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When we left our homes up in Bristol Bay for the waters of Miami Shores. With a hippo, with the helmet or severance pay, we buy the pirate flag once more. Pirate radio with the ship and we got wind in our sales and the sky is blue. There's a devil up our nose. So much work to do. Pirate radio. Well, the ship is a wreck ship state the deck as Michael Holland fellows make more. And Billy is a worry that he's got to start because of the lives of store pirate radio with the ship.


And we got wind in our sales and the sky is blue. There's a devil pano. So much work to do. Pirate radio. Now Roy is a chum when he's on the run. He's the guy who, when we spring a leak and Stu is a messy business and that's and breaks out in our seats. We pirate radio with the ship and we get wind in our sales and the sky is blue. There's a devil up our nose. So much work to do.


Pirate radio. Someone yelled Hoy, who the hell is cabin boy? Somebody named Tony. Who knows once we got the skipper. Well, I mean, jump ship because he knew we would sail to those pirate radio with the ship and crew. We got wind in our sales. In the sky is blue. There's a devil up our nose. So much work to do.


For the pirate radio, Greg Codi left only one time throughout that, it's when, of course, he was mentioned. Welcome to a narcissistic Greg. Tuesday he is here. I have dolphin stuff to talk to him about because Deshaun Watson, that was a report from Adam Schefter saying Deshaun Watson is done with the Texans and the Texans seem to understand that he is done there. So Deshaun Watson, one of the best quarterbacks in football, is available. He ends up taking in a Nets game because he wants to be close to where it is that that power is just those guys.


All three of those guys on that team made a mess to get out. And Deshaun Watson goes there as his first stop because he's under contract. Football players don't have that kind of power, but he evidently has that kind of power. I was going to ask, what's that mean? But I guess you just told us what it means. Well, I thought it was interesting. I don't know whether it means anything, but all three of those guys did the player empowerment thing, Kyrie Irving, James Harden and Kevin Durant.


And now the word is because if he's not trolling and that's the other thing those guys on that team do is troll. If he's not trolling, he just made the New York Jets fan base crazy because they badly want him. And so my question to Cody in the group is this What is more attractive to the Texans Sam Donaldson picks or two and picks? What should the Texans want there? Because I am not clear in any way whatsoever that Sam Darnel can be and is good at this?


Well, I think with the Jets, I have no idea of Sam Donaldson any good. And I've watched every game. Cynda Sam Donaldson, does he have a moment to Sam Darnel when he's been healthy? Does he have he had no. I know is the more you know, he had a game winning drive against the Raiders here to get them to one in fourteen.


Yeah. Now, there have been no moments. Monta was the moment. I am telling you, though, that I think the Jets package is probably more attractive because it's darn old. And the second pick in the draft where the Dolphins would offer, I think, their own first round pick and two. Right. So I think the Jets maybe a little bit more.


They both have they both have the picks. Mike Ryan pointed out here that Donald's first game against the Lions, people were wondering whether he was the quarterback. Cody, what are your thoughts here? What do you got for us here? Because Deshaun Watson is available. You should be going to get him.


Absolutely. Yeah, it's obviously a gamble either way if you're the Jets, but rather if you're in Houston. I would pick two of because with Sam Darnel, I think by now you have a pretty formed idea of who he is and what he's going to be with to it. At least there's the unknown upside that you're so hopeful about. Plus, you know, the other thing is the Dolphins could throw in the 18th pick. There have been rumors they could even throw in Zevin, Howard.


I mean, if they want to really go for Deshaun Watson, they have the ability to offer a lot besides just the number three and two.


You can make two moves right now, Dan, if you're the dolphins, you can get because you have no idea. You might think, too, is going to be good. But you already know Deshaun Watson is great. You could trade to and one of their first round picks and maybe something else if you have to. And then you get your quarterback at the Sean Watson, you still have that third pick. You use it on Devonta Smith. I mean, you have solved so many Devante Parker becomes your second wide receiver.


I mean, you've got a situation here with Watson where he has a no trade clause. So he can he can determine where it is that he goes. No state income tax is also something that would be appealing. Cody, what is too big an offer for the Dolphins to make when you talk about maybe the best corner in the league? Certainly one of the best corners in the league when you talk about some of these prized possessions that they have from the Texans with their first round picks, I just can't believe and I need this to be stated very clearly, this guy's never available at this age.


Like never, never. Can you get a guy who's a top five quarterback who, you know, if he's healthy, he's going to be around for ten years. That guy's never available. So you got to make a seismic offer because someone else is going to make a seismic off.


