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To Stupati, home of the greatest medium mind ever to walk the planet. Okay, so here's the deal.




A true icon in every sense of the word. He's loved.




Feared more than any being to grace this planet. The Stugas is a man with a voice that sounds like Mary, White and Beyonce and a Jewish baby. God himself would pay $39.99 for a cameo. Facts of the matter is you are about to embark on a transcendent experience that can only be described as psychological nudity. This is Stugas, and this is Stupaudity. Here we.


Go, Jim. Tony.






I am very excited about this episode of Stupaudity.


Yeah, me too. This is a big one. This is a big one for me and you.


It is Joe Beningo. He is a legendary midday talk show host for WFAN in New York at the very end of his career, he's retired, mostly retired. He still makes contributions as a podcast, contributions to WFAN. He made WFAN station this past week because he read text that were sent to him by jet head coach Robert Sawa. He made a bit of news. But this is a guy. It is such a great story, Mike. This is a guy who was a caller to WFAN and was so good and passionate after every jet loss, something that you and I can relate to. We have something in common with Joe, that he turned his passion for the jets and all those wonderful phone calls into WFAD. He parlayed that into a show at WFAD, which is absolutely it's the greatest story in sports radio history. It's either him or me, seriously. Is it?


It's great.


Yeah, it is. Is it, though? I have no business being here, man. I do. But Joe was a caller, right? Yeah.


I am so excited about this one. We had Emmett Smith on God bless football this week. We have all these big-name NFL players, and I don't say a word to anybody, but I'm like, Oh, yeah, I talked to Emmett Smith this week, whatever. But I texted everybody that I was talking to Joe Beningo this week, and everybody texted back, I love Joe B. You make sure you're nice to him, all that stuff. Because he's just so loved in the New York market.


We're going to be nice to him. We're going to be respectful to him. Of course we are. I will tell you this. I was texting with him yesterday. I'm going to reveal his text. I'm going to text. He revealed Salis to text and now I'll reveal his text. I told him I wanted to talk to him about the week. I said, Joe, this is no way to spend retirement. You should be enjoying yourself. You put yourself at the center of a major story in New York, the story about Zach Wilson not wanting to come back and play quarterback for the New York Jets, which he is doing this week. But I told Joe I wanted to talk to him about the entirety of the week, and he said, I'm trying to put it behind me. We will try to prize some information out of Joe Beningo. He really doesn't want to talk about it, and I don't care because I still want to have Joe Beningo on because… Because I love me some Joe Beningo. We'll try to get it out of him. He said, You can try. I don't want to talk about it, which to me, Mike, means someone from the jets called.


It was like, Joe, knock it off.


It was Robert Sala he texted you.


I said, Joe, I cannot agree to these terms. I cannot agree to them. You cannot talk about it, but I have to ask. I have to try to get it out of you. He said, That's fair. I said, Once I don't get it out of you, okay? Then we can just start talking about other shit. That's what we've agreed to. But I'm really excited for this. He's a great guy, great story, funny guy, and he's a lifelong jet fit. If you want to.


Hear- The pain in that man's eyes.


In that man's eyes. Listen, he's been a jet fan a lot longer than you and I have. That's for sure. True. And you want to know how I know? He still has an AOL account.


Yes, he does.


He sent you the wrong email address.


At least it wasn't Netscape.


Can you imagine what happened the day instant Messenger died?


He lost communication with half his people.


He is Joe Beningo. We are excited to have him. We love him. He's a legend, a New York legend. Let's get to it. This is the biggest get in sports. Mike IA has been texting his friends saying, Hey, we're having Joe Beningo on the show. This is the biggest get in sports this week. I would take Joe Beningo over Zach Wilson, over Robert Sallow, over Aaron Rogers. I'd take him over the guy who runs that God-forsaken college football playoff committee. I would take Joe Beningo over anyone. And we have him. Mikey is very excited. What do you got, Mikey?


We have Emmett Smith, and I didn't tell anybody. But when I knew we were going to have you, I texted everybody. And they all replied. And this goes to show that you're not only respected by all New York fans, but you are loved. And they all said, You better be nice to Joe Beningo, or I'm going to freaking punch you in the face. I was like, First off, of course, I'm going to be nice to Joe Beningo. I love Joe Beningo. But they all wrote, I love him.


