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Draftkings Network.


This is the Dan Leviton Show with the Stugats Podcast.


We have a lot to get to today. We had the heat last night opening up their season. Tony, want me some money? Lucy's quarterback is coming back. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Have we determined where Lucy's going this weekend, by.


The way? Oh, yeah. What did the poll say? Is it final?


It is final. Well, I haven't checked it, but we already booked the flight. Based off of when.


I checked it.


-it could.


Have changed overnight though. Wait a second. I thought the listeners were deciding.


For you. They did. The first listeners that voted decided. The first segment.


The first.


Batch, right. Hold on a second. I'm going to find the results, and then we'll find out if you booked a flight to the wrong place, because if you did, you're going to have to rebook. You can't tell the audience that they can tell you where to go and then go somewhere else.


We'll get to Billy. He was on the call last night for FIU. We'll get to that as well. The Heat had a 19-point lead with seven minutes to go. It got down to one with about a minute to go, and then no one else scored. That was essentially.


The game last night. Last night was one of those ones. It felt like a loss. If you listen to sports radio this morning, it felt like they lost. They barely won. Kyle Lowry played 30 minutes, took one shot, 0 for 1. It's just, yeah, they won the game, but there seems to be some issues here going forward.


I said it yesterday, Tony. I'd be interested in your opinion here. I don't think the Heat are going to be very good. They lost the offseason in a way that Pat Riley has never lost the offseason.


He loses this offseason the same way every offseason. What are you.


Talking about? I mean, Billy, they got Jimmy Butler, they got LeBron, they got Wade, he's done some great things.


They've missed Bradley, they've missed Gory. They've missed Yonas. They've missed Gory.


Yonas was.


Never on the table to be fair.


Guys, if we're going to.


Do win-loss records.


-respectfully. If we're going to do win-loss records-Respectfully. -if we're going to do win-loss records-You can't do that. For the Heat and Off Seasons, they've definitely won some, Billy. You can say that they might be close to 500, but to say that they lose more than they win is not true. This one.


Was a no. No, they definitely lose more than they win. They've won some, but they definitely lose more than they win in Off Seasons.


I disagree.


Well, that's because every time they sign anyone, you guys throw a parade like they signed Michael Jordan, when they've done it once with LeBron James.


I mean, in fairness, well, they did it twice, Jimmy Butler.


We didn't think- Jimmy Butler is not Michael Jordan. We can stop right there.


He's not LeBron James. Okay, no one is Michael Jordan. I agree with you on that.


No, Jimmy Butler has been great for the Heat. Jimmy Butler has kept the Heat relevant.


Right, but if you remember, we had Stan Van Gundy on it, and I agreed with him where he said, If Jimmy Butler is the best player on your team, your team is not very good. Jimmy Butler has been the best player on this team and gotten them to two NBA finals and to the Eastern Conference Finals.


Yeah, but they need a piece to.


Get over that problem. Yeah, we agree. For me, this is not about Jimmy Butler and Bam. About the rest of the pieces. Jimmy and Butler and Bam are fine pieces up there. It's just, can Tyler Hero be the next guy? He shot a ton last night. I think he took like 25 shots. Seven for 24 last night. Seven for 24, so inefficient. That's the key. Can Tyler Hero take the step? Can he play any defense? That's the stuff. And Kyle Lowry, I already miscated Vincent. Max Drews went off last night for 27 points. You saw what.


He did in Cleveland? I'm just saying. I was shocked that he was a Cavalier. Really? Yes, I had no idea.


I just think it's going to be interesting to see how this heat season plays out because I think a lot of people are feeling used to you guys. There's nothing about this team that looks better. Where's the piece going to come from? Where's the move? Is there a move to be made for this team?


They were expecting Tyler Hero to be that next piece that would fill in and score that 20-some-odd points per game. Pat Riley said in the press conference, Hey, we need another 20-point per game score. It can't be Jimmy. It can't be, Bam. They already do that. We need Tyler to come in, play massive minutes, score a ton because that's what he's here to do. That's why they paid him $100 million, right? I did seven for 24 last night against the Pistons, who are not good.




One game, though. It's one game, of course.


One game. But Kate.


Cunningham at 30 points. Kate Cunningham looked great.


Jeremy Tashay is so mad at me via text right now. Really? Just because we're coming out negative towards the heat. They are want to know. In a couple of weeks, we're going to look back on this game. No one's.


