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I don't know I don't know if we will have any success, but I've been asking the folks who handle South Beach Sessions to try to get Mackenzie Scott on because Jeff Bezos's ex-wife has been giving away all of the money that she is getting from her divorce settlement with Bezos to charitable causes. Elon Musk says that she's destroying civilization. When he said that, she doubled her donations. I really do want to know. It's just it is great to think about vindictive charity, to be just aggressively giving away all of Bezos' money, trying to undo any of the harm that he might be doing. I read somewhere that he remade, like he's making so much money every day, that she became one of the wealthiest people in the world just in divorcing him because of the amount of money she got. Then he immediately regained all of that worth and then some because he's so far ahead of the curve on the insanity of trafficking in how accustomed we have gotten to convenience only he can provide. Because no one else, I don't know if you guys are having to jump through any of the hoops that I have to jump through with FedEx, UPS, and the postal system just to return stuff that my wife only buys things online.


And so the returning of stuff to all other places is hugely difficult while I'm going to Whole Foods and returning something from Amazon because I could just do it at the grocery store because he's gotten so far out ahead of everybody in being able to monetize convenience and how addicted we've become to convenience. But Have any of you read? Because I have not read about what Mackenzie Scott is doing beyond her basically giving away all of the money that she's getting in the divorce in a way that makes her... It has to be has to be the world's biggest philanthropist. By volume, by money, she has to be giving more money to things than anybody else by leaps and bounds.


Doesn't Bill Gates have a reputation for doing a lot of that?


Yes, he gives away a lot of He does a lot. In fact, I'm pretty sure he has said that late in life, he has insisted about wanting to do good things with that money in a meaningful, legacy-enhancing way. But many of these billionaires have been playing with their toys, shooting rockets into the sky. I'm not real sure how it is that we've arrived at a situation so divisive that Elon Musk would look at what Mackenzie Scott is doing and call it the destroying of civilization, while he tries to rescue civilization with an entity that makes me vigorously shake my friend's shoulder with joy when he tells he's deleted it from his life because I think he's going to have more peace of mind. How have you arrived in such a disparate location that somebody thinks that being the world's largest philanthropist, I'm sure it's the causes, right? I'm sure that the causes feel too woke to Elon Musk is what it's going to be, but to call what she's doing, these acts of philanthropy. I say this out of ignorance because I haven't done a deep dive. I'd like to talk to her about it.


I haven't done a deep dive on what it is she's doing, why she's doing it, or how she's doing it. But I assume that if you're giving away your money, you're doing better things with it than Bezos and Elon Musk are doing.


Well, that's the thing. When Elon Musk is criticizing her, I think what he's meaning is she is making the rest of us, filthy billionaires look so bad because we're buying rocket ships and she's actually helping people who need help. There's a big dichotomy there. That's all she's doing because it's It's so rare. Billionaires buy sports teams and make money off cities hosting sports teams. They don't do what she's doing, other than Bill Gates and the rare exception. It's extraordinary. I would love to know more about her as well, so get her on South Beach.


Forbes says In 2023, she donated 2.2 billion, bringing her lifetime total to $16.6 billion given away. That's insane.


Where does that rank? I'm guessing that that makes her the world's largest philanthropist. I'm assuming that she's got more money and is giving more away than anybody else is, but I don't know that. I would assume that she would top any list of giving things away. But do you think anyone can get her to say, Yeah, some of it's out of spite?


She's got a long way to go to reach Bill Gates. I just googled, as of 2022, he had donated 50 billion since 94.


She gave a sizable donation FIU. Yeah, possible. Yeah, and from my understanding of it, it was very casual. Just rang him up and said, I'd like to give you this many millions of dollars. And then that fundraiser that took credit for it, that answered the call was a made person. Yeah, here you go. Which also feels spiteful because Jeff Bezos does root for the University of Miami football program. He was at Ed Reid's Hall of Fame induction.


I really would like to have some of the honesties involved with where and how are you doing this just to bother Jeff? Because if you're making FIU one of those things, and it's wonderful to think of somebody just picking up the phone, I can't imagine that there aren't more of those that we can find some connections to. Cody mentioned earlier in the show that he had seen three quarters of one women's basketball game and no men's basketball, college basketball. He bragged, I'd say.


I watch highlights of men's games, but I just haven't sat and walked all the way. I will come the elite.


You won't, but okay, we won't quiz you on it.