Well, we appreciate that. I don't know if I'm in Emmett Smith's category, but nevertheless-.


You are. -you're beyond that.


I got it. If Mikey said, We only have time to air one of these, I would bump Emmett Smith and keep you. I'm telling you.


Right now. Not even in question.


Joe Beningo. Joe Beningo was a legendary caller into my favorite radio station growing up, WFAN, and parlayed all those calls, all those takes after miserable chat losses into a job at WFAN, dream come true type stuff for him. Midday host, I think you did afternoons for a little bit, right, Joe?


At the end. Yeah, the last year we did it. Right.


Now you're retired. Joe, I got to be honest with you, this is no way to be enjoying retirement. What are you doing?






I should be down where you are playing golf every minute. That's what I should be doing. You got to have that.


I know. It's 75, not a cloud in the sky, Joe.


Please don't even. Don't get me sick.


By the way, I love you. You have AOL still. I thought it was just me and Levitort, but you are still rocking the AOL account, my friend.


It's my wife that rocks it. Don't let them… Believe me, I am as computer-illiterate as you could possibly be.


We noticed when we got the text from your wife this morning with the correct email address.


There you go. Right.


All right, so Joe, do me a favor. Take us through the last week. Describe for the audience what the last week has been like for you because you have been the center of attention and one of the biggest sports stories of the year in New York, and I'm proud of you.


Seriously, I don't know if I want to rehash all this because to me it's done. I got this relationship with the head coach and misinterpreted what was said by the coach and it got me in trouble. I think it's been put to bed now by me, been put to bed by him yesterday at the press conference. Honestly, Stugart's and Mike, I just want to move on from it at this point now.


Okay. That's fair and we will try to move on. But I am interested because you texted him a six-part thesis on how to fix the jets, which is amazing.


Let me say this, too. I don't think there's any problem with me saying this. I also offered to script the first 15 plays of the game last week for him.


Did you write out the 15 plays or no?


No, I just offered that, and he sent me back a very nice LOL on that, by the way.


Okay, but you said a six-part thesis on how to fix the jets, and everyone's focused on one part, the Zach Wilson part. What were the other five parts?


Just out of curiosity. I don't know if I want to get into all that at this point in time. Okay. One thing I did say is I felt that the coach needed to get more involved in the play corner. I did say that. Okay. That's one thing. I mean, the rest of it I don't think is really worth discussing at this point.


Okay. But he voiced his... He was upset with you, and he voice that to you?


Well, he was upset because I basically went on the air and made a mistake by saying that I thought that his reaction to my comment about Zach Wilson playing again was that he didn't like Zach Wilson, and that turned out to be anything but the truth. What he really was saying to me was that he couldn't believe, after all this time that I've been complaining about Wilson playing, that now I'm asking for him to play again. I think that's really was the gist of the entire thing. Like I said, as far as I'm concerned, guys, I'm done with it, to be very honest with you.


Okay, and that's fair, Joe. They're starting Zach Wilson. What are your thoughts there?


I think they have to. What's the alternative? Trevor Simeon? They let Boyle go. Obviously, he couldn't play. They signed Brent Ripon, but come on. I think Wilson has to be the guy. I'll say this too, and I've said this to the coach in the past, You got to let this guy play. I don't think they've always played to his strengths. He's got a big time on, let him throw the damn ball down the field. We know he can run a little bit. Why are they not designed to run for this kid? There never has been. This week, I want to see that. What's there left to lose anymore? You got to figure. Salis said that he's going to be the coach for the going to be the quarterback for the rest of the year. Okay, so let him play. This is it. I doubt we're going to see him on the team next year. I don't want to see him on the team next year. Let him wing it. What do they have to lose anymore? I want to see him play fast and loose. You know what I mean?


Yeah. No, I'm with you. You might as well see what you got, see if there's anything there. The only way you can do that is by letting him throw. Do you think Aaron Rogers? You don't think Rogers is coming back this year, do you, Joe?


I wouldn't mind seeing Rogers play again this year. Look, they're not making a play once we know that. But no, I don't think he is. No. At this point now, I would say no.


All right. Have you ever called to play for the jets, Joe? No, I.


