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To Pablo Torre Finds Out. I am Pablo Torre. And today we're going to find out what this sound is.


Doing lines off a Nintendo Switch in the back of a Hyundai Sonata. Yeah, I feel like they're tapping into things like that I would want to say.


Right after this ad.


You're listening to Giroff Kings Network. Yo.


How are you?


What's going on, B? How are you doing, man?


I'm great. I'm great now that you're here, man. Where are we here? Are you sufficiently stoned enough?


Oh, yeah. I need an Espresso, but can we lower this? Because I don't fuck with this height of the chair. It's like a three-quarter chair. I don't like that.


You approve, though, the Espresso is all right. It's really good.


The taste of vanilla.


That's what I chose.


For you. You chose the.


Vanilla one? I did.


I usually wouldn't go for it, but man, wow.


A wow from you means a lot to me. Not that I should take credit for whatever Nespresso pod. Toheation. Toheation. That's your.


Usual go-to. Well, no, I feel like you depotted it and then just laid all the bean in there for me.


That's exactly what I did. Thank you for noticing.


It's the best. Wow.


There are some things in the city of New York that feel extraordinarily New York. And as a New York show, Pablo Torrey finds out that feels the need to occasionally remind people that, yes, we have a physical studio in Manhattan where we tape our show. I marvel at a person like Action Bronson, who is oozing New York out of every pore, and who is a rapper and an artist and chef and a 30-something, I believe, 39-year-old native New Yorker and a host of That's delicious, a wildly popular show about food. He's a Renaissance man in a way that is entirely sincere. And so when I saw him on the sidewalk on one of my many, almost entirely random walks through the city, I realized that I had many, many questions that I needed to ask him. What I wasn't sure was whether his particular strain of consciousness would indulge the many questions that I had for him. I knew this was going to be different. And so I just needed to tell him how I felt. I am so glad that you're sitting here.


No, shit. Thank you.


For real. I was... We were trying to figure out how do we explain to someone who hasn't listened to your music, Action Bronson before. And we had a couple of like... Well, first off, what do you... When you imagine a listener and appreciator of your music doing when listening to you, what do you imagine?


I don't really give a shit, to be honest with you. I'm just doing it for myself. I'm not even thinking about anything else. It's all right. But new things. I've just come back from a new path. I'm riding a new path. I feel great. It's hard to describe anything. I don't know. If I wanted to describe it, I would have talked to you about it. You know what I'm saying? It's like when you paint, I didn't want to fucking talk to you. I painted you something, and that's that. Right now, we're in the process of making new music, new breakthroughs. So then I'll be excited. Having a brand new band and doing things like that, like The Tiny Desk and shit like that.


That's the shit, though, that I've been listening to all week.


That. These motherfuckers are crazy, man. Oh, my God. I'm sorry for Christian. It's like one of those platforms when you're respected in music, they bring you on there. And I don't know, people seem to really enjoy it. Ten time champ. It's about to be 11. Just understand that I would die for this leather belt, man. Live from the moon. I just want to say this.


Very clearly if you have not listened or learned much about Action Broughton before this interview somehow, this Tiny Desk concert at NPR in D. C, yo, Nadeer, behind the glass, one of my guys, we were trying to figure out how do we describe this music. And he was like, Hey, this music makes me want to ride a horse.


Yes. It brings out all the emotions of carnal desires. Yes. Riding horses on beaches naked. Just things of that nature like fire. Just watching fire burn. Watching the ocean roar. Boy, stay cozy. Laying in a bed that's full of roses, sipping rosy, chilling with some Kobe's on, gold rollie on the phone, the army. I travel to stars like Kobe one. I'm a fucking Star Wars man. In. Because Indiana Jones is better, bitch. That's it. Fuck that. Free flowing acid jazz. Fucking I'm a jazz instrument. Just like a goddamn saxophone or the roads, I am. Make me cry. So it's definitely reinvigorated me in that manner, but I have to put myself in a hole to dig myself out right now. That's the zone.


