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You're listening to DraftKings Network. Stugatz just apologized to me, Chris. You'll find this funny. Stugatz, just sincere. It might be the first sincere apology or the first sincere thing Stugatz has said to me in 20 years. It felt different. He legitimately apologized because he knew knew in the last segment, as I did, that I was talking too much. I knew when I was in it, too, that I knew I was talking too much. But the way he apologized to me, and God, he's been wheezing to the finish line on the end of these shows with breath today that knocked out a mascot because Bernie smelled the cigarettes on Stugats and was truly disgusting.


I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but off air, Bernie was coughing. I don't know if it was the real Bernie, the person that said, I heard coughing.


Over the last three years, Stugats has done a great deal damage to himself. He smells like cigarettes in a way that I laughed in a way I shouldn't have when I walked in today because he was smoking a heater at 8:15 in the parking lot, and it just didn't feel like the height of show business. It's not even a parking... It's a parking garage. Like, this guy is at the top of the game. He's writing a book. He's conquered media. He turned down a big New York job. We wanted the media. We got a lot of money to leave ESPN and fight in this game, and I find it hugely interesting.


Right. Amazingly, it gets worse than you pulling it at 8:15 and me having a heater. It just happened.


I know. You smelled like cigarettes. You made the Hall of Fame mascot cough just by being in your presence. But he legitimately apologized to me because I know I sound obnoxious at the end of the show. I'm talking too much about something only I care about. You don't care enough about these people. You wouldn't be listening to us if you cared about these other podcasts.


I also had Rambling Man loaded up during that segment.


I almost went to it. I know, but you don't understand. This is what happened, Chris, and I'm dead serious. I've been holding all of it down for too long. I've been hiding it from you. I want to talk about it, and the audience won't let me. When the fuck have I given a care about what the audience wants from me? That's not where the interesting show resides. This shit has been interesting because it's consumed my life for the last three years. Thank you for laughing me, Juju. I want to get to all of this because Stugatz legitimately just said to me as my teammate, who's now coughing through phlegm because he's so unhealthy and has so little left in the tank.


Oh, so little.


He just said to me, like, mumbled it under his breath, Sorry I didn't support you more in the last segment. I was trying to get bacon out of my mouth.


I was joking on bacon. The bacon out there is so good, man. It's got some honey on it. It's sweet. Bacon alone is good, but honey bacon. Forget it, man. Anyway, I apologize.


Well, Juju misses this show. I know he does because Juju loves this show from a place that very few people do.


But you know over 20 years, you were going down a path that I love. I love having those discussions with you.


I was looking all around the room saying, Where are my teammates? Where's my help? I need another sound from somewhere. No, they've gotten out of the way, and I'm going to get accused of being rambling man. I'll go to my trusted teammate of 20 years. He knows how to produce this show. Oh, no, there's bacon stuck in his throat. He fish it out. He's been digging around in his mouth for three days on air in a way that must discuss Juju. Juju, he has done it three times this week when you'll never forgive Jeremy for doing it one time. Juju, I don't mean to betray any company Any secrets here. You have not shared this with me, but just based on what it is you've said on the air, I think you respect Jeremy less than you used to just because he put a finger in his mouth.


I definitely go in with a fist bump these days because of my brother on most handshakes because that haunt me before I go to sleep most nights these days.


You are positive and also elusive. You do not say bad things about people. I've asked you a direct question. Do you respect Correct, Jeremy, less than you used to because he was caught on camera with half of a sausage finger deep in his throat?


Yes or no?




Thank you. I just want truth. Three knuckles deep. Juju, if we're going to establish... Look, I am going to preface everything Coming with the audience with Juju tries to be positive. He does not want to take people out. But Juju is the most honest man we have in the company.


Close second, me.


Juju will tell me what the truth is while wrapping it in positivity. I have missed today's show, Juju. You heard today's show somewhere. What are the complaints from the audience? Did I talk too much about the sports media?


No, you didn't talk too much about it, man. It's your show, your name and the lights, bro. We're here for But I think you have to remember that most of the people listening to this, me included, we broke big, bro. So you talk about Pat McAfee and JJ Reddit, head coaching jobs, media landscape. Brother, we had to go to work today. We got to wake up and stuff to do. So that's a luxury that them brothers have. Salute. But we don't give a damn. If they go off the air, somebody going to talk about sports. We just want that shit playing in the background while we do our lives.