Have not. Let me say this, though. I will say this. I have screamed for weeks that the first play should be a play-action bomb down the field. Now, last week, even though freaking Boyle didn't throw it, I think that was the play. Really? Because there definitely was a play. They didn't run it. It was a play fake. I think he was looking deep down the field, and apparently Wilson was open and Boyle never threw the ball. He wound up throwing the ball away on the sideline. And it turns out that there was a number of plays where Wilson was wide open and they just didn't throw him the ball.


Right. Well, it's Tim Boyle playing your quarterback, Joe, which is why you wanted Zach Wilson back. You're right. Exactly right. So you never called the play, but you think perhaps you've had influence over a play. Well, I don't want to say that. Joe, this is my dream. You know what I'm saying? I'm friends with Adam Geiss. I played golf with Geiss. My dream is to be able to text, have access to a coach, and do exactly what it is you just did. That's why I'm so fascinated with the story.


Look, I don't know if I influenced that play call or not, but I have been pushing it for a long time, I'll say that. And we should see that again this week. I mean, really, that's the first play Sunday against Houston should be play fake bomb. To me, it's a no brainer.


Do you think Robert Sala's job is safe there?


I think he's coming back. I mean, look, I don't know how it's going to be a hard sell. They lose the last 10 games in a year after losing six in a row to end last year. But I think he's getting a year with Rogers. I do. I think.


That's happening. What if Rogers doesn't want a year with Sala?


Well, that's another story because I think Rogers is running a franchise. Let's be honest about him. He's calling the shots, which to me is a mistake. I mean, right or wrong, I mean, it really is.


When they go, Joe, during the draft, when the draft comes around, they go to the war room. It should just be Aaron Rogers in there making the bank?


Well, I'll tell you this. To me, we got to draft the quarterback this year. We're going to have a high pick. It's falling all the time. To me, it's a big year for quarterbacks coming out this year. I know we need a lot of things. Look, we need offensive line help. We need another wide receiver. No doubt about that, okay? In the draft coming up. If Rogers is going to be the quarterback, that's what he will. That's what he's going to want, I would think. But to me, this is the perfect time to draft the quarterback because for the first time, probably since Chad Pennington, you draft the quarterback in the first round, and he's going to sit now for a while behind Rogers. He's not going to play right away like Sanchez did, like like Donald did, like Wilson did.


Joe, if you're picking, say, four and one of those top two quarterbacks because there's two that people are saying should be in the top five, if one of them is sitting there, are you telling Robert Sala to take him?


I'm thinking about it. Look, Sala is not making the call, Joe Douglas is, but I'm.


Thinking- Or Aaron is.


Or Aaron is, right? The combination of them. I think I would. I think that we got to worry about the future. Look, here's something to think about, too. And I understand Rogers and all. The guy's as great as he is. He's 40 years old coming off an Achilles injury. Can I really count on Rogers playing 17 games next year? And here's something else, too, they got to do. They got to sign a legitimate veteran backup going into next year. Now, the biggest mistake that was made by Joe Douglas this year, as soon as Rogers went down that they did not sign a legitimate veteran backup.


They'd be 10-2 with Flacko. I'm not even joking.


I don't know about 10-2, but Flacko did good with Cleveland last year.


I know he did, Joe. That's why I brought him in. I know, I understand. Imagine Philip Rivers with that defense.




Joe, aren't you sick of going to the future? Don't you want to do it one.


Time right now? How could I not be, Mike? Look, we're going on 55 years without even a Super Bowl appearance. We're going on, this is going to be what, 13 straight years without a playoff appearance? The longest streak in professional sports in North America. We're going on, what is it now? Eight years without a winning season since that 2015 year where they blew it in Buffalo with Todd Bulls. Yeah, of course. I want to win now. Of course I do.


But all that pain and suffering, Joe, I may tame. When we finally get it right, when we finally get lucky and stumble into it, Oh, is it going to feel good?


You know what, guys? I hope I'm here on this earth with you when that happens.


I hope I'm here on this earth.


You're right. One thing I will say that I have said to the coach, okay? We don't need a culture change here with the Jets. We need a karma change because what other franchise could have all the insanity in the offseason about Rogers and then four plays into it, four games, four plays into it, he's done for the year. What other team could that happen to? Here's something else. The play against Miami, okay? The fail, Mary, whatever the hell you want to call it, all right? Who else? What other team could something like that happen to? Can you tell me? I can't. To me, it's not just change the culture. You got to change the combat. I don't know how you do that. I really don't.


