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Listening to DraftKings Network.


God-bless football, Billy Gill.


God-bless football, Mike Yang.


God-bless football, Stugart.


You're happy to see Billy Gill back, Mike? We missed him last week. Very.


Yes. It was a long week of just me and you that I needed. I'm so happy to see.


Billy back. Feelings mutual, thanks. You're welcome. Did you have a nice week off?


Yeah, it was nice enough. Really? Yeah, I'm ready for the next one.


The next vacation?


Well, I mean, it was a week off from here, and my life doesn't stop. So my life.


Well, doesn't stop. I understand. But you're looking forward to your next vacation coming off of your last vacation.


That's how most... Well, I-I agree.


I think that's.


How it works. I didn't go anywhere, so I don't consider it a vacation. I really don't consider things a vacation unless I wear a bathing suit. Really? Yeah, is that just.


Like a- Put it on the pole, please. Juju, Mike Fultz, somebody. Does it feel like a vacation unless you put on a bathing suit? It's a.


Good question. I don't understand people who go on honeymoons and are not in bathing suits. The ruins will be there forever. They've been there forever. That's why they're ruins. Why do we need to go and spend our honeymoon looking at dilapidated buildings? I don't get it.


Put on a bathing suit.


Yeah, put on a bathing suit.


Go to the beach. Yeah. Have a cocktail with an umbrella coming out of it. That's right. That's what you're talking about, huh? That's a honeymoon. That's a vacation.




If you go skiing, though?


I mean, that's not a vacation.


It's not. It's work. Yeah, you're right. Well, no. Put it on the pole of skiing work.


I shouldn't say that's not a vacation. That's not a honeymoon. That's a winter getaway.


Okay. All right. Big week of football.


We do. I have an exciting announcement for you, Stugats. You do? Yeah, and Mike Quentez. All right. I have two new segments today. Actually, one is a segment we've already done. But I have two segments, but it's not going to be like any segment that we've ever done before on this show.


Really? Yeah. Okay, two.


Of them. Yeah, you want to know what they are? Yes. One of them is called Stats I stole from TV, which we've done before.




And the other one is called You Love to See It.


You love to.


See it. You love to see it, yeah. And this is the way that these segments are going to go. They're just going to be sprinkled in throughout the show today. The proceedings are just going to drop in. You don't know when, you don't know how, but it's going to happen, and then it's going to be like, Hey.


Something about You Love to See It made Mike Juventas smile immediately. It's a.




Segment. It's late in the day. He's tired, and still you made him laugh. I mean, it's unbelievable.


We've never done it before, but I feel like you'd love to see it's going to be a.


Good segment. I have a new segment as well. Do you? I do. What is it? It's this week's NFL MVP and this week's Super Bowl matchup. It might change next week. That's what fans do. I reserve the right to change it every single week if I want because I'm a fan. But I have my MVP, season long MVP based off of this last weekend's play and my new Super Bowl matchup.


How about that? Okay, so I had a question and then you answered it, and then you completely confused the answer because I feel like we've gone back and forth. So your MVP and the team that you think is a Super Bowl favorite is based on everything that's happened up until this point or just what happened this weekend?


Just this past weekend. Got it. Okay. It's my Super Bowl matchup based just on this past weekend. It's my MVP based just on this past weekend.


Well, so then we know there are at least four teams that are out of the running because they haven't played yet.


Correct. Well, I don't know. Okay. Debatable. I might be making some assumptions as to what's going to happen this evening.


Wow. Okay.


All right. Mikey. Yeah. Yeah. Zach Wilson. Chris Sims might have the last laugh, fellas. Who was that? You had Who was that? I've never seen that guy before. I have never seen him. We'll get to the Chiefs in a second. We'll get to the call in a second. The Cowboys look great last night, and it was an interesting weekend in the NFL. But Zach Wilson, that is a Zach Wilson we have never seen before. He was aware of pressure. He was making throws, making them quickly. They were accurate. He looked great yesterday. Dare I say great. He was great, Mike.


I have not seen that guy since he's been here. That was not Zach Wilson. That was someone else in the Zach Wilson mass. If he played like that, we're talking playoffs. We're talking deep run in.


The playoffs.


Agreed. Well, that was his third game, his third 300-yard passing game, two touch on zero interceptions.


It's the best game he's.


Played, though. He did have a fumble.


He did? What?


That was in the ring. In the ring. It was a rainy game. Yes, it was. By the way, CJ Stroud, concussion protocol was not having a good game. Metlife, turf, got another one, but Zach Wilson was actually my first you love to see it.


Really? Wow.


I'd love to see her from Zach Wilson. I do love to see her. I missed a lot of things last week, and one of the things that I missed last week was the whole, Zach Wilson, you're going to be a starter again? He's like, Maybe I don't want to be. Which is absolutely incredible. Of course, also, by the way, Robert Sala's beard is back.


It is. Quickly.


Yeah, like a Chia pet. That thing grows quick, man. Yeah, it does.


I don't like it.


You hate to see it.


I do.


Yes. Okay.


Yeah, that should be my new segment. I hate to see it.


Can we talk about the jets for a second? Not that we haven't talked about them and how good their defense is, but C. J. Strauss had what was a...


What's going on over there? I don't know. Fontas had something. He makes these faces. It distracts me. I have ADHD.


I'm doing double duty because it's just always funny how this thing devolves into a Jets podcast. No, it's only from the playoffs.


For the quarterback and nobody. Listen, there were three big stories yesterday from the NFL. One was Zach Wilson.


I don't think most people would consider that one of the big stories from the NFL.


Well, it was for me. The other was the Chiefs, okay? And the other one was the Cowboys last night. They finally got it done against the Eagles. The Chiefs, something's off in Kansas City. But Billy and I have been telling you that for a couple of years now, even while they won the Super Bowl.


We also were very early, and I feel like our first recorded mention of it was with Keishawn Johnson, but now everyone is coming along with what we were asking him, is the whole Eric B. Enemy situation. Now everyone's starting to say, Hey, Eric B. I mean, things look a little bit different without him there in Kansas City offensively. I know.


I mean, they won the Super Bowl last year. B'enemy was there last year. So it's not really Tariq Hill, it's Eric B'Enemy. He's looking good right now. I'm agreeing with you.