Going to think about this. They squandered a 19-point lead.


I know, but they won, so.


Who cares? No, I know they won. But my larger point about the heat and why I don't think they'll be that good is because the Celtics and the Bucks are overwhelming, especially Boston.


We'll find tomorrow.


I'm sorry, Billy.


Boizingus look good. The Heat are tied for first in the East right now. You're right.


They're the one seed. That's correct. You're the homecourt. I'm tied for one seed. You think it's too early to react because the Bulls had a players-only meeting after their blowout loss left. No way. The earliest players only meeting in the history of sports. They did, players only. Sort things out.


Who's the head coach?


I have no idea.


Billy Donovan. Oh, boy. Hotzy. It's Hotzy. One game in, you're in the hot seat.


He's still the coach of the Bulls? Yeah. That's funny.


Lucy, you just did the Gator Chomp over there. Is that where you will be going this weekend? Because I have the results of your poll.


It should be.


It is. That's where you should be going. What was the final number? I believe it was 57 %. Hold on. I need to look for the little X.


I was closer than I thought. I thought it would be a blowout for Georgia, Florida.


57.8 %. Do you like traveling to places that are closer? Because this is an easy travel.


For you. That'd be a weird answer if she's like, I prefer the longest flying.


Well, no. I think it depends.


So the reason that I was like, I wasn't really leaning one way or the other, but I like going to home games more than I like going to neutral sight games. That makes sense. Because the atmosphere is better. I like seeing the stadium and the campus and all that stuff. So that's why Utah was even on this list, and that game is a lot better. But I don't mind being close. I'm very tired. I'm on the road all the time. It was nice when my flight's one hour and not four.


Krish, are you still scared of Bill Belichick? What are you? When he comes into town, trolls into town, are you scared of Belichick?


I know. We're not doing that thing anymore of like, He's going to take that one thing away. Has he been taking the one thing away this season?


He has, but they just haven't been good enough to.


Overcome that.


But his offense-He's never beat, Tua.


Right. The Dolphins have always been good against the Patriots and Belichick. Even when braided was here.


Not always. They were-At home, yeah.


-at home, yes. The Dolphins are becoming the team that you just have to look at the injury report before betting on them or watching them play. Like, Tyreke now is having may not play this Sunday. It's a hip issue, which is terrifying for me personally because he's on my fantasy team.


Good game to rest, though. It is a good game to rest. I can't believe I'm saying that about Belichick. I mean, come on.


They looked good last week. Honestly? Mac Jones looked good last week.


I think Connor Williams might be more important than Tyreke Hill to this team.


That's a stupid.


Thing to say. I'm telling.


You, dude. That's a really ridiculous thing to say.


Dude, Eickenburg at center, it's like me playing center. I thought about.


That, actually.


It is.


So bad. Put that on the.


Pole, obviously, I'm being a little like I'm trying to just do a thing. Tyreeke is obviously great. But it's just this often. If you tell me Tyrone, Amstead, and Connor Williams are playing, and Waddle's mind, I feel like our receiving core is deeper than our offense line is my point.


Tyreke kills the most important person on the Dolphins. More important than Toe.


He might be the most important guy in the league.


I think we could answer that question on Sunday. If the Dolphins offense looks great on Sunday without Tyreke, the system is still... I'm not saying you're wrong. We'll see what it looks like without Tyreke. But I think the argument can be made that Connor, and William, Connor, and Armstead are more important to this offense because there's less depth at offensive line. We have receivers. We just got Chase, Claypool. I feel like the receivers can do enough. I need Connor Williams to play. Okay, but.


You could play center for the Dolphins is what you said.


I played center this past Sunday against the Eagles. Really? Ikenberg.




Love the guy.


Put it on the pole. Could Chris play center for the Dolphins?


No. Did Chris play center?


Sorry. Did Chris play center last week for the Dolphins? Will he start again.


This week? Is this going to lead to some contest between you and Eickenburg, where you guys are lined up against each other and you're pushing each other?


No. No, because they'd both be playing the same position. It'd be like a long snap or like a snap contest. You know what you guys.


Should do? You guys should do the fake sumo suits against each other because that's safe. If it's just the two of you against each other, he's going to destroy you. But if there's padding, at least it's somewhat safe.


You know what, Billy? I'm in.


