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Draftkings Network.


Welcome to The Big Suie, presented by DraftKings. Why are you listening to this show? It's a podcast that seems very similar to the other Dan Levitard podcast. I'm sorry. I'm not going to apologize for that. In fact, the only difference seems to be this imaging. I have been tempted in restaurants walking past tables to grab somebody's fries if they're just there. That hasn't happened to you guys? I've done it. And now here's The Marching Man to know where, Fetface, and The Habitual Liar.


You know what I noticed? I don't know if you guys cut on to this. So the first play of the game, the Dolphins were on offense yesterday. They were doing that little video where they're all saying where they're from or whatever. And then the Dolphins had a delay of game. And I was like, We barely got through the lineman introduction. How did we time this so poorly? Two of us were probably confused, too, because he thought the linemen are still introducing themselves.


They're still timing. I want to record us doing one of those videos where it's like, Chris Cody, F-A-U. And then we go around. What are we going to do with that? I want to produce it after the show today. And then tomorrow, early in the show, we'll be like, Let's meet.


Today's starting line. He's starting line.


Of players. That's such a good idea. Bmoc.


Okay. But there's.


Three of us here.


Chris Cody, FAU.


There's not enough people here to fill out an.


Offensive block.


There's not enough people here to fill up basketball. Do you guys know what I would do then?


I'm starting five. I would say my middle school.


I love when they do that. I don't like when they get chainy. I don't like it. Just say.


Your school name. Chris Cody, Seminal Middle.


Don't be cute.


Do we have enough people here to play any sport?


No. We could play pickleball.


We could play golf.


We could.


Get into the.


Next course.


Or play golf.




Tennis? Double tennis, yeah. Other than that, we don't have enough people to do anything.


We could play some pool.


Wait, you want John Weiner, Clark University? That's what you want?


Yeah. Right. Wow, John Weiner.


Right, Stegaut, Clark University, class of '95. Should have been '94, stayed an extra year.


Nothing wrong with that.


Why? Dead shows. No, I enjoyed it. It was great. Left myself one credit short, Billy.


Classic. Had you play, right? Good move. Thank you. By the way, before we switch topics here, can we be serious for one second? Of course. So I just wanted to make a note. Over the weekend, we lost a super fan of the show Aunt from Lauer After Hours. He passed away. He leaves behind his wife and his kids. Very nice guy. We all got to know him from our appearances on Lauer After Hours. He actually came down to the Los Mass, met all of us. Super nice guy, really sad situation. I just wanted to toss that out there, say rest in peace to him, and let his family and Laura After Hours crew know that we're all thinking.


He was as loyal of a listener as we had. And just like Billy said, just would send random DMs always complimenting random things we did. Just really sad to hear that he passed away.


Are we doing anything for him?


We should reach out and see if there's anything we could do. But I didn't even know he was sick. I wish I would have heard that before, so I could have reached.


Out to him. I had no idea. I was on their show recently, I think.


But that's just like a close group, man. And it's just really cool.


They're a close group of people who love this radio program. He was.


As kind as I have experienced, so definitely.


An RIP. I think we should try to figure out how to do something for the family if we can. Moving on, there's no way to transition out of that.


Yeah, I put you in a bad spot. That's okay. I wanted to make a note of it and make sure that you know.


I'm glad you did. Seriously. Thank you for doing that.


He's also in first place in our fantasy football league.


You guys.


Should tank the season.


If I win, I'll give his family.


Whatever that is. I think you should just call it a season. Everybody should tank the season. Give family.


The money. I'm with you, but I don't run the league. Who's the commissioner?


I have no idea. Who else is in the league?


A bunch of fans.


Well, like a bunch of fans who would not agree to that.


I think that they would.


Okay, that's nice. See if you can make it happen.


Chalk the season? Hey, look, this is for one of ours.




Hope they still set as line.


Put it to a.


League vote, Billy. I can't.


Have a bunch of by-weeks.


I know. I think that's the plan, is that they're set up the best team every week. You guys are really a team.


Do you do polls with your fantasy? The commissioner will ask a question. We have it in the group chat, yeah. Well, I think that should be a poll for your fantasy league and see who the.


Assholes are. Let's say no. Oh, wow.


Make them say yes or no.


Mark from Reddit would probably say no.




Really? I'm just taking a shout.


I'm just taking a shout. You're not like Mark?


I'm just kidding.


I was just.


Going for a joke. You just put him.


Out there. He's not my friend.


