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You're listening to DraftKings Network. A tweeter writes in, Dan, I'm afraid the utopia of freedom and creativity you aspire to and have now created is rearing its eminent dark side. The arguing and anger daily isn't entertaining at this point. At Lebitard Show is where you reach us with your criticism, I would simply say to you, sir, that this is a difficult time. Everybody is a little bit emotional, and when you ratchet up the stakes to people who have cared about sports all their lives and make it so that the stakes are so high that you're terrified going into the game and you know that the joy is the highest joy and the fear you have is of America and North America laughing at you. The stakes have broken people here, and we're eight hours from a game being played, and everyone here is already broken. But the great thing about sports is the athletes are more courageous than their fan bases, and so the athletes can do things that the fans can't do. Otherwise, the fans would be out there making millions of dollars, skating around on Razorblades. And these people have trained all their lives for this moment.


And so you can doubt them, and they will get to laugh at you when they say nobody believed in us, and it will be so. Not even our own fans believe in us. Because if we went down one nothing tonight, our fans are like, It's over. The game is over. And so we did it ourselves. We didn't need anybody. It's why those locker rooms are so tight. They don't actually believe that that fan love is anything other than conditional. You will love us when we make you feel good. You will yell things at your television when we don't.


Two nothing, it's over. Not one.


You said one nothing.


I said one nothing. I'll go up to the concession stand to pull my trick out of my sleeve.


Or they can lose and succumb to what is the most pressure-filled moment in their entire professional lives? Because there has never been a game seven attached with this much pressure for a hockey team in the modern age, ever. It would be totally human for them to succumb.


I hope what you're saying is right. It would be superhuman for them to overcome it.


They need to muster up a superhuman effort tonight, it feels. Because if I'm feeling this like this and I care this much about laundry, I can't imagine someone that has been training for this moment their entire lives on frozen ponds.


I can't imagine what they're feeling. No, but here's the thing, though. There is a difference here between you're not rooting for laundry. A lot of people around here are just interested in sports be sports, entertain me. This is the gladiator spectacle. It doesn't matter who the gladiators are. I'm going to say that tonight's game is going to do a giant number for hockey because the casuals are going to appear who just like sports. You're going to get a whole bunch of eyes that you wouldn't normally get around hockey because it's just people who want stakes attached to March Madness. Every game means something. I want to tune in and see what everyone's going to be talking about. I don't even care about hockey. I think their numbers are going to double tonight on what they would normally do, where they're at 3 million They're doing basically Reese's Against Caitlin Clark numbers that top out at about 3 million. I think that you are going to get closer to 5 million people tonight who end up watching something because they just want to be around dramatic consequences in sports. Who doesn't like those? Billy, I think you just want your television to go up in flames.


What? What do you mean? I think you want in the middle- Imagine a fire in my house.


I don't want that.


I think you want everything to go up in flames. I think you're going to throw your head back in laughter.


I'm the most confident one here thinking that they can win tonight. I know you guys are afraid of, Chris. If one nothing is two nothing. By the way, two nothing, most dangerous lead in hockey. I don't know if you're aware of that. So I don't sweat two nothing. You guys do. Why don't you have faith in this team? Believe in this team, we got here. We got to this point. Yeah, there's some bumps in the road, some hiccups, but every journey has some bumps in the road. And here we are, about to arrive at the destination. Are we here? We're not. I don't understand.


I want to show you here a acting like we're showing up at Wally World, and it's closed. I want to show someone a bump on the head, not a bump in the road. I want to show you some video that Zack Harper accuses the umpire of looking like Rick Flair here. It's a giant home run that involves a bat toss after the home run, a pimped-out trot, and the aluminum bat hits the umpire in the head. And watch the umpire's reaction.


It's really Rick Flair-y It's just a cartoonish pass-out situation when he gets hit in the head with the aluminum bat. The knob.


He gets hit with the knob, not the barrel. Obviously, I wouldn't want to get hit in the knob. But yeah, the knob hits him, not the barrel. Oh, my God.


That is like a skip in a rock on a lake.


It's just a quick pop. But It's a real stagger, and the umpire does wander around like Rick Flair. Takes four steps. Is he okay? And then falls on his back. Is he okay? It's a good question, Mike. I'm going to assume that he did not die, but there is going to be- His base runner interference there.


Can we find out if this person's okay? I don't know.


By the way, a bit high in the zone, that kid shouldn't have swung at that.


There were so many videos we played on Highly Questionable that ended up years later. We had to take them out of circulation because there was the report Very late, Hey, that Spider-Man who was doing a summer salt and landed on his face at a kid's birthday party, he's no longer with us.


I remember that one.


It was a classic.


