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Billy Gill, God bless football.


Two guys.


What about Mikey A?


Oh, yeah, we're getting right to it today. And I couldn't see Mikey a And Stu, god has an energy about him.


I do. Yeah.


It's five in the afternoon.


He won the by week.


I know, my flight just landed. If I look like hell, that's why my flight just landed at three this afternoon.






Well, let me say God bless football.


Stu gotts god bless football to you, Mikey A. Mikey, the jets won by not playing. How about that?


Won the bye week.




The offseason in the bye week, undefeated.


Yeah. We had the Dolphins lose to the Eagles last night. We had the Bills losing to the Patriots yesterday. The Bills have now lost to.




Mac Jones. Thank you, Mikey. I told you, my flight just got in. So it was a good day for the jets. Just by not playing, just by sitting around on their couches. That's when the jets are most effective, when they don't play.


But Billy, Matt Jones looked great yesterday.


He did, he looked back. He's fixed. What do you mean, he's back?


He's back. He's fixed, but you have to be.


There before you can come back. Like, was he ever there?


He's back.


Oh, he's back. He's back.


He's back to Alabama.


Mac Jones. Timeout, timeout, timeout. Okay, let's get bogged down in semantics on a Monday, okay?




Mac Jones never arrived, so how could he be back?


Because there was always the expectation that he would be there. He was drafted high there's like, Mac Jones, he's going to be the next thing. And then it was looking he was benched, like, a couple of times this year. Right, but he's back.


Well, not this year. Throughout his career for Bailey Zappi, he.


Was benched no, this year he's been benched, like, three times already. They take him out of the middle of the game.


All right, so he's back. You're right. I think backed it.


Yeah. Bill Belichick's 300th win.


I know you have to subtract how many wins did he have with Tom Brady?


You have to subtract all of those?




Well, that's ridiculous. Why would you do that?


Well, because he didn't win those games. Tom Brady won those games.


Did you see the report by Ian Rappaport that very quietly came out just before games started yesterday? So Bill Belichick, in secret, this offseason, signed a, quote, unquote, lucrative extension with the Patriots. He's going nowhere. They can't fire him. He just signed an extension with them in the offseason. Then they ask him about it. He's like, I don't publicly talk about my contract situation. It's a good belichick here's my dog.


I like lacrosse. So he's not going anywhere.


He's not going anywhere.


He can't but maybe he moves, like, to an upstairs position, off the field, not coaching anymore. He can do that. Right.


Well, why would pretty terrible GM. Let's say, theoretically, right, that he gets paid $10 million a year, because, you know, he gets paid, like, a boatload of money, right?




So let's say he gets paid $10 million a year. You think they're just going to move him out of the coaching role to be some figurehead in the organization for that salary?


Probably not. Yeah, they could buy him out, I guess.


How do you guys feel about that lighthouse that they built there at their stadium?


I didn't hear the question, because Fuentes was telling me that Brad Stevens did the same thing as Belichick, and he's in Boston.


It's a really bad joke, but it's just a lighthouse.


It wasn't worth me not hearing Billy's question.


How do you feel about that lighthouse?


Billy's question wasn't that great either, to be honest.


Jeez. I mean, what's going on here?


I don't know. I mean, Fuentes lighthouse at the stadium, who cares?


Okay. What do you want to talk about today, Mike Fuentes?


I mean, there's a lot I want the officials from last night's game investigated.


I don't want to be that show. I don't want to be that show. I don't want to be that guy. I don't want to be the Dolphins lost because the officials were terrible. They were terrible.


Toriko taking a victory lap because the Eagles had zero penalties was hilarious. It's like, oh, they have no penalties.


Or a disciplined team.


It's like, yeah, well, you're going to have zero when they're not called.


Well, I mean, it's a fair point.


You're beefing with Mike tariko.


I missed Kevin Harlan so much last night.


Really? Yeah.


Tariqo like, you know, he's a legend and everything, but Harlan's harlan.


Let's go to Mikey a real quick, because I think he got duped by the Internet. I think he got tricked because he's getting old, and it's happened to all of us. Explain what happened with Mike McDaniels. What his supposed.


This is early in the morning. This morning I was on Twitter, and I happened to come across a bunch of videos in a thread that talked about how bad the officials were. And the account was at Mick McDaniel.




I thought it was the actual Mike McDaniel.




Early this morning.


Right. Dangerous game. Looking at Twitter early in the yes, it's verified.


Also has the blue check mark, which is confusing now. And the picture, if this is the same account, which I think it is, has him dressed up as Scarface, which would probably give away that he wouldn't wear that suit, but maybe not. Maybe it wouldn't be.


How often do you look at the picture on Twitter?


Look, I'm with you if you think that a head coach is kind of losing it and just tweeting out a bunch of crazy stuff you want to run with. So I get it.


So what did Mick McDaniel have to say?


He posted a bunch of videos of missed calls and calls that shouldn't have happened in the game. And I was like, oh, that's one way to go about it.


So it's accurate information from a bogus account.


Well, it's a whole thread of videos pointing out calls that Mick McDaniel did not.


Yeah, yeah. How'd you feel about the was that wasn't how'd you feel about the refs.


How did I feel about it?


Yeah. I know. You don't want to be that show. You don't want to blast the referees. You don't want to make excuses for the Dolphins. That game was 1717 in the second half.


Well, I mean, so the way that I don't know. You were traveling, so I don't know if you saw how it got to 1717. So there was a play that was a very clear face mask on the defense where they just threw the receiver down to the ground that wasn't called, and then it was a turnover on downs. A play or two later.


I think it was Cedric Wilson. Right? Yeah.


And then it was a crazy tipped ball that landed right in a dolphins defender's hand run back for a touchdown, making it 1717. I mean, it wasn't as one sided of an affair, I think, as people want you to believe that it was. So I think there were some positives from yesterday's game that you could take away if you're a dolphins fan, like, well, they hung in there with the eagles. If I was the Eagles I was talking about this earlier with Stu Gotts in the makeup room. If I was the eagles, I would just do the tush push every single play, right?