All right. A few with Eickenburg.


I'll sumo wrestle.


Eickenburg. Fake sumo wrestle.


If he'll agree to it.


If you'll agree to it.


The challenge has been issued.


When's the buy week?


He actually has to play Center for the Dolphins.


Their own week 13, I think.


It's wild. Usually, you get the buy week. Usually, you get the buy week after the game in Europe.


Yeah, they should have.


A buy game. They haven't been doing that this year. A lot of teams come back from London and play another game right after.


Yeah. Interesting. Billy, how was your FIU game last night?


It went well, I think. I was a little more serious this time, I think, but I had a good time. I like doing it. Here's a stat. You want a stat of the day? Do we have to do a stat of the day? Is there a sponsor?


We can do a stat.


Of the day. You want to do one? Let's give an extra stat of the day this week to our sponsor. I got it. Let's do it. All right. It is the start of the day.




Of the start.


Of the day. This is the start of the day brought to you by Venmo. Your money, your move.


All right, today's start of the day is courtesy of Taylor Vippeles. Really? Yeah. Wait a second. In games that I have called- TV? -fiu has been outscored 42 to nothing in the first quarter, which he made sure to send me while I was calling the game. Yeah. That's a good stat though. That is a good stat. A crazy stat. Because coming into it, we're like, Last time didn't start out grade 21 nothing in the first. Can't happen again, right? Surely can't happen again. Happened again. -yeah. -paws up. Paws up.


Did they make you be more serious, or you felt it in yourself to be like, You know what? I'm going to take this little bit more serious.


They didn't make me be more serious. I just had some thoughts.


You were free to do what you want to do in.


That broadcast, right? Yeah, but I'm not there to make a mockery of the whole thing. Respect the booth. Yeah, I'm not the clown referee. That's a job that's not mine. Okay.


You'd be a great clown referee, by the way.


Right. You'd be an.


Incredible clown referee.


I don't know. I don't think I have the right energy and temperament to be a good clown.


No, you were born for that, Billy.


No, I don't think that I could be a good clown. Really? I mean, I am one, but I don't think I could be one. I couldn't be a clown at a kid's party, I don't think, because I can't muster up that fake energy. I could be a clown. You could. Chris could honestly be that.


I'd be a.


Great clown. Back in my day, right? Yeah.


You'd be the clown that like-.


Smoking a heater. Exactly right.


With the five o'clock shadow clown beard. You'd be the disgruntled clown.


Empty bottles of liquor just in.


Your car. It's fair.


I'll take it. Degenerate clown.


You can't even.


Argue it. You go and do it. You're going through the motions on the tricks, whatever. A kid comes over, you try to sell them beer, and then you show them how all the tricks are done.


You have me selling little.


Kids beer? Yeah, because you're not going to give it to them. There's money to be made there.


You're right. Or have the kids steal a beer from the dad in the cooler Hey, go.


Get your.


Dad's beer.


Or sell them beer. I think Billy's on to.


Something, though. Sell them their.


Own beer. I have a four set up.


Next to me. You steal it from the dad's fridge and you sell it to the kids. You show up at the 7-11, and you have your ID, you walk outside and you hand it to them behind.


The side. Actually, Tony, I'll combine it. Go steal your dad's beers, bring them over here, I'll sell them to another kid. How about that? Or another dad. Yeah, or another dad.


Don't let me tard.


Did you watch me at N-C-Stay? I was all-AC-Stay.


I don't have.


Necessarily the.


Mobility, but no one can see.


Over the.


Line like me. Michael, the.


Acc network job is a good job.


It's a.




Job. I'm not ready to pack it in. I've got a lot of good football left in me. My footwork is underrated.


I could step up in the pocket with the best of luck. No one can scan.


The field like me.


But wouldn't it be nice to be around the family more.


Often and.


Not have to worry about any injuries? Babe, just give me one more season.


Still got to.


Tell you what?


I'm not going to therapy. I'm not. Therapy is not happening. Sorry. You need to work on you. There's one person pulling the rope for this family right here, and.


It's Mike Lennon.


This is the Dan Levator Show with the Stugats. We have an.


Assortment of sounds from Billy doing the FIU game. Do we? Yes, we do.


Wow, thank you for work on that, Billy. I know you went to a broadcast, you were out late, and then you cut your own tape. Imagine you're incredible, dude.


