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Greg, do you realize that while I was counting us in, you just fumbled with your microphone in a way that suggested you had no earthly idea that I was counting us in?


I heard counting in the background. I thought a rocket was about to take off at Cape Canaveral or something. I wasn't sure exactly what was being counted down.


Are you a countdown or a count-up guy, Greg?


I'm a countdown guy. I like a good 1098. I love a countdown. You count up, Billy?


Sometimes. If you're taking a photo of somebody, are you a one, two, three, or three, two, one?


Three, two, one for me. Yeah, you're going to go three, two, one.


It's always a four count, too, because then is the photo. It's three, two, one photo.


I don't perk up until I hear the word one.


Really? You don't want to waste the smile. That's when you start taking things seriously. Because you were pounding on that keyboard right before Dan got to-You know what?


I'm trying to I'm multitask. I'm a man of many jobs. Checking downloads. Many hats. No, I don't want to get in the weeds here, but I was texting back a Miami Harold related text, and it's important stuff. A little inside info. Yeah, that thing. So forth and so One, you know? Yeah.


I wish we had your undivided attention. I know you're very great.


You do now. I'll tell you that.


I know you're perfect.


You said one.


You're perfect just the way that you are. But I do wish you concentrated on this job that we're paying you for while you were here. But I understand why you would take your work of the last 20, 30 minutes or so and say, No, I nailed it. I'm perfect at everything happening around here. I don't need to get any better.


Yeah, but here's the thing. Okay, let me draw an analogy to hockey. Okay, when the two guys are about to take a face off, but the puck hasn't been thrown down yet, the music is still playing. Why? Because the clock's not running until the face off actually starts. When I hear Dan counting down, 5, 4, 3, 2, the music's still playing because the show hasn't resumed. When I hear one, my rabbit ears perk up. Here I go.


Game face. Red light, Cody. Hold on. When the red light goes on, he starts coughing violently because he's always ready for the moment. Hold Let's let him... We don't want him to pass out here. Just get it all out, Greg. Get it all out. Don't hold your breath.


This might be the last one.


Don't hold your breath. Just get all of it out.


I'm good now. I've been fighting over Medicaid. I've been fighting issues. My fighting issues, my bronchial issues are really... When I have a cold on top of what I deal with every day, it's really tough for me. And what a trooper I've been.


Yeah, you have it. Plus, you took a victory lap. I mean, yeah.


He's got the asthma inhaler.


I was going to say, Dan, in your defense, he's really hurting me.


Let's let him have this out because he's passed out a couple of times. There have been a couple of times. We've worn out the workhorse today.


Edding out all this caffing.


No, we're We're going to leave it all in, including you fiddling with the microphone at the very beginning of it. I apologize.


The rabbit ears were up, though.


Take your time. Greg, please stop panicking. Take your time. Please take your time. We've got it. Get the asthma inhaler. Do not pass out again because you're coughing too much. It's happened twice already because you get self-conscious. Please just take it easy.


I was going to sit.


Ripped it like a bong.


Don't stifle it. Don't try and stifle it.


Just let it out, Chris. It'll feel good. Anyway. Got to cough to get off. Even at 5:00, 4:00, the guys for the face-off before a hockey game, they're ready. They're in position.


Thank you, Stugatz. Thank you.


You're defiend.


Thank you, Stugatz. Helmets are on, sticks are in hand. Everyone is ready. They're ready at five. They're ready to play. But Greg takes his time and takes the leisurely route and is so good at this, again, so perfect at it. That he can wait till the very last second. And then when the red light comes on, he's raving ears. He's ready to go. Thank you, Billy. Billy knows. But the last couple of days, because we've had a fun couple of shows, there have been a handful of topics that I really wanted to get to that I did not. I will allow you guys to pick one of these. It's One of six things I've wanted to talk about.


One and only one?


One and only one. Jason Kelsi says that he does not wash his feet. This is something all over, culturally, all over people are looking at Jason Kelsi, and they are questioning the hygiene of white people because of this. This is different America, so that is on the table. I learned this weekend, this is something I did not know, Kiki Hernandez was Wired for Sound and made an error while Wired for sound. They said, Do you regret that? He's like, No, I like money. He gets paid $10,000 for wearing that wire, $15,000 during the postseason. It's not something that I knew until that moment. I love Wired for Sound. It's real, actual access to the players. In Texas- So Kiki Wire is another option. Yes. I'm going to give you six of them, and I want you to choose one of them, one and only one. Kelsey. In Texas, the recruits are walking into the facility, and there are Lamborghini's everywhere. I just delight in the fact that- Finally. Johnny Manzell got in trouble for autograph sessions, and now we're at just Lamborghini's outside. I want to get to that, but it's up to you whether or not we get to that or not, because as I said, there are a number of things that I wanted to talk about here.