Well, he's hoping that that's the perception.


But he could always say, Hey, they won one without Tarik Hill. It's not Tariq Hill. As long as I'm there, we're fine. Take me out of the equation. Look at what happens. The Chiefs are going to have to go on the road for the first time in Patrick Mohom's career to win a.


Playoff game. Well, here's the thing about the Chiefs. The Chiefs now are only, what is it, one game ahead of the Broncos and the AFC West. The Broncos are presently out of the playoffs.


Yeah, and the Stealers are in, still.


I mean, look at the chief's schedule. Maybe there's a world of the chiefs missed the playoffs entirely. Lots of seven and six teams and six and seven teams this season. Why are.


You saying it like that? The way you just said it.


About the chiefs. Well, because here's the thing is that I had saved that. You love to see it from when we talk about the Broncos, and now I waste it too. You love to see it right away in the first second, which isn't what I wanted to do. Then I had a whole thing if we talked about it. I didn't think we were going to start with the jets, which was my fault because I'm doing this with two jets fans, and we always start with the jets. No matter what happens, we start with the jets. We do 20 minutes on the jets no matter what is going on with the jets. Right. I had all of these stats because C. J. Strauss did not look good yesterday. He did not. He got his concussion, but he got his concussion in the fourth quarter.


He did. He's in protocol. We'll see if he'll play next week, but all his wide receivers are hurt.


Well, he only had 91 yards. He had a 54-passer rating. But compared to some of the other notable quarterbacks against the jets defense, it was right on par. Josh Allen, his first time at a 62-passer rating. Patrick Mulhomes at a 63. Jaylen Hertz at a 59, Justin Herbert at a 65. Every quarterback looks bad against the Jets defense, which until you got this Zach Wilson, which is obviously your quarterback of the future, until you got this Zach Wilson, I was driving around just this weekend thinking, Man, what a shame the jets have been. Their defense is so damn good. So good. All they need is a quarterback. That's it. They had a quarterback that got injured, and they don't want to bring in another quarterback because in part, they're probably trying to protect the quarterback that got injured his ego a little bit, so they don't want to bring in a quarterback. And it's just an absolutely wasted season with this incredible defense, and you never know what's going to happen next season.


Although I will tell you that if Zach Wilson can continue to play like this down the stretch, it's not a wasted season. So at least they found that they're quarterback of the future, I think. If he continues to play like that, we'll see. Don't do this to yourself. I'm not going to do it. I've done it so many times. Don't do this. No, you're right.


Because here's the thing.


Don't do this. I'm going.


To do it, though. Even if he has a good rest of the season next year is Aaron's team. Two weeks from now might be Aaron's team. Who knows what's going on.


With them? Yeah, but the importance of a backup in the NFL now, you're seeing it in Cincinnati, you're seeing it in other places. It's important to have a... I mean, Browning is pretty good. He's not terrible.


Joe Borough, system quarterback.


Joe Borough needs to not let the Browning family get too comfortable in that suite because he may lose that suite very soon if things continue the way they're going for Browning.


That's a fair point. It's absolutely not. It is. No. If I'm Joe Burrow, I am making sure the Brownings are not getting too comfortable in that suite. Just a little reminder of how sweet.


It is. I think that's the way Joe Borough needs to play. Nice gesture for a week. Have them come in, invite them out of the cold. Why don't you enjoy the sweets, see how Jake does. What a great time for the entire family. Next week, your asses are back up in the cold outside.


I have a nosebleeds.


I'd put a nameplate if there's not one already there that says Joe Borough Sweet. Exactly, right. Permanent sweet, never leaving. Exactly right. By the way, checking out the Chief's record, Billy, you have at New England for the Chiefs, you have Home with the Raiders. That will be spicy. That will be spicy. You have Home with the Raiders. It will not.


Be spicy. Why? No game against the page is going to be spicy. Not even a little bit. They found their quarterback in Bailey's Abbey.


Get out of here. I mean, it might be spicy. You never know. You're going to Foxborough, Belichick, Chiefs aren't playing well, things are happening. Who knows? At New England, home with the Raiders, home with Jake Browning, Cincinnati. That's going to be a game.


79 % completion percentage.


Jake Browning. Yeah. And then at the chargers who I want to say Brandon Staley will no longer be the coach come the final week of the season, but who the hell knows at.


This point? He may not be the coach right now.


Right this second.


Yeah, on Monday afternoon.


Keep us posted. Yes, right this second. He may not be their head coach. Austin Echler, we think, will join us this week on God bless football. Why don't you guys.


Go ahead? How about Eric Bielomy with Austin Echler?


Oh, that'd be nice.


That'd be nice. Next week we're going to play top five destinations for Eric Bielomy.


Okay. Why not Washington?


Maybe it's on the list, maybe it's not. Find out next week.


I want to talk to you guys about the... Is Lucy joining us next segment?




Well, I'm asking you.


Yeah, she's going to join us. Do you want to take a.


Segment off? It was a yes or no question.


Yeah, she's joining us.


Okay, well, no, because I wanted to tease that after Lucy joins us, I will talk to you guys about the Chiefs and the Bulls and that controversial call late in the game there, Offsides. It was the greatest play that ever happened in the history of sports. Yeah. It's a fair way of describing it, right?


Yeah, it was all right. It was pretty good play. Yeah, you saw it happen. It happened on Sunday Night Football also.


Yeah, you're a rare four. Why? Welcome back.


And we're back.


I've been waiting for that for.


A week. Have you? Yeah. No one did it last week. I missed it.


Did Chris Cody do it last week?


Yes, he didn't.


No -.


Now we just got a conflicting report.


He did. He did on Monday. He did on Monday. Mike I said he didn't. He did do it. He didn't do it as well, I think as- That's what it is. He didn't do it like that. It was forgettable. Yeah, it was. You're welcome, Mike.


Thank you. I think that's a compliment to me.


It is a compliment to you. Hey, Lucy's with us. Yes, she is. We're very excited for that. We love Lucy.


Welcome, Lucy. Do you guys know where Lucy was this past weekend?


Our national championship.


That's exactly right.


Talk to us about it, Lucy. How was that experience? Did you cry?


