting. They have Kawhi Leonard, they have Paul George, they have Russell Westbrook, and they have James Harden.


I keep thinking they're going to be interesting, and they haven't been interesting. They have not been a legitimate contender. The most exciting that team was was the day they surprised us with the trade for Kawhi Leonard. The move that got Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, they haven't had a more interesting day since then than that one. But now they add a bunch of components together that you're like, how does this work? If already I've seen more emotion from Kawhi Leonard at the end of the game because Russell Westbrook, in a panicked situation, was just grabbing an offensive rebound and doing a turnaround airball jumper. You got more emotion from Kawhi Leonard at the end of that game than you saw when he beat the Sixers with one of the most dramatic shots in playoff history.


Just stood there. No reaction. Really?


And I don't know actually, he had fallen onto the floor at that point. So he wasn't standing there.


Yeah, but he didn't do mean, you know, act like it was a big shot. It was a big shot. He didn't seemed like he was too thrilled with it.


You don't remember.


You're just faking.




You don't have any recollection of what you're talking about.


I'm lying.


You had him standing up. You didn't get any way I remember it dancing.




It's your personal truth.


Thank you.


Stu gott gets paid to be unprepared and it's the only thing he takes seriously.


Thank you.


The Miami Heat have started the season one in three. Jimmy Butler doesn't play the fourth quarter. Last night, Milwaukee smokes them, but the Heat made it a little closer once Jimmy Butler left the game. Bam did not play in the basketball game. And I'm just assuming at this point that everyone who's listening to this based on last season understands that there's just going to be a bunch of missed games from players on the Miami Heat that they're going to take this regular season as something that allows them to just get into the playoffs. If they can get into the playoffs, but they're not going to be worried about much else.


Is it possible they're just resting everyone up for the big midseason tournament?


That was weird not to put them back that game last night. Like, I get it, you ride the hot hand for most of that fourth quarter, but that run kind of ran out with, like, three or four minutes left, and I thought you were like, within six or seven there. All right, you let these guys do their run. Now put Jimmy back at least. Jimmy, maybe if you leave the rest it was just weird seeing Jimmy just.


Sit there something about those Bucks last year. They gave some games away. Giannis not wanting to go to the free throw line. I know after he airballed one, he started making them at the line, but they kind of give the feeling that they're going to do that a lot in the fourth quarter and let teams back into it when they shouldn't. Miami had a really good look from Tyler Hero, who ended up having a good game, but he's got to bury that wide open three to cut it to a two possession game. There was a shot there. Jovic was playing well, but this is a frustrating start. And I understand what Dan is doing by saying, well, it'll just be like last year, but they're worse than last year. You're hoping that guys like Jovich and maybe Tyler Hero is a finished product, maybe he's not, but you got to keep hoping that guys ascend and continue to develop, to be able to improve year over year. Right now, if we're just looking at additions and subtractions, I know Gabe Vincent's off to a slow start.


Hold on a second.


But Streus is playing well.


Let me stop you for a second when you just say they're worse than last year.


Well, they are.


Well, you think so because they've lost Streus and Vincent who weren't critical players a couple of years ago. I'm assuming, and I think this is a fair assumption to make you've seen Jovich play, you've seen Juan Wick play. I'm assuming that they'll be able to replace it. Caleb Martin's not even playing that much this year. Like these guys. Caleb Martin was important during the playoffs, but you weren't expecting anything from him before he signed that contract last year.


I understand they made it to the NBA Finals. I'll preface that. And I was way wrong about them last year. They were one point win away from being owing four this year and they were three minutes away from being eliminated in the play in by Chicago last year. I think meeting this season with scrutiny is fair 100%.


And it's not just failing to get Lillard and they did fail to get him. I mean, you can talk about a spite deal or whatever, but bottom line is if Miami makes more of an offer and includes hero Lillard's here right now and they're a much better team, not to mention a more exciting team because the Heat aren't very exciting right now.


That's not the bottom line. Portland wasn't dealing with Miami like that's not the bottom line. Whose fault is that?


That in part is Miami's fault for how they handled the situation.


Fair enough. Fair enough. And what Mike is saying that it's fair to bring scrutiny. Of course it's fair to bring scrutiny. What is not fair to do after four games is say that, you know, they're worse than last year when they were an 8th seed last year. Like, I don't know that they're worse after four games. I can't make that determination yet.