Well, I just said something really mean about him, so I had to make it better.


So you had to soften it with my friends?


Yeah. All right, Tony, who gets fired first, Brandon Staley or Sean McDermott?


I think Staley gets fired first. You can't fire Sean McDermott after the turnaround they've had for that team. But it just seems like every week, Staley finds a new way to just make himself look like an idiot. And he's trying to fool us with the beard, trying to hide on the sidelines. No, buddy, we see you. We know exactly who you are. There are two wins. Do you guys know who the two for the Raiders, for the.


Chargeroy this year? No.


Vikings, who are what, one and five or something terrible, and the Raiders who just lost 30 to 12 to Tyler, Tyson, Badgen, or whatever.


Their losses, though, are Baygen. Who are their losses? Dolphins, Chiefs.


Sure. Their losses are...


I'm just saying, dude, they probably have a stinker in there, too.


Aden O'Connor, 10-13, one touchdown, one interception.


Aden O'Connor is nice. I think Josh McDaniel said this isn't the preseason.


How is Brian and Boyer still in the league?


I know this guy ended up- He lost to the Titansans, too, by the way. Who's the quarterback for the Bear's yesterday? Say his name to me.




Bayden. Now, I know he ended up playing fine, but before that, in the first quarter, an all-time sad quarterback matchup. Like, Ryan Hoyer, I already forgot his name. Tyson Bayden. I'm just saying, I just want to keep that quarterback matchup in our brain for the rest of the year, see if we can.


Beat that. Is Hoyer there just because Josh McDaniels is doing him a solid?


Yes, of course. What do you mean? He knows the offense.


Not he knows the offense. No one.


Knows him that much.


He does know the offense. No, but that's not he knows the offense. That's like, Yo, you're my boy.


Here's a job. No, look, that's Hawke, who I think we're going to have.


Later on the show. Hawke said it was his best friend.


Hawke's back? Then he's just pink. No.


Hawkins. Yeah, Andrew Hawkins.


What are you doing? What are you doing?


What was Hawke saying?


You guys think McDermott could actually get fired, though? He's not one of the... He should be fired. I don't.


Know about the McDermott. What do we do? He's not of the.


Hot Chey. They have to get embarrassed in the playoffs for something to happen.


We can find a hotter seat to McDermott.






I think it's Staley. It's Staley. No, but I don't think it's the second. That's the.


Hottest of the second. Chris, talk about Staley. When you have Kenan-Allen, you have Austin Echler, you have- I'm.


Going to come up with my.


Hot Chey. -you have Herbert, you have the Leo Mac, you have a Bosa.


I'm going to come up for the next for Big Suie, a top five Hot Chey Coaches rankings.


Well, okay, we learned that Bill Bailishlike is not on the Hot seat because he signed an extension.


And he wanted it. And they really wanted you to know- They kept.


Saying lucrative, and then they asked him, and he's like, I don't know what to talk about it. I did that impression already. I said I wasn't going to read. I did that impression.


Sorry about that. That's okay. But no, I think Stanley probably is going to get fired, and I think McDermott.


Should be fired. I'm just going down. You have.


One of the best quarterbacks in the NFL. You have done nothing with him. In fact, the game that sticks out the most on his resume is a game they lost to Kansas City. It's a great game, though.


I love that.


Game so good. But he lost.


More happened in one minute than happened in the entire game of.


Last week. Can we play the hot, cold game? Sure. All right, so it's hot, lukewarm, medium cold. When you're close to something. -yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, but this is going to be talking about the Hot seat. -so it's Hot, Cold seat. -oh, like what is there? I'm going down division by division.


-so what are you going to do?


Just black. -give us all the things our possible choices are. Is it freezing?


I don't want to limit you guys. You can say the adjective. Exactly right. Yeah. So if you want toa trope, you could say trope.


You can say trope.


Like frostbite. Yeah, whatever you want to say, say it.


Okay. Trope.


Yeah, exactly right. Okay. One more. Mike McDaniel is fine.


He's fine. He's wooly mammoth frozen.


Wooly mammoth, okay.


For now.


All right. He's like a milk shake you put in the freezer and it's so frozen that you have to leave it out for two days.


-like concrete.


Yeah. I hate that. Put it in the fridge. -concrete. I tell my wife, she gets me a milk shake, she puts it in the freezer, I got to thaw it out.


Nothing good. It's ice.


Cream at that point. Trying to spoon out frozen milk shake.