I did cry. The actual game experience was phenomenal. It was just like if you took all the pageantry of college football and then matched with all the pageantry of the United States military, it was insane. Everything was a tradition. Everything was so cool. I've never seen a crowd war into it. I will say I feel very good about the state of our military and our government because no one wanted to talk to us while we were there. Literally, no one wanted to be on camera. And I was like, Good, that was probably the right choice. I think we're good as a country.


Well, hold on a second. Did you expect to go there and find the tailgating scene that you found at other places with beer, bongs, and stuff, like at Army, Navy?


I didn't expect all of that. But I talked about it on the main show, and someone who went to, I believe, West Point was like, You will find people just fine. It was a sold-out game. There were a ton of people there. We would walk somewhere and you could feel everyone just go the other direction because they did not want to be where the camera and the microphone was.


Interesting. Was it more.


- Yeah, we were standing in line next to somebody, and I literally heard him say to his friend, We have to stop talking. There's a camera here. And I was like, I'm not filming you. We're just in line.


Yeah, but they're talking about top secret stuff. I mean, stuff that we shouldn't be privy to. And so I understand their concerns. Yeah, it was the right choice.


It was absolutely the right choice.


Lucy, was Army, Navy more or less patriotic than Clemson?


I literally make the joke in the video. It was less patriotic than Clemson.


That's awesome.


There was no pledge of allegiance and there was no God bless America.


That was what Clemson. So it was less of a cult, I guess, is what we're trying to say. So you enjoyed it. Had you ever been to Army-Navy before?


No, I had never been before, and it was such a weird game, which was awesome. That's exactly the type of way I wanted the college football regular season to end with a safety. It was so fun. We tried to camp out in front of the cadets the whole time, and it was just like... It's hard to even describe just how intense it is, but it's an awesome environment. Anyone who's a sports fan or even a slightly patriotic should try to go to one of those games in.


Their lifetime. What were your expectations headed into Army, Navy, and did this exceed your expectations?


The game was way weirder than I thought. That was great. That was awesome. I thought that at least one person would talk to us, and we didn't get there yet, so did not exceed my expectations there. But in terms of just how the crowd was into it and the traditions and just those small things that you don't really notice on the broadcast of what's going on between breaks, it exceeded all my expectations. I cried when they were coming out because it was just so cool.


Stugat, so the Heisman trophy and other awards were handed out this weekend. I have an opinion and a take that I want to get Lucy's opinion on in regards to the Heisman. I also have in front of me the entire bowl schedule, and I'm wondering how many bowls Lucy will be going to, if she even knows that. And if maybe we can help her plan out her bowl schedule if she hasn't already done so.


Fantastic. Okay, so what's.


Your take? Well, so here's my take. So, Jaden Daniel has won the Heisman Trophy. In second place was Michael Pennex Jr from Washington. He finished second in the Heisman voting. Now, Lucy, I'm wondering your opinion on this, and this is one of the few things that I'm going to repeat on the main show later today because I want to know everyone's opinion on this. I think that if Michael Pennex had let everybody know that his suit was going to have all of his teammates and coaches on it, he would have won the Heisman. If he would have revealed that before the voting, the voters would have eaten that shit up, and they would have.


All voted for him. Lucy, before you respond, just to be clear, he's already said this on the main show. It's 5:00 in the afternoon. Anyway, yes, go ahead.


Yeah, I listen to the show when I'm not there for sure, so I do that. That's a great take. That is a really good take. The suit was so cool that honestly, yeah, the voters would have loved that so much. I like that take. I think it's good.


It was the buzz of the day. Anything that I saw on social media was that. I didn't even see a ton of Jayden winning the Heisman. I just saw the pictures of the suit everywhere.


This Heisman is going to… We're going to forget about it in three months, and we'll never think of it again. The suit is all we're going to remember, if I'm being totally honest. Right after the Heisman ceremony, they did a 30-for-30 on the '97 Heisman. It was so cool of just all the back and forth and how just historic all these players were. I was like, We're not going to feel that way about this one. This one's not going to.


Get a 30 for 30. No, but he deserved it.


He did deserve it, yeah. I think it went to the right guy. I think it was the absolute right award. It was just like sometimes you have a year where it's like someone is so extraordinary that you know they're going to get the Heisman, but that even makes it more exciting. It's like a Joe Bro in 2019, or it's a year where it's so competitive and you have no idea. But this one didn't really feel like that. I felt like Jaden Daniels was going to win. I think the mass consensus was that he was going to win. He's a really great player and really fun, but that wasn't a particularly great LSU team, so it doesn't lead to the same level of excitement that we're used to saying with the Heisman.


Lucie, it's funny. I was reading a story over the weekend that Michigan and Jim Harbaugh are working on an extension. He cheated.


But the only... It's not going to go through because the clause is he has to stop talking to NFL teams for this cycle. Not even the whole time just this cycle. There's no way he gives that up. He loves the thrill.


He loves it. The other thing I was thinking- Why do you.


Think that Michigan is upset about him cheating?


They're not. It's just funny that he cheated. They're in the college football playoff, and no one really cares. I find that part of it to be music. I don't know.


I care.


I know you care, but most people don't. Yeah, they don't. Most people want them to go to the championship and win it.


It's just like, Connor Sallian... I'm so disappointed at him. He just went off and hid, went to hiding. I was like, That's not you. You should be out doing something right now. Right. And so we're just like, We haven't had the next leg of the story because it just kept getting weirder and weirder until it stopped. But once the NCAA, gives their punishment, I think we'll carry it in.


Do we think Connor Sallian's got paid? Like, he is hiding because he is being paid.


To hide. Well, he's being investigated, too, right?


I mean, what investigation? Yeah, they.


Gaveboth of them. I think.


He made a lot of money.


No, I think he made a lot of money. He should also get a statue outside the stadium, outside the.


Big ass. He should get a statue directly behind another statue.


No, they should do it at a different stadium.


Oh, yeah, they should get-.


On the sidelines.


They should should so put Connor Stani to statues in all of the other stadiums.


That he went to. Until they get the statue set, they should do what we did during COVID, where they had the cardboard cut out of people. They should just get a bunch of them and bring them and leave one.


Everywhere they go. I love this idea.


And every stadium is just behind a post somewhere with sunglasses peaking out.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I love this. Exactly.