Are the teams that they're chasing better? Yes. Undeniably a lot better. That goes into it.




Caleb's been out and Josh Richardson just came back for the first game last night. So they have I'm just saying the.


Names that you're mentioning, dude, they need to be pieces for them.


But wait a minute.


You said the season hinging on josh richardson and caleb martin is what I am.


You just worried about Max Streus.


No. Max strews.


These guys are all in the same realm that you're talking about.


Guys, hold on a second. They're one in three and they're not as good. The roster is not as good. Mike has every right to criticize what they did in the offseason and say they're not as good as they were last year. They went to the final not saying.


He doesn't have the right to say it. I'm saying after four games it's too early to make that assessment. As if you know it when they weren't very good last year. Like the entirety of the season, they weren't very good.


Is Jimmy looking good to you this season?


Well, he doesn't play how many games.


In can he say it just because 14, right.


No, guys, game 82. Because that's what it took last year. I was saying it all last year. And with three minutes left against the Chicago Bulls, I was right. And they went on this miraculous run. And yes, any bit of analysis that comes with talking about this Miami Heat team should always mention that at any point because they've proven it to you very recently. They can get hot and peak at the right time, but you look at their roster, and you're just kind of hoping for some magic dust to be sprayed on them and playoff Jimmy happens, and you can upset these teams that have gotten better since then.


You can obviously make all of those assessments, and I would not call them unfair. They believe their team is better and deeper. I tend to, after four games, give them that benefit of the doubt until I have seen more. That's what they know more than I do about this. You may indeed be right. They don't look very good. I mean, the Detroit win wasn't anything special. They barely eked that out.


Yeah, it fell apart once they put the starters back in. There's plenty of cause for concern. But the good news is there's a second trophy now that they can chase. And maybe they were saving Jimmy's legs in that fourth quarter for the big Wizards play in game on Friday.


Don Levitard.


I'm gonna get some golf. ASMR stugats.


Oh, me.


This is The Dan Levatar Show with The Stukats.


It starts on Friday. It's a midseason tournament. We're five games in.


Well, the the final.




All of it dumb.


You haven't I don't like it. You haven't looked it up once.




Dumb ideal.


Give it 80 games to go.


I did look up the Kawhi final shot. He never hit the floor. Damn it. Hit the front rim. He bent down. Try to give it some body language, some know, like, get in. You know what you do like when you're standing over a big puck drag, and it's like he hit the floor after Russell Westbrook. He never hit the floor.


All right.


Okay. Look it up. I mean, I just watched it.




He was happy, though.


Stugats, you say you don't like the play in tournament. Go ahead and give us any information that you have on the play.


It starts Friday. Ugly court.


The ugly play in tournament is something different.


Do you guys know anything about the format? Do you know anything about the no.


No don't care.


The early portions of the tournament count against your regular season. So, like, they play the Wizards, and it's essentially a two competition game, the NBA regular season and also accounts for the midseason tournament.


The late season portion of it doesn't count towards your record.


I think once you get to the Vegas portion, it stops counting.


Wouldn't you be incentivized to lose this?


So you get more mean? You win it because you win money and you win a trophy. So you're incentivized to play in it because you get additional money in a trophy. I'm not doing this.


Everyone wants rest, and you could just get more rest by not advancing.


Why wouldn't you be incentive weirdest team to talk about. And we just don't get anywhere with and it feels like we're having the same conversation about the Miami Heat for these last four years. And they're a frustrating team. We'll say other teams got it done continually.


They're getting the guys you're saying continually other teams get it done while the best team in the east the last four years has been Miami. That's what you're saying. They're frustrating team to watch. They're the best team in the east.


The last four years. An indictment on the east, but the Eastern Conference is weak again, and they can probably get away with that. The Panthers certainly can't. The Panthers can't afford to rest guys. They have to go for it every single night because it's difficult to make the playoffs in their sport. The Heat have proven that they can just kind of coast.


As Pat Riley himself has said, the Jimmy Butler era has been a success, but they haven't gotten what they wanted. So it's fine to reach the Finals a couple of times, but they're far from that now. Nobody thinks they're among the top tier. And the NBA is trying to make time management a thing of the past.




They're trying to get their stars to play more. And now they're instituting this in season tournament to give players one more excuse not to play in the regular season because they're resting for this mythical, ridiculous title. Is Bam Adebayo, in his physical prime, tired after three games that he couldn't play last night against Milwaukee? Can that be possible? Why isn't Bam Adebayo, at age 26 or whatever, not playing in the biggest game of the early season, the back?