Because they really get, like, three yards every time.


Three, four yards at a time. You never give the other team the ball. Why even do anything else?


Millie was right. I mean, jalen hurts is a one trick pony, by the way.


He didn't look fantastic. I mean AJ. Brown looked amazing, but anybody who gets defended by cater Cody looks amazing.


Watch out for that knee brace that he wasn't wearing during the game, but he was wearing towards the end of the game. There's something there with jalen hurts and that knee. Keep an eye on that one.


Wait, so you want to somebody's pushing.


His tush too hard.


You have to think that at some point, that will take a toll on his body.




It has. I mean, well, on his knee, apparently. Keep an eye on that knee.


I know.


I keep touching my eye.


He won't be able to sit later in life.


My pen exploded somehow in my hand, so when I'm touching my eye, I have ink all over my hand.


But why are you touching your eye on it? What exactly are we keeping an eye on? Jalen hurts. His knee.


That knee break. Keep an eye on just he might be hurts. Wow.


What happened?


Kirsten threw the soundproof glass. Laughed so hard at that terrible joke.


Is it a terrible joke.


It was a terrible joke. We could hear it through the glass.


Wow. Thank you for laughing and for being the only one that laughed. I mean, I appreciate it. So you're not going to blame the referees for last night's? Because that was the game of the weekend. Everyone was looking forward to it. Dolphins. Eagle. So you're saying the Dolphins can at least walk away from that game? Because here's the conversation today, Billy, for the like, if you're listening to local radio, I'm not in Miami. Yeah, okay. The Dolphins have beaten the Patriots, the Broncos, the Charles here we go with this giants, the Carolina Panthers, and lost to the Bills and the Eagles. Listen, I'm a week removed from saying the Dolphins are the best team in the NFL, but football happened yesterday, and the Dolphins lost to the so I'm not certain you can walk away with that many positives, but you can.


You can walk away from positive. That game was completely different than the Bills game. The Bills game, they didn't have a shot. They were blown out right away in the Bills game yesterday. It was a competitive game against the Eagles. Now, you could say that the Eagles haven't played their best football yet, and the Eagles are coming off a loss against the jets. So the Eagles haven't looked great, but they had a decent game yesterday. It wasn't as bad as you would think. And that whole thing with they've only beat these teams with these records is something that NBC was doing all day long, which I didn't understand at all, because it's like, do you not want anyone to watch this game? Like, why are you coming on here and you're just crapping all over and.


Also devaluing your product was a weird strategy.


Well, I think my guess is what they were trying to do is, like, are the Dolphins amongst the elite, the know, trying to build the hype that way? Which is a weird way to build it.


Here's another thing.


I'm with you guys on that.


Here's another thing that I didn't understand yesterday. The whole jalen hurts Tua thing where they want them to hate each other, but they also want to ask them, like their friends. I feel like if I was jalen hurts, I would hate Nick Saban. Right. Like, you could be bothered by two or whatever because Tua comes in and he replaces you, takes your job, you have to transfer. Right, but, like, Nick Saban is the villain in this story. Correct. If you're jalen hurts, why? Because he's the one that makes the call? No, he's the one that made the call that replaced you with Tua.


It was the right call for everyone, for Tua.


Yeah, but Tua didn't replace him. Nick Saban replaced him with difference.


I understand, but he was desperate. He needed to. And it turned out to be the right call because Tua, I think, eventually won that game for them. Jalen Hurts went on to Oklahoma and actually became a better quarterback, like a more NFL ready quarterback. But you're right. If you're going to blame someone in that equation, it's Nick Saban.




Jalen hurts and Tua love each other.


No, I don't know about that.


Tariq went out of his way on the broadcast to be like, they're not best friends.


Suddenly Tariqo was opinionated.


It was weird. I was missing out Michaels yesterday. I'm not going to lie. I was like, God, I'm longing for Al.


I like tariko too.


I don't know why.


I was just like, I couldn't stand him yesterday.


Well, here's the thing, is that it was your team. Your team was losing any of what was going on yesterday. There wasn't like a moment that was super positive, I don't think, in the game yesterday, if you're a Dolphins fan. But I could be crazy. It did not feel like the Bills lost.


The bills lost.


It didn't feel like they were close to the Bills with the Eagles. It didn't feel that way yesterday.


That Bills game was close. I mean, the Patriots had to put together a final drive.


No, I'm talking about the dolphins. He's saying the dolphins got the dolphins lost the bills.


Okay, got it. No.


Yeah, the Bills lost early in the Patriots, which, by the way, we were watching. I had it. This family thing. It was like this whole harvest. We don't need to get into it. But we had the Bills game on, the Bills Patriots game. And someone asked a good question, like, why can't the Dolphins just do that against the Bills? Why are the Patriots doing this against the Bills? And the Dolphins can aren't the Dolphins good? It's like I don't have an answer to that. Can't answer that. I was feeling yesterday, guys, something that Mike Golick has been telling us for months, and I wish that he was here to talk about it.




I just wanted that game to start. I know that Mike Golick was talking about it as a player, and he does sunday nights. He's used to it. I couldn't do the whole waiting around all day for Sunday night situation. I hated it. Absolutely hate it. It took a toll on my body. I was off. I was off during that game.




Yeah, I was off. They didn't get my best.


You're used to cheering at 01:00. They forced you to cheer at 820. You felt a little bit off.


Sunday night is for, like, Netflix and hanging out and stuff. I don't want to be stressed about.


Sunday night is for prepping for this show.


That too. I got to go to sleep early. The game ends at eleven. It's like, oh, great. Already 6 hours of sleep. What do you now?


Yeah, I prep for this show by taking a flight. Yeah, how about that? God bless football. Billy.


No Lucier Goosey today.


Oh, my God. Yeah.


Lucy's not here. She went Hollywood. And by she went Hollywood, I mean she went to La to cover a college game and she's not back yet.




I figured it was not good form to ask her to wake up at four in the morning, I mean, two in the afternoon to do this with.


Mean did you ask her?


