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Football. Chris Cody.


God bless football. All mikey a God bless football.


Stu gotts. Why are you asking Mikey A? Like Mikey A is a staple to the show. You are not. That's why I did it that way.


You said it to me with a question mark. I thought that's just how we passed the buck along.


Right? I'm not Billy. Is he's in Jerry duty?


That can't be true.


He's been summoned to jury duty. And you guys were talking right before we came on the air that you would not want Billy to be someone who was if you were in trouble and in court, you would not want Billy to be a part of the jury. Is that fair?


Usually when I look at somebody, I can tell whether you're someone who would love jury duty or would love to get out of jury duty. And Billy is in this weird space where I can't I don't know, is he someone who loves jury duty or is he trying to get out of this thing?


I'm not certain.


I don't know that. I don't want Billy on my jury. The question is if I did it, if the evidence is overwhelming against me, I want Billy there because he's going to proken prod to find a way to be a contrarian.


He would ask a lot of questions but just not helpful for the case.


So if it's a slam dog that you're guilty, Mikey. Yeah. You're telling me Billy's going to find a way for you to be innocent. That's not what you want out of a mean what is that?


Why not? I'm trying to get off here.


So how does this show work? You just talk a bunch of football. This sounds amazing.


Yeah, we talk about football. That's what we do.


God bless it.


We god bless football. Lucy's going to join us to talk some college football because college football, the second the NFL kicks off on Sunday, you have an epic game. Washington and Oregon, it gets buried, it's done by Monday. College football has been flushed out of your system.


Probably a better slate than NFL because we had some fun with the NFL yesterday. But in terms of marquee matchups, there wasn't a lot to offer yesterday. I mean, Nance was calling patriots at raiders.


I know that's sad. And we'll get to like I'm calling it right now. We're here, belichick is done. But we will get to that in just a second. Okay. Because you're right about that, Chris. You had the big game, Oregon and Washington, a classic game in college football. And we'll talk about that with Lucy. But in the NFL, you did have a few major upsets yesterday. You had the jets beating the Eagles. You had the Browns beating the 49 Ers. It was a great day in terms of NFL football. Well, yesterday was a great day.


I mean, those two teams specifically just winning with just terrible. I mean, I know it's obvious at this point, but the jets and Browns defenses, it's all the Dolphins have to worry about at this point. I mean, we were just talking off air how all the good AFC teams are kind of there's some holes you can poke in almost every AFC team, but the jets and Browns defenses are crazy.


Yeah, they're really good. How'd you feel as a Dolphins fan? I would say that you care about the Dolphins more than anyone on our show.


I appreciate that, especially on air. We do have a bunch of diehards behind the scenes, right. But on air, I would agree with you. They're my team. Every Dolphins fan today is doing the wasn't worried down in 14 nothing thing.


Yeah, I'm calling BS. On that.


Yeah, I mean, I'm going to do it, too. I'm going to sit here. I wasn't worried, Mikey. A, were you worried for me?


Down 14 nothing?


I wasn't worried for you. I wasn't worried for you at all. Just like I wasn't worried when the jets were down 14 three. I was like, we got this.


Can you put that on the poll? Were you worried for Chris, when the Dolphins were down 14 to nothing in the first quarter to Carolina?


The only thing that made me a little worried, did you see the play the Dolphins had on third and one early in that game? They tried to get too cute. They tried to throw the ball backwards. It was third and short. You just run the ball. It's actually, if there is a weakness for this Dolphins team, it's short. Really? Maybe Jeff Wilson can come back and help. Look at me breaking down Dolphins running back.


It's. God bless football. Sorry.


Sometimes I feel weird.


We talk about football getting in the.


Nuts and bolts, but that play was just one of the worst plays ever. But overall dude what can I say this dolphins team, what stat can I read to you? I have Millions of stats here that are just saying how great this Dolphins offense.


Okay, we'll get to them. Just hold on a second though. You were not nervous like 14 nothing. It's Carolina feelings having a game you're.


Not nervous I looked at them live to bet them and they were still -190 right down 14 nothing I was like it's not even juicy enough for me to take. I wanted to jump in because I still felt like they were going to win. But the number Vegas was still telling you down 14 nothing. This is a huge favorite in this game.


All right, so you're confident, right? Go ahead, Mike.


Chris, not for nothing against the Panthers, that's when you try the cute things. That's where you try, hey, let's see if we can't throw it back. And then throw it right and then throw it down the field.


That's when you do it, but you.


Don'T do it against the Chiefs.


I feel like you want to save that stuff for the Germany game or the Eagles. Why are we busting out this trick play now? It didn't even work. So now whatever, man, I'm nitpicking. It's got to the point where there's nothing bad to say about this Dolphins team, so I'm just like, reaching its straws for something negative.


I could say the most positive thing about the Dolphins. This is someone who is not a Dolphin fan. Okay? I'm a jets fan. We'll get to them in a second. Okay? But I had a large my biggest bet yesterday was on the Dolphins.




The Dolphins at home have been money all season. They blow teams out at home. And I am telling you, down 14 to nothing. And I had the Dolphins -13 and a half. I bought it down for 14. Well, I didn't need it, but it.


Always makes you feel good when you buy down that hook.


Mikey A, I could tell you I was not nervous for a single second. Even watching them go down 14 to nothing and really being down 27 and a half to nothing on my bet, I was not nervous at all.


That's wild.


And that, see, is when you have.


A good football flying by the Dolphins fans who weren't worried about winning the game. You weren't worried about covering your bet down 14 nothing.