Because it was wasn't rest.


He's a little hurt.


He wasn't rest.


He's not one of the guys who rests.


Okay. Is he hurt or was that an excuse not for him?


He was hurt. Jimmy wasn't how reckless is jimmy wasn't in Minnesota. No, I'm asking I mean, Bam doesn't have the injury history where Jimmy was definitely just let's rest him, which is.


What the NBA is trying to bam.


Doesn'T sit games out. Let me ask you a question about what Yanis said the other day, because this caught me off guard. I was legitimately surprised by this. Perhaps I shouldn't have been Yanis. And I don't know whether this was before or after he signed the three year, $186,000,000 deal, just said flatly, it's Damien Lillard's team. I don't think very many champions who have been the number one option on a team would say that. And I was just surprised that Giannis offered that and I didn't know. Is he just being humble superstar guy? Is that authentic? What I've seen from Giannis so far seems authentic, but is he just saying the thing he thinks we want to hear? Is he trying to make Damien Lillard feel acclimated?


Or does I think that's it I think he's trying to make Damien Lillard feel good. Giannis knows very well that it's his team, that's his organization. He knows that. I mean, Lillard went there, I guess, in large part because the Heat couldn't get it done and because who wouldn't want to play with Giannis.


This is a quote from Giannis five days ago after signing his extension in which he also said, no, I never forced the organization to give me this extension. I never put any extra pressure on that. We know that that's not necessarily true. It's the first time in my NBA career that I didn't know the number that was attached to my contract. Yes, he's doing the humble superstar athlete thing when he's saying Damien Lillard. It's his team now. Right.


He's welcoming the veteran player. It's not to the new city. That's the way I heard it.


But it's fine. It's a nice guy thing. He's a superstar that stayed. He's a loyal guy and he's just playing the part.


But none of you guys were surprised by it.


A, I don't believe him. That's fine. He can say that he's surprised.


He lied.


Well, who do you think is going to be taking the shots at the end?


I think Giannis is going to be dying for Damien Lillard to take the shots at the end. That's why they brought him on there. And the most recent basketball I've seen from Giannis would suggest that at the end of games, he doesn't necessarily want to go to the free throw line with good reason. And Damien lillard can be your closer. That's why they went out and got him. You can be the closer of the team and not be the face of the team.


Are there a lot of examples of that? Are there a lot of examples?


Chris Middleton. Chris Middleton. Same deal. Like they would go to Chris Middleton to close games before, but he was nothing new.


He would never say that. Chris Middleton. Then it's Chris Middleton's team.


Oh, Damien. That comes in as one of the top 100 players in league's history. I mean, he's got to say all the nice things about him.


Is there another player off of the.


Top of your head?


Because you've caught me off guard with the saying of that where it's your team. We all think it's your team, but somebody else is doing the like. That doesn't strike me as something I have seen a whole lot that I can remember the history of that sport.


Shaq and Kobe. It usually comes with guys that are a liability at the free throw line that the other team's got to resort to fouling that person at the end of the game. And you need someone on the perimeter that you have faith in. Shaq and Kobe. And it dissolved that relationship because it ceased being Shaq's team once he started deferring more and more to Kobe at.


The end with the spurs, didn't Manu and Tony Parker get the ball?


That's great. Janobli was coming off the bench and he was closing games for them, but.


Duncan was the closer. Wasn't mean.


I just said Genobli was coming off the bench closing games. You need somebody on the perimeter. Duncan was a much better free throw shooter than Shaq ever was, but you usually see it with poorer free throw shooters.


The game last night with the Panthers and the Bruins, do you suffer early season losses, you go up to nothing. You lose in overtime. You got to be happy.


That's a good point.


Getting a point against Boston, most dangerous.


Lead in sports, up to zero, and you could have handed Boston their first regulation loss. Boston comes back, force overtime, then win it after. You probably should have put a goal away, and it leads to a breakaway. But for me, the crushing part about last night's game is it's a regular season game. You're kind of happy. Not a lot. Only one other team has gotten points off Boston this season, was Sam Bennett. Finally comes back into the team and then immediately gets hurt. And it looked bad. It looked like it might be. We'll get word on it, but just from watching it tell me if I'm wrong, Chris. It looked like that could be a season ender for Sam Bennett. And Sam Bennett was immense for this team in its postseason runs the last two years. He's one of those guts guys that you trust. He gets under the opposing team scan. He can get a dirty goal for you. That is a huge blow if they lose Sam Bennett for an extended period of time, considering that they're already pretty banged up.