They're all hidden. Trench coat.


Yeah, they're all hidden.


They're all hidden.


They're all hidden. They're all hidden. I know what we're doing next year.


Putting up statues?


Yep. Oh, my God. We're going to get kicked out of so many places.




Great. Who cares?


Where is she going to get kicked out? I don't know. I mean.


To- Michigan is the only one who wouldn't.


It. You're right. Lucy, I want to ask you this question, though, okay? If I made this tiny change in college football, going back to the playoff from last week, everyone was outraged about it. We never got Billy's thoughts on it. But if I simply told you that Arch Manning was going to go to Florida State and could play in the BCS playoffs, do you think Florida State gets in? Oh, I love that.


Not even a shadow of a doubt. Absolutely. They jump up to the one seat.


I agree. There should be... Like, Billy, if you transfer, there is a transfer. There's a portal window in December, but you can't play for that team and it's ball game like that season. But if you changed it around in the event that this happens again, where a quarterback could say, Oh, Jordan Travis is hurt. I'll go to Florida State. I'll play in their ball game. Right, Lucy? That would save. That would.


Fix it. So hold on a second.


That might be your best take ever.


You have essentially a transfer portal trade deadline for playoff teams. Yes. Okay.


Exactly. A special portal.


Okay, well, I mean, but it would also add to the level because Texas is in. So he would be leaving one playoff team for another playoff team.


He'd be leaving a playoff team, a playoff portal.


Well, actually, Texas might not... Oh, man, could you imagine? So he leaves Texas, and then they're no longer in the playoffs because F. S. Hue is in. So his team would have been in the playoffs, but because he's not a starter and there was an injured quarterback, he's now the starter on a team. And him making that move is removing his old team that didn't start him from the playoffs.


Willy, that's how you do it. You can only transfer between other playoff teams. Playoff teams can transfer to playoff teams.


Well, no, but he'd be screwing his current team because they didn't start him. Even better.


They have viewers, though.


Yeah, they didn't need him at all.


This year. No, I know, but in this situation of four, if F. S. 2 gets in, I guess Alabama still wouldn't have been out. Let's be real.


No, Alabama was getting in. They would.


Have picked Arch Manning over Alabama.


Really? And over Texas?


Not over Texas. No, so Texas is already in, but Arch Manning didn't play there. I know, but there's- I know, but he leaves, he goes to.


Florida State. All right, guys, listen. But in this scenario, only four teams can get there, right? So one of either Texas or Alabama is getting out, right? Yeah. If Bam is out, then there's no SCC team, and then that conspiracy is out the window.


Yeah. Nexus is an SCC team next year.


They have fixed it. No, but they're talking about this year, Lucy.




Kicking out Washington.




Kicking out Washington.


I like that. He probably would. No, but I specifically chose Arch Manning because of the last name. I'm not certain if any of the other backup quarterbacks from another team go to Florida State, they get in. But Arch Manning.


They get in. He looks good in those three passes.


He threw.


Electric in the spring game.


Three passes. So how many ball games are you going to? And how do we get you to more of them?


So right now, the plan is to go to three slash four.




Are for sure going to... I'm going to the Duke Mayo's Bowl.


Very soon.


Nice. My dad is coming with, so that'll be fun.


Who's playing in that game?


It's going to be UNC in West Virginia. Not a particularly fun game, but how special would it be to see Mac Brown get dunked in a tub of mail? That's all I need. I would be happy for the rest of the time.


Worth it.


Going to the Orange Bowl, Georgia, Florida State, and then going to the Orange Bowl, which is Alabama, Michigan.


And then.


Hopefully the next.


Championship game. Choosing the better game.


Are you going to the national championship game?


We're really trying. I'm manifesting it by saying it out loud.


I like that.


If it was Alabama, Florida State without Manning, okay? Do you think you would choose that game? I'm sorry, Michigan, Florida State. No, you would go to the other game.


Right. Yeah, we would have gone to Texas.


Washington, for sure. That's the case. The committee got it right. They gave us what we wanted. They did. They gave us Michigan, Alabama, and the Rose Bowl for the right to play for a national championship. How amazing is that? It's going to go so hard.


I'm so excited.


It's a month away and you're already getting goosebumps.


I cried when we got the approval for the credential.


I'm just so excited.


Just the approval.


Can we get you to theroofclaim. Com? Can we get you to theroofclaim. Com? Can we get you to the roofclaim. Com, Boca Ratone Bowl? I mean, that's in town. When is it? It's December 21st. Yeah. There's local bowl games that we could get you to for more.


Fun, right? Yeah, but she's not.


In town, though. Why not? Where's she going to be?


I'm in town. I leave the 23rd. Happy birthday to my brother on the 21st. He would love for me to go to the Boca Raton Bowl without him for.


His birthday. Theroofclaim.


Com, Boca Raton. If you need a place to stay, that's where I live, Lucy. I got you, okay? Okay. Experience my commute the next morning. All right, Lucy, we appreciated. Anything else, Billy?


No, I'm just going over the bowl games. I'll run these by Lucy at a later date. All right.


Yeah, we'll go to more. Four seems small.


Okay. Take the playoff portal take. It's yours. You can have it. Okay, use it wherever you want on whatever platforms you want. It's all yours. It's my gift to you on this Monday afternoon. That is the.


Best gift ever. It is your finest work, sir.


It is the season.


Thank you, Lucy. We will talk to you next weekend. Thank you for joining us.


Bye, guys. See you.


And we're back.




Yeah, not as good as him. You're right. He's the greatest at it, Mikey.


Can't top it. Can we have an offair meeting on air?




I don't love starting Monday with the God bless football. What? I don't know. I want to do something a little different. What? I don't know.




Think about it.


What do you mean, we'll think about it? We're obligated to do this.


No, not the show. I'm just saying the intro to the God bless football.


Oh, okay. Yeah. All right. You want to show up and.


We're back? No, not and we're back.


But that's the brand. Right. You got to stick with the brand.


Yeah, but we do that on a Friday. I want to spice things up a little bit. You want a Monday brand? Yeah, I've also been thinking about changing the music. Really? Yeah. On Mondays. What? Yeah.


I love the music.




Yeah, just Mondays. Just Mondays. The Friday music is fantastic.