So the zone sounds a little miserable if you're using a hole to describe it.


No, not really. These are all like... I'm trying to be dramatic. I'm being dramatic. It's all dramatization.


I like how you said earlier, I'm not good at describing things. I'm like, you, I think, are one of the best describing of things.


But no, because it's not. I'm not describing an exact. It's a rendition of my exact brain. It's like the picture behind you. That's what's happening.


I want to say people have questions like, how do I book this show? I literally ran into you on the street one day. Do you remember this? I don't know if you remember this. On the street in Soho, I ran into you. I think we were both varying levels of stoned, incidentally.


Yeah, listen, I love The Round the Horn. That's how you booked this.


But then I saw you then. I see you now. And it's a fall day in New York. And I guess I should ask, when was the last time you wore pants?


I don't, probably 15 to 20 years. The last time I put pants on, I had an accident, and I never wore them again.


What happened?


Just wasn't good. It just wasn't good. It can't be discussed. It can't be discussed. But what I will say that they were never to be touched on my skin again.


Every time I've ever seen you, you're wearing shorts.


And they're stretchy so I could squat so I could work out. I'm not fucking around with stiff shorts. You understand? I'm over here flexible.


When did you learn that you needed to have stretchy shorts?


I was a... I'm a husky child. Everyone needs stretchy shorts. I don't think that anyone should wear a constricting situation. Anything constricting is like, I get sometimes you get that heat flash that comes over you and just want to rip everything off, trip the fuck up shirt off. I just want to rip the shit off. I get that a lot. So for me to be able to use the actual agility that I was given by nature and science with my body construction, it's only right that I put on a material that reflects and echoes all of the property.


I feel like when you were a kid, though, what was that like? What's a young Action Bronson like?


Yeah, I mean, I don't know, like a fucking wild man. Every kid's crazy, I feel, in some aspect. You're not even fully conscious. You're just drunk. You're on ass. You don't know what the fuck is really going on. You're so like little Bamby-ish. So you're just running amok doing whatever, thinking that there's no consequence on earth. And then I don't know, one day it just all hits you. You're old and gray, your balls sag, your ass leaks, you know what I'm saying? I'm not talking about me, but in general, these things happen. I feel like as I get older, I get more sophisticated looking like Sean Connery.


The Gravitas is all over your beard now.


It's happening.


When you're a kid and someone picks a fight with you, what's the move?


Headbutt. I'm a headbutter.


When did you discover that that was your move? That's like a Zengif move.


It's like this. You ever watched the movie Gladiator? Of course. But with Bryan Dennehy, that one.




Cuba Gooding Jr, it was an early underground fighting movie, boxing, and he used to say this was the hardest part of the head. On the top of the head, kid. Hardest part of the body. It hurts, don't it? What are you going to do now? What are you going to do now? Here he comes. Here he comes. You never seen Gladiator with Brian Dennehy? Are you kidding me right now? I have this on VHS. Kuba Gooding Jr. Do you know that actor?


Of course. You might have heard of him. I wish someone had shown me the VHS tape of Gladiator starring Kuba Gooding Jr.


It was starring Brian Dennehy.


Sorry. Cuber Gooding Jr. Had the supporting role. But I had a grandfather, a very good man who loved his VHSs, and that's what he collected and have about 3,000 in my house.


Holy shit.


Yeah, that he left me all kinds of crazy shit. I've seen it all. I've seen them all.


What's better about a VHS?


There's grain. Everything is better about tape. There's some graininess. You have to be a connoisseur to understand it. It's like the in-between space.


The imperfection of it.


It's that, but it also adds. It gives comfort and warmth in some aspects. Film is just captured differently than digital. It's like, whatever. Anyone can pick the camera up and make the thing.


I should point out that you have acted for Martin Scorsese when you talk about film.