The Savannah Bananas sold out a game at Fenway Park. The The resurgence of Minor League Base through this uniquely creative thing is something that I'm interested in, but I don't know if you're interested in it at all. Jlo canceling her tour. I thought, What? What are you doing there?


I'm a JLo hater. It's canon.


Everyone hates JLo now. I've been confused by that.


I've been there for years.


No, but a lot of people are there, and I'm legitimately confused by it. I don't know if that interests you guys at all, does it? Does it interest anyone here? We'll find out.


We still have one more option. It was four ticket sales, right? That's five. You said six.


Should we spin the wheel?


Right now, I have Jason Kelsi. I have Kiki Wire. I have Texas Lamboes. I have Savannah Bananas. I have J Lo.


The other one was Eddie Hall, the world's strongest man had a fight in an octagon with two opponents, and he won. The video I thought was amazing because he's fighting two guys at once in MMA.


It looked like me and Jeremy were trying I'm not going to fight him.


He's much bigger than both of them. Yes, but the knockout was still impressive. These are fighters. These are professional fighters. They are smaller than him, but it went poorly for the both of them. Oh, my Lord. Those are the six topics. You're allowed to pick one, one and only one. Who gets to pick?


Do we discuss this? Is there one that stuck out for you guys? What do you think? I vote for Greg to pick.


Well, there's a clear choice for me. If I saw that guy at the beach, I'd go, Have a salad, will you? But yet Here he is.


The world's strongest man. Have a salad is what you'd say.


Do you want your options again?


No, I know them. For me, it's Kelsey's feet without any question.


Jason, Kelsey definitely doesn't get enough attention, so that's a good choice.


But I'm willing to go anywhere.


No, you can choose that. Chris Cody has been mocked by Roy and others because he doesn't wash below the knees. It's just the water runs down there, and that's what's taking care of it. It's fouled for a number of different reasons.


If I'm dirty, if I just played golf and my ankles are dirty, I will. But on a normal shower, if there's no dirt down there, yeah, I just let the water do that. Do you guys have different levels of shower? Because all dependent on what my activity was for the day, take a different level of care in the shower.


I think Chris just acknowledged that. If he's playing baseball, he will bend down and watch his ankles.


But if there's just a day where, all right, I showered the day before, and all I've done is run out to I was in air conditioning. Then I just won't shower. Then I just won't shower. But if, hey, I'm coming in to work the next day or something like that, you want to take a shower, but it's like, I'm not going to clean every crevice of my toes.


Chris Cody learned whatever it was to be learned here, learned poorly at the feet of a... At the literal feet of- The unwashed feet. At the unwashed feet of a man who literally washes his hair, shampoos it in the pool because he does not know. Not de rigoure. Let me explain to you, Jeremy, how disgusting all of this is that so many people do not know how to clean themselves. Even if I'm allowing you the liberty of choosing from time to time, depending on your activities, the person birthing this discussion is an offensive lineman. What he's doing daily is disgusting. His feet out of those socks must be a horror. The idea that that man does not clean his feet is an offense to hygiene everywhere.


He's in pain, man. I mean, it's hard to bend for Jason Kelsi.


So you're scrubbing your feet and ankles every shower?


No, I did not.


If I were an offensive lineman, I would.


I did not say that.


He's not an offensive lineman. He's a podcaster, which might be more disgusting. That's also true.


His socks every day are disgusting.


Every day. Like Louis' socks right now after walking out of the rain. His point was, he washes the hotspots.


The between the toes is a hotspot when you're an offensive lineman.


You're a lebatard over here, a spokesman for the soap industry.


Where are your hotspots, dad?


Where are you soaping? There's only three areas you have to watch.


Three areas?


Yeah. Under one pit, Under the other pit and the region. That's all. That's a disaster. And quite frankly, the crack of the ass. Don't sleep on the crack of the ass.


No, you got to clean the crack. That's one region. No, you have to.


Very important.


The region. I thought that was the That's four then, I guess.


No, that's the other region.


Quite frankly, the crack of the ass.


But you know what? I have gone 10 years without touching my toes in a shower. We can tell. I mean, unless I'm working barefoot in the yard, I don't feel the need to soap-Do me a favor, please.


Put it on the poll, Juju at Lebitard Show. Have you gone 10 years without touching your toes in the shower? Also, the episode description on this must have the phrase, and the crack of your ass.


Yeah, you have to. You keep the gooch clean.Oh, God.He's right.


Lewis, say that in your ear. He said it in a mind, and I rejected it. The Gucci man.