Forget top five just franchise quarterbacks at that age rarely become available. I think the closest comparison is Jay Cutler and Deshaun Watson is so much better than Jay Cutler was at Denver. I mean, he's twenty five.


It's crazy. I mean, you know, Patrick Mahomes is is on another level, but not a level that much above Deshaun Watson. If it weren't for Mahomes, you would be thinking Deshaun Watson is it? He is the young franchise quarterback that everybody wants.


And I don't know that there is too much to offer. I really don't. I would air on the side of offering too much. You want Adrian Howard, man, we hate to give him up here. How about taking Byron Jones? Well, what do we know? Actually, what you're doing is you're turning over what you're saying, and I don't think you're wrong necessarily. But what you're saying, the part I think you're wrong about, there is a gulf between Mahomes and everyone else, there is a gulf between Mahomes and Watson, the only one.


There's not a gulf what there is. Aaron Rodgers, I remind you, though, that a year ago in the playoffs, Watson was up by like three touchdowns, first half Kansas City.


And people were thinking that that he is great. He was made greater by DeAndre Hopkins, but he was great without DeAndre Hopkins. But, Cody, what you just said, what the Miami Herald columnist who once advocated for the trading of Dan Marino so that they could keep Scott Mitchell. What you have just said basically is you are turning your entire roster and all your draft picks over to the Texans and saying take what you want.


Well, I'm not quite saying that. I mean, obviously, you draw some limit at some point. You know, you don't you don't give up both first round picks, both second round picks, a future, first round. Hold on. Greg, what is the line.


Hold on. What I meant I didn't mean take 15 pieces. I meant take any five things you want, take any four things you want. You're saying no one and nothing is untouchable. That's what you're saying. You're saying right now to get this guy. There is simply no one you have anywhere in the organization that you are not willing to part with. And maybe two and maybe three. Like how high are you willing to go there in terms of things that hurt to get this pick?


Because it's going to take that. It absolutely is going to take something, something giant, because, as I said, for for DeAndre Hopkins, going for whatever it was that a second round pick or third, you know, just ridiculous trades all over that league. Jay Cutler might be the last one to go four to one. Do I have that right? Is there someone else since then that has gone for two? No ones. But this is the guy that you give up to.


No one's for Greg.


If you had to give up two and the third pick in this year's draft, because I think Mike believed you would have to give up that top five pick, would you be willing to do that to and the third pick in this year's draft?


Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't hesitate. I mean, two and the third overall pick that's a given. The question is, can you convince them to take Byron Jones instead of Xavi and Howard? Can you convince them to take a second round pick instead of the 18th overall, but as a starting point to end, the third overall for Deshaun Watson is a steal that you do in a in a nanosecond. I wouldn't literally wouldn't even hesitate to make that deal.


I would think that I just hit the lottery.


Mike Ryan is laughing in my face right now. And he should be because I said Jay Cutler is the last one to go for number two, number one. And he's just braying with laughter. Well, for some reason wearing and I don't know why he's doing this, something that looks like a gas mask that you might smoke marijuana through Laramie.


Townsell Thach two first round picks in.


That is excellent pantomiming you did back there. Excellent Pictionary sort of explaining to me because the, the audio went down in my ear how it is that we can arrive at Laramie. Tunstall, there's only one mask, one person you could have put that thing on for that would have told me that Laramie Tonto was traded for to no one you knew right away.


If you're the Texans, you want a quarterback who's going into his second year as opposed to quarterback, they're going that's going into his fourth year. Like, that's a big that's. No, that's that's worth noting that two is two years, you know, lesser in this experience than Sam Arnold is.


I think everyone's sort of underestimating the market that there is for Deshaun Watson toys and nice piece to get back because you so have no idea what a ceiling is, plus the number three overall pick. But I think there may be six teams in the NFL that don't put in a call into the Houston Texans. Like, why settle for two when you can get someone like a Baker Mayfield, a more established quarterback? Carson Wentz probably not, but a Jalen Hurts.


There are better quarterback options out there. Plenty teams looking to upgrade like Jared Goff might be available because Sean McVay may want to upgrade that. And you may be looking at do I take the unknown with two or do I take the quarterback even though we have questions about him that's made it to a Super Bowl?


It sounds like Chris Cody is ready to bail on two of though he is making a pitch, he is making his case for the Dolphins, having a better package.


To Mike's point. To Mike's point, that's not like offensive to Tullah. Like, I can want Deshaun Watson and still think to it can be a nice quarterback.