Yes, I'm accredited as a film actor in The Guild.


That's right. I am. You were in The Irishman.


It's pretty fucking bizarre.


Can you explain what meeting Martin Scorsese and being directed by Martin Scorsese was like?


Most of the time, people are as stoked as you are to meet them as they are to meet you.


He was a fan of yours.


I don't know if that's the case, but he definitely showed enthusiasm and showed a lot of love and it was nothing but happiness and laughter. We had a good time. We only did about three takes and that was it.


What was the role you played for people who were unfamiliar?


Just some weird casket salesman in about the third hour, 10-minute mark. It was a pivotal point. They're like the Cadillacs of caskets. Now, if we're putting you in the oven, it really doesn't matter what you're going. The cheapest shit possible, particle board, that's it. What are we doing today? Are we doing a cremation?


I remember distinctly waking up on my couch to the third hour there about Mark and thinking to myself, Am I hallucinating action, Bronson? I know. To this film.


With that beard, it was bizarre. He asked me to take the beard off, but at that point, I was like, man, this is like, I have six chins under here. So I'm probably not.


I'm imagining you're your home, and I'm imagining the 3,000 VHS tapes. I'm imagining your incredibly worn down rewinder.


You already know there was a rewinder. There has to be. Of course. You can't put your machine through that type of wear and tear. You need a separate rewinder. And it was a Corvette.


Oh, shit.


You know how the.


Corvette rewinder? Yeah, the red rewinder. And so if I were to put your brain inside of your Corvette rewinder, what is the memory that comes up that is not actually on tape anywhere, but you think of as, Oh, this is a core memory that I, Action Bronson have.


I mean, there's so many. I couldn't tell you those. Those are for me. I can't tell you.


The pants one then there, isn't there?


No, the pants. With pants, there's no secret of the pants. I don't wear them. I just don't think that they're nice. Fashion wise, I don't like to cover my leg. I work hard to get a calf that has some diamond shape.


Why would I.


Want to take away from that calf? I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed. I like a sock. I like to show the shoe. I like a full... My shit is like my quadricep is literally out fully flexed.


Yes. Yes. Quad's out.


It's a quad season. I'm just trying to recover from a sacroiliac injury. It's under your ass area, like your nut groin from the back.


It's a.


Very specific area. It's like these muscles that keep them hamstring nice.


So that's not like the grundle?


It's near it.




It's parallel to the Grundle. It's running parallel. It's in a grid.


Almost asymptotic to the Grundle. Sort of like always approaching, but never touching it.


No, it runs congruent.


I should point out that your calf philosophy shames me because I consider the Filipino people I'm Filipino to have excellent calves. I consider my calves excellent. I have artwork about the Filipino calf. This is not the first time I pointed this out to a guest, but on the left is a standard white guy, just very vertical calf. On the right is the Filipino calf, in my view. And I've been told I should wear more shorts.


You do. You have to condition your chin also. The chin? The chin bone muscle is very important as well. You have to do the front flex, not only the calf. You can't just do front. You got to do back also.


So how do you work out your chin?


You flex your toe upwards. Do you feel that muscle? I do. Now put it back down. No, you don't have to go all the way up. No, put your leg down. Flex your foot. Now really flex it up tight.




Yeah, there it is. Feel that muscle? There it is. That one.


What is your workout routine like now?


I just fucking go hard for an hour and a half. And I do things that I like doing. And then I do things that I hate doing.


Give me the thing you love the most. Give me the thing you hate the most.


I don't really like bench pressing. It's not really like I don't love that shit. I love to squat. I love to do Zercher squats with the weight in front of you. I like picking up stones and sandbags and shit like that. I don't like running. I don't like doing running for a long distance.


You like the world's strongest man shit.


I do. But then I also like, skinny boy shit. I want to be in shape as well. I like the MMA type of cardio training. I like fighting training. I like that type of shit. I like to be pushed to the physical limits.