No, I was down 27 and a half to nothing, and I was not sweating it at all.


To your point, the Dolphins are on their best home stretch, 17 games. They're 15 and two the last two years.




Where does that come from? Where does this all come from?


I don't know. Tua and McDaniel diehards like you, Chris. Yeah. Field advantage, dude.


Because if you look at this team, the offensive stats, we've seen some good offenses in years past. The Cowboys have had good offenses, but the Dolphins are leading in rushing and passing. I crunch the numbers on these two.


Gotts. Yeah, well, hold on a second, because usually when Billy perks up, okay, mikey A, and I know this, we go to Billy because it means he's interested in something. It means he's hot on something. It's never stats, and it's certainly never Dolphin stats. This is weird, Mikey A, to have someone who cares about football in here.


I know.


It's crazy, because all Billy cares about is sending us shit. I mean, that's it.


I just wanted to look up what other offenses have led the league in both, and there's never been. The Cowboys in recent years had the second in passing, 9th in rushing. The Cardinals with Kurt Warner second in passing, 8th in rushing. Sure, we haven't seen a team lead in both rushing and passing since the 80s.




It's not like they're just the best offense. They're the best offense we've seen in decades, no doubt. I don't know what you're happy.


You're so happy.


I didn't even think this was possible a couple of years ago.


Do you have more stats for us?


I mean, I have the dolphin. There's only four teams in NFL history that have accumulated 7000 yards. It's only happened four times ever through.


This point in the season.


No total for the entire season, and the Dolphins are on pace for 8400 yards.


All right, mikey, if you're an NFL.


Coach, if you're a football coach, what you want to do right now is you want to find some way to get low down on Mike McDaniel's staff, because it's going to be the Sean McVeigh treatment soon. Anybody who had a cup of coffee with Sean McVeigh was getting a head coaching job. Mike McDaniel's about to get the same treatment.


Wow. So how does that work? You just find Mike, you get a.


Cup of coffee, invited for a cup.


Of coffee, and you get a job.


You get a head coaching job.


It's amazing. I think you're right.


It's just so good. Right? Just and then Jalen Ramsey's ahead of schedule. I could go on forever.


Right? You're getting but this is all setting up too nicely for you. It is. I feel like something happened. There's a crash coming. There's a crash coming.


There's a concussion in our future or something.


No, don't say that. Take it back. I'm not saying you didn't mean to.


No, I'm just saying somebody else injuries and just like, I'm scared because this is too perfect right now. You don't want to peak in October.


How long have you been a Dolphin fan?


Your entire life.


Is this the most excited you've been since you've easy. Since you've been a Dolphin fan?


By far?


This is the best team you've seen as a Dolphin fan?


Ten times. The next best feeling I've had as.


A Dolphin fan because it feels like something's off a little bit. In Buffalo, they eke out a victory over the Giants. It feels like the AFC is really setting up nicely. And I'll tell you, like, to me, this is what it feels like. If the Dolphins have home field advantage in the AFC play, if they're the one seed, no one's beating them. I don't care if it's Kansas City. I don't care who comes down to Miami to play this team. If they're playing you at home, they're going to beat you. I don't think they're going to lose a game at home this year. How about that?


I mean, see this guy gets it. I said they might not lose at home until Christmas. Remember I was mocked a few weeks ago?


Remember a few weeks ago?


I was like, they won't lose on Americans. They did lose to the Bills.




So that kind of went away.




But it's just dude. Yes. The answer to your question is yes.


I didn't ask a question.


I mean, just the Dolphins, everyone, all the Dolphins fans in the control series, they agree with me. They're just like, yes.


Do you guys agree? Yes, but I didn't ask a question. Hold on. Do you agree that I didn't ask a question? Yeah. No debatable to say, wow, Mikey, did I ask a question?


I don't remember a question. I was just into the whole football talk.


I was excited. Listen, it's early evening, early afternoon, it's early.


And you know what I'm enjoying more? Not more than this Dolphins thing, is the Patriots just being terrible.




Once a week we get Belichick spiking something. Yeah, give me it all. Put it in my veins.


I gotta tell you, this is when you know it's over, when you are losing to Josh McDaniel and Brian Hoyer and you're doing so in embarrassing fashion. And then here's the other thing. When your most loyal soldier, Teddy Brusky, is ripping you on a pregame show.


Did he do it?


He did.


Did he fire him?


He said, Bill has made this all about Bill and not about the team. Brusky, he's never said a bad word about Belichick, ever. I was shocked. I had to rewind it to make sure it was mean.


Nothing put a smile on my face when they were going for this, like, the option style offense with this quarterback that's not a quarterback.


Right. It's just so good. How about that cover? If you had the Raiders, which I did, safety on the final play of the game, it was great. I love Mac Jones. Don't you dare bench Mac Jones. Bill Belichick.


He'S so like mac Jones is just like, in, out, in, out. He has no answers right now. Bill Belichick.


His team stinks.


I know, it's great.


And that's on mean, it's on nobody else. But.


I mean, the Brady not being there doesn't help.


Well, that's on Belichick for running him out of town.


Well, he's old.


No, he ran him out of town. He won a Super Bowl after he ran him out of town. And then he drafted Mac Jones. All that's on Bill Belichick.


You got to have answers. You got to be ready. He wasn't ready for life after Brady.


Yeah, but I think the larger point is he never should have been in such a hurry to get rid of Tom Brady.