On the bright side, Bob looks decent. He had some good saves late in the game. But you're not going to get a feel for this Panthers team until Montor and Ekbag get back. But I saw yesterday that they're going to try to sign Montor and Forsling, which is encouraging because those guys have really been our defensemen.


Can we discuss for just a second, though? Because I don't think we should become numb to it, even though it gets said all the time in sports to Gods. What Mike Ryan files as banged up would keep all of us out of work. The injury report after the Panther season last year, and they had less time to rest than most. The injury report. When you read all of those guys and they had, like, a single healthy torso on the entire roster by the end of the season, when we say the 49 Ers are banged up and they go from looking like the best team in the league to purdy looking like he can't play because he's had three injuries, I mentioned this the other day. Bosa has a broken toe, a broken big toe. He's not using.


Generate all your force from.


The needles on the foot are really awful. He's not doing pain medication. It seems like a hard way to do that job when a 350 pound person steps on that foot with his cleats.


Should be noted that Paul Maurice said Sam Bennett was walking around after, but what does that mean? He's a hockey player. He could be walking around.


What does banged up mean? He's a hockey player. What does their injured mean?


I don't know. It looked bad when you watch it, but would it surprise me if he plays the very next game?




Hockey players are crazy.


Yeah, they're nuts.


I noted it.


Don Lebotard many of you, by the way, are writing in and you're saying, dan, quit being so mean to co hosts that you always deem incompetent. That's the formula, man. Me being mean to the co host is what allows Stugats to take a very wealthy vacation. Right now, Stugats, it's a winning position for everyone but me. Haven't you guys not figured this out yet that's the whole thing is me being rotten straight man as everyone else gets to be incompetent, and I yell at them for being incompetent. And here's the miracle of it. It's the magic elixir bad, which is the only thing Greg Cody can be, becomes good and lovable. And it's because standing next to obnoxious strident me makes everyone look that way.


Yeah, and the brush with death helped.


Yeah, that was planned by me. The whole thing was contrived.


This is The Don Levatar Show with The Stugats. How dare you point out that there are going to be KENS all over the place when that is your costume today when you put that little effort into what you were doing today. A nice hat is what it is that you're wearing as your Halloween costume.


I have a four year old. I reserved the dressing up for her. I have Halloween fatigue.


Yeah, exactly.


It's not lost on me that I mean, I know you're a fork in the road, that's lazy creativity, but sue has his kids out of the house. Greg has his kids out of the house. I got a whole thing tonight. I'm saving myself for that. Same as Billy.


Thank you.


What are you guys doing tonight?


I've been buz lightyear every night for the last two weeks, and tonight I'm going to be buz lightyear again. So forgive me if for one day at work, I don't want to be buz lightyear.


I dress up every day at work as someone who's happy.


I'm going to be bluey's, dad.


What are you going to be tonight? Mike?


Jack the Pumpkin King. My daughter's going to be sally nice. My dog's going to be Zero and my wife got stuck with Boogie woogie. Man.


Stugats, do you miss wandering around your neighborhood getting drunk on gin and tonics while the kids run around and they have to drag Daddy home at the end of the night?


What makes you think I'm not going to do it without the kids?


Your kids are out of the house. What are you going to do? You're just going to be an adult, wandering the neighborhood by yourself with a drink?


I'm going to take the golf guard, a big G and. T little jitted tonic.


You're not going to do that.


What do you mean? Abby will drive. We'll drive around the neighborhood.


Andrew brunette video.


Abby will drive. A little g t. Big cop Flanagan's cup and probably a gummy. I mean, I'm looking forward to it.


Didn't Bill Murray also get arrested for a DUI on a golf cart?


He might have. Was it a golf cart or a lawnmower like horse? Was it a horse?


It was in England, I think you can get a DUI on all of those things. I'm pretty sure you can.


The country singer George Jones once got arrested for DUI on a riding lawnmower and needless to say, wrote a song about it.


Bill Murray got a DUI charge on a golf cart?


Yes, he did.


Can you just look up for me DUI on a horse and see what comes up? Just I'd like, it happened to someone. You're right. Certainly it must have happened to someone.