There's a tattoo you have that I believe.


Is- Nothing means anything.


So the one that you.


Have- It doesn't mean a fucking thing.


Barry Bonds, his season.


It doesn't really mean a thing. I was a stupid kid that is going back to being a nitty. Why did I do that? He had other seasons where he was juiced up, but that was his most juiced up season. I can't wait to get on in G. H. Honestly.




Bonds is- As soon as I turn 40, I'm taking G. H.


Barry Bonds' 73 home run season. You have that stat line tattooed on your body. And the growth.


Hormone- It was in his most impressive average season. You know that.




He hit like 380, right? 375?


Barry Bonds hit 370 the year after that.


Exactly. That was more impressive.


Because he got walked.


All the time. Because he got walked all the time.


Less home runs, but hit 370. Yes, got walked all the time. Was the most feared player in baseball.


And by the way- That's how I stepped to the plate. You put that thing on the fucking wall. The elbow guard? When you have that on and you have a dangling hearing, who were you to be fucked with?


Just about the headbutt of baseball.


His head was his jaw. He had G.


H. Face. So the G. H. Face, the growth hormone. Yeah. Have you taken.


Steroids before? Yeah, 24 years old. I was juiced up. I don't know. I was taking Project Juice. My boy from the neighborhood was getting some juice and we were shooting it up. Shooting up juice.


Into what part of your body were you shooting at, Project X? Arm, leg.


Ass, cheek, rear delt. Seriously. Bad shit. But who knew where this juice was coming from? It could have been canola oil. It could have been whatever, Mazola. I could have been giving myself goddamn Project surgery like BBLs.


Yep, Yep, Yep, Yep. What would you go do, though, with all of the- I would.


Go do ballet and ice skate. We might go lift weights, bro. Meathead shit. Eat turkey. Raw turkey. Rolled in raw chicken meat and then rolled in pro-load. Isopure, EAS, Bill Romanowski. Yes. You understand? That's the time I was taking creatine at 13 years old.


I imagine you now. I imagine young Action Bronson eating a raw.


Straight up to, I mean, turduckin is ridiculous, but I like it.


It does seem a little unholy.


Well, when it's done right, it's delicious. The idea of just like all that, I think it's craziness. That's more for like, seems like you just started for a party. That's right. Someonesays I don't want her to have a party, so they're like, let's do something festive.


I want to explain to people, I think of you as the ambassador of Queens. I'm from New York. I grew up on 30th and first in Manhattan. Brands lived in Queens, all of that. Spent way too much time in the Floral Park area growing up.


The hell were you doing at Floral Park?


My friend, Piazzario, lived in a Floral Park. Flopo.




Also, Woodside, Filipino food. Oh, yeah. How do you explain Queens to people who have not been there?


It's a mixture of every single life on earth in one place. So it's like it's a holy land.


It is the most diverse place maybe on earth.


It is. It's a holy land. I've been a lot of... I couldn't see anywhere else being this diverse. This is stacked up other places, but it's not with all these different cultures. It's truly unbelievable.




It's truly an unbelievable place.




It's somewhere you never, ever, ever have to leave. And you've already been everywhere.


So I feel like a lot of people, the export from Queens that they think they're getting is like, Kevin James, King of Queens.


When I think of Queens, I think of coming to America.




That's the first thing I think of. And I think that that's a tremendous depiction of Queens.


That one.


You're right. That shows Queens in one of the most incredible lights ever. You got to go to Queens. That's where you're going to meet one of the most incredible.


You brought it back to.


Literally royalty. He got his face on the money, man. He's rich. He is rich.




He's got his own money. And baby, when I say he's got his own money, I mean, the boy has got his own money. You did it this time. You hit the jackpot. That type of shit.


Were you on AOL? Hell yeah. What was your screen name?


A Suede 56.


How did you get settled on that?