Put it in the fridge. You know what happened to me the other day? I have a orange ice cream. I don't know why the color is important. The ice cream, my ice cream scoop snapped in two. That's how cold the ice cream was.


Inside the.


Ice cream? The spoon portion of it stayed in and the handle stayed in my hand. It snapped. It was like a metal part with a plastic handle, and it snapped at the handle. I had to buy a new one. I've never had ice cream that frozen before. Still delicious.


-these are under your house. -find one on sale anywhere? What? Did you find one on sale, on your scooper?


No, I overpaid, if I'm going to be honest with you. But it was one of those things that I needed it. I needed to have that orange ice cream. I love orange ice cream. You will.


Pay for that. It's like orange flavored or orange color?


Orange Sherbert.


Yeah, exactly right.


Yeah, I love that.


Yeah, love some orange ice cream.


-so good. -so good. -right? -umm-mm. -rainbosh Sherbert at Basket Robins, the best Sherbert in the history.


Of Sherbert. -i don't think they.


Call it Sherbert. -i have.


No idea. It has to be something. Is that helpful?


It has to be something.




All right, so...


-okay, McDaniel. -mc Daniel is good. -right. -mc Dermit. -hot seat. Hot seat. It's hot.


I think it's toasty. I think when you go into the car and you forget that you put the heat.


We only have three minutes, so.


We can't do this very well. And then somehow you're like, Oh, it's a little toasty in here.


You know what it is? To me, it's like when you're down here in South Florida and that one time a year you have to turn the heat on.


Oh, God.


I was so happy that it was the thing. You start smelling like you feel like your house is burning. It's on fire, yeah. Mcdermott is at the early stages of that.


He's like, What is that smell? Then for 10 seconds, you're like, This is the perfect temperature. Then 10 seconds later, you're like, It's hot.


As shit in here. Yeah, I'm sweating. How you turn.


It off? Open up the window.


You go to the pool.


I never know 76 could feel this hot.


You know I'm a big fan of the game. What's weird about that? Yeah, Robert Sala is good.




A good coach. He's got himself at least.


Next to you there. Not a good coach. He's safe.


He's safe? I don't think he's a good coach, though. I don't think either. I think he's too excited to.


Be there. Yeah, he's safe, though. He's safe. Three and three, they're in the mix. They played the giants coming up this week off of a by week. It's going to be incredible if the jet's mad at you.


A lot of easy wins on that.


Schedule, just to- I know, but well, hold on a second. With the jet, they beat the Eagles. The Dolphins just lost to them.


Football. Yeah. And then you got giants, Chargers, Raiders, Bills, Dolphins, Foulain.


Oh, no, they got through the first six. The first six were top. They got three, three, and three. He's fine.


We're not going anywhere. We're never going to make it through all the coaches. Okay, go ahead. All right, go ahead. Belichick is good. Harba is good. Tomlin is good.


I don't think anyone's more.


Good than Harba. Stefansky?


I don't know.


I think he's fine. I think he's fine. I think he's fine. Defense is really good.


He's one of these offensive guys that just because of how good he is at offense that I feel like he's not going to get fired up.


How did that team score 39 points, only throwing for 173 yards? It's crazy. It's crazy. And no touchdowns.




That's that. Zach Taylor is a little bit warm.


A little bit. I went to the Super Bowl recently.


You don't.


Think exactly it was a little bit warm? I have my top five whenever you guys want it.


Okay, let's just do that because we're going to be.


Doing that. You said you're go fast. You said you're teasing it. I thought-You said Big Suie.


Okay, I'll save it.


It's a different game.


Yeah, totally different game. This is Big Suie.


Oh, yeah. Boom. Oh, you're good. Number five, Frank Reich. What? He's already on the hot seat? Frank Reich, 0 and 6. He's not on the hot seat. If you're on the hot seat, you're on the hot seat. I don't care, rookie QB. He's first year with the team. Enough jobs for Frank Reik.


You want to say that right?




Number four. Yes. Hope I get this name right. Dennis Allen. The Saints Ghost.


Saints are terrible.


Yeah. Derrick Carr sucks. Just needed more. I need more out of them. Their defense, I feel like people thought it was okay. Derrick Carr, they sign and they're still...


He completed 30 passes, 12 of them went to Alan Kavar.


Number three, Sean Payton.


Good one. No way. He just signed...


There's no way. I know it would cost him a lot, but I'm not worried about that part of it. I'm just talking about his performance so far. He should be on.


The hot seat. He's actually fixed Russell.


Russell hasn't been bad.