You can like, oh, yeah, it's not an either or you can be a symbol as people who have been listening to this show for maybe eighteen months. And incidentally, if you've been listening for those eighteen months, this show has undergone a whole lot of turbulence. We are still not in the same studio together. We are no longer where we used to be. We are floating as a pirate ship. But if you have been listening over the last 18 months, you have basically seen Chris Cody go through the entire spectrum of what a sports fan who loves sports radio goes through, where he was the most hopeful among us, defending to at every turn.


And now he's got the whiff of a different perfume. And you have to. Yeah, I know you like to help, but you. Deshaun Watson, you want for me, I'm a human. You are married, you've been married to you. You've said your vows. You've enjoyed the honeymoon. The honeymoon was very short. The entire experience didn't have a whole lot of pyrotechnics.


You cheated on him during the honeymoon with Ryan Fitzpatrick, who I think is still your Twitter avatar is right. This first year of marriage is the most difficult. Yes.


And and now here you are. But what Mike is saying is so I don't know why you'd throw Jalen hurts in there, because I don't think Jalen hurts just any more appetizing than Europe since he had a better game.


And who has ever had. I'm just saying there is a massive net that you have to cast in terms of interest for for someone like Deshaun Watson, their better quarterback options that are going to be made available to Houston than to what the contract is important.


Chris Whittingham brought this up in the chat here that, you know, you have Darnel Dentzer a year for which is it's time to pay Sam Darnel at some point or just let him go to it was only a year or two. So it's it's a lot more friendly in terms of cost to the Texans if they went to over Darnel.


Billy, do you have any thoughts here? We've talked all around you, this segment. What are your feelings watching your friend Chris Cody just run away from Toure into the arms of Deshaun Watson, wrong with Chris Cody?


It's like we're doing a show with a bunch of our Mondo's today. What's going on here? You can upgrade if you want to upgrade on the team in year. If you get a better quarterback option, why not take it? I'm married to him for life. It's like twenty three years old or something. He's played like five minutes on the team. If you could get a franchise quarterback instead of a question mark, that's not you being disloyal. And if you guys know this, quarterbacks aren't on teams for the rest of their lives, you get rid of them eventually.


They're just deciding, hey, there's a better option here. Let me take that over. The unknown. I'm on Team Chris today.


Isn't this like like I'm married to my wife right now. But if Jess isn't like marriage, if Jessica Biel becomes available, it's one of those things where my wife is even going to be like, I get it right.


No, no, it's all right. I think she would just be like, look, we have a good thing going.


But Jessica Biel is out there and I think she'll I have to go shopping right now.


Jessica Biel is interested in me. That's what the Sean Watson flirting with the Dolphins is like.


The Dolphins fan Jessica Biel is liking your Instagram photos right now.


That's exactly what she wants to do. She also likes your dad, though, because she's flirting with the Jets. Should have the Harvey Weinstein's Graham great then green dick on their helmet was a vivid picture that no one asked for.


In Responsibility's point, though, quarterbacks do stay with the teams forever. These types of quarterback, they don't they don't become available until they're like Cam Newton type of Dunn or forty three years old. But they typically do stay with those teams for as long as they're they're worthy of staying there. It's a franchise quarterback. It's a most important thing in the sport. Yeah, but nothing's forever. I mean, Brett Farve after an NFC championship game, they traded him.


They did a Joe Montana went to the Chiefs towards the end of his. Brett Favre retired.


I'm talking about somebody who is not going to be on this team forever. So why hold on to him now? If you could get a franchise quarterback?


The question is, how do the Chargers had a meeting about Deshaun Watson? I don't think they have. I think they feel like they've got their guy. They're not going to trade any any valuable assets. And that, for me, is the difference. The dolphins are definitely having this meeting. The Chargers are not. If you left your one with a rookie quarterback, how often have you said, Dan, that the rookie quarterback at value is the key is the most important thing you could have towards winning a Super Bowl?


If you feel like you had that in two, you wouldn't be having this meeting.


There are only two guys, men. You're so right about Herbert. The idea that was Chris winning him, by the way. He'll be floating around. He's he's a barnacle on the side of this ship who has been working with Mike on Chelsea podcast's stuff. Chris, what did you have there?


But that's how good Deshaun Watson is. I think the Chargers are having that meeting. They're probably deciding not to do it.


But I think he's on that level where even the Chargers are having that meeting.


I think any team should be having that meeting. Why would you have that meeting? If I'm the Bengals, I consider trading Joe Burrow to go get this guy. He's twenty five years old. He's a lead already.