No, I didn't.


Would have done it.


Yeah, but I don't want yes, but I don't want that's why you didn't ask her.




I don't want to be that person. It's like, can you get up at 430 in the morning and do something with us? Because that's a pain. But I have good news for you, bad news for the audience.


What's that?


We've replaced Lucy in this segment with Tony.


Tony is here.


Hey, guys. God bless football, boys.


God bless football. Tony.


We should have done Lucy or Goosey with Tony.


We can do, Tony. Or wony.


Let's do it.


Tony or wony.


There's got to be a better name.


For Tony or Wony.


I mean, it could be won't, he? And that's like I think what Billy.


Wants to do is the actual college football segment just with a different I.


Mean, I would yeah, I would like to discuss college football because college football know a big thing and if you'd think NFL and college it's, half of the equation is college football. I have some notes on college football, but I am wondering if anyone watched college football and if we should actually talk about it or if we're just going to be going in circles.


So I was at a wedding on Saturday.


There we go.


And I was a groomsman, so I was doing a lot of groomsmanly duties.


What does that mean? The day of? There's no duties.


You know how it's taking pictures? You got to go here, you got.


To go there, part of the photo shoot.


So I was doing that and then half watching UFC, too, because we had that dilemma last week. But I saw the Kane's game. Big kane's dub.




Was that a big Kane's dub? No, that's what everybody I had people that were at the game, they're like, oh, it was such a great game to go to. It's like, it took you two overtimes to be Clemson. We're not very good.


We should remind people that the curse of God bless football is back. We had Mac Brown on the show.


That is one of my notes. Yeah, it's back.


Carolina proceeds to lose a game they had no business losing.




Sorry, Mac.


It's back more than Texas.




Should we actively start going after people we actually want to curse, knowing that we have a curse that way? I don't think so.


People that you want to curse and they actually do better.


Well, it worked with Notre Dame and Marcus Freeman, because when we had Marcus Freeman on, he lost, like, every time we had him on, which is great. And it was great because it would agitate go like, guys, here Frank Reich fired.


I mean, we did. I feel like we did.


We just kept that is actually probably fair. Here's the thing about that. I was kind of curious. So Frank always wanted to come back, and I was like, why do we keep having him back on?




And I know it's not a polite question to ask, but we haven't had.


Him on this year, right? No, we did.


We had him on once since he went to Carolina.


We did. Yeah.


I'm pretty sure we did.


Yeah, but in the offseason.


Yeah, it was the offseason.


So he's getting himself fired this year.


Well, you could argue that it is because we had him on in the offseason, but not having him on hasn't resulted in anyone's either.


That's true.


Maybe it's Frank.


So you're wondering aloud if any of us watch college football here, and we host a show called God Bless Football.


Yeah. And you've proven to make me have my concerns be validated, I think, so far, because it seems like no one paid any attention. I have a stat for you guys.


Well, I think Tony tried to steer you in a direction he was more comfortable going.


Incredible job.


What was the lame name of the segment? You want Tony or what?


Tony or wony.


Tony or wony. I think he wanted to do it with quarterbacks. That's what he was trying to tell you.


We could do that with college quarterbacks.




God, no. With NFL quarterbacks.


Well, you see, this doesn't help. Can I say something? A note from this college football weekend?




So we thought that we had a big one between Penn State and Ohio State. God, that was a yon fest.




I hope neither of them make the playoffs. I know that's not going to be the case.


It very well could be the case.


It was a Horrendous game, but it got it was so boring.


Well, Michigan still has I don't know.


Who was calling the game.




I don't know who was calling the game, but even they said neither of these teams is beating Michigan.


It was so bad. That game was terrible. If the option that you have is let me switch over to Oklahoma and UCF.




And you're too, like, top ten teams.




Horrible game.




No. Penn State and Ohio State.


No, I know it was a horrible game, but I don't think you have to work like Ohio State could very well not make the playoff if they lose to Michigan. So I think you're, like, I know your concerns. You know what your playoff?


I never want to watch Ohio State again this year. Never again.


That's the 7th straight time James Franklin has lost to Ohio State. Penn State never beats Ohio State. And he said after the game, I'm not certain you didn't see the two best teams in the country play one another. That's so great.


It's crazy because I love watching Marvin Harrison play.




He's such a dynamic.


What game was he watching?


Well, I'm saying as a player yeah, like, I love watching Marvin Harris because he's just so much better than everybody.


He was great in that game, by the way.


And it's like this Ohio State team usually has a good quarterback look back at their last couple of guys, CJ. Stroud and it's like, Wait a second, why does this guy suck? Yeah, why is the quarterback not good?




Just throw Marvin Harrison the ball.


Harrison had eleven catches, 162 yards at.


A touchdown, and a bad game right off the top of your head.


Right. Listen, man, incredible.


Watches the tape.


Just broke it down.


I have a stat for you guys.


If you want 22.


Do you want to know the stat?




Well, I guess not so much a stat as it is a fact. Ready?




Bo Nicks made his 54th career start, the most ever by an NCAA quarterback.


If we break that down in seasons, how many seasons is that?




Five seasons.


You know who's right behind him?


Eleven game seasons.


You know who's right behind him with 53 starts?






Oh, really?


So it's going to go back and forth between him and Hartman?


Hartman does not have more starts than everyone.


Me neither.




Yeah, I saw the graphic and I was like, oh, we're going to hear about this now? All year between BoNix and him.


Fuentes, can you see what year they started playing college football? I know that 2016.


I know that. Bo Nicks's first college start was against Justin Herbert. And Herbert's been in the league for three years.


No way.


Wasn't Bo Nicks a teammate of Cam Newton at One?


I think so.




Something like that.


I'm pretty sure.




Twelve years.


The Cam Newton thing is a stretch.


But I know for a fact he played against hermer.


Cam Newton 34 years old.


So is Bo Nick. No, bo Nicks was not on the same team as Cam Newton.


We really need to do I love this. We really need to do something about our editorial board here. Where the Internet, Mikey? Cam Newton was in the NFL in 2011. That was twelve years ago. There's no that's the best part. It's not real.