Quietly, he hasn't been bad.


To see.


It's not his fault. It's not his fault. Just a weird vibe. It's Sean's fault. Number two, Josh McDaniel.


That guy's heads are rolling off very quickly.


I mean, number one. He's going back to New England. We all know number one.




Always does. He always does. Special advisor.


-he's the bring.


Lawyer with him. -does Josh McDaniel always go back to New England with Brian Hoyer?


That's the poll question. This Bailey Zabi character, Brian Hoyer is going to be backing up.


Number one, we can all say together. Number one is Brandon Staley.


Brandon Staley. Good list.




Frank Reik. A lot of brand new coaches on that list.


I have Staley being fired today.


That's a prediction. It is.


Not reporting it, prediction.


Don't leave a card.




Feel like we need to normalize saying these scientific.






Organs on the air. Like if someone... Yes. You know what? If someone takes a foul ball.


To the penis, we should.


Just say he took a foul ball to.


The penis.


Say it.


I'm Stugats. That freak can't get him.


Right in the cock a.


Doodle do. This is the Dan Levator Show with.


The Stugats. Spencer Hall is going to join us, talk some college football in a little bit. He is the host of The Shutdown fullcast. You can check it out wherever you get your podcasts. I merely mentioned to you guys, I had my fantasy basketball draft tonight, and you started climbing all over me, not really me, but my hired gun, Inferno. I told the audience years ago that I got tired of baseball. It's too time-consuming. I don't know the players anymore. And inferno, my friend, he loves it. I hired him to handle the drafts to oversee the team because baseball is.


Very time-consuming. Hired is such a funny way of putting that. Usually, you go in with someone on a fancy team, you split it, and you're just like, No, he's hired.


He's a hired guy. He's your GM. Well, he's.


The best ever. You're the owner?


He's a GM. Baseball is exhausting. Yes. So instead of just not participating, you're buying.


I want to ask you what the split is, but I don't believe I'll get an honest answer.


No, not a chance.




That's not true.


Well, then you don't hire him. You guys split the team and he does all the work. If anything, he's just carrying you. It's his team, and you're just.


A part of it. He is carrying us. I think since Inferno joined our League, we have won six of the.


Last eight seasons. How did you do this year?


We finished second. In the money. In the money. Second place, which he's very upset about. That's going to keep him up at night. But I was saying I have my basketball draft tonight. I flew in late last night. We're doing the show. Billy and I have already done God bless football. Now we're onto our second show. By the way. There's no way I'm making it up for a 7:30 NBA draft and you guys started clubbing.


You're going to be up at 7:30. No, I'm not. Monday night.


Football, you're going to be- Who's playing tonight?


San Francisco and Minnesota.


That's not a great game.


We're gambling again, though.


Yeah, but you started to ask me, Well, I'll just let Inferno handle it for you. I said, He doesn't do basketball. It's too easy for him.


Yeah, that's a cop out. He said that. That's why.


It is too easy for him.


Has he won basketball before?


He's never.


Done basketball. Then it's not too easy for him. He just doesn't do it. How about win fantasy basketball and then say how easy.


It is? Then win again. Exactly. And then win again.


And then win again. If anything, baseball is too easy for him. If he's actually won, as you claim, six out of eight years, then he would stop doing baseball.


Pretty good.


How much money do you make?




The cheating. What? How much money? No, you are cheating. You brought in a ringer. You're a 100 %.


Did you just ask him his salary?


No, I'm saying how much do you win in this league?


I mean, it depends on the year, but it can go up as high as $75,000. You asked, I mean.


Divided by 12. Billy just pushed himself away from the Do.


The math on.


That, Billy. -do the math on that, Billy. -divided by two.


With a.


Slight percentage my way.


40 grand maybe?


Because you're the face, so you get more?


Closer to 60, tone.


In what world would you guys pay 50-50, but you get more winning?


He doesn't pay.


I was assuming. We always win.


Does he pay to do this for you?


Of course, he does.


Then what is in it for him? Nothing. He's an idiot. Why doesn't he just get a league and win all the money for himself? You don't do anything.


You're just friends. I have a league that I split with my friend where I'm really the one making all the decisions. Right. And he's just along for the ride. He follows the scores and he's involved financially, but I'm the one making all the decisions.


Hold on, guys. I realized what inferno is. Inferno is like when you're playing poker and you're trying to get to that underground game, you need the big fish to get you into the table. That's what stew is. Stew is Inferno's big fish. Right. He's playing Homeleaks for a hundred bucks for $1,200. I got him to the table, yes. He got him to the table on a 75 grand league. That's why Inferno is there.


