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I was encouraged that on behalf of young people, Jeremy is trying to keep the movie theater experience alive. He is alone with this. He goes to the theater all the time, and he looks around a lovely theater and sees, never mind anyone his age, he doesn't see anybody at all. Every time When he goes to the theater, he's got the entire theater to himself. Mike Ryan is on record. He loves throwing big parties at movie theaters because he's got these banquet halls to watch movies by himself because nobody's going to the movies anymore. Because everybody... This is a sea change in our consumption habits, and it's also one of the many reasons that people are lonelier than they've ever been. We stopped doing communal things. I don't know if this is after the pandemic. I did something with Pablo Tori, Finds Out, Mina Kimes and Pablo, where we were talking about just people are hanging out less in general anywhere because we're all in our devices connected to fake world and not doing as many real-world things.


Pablo said something poignant, that the Internet is not doing what it said it would do, and that it was supposed to bring people together. Instead, it's pushing people further away?


Physically, not emotionally, not mentally. You feel like you know more people than you ever know. You got friends that aren't really friends on the Internet who you like interacting with, and that's enough of a friendship for you. But as it relates specifically to the movie theater, When's the last time any of you guys were in a movie theater? I still like going to the one on Lincoln Road, and it's giant, and there's no way it can survive. There's simply no way that that piece of real estate can exist very long as a movie theater. There aren't enough people in it. The business of movie theaters has to be, even with an occasional Tom Cruise movie that's a giant winner, you're still not really saving the movie theater industry.


I love going to the movies. I think that there's something magical about it, the way Look, I'm not exactly Martin Scorsese, but I do come from a time, and this is probably getting super emotional about it, but my dad had his relationship with his father, going to the movies in Havana and coming over to the United States and the whole land of opportunity. There was this land that all these amazing movies were being made out of. It's one of the few things that my father passed down to me outside of that. It's just a last name. But I have this closer relationship with my dad that was bonded through cinema and the experience of going to the movie. I do think that there's a lot to be said for physically going to an establishment, keeping that industry alive, because I do think it's important.


Dan, you just said that that movie theater on Lincoln Road can't survive much longer because of how business has been. They just renewed a lease to stay on Lincoln Road for longer.


It can't. There's just no way. It's three stories.


They've got to be money laundering, for sure.


There's no way. They have to be everywhere in South Florida, all of these giant businesses- That's got to be a front. That are paying the least affordable rates that you can find anywhere in and they're selling enough ice cream and T-shirts to be able to go?


I'd go as far as to say these places should receive subsidies for what they do for communities in terms of keeping certain arts alive. I do believe in the theater-going experience. It hasn't been too long since I last went. I last went to take my daughter to see an anime, a movie called Migration. Before that, we saw Trolls Band Together.


But you're purposely doing this as a principle. You're hanging on to a piece of your childhood and trying to pass it on to your daughter.


I don't know if it's so much like I know I spoke to the deeper reasons why I think I love going to the cinema, but also it's just a fun thing to do. It's more fun to get dressed, go out, make a point of getting popcorn and sharing that experience with my daughter. I love it, but I'd share that experience with my wife. I'd go with a bunch of friends to watch Mission Impossible. I like going to the movies. I think it's a magical experience, and it does add to the overall enjoyment of a picture.


How do you guys share your popcorn at a movie theater? I'm a big grab one of those little cups, those little see-through cups, and then everyone gets a cup. That's crazy. I don't like the hands. I like to be, of course, I'm holding it.


So you don't get a little cup? I just don't like the constant of the hands reaching across.


To me, give me your cup. I scoop it. Well, how many hands? Back to you. No, I'm saying, even if it's just my wife and my kid, I want them to have their own little cup of popcorn because I don't like the hands.


Here's how I like to enjoy it. Say that I'm not going to have any, but end up eating most of it. Yeah.


What about the Dune popcorn bucket?


My wife always wants to get a small.


I think I'm going to the movie theater for Dune.


You're going to see it?


Yeah, I think I'm doing Dune.


To get that popcorn bucket that you can see on the screen now because, boy.


Yeah, I mean- You're going to buy that? I understand because it's got a hole in it that people want to say it resembles a vagina.


What vagina?


I don't know.


That's the whole thing. You don't know the whole thing about this popcorn bucket? Oh, yeah. No, I'm the only one that's talking about people faking this popcorn bucket. It looks like one of those things. Well, no.


People are going to fake the popcorn bucket.


People have the popcorn bucket.


It looks like you couldn't get your dick out if you put your...


It looks like it- It resembles a cat's vagina.


It's like having sex with a tiger. That's how, yes, as Ron McGill has told us, when you withdraw, it's physically painful because- They have barbs at the end. Barbs are generally something that you don't want with your sexual experiences of any kind.


They asked Timote Chalamet about this bucket, and that's how you say his name. His name is Timote.


I feel like that should have the Pablo Torre condescending music.


It's a bit dorky if I'm just trying to say his name correct.


You know what? You can You are doing the correct thing, and we can mock you for showing such reverence for him that you give him his name the way he wants it to be said, even though it's the most obnoxious way- He said the only thing you can't say is Tim.


Nonetheless, he said that when they showed him the bucket, he wanted to take credit for the design.


We are still staying with Vagina. We're off point here, which is- Did you watch Dune One? No.


It was all right. It was laborious at that point. It's long as hell, Dan. It's very talky, but it's supposed to set you up for what we're seeing in Dune 2, which is action, wartime, big theatrical summer blockbuster type cinema.


A better I've seen in a theater.


A hundred %. Yeah. There's an article from The Onion that said Dune 2 is going to pick up where everybody fell asleep during Dune 1. You don't need to give me a three and a half hour movie to set me up for the next movie because I'm already out.