Sure it is.


His first year at Auburn was 2019.


There's no way that can't be true either.


Cam Newton was winning a Super Bowl? Is that what you're saying?


It had to be later. There's no way it was 19. It had to be like 14 or 15.


Lucy's not here, so we would normally do this and probably delight in her suffering. This that Iowa game.




How do you have a punt run back for a touchdown and then called off and say that the punt returner was calling for a fair catch. I mean, that seems like an instant call that is made. Not you let the play play out, they score the touchdown, they essentially win the game. And then you're like, nah, never mind.


You kind of know pretty quickly if somebody calls a fair catch.


Did that look like a fair catch to you?


I don't know. It did. Not to me. It didn't to me.


Did he kind of give a it.


Seemed more like he was pointing defenders, like, to get him a lane, and they decided that was a fair catch, ran it back for a touchdown.




Then they call it back and the score ends up being twelve to ten.


Terrible game, by the way.




My budy.


I love that they called it back, though. Do you? It's like they score a touchdown.


The Stones on that guy, bro. The Stones on that ref to be.


Like, you know what.


Guys been suffering all day watching field goals or whatever else the hell they do.


You think he let one pass? Get out of here. Let one slide. Oh, that's so funny.


My budy in the groomsman party was like, hey, I want to lay a couple of bets. We put a parlay together and he's like, what do you think about the Iowa under? I'm like, Brother, just slam the under.


I don't care what it is.


It's a lock.


It's under.


Yeah, but it's going to get to a number where it's going to be like 22. Take it, bet it. Wait, Mikey, can you look this up? If the under for every Iowa game was 25 points this year, how many times would the undercover yes, I want to know. You got to check through the scores there.


Stu, gotts I have a question for you. So Alabama came back and they beat Tennessee. It was kind of close for a little bit, but they end up winning by two touchdowns.




So they have now moved up in the rankings, and they're nine, of course. Are they going to get back in this thing?


Billy, you know the answer to that.


Well, I don't think that they are.


They've only got one loss. But the thing is, they still have to play the SEC championship game. They still have to play Georgia, too, right. Did they play Georgia this year?


Well, no, they'll have to play Georgia in the SEC championship game.


But I know did they change the divisions? Like, didn't they get rid of the divisions and everybody oh, no, that's the ACC that they're all playing together.




Why did the ACC do they have people leave?


No, I don't think so.


Then why would they get rid of.


The they just switched it up, I think. Yeah, I'm checking out the SEC right now. No, they'll have to play Georgia. I think Alabama is going to be a bully. They'll have to be Georgia and win the SEC to get to the college Football Playoff. But I'm not ruling that out because Georgia has not looked great the entire year.


They just haven't I'm not a fan of Washington, so Georgia's in the East.


Alabama's in the west. They will play each other. But LSU still has to play Alabama. LSU is really good. If Jaden Daniels if LSU was undefeated, he would be the front runner for the but they're not they're coach. What do you mean, they're coach?


They're coach Brian Kelly.


Just boudreau kelly yeah, just for me.


Like, I don't like Brian Kelly. I don't know what it is. He just for me, he's not a good coach.


I could do without him.


What do you mean?


He's not my favorite. I could do without him.


When was the last time you thought about Brian Kelly?


Well so we talk about Brian Kelly a lot, despite Mike Golick. So we do cover a lot of Brian Kelly for whatever reason. It's kind of annoying.


I felt like you were somehow connected to Brian Kelly and you're like, if I just didn't have him in my life be great. I feel like you never think of Brian Kelly, ever.


It's fair given weeks will go by where I don't think about Brian Kelly.


Me too. There's been a whole month where I've been like, years will go by.


No, that's not true. Years won't go by because Brian Kelly always do something that he'll get us.


You'll do the family, which was great. I love that. I thought about that for quite a while.


Brian Kelly's good for getting himself in the news at least once a year. So I don't think I've had years of my life go by without Brian Kelly since right.


I checked the Iowa schedule, by the way, Mikey a the last two games, if the under was 25 and you took the under, you would have won.




That's ridiculous.


I have a team for us to root for.




James Madison.


The dude.


Oh, I love James Madison.


Do you?


Well, I bet him every I mean, I do. Steal your gods. I put him on the slate every single week. You don't pay attention.


You put everybody on the Brian kelly.


He's not paying attention.


Do you know what you did this past week in Steve?


Are we doing this?


I should I save the sound to play for you? I can play the sound for you, but I'll just tell you what it is.


Did I do a game for oh, go game.


You took Iowa. You bought Iowa down from three and a half to three. They would then be favored by three. You said that. They win the game. They win by a field goal, which would be a push.


Cover the spread.


Yeah, they cover the spread. You bought them down to push instead of just betting against them, which is the strangest thing, doing this thing where it's not great. Tony, where he's chasing already?




He's doing like eleven games a week just hoping, and then we start hitting and catching.


What does he have right now? Do you have the updated okay, so.


I can tell you what he did this week. This week was not a good week.


It was not a thing.


He'll do like eleven games, but he'll do eleven games and then still finish like a game under 500.


So it just never catches them up.


He's never catching up and he's just picking a million games for the sake of picking games and not catching up.


I'm fishing for a ten and one.


But you're not going to get the ten and one.


I know, unfortunately.


But you're either going ten and three or seven and eight.


Yeah, I got to get down to like five games.


Last week he went three and five, which wasn't good, obviously, for the overall record. And let's see what he did this week.


The overall record is pretty good, though.


Not in college. No, the overall record is it's above 500. No, not in college. You went four, five and one this week, which again, not terrible. Not bad.


Blaine Gabbard.


Yeah, but we're like twelve under every week. You're like eight or nine under for the year. It doesn't matter. Stanford Steve had another rough week.


Poor guy.


Anyways, back to James Madison for a second six, and they're ranked 25th ineligible for a bowl game this year.




Because there's a rule, I guess, under NCAA, where you make a transition from FCS to FBS, you have a two year transitional period, and they're in year two of this transition. So they're ineligible for bowl games even though they're six and they're good, but.


