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You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong.


Oh, you're so wrong. You're so wrong.


I think Amine is going to He's shocked by how wrong he was earlier in the show.


About the- The decimal?


The ostrich is more than twice as fast as the road runner. The ostrich is the fastest of the birds. The roadrunner is the fastest of the birds that take flight. But what are you disputing this? What's the matter? What are you making faces about?


It was a joke because of a cartoon character named the Roadrunner who goes, Meep, meep. Someone said meep meep. Someone on the internet was like, Actually, I looked it up and they actually don't run that fast. Stop taking everything so goddamn literally. It's a joke based on a cartoon character that says meep meep.


But did you actually think the Roadrunner was fast? I did.


No, I was talking about the one that we're about to throw on the screen right now.


Obviously, that's what you're talking about. I know there are real ones, but I assume because of the cartoon that the actual Roadrunners are of the fastest- They're like this big.


This blew my mind. Hold on. Whoa.


The Osbridge is fast. Who could have foreseen such a thing? I thought that getting all my facts from cartoon characters would have sent me through life on a wave of success and power and knowledge. But no. You seem defensive. Warned by The Ostridge. Thank you, Internet. Thank you for being so smart and on top of it, of taking everything literally, because where would we be in a world with no nuance, no jokes, and everything just Just literal.


I'll tell you where we'd be. The Invention of Lying. That's where we would be. Great movie. File. It was on Cinephal.


They're probably not even smart. I bet they had to look it up.


I don't think you needed to do all of that.


Especially with Dan, because he's the one that took it literally.


This is a little embarrassing, but I didn't realize the Road Runner was a real bird until 20 seconds.


I'm not going to lie, I need to do that.


I thought it was the cartoon. I thought Road Runner was just a character.


You thought UTSA was named after the cartoon character as well? Yeah, why not?


I thought so. I got your point of mean, but I'm also dumb.


Also, for what it's worth, pound for pound. I mean, Road Runner is pretty short. Ostrage is taller, so maybe you were right in the literal sense as well.


I didn't think Wolverines were real animals either.


Put it on the poll, please, @LevitarShow. Did you know the Road Runner wasn't a real bird or was a real bird, however it is you want to ask the question. Can you get for me, before we go any further, all of the Jeopardy video that was circulating everywhere recently because people have been enjoying funiest wrong answers on Jeopardy. Katie Nolan got all the way to the finals and almost won. Then she choked. Just stumbled at the finish line in a way that's a bit haunting. The Butler did it. Let's find out Which of these is the best? Because I haven't seen any of this. I saw that this was trending. People were enjoying it. The only one I saw was Kareem Abdul Jabbar getting wrong, something that he had said, which was pretty funny. Let's see what we have here.


One of the topics covered in a Major League baseball course at Arizona State is this player who broke the color barrier in 1947. Schauke. Who is Babe Ruth? No.


Nathaniel. Who is Jackie Robinson? Yes.


4,000. All right. Chief Joseph met Teddy Roosevelt and pleaded with him to allow this tribe to return to its ancestral home. Can I change my wager? No. You can't. 2004, these two pals go to White Castle. In 2008, they escape from Guantanamo Bay. Marion. We're Keenan and Chou.


No. Vinyl for 12.


A recent vinyl resurgence has been aided by this musician who built a pressing plant in his Detroit hometown. Julie? Who's M&M?


Hey, it's a six-letter brae from Mr.


Ed. Jerry? Was he-haw? No. 100, please. Cats and dogs, the revenge What is the voice of blank, blank? Raya?


What is Pussy Furry? No.


Is he Larendra? What is Kitty Galore? Kitty Galore.


Jeremy, what is that? Shock, shame? What is the matter? Or you've got something on your face that suggests that you're truly horrified?


I just feel terrible for someone who gets caught in the air like that on Jeopardy struggling that way. If you could see odd care, my is red. I'm truly embarrassed for that person. Oh, my God.


There was a silence. That crappy game show that I was on a million years ago, Boardwalk and Baseball, I still remember this because the question was, Pete Sampras wrote and Todd Klein at the end buzzed in but didn't know where the question was going. So there was just this long, long pause, and then he just blurted, Tennis players have fuzzy balls, and Chris Bermond dissolved and fell off of the set. We I had to stop taping. Not as funny as I remember it.