It happened in Florida. 53 year old woman was arrested on charges of DUI on a horse and animal neglect. This was in 2017.


Lucy, I know we've got some video from the world's largest cocktail party. Georgia has fixed all the things that ailed Georgia when they were scoring three points at the half against South Carolina, whatever it is that was working. But before we go to that video later in the show, can you tell me about your experience up there? Was it better than most? Because that's supposed to be a bigger party than the average college football party.


Yeah, it was far and away the best tailgate I have ever been to in my life. I have a feeling. I don't think we're going to top it again. Everyone was so drunk. Florida fans, especially more drunk. But it was something unique because when we went to Texas, Oklahoma, there wasn't a ton of tailgating. But even at the state fair, there was no intermingling between Texas and Oklahoma fans. They did not talk to each other. It was very weird. Florida, Georgia, everyone was just having a good time. Everyone was drinking. Florida knew what was going to happen. Georgia knew what was going to happen. So they were going to enjoy the tailgate and then Florida fans would leave at halftime.


You don't think Florida thought that perhaps by some miracle they'd do the same thing at home that they did to Tennessee?


That it was in Jacksonville, always had a neutral sight.




And Georgia has pretty much owned the series as of late. I think it's five straight years of winning this. Florida fans were not the really drunk ones were very optimistic. The slightly drunk ones were like, yeah, we know what's going to happen.


They were up seven nothing, though.


Yeah, that was sick.


It was electric for them. I know twitter was fun.


We spent a lot of time before the college football season talking about how it seemed like some things had evened up. And here is Georgia not losing, and there don't look to be a whole lot of other super.


They're going to enter a stronger part of the schedule, and they might have been cheating this entire time, and we don't know what kind of advantages they got, but Michigan does look good.


It's really OD that no one ever says Florida State. Florida State's. Good.


Yeah, well, it's because the games against Boston College and Clemson were so close.


You got to have those over the course of the season that you're going to need to survive. Washington's just survived it in back to back weeks, and they still feel pretty good about their undefeated season for Florida State. It just so happened to happen really early in the season, so it tainted everybody's perspective of them. I don't know if they look like a team that's going to run the table and finish with an undefeated season, but they've got a crapload of talent. They're good.


It happens this time every single college football season where it just starts to naturally separate itself, where teams that have played really, really well start to struggle, like Washington and teams that may have not looked as good in the beginning of the season, like Georgia start to excel. It's just like sort of the natural order of things, and it's like the perfect time where the Pac Twelve starts to cannibalize itself. We understand that Michigan is the best team in the Big Ten. I can't imagine the College Football Playoff rankings that we see tonight are going to be too crazy different than what we see in a few weeks.


What I'm interested in with the College Football Playoff rankings and with the Heisman Trophy voting is you have the human element in all of this, and what kind of bias is Michigan going to be met with? Because everything that is swirling around that program and at this point, there's like at least three things, and I think it's going to hurt McCarthy's Heisman campaign, I really do. And I think that you're going to see voters lashing out at them because this isn't computers making the decision.


But Mike, if they run the table, beat Ohio State, win the Big Ten championship game, mike, they will, but you can't keep them out.


But look, the Big Ten, I think, has autonomy here when it comes to what the NCAA can do in terms of a punishment. But I do think that the NCAA is going to take this opportunity to make an example out of Michigan because this is one of those things that is fairly easy to get people on its side if they wanted to get involved with nil and recruiting. You'd face a mass rebellion, not just from the fan base, which is new because the fans would always want the NCAA to come down on these programs that were paying players. But now, in this new age, you're going to have just schools threaten the NCAA. You come after us, we're going to take away your easy money. But this is something easy for new leadership in the NCAA to drop a hammer down and get everybody's support behind.


I know that Michigan has looked good early in this season, but none of you would be surprised if Ohio State beat Michigan.


I would too. I'm anticipating both. It's hard to go undefeated in the Big Ten, and I think the resumes certainly, that Ohio State has put up. Ohio State can survive a loss in the regular season and still be in a mix for CFP. We all know the conference that's going to if there's a one loss team from a Power Five conference, we all know that that conference that's going to be shut out is going to be the ACC.


I want to talk about ACC scheduling through 2030 in a second, but outside of maybe Marvin Harrison, have you guys seen a better receiver than FSU's Keon Coleman?