Actually, last night, hey, guys, you want a tease of what's to come later this week on the show? We're going to be revealing the first time this season's BCS, later this week on Godly's Football. That's what I was doing last night. The real BCS. Yes, the real BCS.


Because we talked about the fake BCS earlier.


This month. Miami was number one. It's the only time we talked about it, yes.


That was the fake one, clearly flawed. This is the.


Real BCS because Billy.


Chris, and Stugatz BCS. Yes, exactly. Some people wait around for the CFP rankings. Not us. Bcs is out here bright and early. We're going to get it to you before the CFP rankings are out officially.


That's right. And we've already expanded.


Our playoffs. We haven't.


Well, we did before anyone.


Else did. Yeah, well, our playoff was always bigger than the other one. Our playoff, as everybody knows, is just a reminder, is six teams. Okay, all right.


So a standard to any pre-game show is the keys to the game. Let's listen to Billy Gill. Billy Gill, your.


Keys to.


The game. Multiple keys today, AJ. I think that the guys got to stick to the game plan, AJ. Play with a chip on their shoulder. Win the real estate battle. Stay hungry. When the meal's on the plate, eat.


Stick to the game plan, win the real estate battle. Eat. Meal on.


The plate. Yeah, when it's there, you got to eat.


You have to eat. You got to have calories.




I mean, I stand by that. Do you? I do. Well, you have to. When the meal's on.


The plate, eat. They're your keys to the game, right? You can't bail on your keys to.


The game. I'll tell you what, yesterday, one of the keys from one of the other broadcasters was to win the time of possession, which they did, but lost by 25. But don't let that score fool you. The game was closer than that score indicates. It's impossible. No, it's not. It's really not. It's really not. Stugat, there was one of the worst, and I'd hate to be the officials, the referee, screwed us, one of the worst calls I've ever seen, where they called kick-catch interference. Essentially, the puntery Turner fumbled the ball and they said that he interfered with the play, that the defense interfered with the play, leading to the fumble that FIU recovered and would have been on the 30-yard line and could have made it a one-possession game with either a field goal or a touchdown. They came all the way back. Well, they didn't, but they could have come all the way back and made it a one-score game. Like the Pestons? Yeah. Then you see the replay, no one touched the guy. No one was anywhere near him. It was a horrific call.


Did you get irate on the broadcast?


Did you start ripping people? No, I'm measured. When I do the broadcast, I keep the emotions in check because I'm there to paint a picture. Of course, yes. It's not a self-portrait. It's a picture of what's going on.


Attaboy. Let's hear Billy paint.


First down, Jack. Well, State Court. You mentioned it a few minutes ago, fastest tempo in the country. They average 20 seconds per play.


What's the rush? It's a long game. I stand by.


That too. Lucy is cackling over there. In a good way, though, right, Lucy? You are great.


I listen to every single time you do it.


What's the rush? Okay, so if you're wondering, how did they win the type of possession battle and still lose by 25? It's because of that very stat where they were averaging plays every 20 seconds. They were in and out. They were quick to score.


I need more.


Took a home run shot, but good coverage in the secondary there, and it'll be second down. That's all right. You don't have to complete that for it to be a really positive play for the Panthers. Because you now put that in the mind of Jack State, make him think about it. Tarnu was tremendous there in phase. It came behind him so he could easily knock it down with his back. That's still good for FIU.


Would have been better if they completed it, though.


Yeah, we would have preferred that. Yeah.


It would have been a touchdown. It was a play in the Ed Zone. It would have been a lot better. That's a good completion right there. But a completion better.


Wait a second. Can I hear the pros do that again? Because Billy's right. I mean, you nailed it. I need to hear that sound again. I want to hear that clip.


Took a home run shot, but.


Good coverage in.


The secondary there, and it'll be second down. That's all right. You don't have to complete that for it to be a really positive play for the Panthers. Because you now put that in the mind of Jack State, make him think about it. Tarnu was tremendous there in phase. It came behind him so he could easily knock it down with his back. That's still good for FIU.


It would have been better if they completed it, though.


Yeah, we would have to effort that.






The rare, good, and complete.




Of a Bishop to Rook Nine there by Billy on the broadcast.


I mean, you put it in their head.


Do those guys hit you?


I always do wonder. I think AJ is fine. I always wonder if... I don't know if Corey Brooks likes me or not. More. Aj, were you asking us about our Halloween costumes because he wanted us to ask you?


