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Okay, we had a couple of days to reflect on what exactly happened on Monday night. And shave. And shave.


We had time to shave.


Yeah. Thank God, because I got really tired of this. My face was looking.


You look different. Yeah. I've seen you look like this in a while.


Yeah, I look clean. I don't look like a bum.


Took a couple of years off.


Rose is with us today. We are going to reflect on everything that's happened over the past two months. Yeah, that was a whirlwind for everybody, especially Rose.


We got to explain why Rose isn't here with us. When she's on Zoom, first off.


Yeah, Rose is currently on Zoom, looking as refreshed as one can be with COVID because she's caught the bug.


She got the Canadian COVID.


Yeah, she got the Canadian COVID. It's a much friendlier COVID.


They're not COVID.


Much friendlier COVID.


Yeah, much friendlier COVID. Sorry you got me. Much colder COVID.


Oh, man. I apologize to our Canadian viewers. You guys are awesome.


For an example of how she feels, you can hear the way she feels. Go ahead and talk there, Rose.


Well, yeah, you can all feel how I feel. Everybody's like, Oh, you sound so sad. I'm a very happy person, but yeah, that's how I feel.


Yeah, she is a very happy person. She sounds like shit. So let's go over the past two months. I guess-Oh my God. Let's start with Tampa. We did travel to one road game, and that was the road game that they lost.


Yeah, but it was like an Edmonton light because they were up three nothing in the series. We'd go up there, we're having fun with the fans. We're farting around outside talking to people, and chest were out. We were confident and cocky. We're feeling good. The game didn't go that well. No. But I think experiencing these away arenas and seeing the fans and their element, it's a lot easier to take when your team ends up winning in the end. So that made Tampa a little bit easier, as did drinking in the beer garden after we were done.


Oh, yeah, that was excellent. I love a beer garden. We've been to Tampa several times, obviously, to watch Panthers games in the playoffs. Rose hasn't. So how was your experience in Tampa?


I didn't go and remember.


Rose wasn't in Tampa. Kirsten was in Tampa.


Kirsten was in Tampa.


Where were you when we were in Tampa? It was Kirsten. Were you I knew it was a lady. The women's final four? I knew it was a lady. Is that where you were?


I don't even remember where I was. But Kirsten- You were somewhere with Lucy. Yeah, you were Lucy. Yeah, I was somewhere with Lucy. I guess it was the WMBA draft or something like that.


Maybe that's what it was. It was like two months ago, though.


Jesus, so you were... Nonetheless, Rose was not home.


Yeah, no.


She definitely felt better than what she does now.


Well, now we just had to take Rose to Tampa next season. Yeah, we got You got to show her the Tesla coils.


The eventual match of a lightning.


Okay, let's go over Boston. We did not go to any road games for that one. You won't go to Boston. I'm not walking to It's cool.


We didn't really need to go to Boston.


No, we didn't need to go. But as Paul Maurice said, that series was mean. That series was tough. For an example, the Sam Bennett punch to Bryant Marshawn's That was pretty much... That summarizes the entire series.


Then Pat Maroon basically chasing Panthers around for the last two games, trying to get people to fight. Oh, and speaking of fighting, the David Koster knock, Matthew Kachuk fight where... That became a meme. Yeah, he popped his helmet off. That was a cool moment.


Yeah, that was a very cool moment. For whatever playoff series for the rest of time, it will be Panthers in Five because when Kachuk punched Foster in the face, his hand went up in all five phases. That was a meme for all time, and the Panthers ended up winning that one.


That's cool, right? Because you don't see playoff fights, generally. That doesn't happen. Then you see two superstars going at it. I mean, it wasn't that great of a fight, but they both were throwing haymakers. They were trying to get it in there. Just thinking back, that was a really cool thing. Yeah.


On to the Houston Conference final. We did go to a road game. That was the game five up in Madison Square Garden against the Rangers. Rose was there. Rose was actually there. Oh, there. Yeah. It was a cold, cold night in the arena.


Remember, we were getting there.


It started with all of our flights were delayed. I was like, Okay, we're not going to make it.


We're all in three different flights, right? Oh, yeah.


We were lucky to get there. We were on three different flights.


Well, you had Claire's graduation that day, too. So you didn't even have the ability to fly out until noon.


No, I had to be a responsible father. I had to be super dad that day.


Well, you have to put in the effort because we were out of town for basically half the last couple of months. Yeah. It was like that.


Yeah, it definitely felt like that. I felt like I touched down around five, six o'clock.