I don't know to Chris's point, though, and this one is interesting because it's the same draft, which Chris is point.


Whittingham is the most interesting one because you never are.


You've got a situation in herbut where if that's where we are after year one, if not being able to call it Billy, I feel like you can call it one team feels like it's got its franchise quarterback. The other one is less certain of that after one. Here herbut has more value because he is somebody in contract who was valuable and he is somebody who we've all seen that we can have a legitimate argument here about whether the Chargers would actually trade herbut there are about three teams in the league that you can do that with.


Seriously, give me all the other like. But if the Packers would at this point, the Packers would at this point, because you get 15 years as opposed to four, you get the same quarterback at twenty five.


It's only it might be only the Chiefs and the Chargers who don't do it. Is there a third one?


Seahawks, probably. Although, Russell, you can start having questions about him. Do the bills have this conversation? Bills probably don't have this conversation. Josh Allen probably holding it down.


That's an interesting one, though. That's a guy after his freshman year that you definitely would have made that trade for. Then you'd let him have a few years that to the point where to.


Welcome back, Chris. Tell them, Chris. Thank you to. Could be good in a couple of years. See, I'm all over the place with this argument. Are the Ravens having that conversation?


I probably won't. Yeah, I just. Absolutely.


The Ravens are. I mean, to Sean Watson is is Lamar Jackson who can throw you know, he's he's not half a quarterback. He's a full quarterback, half a quarterback.


You don't think the MVP of the league can throw nuts here this year?


His numbers are not really not not what I've seen this year. No.


And even he doesn't even think to throw anymore. It's third and long and he's and he's taking off without even like the thought of throwing now.


Oh, yeah. Watson is is a full quarterback. I mean, you're getting the whole deal there. And I think there's one team in the league, one team, the one in Kansas City that looks at the shrine. Watson says now we're good. We're not even going to think about it. No, not interested. Every other team, all thirty one other teams have a reason to think Deshaun Watson is better on their roster right now than the guy they've got to year.


I think Aaron Rodgers is a better quarterback right now, but he's also older when I factor in age.


Deshaun Watson is is a generational quarterback who you have to go over, go after if you're the Dolphins or like team to your point about Lamar Jackson, because while his passing numbers are down, I would not say a man who cannot throw that is not how I would describe what is happening there. I would ask you guys, though, this question about Lamar Jackson, that was my phone. I will pay the five dollar fine. It's ten. Lamar, why is it ten?


I don't feel like making a ten today.


I OK, but you're not in charge of the rules.


You're right. I'm not in charge of the rules, but I'm not certain who is in charge of the rules here. And so you made it five. I made a ten. And you want to come back and, you know, meet me halfway 750. I'm fine with that. Lamar Jackson's game is not going to age. Well, I think we can say that without question. Right. Because the athleticism is he's not going to be a step faster than everyone for ten years.


That's not going to be possible. The more you run, the more hits you're going to take, the more that whittles away at your all world athleticism. And even if you lose just a quarter step, all of a sudden guys are making that corner as you attempt to turn it. Look, he just we saw a game that he just exited with a concussion. So I do think that he has a shorter window, just like Cam Newton. Cam Newton is at an age where a lot of elite quarterbacks are still very good.


But he relied so much on his athleticism and he took so, so much punishment that it eventually whittled away at the athleticism which overcompensated for maybe the lack of accuracy downfield.


Dan, if you ran the Buffalo Bills, because I find this one to be super interesting, you run the Buffalo Bills, the Texans call you because they want Josh Allen.


You're having that conversation because Josh Allen's had one good year. Deshaun Watson has had three great seasons. You would have that conversation, would you not?


I think so. But I want to address because Josh Allen is also young. Josh Allen was better than Deshaun Watson, as Josh Allen is good this year. You're not having the conversation. You can have the conversation with Josh Allen better than Deshaun Watson this year. You're in the AFC Championship.


I also don't know if Josh Allen is better than Deshaun Watson.


If I give Deshaun Watson, Stefon Diggs for the entire season, because, I mean, we gave him DeAndre Hopkins and he was up in Kansas City, he didn't exactly get this far. Not that that that should really matter in this discussion. But Deshaun Watson was healthy all year without weapons. And we've seen like the top elite quarterbacks before, Davante Adams was any good, take weapons that were a little sus and go a long way with them.


Deshaun Watson actually had an entire healthy year and the Texans would be picking top three if they had their first round draft pick.


