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You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. I am so tempted here because I don't want to actually not give people the conclusion to this show they desire, which is me answering Greg Cody's question and risking being aggregated here by answering his question. I want to do I do. But I don't feel good about doing it not in costume. How does the group feel about holding me to, I have a punishment yet to pay, holding me to, I will get to Greg Cody's commentary tomorrow as soon as the show starts, but it's to be in costume to see if indeed I can get in trouble that way, as opposed to right now and just wasting one of these.


I don't want to avoid it, though.


If you guys think that's- What an odd excuse.


It seems like you do one of them.


We need to get this costume thing reined in because this is ridiculous. You want me to ask you to do this in costume?


He doesn't want to do it, though. You'd really be twisting his arm by making it do this.


Mike, a little thing I like to call buying himself time. You know what I'm saying?


He just wants to wear a costume badly.


I will do it now. If you guys want me to do it now, that's fine. No.


I think it should be Greg's decision and Greg's decision I do. Why?


Because he had a take.


I mean, you turn.


Give it some thought here, and I will get to this other story before I get to that one.


Because chief kicker, Harrison Butker, he has bashed Pride Month. He has told women to stay in the Kitchen, according to a headline I'm reading here, an article by Doug Farrar.


He was doing a commencement speech at Benedictine College in Kansas, and he called Joe Biden delusional and is talking about abortion in a way that is very religious. Oh, you guys have the sound here. Okay, I was just going to read the quotes, but you guys have the sound. So go ahead.


This is- We have some sound.


I'm being introduced to the thoughts of Harrison Butker here in his own voice. Let's hear it.


To the gentleman here today, part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture. And When that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation. Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men.


Okay, wow. That's not even in the quotes that I'm reading here.


I think it is you, quote.


This is a quote here from Harrison Butker. I think it is you the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on this stage today, able to be the man that I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all my success has made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my and embrace one of the most important titles of all, Homemaker. The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion.


We fear speaking truth because now Unfortunately, truth is in the minority. Not the deadly sins. He went on to take a shot at pride month. Not the deadly sins pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him.


I will just tell you again and again that there is a lot of hatred tucked into the pages of the Bible and espoused as religion. I know that this is where the division lies in our country. This man is speaking at a college, and I don't know if it's half the country, but a lot of the country agrees with he says, finds him to be a freedom fighter, and then the next thing you know, a woman loses the rights to her body because the man is in charge and the man has always been in charge, and then it gets tucked into the pages of the Bible. However it is, you rationalize and moralize away, taking away the rights from others to their own body in the name of serving the man and saying it's to serve God. And I know a lot of people agree with kicker for the Kansas City chiefs thinking that he is doing something brave here by saying it is the man who must be served so then the union could serve God.


I was raised in that church. My mother allowed helped so many women bring life into this world that they were going to abort.


My mother worked in an anti-abortion clinic.


This is the place, I shouldn't call it an anti-abortion clinic, I should say it's a religious entity that was servicing the needs of finding money wherever they could so that women could have babies that might not have babies because of poverty or an assortment of issues.


After hearing you talk about it, we've caucused, you should have done this in costume.


No doubt. Yeah. Should have.


If we're kicking the can on the Greg Doyle conversation, Exhibit A, you doing this without a costume, I'm saying bring on the costumes.


So you think I should do this over tomorrow?


We'll just do it again. Don't do it over.


Just do the whole thing. Just do it again. Well, that is doing it over. Well, we got this one.


I know. Yeah. Maybe the next one.


So a worm was eating his brain?


It was dead, I think.


We've got three- But did it die after it ate some of his brain?




We've got three presidential candidates with brain damage. Three different forms. One is dementia. One is is a dead brain worm, and the other one is whatever the hell is going on with Trump.


Things seem to be going great. Cossims would make everything better.


But the schedule is out. Oh, my gosh.


I can't wait till that hour.


The Knicks play a big game tonight, incidentally.


I don't agree with what Harrison Butker said.


Same, for the record. Greg?




Well, we're an echo chamber.


I think from that- Did my dad said yes.


He said yes, like he was supporting.


I I don't agree.


Can't tell with you anymore.


Yes, I don't agree. We need something that is a sound that is actual echo chamber, that just starts echoing here. All right, let me answer the question.


In our echo chamber in Florida.


Without a costume.


Let me answer the question that Greg Cody asked.


There is no circumstance under which anyone is telling me what to write, what I can or cannot write about. If you place this hypothetical in front of me with all of the variables for Greg Cody, where he can retire on that note and get the attention and the applause and the clicks that he wants from retiring on that note, I would consider the grand stand to play of how could I theatrically do this in the maximum look at me fashion of principled guy who goes out on the wrong side of the popular issue of the day by fighting for that penalty is too harsh.


I would do something similar to what it is that Greg Cody is doing because it's a hell of a discount, and it's amazing that I could file it under the principle of no one tells me what to write.


But you would do it in costume? Yeah.


As Pat, the grandest of the costumes.


What costume would I wear?


I'm thinking some George Washington on the River.


What's your hierarchy of costumes where you're like, That's too much. I need that for a really big moment.


You would build the boat into your costume.


I don't have. It would just be- Sometimes you see you're going shopping or whatever, and you're like, You know what?


That's nice, but this isn't the right occasion for that. That I need to do a wedding, or you're looking at it like, Oh, when you're younger, I'll wear that to prom. What is your costume that's out that you're like, I can't wear that for a Wednesday on the show, but I can for this giant moment in my life.


Jimmy Carter.


Greg Cody is writing me a note for some reason instead of speaking into a microphone, saying, You evaded answering.


Yes, you did. You did not answer my question. How did I not?


What is the question? Let's do it right now.


He said me maximum, essentially.


Why did you write that down?


Let's do the- He just evaded my question, too.


I didn't know whether he wanted me to belabor it. Okay, let me ask you this as specifically as I can. Yes or no?


Oh, wow.


Wait a minute.


That's fair.


You told him that.


Harrison Butker, yes or no?


Yes or no. Commissioner, yes or no. The Indianapolis Star is justified, barring Greg Doyle from any future columns about Kagan Clarke.


They are justified with that, just as ESPN would be justified in banning Patrick Beverly like they did because all of these entities can make their own rules for what the punishments are. I thought your question is, what would I do if the newspaper did that to me? That's my question. I thought that's what your question was.


Okay, so you think Greg Doyle deserves to be banned from ever writing about Caitlin Clarke?


But Greg Doyle, again, is a recidivist.


It's not just this one thing with a body of work and apology and everything else.


What would you do? If the same thing happened to you, what would you do?


If the Miami Herald said that I could not write something, what I would do is come on this program in a George Washington costume that had a boat attached to it, and I would absolutely lean into, Yeah, I know I'm wrong, but I'm going to go out as if I'm fighting for the principled right of free speech here.