That's what it felt like. We were lucky that I had the 8 o'clock start time. But I remember Rose trickling in, you trickling in, everybody getting to the arena. But we all got there, and that was a pretty cool night at Madison Square Garden. For me, it was a dream. That's my favorite arena to go to, to watch hockey. It's Madison Square Garden. I love the Rangers fans. I love the building. I love New York City. But doing that in the playoffs and the Rangers taking a one-nothing lead in that game and that building just exploding, that's one of those things that I'm taking with me from this run was the Madison Square Garden feel.


Yeah, and the fire engine going off on that one. That was very cool. That was cool. Rose, what was your experience in New York?


Well, first of all, I was supposed to get there before Roy and my flight ended up.


You're always supposed to get there before me.


Yeah, I know. But my flight ended up leaving after you. Remember, because of the weather.


A nameage issue or something?




I don't remember what. And then I landed and I had to go get an Uber. And I was like, I have a bag. So I had to go to the hotel, run to the hotel, put it in the hotel, then grab another Uber, and then just run and I think I just missed a minute of the game whenever I got there. I ended up in the players press box because I was looking for you guys. Oh. Remember?


I was trying to tell you where to go, and all of a sudden, she's like, I think I'm surrounded by players. I go up the stairs, I look to my left, and there's Rose around all the Florida Panthers' stratches, just like this little girl with all these massive hockey players. You were lost, but you looked like you were very comfortable and in your own element when I rescued you from that situation. You looked like you were doing okay on your own there.


Poor Rose over here, standing next to Josh Mahur.


Yeah, right? She's just looking for Barky.


Oh, he wasn't nice.


Yeah, well, she ended up getting very much next to Alexander Barkoff. We'll get to that a little bit. But the day after, we filmed some content. We were going on the entire borough of Manhattan.


That was fun. Well, other than the hot dog hunt Rose sent us on, which eventually that video has got to make its way to the public because I don't think it's actually been posted yet. No. So we're going to have to... Maybe that'll be like a summer special, our day in New York. A supercut of the entire playoffs. Well, Rose... I'll tell everybody now. Rose got us I Love New York shirts that we had to wear around Manhattan while talking to all the Rangers fans about the loss that they just suffered the night before. And then she sent us on a race, which I put the air quotes up because Roy obviously was not taking this race very seriously.


Hell, no, I wasn't.


To find hot dogs randomly in the city. Rose was just sitting there with her feet up waiting for us to show up. But this video needs to... We got to figure out a way to get it.


Here's the thing that I believe that was a problem. I was thinking, okay, it will be chopped onions. Yes, same. Diced onions put on there. But the onions they gave us were marinated in what? Tomato sauce?


Something like that, like ketchup. It was weird because we went to two Very different hot dog stands. We went in opposite directions. We ended up with the same gross-looking thing.


Yeah. I mean, the way I take my hot dogs is definitely not like that. I mean, it's sauerkraut, it's a sweet relish, spicy mustard. Boom, done.


I like the sweet and salty mix on your hot dog, actually. I don't ever want to say those words in that order again. But that sounds good. I'm like a ketchup mustard, chopped onions. I'm fine with a little sauerkraut relish, whatever. I'm good with decorating up my hot dog. Give me a toasted bun. Good to go.


Yeah, I'm a foodie. But the hot dogs rose that we got were not what I was expecting, and I cannot finish it because that was not good. That was not good at all. So that was on you. What was your experience that day?


Well, I was expecting you to finish the hot dog. And when you didn't, you guys lost. So I went. We both lost. Again, so for me- It was a forfeit.


Rose has been the winner of this whole payoff thing. Except, well, obviously, now you've got your big prize of COVID. So congratulations to you.


Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Woo-hoo. All right, off to the Stanley Cup final. Oh, my God. We were in a pickle in this situation because I was expecting the Panthers to win this one in six. So I was preparing, Okay, we're going to end up going up to Edmonton for game 6.


We said we would go for a game. A game. A game. Yeah, because who thinks that you're going to go there twice, right? Even the Panthers had to go and win the first three games.


Yeah, we had zero choice but to go up to Edmonton for game 4, and that did not go well at all.


It's okay now, but... So game 3 ends on a Thursday night. Game 4 is on Saturday. So we, at midnight Thursday, are scrambling to book our travel to get up to Edmonton for this, what we think is going to be crowning moment in the franchise's history. Then it was eight to 1:00 that they lost? Yeah. Jesus Christ. I mean, it was cool. Now that they've won, I'm saying it was a cool experience, but walking out of the arena in Edmonton after game four and seeing the insanity that was on the streets out there, the three of us were walking around for hours, bar- Drinking. Yeah. The party just never stopped. And in Canada, pot's legal, so people were walking down the street smoking joints with their shots. I don't It was cool. The Panthers winning makes it cooler for me, but I'm glad we got to experience that now that I'm not suffering from it anymore.