I texted him last night knowing he was coming into the show today, and I was like, College basketball, a lot of stuff to watch. Are you watching? Nope.


Well, I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was watching a competition, but it was Tournament of Champions on the Food Network. Because I'll tell you what, defending champion May Lynn- Hold on. Had a- Spoiler alert. Hold on.


I'm not going to say it. Hold on. Don't say anymore.


I'm not going to say anymore.


He can't say anymore. He can.


It's down to the final eight, and they are some heavyweights, man.


Wow. But did you have an opinion an opinion on the... You're a proud, proud owl, correct?


Foule owl on the proud.


You have mentioned this. Did you have an opinion on Dusty May going to Michigan? I thought he told us last year that he wouldn't go anywhere. I thought he assured us that he was going to stay at FAU for a long time. You believe him?


Fau. Fau. Did he say for a long time or for that season, after all the jobs had already closed up because he made a run that was almost too good.


Yeah. And Deion Sanders is a lifelong Buffalo. I'm happy for him. He's paid his dues. He's been at FAU a long time. And before that, I think he was a Florida gator assistant. He's not coming out of- Are you looking at his Wikipedia? No, I'm looking at his blank Google screen. He's not coming out of nowhere, even though 90 % of the country first heard about him last year when they made that crazy run to the final four. They were good. Unlike Miami, they were good again this year. They at least got into it. I think it's a great hire for Michigan, particularly following a guy, Juwan Howard, that is a pretty easy guy to follow.


It's unbelievable how quickly that fell apart. That was such a sweet story, Juwan Howard and the FAB 5 connection, going back there, having initial success. And how about they lose 26 games this year, and they end under investigation? That went south fast.


And a couple of instances, in which his anger and his ability to restrain his anger was thrown under the spotlight.


It's hard to lose 26 games. I mean, that is beyond a terrible season.


At Michigan, it's unbelievably hard to lose 26 games. But he and Patrick Ewing, there are certain dangers involved. And Juan Howard and Patrick Ewing, actually, because Ewing worked on Stan Van Gundee's staffs, and Juan Howard worked down here, they were willing to do some of the early work on being assistant coaches. But when they got in charge of the programs, those things fell apart very quickly. I don't recognize Georgetown basketball and Michigan basketball anymore because of what those two guys have done to it. When you get into 20, was it 25? Was it 25 losses? 26 losses? You're terrible. And that team went emotionally strong into the last two tournaments. This year was an apocalypse, but I thought, I don't have it in front of me, but I thought that they made, at the very start of that, a run that had everyone celebrating Jouan Howard and the storyline of Jouan Howard as somebody who had gone to the school, because that turns into a nightmare real quick. He wept at the opening press conference because he was so moved about the idea of bringing his life full circle, succeeding there as a college player, and then going back as a professional at the top of the profession, he's going to have a hard time getting another job.


He left behind a good job, and I think they nailed the top available coach. He was talked about he would have gotten a marquee job last year had that run not prevented him from taking one of those jobs.


The struggles of Juan Howard in men's basketball is in the context of the football team doing everything that it could with a very popular coach. I think Dusty May is in the perfect situation because they have nowhere to go but up, quite literally, and he's ready for a major program. Fau always was a stepping stone for him, no matter what he said.


Those are the expert words of someone who has watched three quarters of a woman's basketball game in March Madness, and none of the men. He was covering tennis yesterday.


Thank you. Coco Gaff. How about that?


I got an autograph of hers. Oh, yeah.


Could be worth something someday. Yeah.


She hit it into the audience, and I made a sweep one-handed grab.


Give it to the kid.


Give it to the kid. I did. Oh, good. I gave it to my daughter. He was dressed up like Coco. Mike Ryan, rarely has felt better, I imagine.


Then one champagne in one glass in one hand, and then reaching up and making an incredible catch for his daughter.


It was dope. Dude, two dozen people came up to me and said, Man, what a nice catch. It was a one-handed full extension grab. He didn't spill a single drop of champagne. You should sell it like 190 right now on the interwebs here. No, no. This has got so much emotional value. My daughter was so happy to get this one.


Two dozen people? Yeah.


What a catch. A couple of people are like, Hey, you stole my ball, but I get the show. Great grab. I hope there's video of it somewhere.


That's a good feeling right there for a two- One handy.


Oh, full I prepared for that my entire life. Great moment.