They can't play in a bowl game because they are too good for what.


They were the craziest thing, and their team, like their coach petitioned the NCAA so they would be eligible. And they're like, Nah, we're so the only way that they may make a bowl game this year is if there's not enough eligible bowl teams. I believe that's the craziest thing.


There's so many bowls.


What I'm hoping happens is that they go undefeated and we have a UCF situation where James Madison is claiming to be national champion.


They should do that.


That's what I'm hoping happened.


I know where James Madison is. I don't think Mikey a knows. Where James where is James madison.




Like Virginia or something.


Virginia? Yeah. You just gave away the answer. Okay.


No, I didn't know 100%.


He said he knew if Mikey knew what?


He said you didn't know if I knew because I think Bo Nicks is 35.


That's a great that was played with Cam Newton. I have good news. Your partner postgame show every Sunday night on YouTube, on the Levitar YouTube channel.


Sunday night live.


Sunday night live. Juju is going to join us next. We have pissed off Juju Gotti because we asked him to join us. He woke up at 730. He did not have to wait. Well, it's the afternoon. I'm sorry. He woke up late this afternoon. He woke up way too early, and he's mad that we made him wait around.


Well, Tony got here late. I don't want to point fingers, but Tony was just strolling here really late, and then he said, the tree.


We are not a package deal. We are not a package deal.


I know. I'm sorry about that.


But we were just waiting around for.


Tony to get started. We even start the show without him today.


So that's my fault.


Yeah. I mean, he was complaining about train times. The train's on a track, I guess around time.


Don't worry about that.


Anyway, hey, Sunday Night Live, the biggest.


Post game show in the world. The NFL.




There is none bigger than what me and Juju gotti do every Sunday night around 730.


So you do it after the 04:00 games are done. You and Juju Sunday night live on the Lebanon YouTube channel. And what was the discussion after last night's games?


We had a lot of stuff. I mean, lions got smacked. Juju is obviously a big Bills fan. He had some strong words for Sean McDermott. We were excited about Mahomes. There's a lot of good stuff in the NFL.


This know, it's interesting. I have no idea if the Bills are good. I have zero idea if the Bills are any good. And McDermott seems to get a pass all the time. Like that guy Juju. That guy has had Josh Allen now as his quarterback and has yet to make a Super Bowl with one of the most talented top five quarterbacks in the NFL. And he should be on the hot seat. And I'm wondering because he's beloved there in Buffalo, because Buffalo hasn't been very good since Jim Kelly and all those guys. And this guy helped know kind of get back to a place where they were relevant and really good and chances to make the Super Bowl. But they haven't done it yet. And so I would imagine, Juju, that today the conversation is let's fire.


Yeah, at least. At least let's put a microwave under his seat. Let's get some seat warmers and put him under there because it gets cold in Buffalo. I'm not sure if he's numb or not, because, brother, we've been on the doorsteps of success too many times. At some point, we have to kick this door down. It can't be. Oh, well, they got belichick. Oh, their offensive scheme is well, what are we going to do about it? You keep approving these wacky deals. Our big signing this summer was sherfield from Miami who couldn't wait to get rid of his ass. We also approved a dome in Buffalo to come back. I wonder who signed off on that. No dome. We got an open roof coming in 2027. The future looks cold as hell, just like it is. Right now. I see Sean McDermott being a big piece of why what goes wrong every single week. Now, they do got a lot of injuries on the defensive side of the ball. Big Milano. Big hurt. You feel me? We big hurt out there, but at the same time, we are losing games to inferior competition. And I feel like the coach usually should have something to say about that.


The tough part is, too, their offense is just cycled around josh Allen, Stefan Diggs. If you put their one two against other one twos in the league, they've got a top tier one two with Josh Allen, Stefan Diggs, but it's three they don't like Gabe Davis.


Gabe Davis.


Once every seven games. It's Gabe Davis.


Davis yesterday, it was a big mistake by me.


Did he have any catches?


Well, I took him in our DraftKings fantasy because Stefan Diggs is so expensive. And I was like, you know what.


This is going to be.


Well, the cheat code is the Dolphins were playing on Sunday night, so I couldn't pick Dolphins. It just gave me a ton of points. So said, you know what? I'm going to believe in Josh Allen. Even though in the past I've been somewhat minor critical of him, I'm going to believe in the Bills today. I feel like they're going to run all over the Patriots and not end up happening, and Stefan Diggs is too expensive. So I said, you know what? I'm going to take a flyer here. Gabe Davis. Maybe this is the game that he gets, like, a touchdown. Two touchdowns, 100 yards last week, one catch, eight yards.


Not good catch. But that's Gabe Davis.


I know.


Exactly. So when you have those two guys, you figure, okay, this offense has a good foundation. And then you look across James Cook, hasn't really been that guy. They still have the ghost of Murray out there.


He's not a ghost, but that's our best running back right now. That's the sad part. The ghost of Murray. That's the ghost of an offensive line out there. That's every week trying out Casper the Friendly Ghost and Ghost dad. That's our lineman password to protect your best running back.


Ran four times for eight yards yesterday. Latavius Murray.


He's tough. I see it. And that goes back to what we said earlier, the coaching. What are we doing? We got Bill Belichick out here. He taking away Stefan Diaz. Clearly, we got to get some other things going.


I spent some time yesterday thinking if Aaron Rodgers never went down, the jets would be owning this division. No. Yes. What do you mean? Right, Juju? Yes.


They will own the NFL. If Aaron Rodgers didn't get hurt, the jets would be the scariest team I have seen because look at them right now. They beat the Eagles last week. The eagles just beat the dolphins. They beat the Bills. The Bills beat the Dolphins.


Quality win. I do feel you. I spent some time thinking about that. The jets are in the mix. I can't believe it. Without Aaron Rogers.


They're three and three without Aaron Rodgers.


And they play the Giants coming up off a bye week.


And remember, Stu, at the beginning of the season, we were looking at their schedule saying, this is a tough six game stretch.