Is that why you brought up Jeopardy? Just to tell that story.


No, I didn't. The Babe Ruth answer. She's not lying. She should have got it right. She should protest. Do your own research. All right, put it on the poll. Was Babe Ruth black? I mean, we still haven't gotten to the story that I wanted to get to a long time ago.


What, Keenan and Cal go to Guantanamo Bay?


That movie would rip.


Oh, my God.


Do they serve orange soda, Quentin Bebe?


I hope they do.


The David Canales, the new coach of the Panthers, the Discovery, as we're introduced to him, that he wrote a book with his wife in which he reveals that he was addicted to porn.


Do you know the name of the book?


I do not.


This marriage? The Question That Changed Everything.


It didn't sell particularly well.


And as I pointed- You shouldn't be laughing at this.


I'm absolutely laughing.


I wasn't laughing at it. I'm throwing it out there because I don't know that there is something that you can have in the way of addiction that would create something around you that would be embarrassing without an incident. If I tell you someone's got drug addiction, someone's got alcohol addiction, whatever addiction you choose, porn addiction is a specific thing to know about somebody as he walks into a room, as he walks into an employment with a whole bunch of people that he does not know. We've had a couple of coaches, right? Kurt Rambis and some others make some mistakes on Twitter that have been very embarrassing for them involving porn. You do what with this story? I mean, you as someone who has worked in front offices- And as someone that has made a mistake with porn.


Yeah. First of all, I had you- Bonafide. Him walking in the room with clammy hands. I thought that's where you were going with that. I want to read this just from the newser from the New York Post. It starts like this. New Panthers head coach Dave Knauss reveals scandalous details about his infidelity, pornography addiction, and binge drinking In a book he co-authored with his wife 16 months before earning his first head coaching gig. Then it says, The 42-year-old who said he no longer drinks and is not addicted to pornography. That just leaves a door wide open. Wait a second. It's like, Hey, the alcoholism awful. You know what I did? Cut it all the way out of my life. I do not drink. And the porn, not addicted to it anymore. It's a treat here and there.


I do wonder if you're addicted to porn, can you ever say that you're not addicted to porn? When you go into alcoholics anonymous meetings, you say, I'm an alcoholic, even though you've been sober for a long time. Can you declare yourself in a book 16 months ago, no longer addicted to just because you say so?


You can walk into a bar and grab a drink every once in a while is what he's saying. I'm not an alcoholic anymore. Give me one vodka soda, and that's it. And then I stop. Also, let me fire up the hub for a second. He goes on, by the way, this is what he wrote, I was living a secret life. No matter how hard I tried by going to church, reading my Bible and praying, I always had a secret dark place that was just mine.


You seem like you're laughing. We shouldn't be laughing. We're not laughing.


It's your laughing. You also don't know if he's talking about the infidelity or the porn or if he considers the porn the infidelity. We haven't read it.


The secret dark place.


That's how a lot of people would label their addiction.


I like him scampering away.


I would argue that there is strength in... No laughing matter. … There is strength in acknowledging this. There is strength in admitting it and working on it. There is strength in working on a book with your wife in which you reveal your greatest vulnerabilities, even though you don't have to do that. But a lot of people are just going to laugh you. This bit of information is not going to send people scurrying to read the book. This bit of information is going to make people mock him.


Perhaps it was the attic or maybe the wood shed up back. He goes, Where are you going, honey? Oh, I got to go take out the trash.


So you're in the class, that'll just laugh at him.


Then he fires it up. The cell signal's surprisingly strong in the backyard. He's got full box. Does he have them bookmarked? Does he do what I do, which is like, research it ahead of time so I don't have a bunch of searching when I'm ready. I know, I already got tabs open. Let's go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.


Having tabs open is a dangerous game.


Does he still have the tabs open? Now that he's controlled, I'm not addicted anymore. I've cut the drinking out.


Let me see your safari.


Incognito mode only. Does he do it in incognito mode? Was he brazen? Well, you should read the book. Do you think he gets into that detail?


I don't know.


Canales wrote that with the help of counseling and family, he no longer has issues with infidelity or pornography and has stopped drinking completely. I have to point it out.


So he cheats sometimes?


Yeah, the wording is like, Drinking? Absolutely not. Get that devil's juice away from me. Born and cheating?


I've cut back on that.


I went from 30 times.


Healthy amount. What?