They won a Super Bowl, Chris. The bucks did. The Bucks? The Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


I see Belichick spiking a tablet in my dreams. It's what my dreams look like. What was it last week? It was the challenge flag. They just spike something different every week. Love it so much.


All right, we'll talk college football with Lucy next. You know the other thing I was thinking? I was thinking about you a lot yesterday.


Thank you, weird.


You're welcome. Nice. Well, I was I like being thought about. I was thinking about you.


I thought about you some during the jets game.


You didn't think about me?


I was like three and three. Not terrible. I was like, really, dude's going to.


Be doing the thing right?


Got a shot.


We do have a shot. I mean, we're in the mix. Mikey, do you feel like we're in the mix? The jets?


We are in the mix.


Yeah, absolutely.


By definition, we're in the mix. Why were you thinking about me?


I was thinking thank you for reminding me. Yeah, I was thinking about you because you guys have the Eagles this weekend, you being the I was. And now there's a little juice off of that game. Jets. The jets beat the Eagles. And so I'm wondering I think Chris wanted Mikey. I think he wanted the Eagles all to himself. He wanted the Dolphins to be the team know handed Philadelphia their first loss of the year at Philadelphia, by the way. And now he's been stripped of that.


Opportunity for Mercury Morris.


Well, yep. The Dolphins are cracking open the champagne very early in the season by the I was I was thinking you wanted that game because now you have the Eagles coming off a loss, an angry, focused know I just think it's still.


A test for the Dolphins whether the Eagles are five and one or six. And I don't think I really wasn't living in dying by that. And they're not in our conference like the Chiefs I want to lose because of the conference wasn't really I still think it's a test for the Dolphins because a Dolphins schedule, you could say what you want about how good the offense has been. The records of the teams they've beaten, not great so far. So outside of the Bills, who they lost to, they need to have an impressive win. So I'm excited for this, and I think that they can get it because who have the Eagles beat? Sound. Is that how we say, do you beat someone sound?


I don't know. Who have they beat?


Well, it feels like even the teams they play that are bad, like the jets not to be a jerk, but it just seems like you're being a jerk. They're playing close games against just I feel like it's a good test for the Dolphins because I think they can go and pass the test.


The Eagles have beaten the Patriots. They have beaten the Vikings. They've beaten the Bucks, they've beaten the Commanders, they've beaten the Rams. You're right. And they lost to the jets.


And it's a lot of close games. The eagles are good. I'm not disrespecting them. That offensive line is legit. We're going to get to a real test for the defensive line because the Dolphins defensive line has been solid. They've been getting sacks. So we'll see if they can do it against Jason Kelsey. Jason Kelsey, by the way, can I go on a little rant?


A little.


Jason kelsey rant.


Please do. You're tired of him?


I'm a little tired of because everyone's doing the thing now where it's I'm a Jason Kelsey guy. Yeah, he's the one. Hey, as somebody who is as average and give me this people, I'm average looking, okay? I don't like it when people are condescending towards and build up an average looking person.




They're doing this thing with Jason kelsey now where they want to have the hot take of he's the one I like.




And it's like, can I tell you.


My wife is guilty of this.


You're being condescended. You're being condescended.


Tell my wife to shut up. Go ahead.


It's insincere. You're trying to do the trendy thing of being into the guy that nobody like. I like this guy because everyone likes the other one. I see. I'm on to you people.


All right. No. Say it to Abby.


I like Jason Kelsey as much as the next guy, but he is being hyped up too much during all this Kelsey stuff. Both Kelseys. You know what? I'm taking the hot take. I'm tired of all the Kelsey's.




Most people are just tired of Travis. I'm tired of both of them.


Put it on the pole. You tired of the Kelsey's. Yeah. Well, now, Donna Kelsey, that's the one I'm most tired of. Jesus.


I mean, stu guts can say mean. He's not wrong. Look at me, Louie. Look at me.


Louise, my wife is I find my wife doing the same thing with Jason cal. He's a center, right?


He's a fine likable enough.


Oh, super likable. I love the guy, but it's just.


People are just flying by just like, oh, he's the one I would choose. It's like you're just saying that.


This is what happens when you put people all over the place, okay. And you never stop talking about I'm telling you right now, it's going to happen. If it hasn't happened already to Pat McAfee, it's going to happen, okay? It's going to happen. It's what happened with deon Sanders saturday night live. I mean, 60 minutes went to see him, and now Saturday night live is doing sketches on Dion Sanders.


It's like Keenan not a great impression of it, but terrible. It was still funny. The writing was good on it. The impression could have been better.




Chris, to your point, do you know how insulting it is to be an offensive lineman, a big man with a beard, and everybody's talking about how attractive that one is?


That's what I understand.


It's condescending because nobody's fawning over me here. I know that.


But everybody's.


Oh, Jason. Kelsey.




I prefer no, you don't. It's too much for Travis.


It's too much. Exactly. It's just like they're flying by and they're just like, I'm on to you people. You don't all believe what you're saying.


Right here, but fame does make you a little bit more attractive, does it not? Sure. Right.


Why do you think I do this.




I was watching?


Not that kind of fame. You know how we have a weird type of fame, Mikey?


I know our fame is weird. It's just a bunch of bros. Whenever there's an offense alignment you know how when there's an offense alignment that jumps, you'll see seven defense alignment point.


Yeah, of course.