Let's spin the wheel here of issues.


This one's on the wheel of issues, stuff we haven't gotten to today. It's JJ Redik. It's USA Bolivia. It's ACC and FSU. It's Twisters. It's Astronauts Getting Stuck, and it's a twilight Zone episode from 1983. Mike, what did that land on?


It landed on the ACC, an FSU.


Are you Billy, is that what it landed on?


Yes. I honestly... It's hard to see from here. Small font.


I can't feel my fingers. What happened? I'm just so in a bad place right now. Why? Because I'm a fan. I care. I've been on a show that has just been weaponizing that against me. Again with this? Well, it's true.


What about the ACC?


He had a busy day. He also got served today.


I'm not sure what is going to It's not going to happen with the ACC, but the chatter around Florida State leaving this conference, no matter what, and then just taking its chances with the whole strategy of, You know what? We're out of here. They may not actually have their rights to it. That has only grown. And so it's a confidence from people affiliated with FSU. They'll tell you that they have their landing spot figured out. I've heard conflicting things.


You sound empty.


Yeah, what's going on?


Your reporting sounds hollowed out.


It's just like he doesn't want to be talking about. I'm with him. Why are we making him talk about UM right now?


I didn't make him. It's what the wheel is.


He asked me what it landed on.


That's what it landed on.


We shouldn't be doing this to him right now.


I haven't landed on something else. Pick someone else.


Okay, because what do you mean pick someone else?


Go ahead and spin the wheel again because he's too sad to do it.


What if it lands on it again?


Well, you'll tell me. Jj Reddick, USA Bolivia.


Again, ACC FSU.


Twisters. Look, Hot Ones is for sale. That I didn't see the first time. Another Russell Crowe Exorcism movie. Travis, Travis, Kelsey, danced at a Taylor Swift concert as well, and the twilight Zone movie. What did it end up landing on? The Wheel Grow would happen. Yeah, there were stuff I didn't see.


It looks like Bolivia, I think it says.


Usa I'm not a test. Okay, well, let's see.


Anyone have thoughts on that?


Is this a friendly?


Is this a real one?


What is it dealing with? I think I see a climate. I think I see a climate. I think I see something climate related on the rule right there.


What did it land on, Billy?


It landed on space.


Oh, astronauts. Astronauts getting stuck.


How about it?


So if an astronaut is stuck, what's going on?


How did astronauts get stuck? Oh, look, it landed on climate protester.


Do they make you want to pollute more? They make me want to a little bit. It is. And by the way, it's against what they're doing. But it also, if I pollute more, then they have more things to protest, right? So it's good for them. No?


It is a little odd. They had two tours to pick from to protest climate, and they decided against the Saudi one.


What do you think Scheffler's thought was when he saw the cops swarming the green? You think there was a moment of like, what happened?


I was thinking about this this morning that there were so many ways for Scheffler to handle all of that situation. I wish he hadn't handled it as scared and respectfully as he did.


But for the first time in recorded history, there are two golf tours going on, and one of them is specifically backed by Saudi Arabia. That's correct. And yet the climate protesters went at the PGA. Now, I'm sure they've got quite the carbon footprint.


We have here one of the slowest tackles in human history, where it's just a cop and a guy's jogging, and it's just, God, it's just fantastic.


I have found, I know you guys make fun of me because of how often on the weekends I'm talking- Did you guys do this one? To climate scientists. But when they talk about protesting and civily and peacefully protesting, a lot of times what they're talking about is not being able to curry public favor because so many things like this happen where traffic is an inconvenience or Billy suddenly wants to litter when he didn't because of the protester.


More opportunity for them to protest. Does John Rom get it? Why is he so angry all the time at these live events?


Well, There's no protesters there.


He's mad at a drone flying around like, John, cash a check and just smile, buddy. That's what this is all about.


Their whole thing was like, golf, but louder.


It's like their whole tagline. They should have a good crowd this week.


And he's like, Why is this golf so loud?


There was a dog barking before Bryson shot.


What is happening with this loud golf? Why is there a loud golf? Well, it's the entire business plan.


Tony, you're going to be watching tonight, and you don't care about this.


I'm going to be locked in. I'm I'm going to be absolutely locked in. He's wearing a hat. I'm wearing a Panthers hat. Look at this.


You and Billy are both going to be gathered around the television. Chris, do you feel... I want to know this.


I don't feel at all, actually, the last few days.


You don't feel anything?


Since 11.


But do you think that Tony and Billy are rooting to laugh at you or to celebrate with you?


I think both of them, at the end of the day, are rooting for the Panthers. I do. Definitely Tony. I'm 50/50. I'm Billy. What do you mean?


Which is why we couldn't have a watch party, Dan.