It is, but we're a little rebranding.


You have a little vacation. You come back with all these new ideas. That's what happens.


They've been bouncing around in my head for a little bit, and now they came out of my mouth.


When you come back from vacation, what does because you were ready to conquer.


The world. I'm not. I was.


Just tired. And then halfway through the first day back, you're like.


Forget it. 100 %. And all of management from the entire company is in town this week, so my energy is down. But it's also asking season, you know what I mean? Yeah.


How management of you to come back from vacation to be like, Guys, change all this stuff. I was thinking about it.


Change all this. The only reason he.


Came back. He started asking for things like, Hey, you.


Know what?


Let's use like $40,000 on music if we can, guys.


It's asking season.




Right. You ask.


For stuff. Get a phone line first.


It's no season, really.


Can we get a phone line, Juantes? Do we have a phone line yet? They installed a phone line for JuJu. What do you mean? You're getting to it?


Juju for what?


Well. Wake and take.


He did wake and take.


Well, I'm okay with JuJu doing that. I have no problem. I have no issue with JuJu doing wake and take. But where was the phone line installed?


It's a Studio A.


Connector thing. Oh, the big studio. Okay. But how about.


This studio? I mean, we asked for it before Football C-.


I'm getting to it. The reason Billy wanted to do a Monday morning football show was because he wanted to take phone calls from.


Around the country. That's a 100 % true. The Monday idea came from getting people to vent about their teams blowing games because I thought it would be hilarious. And then by week, whatever it is.


Yeah, so you're the reason we're here every day at 6:45.


At night. Well, not exactly.


5:30 at night.


Exactly. Oh, sorry. It's 4:30 in the afternoon.


Anyways, football.


Billy, did you see the Chiefs Bills game?


I did see the.


Chiefs Bills game. And what did you make of that call? The Chiefs, Patrick Mohom, is making a big deal. He's blaming people. Things are falling apart. They're unraveling in Kansas City. I told you it was going to happen. Okay, people are starting to point fingers. But what did you make of the call just in general? Because it was a great play, makes the pass to Kelsey. Kelsey throws the lateral pass to Cedarius, Tony. Tony scores. That moment was stripped of that moment. It's taken away from all of us because those are the rules.


Well, I mean, the flag was thrown before the play played out. As soon as the ball was snapped, the flag was thrown. So it wasn't like it was a late flag that was thrown as a result to intentionally screw them. Now, Caterius, Tony, had a rough game because he also had a dropped wide-open pass in the second quarter. This is a thing about the rule, and this is a stat that I stole from TV last night. All right. All right, Sunday Night Football.


This is part of the segment.


This is sprinkled in. This season, offensive offsides up until... Well, when they reported this time, it was 11 times, and it happened in the Sunday Night Football game also. It has been called 12 times as opposed to two times last year. This apparently was a point of emphasis this season was lining up an offensive offsite. Andy Reed and Patrick Mulholland were upset because they thought they should have just gotten a warning. That's, I guess, how they've done it in the past.


There's a lineman who's holding his hand saying you can't go past this line.




And yesterday- This is the line you don't go past, and he went past it. What they're upset about is they've been getting away with this for years, and now they're.


Calling it. Well, so here's an interesting wrinkle. The play that it was called on last night on Sunday Night Football was the tush-push. The NFL has been trying to get rid of the tush-push. Are we calling this more to maybe get rid of the tush-push a little bit? And it came in and bit the chees in the butt?


In the tush.


In the tush. Yeah, it was right there.


I know you missed it. Wow. It was right there. He never misses those.


It's a late Monday. Yeah, and you're.


Coming on vacation.


That's what it is. You think.


You're sharp or not. I already got some noes. Drays for.


The umbrella.


Yeah, exactly. No music budget for us.


5:30 in the afternoon. Yeah. Long day, you know?


Here's another stat, by the way, in regards to the Chiefs.


We didn't answer.


Your question. I don't know what my question was. Here's another stat in regards to the Chiefs. They've dropped the ball 33 times, which leads the League.


Yeah, they have. The receivers have not been great. No, not at all. But they won a Super Bowl. Go ahead, Mike.


I was just going to say what you guys were talking about Eric B. Enemy being the reason that they're offensive. Last I checked, Eric B. Enemy never dropped the pass. Maybe that's not the problem. No, the problem is they have nobody you can... I mean, Cedarius, Tony might be the best athlete and the worst football player I've.


Ever seen.


Wow. That's a top five if I've ever heard one.


I would like that top five. You're welcome.




Welcome. Counterpoint? Eric Bielme would have had them disciplined and they would not be dropping all these passes.


Yes. Would Eric Bielme have them getting separation? Because that's what the problem is. They have nobody who can make any room in there, and when they do, they drop it.


Well, until this team wins a Super Bowl without Eric Bielme, he could always say they never won a Super Bowl without me. He can't. Tariq Hill can.


Not say that. Can we talk about how bad the Bills are at running the clock?


They're bad, yeah. That was horrendous.


The fact- What.




Did, yes.


The fact- At the end.


Of the game, yes. The fact that McDermott and Josh Allen somehow botched that and even gave the Chiefs a chance to get back in that was insane.


You could have ran the ball twice. They have to use both their timeouts to get to the two-minute warning.


Yes, I agree. It is 2:17 left on the clock. It's 3:10. The bills get sacked for a loss. That should run the clock to the two-minute warning. Somehow the bills get bailed out because Kansas City Chiefs get called for illegal contact, which is an automatic first down. The Chiefs only have two timeouts, but at 2:17, you run the ball, it takes you to the two-minute warning. You run it again, they waste the time out. You run it one more time, they waste the time out. You've wasted time. So instead, what happens is they get the first down. Two minutes and 12 seconds left, first intending complete pass takes two seconds off the clock. Two minutes and 10 seconds left in the game. Another incomplete pass. They've wasted four seconds. 2:06, third and 10, they have a one-yard completion and gets a two-minute warning. They completely botched handling that and giving Kansas City the.


Ball back. Counterpoint.


The last time the Chiefs and Bills went toe to toe like this at the end, Patrick Rehom got the ball back and just went down and scored. They were thinking, We need a touchdown to win this game.