No, I'm just selfless and love to choir of my friends.


Okay. What are you going to be?


See, I don't know if... When does Halloween fall on a Tuesday? The 31st. First in 10, 11, gross play.


I stand by that one too.


So helpful.


Same day every year, actually. It was Halloween Night last night. Was it? Yeah.


Did you dress up?


I didn't. I didn't know.


You should have been dressed up in the boots or were they cut.


Over to you. I was wearing a borderline Hawaiian shirt, so you could say I was dressed up, but it's just because I like the fabric. Very comfortable. Yeah, it's really comfortable.


What's a borderline Hawaiian shirt?


What's borderline? It was Floral Print, TJ Max, great price. Great deals. I'm actually stuck with that because I wore it the day that we did company pictures. That was actually my credential picture for a lot of things. I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt, which is better than what Hilde and Kristen used to do, which was when I was credentialed for Marlin Spring training games, they used to submit my eighth grade football picture, which is like, How is this even allowed? I would go and it would be a child's picture for me every time I.


Got a credential.


It was a great prank, but annoying, but I'm trying to be taken seriously.


I think I just heard Kristen laughing.


Out there. Oh, she's the worst.


Oh, Kirsten loves Billy. She's the worst.


She's left-handed, I found out today. What? Just a fun aside. Fun fact.


Let's take.


A look. We can see Billy up here.


Yeah, there you go. Oh, my God, that's great.


Comfy shirt.


You're really comfortable in that shirt.


I almost wore a suit.


How many buns? How many.


Buns open here? I know, seriously, Billy's showing some jazz.


I was going to wear a suit yesterday just to surprise them when I got there wearing a suit.


Were they wearing Halloween costumes?


No, they were a little dressed down, little polo shirts. We're talking to AJ. He's like, I used to wear a suit to every game. I'm like, AJ, buddy, dress for the job you want. Not the one you have. You should still be wearing a suit. What are.


We doing here? One more, please.


It's a simple call. I mean, Krayson James is 6'3. That's three-plus yards of quarterback that you can just push ahead.


Well, that'd be nine feet of his three yards.


Yeah, you're right. That's a bad math. Two yards, two-plus yards.


That guy.


Hates you. I think he does. That guy hates you.


Hey, Billy, I got to tell you something. You are great.


You know when I sensed that he hated me is when I said that they forced a turnover on down to like, It was a pun. I was like, Okay, I mean, you're right. But my point was...


Our point is they hate you.




Probably. One more? We have more? Give it to me.


The holding penalty has been in Achilles heel for weeks, and that's really the first one that's had any impact. Tough timing there, though. Second and 14 now. It negates a tremendous individual effort from Owens.


Well, it's a team sport.


Do you just undercut him at every word?


That's what he does?


Tony, are you used to it?


I know.


But it's a broadcast.


I think that Taylor got all the ones that he did because I really didn't do it that much yesterday. My favorite thing that I don't think we would get to was in the postgame show. I found out that AJ's girlfriend is a dentist, so we were just talking about dentistry for a while.


There's nothing like a mid-like, play call correction.


Well, that'd be nine feet. It was three yards.


Yeah, you're right. That is bad math.


We're making it seem like the quarterback's nine feet tall. I'm trying to paint a picture here. -right to left on the radio dial. -right to left on the radio dial.


That is true. People were watching, people listening to that are like, There's a nine-foot quarterback out there.




I have.


A confession to make. At one point I said that I suffer from gigantism. I don't. Just to.


Clear that up. So people thought you were nine feet tall.


Well, because that's what people were saying the last time because Taylor was walking around, and we were doing a video before the game, and I was talking to the kickers or whatever, right? I don't know if it was the camera angle or what it was, but I seemed to be towering over them. People thought that I was six-foot six because they looked up the kicker and said that the kicker was 5'10. I'm 6'1, maybe on a good day, maybe 6'2 if I'm wearing my heels, right? I'm walking around and people think that I'm 6'6 because they were going by that height. So then they pointed that out, and I didn't want to say that the kicker is not actually 5'10. So I just said that I suffer from gigantism, which I don't. I made that up. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everyone out there that does suffer from that.


All right, back with hopefully more Billy Gill sound after this.




Libertard. I read his lips.


And it.


Sounded like he was saying, What? You want to.