Yeah, great.


But he's been in this league for six years, and he's.


Made a hundred grand. What are.


You going to do?


Yeah, dump stew with people. What do you.


Mean, dump stew? Dump you. He doesn't need you for anything. You bring nothing to this team.


He's a legacy league. These are people I've known for.


40 years. How do you think Inferno got into.


This League, Billy? That's what I'm saying. You don't need him anymore.


I know, but I can make him go away just as easy. I don't want to because he keeps winning. I want you to.


Be honest with us. Has there been a little tension? He's doing all.


The work and he's not getting 50 % of the spot.


Maybe you like a player, he doesn't like a player, but you really draft this guy.


Jerry Jones situation. I never say that. That's it. Hands-off owner. I don't even do the draft. He does.


The draft. He did do nothing.


Exactly right.


I got one here. All right, so he's not a part of basketball. You have that draft tonight.


He is not a part of basketball.


How much just a wet is whistle just to do the draft for you and you do everything else? I'll give you 200 bucks. Just come on, do this draft a couple of hours. 200 bucks. I'm just saying, I don't know.


This guy is very successful. He went to YouPen, he's like a.


Warton grad. You're a damn rich people. The common folk here, if I offer Billy $200, if someone offers me, if someone offers me like, Hey, can you come help me do 200 bucks? I'm like, I'll be there in 10 minutes.


Right now.


All right, tonight 200 bucks.


Go ahead. Psa right now. I don't even know how you reach out to me, DM me, tweet me, find me on Cammy or whatever. I will do any person on Earth's fantasy basketball for them for $200.


I thought you were about to say, I'll do anything for 200 bucks. Send me.


$200 and I will draft your fantasy basketball team for you. I don't know if they'll be good or not, but I will do it for you. If you want that distinction in your life, Billy drafting my fantasy basketball team for me, I will do it for you for $200.


I'll do it for a hundred bucks. Really? What is this? Undercut the market.


Can I get.


Lower, please?


Why are we doing this? I know more basketball.


Louis just told me 50. I mean, my team would be dreadful, but 50 bucks is 50 bucks. I'm trying.


To start a business here. Why are you trying to put me out of business?


How are we going in business together?


I don't want to share.


The money with you. I think 75 bucks.




Could do more.


Louis is.


At 50. My price has gone up to $300 now.


Mine's gone down. You're going up. That's fine.


$90. I have two children that I need to tend to. My wife will not like that I have offered to draft Stranger's fantasy teams for them. I am happy to draft a fantasy team for you on sale now. $250.


Louis, go ahead. Say that again. I'm trying to get my headset so people can hear it. I've got three kids. I'll do it for 50 bucks. I'll do it for 25 bucks.






So who's doing my draft? Because I'm not making it.


Two-fifty for me, if you want me to do it.


Is there anything worse than making the wrong fantasy football decision with your starting lineup?


There's lots of things worse. It's the worst.


Not many, Billy. I mean, this is right up there. When you have made the wrong decision, the worst feeling in the world.


I would have won yesterday if I started 2-2 at well.


That's what I'm talking about.


Why is 2-2 at well on.


Your team, dude?


That's what I'm talking about.


2-2 is.


Not bad.


That's funny. A lot of buys this week. How about Hiney Football? How about Never Six Teams at once? How about that?


How do you feel about the Bye Week? I hate when my team's on a By. Even though the jets won the buy week, they did because the Dolphins lost, Bill's loss, so the.


Jets won. I respect their need to heal their bodies.


Do you really think the jets are still in it?


I do. Yeah, of course.


They're in the mix. If there was a graphic right now, jets would be in the mix.


Yeah, they're in the mix of overachieving teams who have no shot.


What do you mean?


I mean, they're not a three without Aaron, with Zach Wilson.


What if they get Aaron back, though?




Crazy. Weird things happen.


He was throwing like, I don't think it happened.


Right. I mean, weird things happen when your star player goes down. You galvanize. You rally around Zach Wilson. The defense plays a little bit harder than they normally would because they don't have the cushion of Aaron Rogers, and so they play better. That's what you're seeing with the Jets. I mean, you are. I think the defense is good enough. It's why Aaron went there. They're good enough.


Has Uze the mentalist jumped the shark?


Yes. I feel.