Maybe. I was thinking what Billy was thinking at the time, I have to be honest with you. What is he doing? He's passing the ball.


Listen, you got to get the clock moving, at least. And the first pass was a screen pass. You got to catch the ball, Stephan Diggs. You got to catch the ball, Stay in bounds, and then it doesn't matter. It was essentially a run play.


Yeah, no, it's a fair point. They did throw that little bubble screen to Dix. He dropped the ball. That really ruined the flow and momentum of what they were trying to do there. It was a running play.


Did that win save McDermott his job for like - For now. -until the next loss?


Yeah, well, they're not in the playoffs yet.


No, they're in the hunt. But man, he had a bad week last week. He did. The story came out where he was referencing 9/11 in 2019. Why is he still there?


Well, I mean, listen, they fired... He got rid of his defensive coordinator. He's calling the defensive plays. No. Then they got rid of the offensive coordinator and someone replaced Kenny Dorsey. That's what happens. You get the D coordinator, then the L coordinator, then the next person is you, okay? But that win saved him. Mr. Teams, look out. But that win did save him. Listen, it was terrible. The fact that he did it in 2019, that he said it, that he thought it, that he actually expressed it out loud. Now, we did say he apologized for it back in 2019, but it does make you question his judgment. As a leadership of MET, it does make you question his judgment.


No, and also, if you're the bills, you're like, Why are we keeping this guy around? What is there to gain from.


This situation? They've been so bad for so long, and they're relevant with Sean McDermott. That's all I could.


Think of. But they blew this window.


Well, we'll see. They beat the chief. They have the Cowboys coming up, at least at the home. They have the Chargers, they have the patriot, and then they have a game of the Dolphins down here.


Things get spicy with those patriot.


I know, spicy with the patriot. Then they have the Dolphins down here.


Patrick Mohom, stop screaming at the referee. Sorry, I felt like we weren't going to get back to it. Stop screaming at the referee.


No, I'm glad we got back to it. That was the big game.


You guys have you guys line up on side.


Right, there were two big games yesterday. It was the Bulls in Kansas City. It was the Eagles in Dallas. How about.


Follow the rules? That was a thing that I found hilarious during the postgame. He's complaining about the ref, even though he admits that Tony was offside. He was offside. Yeah, there's nothing else to it other than do with the refs. He lined up offside.


Him and Andy Reed were both basically like, Why didn't they let us cheat? I don't get it. They should have let.


Us cheat. They should have let us cheat more.


They should have just let us cheat. Why do we have to follow the rules? I don't get it. We're the chiefs. Why do we follow the rules?


Taylor Swift's up there, right?


Taylor Swift's up there. Oh, wait till that happens. You'll see. If it's not happening already in Kansas City, it's about to happen. What is? Taylor Swift.




Does that mean? She's wrecking the.


Tea, influencing the games. Yeah.


I feel like Taylor Swift needs to come out and make a statement on that play and support the officials for following the rules or ruining the brand.


That would.


Be smart. Taylor Swift can't come out and be pro-cheating. I'm just saying.


Right, it's true.


She's got to come out with a song about it, Billy. Not just a statement, but a song.




Offsides. Yeah. About lining up offsides.


Get on that, Mikey. A lot of.


Things were wrong with Tony.


I want to.


Hear what that song would sound like. So Sunday Night Football is a stinker, huh?


Yeah, but the Cowboys did what the Cowboys had to do. I mean, everyone said beat a good team. They beat a good team. They beat the Eagles. They beat the Eagles. Now, the Eagles still control their fate in that division, meaning they went out, the Cowboys went out, the Eagles still won that division. But Yeah, the Cowboys look like a really good football team last night.


Is that true? Yeah. I think the Cowboys are first in the division right now.


Let me check it out. They probably have a time breaker now.


They have the tie breakers? Yes, but.


The Eagles have more games against division opponents. So if the Eagles win out, they'll still-.


They'll still make it.


They'll take the division. So why are we even bothering putting Dallas as a two-seed right now if the Eagles ultimately are ahead of them?


Well, I.


Mean- Because they control their own death, they can still got to win the games. Right.


No, I don't like that.




Anyway, Dallas- I mean, if they both win out, the Eagles are ahead of them. Why are we have them as a number two seed right now? It doesn't make.


Any sense. They should be the two seed now. I get it.


I don't know that the Eagles are that good.


Really? I'm not certain there's a great team in the NFL.


I'm a 49ers. The 49ers are probably.




Closest. The 49ers are really good when.


They're healthy. When they're healthy. You saw what happened last year. They didn't even have a quarterback.




Is that?


I don't know.


It's never good on Sunday Night Football when they do the game balls at the end of the game and a kicker is the one that's one of the ones featured to get the game ball. Oh, my God.


We buried the lead. There was a three-nothing game, a shootout.


Oh, my God. How did we.


Miss that? No, we're not talking about that game. How did we miss that? Josh Dobbs, how?




Pastronaut. We're not talking.


About that game. We're not talking about that game. Delivering me some big ten football on a Sunday.


We are not talking about thatPatts not got benched.


He needed to.


nick Mullins.


Who was it? Nick Mullins. It was nick Mullins. Was it really? Yeah, Southern Missouri's own.


Oh, my God. We're not talking about that game. Southern Mississippi, sorry. Greg Joseph had a 36-yard field goal. That was the entire game. That was it. That was the game. And he missed one earlier in the day, one of two. I love.


How we were on this Josh Dobbs thing for half the year. He had won three games all year. He's been a journeyman for his whole career. We were all.


About it for a while. Wasn't it Josh Dobbs, who at the beginning of the year had the viral video going around where he was on the Cardinals and he couldn't even buy his own jersey in the team store?


Yeah. And then they traded him.




All right, two brand new segments from Billy Gill and a brand new segment for me and a top five from Mike Juventz. Next.


We're wrapping up the show today. Yeah. We still have a lot to get to.


We do.


We have my BillyBets Big Boards brought to you by to get to. I was out last week. I was out last week. Mike EA has some picks that he wants to give you because he was three in a last week.


We have two games tonight.


We do have two games tonight. Mike Fontez didn't have anything for us today because he was a little bit sensey because he says people say that he talks too much. We talked him into having something for us, so he put that together.


Who are these people that-.