Fight me now. But I'm telling you, if you look, we can play a game right now. The lips look the same on fight you and failure. Watch my lips. I'm going to turn off.


My mic. No, I just. I'm going to tip one of these too. I'm going to try.


I'm going to try. I'm going to try. I'm going to try. I'm going to try. I'm going to try. I'm going to try. I'm going to try-I don't want you guys to tell me if I'm saying fight you or failure, okay?


-yeah, yeah.




Why are your ideas always so bad for the podcast?


It's such a bad audio. Such things, Grace. Why does the character that you.


Have now? -either the mind, guys.


-why is this a.


Character that you have now? -either the mind, guys. -we're going to highlight to you today. -here we go. Do it again. Fight you.


-fight you. That was fight.


-all right, maybe you can't tell. Oh, my God! We got to the.


Bottom of it. This is the Dan Levator show with the Stugats.




Stugats, we had Chris make an offer that I believe was one of the most insincere offers that's ever been made, but also a hilarious checkmate move by him because no one will ever take him up on that offer. Chris texts us at 6:00 AM and is like, My daughter's sick. But if you want, I can bring her in because there's no one to watch her. So naturally, everyone will say, No, don't do that. Just stay home with your daughter. It's fine.


He knows the answer before.


He says it.


100 %. He looks dedicated. He looks like he's doing everything he can to get to work because he knows that we have a skeleton staff the last.


Two weeks. That's the reason I made that offer. My daughter's been sick before, and usually it's, My daughter's sick. I'm not coming in.


But admit, that was a BS offer. At no point would you ever think... If Sugarsha would have been like.


Yeah, bring in Grace.


To the child. I was tempted. I was tempt to do it.


I was. I was. I was. I was. I'd be sick.


And get everyone sick in the office. That's a great idea. If the answer was, we literally just have, like Tony in the back room today, I'll come in because we need people.


I wanted to know the plan once you got here with your sick daughter. Well, Willow.


Would have watched her. She sits out there with Kristen.


What do you mean? Did you ask Kristen? No, exactly. It was too early to text Kristen.


Dude, I.


Literally, you want to know the thought process I have. -sits out there with Kristen. -i had the idea of parking right outside the studio.


-and leaving your child in a locked car.


With the car on.




-zanny. -no, no, stop talking. -no, stop talking.


-i want to hear this.


-kristen is out there. -they're going to take your child from you. Kristen is out there.


So you have Kristen watching your kid in the car outside in.


The car. My daughter would love that. Three straight hours with her tablet.


Oh, my God. Lucy is shocked.


I'm just saying the thought, the things that went in my head, I'm like, How can we.


Do this? Keep them in your head. Lucy. You may lose your children.


Thoughts, please, because you're just sitting there staring at Chris in amazement.


You were just going to leave your daughter in a car for three hours. You're going to leave your daughter.


Car was on. They're trying to turn this into a hot day, no air conditioning. The car is on.


It is covered. -car is on, max AC. -max AC?


I'm just trying to keep my daughter isolated from everybody, but yet still safe. Are you saying my daughter's not safe in a car? No. -right outside? If Kristen is.


Not safe, he could climb in.


The front seat.


Put a foot on the brake, and shift gears.


But he has Kristen out there watching the car and his daughter. What's the dog.


Have to do with that? I think that a child is more capable of doing that than a dog.


What are you talking about? No, my daughter knows not to jump into the front seat and play with all the buttons, whereas a dog might just start running around the whole car. My daughter knows what button is not to touch because she's touched before, and I say, Don't touch those buttons.


I have a question for you.


But first, it has important things to do around here.


I was just squashed your kid. In the worst case scenario. How could we do this? I know you're not going to want my daughter in the common area. How could I come to work today?


So why was your first instinct to take her out of the car and not just put her in the back row?


That was just because she still has to walk through. She's still.


In this area. You were never going to bring her.


Nor should you have. I would have if you guys were like, We literally have no one to do con... We don't have people here. Usually, we have 58 people.


No, we appreciated.


That part of it. And it was genuine. I knew you.


Guys would say no. No one wants your sick.


Daughter here. I will admit I knew you guys would say no. See? Okay. But I was being genuine. And if you needed me, I was going to come in.


With my sick daughter.


I do believe that. And that was genuine. I knew I was going to get the answer. I should have said yes.