Like I saw him on Game Day. Put it on the pole, please. I saw him on Game Day this weekend. We probably did it too late, too. We had him in, and I just feel like he's doing the same shtick. He's doing this thing where he's clearly writing while talking to you. We get it, dude. You're not really doing magic here. Wow. I hope this doesn't go viral, and he's going to be like, I'll blow your mind. What do you mean? You just thought of the number eight. I'm going to be like, Shit. I did just think of the number eight. I love his rebuttal to someone questioning him. That's how we get you back. You just thought of the number 22. I'm like, Oh.


Fuck, I did. Stop cursing. Guys, come on. We're short-staffed today. By the time this podcast is out, it's Tuesday. Day. What are we doing?


We're about.


Tomorrow's podcast. I know.


I'm done.


With ooze. Is that why Tony keeps.


Getting up? Yeah, he has to mark the curses.


Because they're the closest one.


What are you done with?




It should be Oz, too.


Yeah, it's Oz. It's not Ooz.


Aren't you done with.


Days, too? I am done with the tight end day. I mean, come on. What's today? Producer Day?


You'd be in.


On that. I heard someone's sayings before the show.




Monday, by the way. Today is something. I'm just done.


With- Well, every day is.


Some day. Commercialization of society. Just hamburger day, taco day. It's just over. I saw tight-end day yesterday. I'm like, someone made that up this week.


I think George Kiddle.


It's not like it's celebrated. It's like the seventh annual. It's like, no, we just decided that today is tight end day. Are we going to remember next year? Is next year that exact day going to be tight end? I bet it falls on a Sunday again.


I've got a couple of days of what today is. Go ahead. Today is International Caps Lock Day. See?


I hate my point exactly.


National Color Day. National Mother-in-law Day. Aqua. Smart is cool day. What? And National Nut Day.


I love a good nut.


I know you do. I do.


Wait, today is Happy National TV talk show.


Host day. Yeah.


What? It's a.


Congrats, today is your day. Well, now he's a YouTube talk show host. What is this? And a Roku.


Tv talk show host. We've gone too far.


It's just ridiculous.


What is today officially?


Say it again. National TV talk show host day. So, TKN, so it's your day. Congrats.


It's your day, too. -oh, my God.


-it doesn't feel different.


Technically, we all host.


Mystery cray, right? It's iPod Day also, which I don't think they've been too much. I think you.


Guys are all agreeing with you, right? I mean, come on.


But I like tight end day. Why not celebrate the.


Tight ends? I should have taken the overs on everybody. I should take any time touchdowns. It would have been a great week.


Wait a second. Were quarterbacks going out of their way on tight-end day to make their tightend happy?


-it felt like it.


-every tight-end was killing it. Is that.


What was happening? Waller had his best game. Kelsey had 5,000 yards, two touchdowns.


-two touchdowns. -two touchdowns. No, what happened was that tight ends were doing tight end things. No. That just showed every play, every tight end made yesterday and made it seem like tight ends were doing more than any other day. You think that the offensive coordinators got together and whoever draws up the game plan is like, Coach, Coach, remember, it's a national tight end game. And then Coach is like, You.


Know what? Hold on. I think it's more the quarterbacks, Billy. I think it's more the quarterbacks being.


Like, I got you today. Wait, so, Billy, on Mother's Day, the family gathers around and we say, What can we do to make mom happy? So on tight ends Day, you don't think the team gathers around and says, What can we do to make our.


Tide ends happy? You go to brunch. Have a nice brunch with your tide ends.


If your Coach is doing that, hot seat.


Immediately, hot seat. Do you think all the tide ends had flowers at their locker? At the locker. By the way, a little birdie in my ear is telling me that the days that you just read were like yesterday's day, Tony. That's a fine. You got all of the days you just.


Said were like yesterday's days. Yeah, the 22nd was yesterday. What are today's days? All of those. Today is a...


I don't know if the tie-d-d is getting brunch.


Wait, today is not.


Caplock's Day? Oh, wow, we missed it.


We're going to have to remember for tomorrow. I didn't say anything to my mother-in-law yesterday, by.


The way. Oh, Jeez. Why are you guys feuding?


No, it's just National Mother-in-law Day. I didn't say.


Anything to her because I thought it was today. I thought it was yesterday. Say, Kyle, happy Mother-day. Call her out speaker. Yeah, exactly. We'll not do that. Today's National Horrible Movie Day, National Boston Cream Pie Day, swallows apart from San Juan.


Boston Green Pie Day. Hold on.


