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You're listening to DraftKings Network. I do hope that I get a payoff for this at some point before I leave at the end of this week. Edmonton is denying our request to put up billboards with the note. Apologies, but your ad request will not be processed, and I'm no longer able to assist with this. Response from our team as follows. We have declined your request for advertising. Part of our creative approval process includes aligning with community standards and respecting the sensibilities of all stakeholders, including our audience, who in this case are the citizens of Edmonton, as well as our partners. And this messaging does not meet those standards. Look at the big smile on Juju's face there. Greg Cody continues to be in the middle of everything. I think the billboards are pretty benign. Stugats at some point is going to negotiate with some of the people over there, and hopefully we could broadcast that for tomorrow. I'm only going to do that if Juju thinks I should do that. He might think it's a bad idea, and I tend to follow Juju wherever he goes. All right, Juju, what are your thoughts here? Do you have any thoughts for us before we get- He's been going to a lot of dead shows, I guess.


Before we get to the critique you have of today's show, what are your thoughts here on what it is that we're doing, can do, should do, will do, won't do?


I think this is a case. I think that, look, man, whenever it was just up to us, should we do the billboards? I think that we could have had more courage in that sense. But since Edmonton has reached out and said, No, we don't want to be a part of this, we have to respect that. We can't tell them how to feel once they've been offended. Sort of like some of my posts over the weekend. Once they tell me, Hey, I don't like it, it's not up to me to be like, This is why you should like it. No, they're offended, so I should take those posts down. And I think we're losing the point. We don't have a problem with Edmonton. Last time I checked, do we hate Edmonton? No. I don't hate Edmonton. I think we should put those billboards to better use so they can support my brother even more. Let's put these billboards right next to the Miami Harrell. So every time every employee who drives up to the Harrell, they see the face of the guy that built this place brick by brick.


So you want us to put up the billboards here. You want us to put them up in Miami.


Yes. I asked Greg Coty, I'm sure he I would love that even more because Edmonton, we don't even know any of those guys.


He'll put them up himself. I also don't know that the people of Edmonton are actually offended. It's just a billboard company speaking on their behalf. I don't know if the billboard company speaks on behalf of all of Edmonton here. All right, Dan, take a straw poll.


What is that?


Juju, what do you have for us in the way of criticism today?


I don't have any criticism for today's show. That's one place I will start. The fans of the show has been letting me know how they feel about my criticism of the show, so they want me to be less critical. So I will take a page out of that book and say, Look, I show Grace. There was one time where you remembered Emily's name and not Lucy's name. That was a gaffe. But I don't think you're wrong. I'm not casting blame. Everybody's right. You know what I mean? They tell me I've been also in my mentions. They say, Joe, I love you, man, but you've been so emotional the last couple of days. And you know what, you guys, you're You're right. I got to take a page out of my own book as well. Stop being so dang emotional. Even though you're right, nobody cares about that. I have to stop being so emotional.


Juju, I appreciate that you always take accountability on these things. I also think it's unnecessary. I want you to be the ombudsman. I want you to be the voice of the fan. The fan spends a lot of time criticizing us. In the last few years, I would say more so than ever, although I suspect the last couple of weeks of shows have been something they've entertained because Because when sports are fun and we are totally engaged, that tends to be pretty fun for our audience. So I don't imagine that there are great many complaints these days, the last few days, even though there are always complaints around here about something. It's what the Internet is for. It's what it was built for.


Right. If I do have a complaint, let's be nicer to each other. We were more mean to each other than happy that the Panthers were on, What is happening here? I want to tune into this show, and I want to hear you tell everybody at Edmonton right where they can go. And guess what? Here's a hint. Our brows is over there sipping Matis. Yes, ma'am. Yes, sir. I want to tell Conor McJeezus, you're great. I'm not Emotional. You're great, me, Jesus. But you didn't win the Stanley Cup. I want to tell Leon Dreisido, welcome to another year of not being a Stanley Cup champion. Loser, you're going to put your forearm in our captain's face like that. I did not like that. We kept it cool. We respected you. We waited till the end of the series. But guess what? You're a loser. Purple drink. Purple drink. We are Stanley Cup champions. What is happening around here? Salute.


You guys all do realize Realize, right, that Panthers fans have no evidence that Dreisaitl is good at hockey. There's no evidence. That is a very confusing thing that Edmonton-Now, there's a billboard that I'm pretty sure Edmonton will get behind that billboard.


No evidence. But not emotional. He won't get behind that.


He's right. Not emotional. But Panther fans really do believe, based on the coverage of this series by this show, that Edmondon only has one great player. There really was. When were you ever aware that Dreisaitl was out there doing anything? Game 6, yeah. And when he's illegally hitting our captain and not getting punished for it.


The Gag. You're right. And we kept it cool. Even you see, E-Rod came on the show. He kept it graceful. He said, Look, we're not going to get into that. We got one mission. We got to win this Stanley Cup. And guess what? The mission has been conquered. I'm his brother. I became a Panthers fan because of Michael Ryan Ruiz. I just wanted to see my brother happy. But as much as these games started getting in the three, three, and my heart was involved at this point. You should have seen me in here watching the other game seven with me and my girl. Oh, my God. I come in, Mike. Oh, my goodness. You kept it together. You did me. You came back and you showed Grace to Greg Cody. And that's all we want to see. We just want to see you all love each other, and we got the W. Oh, my God. It's so beautiful.


One of the coolest things, Stugats, to me about this run, and obviously, you know how much gratitude that I have in general for this as a platform and our audience, but to see so many people who did not care about hockey, care about hockey just because this show was caring about hockey. It was pretty cool to see- It was a cool article, an awful announcement about it. That people were gathered around just interested Because sports were having, and they had a rooting interest through this show, it made me feel very strongly that what it is that we do here every once in a while lands in the way that you want it to land, even though it comes with a great deal of criticism because it's an odd thing to have happen. I don't think a lot of shows have that particular loyalty and sway over an audience to get you to care about something you don't actually care about. Now, how do we use that power to make everyone in Edmonton feel like shit?


No, we don't do that, brother. It's Men's Mental Health Month on top of that. It's been a lot of brothers reaching out to me over the month, and I feel like I let them down because the NBA Finals, there's so much been going on. I haven't had a chance to do wake and take or just sit down and just talk to my brothers out there and my sisters out there, though. This is an important time to let each other know, though. Like, bro, I care about you. I understand. Sometimes as adult men, we be feeling so ashamed to be having problems. I be ashamed myself. I'm going to open up myself. I be ashamed to be wrong sometimes. I be ashamed to be embarrassing myself in front of you all and stuff like that. So I have to be a better... I have to give myself more grace as well as I know all my brothers out there as well. You have these situations and problem. Look, I'm not going to ramble. I'm a rambling man just like my brother Dan. But at the same time, if you want to reach out, if you want to talk, send me a DM, brother.


I promise I'm going to get to it over the next couple of weeks. Let's have an open dialog, man. Let's just facilitate this. Just a communication, brother. Let's have camaraderie as brothers. If you out there, are you listening? If you need somebody to talk to.


Just don't answer the one from Andrew Bryant. Yeah, be careful with that one. Be careful.


Sounds like we should wait till July first for the billboards, Dan. Stand.


Thank you, Juju.Thank.


You all.Thanks, Juju.