I can't believe that the thought process was a tablet car, three hours were good.


Yeah, with someone... Key thing here, someone out there watching.


Are these guys.


That is the key thing. Thank you, Tony. That's the key. That is the key thing. That's the key. Cars on.


That's the key. -car is on. -ac is blasting. -ac is blasting, right. And someone is standing out there just staring at her from the.


Outside of the car. A smart man once told me, Never ask a question you don't already have the answer to. This guy gets it. Chris asked a question he already knew the answer to. That way, he texted and then went right back to sleep because he knew nobody was going to say yes.


Yeah, but it was a stupid-ass question.


I wish I got to go right back to sleep. Honestly, my daughter, she was one of these six where she couldn't go because she was coughing and sneezing, but her energy level wasn't down. So she was just all... Stugatz called me at 1:00 PM yesterday. Yeah, he was frantic. I was like, I have had a terrible day. Most people are like, Oh, you got out of work. I mean, I hate to say terrible day because I was with my daughter, but she was just all over the place. She was sneezing, running around, wanting to go places. I'm like, You're sick. We can't go anywhere.


Well, he started the conversation by saying, My daughter is just running all over the house. I said I thought she was sick.


I'm like, She is. But sometimes you just like-So.


Sick enough to stay home from school, but not sick enough to where she's not going to play while she's home. Right.


She was faking. Which I was happy. No, you can't fake that stuffed-upness that she is.


Looks so bad right now. We've never had a disclaimer on the screen before, so we'll just say that.


Well, this is because you guys do this thing of, You said, Kid in a car? I'm like, I never said anything about it. I didn't do anything.


You painted a picture.


Billy's like, Stop talking. They're going to take your kids. They are going to take your kids. If you listen to what I'm.


Saying-i'm just painting pictures, man, not self-portraits.


I have a stupid disclaimer off the screen.


I have a-Wait a second. Time out.


This is important. Did you run that idea by your wife before? No. Before you.


Presented it to us? No, not a chance.


Well, my wife knew I was because my wife couldn't, so I was like, I'm in charge of her.


What was Greg doing? Why couldn't Greg pitch in?


Yeah, dude.


Grandpa. Greg's also sick. He did go to the Heat Game, sick.






I'm not feeling anything.


Why didn't he stay in the car?


My dad's also sick. Everyone's sick right now.


Chris, you realized had you called your wife and told her I'm bringing our sick daughter to work, and here's the plan: car, AC, garage, Kristen. She would have divorced you.


My wife would have assumed that she was coming inside.


Of her studio, for sure. I have a question for you guys. I would have left out the car part. Yeah, well, should have done that today, too. I have a question for you guys that I want to interact with the audience on, and I have a hashtag if you want. So this, for me, was one of the strangest things that my daughter has ever cried for, because kids cry for the dumbest things, right? My daughter likes ketchup. She likes eating French fries with ketchup. Sometimes she'll just dip her finger in the ketchup and just.


Loves the taste of ketchup. It's a common kid thing.


Yes. Okay, now we haven't gotten to the strange part yet. She likes hamburgers. We went and we got her a happy meal yesterday, we were like, Do you want chicken nugget? She's like, No, I want a hamburger. So I'm like, Okay. So then I said, naturally, I'm going to blow her mind. I'm going to put ketchup on this hamburger, and she's going to love it. Started crying. That's not how it works. As soon as I put ketchup on the hamburger, she started crying. And I said, This must be the strangest thing that I've gotten her to cry over because this is a very normal thing that everybody does, ketchup on a hamburger, started crying.


My daughter does that with cheese. She loves string cheese and every form of cheese. But if you put melted cheese on a sandwich, she's like, Oh. I'm like, telling you, you like this.


I'm enhancing the sandwich.


And then, like Billy, she doesn't give it a chance. She's just like, No, I don't want that. It's just like, I'm telling you, look at me. I know this. This is my area. Eat this.


This is dad's wheelhouse.


I just put a little dabble-do-ya, just a little dot on there so that she could taste it and realize that she liked it, then I could just put a mountain of ketchup on there because she loves ketchup. Didn't do it. So #StrangearThings at us, at Levitard show, at all of us. I was going to ask what the #StrangearThings was, yeah. Yeah, if you have a stranger things that your children have cried over or whatever, or.