That's interesting, Juju This is where I would disconnect with the audience because I believe that the audience rides with us, understands that Metalark has 45 employees because they're in this business with us. They're why we're worth so much. The reason I... I promise people at the start of the pandemic, I would show them the innards of how the business of some of this works, and we've all seen it play out in public. It funds the entire thing, Juju. So I assume if they care about us, they care about this because this is consuming me. They love us, but this is consuming me while I'm at my brother's bedside trying to keep 45 employees in this game. I'm assuming that our audience cares about the innards of that, even if they don't understand the money. But that money pays for everyone at Metal Lark.


Yeah, they care about it from the standpoint of you, because if they cared about those people business, they'll probably listen to them all day and tune in to them and not even give us a chance. I think they're interested in that stuff. But when you are involved, we care a lot more than, let's just say, just the examples you gave today, JJ Reddick and Pat McAfee and those people. I don't give a damn. I don't even watch their shows. That's why I be thinking I be saying stuff for the first time in history. This is the only sports show I actually watch outside of one or two more. I can listen to a podcast later on, but I don't be watching none of that, bro. I watched Pat McAfee for the first time when I was down there and we had Aaron Rodgers on. Don't about to watch that. Your loyal fans, we love you. We want to what you got to say, Big Bro. And so we care about your business, but not necessarily the other folks. You feel me? Respectful. The solution, all the other folks, though.


What I want this to become, you know this, this is the truth, okay? I believe that Juju has been an underutilized weapon around here for reasons that I can't totally understand because I want to be doing cool stuff with him, at least in part, because in my 20 years doing this with this show, no one has been more honest with than Juju. Juju will scream at me. Juju does not care. He just doesn't care about whether or not something's going to land wrong because it's the truth in private, but would never do that in public. It gives nothing in public but positivity. That's a friend right there. But it's not just a friend, it's a good employee. I think people know some of the story of our relationship with Juju, but I want this to be our most honest segment. I want you to come in here and tell me without regard for my feelings or anyone else's, Hey, this is what you did poorly. This is what you did well. This is what the fans think, because I've had to get out of what was the constructive criticism of Reddit because of whatever the internet's become.


But I miss the way the most clever listeners of this show used to produce it by trying to be competitive cleverly. I'd like to evolve this show into whatever the next steps look that way. I wanted to begin with you telling us what we got wrong most honestly at the end of these shows. What do we screw up today?


Well, I'm going to start on a positive note, and thank you for saying those positive words, brother. I always want to tell you in front of the world, I love you and I appreciate you changing my life because I was on the road to nowhere fast, and you helped me pick myself up. So I will always show you my respect, bro. You got to know. But from a two- You got to know it. Two Bars, four stars on YouTube, they say, Hey, great archive interview today. They're really enjoying them, and they really enjoy the I don't think you guys experience it, but us watching the show during your breaks, sometimes Mike takes us down to Archive and go to old interviews, and those have been a blast, bro. It's way refreshing to hear those than just watch a blank screen. We got some positive stuff coming in today. He loves those, and I love them, too. They're cool.


It does look cool. If you're not watching on YouTube, I should explain to the audience because there are some things that have been concealed. Obviously, the move to video has been complicated and difficult. A lot of people in the modern age are trying to figure out the video stuff because that part slipped by when we were at ESPN. It happened very fast. We could have built all of this on YouTube, and we did not because we weren't thinking that way then.


We built the podcast, not the YouTube numbers. That's correct.


Well, the video, right. But it feeds everything here. Yes, the television product is getting better because of things like that. It took a minute, but we've learned in front of you, and hopefully you have learned to love some of the video characters if they've stumbled around chasing the show.


Also, for the first time now, this has never happened before, and it's still happening right now. We still got 20 hours left on this, but it's inside, man, one of your favorite Denzel movies is 50/50 right now, and you know that doesn't happen.


That's never happened before. It's never happened before.