They got through it.


They got through it. Three and three.


I know.


Without Aaron Rodgers. And now you look at the rest of their schedule and you're like, it's a lot of winnable games.


A lot of winnable games. Billy doesn't want to hear this.


I don't want to hear every day it's with the jets, the jets. I just can't hear. I have jets, Fatigue. I can't listen to Jess anymore. Can I ask you guys a question? Because we haven't talked about this game. The Browns and the Colts.


Crazy game.


Highway robbery.


Gardner Minchew.




Had one of the most absurd games on my fantasy. How many points?


Like 39 or so.


He had to have a guy on a buy.


The most absurd game of any quarterback ever. He had a great quarterback rating yesterday. You're like, okay, he didn't have a bad game. Right? So then you start looking at his numbers. He had 305 yards passing. He had two passing touchdowns. He had two rushing touchdowns, but he also had an interception and three fumbles.




That's called miles Garrett, though.


Miles Garrett.


Called Miles Garrett.


He's insane.


Miles Garrett is insane.


Friend of the show.


It's incredible how he's six five or six six or whatever. He is 280 pounds and moves around, like, 670.


The guy is enormous.


Did you see him jump over the line?


He jumped over the line. He created all kinds of fumbles. The guy's a beast. He has more sacks than anyone else ever before the age of 28, which is a really weird stat that they kept flying in front of everybody.


They didn't start tabulating those stats until recently.


Recently, yes.


He picked Billy Gill up and walked off with.


A messed up toe. At the time, that's how he was.


Proving that he was like a feather, right?


Like just like a doll. And then he walked around, and then it was like one of those uncomfortable situations where it's like, is he ever going to put me down, or is this just my thing now? I'm just going to walk around on my shoulder. I thought I was going to go to the next interview that he had that day, just on his shoulder.


Here's Billy Gill. He's not going to say anything, but he's on Miles's shoulder.


It was so great. Minshew got me 38.1 points yesterday.


That's insane.


Just based on my league rules. But it is amazing, okay, that the Browns put up 39 points and their quarterback threw for 176 yards, and it was PJ.




What's the deal with Deshaun Watson?


Hurt his shoulder. Then reaggravated his shoulder, but he's just not good.


Well, no, Stefanski said, you know what, I just don't want to send him back out because I want to protect the franchise quarterback. That never what's going does he want to play? Does he not want to play? I don't understand what's going on there. He has injuries, but it's kind of getting weird right when he does play.


He's not good. He throws balls where it's like, whoa, where was he going with that one? It's just a clear interception to the other team where you have no idea where he's throwing.


Juju, before we get to the Lions, fuentes just said in my ear he needs to get to the Lions and we will get to them. I think I said they were the best team in the NFL last week.


They had.


Lions were two weeks ago.


They were terrible. They were so bad.


Mike, are you saying if I anoint you best team in the NFL, you're going to lose the following week?


Yeah, maybe you're the curse of that. Stu god's best in the league.


I'm good with that. The giants are the best team in the league.


Also, Jared Goff sucks.


All right. But Juju, juju, you have to the lions.


Get to the lions.


Juju, you have your eagles jersey on. You have thoughts from last night's game? Should we be blaming the referees?


Yeah. Fly, eagles, fly. You know what I mean? They mentioned I'm a Bills fan. I'm also an Eagles fan because of my brother Leodis McKelvin. He was drafted by the Bills and they shipped him to the Eagles because his house was getting TP and everything in Buffalo. So my heart is in both places. But it was a great win by the Eagles. They woke up. That offense woke up. If I hear the word twitch, push one more time, I'm going to slap somebody. That's just a lot. But at the same time, the referees, they helped them a lot. I seen a couple of holding calls. I called them live like Chris Cody does. I said holding pass interference. They didn't call it face mask. No call. And you take away at the fact that they didn't have Jalen back or Xavier not Jalen wilder Ramsey, my boy Jalen Ramsey and Xavier Howard. So I think that that game was more so. It was a lot about nothing. It was a good win for the Eagles, but when the Dolphins strengthen back up and get some real referees involved, they could be in better shape.


How do you feel about the Kelly green uniforms?


I loved them.


I did.


If I hear that word again one more time yeah.


Juju did not like the Kelly green. Thank you.


I want top five words that if Juju hears one more time, he's going to beat the living hell out of somebody.


Enough with the kelly greens. I don't know if you guys were watching, like the morning coverage on ESPN. They did a whole piece about Princess Diana wearing an.


Green on the helmet.


No. Who cares?


What do you mean? No?


They're just green. They're just green.


They're not just green.


They tried it out. Princess Diana rolling over her grave, talking about some damn. She popularized these Philly jackets, man. Randall cuddaham popularized.


Thank you.


Mike Goldis SR. Popularized it. Reggie White popularized it. Salute the Princess Diana. We love you. We love your family. But, ma'am, you might be a joker because they're making you one.


Wow. Princess Diana's.


A Princess Di.


Put it on the bowl. Princess di a joker.


She didn't know what the hell she was into. This whole thing about how she got that jacket. Someone that was like a statistician or whatever went there. They were talking at some Princess of Monaco's funeral or some crap, and then all of a sudden, she's like, oh, I really like the colors green and silver. Like, oh, let me send you this custom jacket. And then she wore it to pick up her kids. Enough with Princess Diana. They had on these royal experts to talk about the fact that she was wearing a jacket. And it was really giant. Yes. It was insane. It was a giant commercial. Just to tell us that Mitchell and Ness are starting to sell like replica jackets because they had one on set. It was an absurd waste of, like, ten minutes where they had multiple royal experts talking about Princess Diana and how she was wearing that Eagles jacket. And then they started going down like, oh, well, they preserved all of her clothes, and they have this stuff, but we don't know where the jacket is. Like, who gives a crap about this jacket? I'm telling you, it infuriated me.


I can sell over Kelly Green. By the time that game started better.


In sports than Kelly Green's Wheelhouse, I.


Decided that Juju experienced it the same way I did, because it's like, enough of.