You've cried over. I get desperate when I really want my daughter to try something, and it gets really ugly. I'm just like, No tablet for a week unless you try this. I start throwing out these fake threats that don't mean anything just because it's like, This is so absurd that you won't try this. I know you'll like this.


You're looking worse and worse.


By the minute here, Kirsten. I'm just a human, all right, Roy?


I'm not perfect like you. It's just a human. #strangeorthings. I feel like you're going to get it to trend.


Do you have an example of something you wanted her to eat that she didn't eat?


It's probably some sandwich with cheese on it because it's like, I don't understand this math. What are you doing? You like cheese.


This is delicious. Everyone likes cheese. I'm with you on that.


She doesn't want to eat a grilled cheese. -it's a lactose intolerant.


-grill cheese. You're lactose intolerant? No, I'm just saying those who don't like cheese would could be.


Those are the only people, though, right? Yeah. But the kid is telling you, Hey, let me figure it out for myself. I'll get to cheese when I want to get to cheese, not when dad wants me to get to cheese, Chris.


I just feel like you ever make, not make, offer your child something and they try it? It's just such a good feeling when they're like, Huh, I actually tried something. Oh, and you're right. This is good.


So did your daughter feel better?


She's still sick, but we sent her today.


You did? Get all.


The other kids sick.


Get all the other kids sick. What do you want.


From me? Get all the other kids sick. Hey, you're running around the house. Get to school.


I didn't want to send the text again.


Listen, when you're sick from school and you stay home from school, you got to milk it. You cannot be running around the house.


Playing with the blocks.


Why? You won. You won. You won for a day, but if you want multiple days, you just got to sit there.


And eat it. But I don't think that his daughter is the age of faking sick to get out of school.


Yeah, it's more us telling her. She doesn't even know to be like, I don't want to go to school. She just wakes up all snotty, and we're like, No, she.


Can't go. But that's something you could teach her for a rainy day, okay? Hey, next time you're sick from school, act like you're sick, okay? Stop running around the house.


Doing stuff. The teacher had to lie.


About it.


-yeah, exactly right. Instead of just getting the most.


General in. -very important skill. You were going to say?


I was just going to say that there was another disclaimer up there. People don't have the context for these disclaimers.


What was the disclaimer?


It was just Chris does not threaten his kid.


It's like, Jeez. Oh, that's good. That's a good disclaimer.


What are we doing to me here?


Oh, there it is. Chris Cody does not threaten his child regularly.


You're doing it to yourself.


It's a good clarifier.


Tony, you want us money.


Last night? Come on, baby.


He gets the spread.


Luca, Kyrie, and Dembois.


That's exactly what the Mavericks are. Luca, Kyrie, and I can't name another player.


And Lively, who is dunking all over the place. I was like, Who is.


That guy? Who is this guy? Derek Lively, sick. I bet the game. What did you think of Victor? I said Victor because I don't want to pronounce.


His last name. When Bonyama. Yeah, Wambi.




Was okay in the first half. He had a couple of threes. They're not working the offense through him. They're working through other guys that we can't name because we don't know who they are because of the Spurs, and they were terrible last year, right? But he had good spurs where he had two, three minutes where he blocked the shot. He came back, had a little back to the basket, turnaround jumper. There's stuff there that tells you, Okay, this guy's pretty good, but it's going to take a lot for him to be what everybody thought he was going to be.


I was expecting more. I watched that game just for him, and because I had money on it, right?


Right, naturally.


But it's one game. The Bulls had a team meeting after a game, after a blowout loss. I don't want to overreact to one game. I don't know. Just so-so to me.


It's that he plays a lot of outside in basketball, right? So he's shooting a lot of threes because that's what the NBA is now, shooting a lot of threes. So his first bucket in the NBA was a three, and it shows you how the game has changed so much where your seven-foot-four center is now scoring from the outside instead of scoring from the inside. I think that was the biggest point for Wendy is if he can dominate the outside the way that we think he can because of.


His skill-Do you.


Think he can? I think so. Nobody can block a shot. He had centers lively trying to block a shot who was seven-feet-tall, and he was just shooting right over him. For me, the most important part of Wendy is can he go inside and score with the big boys inside? Can he break somebody off the dribble, take them into the lane and score? He didn't really do that. He had a dunk where he didn't even jump. He just put his arm up and dunked and got an an one. But't tell me that. It wasn't something where he's commanding inside the lane.