I'm just listen, this is how good he is. He had exactly nothing surrounding him. And this year he had nearly 5000 yards, three touchdowns, seven interceptions, seventy percent completion percentage with nobody around him. Nobody put it on the pole, please.


Guillermo at. Batard show, is it duche or no duche to say a little suss, because you can't be bothered to you're very busy and you can't say suspect, you don't have time to say suspect. So you've got to hurry on. You've got to get ahead and just make it suss. Mike, do you have any degree of shame about what just happened there?


Now you sound like an old fogey. Oh, is that right? The kids are talking these days. Call me for being young. All right.


I wanted to ask you guys all this question. I wanted to ask you this question based on that Ravens game, because you're, again, making quarterback wins a stat, which is interesting because I thought a couple of things happened this weekend to make quarterback win a stat where now you don't have questions about Tom Brady's aging or Josh Allen, but you do have questions about Drew Brees and Lamar Jackson. They had five drives go inside the bills, 30 yard line, and none of them materialized in anything.


And I'm not saying Lamar Jackson played well because he did not. But Josh Allen in that game did just enough to not be Lamar Jackson having these disasters inside their thirty yard line. If I change one throw there and something happens differently, that guy who was being mocked at the combine because during the drills he gets hit in the head. The next thing you know, he's turning the entire season around with one hundred and one yard touchdown. The win as a stat.


Things do got to me for that position is it's dumb, it's simplistic. But as it regards specifically that Tampa Bay New Orleans game, Tom Brady aged differently than anyone in the history of the sport. But it was crazy that we all saw Drew Brees done before he did that. It is crazy that we all saw Drew Brees, Drew Brees done before Sean Payton did that. We all got to watch that. A quarterback younger than Brady. I saw Ryan Leaf tweeted recently that he couldn't believe that in college he stood across a sideline from Tom Brady playing in college and that he was watching Tom Brady in his 20th season throw four touchdown passes and a half.


And he had just strained his calf trying to hike. Tom Brady is the one to whom I wish I think we can all now simply assign yeah, quarterback wins are kind of a stat with him because nineteen years in the league is a starter. Fourteen conference championships. That's crazy. Crazy. That's one of the craziest stats that I will hear anywhere across sports, given how fickle that game is, given how many people get hurt and given that he's there again over a team on the road, over a team that's better than him, older than the quarterback that he just retired.


He just retired Drew Brees, because confidence is the last thing to go the mirrors, the last thing to know. And we all knew before Drew Brees and we still don't know about Tom Brady because he's age differently than everyone else. It's not it's bananas. Never mind. You guys can make fun of me all you want about the fact that two of the four quarterbacks in this sport are the only two you've heard me question throughout my history doing this because I know how hard that job is.


But I also know what precedent is. And in Josh Allen's case, I've never seen a quarterback improve more from year one to year to never seen it less reckless, more accurate. That kind of improvement that fast is not something that I've seen before. And none of us have ever seen a quarterback aids the way that Tom Brady has not. We've never seen anything like this. And I don't know where you put it in the pantheon of amazing stats to gods.


But fourteen conference championships in nineteen years as a starter is totally insane.


Well, by the night Super Bowls to speaking of the Saints, you guys, you threw a touchdown pass Jameis Winston on that. You guys said, hey, maybe Sean Payton sees something in Taysom Hill that we don't know and see the Brees thing to see the Winston thing. You hotseat Hotsy for Sean Payton, maybe playing a dangerous game.


I don't know how you take Winsted out after he makes that throw seriously.


There's a lot of home playoff losses as a favorite the Saints fans can always cling on to will. The NFL's screwed us. But to only have one title out of that fifteen year pairing of champagne and Drew Brees, it's actually a bit of a disappointment when you look at it, because they've had teams that have been the favorite oftentimes there, and they made it to one Super Bowl. How?


Gela Compiler Brees Yeah. Plain as day compiler. I mean, all those stats. Come on. What have you done for you when it counts? Nothing.


Put it on the pole. I want a super hero.


Is Drew Brees a plain as day compiler?


I kind of disagree with your point that Sean Payton didn't know that this was coming. He brought on Teddy Bridgewater, who was the highest paid backup in the league. He brought in Jameis Winston, who was actually available at a cheaper price, but look at how much they paid Taysom Hill. Sean Payton has known this for a while. He just can't force Drew Brees out.


Considering all that Drew Brees has done for that team and that community, how hard was that to watch for you, Greg, as someone who specializes in aging, the wheelhouse of aging, what he must be so confused by Brady?