And they get the flag right. I think defenses should practice doing this. When there's not a penalty on an offense alignment, you just say, okay, this third down play, we're all going to with 6 seconds left on the play clock, point at the right tackle. Because I feel like a referee who sees seven defensive players point at a right tackle is just going to assume they're not going to assume that they planned this out. They're going to be like, oh, my God, I must have missed something. Flag on the play. Boom. You can't review a penalty. I'm just saying, it's one of those things you bust out, you save it for the most important time of the season. But I think if it's executed perfectly, I think you could draw a penalty. I think you could fool these refs.


That's what Omaha means. There you go, Omaha. And then everybody knows to point to the right tack.


Let's do that today.


At some point this week on the main levitard show, can we just point to someone during the show randomly and scare them?




If seven people pointed to me in the middle of the show, I would freak out.


I felt like seven people have been pointing at me in the middle of his show and all seven are levitard. It's a weird feeling. What else got you in the NFL yesterday? It was kind of a low scoring day. It was an interesting day, though, because you had those two upsets. But you're right, there doesn't appear maybe it's the Dolphins. There doesn't appear to be a dominant team. Even the Chiefs are not as good as the Chiefs have been in years past.


I mean, I still think the Niners are good. The Eagles will see on Sunday when the Dolphins play.


The Eagles.


I think the interesting team that we're not talking about, the Lions are that sneaky team right now. They are the bucks. I can't we that's what weird team.




If there's just a team out there that it's like, are they good? Or was that a fraudulent start to their season? Like, are the Bucks actually good?


The Bucks are one of those teams.


Creamsicle. How do we feel about the Creamsicle jerseys?


I love those.


I love them in theory. I did not. Something about them yesterday. They weren't sitting with me, right. I was just like, no, they weren't the original Creamsicles.


They were a remake of the creamsicles. It wasn't the same.


There was less white, new version of them. It seemed more plain looking. I needed some white in there to make the cream pop.




I want that cream to pop.


I'm looking it up right now. Orange.


Not enough orange creamsicle.




Man, do I love a creamsicle, too.


Do you really?


I do like the treat.


Those are your favorites. I go toasted almond, chocolate egg. Claire.


I wouldn't say it's my favorite shortcake.




It brings me back strawberry shortcake. Yeah, that's the one. I would say that's my favorite. If we're talking like ice cream truck.


Style, like good humor pops.


Yeah, I go strawberry shortcake.


I go toasted almond, too.


Creamsicle is like when I was like it brings me back to a time creamsicle brings me back to when I was six. Like, I wouldn't probably eat one nowadays, but it just brings me back to a time.


Mikey, I'm going to blow your mind. You know they don't have toasted almonds down here. They don't.


They don't make them anymore.


What do you mean? They don't make like good tell me it's not true. No, I refuse to believe on the.


Blogs every day when it comes to this stuff, I am there. I am in the trenches.




No, they stopped making them and they apologized for it.


Why? Like, what was the reason? What was their reason?


Back in three years and charge an.


Extra $5 for them. I'll buy all of them. Limited edition. They can mark them up even more if they want. I'll still buy them.


Has Darius Slayton been a giant for 40 years?




That's all that guy. I was like, I feel like I was in high school and that guy.


Was a judge he played with.


Why'd? You just pointed mean.


It's just a good name, but only.


If you jump off sides. We pointed them. That's what we just decided.


Did anybody else during the NBC broadcast preview the pregame? I'm like, kind of in my kitchen half listening to the pregame and they're like, Taylor is starting tonight. And I was like, wow, they're taking this Taylor Swift thing a little too far. I was like, I get it. NBC that you want. But then I had the visual of Taylor Swift starting at quarterback for the Giants last night.


Better than Daniel Jones.


That would have got some ratings, no doubt.


Speaking of Taylor Swift, the tyrod Taylor threw you off.


I was just like, Taylor starting at quarterback tonight. I'm like, this has gone too far.




If you were really serious, she would have been at the jet game with Travis Kelsey not just showing up when she's in her box. She would have been at the jet game because Travis was there.


Wasn't Travis at the jets game?


Yeah, that's what he said.


She should have been there with him.


She was at the chiefs game Thursday night. She was not at the jet game with Travis watching his brother Jason play. The real she's not fully committed, Mike, is what you're saying.


That's what I'm trying to say.


She's only committed when it's convenient for Taylor. Right.


Another winner in all this. We were talking Jason Kelsey, big winner in all this. Patrick Mahomes. Wife getting to sit next to Taylor during these past games, getting this dance with her. I'm seeing know. I think she needed a little PR help like people the Internet had gotten on her and the brother in the past. So I just feel like this is all good for Patrick Mahomes'wife because she wasn't the most popular on the Internet, and I think this Taylor connection is really helping her.


But you're not tired of her?


No, she's instantly more likable to me sitting next to Taylor.


But all the Kelseys, you're tired.


No, see, I'm not tired of Jason Kelsey. I'm tired of how everyone is patronizing Jason Kelsey and being condescending to his trying to oh, he's the one I'm attracted. It's like, don't do that. I'm on to you people, right.


Abby, my wife. Yeah. She's full of it. She's just zagging.


Terrible taste.


She's zagging when everyone zigs.


Why? Because it should be Travis.


Because everyone's going Travis. And the people want to be like, that's the one I like.


Yeah, but know, they took different Travis is he's single, he's living his best life. He's doing what?


And they just have two different vibes. Travis is travis is hip. Right. And the other one is just more everyman.


But I understand why my wife loves know. He's a father. He's a good father. He seems like a great husband. He's a great person. He seems like a loyal like I get all that you're getting mad at people for liking the nice Kelsey's.