I don't know who these people are. They're not me. Okay. Maybe we'll see some of those people tonight at our watch party if you're in the Miami area, the greater Miami area or you have access to a plane that can get you to the greater Miami area by eight o'clock tonight, come and hang out with us at Dolphins Mall. We're going to be watching some Monday Night Football. There's two games tonight.


Just a couple of hours away.


A couple of hours away. If you have access to a plane, you can get here by 8:00, feel free to join us.


We'd be happy to see you. Let's jump on the PJ.


Yeah. Stugatz also has his, I believe, top five teams that are going.


To win the Super Bowl. No, it's not top five. I have based off of this weekend's performance, I have this past weekends, I have my Super Bowl matchup, and I have my MVP of the NFL. Oh, great.




Sorry, I was confused about that. And Fletas is a top five here. Yeah. Top five places where RIF-RAF get together.


I also have two guys here. I don't know if you want to get to it. We don't have to get to it, and I can just show you off air. And maybe we'll just do that and it'll be a little secret between you and I. What? Well, I still have some of my You love to see it that we never got to. No, let's get through them. Well, we don't have to. We can just- I want to go.


I want to go. You can't do that to the audience. You can't do that. They've been waiting for you to come back for a week. You can't do that.


To them. Here's a little tease. Here's a little tease that you love to see it. Okay. This Saturday, Saturday games are back. Nfl Network triple header.


You love to see it. You have to say it like that. Love a good Saturday game. Oh, my God. I love a couple of Saturday games.


One o'clock, four o'clock, eight o'clock, and then we get to rinse repeat on Sunday?


Yes, please.


I don't know why I said it like that.


You have to.


Even though Vikings, Bengals, I don't know how good that game is going to be. And Steeler's Colts is going to be an atrocity.


I mean, the Steeler's Colts, that's for the playoffs. Both teams are in the playoffs right now. Both teams are in the playoffs.


I like watching the Colts.


I was going to say I like watching the Colts, I like watching The Bucks. Those are the two teams I love to watch. And as I told you a couple of weeks ago, I feel like they're the exact same team. They have different records, but they're the exact same team. Love the Colts, love the Bucks. Then Nightcap.


I love this one.


Bronco's Lions. We told you here exclusively, watch out for the Broncos. We did. The Broncos are knocking on the door, as we mentioned earlier, and you love to see it, Broncos are only a game behind the Chiefs. You're right. Broncos might make the playoffs. Broncos were a disaster at the beginning of the season. They were. The Lions were flying high. The Lions have looked terrible lately. They're bad. Yeah. They're bad.


Dan Campbell, Hotseat?


Wow, he should have gotten to Texas A&M. Dan Campbell should have gotten to Texas A&M. You heard it here first. He should have taken that money. They settled for Elko.


What? Elko is our friend.


Well, no chance we're ever going to throw Mike Elko again. Get out.


Of here. He's coming on this week. What do you mean? Is he really? Yeah.


But you've been saying that for the.


Past three weeks. No, but, Billy, he's coming on.


This week. Every week he's been coming on.






Been on.


Well, that was pre- with.


Duke, yes.


That was pre-ANM money.


Pre-oil money.


He's coming on with Golec this week. Me, him, Golec, you. It's going to be glorious. Anyway, anything else you have for us before we get to Mike Fletis's top five?


Here's another you love to see it.




All right, so we were just talking about the Bucks a second ago. So Cate Auden won the game-winning touchdown from Baker Mayfield. Cate Auden and Pukunuku, both no gloves, but the little tape around their knuckle here and then the mid and then the bottom of the finger, love to see it. Love to see a receiver with that weird wrestler's tape around their fingers. The tape job, yeah. Love a good TJ.


You have to finish it by saying, Love to see it. Love to see it. Yeah, exactly.


It's a work in progress. We're still figuring it out.


I do like the segment. Anything else you have?


No, that's all. My favorite thing is how it's a segment, but it's sprinkled through the whole show. So it's really not a segment. It's more just a thing you say and it.


Comes to a sprinkle. It's a sprinkled feature.


It's just out there.




Loves the sprinkle.


Like Sprinkles. Not a big fan of sprinkles, if I'm going to be honest with you.


Really? Yeah. Yeah. That's shocking. Really? Most people are.


They just don't really contribute anything. It's just like empty sugar. Not really a flavor, they're just texture. Listen. I'm with Billy.


I am never going to be anti-sugar. You're not going to get me on that train. So the empty sugar thing is not the argument. The anti-sugar train. For me, it's just they don't really taste like much. They don't really contribute a lot. They're hard. Too waxy. Yeah, exactly. Then when you put them on ice cream, they get even harder. That's like a gummy bear. I love a gummy bear, but a gummy bear on ice cream is a bad call, exactly, right? -it becomes a rock.


-you start chewing on it. Yeah, it's terrible.


I hate gummies.


Yeah, that's.


A false. That's the biggest lie I ever told.


On the show. What are you talking about? Anyway, Mike Fontas, your top five is what?


This is the top five that, for some reason, you're walking by me the other day, and you go, Hey, Mike, give me top five places where riffraff congregate. I didn't have a definition of riffraff. I didn't know where you were getting at. I'm just said, you know what, stew? I got you. I don't.


Know what it is, but I got you. I got you.


I think you brought up 7-11 or something.


Yeah, exactly. That's a... You're getting ahead of me now. Sorry. Number five on the top five places that attract RIF-RAF is bus stops.


Let's be clear. I don't like this. Let's be clear. I'm not saying unhoused people. I don't like this. They're fine. I'm talking about guys from the Michael Jackson beat it video.




People that are out for trouble.


I don't like this.




Looking to-Did this come up on air or this is just a private conversation? It was just a private conversation.


Number four, your local dive bar.


The fans.


Are going.


To love this.




Our show. But if we get that music budget, we could put some music behind it, it's going to be dope.


There you go. It's asking the season. There you go. Number three.


The local 7-11 slash Cornerstone.






By the Hot Dog stand.


Exactly. No, just right outside, right by a.


Lottery sign. That Hot Dog stand gets a bad rap. I will eat one of those hot dogs. I don't care. No, you won't. Yes, I will. I love hot dogs.


No, you will not. Yes, I will. Not one of those.


Why not? Because they've been.