What did you just say? National mold Day, National Fuse Doctor Host Day, iPod Day. Swallows. What? Oh, tomorrow's National Balloney Day.




National Food Day. I mean, that's too vague. What are.


We doing? Every day is National Food Day. What does that mean?


National Food Day. And Greasy Food's Day is the next day.


The 25th. Chris, you're back now. Greasy Food Day.


You invented that. That's not nice.


Why? You like Greasy Food. It wasn't nice, but it's true.


National Financial Crimefighter Day. That is lame.


Well, that's what Chris is saying.


He's tired of days. A bit wordy.


National Tennessee Day is coming up also. National Meal Day.


The balls. It's too much.


So National Pumpkin Day is October 26. I feel like it should be October 31st.


That's Halloween.


This is the pregame for it. Don't let a card. Listen, it could be Julius Randals building. How about that? The Mecca. Ours, Julius. The Mecca. Stugats. Steve Martin was a prop comment. You said that? I said it two seconds earlier than you.


This is The Dan.


Levitard Show with the Stugats. I'm on the national day calendar that we were talking about last segment, and I'm seeing National trick-or-treat day, and they're trying to make that- October 31st? No, they're trying to make that the last Saturday in October. I don't like that. Leave Halloween alone. -hallowe'en's fine just for Halloween.


-yeah, but.


It's on different days, though. Yeah, so it's Thanksgiving.


It's always on a Thursday, though.


I was hoping we did it. No, I thought we were going to move fast enough that no one.


Was going to catch us. But the thing is, there's two of us.


In here, so. No, I know, but not the two sharpest tools.






How do you feel about a Tuesday, Halloween?


Not the best.


I don't.


Really care. What's your favorite day of the week for Halloween? Thursday?


I almost don't want to waste a weekend day on it.


Thursday. I'm looking at Friday.


-headed into the weekend.


-thursday is good. Nice Friday, so that way you're already off.


But you're in a strange phase in your life where Halloween is completely meaningless. When you're a kid, you love Halloween. Then when you're a teenager at college, you like Halloween.


-for different reasons.


-yeah. Then you're in that stage after that.


Pre-pree kid of.


My own. He's in the space now.


The best part for him is buying some candy and deciding between him and his wife who's going to answer the door when our door will ring. But you probably live in a building where you get four trick-or-treaters.


Not even. But I'm in the stage now where Jenny, my wife, wants to do those Halloween things with our niece and nephew who are four and two. So it's all about them going out. So we have to trick-and-treat with them and the family and everything. It's a.


Sweet spot for you guys. It's cool. You just swoop in for an hour and then get the hell out there. I just scroll in.


The back like, Hey, you guys want some of this? All right, what do you got there?


Kids, kids. Let me get some candy.


Hey, Jay, let me see what you got in that. Thank you.


All right, see you. Jenny, let's go. Football starts soon. -what's, Tuesday? -some random football game. -i know, but... -maxon. -maxon, yeah.


There's always football. -a little action on that, I watch on.


The phone. You always have an excuse.


We're in the middle of 50-something straight days of football. What? Yeah, it's like 54 straight days or something of.


Football every single day. A football game will be played for the next 54 days.


-well, we're in the middle of it. We're in the.


Middle of it. Maybe 40 some other days.


How deep.


In are we? I'm going to go out and say it. Maxon's overrated. It is. Even gambling on it. It makes you feel sad. I'm good to take a day off.


From football. Not Wednesday. Jeez, see you on Wednesdays. Check me out again this week. You're going to be on? Yeah.


Really? Who did they invite you back? Yeah. Wow.


Congratulations. Jack State.






Jack State. Oh.


Yeah, they're pretty good.


I just don't need Akron versus Central Michigan. Just don't need it. You don't.


Need it? Yeah, but then you get it and you're like, Yeah.


Minus six and a half.


I'm like, Okay, fine. Start checking the schedule.




Akron? I see people's stats like.


Oh, this guy's good. All right, so 48 days of daily NCA or NFL football starts today, and that was October fourth. We're going through mid-November. Every day there's going to be a game.


I mean, there's never too much football.


It's impossible.


Right. We love football. God bless football.


That's what some people say.






Espn's morning show took Taylor Swift takes to a whole new level. The places takes have never gone before. They're actually giving credits. They had stats this morning. Evan Cohen, Chris Canny.


That wasn't Hembo. Is it with Taylor versus without Taylor?