I'll tell you this. We had Javan Holidon right after he did that, and he told us he was laughing at the mere fact that Tim Boyle thought he could throw it 60 yards.


I'll tell you one thing. If Zach had made that throw into the end zone, that wouldn't have happened.


Right. It would have got to the end zone.


Right. It would have got to the end zone. He would have threw it into the crowd and whatever would have happened with that probably would have got knocked down probably.


What do you think our record this year is, Joe, with Aaron Rogers? What do you think the record is? If he's healthy.


Well, I'll tell you this. What do I think? What do I think? I think they certainly would have won this game against Atlanta this past week. I think they certainly would have won the game against the Raiders. I think the game against the Chargers is a completely different game. If you got Aaron Rogers as the quarterback- Patriots. I got to say, right, well, yeah, I forgot about that disaster. The Patriot game week three. You're looking at four more wins there. We're looking at what? What would it be? What are we, four and eight? Eight and four. Completely opposite of what it is now.


-i would say. -unbelievable. Do you have the jets in 15 years signing Jordan Love?


It's amazing how good he looks now. It's amazing how these teams, like Green Bay, they go from one great quarterback to the net. I don't know if Jordan Love is going to be great yet, but so far, what he's doing this year, he looks pretty damn good.


Can we just have one Joe?


We get one.


No, if.


Jordan Love goes on a run here, not only will it be Love, not only will it be Rogers, Brett Forget, the headquarters store.




Are you waving to, Joe?


What's happening? I'm waving to my wife because what's happened here is that something has jumped up so I can't see you guys. I need her to come in here and straighten this out. One of those dumb pop-ups, whatever the hell. Here we go. I'm back.


I want to ask your wife real quick, if you don't mind. Can I ask you.


No, she's just-She don't does everything.


Mrs. Beningo, all right? Listen to me. You can call her Terry. Terry. Terry, this is no way for your husband to be spending retirement, okay? He's in the middle of everything right now, Terry. Just don't do it, Joey.


I got to tell him to enjoy it. I got to tell you, it's very funny. I'm out there and worn out when I was working full-time. I know. It is true. It is, crazily so.


How's the golf game, Joe?


Not too bad. I played a few times about two weeks ago and actually didn't play bad. I was pretty happy how I played. I'm all right. I hold my own. My wife's a pretty good golfer, too. She's good. Is she really? Let me give her credit, too.


Okay, so when you guys come down to Florida, where do you guys go?


Generally, when we come down, we go to the West Coast. We like going to that Naples, Fort Myers, that area down there. I like it a lot down here on the West Coast.


It's beautiful. How about me, you, your wife, a little golf next time you're down. It's about two-hour drive for me. I'll make the trip. We go play some golf.


Hey, we're in. Really?


Absolutely. Oh, my God. Mike, I'm playing golf with Joe Beningo. I'm telling you, if it was Robert Seller or Joe Beningo, and I could only choose to play golf with one, I would choose Joe Beningo. How about that?


Now you want to play with the coach? I'll say this. Look, I still don't know how head coach he is. I don't know the answer to that yet. Right now, 15 and 31 is not very good.


No. But he's legitimately never had a quarterback. I guess we're going to find out. But let me say this about him. One of the nicest guys I've ever met. I think that's a little bit of a problem, to be honest. I think he's too nice. Right. I wonder if that hurts him as a.


Coach, to be honest. Yeah, it's going to be interesting. How did you get this relationship with him? You played golf. How did you develop.


This- You know, it's funny. I have my Otipane podcast, which I do on twice a week. We do some live ones, too, at a place called the Hackensack Brewing Company. My daughter runs all this, and we put the get. We got to get some new ones. We had these older paint T-shirts for the podcast. After they beat the bears last year and they went to seven and four, I'm all riding high. Oh, my God, we're seven and four. By the way, they should have never let Mike White go. But that's another... We can get into that discussion-and-let.


Him go to the dolphins.


Of course, why wouldn't they? But anyway, so after the bear game- He's.


So tortured. I love it. We're also tortured.