Yeah. And then the Panthers ended up losing three straight. Back to game six, which they lost for the third straight game. We were too tired to really think about anything outside of get our content, get a drink, go home.


Get home. Because at that point, our dreams are on the brink of being crushed. Yeah. In a most historically significant and awful way. And exhaustion, just from all the travel. So get us home to game seven, but that made it all worth it.


Before we talk about game seven, Rose, what were your experiences in both trips to Edmonton?


Well, for game four, I was watching game three in Bright Side, and they won. And I was like, Okay, I have to go to Edmonton. Oh, yeah. So shout out to Kristen, who at 2:00 AM, we were booking the flights. But the flight, because it was so late, I had to go Miami, Houston. And when I got in Houston, because we Our tire, I don't know what happened to our tire. It exploded. They didn't let us out of the plane. So I lost my connection to Denver. So they had to change my connection to San Francisco. So I fly to San Francisco. Then from San Francisco to Edmonton. But then the plane just started flying around Edmonton. I'm like, When are we going to land? And they were like, Oh, no, there's lightning and there's a warning of tornado. So we're going to be here waiting for that to end. Then they're like, Oh, we run out of gas. So we're going to go all the way to Calgary.


So we go to Calgary. That's always what you want to hear on a plane, right? We're out of gas. Sorry. The tire blew and we're out of gas.


Yeah, that's not good.


Please look for your seat and tree tables in their upright and locked positions.


Yeah. They sent us back to Calgary. We full of the tank, and then finally, we made it to Edmonton. Then the second time, it was much better. Roy and I, we were travel buddies, so at least I had someone to talk to. Then I drove all the way from Calgary to Edmonton on the way there. I am a very professional driver.


You have I'm sorry? What was that? You're a professional driver?


So who's driving next time we go to Tampa? I am. Roy or Roy? No, I am. I'm definitely sleeping in the back.


Yeah, you are.


Roy is driving and I am DJing.


Oh, nice.


Shit. All right, well, that was that. My flight experience for a game... I mean, you guys already know my flight experience. It was bad.


There was no good experience.


No. Game four, I was with Rose. We traveled to the Houston, the Tire Blue. But Rose's connection was far earlier than mine because I had a five-hour layover. Then I ended up in Denver. And then another five-hour layover going up to Edmonton. That was what? Ten hours worth of layovers. I got there pretty much late. So there was that. Then coming back, I went to Toronto, then went to Montreal, and then went back to Miami because I ended up having to change my flight just in case the Panthers won. In fact, I had to change my flight regardless. That's true.


You changed your flight when we were in Edmondson.


Yeah, I had to change my flight to later. In case the Panthers won, party. But going out at 7:30 in the morning after covering the Stanley Cup final game is entirely too early anyway, so I had to change it regardless. It all worked out. Yeah. Three Canadian cities on the way back before going back to Miami. Game 6's travel was much better. Flew up from Miami to Chicago to Calgary with Rose, drove back, flew back to Charlotte, back to Miami with Rose. Much easier. But we were, I bleep that out. We were exhausted. So off to game seven.


Game seven, where... I don't know about you guys, but I was in a shitty mood all day before game seven. I felt really bad for my wife. I was such an asshole around the house. I was done. With all the travel, the three straight losses, I was just done. And so getting to the game. But once we got there and we were all together and they scored the first goal, and then I just lost my mind. Yeah. I lost my mind. Yeah, that was great. My journalism went out the window.


Yeah, Journalism died that night. I was doing live hits for the Panthers. Sorry, not for the Panthers, but about the Panthers for the show. I was not happy. I was angry, obviously, because we're going to game seven. This could be the This could be the worst collapse in sports history. I'm thinking to myself, okay, I mean, it's a 50/50 shot. I'm not happy that we have this 50/50 shot. This series should have been over and done with. We should have had the parade already. But yeah, we get into the arena. The coolest thing about that was the beginning was the National Anthems. They had an Alanis Morse set. That wasn't even the coolest thing. Nobody heard. Nobody could hear her singing. No, because everybody was singing. That was cool. Both National Anthems were being amount of fans. I've never seen that before.