How did I get settled? It didn't take much. I just started some shit and that became that. My jersey number was 56 in high school like a meathead, and that was it.


So a. Sued. 56. Yeah.


At aol.


Com. At aol. Com. Net Zero. Oh, yeah.


The CD.


Yeah, I was on Earthlink.


Damn. Those are two off-brand ones.




I had this kid in my neighborhood who was a computer whiz. He built the computer and he got me all set up on the Compact Rosario.


Oh, yeah, man.


And then I got the Dell. I didn't have the good shit. When we had a word processor, I thought we had a computer. I was trying to enter launch codes, but it never worked.


What sport did you play number 56?


Football. Position? Bayside High School. Center and Nose Guard. Prestige.


Give me this counting report on you as a player.


Deceptively quick. Hard-hitting. Long-lasting. Iq on fucking unbelievable. My awareness is 100 on Madden.




I'm like the field general. I'm the quarterback of the line. I know more than the quarterback does. I question his throws. I question his decision making. Why did you do that?


What was the reaction? To? When you are questioning what's happening on this team?


I'm not that type of guy. I would, in my mind, I was like, What the fuck was that? I could throw him under the bus. On to the next play.


Your athletic hero was who?


My true athletic hero? I don't really know. Who did I look to? It was like, wow, Mike Tyson. Yeah. Yeah. He captivated me as probably many others.


Did you ever meet Mike? Yeah.


He fucking kissed me on the hands.


I'm sorry. How does.


That work? It's like we kissed each other on hands with respect. Just happened. Just happened.


I feel like Mike Tyson kissing you on the hand is like, I don't know. It was crazy. Diana Ross kissing you on the vocal chord.


That's pretty heavy duty, but yeah. Yeah, I'd say so. You like Diana Ross?


I was trying to think of spontaneously who is the person who I'd most value the vocal cords of.


You would want to kiss you on the.


Vocal cord? Yeah, who's the equivalent of Mike Tyson? That's the SAT problem. Mike Tyson is to hands, as blank as to vocal cords.


Let's see. I don't know. I'm a fucking Diana Ross, though, I guess.


Celine Dion.


No. I'm not really into her.


I mean, mean, Stevie Wonder.


Now that's a vocal chord. Absolutely. That's a vocal chord, Kisser, right there.


You made a music video, though, in which you... This is pre-deepfake. You edited your face onto the body of Magnus Vermagnison. Oh, yeah. Yeah.


I might not be able to touch my toes, but I will still. You take steps to get to the sex... I just flex.


Like Lex-Can you explain Magnus Vermagnuson for people who don't know the world's strongest man mythology?


Yeah, Magnus Vermagnuson is one of the top strong men of the world. I think he won three. He's just one of them in this world. Marius Pudzinowski. Yes. Cucahola won it twice.


Magness won it four times.


Magnus won.


It four. '91, '94, '95, '96.


Excuse me. But right now, I'm in bulk season. I'm back in bulk season. But not too much bulk. Just enough that when I come down, I'm shredded and it's really showing.


What is bulking up for you look like?


This is it. I'm 275 right now. That's it. I can't allow myself to get over that. Bringing myself down to 230, I'm going to look like fucking Jean-Claude Van Damme.


It's doing a split between two trucks.






Remember that commercial?


Of course.


This doesn't look like I'm jacked up in this picture. See? I'm a little bit better now. Leaning forward, I don't look jacked.


That's the issue. I mean, you're wearing a sweater.


I'm wearing a Dikembe Mutombo jersey under this bro.


Are you really? I sure am. Nuggets?


Who else? I mean, yeah, the Hawks. Hawks. It is.


It's one of the greatest jerseys of all time. It's Mutombo Nuggets jersey.


And the Mutombo Hawks jersey.


Both great. I once talked to Dikembe Mutombo about his life, and he told me that his house, he had to have special toilets installed because, of course, he's like, seven, two, or whatever it is.


