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You're listening to DraftKings Network. Hey, what's up, Greg? That was amazing.


You ran from the room. Hey, what's up, Greg? You ran from the room as soon as she called you your father. I've rarely seen you, Chris, feel that ashamed being called Greg by L Duncan.


I've met L a couple of times. It's all right. She knew the family, Cody, Greg, Chris, whatever. It's fine.


Do you have the sound back there of Lucy trying to say the name of one of the great golfers of all time and one of the finest drinks you'll ever hear about?


I was thinking drink. I can say Mercury and Ulner Parmel now.


Ulner Parmer. What?


That's so bad. One more time here. I can say Mercury and Alder Parmel now.


It is a tough one. If you say it too quickly, I can see that happening.


I can't even say it the way you said it. I don't know how to say it like that. Play it again. Ulner Parmer. I can say Mercury and Ulner Parmel now.


We got to stump the mech of that one.


Alma Purple is what it sounds like.


I can say Mercury and Ulner Parmel now. I didn't even say Mercury that good either. I can say Mercury and Ulner Parmel now.


All right. To celebrate all of the day's failure, we are resplendent every day in failure. We We go out again to Jeremy Teshe. It seems awfully windy out there. It is storming. He is on Hollywood Beach looking for Panthers fans. Jeremy, what can you tell us? Have you found any yet?


Dan, no. I think the excitement... Short story, no. Long story, I think the excitement is with so much fervor that the fans have already left for Canada. They're going to Edmonton because, well, there's nobody behind us. And normally, when you come to Hollywood Beach, you will see just countless shirtless Canadian men who are skinny everywhere on their body, except for a huge red stomach. It's not fat-shaming. If anything, there's actually a real beauty to the grace in which these-Fat celebrating, yes.


But not here. But why have you... We've sent you all over South Florida. Why is there never a human being in any of the cameras?


It's a bear each day.


There's rain everywhere. Do a pan around.


Can we see anyone?


There is a gentleman right here. Sir, do you know anything about the Florida Panthers? Florida Panthers Hockey. Hockey, are you excited about Serge Bobrowski, sir? I don't know anything about him, bro. You don't know anything about it? Are you from Florida? You're from Florida? Yeah. Okay. If I asked you if we should turn Serge Bobrowski into Serge Bad quotesky because he's not a very good quote, do you like that nickname? I'll go with it, sure. Should we, sir, be calling Connor McDavid, Connor Mc I have no idea.




Thank you very much.


Jeremy, go to another human being. Keep walking until you find somewhere. Listen to me.


Go to Nick's Bar & Grill. Go to Nick's Bar and Grill. There's a man there. He's a barman. His name is Mike. Go say hi to him. He knows hockey, okay?


Just find me a Panthers fan, please.


Nick's Bar and Grill?




All right, I'm doing my best. Billy is firmer on team Tony than he's ever been.


There are no human beings. How is there nobody on Hollywood Beach?


Would you go to the beach today? It's It's really horrifying.


But there have got to be human beings existing around the beach. I see on the beach.


Jeremy said they went to Canada because they're so excited about the Panthers.


We have some humans here. All right, we'll wait for you. We have some humans here. There are businesses there. We're going to catch up. We'll check back. All right.


You're getting closer to next. I don't know. I think we should stay live with this.


Yes, let's stay live with it and in the interim, just play Lucy again and again, trying to say Arnold Palmer.


I can say Mercury and Arnold Palmer now.


You're running past people.


You just passed someone. Florida Panthers.


That's next. Florida Panthers.


That guy right there. You're right.


How about that guy?


Everybody excited? To your right. To your right. Are you excited about the Florida Panthers? Florida Panthers Hockey. Florida Panthers Hockey. Are you excited? They're in the Stanley Cup. They're up to nothing. Well, I'm from Florida, so we don't follow them much, but I guess I'm excited now. Okay.


There you go. That's about it.


He's just finding out That's not true.


Is Connor McDavid, Connor Mc overrated?


No. Probably. No. Jeremy. Move on.


Jeremy. No, don't talk to your child. Do you want to say, Go Panthers?


Jeremy, get out of there.


Go Panthers. Go Panthers.


High five.


That's it. Oh, so cute. Jeremy. The people here don't know what the hell we're talking about.


Find a human being, Jeremy. You guys, Florida Panthers.


Anybody? Hockey? Celtics. Celtics.


We'll check back with you, Jeremy, when you got someone. He's going to someone here.


Hi, Florida Panthers. Are you excited about the Florida Panthers? Hockey.


Don't even know him.


Don't even know him.


Okay, great. Those are people that came down here for vacation, and they're just like, We got to go outside. We came down here.


From Canada. Florida Panthers? Florida Panthers? You know much about the Florida Panthers? Hockey? Can we go Panthers? Say a player.


Go Panthers, baby.


Let's go.Name a player.Name a player. Here, hold on. Let me get a better view for you guys. Ask him to name a player.


So, gentlemen, can you name one Florida Panther?Nope.


Let's go, Rangers.Reinhardt, baby. Gross.


Sam Reinhart. You're a big fan of Sam Reinhart? Do you think that Connor McDavid should really be Connor Mcoverrated?


He gets I can't say that. He's great. But let's go Panthers, baby.


Let's go Panthers. And Sergey Bobrowski, how impressed are you with him?


Bobby Bricks.


He's a brick wall, baby. Can we get a Bobby chant going? Bobby.


Bobby. Oh, my skin's crawling.


Bobby. Yeah, the excitement is really palpable here on Hollywood Beach, Dan. It's really great. Everything's going awesome.


Lucy, you have been promoted to the next person who's going to do this. Jeremy has been demoted.


I did my best. It's raining. Hello, sir. The Florida Panthers. Are you intrigued? Oh, it's pouring rain. Florida Panthers? Awesome. Thank you.


When it rains, it pours.


Why are they outside in the rain?


It is pouring rain.


Maybe their boss is making them be out there, too.


You found the fan, though. This is a nightmare.


Bye, Jeremy.


You knew Sam Reinhardt.


Bye, guys.


We did our best. It's raining cats and dogs out here. Go, cats. Oh, boy.