Do this thing that the Cody's have been doing for years in their podcast. I have my daughter come up to the podcast thing and talk to my dad, and it's as adorable as our podcast gets. It doesn't get the traction that the Kelsey's get.




But I'm telling you, we've been doing that move of bring my kid over, have a cute moment with Grandpa, because that's as likable as Travis gets is when he's talking to his niece.


Oh, no.


Travi. I melt. I melt when it happens.


Are you tired of the kids yet?


You said it.


No. Now, I asked you a question.


That's a question. I'm not ripping kids, but yeah, come on. Get your own podcast.


We found Lucy. She's with us. We'll talk some college football because it gets buried the second the NFL starts every Sunday at 09:30. A.m. Weird. Lucy, I want you to share with the audience what you just shared with us about the Oregon game being on at the same time as the Iowa game. Please share your thoughts with the audience.


Oregon Washington was an amazing game. Great, depending on who you are. Iowa. Wisconsin may have also been an amazing game, but they happened at the exact same time, and they should not be considered the same sport, and they should not be in the same conference at all.


That under, though.


Every time. Chris, no team is more loved by gamblers than the Iowa. Hawkeye.


Wait, so how many picks has Lucy given you this year?


Oh, dozens, really? She's well above 500. I mean, I think last week was like her first last week was really bad. That was like, the only week she didn't crush it, though.


This week.


She had a winning record before that, I think we were like nine and four for the year. She's just well above profit so far, and it is every basically, she kind.


Of like, what happened? Flembomb?


She puts a caveat on it every week. She's always like, please, this is what.


Football does to you.


If you'd like to do this to yourself, the Iowa under is there for you. And I take it every week, and it's always a joy.


Okay, so she's well above 500. Wait, but you're well above 500. Do you take the Iowa under every single week?


Every single week. Wisconsin is a gimme you can give me right now. I would put money on the under to hit for the next five years against Wisconsin. I don't need to know anything about those teams. I would absolutely take that. I believe it's Iowa. Minnesota this week, that's another game. Every remaining game on the Iowa schedule, I will be hammering the she had.


Me on North Carolina minus three betting against my local hometown team here. But it hit, baby.


All right, we'll get to Lucy or Goosey in just a second here because Carolina may or may not be one of the teams that I asked her about this week. Where are you right now, though, Lucy?


I am actually back in Iowa. I am in Coralville. We were out here for the Iowa women's basketball team. They played a football game in the football stadium. 55,000 people showed up and it broke a record. It was unbelievably awesome. It's one of the coolest events I've ever been to.


Nice 55,000.


Yeah. There have never been that many people ever at a women's basketball game. And it was amazing. Obviously, Caitlin was great. The crowd was awesome. It was just an exhibition game, but it was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had.


And Thursday you were at the Colorado friday you were at the Colorado game.


Yeah, for the first half. I may have made a crucial error and left early.




Without the obviously wasn't planning on Stanford coming back and winning.


No one was right.


So it went kind of bad for me.




But that's my own fault.


No excuses. That's on me.


Listen, I'm going to get you off the hook right now because I left early. Do you remember the Heat won a second NBA championship against the spurs? Yes. And Ray Allen hit the shot. I left before the shot. Lucy. I left before overtime. I left before regulation was over.


Everyone's been calling me. Lou gotts all weekend.


Now you know why.


Did you try to get back in? Did you try to break back in? Like Stugats did.




No. So here's the thing. I did not try to break back in because no, I knew the ticket policy. I knew they were not letting me back in. Everyone else tried to break back in. So I was walking against the grain because everyone heard a roar from the arena and started to run back in. And I kept telling people as they passed me, you're not getting back in. Good. You're not getting back in. You're not getting back in. And none of them got back in. I mean, I got to my parking spot, which was a great spot, right on Biscay. And I got home, I watched the game, I taped it, but I regret missing that. But Lucy, I did tell you. I told you this would happen. We discussed this. They built up Dion so much that 60 Minutes goes out there, they do a piece on Dion, great. The second they stumble I told you people were going to come down on Dion. He went from 60 Minutes to Saturday Night Live doing a sketch on him. I told you we built him up too much, Lucy. You know that.


No, 100%. I mean, we talked about it then. I still want to give Dion credit because Colorado was better than I thought. And something that kind of took me by surprise going to that game. I had never been to a Colorado game. I'd actually never been to a Pac Twelve game before. And the atmosphere there, truthfully wasn't great. There were 55,000 people there. They sold out the stadium. But it was a tough sell. Like, it didn't have the football tradition that I've seen going to SEC games, the Big Ten games. So for him to get world class athletes there is incredibly impressive. And they've already exceeded my expectations for this year. But he was never Nick Saban this season. Colorado was never someone worth betting to win the national championship, which so many people did. It was one of those moments where people, like, they dove in headfirst and it was like, you need to wait a second. This is a dip your toe in type of situation. It's going to be a rough year for Colorado. And that Stanford game, I did get to see the second half. I watched it, just not in person.


You say SNL like it's a bad thing. That's when you jump the shark, he's on the rise. Still, to me, when I see SNL, that is just like, you're popular, right? Is what that says.


Are you doing the whole, like, Zion shoe thing? Like any publicity is good.


I'm just saying I don't look at him being spoofed on SNL as like, up it's over the hill now. To me, that's just the star is still rising. SNL.