The importance of a good toilet, I was speaking to my colleague yesterday, you don't really know life until you sit on a warm toilet seat. Bro. You literally shit immediately. And it's like... It's not just a regular shit. Everything comes out. You know what I mean?


Can I bond with you hopefully.


About- But you know the toilet, you sit down and then start spraying something real quick. But you get up. I get up. So it doesn't.


Hit me. So you don't like the bidet toilet.


I duck it. I don't let it touch me.


Oh, come on. What are you doing?


This is the mist prior. This is the premist.




I guess they're fucking moist in the area, but this is the premist. I don't let that touch me.


But under your control, you like a bidet? No. Oh, come on. What are.


You doing? I'm old school. I come from a grandma with no paper, just a hand. Just a hand.


Can I-I'm sorry. This is for the podcast audience, Action Brown is saying.


A grandmother doing this.


Not me. Is almost like flipping an imaginary pizza with his right-hand. My most disliked version of a toilet is the toilet with the padded seat.


That's old school.


I hate it.


I mean, that's weird when it deflates as soon as you sit on it. Yes. It's weird.


It's like someone asking you to shit into a pillow.


We pull over out the window. If I need to go, it's happening.


But you like a warm seat, but that's.


About it. A warm seat is definitely a game-changer. Cold floor, warm seat. Yes. Dual. So you get the dual heat.


Cool feet.


Shins, extended. Oh, my God. I mean, I don't know who wears clothes to shit, but I don't.


You go full on-.


No matter where, if I'm in Kmart, Calgary, wherever.


Calgary? Yeah. Yo, Kaldor, man. I don't know if kids respect Kaldor the way they need to.


I used to take Kaldor to the cleaners.


What are you doing inside of a Kaldor?


Steal anything that's all the paint. Take all the home products, the rolls.


Handheld dustbusters?


When that Red Devil came out? Yes. The dirt devil? Yeah. I've had a dustbuster in my house. I can't even remember when I did it. Right now, we don't even have a regular vacuum. We have a fucking handheld dustbuster. There's no need. Either the shark or the dustbuster.


The world of Roombas does not appeal to you.


The robots. It actually makes me crazy. When you put the thing on there, I fucking trip over it, creeps up on you.


It does.


You'll be cooking up and some bullshit.


I heard a story once about someone falling asleep on their floor. The Roombot comes out, they have long hair. Now they're being murdered by their vacuum.


I mean, listen, all that shit, we saw Terminator 2. This is what they were talking about. You understand? Then the machines, Skynet. This is what they were speaking of. Arnold told you already this was happening. And this is why when they bring the food with the robot, it freaks me the fuck out. I don't want to see that shit. You fucking drop underwear from... Where is it from?


Drones, like Amazon drones.


Yeah, you drop Amazon underwear. You drop the underwear with the plane. Why are youI like.


To imagine you trying to throw a discus at those drones.


Discus was one of the best sweatshirts brand that ever lived. One of the best athletic brands that I don't know would happen to Discus, but, man, Queens. Yes. You had a fucking Discus hoodie or Discus, whatever this one is called? You were the one.


I want to ask you.


About a- Twelve pack of sunwear shirts and a trunk, Talha. Do you know about these? Do you know about Talha shirts?




It's from the YT days, made in Bangladesh.


So how is a Talha shirt different from the Haynes?


Because it's fucking Talha. Tall T. Remember 6X T's?




Course. Why don't you do a fucking who I think they like me dancing. Laughing at you.


I mean, but this is the NBA, my favorite era of the NBA.


Throwbacks. I mean, I don't think I've ever taken a throwback off since they came out. There's no need.


Have you heard of this Twitter account called Accidental Bronson?




I don't know if you're going to love this or hate this, but would you be okay with me explaining this to you?




I was sitting at a New York Liberty game in the second row, right behind Courtside. And in front of me was Carmelo Anthony. I'm a big fan of Kakao. I was eating Paki. Are you familiar with Paki?