Absolutely. Okay, and World B403 says, Hold up. You mean to tell me that Dan's the most popular athlete in the world played last night, and he didn't mention her once? You're slipping, Dano. I got to say to World B403, you got to tune in to the Big Suey because me and Lucy got that covered for you. He was just saving it for us. So thank you.


Juju, thank you. I am not a sexist who refused to talk about Caitlin Clark. I asked Juju and Lucy to do so more informed than I am because they've been watching the sport for the last for years, and I have not.


Dan, I think you'll be happy to know I'm going this weekend, as a matter of fact, on a wellness retreat. I'm trying to become a better me. I am going to Las Vegas for two Dent Company shows, so I just wanted you to know that I A healthier me is on the way.


Those words mean nothing.


Vegas, Devin Company. They mean everything to me. Choo-choo.


Also a great fan of the show. He wrote in, Michael Askew, a. K. Askew. He turned 44 yesterday, and we want to wish him a very happy birthday, brother. Thank you for all your support. Sorry, I didn't get to it yesterday.


Happy birthday to him. I don't care. Good luck. Dan cares so much about women's sports that he outsourced the work to a woman.


That's correct. Now, it's Jeremy. We're trying to work on it.


I'm sticking. Yes, Juju. How's that going for us, Juju? How's that going for us? Juju, how much does it hurt you? I hurt for you last night because your expertise Perties was on display. Your two rebounding numbers came in very quickly on those bets. You had those easy, and Vandersloot betrayed you. She betrayed you. You pour a lot of your heart into those bets, and that was a good bet, Juju. You had the three-team parlay.


Right, bro. Salute to Salute Doggy Dog, man. Courtney Van der Sloot. Like I said, I don't blame her. It was just Sabrina had an off shooting night. She kept swinging at Sabrina. Sabrina shooting from the logo, but new things was clanking off the backboard hard as hell, bro. She looked like an old boy from that movie with Ben Stiller, Raindance. Oh, that's so good. It was more so.


So good. Rain drop. Yes, rain drop.


Sabrina was making it rain last night, boy. She fell through, man. It hurt me so bad. Now, you already know, I had a tough hour after that. I didn't want to eat food.


I really can't. I need to explain this part to the audience just to let them go. Juju cares deeply about this. He does not want the audience to lose its money. That That bet hurt. It hurt because Juju cares, and it's supposed to. That's the way that whole thing works. It's why people love doing it so much, because you feel more alive caring about games more than you already did.


Right. This is how I watch the games video. I know you can't see it, but I have four TVs here at the house, and I was locked in. After she didn't get her points, it just broke my heart.


No, but it's brutal. Chris, it's a heartbreaker. You hate it when you got- I had it. I followed it. You got two legs in the parlay. The third one's there. You know you bet it correctly, but you know you're informed enough, I just need her great teammate to make shots. That's all I need.


But once you have two legs, you have to hedge the third. That's the rule.


But you can't do that.


They're all going on at the same time.


The timing was a lot off. She fell before the other people even had a chance. My whole night was just ruined. If you cope with that next to Anthony Edwards, crap in the bed now, I predicted a lot of things, man.


Oh, wait a minute. Last thing, because some people said that we made fun of Simmons and Cowherd for getting it wrong on the Timberwolves, but not Juju. But Juju got it right. I got it wrong. I apologize at the beginning of this series to Juju for his analysis because the defensive player of the year did indeed bother him, it seemed like, for one game. But then he did not any longer. It is fair to wonder. Juju, it's totally good analysis by you. The idea that those bodies might bother him, and they did in game one, and then never again.


Right. But to my point, to my case, if Aaron Gordon is going to play like Aaron Jeffrey Gordon, they're going to win the Championship, brother. 27 points last game. Last night, he looked like the second coming. That's what I'm saying. They look the part now with the Lakers. They just look so lackluster. And I say, if they bring that energy to the Timberwolves, they're going to get the head knocked off of that monster. But the entire team is stepping up. Even Calwale Pope got you 12 points last night. It's like, you can't do nothing with that, man. Rudy Gober or not, especially the Joker with the look in his eyes. Bro, the Joker had two dunks last night. What is that?


There's never been anyone like him.


Eric Gordon.


See you later. See you later, Juju.


Yes, sir.


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