Out there trying to sell them jackets in England. That's what they're trying to do. We see the games over there. They're trying to push them jackets over there now.


And the Royals, that's what the Van Dyker and for Billy, where he could really just zone in.


But salute.


Salute to her.


1000 recipes.


Salute to her. But what a strange show.


It gets weirder every week. Honestly.


BoNix is 40.


That's not what I heard.


That's crazy. That was a crazy thing that Mikey A said.


Oh, my God, dude.


He said that Bo Nicks and Cam Newton played on that same college team.


It's Believable. Yes. All right, Billy's. Big boy. Brought to you by somebody next.


All right. Stu got Juju. Tony mikey. We're reaching that time in the show where we have a thousand things left to do and we're running out of time. It's the last segment of that's my.


Favorite part of the show, but we.


Still have a number of segments we need to get to. We have Billy's bets, big board brought to you by that we need to come up with, which I was not here last week. I was on jury duty. So unfortunately, we didn't have that last week. But we're back this week.


Chris did it for you. I don't know the record. Chris Cody was nice enough to do it for you. Wow. It didn't go well. Yeah.


Oh, it went poorly.


Okay. Doesn't count against your record, though.


We also have top five question marks. We have mike Fuentes's top five things. We have Tony that had some sort of confusing thing where he does something. I couldn't really understand it's. Basically, he doesn't know something and he doesn't want to look it up. So maybe you could explain it better when we get to that.




And we also have a lightning route.


Such a good team. Sets up your topic.


No, we're going to get to it.


We got a lot of things to get to this no, no, go ahead.


I'm just kind of talking.


We got a lot of things to get a thousand of them.


I think the place we have to start sugats is a lightning round of Stroud Richardson Young.




Now, some people might say, how do you play this game? Because CJ. Stroud was off. Bryce young was off. Richardson's out for the year. How do you guys feel about those black helmets that the colts had yesterday?


Love the black helmets.




Juju, you like the helmets, too?


Absolutely love them.


I did, too. I saw people being critical of the colts helmet and of the guys maybe don't wave your hand right in front of the camera. That's quite distracting.


Sorry, the audience at home. Well, I'm having some technical issues with my headset, so I'm hoping Fuentes can come in here and help me out. It's okay.


So anyway, so also, I like the jerseys. I thought the jerseys were kind of fire, too. I saw them, like, zoom in on them and they were like not just blue. They had a little something going on. It doesn't matter. Anyways, so we're going to play stroud, Richardson or Young. And you guys are probably wondering, how can you do this? None of them played because the winner of stroud Richardson young yesterday was Tyson bajit.


I like that.


Oh, wow. I like that. Special bajit. Yeah.


First time. First time. CJ stroud doesn't win this game. Tyson bajant won it.


He had 65 people from his family.


At the game that had a recipe for disaster written all over it. But then you remember Brian Hoyer starting for the other team in 2023, neutralize it. I can't believe that he's still in the NFL. It seems insane.


Neither can Devante Adams.


Believe it.


Went directly to devante Adams. By the way, they were like, I'm going to throw this guy the ball every single time. I don't care.


Poor Devante Adams. Anyways, so should we get to Mike Fuentes's top five? See, he's not there, so let's not get to Mike Fuentes'top five. Should we get to Sugats'top? Five question marks for the week.


Yeah, my headsets are fixed.


There we go.


I love this show. Top five question marks in the NFL. These are teams. I have no idea if they're good or not.


Okay, so the players teams. Teams.


Okay. All right. No idea if they're good or not. Okay, here is number 5432, the AFC North. Wow. No idea any of those teams are good. Okay.


So any order, just put them in an order.


Do you know if any of those teams are good?


I think the Ravens are good.


But you don't know if the Ravens are good. That's my point.


Juju and I said last night, the Ravens could be seven and o, and we would be talking about them as a great team.




But they're five and two. They lost that game to Pittsburgh inexplicably, and right now we're like, are they a good team? They just destroyed the Lions 38.


It wasn't inexplicably, though. It wasn't inexplicably. Lamar Jackson threw the ball right to the Pittsburgh guy. So explicable.


It is explicable. You're right.


The Ravens are I feel like every year they're the same team where you're like, this team is really, really good, and then you're like, I don't really know anything about this team. Last night, after last night's game, there's people that are saying the Ravens are the best team in the AFC.


Now, how do you know? But that's the NFL. Because last week, the team they beat, the Lions, were the best team in the NFL. Yeah. And one of the best maybe the best team in the NFC. Okay, so now the Ravens have gone to kind of like a middle of the pack team in the NFL to the best team in the AFC. Right. They're not. They're not.


They're just not they're not hot.




They have Odell Beckham running out three catch for 35 yards. They're not the best team. And that's your number two.


Kansas City is the clear best team in the AFC right now. Last week it was the Dolphins, but that's football. That's why I love it. That's why we all love it.


Okay, so that was five through two.


Yeah. That was 5432. The Ravens Steelers, browns Bengals in no particular order. I think the Bengals might be good. I have no idea. Number one is Buffalo. No idea.




No idea. If they're good, they could win the Super Bowl. They could not make the playoffs, and their coach gets fired. Yeah.


I have Oli for your list. I do know this person is not good. Desmond, Nathaniel Ritter, please. He will find a way to lose your game. It doesn't matter if he has it. All he has to do is cross the goal line. He will lose it for you.


Some kind of way what happened with him yesterday, and a lot of have you seen a fumble that bad where he just thinks he's strolling into the end zone for a touchdown and the defender just goes and catches up to him and knocks it out and then it's a touchback.


That's one of the fumbles he had. Then he also fumbled the snap at the two yard line that cost them.


Everything possible to lose that game that they ended up winning.


That's what he does every week.




All right, we have to get to Billy's big board bets brought to you by oh, okay. Yes.


Are we doing that right now?


Well, we're just listen, this segment tony's right. It's called cramming stuff in. I know we have time.


I mean, we're flying through these segments. Normally, we get to this with, like, 90 seconds left.