Of course. Which flavor?






Yeah. Good choice. Exactly. A rare version of it.


Did it come from Japan?


Yes, of course. I'm not.


F*cking around, man.


Rare snacks, man. Rare snacks. Okay. So I'm eating this macha green paki behind Carmelo Anthony. And I tweeted out and I just captioned it, Quietly eating paki behind Carmelo Anthony. And a Twitter account, which I did not know about till then, titled accidental Bronson, retweets it. I'm like, What the fuck is this?


Oh, it sounds like something I would say.


And it's just all of the things that people are tweeting inadvertently. I'm like, That is exactly a thing that fucking Action Bronson would say.


It's true. I mean, to think about it like this, real life is much crazier than anything that you script. All the bullshit that you can conjure up in your mind really isn't that cool. If you just assess the situation around you real quick, okay, this is what's happening.


So you immediately intuitively understood the premise of accidental Bronson. I get it. Can I show you some other ones that people have?


Sure. I feel like- Go ahead. Let's hear it.


Let's hear it. I feel like you got to.


Say them, though. No, you have to say it. Let me.


Say it.


Okay. Let me say it. Let me say it. You can do those.


Let me see it. You can grade it. Okay, you can grade it. I'm going to expand the window on my laptop. I mean, this is going to be a thing because this is a tribute account.


To you. Okay, so put me and Timothée Chalamet in the Oklahoma and I'm putting them in a hospital. I mean, boom, that's hard.


That's fucking hard.


It's all about that type of word. Timothy Chalamet. Chamale. Chalamet. Chalamet. It's a good word. It is. It's a nice name. It flows nicely off the tongue. 12:00 AM on the Amalfi Coast watching the Raptors playing preseason in Edmonton hard.


We're going to do this on binary scale of hard and not hard.


Because there's different depths of description. Yes. Why are they playing in Edmonton and it's preseason? There's different depths. There's things that add character to it.




Yes, for sure. Representative George Santos was charged with theft for stealing puppies from an Amish dairy farmer. That's a Dud.


That's just a news story. That's a Dud. That's just a news headline.


Just spilled an entire box of shallots in the back seat of the Uber. That could be a hook. That could definitely be a hook.


That's pretty good. That's pretty good.


It could be a fucking hook. Young, Jaraz and Petrovich with a great pair of Adidas top 10s.


It's the photo of a shirtless, Young, Jaraz and Petrovich holding sneakers.


You could just take Young, Jaraz and Petrovic with and then put whatever after. This is rap class.


I am taking notes.


Girl, you got the ass of a young Vladimir Divak. Hell, yeah. I put that hard.


Vladimir Divak is smoking.


That's why I would probably mention something about that. You got the ass of a young Vladimir Divak. It's heavy. I want you to mention my bitch was thick like John Lovets.


The critic.


It's one of my favorite actors. He's thick.


He is. Multiple Cs.


Ashing a sesame bagel like a cigarette in front of a Roomba. That's just an incredible. That's a visual right there.


That's just poetry. Ashing a sesame bagel. I love that- In.


Front of a Roomba. I love that. That's that type of thing that's attached to me I'm happy about. Lizzo probably be hitting people in the knee with her flu like Tanya Harding. I just did a show where I was the chief support for Incubus in L. A, which I don't know, it was a 18,000 people sold.


Out show. It's an incredible sentence.


All right, exactly. Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson, one step away was in the dressing room next to me. As we walk out to go do the thing, there's this woman in a tuxedo with the tail, and she had very shiny shoes on and she was holding something, and Lizzo was the special guest. So she was in front of Lizzo's dressing room holding the flute for her.


She had a flute butler.


White glove flute Butler. White glove flute Butler. That's a hard line also at the bar watching Japanese youth baseball. Absolutely. I would word it differently, but yes, it's hard. I'm at the club showing women to Montessor Bonas, DHO highlights. I know his father.