Sitting there for a week. Who cares? They're heated.


It's fine. By a week, I'm being generous.


They're constantly moving, so nothing can get on them. That's what it is.


Number two. Number two.


We know this from the Clevelander. Parking garages.




Refref. Number one, the unseated will never be unseated. Number one, gas stations.


Gas stations in 7-11 are like the same type of category.




Don't know. If I have a choice, I'm going to 7/11 over gas station.


This is a terrible top five. If you need gas, you're going to a gas station. Yeah, this is a bad... A terrible top five. Yeah, and it was like, I don't even know.


It was yours. You had a.


Week to prepare for this. And you asked us to do this. We didn't even want it.


I didn't want.


To do it at all. You tried to force this on air. It was weird. Anyway, who's winning the MVP this year?


So I have my MVP just based off of last weekend's play.


Oh, wow. Is that Brandon Aubrey?


No, he should be in consideration now. He's so good.


He should be in the 60 yard or 59 yard or 45 yard or 50 yard or 30 for 30 this season. 28-year-old rookie.


He's never missed a kick in the NFL. Not yet.


Are you going to request him? This is so an our guest type thing.


What, Brandon Aubrey? Yeah. He's on my fantasy team.


Is he really? Yeah. How did you end up with that? You picked him up week three or something. I just picked the kicker. No, you didn't draft him. I didn't.


Draft him. He was on the waiver wire and the Cowboys score a lot of points. I'm like, All right, I'll take that guy. You had another kicker.


He was on by. Aubrey was there. You're like, I'll take this guy. He ended up working out. Something like that.


Yeah, it worked out. I mean, he's won me games. The guy's been incredible.


He dropped 22 on me yesterday.


Why do you want me to request Aubrey?


Or why.


Do you think I'd request? We never had a kicker on before.


Because he's a 28-year-old rookie. He came from the US. Fl. He hasn't missed the field goal all season. But what happens is, first of all, he had a glow-up yesterday. Now, a lot of people will want to talk to him because now everybody knows his story. Also, on the off chance that we do get him, he will go and he'll miss three kicks in a row or something. Because that's exactly what happened to Young Waiku. We were going on and on about, Oh, my God. He now has a career. But we never had him on, though. No, but he got the whole, He passed Justin Tucker. He's the career leader and field goal percentage. This is such an incredible story. Boom, yesterday, he misses two field goals.


Yeah. So anyway, he's not my MVP. Wow. Aubrey. Wow, shocker. It's Doug Presca. Doug Presca. Just based off of this past weekend's games, okay? And my Super Bowl matchup this week could change next week. But for this week, it's the Cowboys and Dolphins.


The Dolphins haven't.


Played this week. He said to yourself, The Dolphins haven't played this week. Billy just said it to me. They're going to beat the Titans. They're going to beat them at home. They're going to beat them tonight by a lot. And the Dolphins will be tied with the Ravens for that one C. They have a regular-season game coming up in a few weeks. That will likely decide home field advantage to the playoffs. But as it stands today, the Ravens, I was not that impressed with yesterday. They did what they had to do. They figured out a way to win. That's what the Ravens did. But I think the Dolphins are a better team. So as it stands today, I have a Dolphins-Dalas Cowboy Super Bowl.


How about that?


You think that the Ravens are sitting around going like, Man, thank God we hired the right hardball. They're like, We got the good one.


Is Jim... What? Jim's not a bad coach.


No, he's a good coach. Yeah, but John got to Super Bulls, you're always good.


So did Jim, though? Jim got to a Super Bulls in play. Did Jim go.


To a Super Bulls? He lost, but did he win it?


Did he win it? John won one, okay. He won one.


And he's in it every year.


Against Jim. He's not in the Super Bowl. He's in contention every year. That counts. And John did beat Jim. So that settles that.


There you go. It's over. I don't.


Know about that. John beat Jim. No, John beat Jim, Billy. That's it. That's it.


It's over. Jim cannot be in contention for a Super Bowl every year because he coaches in college.


I know.


That sounds like that's his problem.


But the one time they coached against each other in a Super Bowl, John beat Jim.


I remember because we were doing sports bank at the time and we were playing a game of Jim or John.


Yes, sports bang. All right, let's get to Billy's big board bets. Mikey has him, too. Mikey was three and a in Billy's last week. Will I start with Mikey or Billy here.


I think this is what we should do. Let's rotate because then it buys me time to write on the thing all the time. Okay, perfect. I'll go first because I already wrote one down. My first one this week, Raheem Mostard, anytime touchdown. Love it.


I like it. I like it. Leads the NFL on touchdown.


Go ahead, Mikey. He doesn't, but...


Well, he's tied.


For four. All right, my first one. Saquon Barkley, over 70 and a half yards rusher.


All right. Giant take it on the Packers.




All right. Lions better watch out. Here comes the Packers. I can't believe I'm saying they lost Aaron Rogers. Here comes the Packers. Why can't my organization.


Be like that? It's so weird that they're going to end up making the playoffs and Aaron's.


Not, right? They're going to win the Super Bowl.


They're not going to win the.


Super Bowl. We'll see next week.


Right now it's Dallas. All right, my next one. Tyree Kill, over 106.5 receiving you all.


I'm going to give you the MVP.


Now, of the 12 games, he's only done it seven times, but I feel like this is going to be a big day for him. Here's my concern with and why I don't have any two prop bets on here, is that their stats are a little bit lower than they should be because they sit a lot when they blow teams out. So anyways, keep things moving.


Correct, and they could blow Tennessee out tonight. Go ahead, Mikey.


Well, he went with a receiving one, so will I? Romeo Dubes over 45 and a half yards.


I think it's Dobes. That's fun. Nope, Dubes. Dubes. All right, athletes that can't handle it.


I have no idea.


I'm just saying it.


It's Dobes. It's fine. It's Dobes. Yep, go ahead, Billy.


All right, my last one. Will Levis, over half an interception today. Okay. He's only throwing two interceptions on the season. One was in week nine, one was week ten, so it was a long time ago. I just have a feeling tonight's the night, there's going to be an interception on the Dolphins.


All right, Billy loves the Dolphins tonight. Mikey, you got five seconds go.


Jordan Lueve, over nine and a half yards rushing.