I think that the whole thing with Dune, and keep in mind, they tried to do Dune previously, and it was a huge box office failure, wasn't it? Because the source material was so difficult to actually put to screen. They said it was a great book, but how do you actually make this into a movie? And the answer is, well, you have one very laborious first movie that was well made, and it didn't lose people. Then you follow it up with where the action is, and you get people caring about these characters.


Isn't that like Dark Knight vibes, right? Wasn't the first Christopher Allen, Batman? It was really slow. It was so boring. So boring. They built up Dark Knight.


Sounds like they're doing too much.


This feels epic. This feels big, and this is certainly worthy of going to a cinema with your friends and witnessing it. Even if it fails to meet expectations, I do find it... Having an event type of film is exciting, especially one so early in the calendar. Typically, if something gets released this early in the year, it usually has bomb written all over it, which is why, even though audiences like it, that Bob Marley movie, you're like, Well, this isn't going to be Oscar bait because it's being released at the beginning of the year. You know what's big? You know what brings people to the movie theaters? Tom Cruise. The last three times I've gone to the movies, it's all to see Tom Cruise movies.


And Barbie.


Put it on the poll, please.


No, I'm just saying Barbie brought people to the theater.


Was he in there? He wasn't in it. I didn't see it.


And Oppenheimer. But you're talking about... I mean, it's a handful of movies that we keep saying, Well, that'll rescue the movie theaters. I'm telling you that on Lincoln Road, this isn't in any way sustainable. It's a three-story movie theater.


That one's crazy.


There's no one ever in it. There's no one there. You've got to see yourself.


There's a local theater in Fort Lauderdale that I try to go to as often as possible because I feel like somehow by showing up once every month. It's going to save this theater. But it was independent for a long time, and now there's new owners, and they're trying to fix it up. And so they got rid of all the old sticky seats. Almost like the nostalgia for that is better than trying to to upgrade to these new recliner seats and everything that exists there. But it was awesome because I walked in and there's a guy that looks like he's been working there for 45 years, and he offered to give me real butter on pop corn.


The movie theater feels like something that's just a step away from where the Walking Dead exists. Giant warehouses where there used to be entertainment that echoes that dying if not dead. Are you aware that Rick Grimes is making his way to whatever the reincarnation or reimagining is?


That poor bastard is going to be known as Rick Grimes.


Rick Grimes and The Walking Dead are making a return. He's making a return later this month. And movie theaters, to me, feel like that. They're right on the cusp of becoming that.


They do feel like that. I like the boutique, really fancy hoity-toity, spend $80 to go to a movie theater. I actually think when you compare how most states go, that's a good way to spend money, especially if the food's all right. But there are some establishment that have a foot in the new world, but you see the bones of the old world. Yeah, that's the worst. That's really sad. Where there used to be ticket-taking stations. It's all computerized now. And that's odd.


I do- That's the one I'm talking about in Fort Lauderdale, where they're trying to go into the new world, but you see this old theater where when I was four years old, I went and saw a re-air of A Hard Day's Night, the Beatles movie with my dad. And it's like, now that place has this ticket window that's totally closed because everything's electronic. And they're trying with recliner seats, but they're awful recliner seats. And it's sad see those types of theaters going to the wayside.


Can you tell me more about this old movie theater worker that tries to sell you on real butter? How does that really go down? He offers. They have a- Did you have a stick of butter? He's like, Come here, Sunny. I'm just like- He says they have the best popcorn butter in the area, which I can't believe is actually real, but he's just trying to feel nostalgic.


It's a nice thing. This is a nice thing. We don't have to shit on it.


Put it on the poll, please. Come here, Sunny. At Lepetard Show, do you put any candy in your popcorn? I want to get back to what it is that you were saying, Chris. Did this change with the dirty fingers of your daughter? Were you someone who was willing to share your popcorn until the dirty finger daughter made an appearance?


I won't share a lot with my daughter because of how many. They just stick every other week.


They touch everything.


When you went originally to the movies with your wife as a date before you had a daughter.


No, I think to your point, this is more of a thing since my daughter's around. When it was just me and my wife, I never got… With my daughter, she's not putting her hand in this popcorn. My daughter, I sent her a seat away from me so she can't even reach it. Me and my wife are here, and then there's a seat gap.


This is just about your dirty child. This isn't about you don't want a hands in general in your popcorn. It's that you don't want these dirty hands of your unclean child in your popcorn.


They don't tell you this when you have kids about what you are. What I am as a parent is I'm just constantly saying to my daughter, Get your hands out of your mouth.


Put it on the poll, please, Juju. Our children owning penicillin dishes for sickness?


She wants to always put her fingers in her mouth. She'll just be like a… It's like a school thing. She's singing, and I'm in the back like, Get your hands out of your mouth.


Out of your mouth. Petri dishes. Just touch the floor. It's just what I should have said. My God. You said penicillin. I did. He said a penicillin. He said a penicillin. He said a penicillin dish because the sickness- It's like what I said, stugotbooks.




It is a petri dish for disease, the fingers of a child in a movie theater.


God, I'd rather lick the floor in here than lick my daughter's fingers.


Well, when he said sticky seats, when he said he misses- I do miss those.


Oh, I love when my feet gets stuck to the floor. It's so sticky. There could only be one thing, Dano. It's the best. No, come on. You can't long. I don't know about that. I absolutely do. The bad seats that are uncomfortable and my shoes sticking to the floor.


You can't long for the sticky seats.


Back in my day, when you stood up at a movie theater, the seat would go... Yeah. Like the flinging of the seat. You don't get that anymore.