Yeah, of course. Arbetus.


I'd be showing his father. That would also be weird.


Well, some of those lost tapes, though, not even on VHS or Vena's bonus. Oh, yeah, being ahead of his time. One of the great pastors of all time. Big men pastors.


Not me getting shit off at Beatle Juice the musical. I like the premise of this.


Well, that actually happened.


To you? To who?


It was Representative Lauren Bowbert, that security video. And Black and White- And Beatrice, the musical? Yeah. I love that I am breaking the news to you that Lauren Bowbert gave her hand job at do the pants at Beelgeuse, the musical in Colorado.




Doesn't count. Yeah, fair.


What are we, in sixth grade? Hand job to the pants. She should be ashamed of herself.


That was not the takeaway for most people, but I see where you're coming from.


Doing lines off a Nintendo Switch in the back of a Hyundai Sonata. Yeah. I mean, I feel like they're tapping into things like that I would want to say. We got big men doing cartwheels on our offense. Yeah, hard. I saw a fox eating sour cream and cherry. Nah, I like the idea of this, though. Using animals in alliteration.




Is that the right term where they're speaking.


As human? Oh, it's anthropomorphizing.


What is alliteration?


That's when the words in a row have the same first letter.


That was totally off. You got.


The letter A right. That was.


Alliteration or alliteration?


Alliteration. What is alliteration?


I don't think that's a thing.


I bet you it is. Someone google that. All right, that's it. I'm getting the fuck out of here. I got to go eat, bro.


I'm done. Action, Brownson, thank you for being- Thank you, bro. -everything I had hoped for. Can I kiss your hand? No, you're not. But you're.


Going to.


Hug me.


Okay, very good. You're going to hug me hard with a.


Game of So what I found out today is why listening to Action Bronson makes me happy. And it's one of the first things I told him, right? Your music makes me feel good. And the reason why, it turns out, is because he embodies this contradiction between this abiding, deep seriousness and also the exact opposite. Often at the same time, Action Bronson loves a high-stake scenario decorated with lowbrow details. He makes music for Don Corleone, if Don Corleone also loved the NBA. He is somebody who makes music to listen to while walking around New York City because New York City is the greatest city in the world, that also, at times, is aggressively the opposite, which is why it is worth celebrating. And so here Pablo Torrey finds out a New York show that has just introduced Action Bronson to accidental Bronson, reflecting our capacity individually to spontaneously embody this very contradiction. No matter where you are on this planet, we wanted to send you into your weekend, into your wanderings around wherever you are with just something to listen to.


12:00 AM on the Amalfi Coast watching the Raptors playing preseason in Edmonton. Youngs drive in Petrovich with a great pair of Adidas top 10s. Hard. Girl, you got the ass of a young Vladi Divock. Not me getting kicked off at Beatle Juice the musical, but at the bar watching Japanese youth baseball. We got big men doing cartwheels on our offense. Just spilled an entire box of shallots in the back seat of the Uber. Ashy, a cessary bag like a cigarette in front of a Roomba. Yes. And I'm putting them in a hospital. Doing lines off a Nintendo Switch in the back of a Hyundai Sonata. Yeah, it could be a fucking hook. I once mentioned my bitch was thick like John Lovets. Multiple Cs. All right, that's it. I'm getting the fuck out of here. I got to go eat, bro.


Hard and not hard. Hard and not hard. Oh. Yeah. And on that note, Pablo Torre finds out could not be produced without Michael Antonuchi, Ryan Cortez. Sam Daewig, Juan Galinda, Patrick Kim, Neilly Lohman, Rachel Miller-Howard, Ethan Schryer, Carl Scott, Matt Sullivan, Chris Two-Minello, as well as Studio Engineering by R. G. Systems, Postproduction by NGW Post, our theme song by John Bravo, As Always. And for now, we're going to go on a walk. But we'll talk to you soon.