I think I agree with you. I think it's more of when I said don't jump in on like if you want to be all in on Dion, that's totally fine. And his star power is going to continue to grow. It doesn't matter if Colorado loses every game the rest of the season. He's on every commercial during every college football Saturday. Like, he is going to continue to grow and rise and as Colorado will inevitably improve, it will happen. But for people to come in and know year one, he was going to be the best coach of all time and all these things, it was a little ridiculous. And I think Dan said pretty much.


All of those things.


They were making fun of how he can sound ridiculous just no matter even if they're losing.


Oh, listen, I love Dion. Like, what he's done during these losses is better than what he's done during the wins. The way he treats his kids, the lessons that he's teaching his kids off the field, it's fantastic. He's a great guy. I'm just saying we I'm not blaming Dion. It has nothing to do with it's.


Kind of like me with Jason Kelsey. It's not Kelsey I'm mad at. It's the people's reaction.


Like Lucy said, the media mostly. Dan built him up so much and now we're taking him down and that's unfortunate. I'm not certain we should be doing that this early.


Yeah, maybe I left early in protest of Dan people. Don't bring that point up.


It's a fair point. All right, are you ready for Lucy or Goosey?


Are you have I'm in a hotel, so I don't have anything to hold up. So I'll do l for Lucy. It sort of looks like a g. Okay, nice.


All right. Very clever. This is fun. Here we go. I just got a few for you. Carolina. North Carolina beat the Canes. They're undefeated. That team looks really good. The defense looked really good. North Carolina. Lucy or Goosey?


I'm going to go Lucy on this one because I was not super sold on Carolina. The only win I was impressed by was App State, and I think they still kept it a little too close against a very good App State team. The reason I'm going Lucy on this is I watched that Miami game. I was so impressed by their defense. Drake May looks pretty bad in the first half and Carolina's defense was what kept them in that first half of the game, and that has not been the case. Carolina, for the past few years has been the reverse. Iowa, where their offense is amazing and their defense is like a crime against humanity. They're much vastly improved this season. Carolina is very good, but they do have Duke remaining on their schedule. They'll get somebody probably tough in the ACC championship game. I'm excited for this Carolina team, though. They are good.


All right, let's go to Alabama. Here one loss. That loss came a few weeks back. They went back to Milro as their quarterback. He's played well. Alabama, one loss. Lucy or Goosey?


I'm going to go. Lucy. I talked about what the issue with Alabama was a few weeks ago. I think Jalen Milrow is fine. I think every once in a while he'll have a crazy overthrown ball to a receiver where you're like, oh, my God. And then the next play is the pass of his life.




He's a freshman. There's going to be growing pains. There's going to be adjustments. The only thing that still concerns me is the Alabama offensive line. They've got a guy on there who was committed to Iowa, didn't go. He was a turnstile, right. And it's I watched the Arkansas game. They had three sacks in the first half given up against them. Alabama is not protecting Milro whatsoever. And they're just lucky that right now they're in a year where the SEC West and the SEC isn't as tough as it is because they have a major, glaring, obvious weakness and it is that offensive line, everything else, they're great at.


All right, let's go to Oregon. I know they lost this weekend. I know you're, Lucy, on Washington in the top four. They all rolled this weekend. So I don't need to ask you about those. But Oregon lost. I think both those teams, for me, they're two of the four best teams I've seen in the country this year. Both teams should be in the College Football Playoff. I don't know if that's the case, but Lucy or Goosey on Oregon?


I got to go Lucy on this one. I know Oregon lost. They lost because of a missed kick. I wouldn't even say they lost because of a missed kick. I'd say they lost because of some coaching errors. Dutt dan Landing was more aggressive in spots where he should have been playing it a little safe and not aggressive enough in spots he was playing it safe. Oregon is a phenomenal team. I think that if that game were played in Eugene, oregon would have won that game. Their defense looks good. Bo Nicks is amazing. Those were two phenomenal football teams. And I'm hoping and I don't think it's going to happen because the Pac Twelve is right now about to enter the thick of their schedule where everyone will cannibalize each other. But I hope we get lucky enough to have Oregon Washington in the Pac Twelve championship game.


Lucir Goosey desmond Howard chanting big Pennics energy on college game day. He changed the pronunciation.




Chris to Phoenix.


Okay, good.


I'm going to go hard goosey the G load. Hard goosey on that. What?




That is the Pat McAfee of full effect taking over college game. Desmond Howard would have never done that two years ago.


He would have never done that. And to do that with Lee Corso right there, could you do that in front of your grandparents?


And it was just like the crowd was just like, not behind it. He's going to gain that big Phoenix energy. He's going to bring that big Phoenix energy. And then he just kept dancing while he and then it was just like awkward.


And then what was Corso doing?


I wasn't looking because I was cringing.


It was hard to watch.


It's hard to look when you cringe. You're right. I'm thinking about it. So you're goosey on.


All of college game day.


Penix Jr. He won the Heisman trophy. Sorry, Pennix. He won the Heisman trophy. He won the heisman. Right. There are heisman moments. He had his Heisman moment, right?


He absolutely did. Caleb Williams against Notre Dame this weekend looked absolutely as you know, Michael Penix Jr. Rose caleb Williams fell, which helps his case. I think it was really important for anybody who had been watching Washington football this year, knew what he was capable of, knew what he was doing. But people don't watch Washington football because they're late games. They're on the west coast. They're sometimes televised on a network you can't find. So now that it was a national stage against a great team that everybody watched, it feels like he is the clear Heisman favorite, and there's really not even someone else you want to throw into the conversation right now. That's not him.


All right, we have 30 seconds here. Last one. Oregon State. Lucy or goosey?