We all know I mean, we've seen it from Brees throughout the season.


You know, he can't throw the deep ball as he used to and his game was very restricted. He's incredibly immobile. I mean, he's just a target back there now. And it was sad to see. It was very sad to see, especially contrasted against what Brady continues to do. It was just yeah, it was sad. I hated to watch it.


I felt like Brees deserved some sort of a hurrah in that game, whether it was not necessarily winning the game, but just a fourth quarter comeback, just something to make it go. All right. He's there's still Drew Brees in there somewhere. But it was just is the terrible performance last two seasons.


Fifty one touchdowns, ten interceptions for Brees. I mean, I don't think Brees thinks he's finished.


I really don't. That didn't make it obvious to you. What we just saw didn't make it. I mean, Brady, with the thing after the game, that assassin type stuff, because, you know, he's throwing Brisas, you know, he's throwing touchdown passes to Drew's kids. And it appears that he's saying goodbye and saying goodbye forever. And it appears that Brady is doing a nice thing. I think Brady took great delight in doing that. I would have throw his kids a couple of touchdowns, walks away, calls his wife and goes, I just ended.


Drew, I hope you enjoyed those records. Now I'm going to get three more years putting some distance between me and you the most amazing thing, because even entering that game, I was like, man, I don't want to see Drew Brees. I even turned it off just because I can't watch Drew Brees.


Michael Thomas, that was a strange I couldn't watch Drew Brees anymore. Only I turned it off when he was tied.


You're the only one in America who did that. That had the highest rate. That was the highest.


So that was the highest rated where, God, I turned it off and and you said it hurts me so much. So I had no interest.


I had no interest in watching Drew Brees. I swear to God. Now, I was already on an emotional low because of what happened earlier in the day. But on the life of my first born daughter, I turned that game off specifically because I hate watching Drew Brees drop back to throw a seven yard slant. It hurts me to watch. And I think the most amazing part about the contrast, because Tom Brady didn't look great for large portions of that game, the ones that I saw.


And when I turned it off, he turned in like vintage Tom Brady. From what I saw from the highlights is Drew Brees has one healthy rib this year. Drew Brees has zero shoulder. Drew Brees looks like a quarterback in his early 40s. That is sustained a bunch of punishment on that body, which obviously whittled away at his all world skills. This is one of the most accurate quarterbacks we've ever seen. And he's clearly not the same guy.


Tom Brady injured one season and Matt Cassel made a boatload of money off of that one season. Tom Brady has been healthy. So I know we all like to laugh at Dr. Guererro and Pliability and all this nonsense. Don't laugh at it to be able to be healthy without this, like, incredible physique or physical tools that make us say, wow, yeah, I can understand why he's so much better than everybody else. It's amazing that he hasn't taken the punishment to whittle away at that.


It's only nuts that he is still doing this. But what do you do, Cody, with what I'm about to tell you? And speaking of aging, by the way, I shouldn't have to tell you this on air, but here we are, your points today. So far, you just sort of peter out on the dismount. You don't have much of anything at the end. You just sort of Yammer, Yammer, and then at the end you peter out.


So I think you can summon the brilliance that we're accustomed to getting from Greg Cody, but trying to nail these dismounts with a little more energy when you're done talking. Is that OK?


Thank you for that analysis.


I want to ask you this about Tom Brady, because when you look at the stat sheet involving this was this was basically Tom Brady standing on one sideline and just staring at Drew Brees and watching him age like I know how to not age. You don't know how to not age. You are not knowing how to not age by throwing the ball incomplete every time to Michael Thomas. But watch what I do with Brate and Fournette. I'm going to end Drew Brees with Braden Fournette, not Antonio Brown.


One catch for ten yards, not Mike Evans again shut down totally by Lattimore one Scottie Miller one catch Scottie for three yards now with Gronk one catch for fourteen yards. No no no no no little Scottie Miller one catch you say a little from. What's a 30 yard, it takes Drew Brees seven passes to get that majority.


Am I wrong when I say that was just Tom Brady watching Drew Brees age?


He was sucking the life force from Drew Brees. By the end of the game, Drew Brees looked older and Tom Brees look younger because he was on the other sideline just going sucking in the life force. He stole his last name to.


Mike made him Tom Brees. It felt like that. It's like, what's this true? I mean, so disrespectful, all of it. I'm going to beat you with Brayton Fournette and then I'm going to throw passes to your kids in the end zone to they're my kids.


Now, come over here, Tom. Brisas kids.