Washington has two good ones, but Keon Coleman, I mean, just passes the eye test. Did he have two one handed grabs last week?


It's not just that.


Yes, that's a Mel Tucker recruit, by.


The way, when he's got a defensive back pasted to him. He still catches the ball because he's a basketball body.


They have really good receivers. Wilson's also really good. I like their tight end. Travis has been around since the Obama administration. It seems like that's a team that you'd want to trust. However can you trust an ACC team to finish a season undefeated? You look at that schedule, you could argue that maybe the harder part of their schedule is over. But they do have two rivalry games. One of them is actually at Florida Miami. In terms of the trenches, they haven't been blown out really this season just yet. That's a rivalry game. So maybe that's the conference loss that they get. I don't think it's going to be.


At Pitt, Virginia Tech in the ACC championship game.


I don't know. We don't know that's. So ACC this year, if you're an ACC fan, you see the head to head splits and it's not going to matter. The ACC's record against the Big Ten and the SEC is good this year, and it's not going to matter whatsoever when it comes to deciding who gets into this College Football Playoff. An undefeated FSU should be in the top four. I think we all expect that today. But if they drop one game here, the ACC's reputation of Cannibalizing itself is going to come back to haunt them. No one's going to care that you have a good record against the other Power Fives.


That LSU win really great at the time doesn't feel as good now. LSU's defense is horrendous. The Duke win good at the time. Riley Leonard didn't play for most of that game. Like, Florida State, I think, has passed the eye test. But the schedule doesn't feel as strong as it once did.


But Lucy, that changes. If LSU beats Alabama this weekend, suddenly that becomes a better win.


It does.


LSU's defense is so bad that I really do not think they are going to beat Alabama. They are very, very bad.


FSU has already had the luck that you need to make a season special. With the Boston College penalty fest that happened earlier this season with the missed kick against Clemson and the return for a touchdown by their defense, they already kind of survived these and every I don't care who you are, you could be the most dominant team. There are moments in a season where you're like, okay, we had luck on our side, even if you're a national champion and they've already had that luck.


Lucy, at the Florida Georgia game, who was there en masse more? Was it Georgia or Florida? Like, whose fandom did you feel more?


I would say it was 55, 45 more Georgia fans. But it was pretty even most of the time. Georgia fans are insanely loud, insanely passionate. It's hard not to hear 35,000 people all barking at you at the same time. That was an insane experience. It was like both fan bases showed out really well. But I would say more Georgia fans.


We'll get to that video from Lucy in a second, but what did you find interesting about the ACC schedule through 2030?


The fact that they think they're going to be around in 2030. No, miami is traveling 3000 miles to Cal Berkeley, which as someone that travels quite a bit with the football teams, I'm excited going to Bourbon Trails and Wine Country with this road.


Nice stop for you.


It is.


With this road schedule. I think for me, the thing that I'm happiest about, I was really confused when they came. The ACC made this rule that you'll get three permanent rivals and you'll play those permanent rivals every year. And Miami's permanent rivals were FSU makes all the sense in the world. Boston College. Okay. We were in the Big East with them and there was the Fluty Bomb, okay. In Louisville, which they're playing a trophy. They're playing for a trophy. The Howard Schnelger Trophy. It's bronze cowboy boots. And that one didn't make any sense. I guess Big East ties were I think they were in the Big East in the same time for a brief period, and then they moved to the ACC together. That made no sense.


Cowboy boots.


Yeah. It should have been a Muhammad Ali, Cassius Clay type of thing. Or if you're going to bronze anything of Howard Schnellenberger, make it a pipe. Yes, that makes more sense. One thing that I was upset about with that ruling and very confused about was, okay, North Carolina feels like that's been a budding rivalry, but they have so many tobacco road rivals. I get why that call was made. Why isn't Virginia Tech one of our permanent rivals. That has been a 25 year rivalry. The games are good. They always mean something. Virginia Tech was pissed about it. And what happened with this schedule drop was Virginia Tech went from not being worthy of being one of Miami's three permanent rivals to making the cut for two. And now Miami will play Virginia Tech every year. So the stink that Virginia Tech made about not playing Miami worked.


Virginia Tech and Miami are the best chances to beat FSU in the regular season because it's not going to be pit.


Well Virginia Tech. Yeah. Virginia doesn't play them in the regular season. You're going to have to wait till Charlote for that one.