Oregon state is interesting.


It's a tough one.


I think they are a good team, but I'm going goosey not because they're a bad team, but because they are in a conference that is simply going to be impossible. If Oregon State were playing in the big Twelve, I know they wish that was the case. They would win that conference. But right now you share a state with Oregon. You have washington state. Washington. You have the most insane difficult teams around you. That Oregon state is a very good team. They don't have a ton of talent, but they recruit in a way that they know what works for them. They get what they need. It's not the five star, but it's a real developmental program. It's just not going to be enough against these teams that have so much talent are just light years ahead of everyone time. Anyone in any conference.


You just timed her. It was time my 12 seconds ago. Lucy, we love you. We will talk to you later this week and of course, next week right here on God bless football.


Bye, guys.


Bye, Mikey. A how do we explain to Chris Cody here who's done a great job filling in for Billy? Billy's fantastic. Yes, he has jury duty. How do we explain and we all agree that we do not want Billy. Well, no, we do want Billy on the jury.


We're not certain the jury's out.


Hey. Well, look at you.


I'll be here today, but you're sharp.


Early in the afternoon, my friend.


I got to tell you.


This early evening, I love it. What does Billy do here with the bets? I have no idea. Billy's big board something. Mikey, explain it to Chris. Because the audience has grown to love Billy doing this. Now Chris has the responsibility of providing them with three picks on tonight's game.


Yeah. So it's Billy's best bets, big boards brought to you by and then we got to find that sponsor. You got to insert a sponsor here.




You're going to give three picks for tonight's game that starts in few. Billy's, we will all bet them.


Billy's big bet board is going to be called this week. Chris's can't miss conception.


Really? I don't know.


I just was trying to do a CCC thing.


Could you think of a good name?


Can't miss. Come check out these conceptions by Chris.


All right.


Kirsten likes it.


That works. Okay. All right.


The first copyright.


Right? But you don't have a big board or anything, do you? Dry erase board.


It's a big screen. I have a computer because it's C. Right? Computer. All right. Michael Gallup, under three and a half.


Really? Yeah. Huh.


Not a big gallup guy. He's going to be more walking. More like Michael Walk.


No. All right. No. Just let the bad joke sit there. Mikey. A. Let it sit there. My God.


The second pick in Chris's Cool conceptions on his computer, eckler, over 13 and a half, longest rush.


Wow. I like that. Eckler told us last week he's 99% certain he will play tonight.


I hope that's 100.


And he will join us tomorrow after the game.


No injury designation on the fantasy apps.




That's how I judge it.


All right, so you have Eckler over 13 and a half yards rushing and the final that's one rush, by the way. Right.


His longest of the night will be over 13 and a half. All right. The third pick on Chris's Cool conceptions on his computer brought to you by brought to you by Cool Koolaid. All right. It starts with a K. CD lamb to score a touch because I was trying to find CD lamb, c d. Lamb to score a touchdown. Book it. Michael Gallup under three and a half receptions. Eckler to rush over 13 and a half yards, his longest rush. CD lamb to score a touchdown. Book it.


All right. That should be the name of the segment. Book it. That's a good segment right there.


Didn't we do that already?


We have.


We've done it all.


I've done it all.


We did a segment called Book it at one point.


Listen, when you have done this for as long as I've done it, okay, 20 some odd years, you've done every segment. There is no new segment for me. Okay. Speaking of top five quarterbacks through week six. Let's go.


That's why I'm here.


Is it week six? I have no idea where we are. What week are we, Mikey? Three and three. The jets.




Week six. All right, here we go. Number five. Jared, goff. I am with you. Chris I think the lions, if there's a team that is going to surprise either the niners or the eagles and bounce them out of the playoffs and find themselves in an NFC championship game, it's going to be the lions. I'm not certain the lions aren't the best, most complete NF fell team in the league this year.


I'm going to try to look up some super bowl here. Let's see where they're at.


Oh, the lions are probably up there, which I cannot believe I'm saying that in my lifetime that the lions would be one of the favorites to win the super bowl.


But they are. They're by the dolphins, the chiefs, the niners, the eagles, and the cowboys. And the bills are all ahead of them. So they're still like they're like 8th in this list. So they're good value there. I agree. Maybe the jags, too. I'm trying to look if you're looking.


For value, the jags are a good play, too.


Jags and lions would be the value picks for super bowl winners.


We'll see what happens with Trevor Lawrence. I think he was injured. I know he's getting looked at today, so we'll find out what happens with him. Number four, a rookie has cracked the top five. I love this kid. CJ. Stroud.


Wow, he's good.


Rookie mikey a. He's good. I mean, Sims has never said things about a rookie quarterback that he said about CJ. Stroud. He loves him. I love him. He's good. The texans are pretty good.


I don't know. I'm not sold. I don't know if he's top five. That's a bit strong.


Week six. Okay. All right.


Just a little strong. It's a little strong.


All right. Number three plays tonight. Justin Herbert. Yeah, he's good.


Do we add the sounder in post? Because without the sounder, these lists.


I blame Fuentes.


I blame Billy.


I could just do it.


Let's point fingers.


Yeah, it's definitely Kirsten's fault.


Whose fault is it? Can we take phone calls yet? That was the whole reason Billy wanted to do this was take phone calls. We haven't taken a call through six weeks. Number two kirk Cousins.


There it is. It just hits.


It feels better. Yes. I know the vikings are two and four, but it's not Kirk's fault. I can tell you that. He's having one of the great all time seasons for a quarterback in a team that is two and four. There you go.