We still have Fuentes's top five.


Let's do his.


To be fair, I didn't know that Stu's is going to take literally 20 seconds. I thought he was going to be like, evaluation.


I told you about it before.


Usually top five questions need answers.


You want a breakdown?


I would have preferred did Chris Cody.


Know if his BBB BB picks last week, how they went, or did he know?


They did not go well. Yes, they did not go well.


They did not go well.


Apparently, it's called Chris's concepts now and then.


Chris's concepts?




Chris's can't miss concept.


You know, you had an M in there, though.


But do you know what the word concept means? Can't hear you. I don't think I did. Well, it's an extra C. Can't hear you.


M in there somewhere.


I don't understand what the concept is. They're bets.


Like Philly's big board bets is all b's concept.


Can't miss. But there's a big board of bets yeah.


Versus can't misses. I mean, something like that matter.


Okay, Mike Fuentes, he was doing a.


Thing with the C's.


Has a top five. Got you.


Yeah, we get have. I have.


I'm going to do this so fast.


Okay, one fast.


We have time.


Yeah, I know, but take your time. The guy do the big bets boards.


And take it slow. Okay, but, Billy, you have a dry.


Erase board where you have to erase and then rewrite a new bet. Okay? That takes time.


Yeah, I know.


He's been good with it.


He's a good apology.


Okay, I have one. Oli, and it's Mike Evans canton collision course.


What increases the top five things?


Yeah, top five things.


I should really start talking to people before we just go live with stuff.


Okay, number five. The Steelers are four and two.


How I don't get it. I don't get this.


Picket's not that good.


I want the officials from Sunday night's game investigated. We already went over that. That's why it's not good to do now.


What number we buy?


We're on three.


Coming up on three. Gotcha.


We've done. Olai five, four.


I got you.


Number three. The Bears have a quarterback.


They did. Looked really good.


He was efficient. It wasn't, like, a lot of yards.


Really good.


Look good. He did look good for a guy.


Who never played Division Two. Kid from West Virginia.


He won the Division two. Heisman I think he had the NCAA.


And he has the most touchdown passes in NCAA history, like, for all the divisions.




Which is, you know, it off the top of your head, because I saw.


The same package you did.


The Harlan Hill trophy.


There you go. He won the Harlan.




I like the Harlan better than the Harlan ceremony.


It's not a great looking trophy. No. It looks like something you would get at a trophy store.


It looks like a fancy football championship.


Yeah. That you get a trophy store football.


On it, and you're like, yeah, I.


Can own my wife with it.




Got a bowler next to the bowling trophy. If I got it right.


Guys, this trophy goes we ran out of football, guys.


Put the bowler on it, it goes.


All the way to 1986.


They say the Heisman Trophy winner is never good in the NFL, but the Harlan Trophy winner, you need to investigate.


Billy, I'm trying to see a single winner of this Tyson badgent.


The best Harlan Trophy winner in the NFL.


He won it in 2021.


Did Carson Wentz ever win a Harlan trophy?


What's John Machota up to? Matocha, are you going through past winners? Oh, Danny Woodhead won it.




Twice, back to back.




Danny Woodhead. 2006 and 2007 winner.


Archie Griffin of DC.


He's the best right now.




Best Harlem winner of all time.


There's a guy named Dusty Boner that won it back to back.


Also the DB.


He's a hard man to bring down.




What position did he play?


I don't know. It doesn't oh.


QB would have been funnier if he.


Was like, maybe it's Bonner.


I heard his accepted speech was a bit stiff.


They already said he's hard, a little dry.


The stiff is good.


I like that.


Well, gang, we were doing great on time, but now we're running low on time.


He's got two more.


Number two, the Colts black helmets. I don't know if I like them.




We just covered that kind of a bad takeoff.


Well, Tony and me were talking about it here, and it should have been all black.


All black?


The Colts like the horseshoe blue. That would have been nice.


They should have done all black with the horseshoe black.


Also, like a matte black.


That would have been good. Anyway.




You bested me number one. We already went over this a bunch. Enough of the national tight end day.


Oh, yeah.


National tight end. I should have bet more tight end overs.


Yeah. At any time. tuddies. I should have bet. Were the tight ends getting fed yesterday? Oh, my God.


Like crazy.


It's funny.


I don't think it was intentional. I think they were just being thrown to a normal amount of time. They made sure to highlight every single play by a tight end.


Yesterday, annoying, Hansen must have said national tight end day like 50 times.


Guys, it's time for Billy's bets. Big boards brought to you by these. Again, I'm not in a sports gambling state, but if I was, these are bets that I may be inclined to place myself.




All right. Number one, kirk Cousins, over 238 and a half yards tonight passing.


I like it. That's what I'm feeling. First ballot hall of famer against a.


Really good San Francisco defense on Monday night in prime time.


It has been a while since he has not thrown that many yards. I'm feeling good about that. And you know that I'm a big.


Kirk Cousins, so he's due. Okay, this is the point where Billy's writing the next bed on the big board because the big board is not big enough.


All right, the next one I wrote it very quickly is two gods. Kirk Cousins, over one and a half touchdowns tonight.


Billy expecting a big Viking tonight. Wow.


I saw that. The Minnesota Vikings are the only team to have 14 touchdowns and zero rushing touchdowns since like, I don't know when. Like 2000 and something. They haven't had a rushing touchdown this entire season, which is bad for Madison.


Since Cam Newton and Bo Nicks were teammates.




That's exactly right.


Salute to Alexander Madison.


Way to bring it full circle, Mikey.


Hold on a second.


Close the loop. All right, you got 20 seconds. Hold on a second.


What is it?


The Vikings plus six and a half. I was going to do the 49 ers minus six and a half just to throw you guys off, but I started seeing they haven't won that many games by six and a half points.


49 ers?




Can I add an oli to your BBB?


Please do. Do it quick.


Osborne over four catches tonight. Four catches. He will catch four catches.


All right. There it is. We love the Vikings.


I think my stat was wrong.


No idea. They're good football. God bless football, everyone.