You can't make it all. After the bear game, I sent the coach, I sent out to Floor and Park. I sent him one of the T-shirts, right? Because he always wears these T-shirts at his press conferences from different things. I figured, let me send him a T-shirt. I sent him a T-shirt. I didn't even think he'd get it, to be very honest with you. I didn't even feel the coach would probably get this freaking T-shirt. I don't know, maybe it was two weeks later. I get a text from this number that I guess it's a Michigan number or whatever it is. I get a text from him, and it's the coach. He got the T-shirt. It's bought Rob Sala. Thanks for the T-shirt. It just went from there, to be very honest. I had him on my podcast in the offseason, and hopefully we'll have him on again. I don't know where he's at with me right now, but hopefully we'll get him on again. From that, we wound up playing golf. My wife was included as well.


That's very nice. Where did you leave it with him? You'll play golf with him again, Joe?


Where did I leave it with him? I left it with him, I'll put it this way. All I said was yesterday after his press conference, when he basically defused everything, and he ended it by saying that I like Joe B. That's what he said.


Yeah, I saw that.


I just sent him a text and I said, Thanks again, Coach. That was it. God bless. That was the end of it.


He respond to that?


He did. He responded by saying, Thanks for what? And I told him, Thanks for what you said at the press conference. That's where we are right now. I'm leaving him alone now for a while.


The next time you text him, he's- I'm going to say this. Yes.


I'll say that if we win Sunday, I'll probably shoot him a text saying, Nice win, or something like that.


Joe, you just said you're going to leave him.


Alone for a while. But if they win, they win the game. Just a congrats. Right? Just to congrats. If they win the game, I can get away with doing that. That's different.


I think if you do, congratulate them and say, Listen, next week, play action pass first play.


I will say this. I did mention that Jake Browning is a free agent at the end of the year.


You mentioned that too sour. I'm going to stay away for a while, but if they went on Monday, I'm.


Going to- Well, you got to do that. I mean, look, they've lost five in a row. If we win the game, you got to at least say, great win or something.


Have you ever had a relationship like this with any other coach?


No. It's funny. I actually had a little bit of relationship with Belichick, believe it or not. Really? If you know that. Yeah. When I was doing the-.


I do know that, Joe. Yeah, I used to get him on sometimes. Yes. Yeah.


Now he hates the jet so much. He wouldn't even come on. When I retired a couple of years ago, we tried to get him on. Not even to talk about the team or anything, just to talk about me and him or whatever, and he wouldn't come on. I think that at this point now, he hates the jet so much. I guess he considers me part of the jet situation that he would not come on. So that's where we're at with him.


What do you think of this theory? Belichick, the Patriots let him go after winning six Super Bulls. We all know the story. He took the jet job for a day. He resigned on a napkin, went up to New England, coached them to six Super Bulls. But now the Patriots, they're done with him. And to apply maximum pain, Belichick brings it full circle. And he calls Woody Johnson and says, Listen, Woody is okay? Woody says, Yes, I want to be the head coach of your team. What do you think happens there?


I don't think it will. I think he hates the jets too much. I don't think he'd ever come here. And I want to say this too. Okay, that right now there's sitting with the second pick in the draft in Foxborough, right? Correct. Yeah. Does he leave if he has a chance to get one of these big quarterbacks now, does he?


That's a good question. That's up to Kraft, I guess, right?




Which is amazing. I mean, you win six, Joe. We would allow our coach.


To be coach. Oh, my God. To me, he's got a job.


For life. If he would have won.


Wait, wait, he won six. He went to nine. Wait, hold on. He went to nine, okay? Joe- I think he'd have carp launch to do whatever he wants for the rest of.


His life. Joe, he wouldn't take one of those two quarterbacks. He takes them, D-3 kid at a Western, East directional state, and he'd be like, That's the guy I want with the number two.


Overall play. Well, you know what? I think that theory has really come back to bite them now because all the years when they… I'd already had low draft choices, low picks in the first round, whatever. But all the years he traded out of the first round has come back to kick him in the ass. Let's be real. Let's be honest about this. Matt Jones is worse than Zach.


I mean, he really is. Oh, he's terrible. Yeah, he really is. He's bad. Although Chris Sims tells us that if Matt Jones was on the San Francisco 49ers, it would look a lot like Brock Purdy.


Yeah. You know what? I don't know about that. Look, if Bill can't… Look, look, Kyle Shanehans is a tremendous coach, and I understand what you're saying with that, but this is Bill Belichick, maybe the greatest coach of all time. If Bill Belichick and Bill O'Brien is the offensive coordinator, if they can't get something out of Mac Jones, he's got to be brutal. Let's be.