Well, we saw up in Edmondson with the Oilers fans, basically, they all just in unison sing O Canada. It's really cool because it's like 20,000 people singing at the same time. That trickled down to Florida because there was a decent amount of Oilers fans at Game 7. A lot of them made the trip. O Canada went first. Everybody song. Then being Americans that we are, bleep that, we're going to one up you.


It was spite singing.


Yeah, it was spite singing. Yeah, that That's exactly right.


How patriotic.


I mean, fits right about now, doesn't it?


I guess so.


In my USA Jersey.


Yeah. Carter Verhege, goal and assist, played a game of his life. Sam Reinhardt, the cup-winning goal.


And Bob was great.


Bob was spectacular.


It was very appropriate, right? Verhege has an amazingly tenacious game. Very, very Carter Verhege, the game of the series, the game of the playoffs for him. Sam Reinhardt, the big goal store from the season, gets the game-winning goal. Bob has a great game, other one goal. The whole thing just feels like Very Panthers. Yeah.


And then they finished it in the corner and the double zero, and then the cup was lifted. Connor McDavid won the cons, smite. He did not show up for that one, nor do I blame him.


We did that right there, man. Paul Maurice with the cup. That was-Let's get to that.


We go downstairs, and Rose, who was already sick before we even found out that she had COVID. She was not feeling well, but she was determined to show up to this game. So it was both her and Danny.


We had a mission for Rose. This whole playoff, she wanted one thing. That's it.


I said, If I didn't have that one thing, I would quit.


What was it? Tell her, what was the one thing?


I said, I want my picture with Marky. If not, I quit. I go. I won't do anything else in my life.


If they win the Stanley Cup, we will get that picture.


We're going to pass that along to the boys in the back so they can put it up on the screen for you. Yeah, she got that picture. We heard it down into a bullpen area, which was actually the dining area for the broadcast. Yeah, the bowels of the arena. The bowels of the arena. And the gold horn blew because that was the Panthers team picture with the cup. And then we got herded into the ice. Seeing all the Panthers fans over here looking at us going onto the ice, they're It's still loud. Everybody's happy. That was a moment.


That was cool. I think, at least for us, and for you a little bit more, because you and I were both there in Vegas last year. You were in Tampa the year before, but the year before was Colorado, Tampa, so there was no vested interest there.


Well, no, there was actually vested interest because I was obviously pulling for Colorado.


Comparatively. So last year we were in Vegas. Heartbreaking. But it was going on the ice and being It was a cool experience.


That was right after the Paul Maurice press conference where that made me feel better.


Yeah. Well, half the team was hurt. Paul Maurice being Paul Maurice just finds a way to soothe with his words. But I feel like those experiences made walking onto the ice in South Florida, at Amaranth Bank Arena, with all the Panthers fans, with everybody. How many people on the ice were we celebrating with because we had personal relationships with them? That was was what I had been envisioning for 12 months after doing it in Vegas, but doing it with the wrong team in the wrong arena. So the way it all ended at home on that ice, after going through it and hating part of it, I wouldn't trade any of it at this point.


Yeah, celebrating with the likes of Aaron Brown and Jordan McPherson, George Richards, Kobe Guy, Alex Bongarner. Yeah, that was Billy Lindsay and Doug Plagen, Steve Goldstein, Randy Mola.


That was-Celebrating with Billy, it's still resonating with me. Bill Lindsay, just his call and the final goal and his emotions on the ice. There's just a lot that's sticking with me.


Yeah. Rose, what was your experience on the ice?


The ice? I was very sick. So I was a little bit out of it. But when I saw Barky so close, I was like, Okay, this is all And a lot of people told me, Hey, don't go. You feel sick. I didn't know it was COVID. If I knew it was COVID, I wouldn't have been there. But I was like, After everything we've done, after all of this, I'm very invested in this team now. I am a hockey fan now. So how could I not go? And it was worth it seeing both of you, reactions and all of the fans, and then the lifting of the cup, and Barky and et cetera, et cetera. It was just a witness history, as you said. And I was glad to be part of it. So very, very happy and very, very sick.


And on that note.


On that note, that is the end of the National Hockey League season. So what's coming up next is the NHL draft in free agency begins on Monday, and we're going to start the offseason all. And we got a lot of stuff that we got to do this upcoming offseason because a lot of moves are going to have to be made and a lot of hearts are going to have to be broken. We're going to see a lot of new people on this team, and we can't wait for it as we go into the offseason portion of the Hockey Show. What the fuck? For Rose, for David Jroke, of the Hockey News, my name is Roy Bollame. We will see you in a couple of weeks because I taking a little bit of time off. Thank God.