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All right, boys, I was here for the turk off yesterday, but I was in the back. I wasn't on the show. I've been in the midst of a three-day water fast. I feel like you're a guy that is into water fast like that occasionally.


I am somebody who's just been recommended a three-day fast, just bone broth.


Bone broth sucks, by the way. -have you ever.


Had bone broth? -i've never had bone broth. Isn't that to get rid of cancer stuff? I've heard if you go three straight days, that's cancer.


It's seven days. If you do seven days of water-only fast, you eliminate a lot of the cancer cells. I don't know what the exact percentage is. Everybody's different. But there's certain aspects of fasting that are super healthy for you. It resets your immune system, helps with a lot of stuff. But yesterday during the turkoff was one of my moments where I was like, Damn, I'm in day two of day three. I'm going to end today the fast today. The last food, solid food that I had eaten was Sunday night. Your boy is hungry. I saw Roy's turkey and I just staring at it. I was just looking at it like, My mouth is watering, just talking about it right now. I just.


Feel like one bite of turkey. What could that have harmed in your fast? Everything.


Okay. It breaks my fast.


The point of the fast is to give your digestive system total emptiness and no fatigue. Make it stop working for a while so that you can replenish without it having to do anything. And if you give it any... There are a couple of things you can do, like lemon or aloe and stuff that won't interfere with it. But if you put any sugar or any food in it, it's not.


Just- Spikes your insulin. Is that what we're talking.


About here? Just squeezing in lemon.


Is that what we're talking about here? Just some water, mix it up a little bit.


Cyan and pepper. Bone broth is also okay for whatever the reasons are. A lot of people are swearing by the intermittent fasting of 16 hours and throwing in the occasional two or three-day fast. Billy doesn't have time for any of that.


This is just the latest fad and a bunch of fads. In three years from now, we're going to find out that's not actually how it works, because that's what happens with all of these. It's like, Oh, you're not supposed to eat bread. Oh, you can only eat bread. You're not supposed to be this. You're not as well you can only eat that.


What are you doing? Whatever happened to breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


It's a lie.


It's bullshit.


It was dairy industry. They were trying to make it happen. It's bullshit.


You guys are aware, right? I'm not breaking news to anybody. Maybe I am to somebody listening to this that the word breakfast is to break the fast. What? Yep.


Out of boy, Daniel. Good teammates. This guy's been listening to a lot of stuff.


I like that, Dan. Right. That's to Dan's point. I fast every day when I'm sleeping. Then when I wake up, I break that shift.


Who was that? It sounded like Jim Carey from Ace Ventura. Yeah, it was. That's exactly what.


It was. I get that too.




Channeled that.


Tony, how have you felt?


Terrible, Dan.


Do you feel weak?


Here's the thing. I was also working out pretty hard during the fast just to really rev up the system. But last night I was struggling. My wife got food and I was just staring at her food. She's like, Can you please leave because you're making me uncomfortable?


Well, the good news is we still have turkey.


It's in the refrigerator. I'm going to break my fast with Roy's Turkey. That's how much respect I put on Roy's name right now.


Thank you. Roy, we have to. Now that you're the reigning champion, we have to figure out a way to do this again because Roy has said, and I don't know where this ranks for you in terms of crowning achievements of your lifetime, but you are a proud cook, you're a good cook, and you won while handcuffed because you're of the belief that if you had gotten the turkey that you wanted to get that didn't have to be brined twice, that you would have made an even better turkey than the one that is universally being applauded in a way that has shown Grace from Greg Cody that I've never seen from him in his lifetime.


Oh, absolutely. I think that it would have been probably five times as better.


I like the idea of my dad would have said that's his specialty. Roy, we can all pick our specialty. Then Roy is like, Yeah, I'll make that better than you.


Roy, I don't know what's more amazing there, that you came up with a totally made up stat.


Oh, it was absolutely made up.


Five times, or that you did it with the poor English of five times is better, which is not in any way correct.


Well, I didn't want to go ten times. That seems like it was too much.


Maybe twice as good. That made up stat of the day is brought to you by Venmo. Your money, your move. Really?


That's the stat of the day?


Way to go, Chris.


That is the stat of.


The day. Look at Chris Cody rallying. Chris Cody rallying with a sponsored made-up stat of the day with Five Times is Better. He's five times as better as Mike Ryan. He's Chris Cody, executive producer.


In training.


Except we can't use it.


That's right.


I think we still have to do it tomorrow because it was postgame.