That's a little caveat there.


The day he retires, he starts just walking to can.


Five years. We'll take him exactly five years to get there, and then he'll be it. You don't think so?


No, I don't not think so.


First ballot.


All right. Number one. Mikey, why are you getting mad? He's the best quarterback in football right now.


It's the joke that's that gets me mad.


It's not necessarily really? That's the joke that got you mad? The gallup joke.


Carolina panthers plus 50,000.


Chris is a guest. You know better.


He doesn't care. I had to rewind, Mikey, towards the end of the Jet game, when it was over, I had to rewind to make sure what I saw happened. Did you have this? I had to make sure did the jets actually win this game? I had to rewind it. I wanted to make sure they did. By the way, they won the game. I could not believe it. Mikey, is that the most shocked you have been as a Jet fan watching the jets play? Because for me it was. I could not believe we beat the Philadelphia Eagles. I called my daughter crying. Yes.


Is that the best jets win in a decade? Because it might be.


I mean, Monday Night Football open. The season wasn't.


I mean, against Buffalo.


After Rogers gets hurt.


Yeah, but Rogers still got hurt. So that was sitting there.


That's what I mean. That makes that win almost more impressive.


No, I know what the game was.


Supposed to be versus what understand.


I understand what Chris is saying. The first game you had the punt return for a touchdown, walk off overtime, beat the Bills.


They're clearly the two biggest wins in franchise history, though not in franchise. You guys are doing that here. It's like, how big is this?


No, the most surprised okay. I was legitimately surprised. I did not expect us to beat Chris. They're undefeated.


I know. Like I said earlier, though, kind of fraudulent undefeated team. If you really look at each game the Eagles have played, I know that the offensive line is, as Dan says, the best unit in all of football. But outside of that, they've been kind of beatable this year.


A lot of close games, I guess. There is no dominant team in the mean there is.


There's one. And they're missing, like, six guys on defense.


I know, but we're not even close.


We haven't even hit our stride yet. Minus four on the turnover margin. We are, right?


Yeah, but you lost to Buffalo.


Yeah, that's fine. Gotta lose sometimes.


Yeah. That's a good loss. You're saying. I do think the Dolphins are the best team in the NFL.


Dude, it's just that, like, I don't even care if their defense all their defense has to be is slightly above average. And they can win the Super Bowl too. Is healthy.




There, I said it. God, I love football. God bless football. Mikey A. Can we do it again? We just do it, like, in the middle, or do we do it at the end of the segment?




Just tell each other God bless football.


Again. You can do it whenever you god bless football. Mikey A.


God bless football.




God bless football doesn't work as well in the middle of the second.


That's why we open with it. You're the best.


What else do I have here?


Chris asked me, what do I have to do to be prepared for God bless football. Just watch football.


What do you need for me?




What's the homework assignment here? Watch football.




You don't even have to.


I'm on it.


What are you looking up?


Know I got the big penix energy. Did I do that yet?


You did that.


I love when red zone cuts away from perspective. Right? I think it was the Patriots Raiders game where Jim Nance is like, a play happens and he's I just burped and he goes he goes this reminds me of when they played two years ago. And then in the middle of the sentence, you just hear Scott Hansen go, we go now to commanders versus Cardinals. And it's just like you wanted to hear the end of the like it was just a funny example of red zone having no time for any perspective.


We don't give a shit.


Just give me football plays. I was like it was just a nice tapestry that Jim Nance was weaving.


That's what he does.


And I was just like, listening to it. Then all of a sudden it's like, no time for this. I need commanders. Commanders and Cardinals just got in past 50 yard line.


But that's on you for watching the red zone. That's what the red zone is.


That's their job.


They're not interested in Jim Nance's story. If you want to hear Jim Nance's stories, watch Jim Nance.


Can't the cuts be just a little less aggressive? Like they're just cutting them off mid sentence. Let them finish. I want to know what coming to the red zone. What happened two years ago when the Raiders played the Patriots?


I'm curious.


And it's just like, no Cardinals commanders. They just passed the 50 yard line. I need to see Josh Dobbs right now.


I have a Chris Cody observation I'll throw out there. How angry are you if you're a London NFL fan that Germany is getting Chiefs, Dolphins and you got those garbage games.


Mikey, you got Jags Bills. That's a decent mean.


Was it, though?




No, but Germany, it was a pretty terrible game.


Germany's killing it.


That Germany game, though.


Germany gets dolphins. Chiefs.


What a game, man. Put the kids to right? Even though it's what time is the game at? Wake the kids up, put them down for an early nap.


Put them again to bed.


Wake them up especially early so they can have a weirdly early nap.


What time do your kids wake them up till?


04:00 a.m. 07:00 a.m..


So I think for that game you got to wake them up at five. Yes. So they're ready to nap by 09:00 a.m. Naparoo.


A little nappy poo.


You do that.


My kid doesn't nap anymore.


You're not getting up at five.


It's terrible.


They don't nap once they're past like two years old. But they don't tell you. They don't tell you that part.


You didn't know that.


I always assumed kids nap, right? They don't do it. Do you nap no, I do on today. I'm going to. Well, no, you're not tonight.


No, tonight when I go to, I.


Call sleeping at night napping. It's weird.


Little pregame nap.


God bless football. Mikey.


Whenever there's uncomfortable, he just blurts out, God bless.


The dolphins are good.


Let's go, baby. God bless football. Chris cody.


God bless football. Mikey me.


God bless football. Stu. God.