Honest about it. Okay. Quickly here, Joe, and we appreciate the time we'll let you go here. Go enjoy retirement. I would like to do this more often. I'm serious. I am a huge fan of yours and all.


Things F. A. N. I'm available to you guys. That's fine. Okay.


I want to play a game with you, though, okay? Go. Because you, I mean, you used the term bro a lot, right? That's a staple of yours. In fact, I think you texted it to me yesterday. I probably did. You said, Stellar time, bro. That's what you wrote to me. Then you sent me the wrong email address.


Well, like I told John, I am technologically illiterate and I'm proud to say it.


Okay, so I want to play a game, bro or no? Just a few quick questions, okay? Bro is obviously something you would do, and no is something you would not do, okay? Yeah. Peeing in the pool, bro or no?






Joe- Classless.


I love you. I love you so much, you have no idea. All right, bro or no peeing in the shower?


No, classless.


Really? Okay. Bro or no ketchup on steak.


Oh, absolutely not.


I almost divorced my wife over it. Thank you. No. You won't even entertain it, Joe.




Ketchup on a hot dog?


No. No.


With no bro shit. My wife just came in and yelled at me, Joe.




Ketchup and a hot dog. No. I tricked out golf courts.


What do you mean tricked out golf? What does that mean?


You know, big wheels, music, speakers, blaring.


No, no, no. I'm a big music guy, big time. I sing all the time. My wife, please, I make her crazy. But when I'm playing golf, and I know a lot of guys do this now. They got the golf court, they got the music going. I'm not a music guy when I'm playing golf. No.


What's your go-to music? Who do you like the most?


Well, I'm big on a lot of stuff. I mean, '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s, I'm into all of it. You name it. From The Beatles, The Temptations to Sinatra.


Does your wife ever say, Joe, enough with the singing? Like enough.


Yes. Oh, yeah. Definitely. Because I'll sing. Itry to sing a lot of stuff that she doesn't like. It's very weird, but I have constantly have music going around in my head. Okay.


Mulragans, Joe or no? Or Bro or no? Excuse me.


I always give myself one breakfast ball.


One. And that's it? That's it. Okay. Do you take it even if you hit a good shot?


No. No? Okay. I take it only if it's a bad shot. Generally, it's usually the first swing of the day. If I hit a crappy first swing of the day, that's usually where I take it right there.


Measuring puts from every angle. Bro or no?


No. Maybe that's why my putting is brutal. You know what I mean? Maybe that's why my putting is not what it needs to be, still got you. You know what I'm saying?


We'll work on that together when we play, okay? Right. Okay. All right. We would like to do this again soon. If you don't mind, we'll play golf when you get down here. You let me know you have my number now. If Mikey, A, and I have any suggestions that we would like to… We'll use you, okay? We'll go through you. We'll send them to you. You pass them along to Sala, okay?


Tell the.


Coach that? Yeah. Thanks. Right. Tell him to be like you agree. Play, action, pass. First play. Let's go.


Yeah. Hey, would not be something if he does it this week again. That would be pretty. How about the fact that they do it and Wilson actually throws the ball down the field?


How about that? Yes, take credit. Anything they do well moving forward, you should say I texted the coach then, okay?


Hey, look, you know what? I was thinking about this too. If somehow the season turns around now, let's say we win a few games, I know they're going to play the Dolphins next week, that's going to be a tour of the order. But nevertheless, I'll take full responsibility.


You deserve a ring, okay? You deserve a ring. All right, Joe, we appreciate it, man. Anything you'd like to promote on the way out, sir?


You could check out my Ota Pain podcast. I'm on Mondays and Fridays. It's on Spotify. You could check that out. You could check out my Saturday morning show on the fan, 10:00 to 2:00 on Saturdays. You could check that out. I'm also on every Monday with Tiki and Evan at four o'clock, breaking down the day before his jet disaster. You could.


Check that out. I got to tell you, you did a couple of days with Gio. I came in for the remainder of the week. I saw you and I hadn't seen you in a while and it looked like you were dressed ready to go play Augusta.


I don't know about Augusta. I don't know if they let me go. I don't know if they let me play Augusta. I don't know.


They don't let you have fans there.


That's above my pay grade. Come on now.


They don't let you have fans there. Joe Beningo, we appreciate it, man. We will talk to you again soon. Thank you so much.


All right, stew, Mike. All the luck, guys.