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To DraftKings Network. I discovered the most powerful feeling in the world watching college football a couple of weekends ago at a bar. I asked to put on the CW, and the bartender thought I was insane. And I also think thought I was turning on supernatural reruns. I wasn't. I was watching the ACC because the game's on the CW the last three weeks.


All upsets. They've been great, and I've heard good things about the CW's presentation when it comes.


To the games. Wonderful. Really? There was a ref cam shot in the Virginia, North Carolina. I'm sorry for bringing this up. No, Virginia. I couldn't keep my North Carolina losses straight. Taylor, I'm sorry. I actually did get confused.


For a second. I really thought it was going to be different.


This time, Taylor. Oh, man, me too. There was a ref cam shot where they were trying to see if a pass was complete or not, and they switched to the ref cam, and you could see doing the hand motion from his POV. It was awesome. Anyways, the bartender thought I was insane, but he's like, You know what? Just take it. You can have the remote. And I controlled the remote for the final two hours of college football that night, switching back and forth from CW to ACC Network to watch the end of the Miami game that went into overtime to ESPN back to ABC, like a master. Were there a lot of people there? Yes, by the end of the night, there were probably... It was pretty full. The was pretty full and all eyes on me. I was looking at my phone seeing who's scoring where, who's in the red zone, going back and forth, flipping to the USC game, watching them lose to Utah. It was absolutely electric.


What a feeling. Who's the number one CW broadcast team?


It's John Bates, or is that his first name? I can't remember.


The- And Sarah Michelle Geller.


But you guys- Jared Paddalaki does color comments.


David Bourianis is on the sidelines.


But you're telling me they're not skipping on the CW? It's a good broadcast? It's a good- Putting new.


People into the fray. Really? Cw is actually spending a fair amount of money. Well, they're not spending any money on Liv Golf because no one was spending money on Liv Golf. But they are trying to establish a brand. And again, let's not be scared of new things, especially if they're going to give us the ref cam.


I'm allowed to be scared of watching a football game on the CW.


Well, just because you're not used to it. But it is an empowering thing. And generally, sports bars have been less good at making sure the right.


Games are on. Right. I'm not certain, though, in a pack bar, I'm not certain I would want the pressure of having the remote control. I don't think I would.


I would love it because I trust me. Really? Because I love sports.


I can't. Yeah, but it's the rest of the people in the bar that are screaming at me. Hey, turn the channel.


If they're at a sports bar, they're not caring about sports these days. It's weird. The sports bar is an endangered species. A good sports bar. That is a place that you want to watch a game with sound, places don't care anymore. There's this bar in New York City that I love, and the TVs aren't great and it's small. They only serve beer. Wait, which bar? Oh, my God, I was there last weekend.


It's the best college football... Bleep that out. We don't need more people there.


It's very small. Yeah, I'm sorry. That's our.


Little secret. They changed the beer list as the day is going on, they cycle through like new... It's very cool. They have college football and sports memorabilia everywhere. I was watching sports there last weekend. Someone famous was in just standing watching the game. I won't say who it was, but it wasn't...


I almost want to bleep it because it is a nice little secret.


It was wearing kake. It was a rhyme with.


We're wearing kake.


Was not.




Kake. Shockingly. I don't want to blow up a spot. Tom Worm and James Bates, those are the two CW play by play guys in color. They're great. And they have these branded black CW sports polos that they wear. And it is... They deserve so much credit. They read a promo for F- Boy Island two weeks ago.


Electric. Chris, what do you mean? Oh, yeah.


What? I like a good... When a tandem or broadcasting crew is matching polos.


You like that? I like when a sports bar looks at the games that they're putting up as a labor of love. If you go to this bar that I'm not going to say the name again because I don't want the secret ruined on notebook paper, they have an entire attack plan for the day planned out because the games matter. It matters to the owner. And sports bars need to meet that level once again because they're not. How many times are you walking into a sports bar and there's paid programming on and you have to flag somebody down to change it?


But what do you mean planned attack? Like they're saying, hey, we're going to put this game on at this time, this game at this time, this game on this many TVs.


I went to this bar on a day.


Let me get there and whatever game is on is on. You don't want that. That is ridiculous.


You suck. You're part of the problem. Be the change that you seek. Because I went there. This isn't a huge bar.




Small. Tiny bathroom. They don't have the newest televisions or anything like that. They have one TV that has sound. I went there on a day that there were two Monday Night football games on. Main one that had everybody's interest that had primary sound. But during commercial breaks, you know what they did? Flip to the Saints.


Oh, wow.


That's great. I love that.


Flipping the audio. They didn't care. There's a middle ground on this, though. Sometimes you go into a bar and they have, for football games, they have the stickers on the TVs and they stick to it too much where it's like, Nobody is here watching this game and I'm sitting right here, can I have it on? I like a.


Little flexibility. This bar knows that. They recognize that and they flip the script.


I'm cool with preset channels. This game is going to be here. I'm cool with that. But don't be unwilling to if there's no one watching that game.


I'm willing to change, right?


To improvise, right? I would love to know someone in the industry because you see the metrics, younger people, not exactly huge fans of sports or bars. Or TV.


Or going out. They don't.


Like any of these things. If you go to a sports bar, the clientele is now older. It's not being replaced with younger folks. So if you're going to cater to a diehard sports fan that wants a shared experience, take it seriously, man. Or woman. Take it seriously.


We got it. Knowing when to flip from... Okay, we had the.


Mark- It's an underrated skill. You have to know when to bail.


On a game. Yes, the marky game is a blowout. The audio is on that game. Let's flip. We're going to go to maybe the second or third of that game in that time slot, put on something else, flip the audio. The whole bar is like, Thank you. No one had to even say anything.


And also don't look at me like I'm inconveniencing you if I ask you to change the channel. I came here with a purpose. Yeah, that's the worst. I wanted to watch this game at.


This bar. When they act annoyed.


The bar tender that gives you attitude when you ask to change the train.


-i literally made plans to be here around this game. Please help me out.


Ask for the remote.




The way to do it. I don't want that pressure. I don't want that pressure, though.


Dude, I was like a NASA. I was in the control room. I was like, And we're switching 507, 507, take 507. I'm back to 511. 511, take 511.


You know a bar has a tack together. When they have, let's say, a Dolphins game, the sounds on in commercial breaks, they go to music and they go back to the DJ. And then right when the game comes back, it's back to, I'm all in on that.


Houston, we have a touchdown versus Texas.


That's when you know, somebody is focused on this. I need somebody in this restaurant to be focused on that. I think that there's a business opportunity for, I'm in charge. It just sucks because they're all individualized. I'd like to be able to control the TVs for 100 bars and just be like, You're going to have all these.


Games on. You're the master controller.


I feel like there is a business opportunity there, but it'd be difficult because each bar is hard to... You can't just have a blanket schedule for.


Every bar. If you approach, if you care, which is not a very high bar to clear, but in 2023, when it comes to sports bars, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, it's become one. If you care, I don't care how mid your food might be. I don't care how your selection of how great or bad your selection of drinks might be on hand. The most important thing for me when I'm going to a sports bar, and this is a dude that's been two weeks in L. A. And I had a fight like how to watch games. Fight like how to- Any games. Any games andtelling them to turn the channels was a mission in itself. If you find one of those places, if you have one of those places in your life, cherish it. Cherish it. Cherish that. You do.