I saw that. Kelsey is better when Taylor Swift attends games. The Chiefs are better because all the guys want to impress Taylor Swift. They're applying real data. The Chiefs score X amount of points when Taylor shows up to the game. The claim they were making was the Chiefs are better when Taylor shows up to games. Yeah.


That's ridiculous. They almost lost to the jets when Taylor was there. Exactly.


I'm trying to think. I have a question for you guys that we haven't addressed yet as a nation.


What was Bernie Coarsar doing with Taylor?


That's a good point. It was Bernie.


With Taylor. You got to look at this. You just have.




Picture. What was Bernie Coarsar.


With Taylor? Oh, you had a different question. I'm sorry. Oh, boy.


Bernie. Look at him.


What's Bernie doing with Taylor? How many pictures does Taylor take in a given day?


Too many, right? I know this move that he's doing of let me try to make my face seem less fat by doing something with the tongue and the...


Is that.


What Bernie's doing? I don't know. Maybe he's not doing it. I know the move of let's make my face seem less fat for this picture.


Now, the reason... So they grew up in Ohio, the Kelsies did, and Bernie Cozar was their favorite player. So therefore they invited him to the game.


Oh, the Kelsies invited.


The Kelsies invited him to the game. What was your question.


By the way? Well, no, it's just something that we haven't, I don't think, spoken aout loud. I'm sure some people are thinking about it. We haven't spoken it out loud yet. And we're fast approaching Taylor's international tour that will be starting in South America in November. And we're going straight through to 2024. So what do.


We do? So you're telling me is that the Chiefs are going to be bad now because Taylor is not going to be there?


What I'm.


Asking is- That's what Evan.


Cohen is telling you.


That's possible. So the games that she's gone to, bears they won 41-10, bears are obviously a terrible team. The jets, they nearly beat 23-20. And who else? The chargers this week? 31-17? Yes.


Bad teams. But Travis isn't going to have a week off. I mean, I don't know when their buy is, but Travis isn't going to have time off if they go through the Super Bowl until February. So what is this going to mean for their relationship? Are they going to do long distance? How are we going to do this here? Because Travis is going to be able to see Taylor.


Well, I don't think they.


Have a choice, though. Well, Taylor can cancel her tour if this is real love. Right.


That's what you do for real love?


Football comes first.




But the Kelsey come first.


No, but in all seriousness, Taylor is looking for love, has had some bad luck with partners in the past. I think she found it. -she's got out of a long term relationship. I mean, if you're looking for love, it's.


Right here. Show me how much you.


Love me. Yeah, just say, Sorry, Buenos Aires. We're not going to be able to make this stop.


I'm looking right now at the tour schedule to see if Germany, if they fall on Sundays and stuff.


No, South America.


No, I'm looking right now. I'm seeing November ninth. I'm just seeing if they're not. Because maybe she can make it. Maybe she doesn't perform on Sundays. Maybe.


Yeah, we'll see. But the tour was planned before this love.


Oh, so I see what you're saying. So you plan a tour and then you find love. Yeah, what do you do? And then you say to yourself, Which is more important to me. Exactly right. The love of my life or the tour?


Or hundreds of millions of dollars.




Undersell. You're underselling. And the Kelsies are watching.


They are. What does.


That mean? They're very protective. They want to see, is Taylor willing to do what she has to do to be there for Travis and help the Chiefs win a.


Super Bowl. Or I don't want to solely put this on Taylor. Right. Travis can take some time away from football. Could take some time away from football to go beat Taylor.


And the Swins are watching.


Yeah, because look, I mean, Taylor has shown up to how many of these games for Travis now? Like three, four already?


I'm researching this right now. I'm seeing the first Sunday she performs is November 19th. They play Monday night that week. So she could fly right out from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and make it.




What's the show after that?


They're at home. What's the show after that?


The 24th. Okay. She's got a few days off, but then she plays that 26th. So the next week, she performs Sunday, too. And that day, they are playing on Sunday. She's going to miss at Raiders.








There's one to miss, though, I mean...


And that's it. How bad do you feel if you're Minnesota? The only stop that Taylor did not make in this little stretch here.


Yeah, Minneapolis. Wait, boys, guys, I'm a little upset. When's the.


Super Bowl? Mid February.


February, next, I believe.


Second week of February. February 11th. Yeah, sorry. I don't know, guys. I don't think this works out. February... Oh, she's good. She can make it. So the Super Bowl? In Japan on February 10th.


I'm skipping a jump.


And then she's on Australia the 16th. So she could technically leave Japan right after her show.


Wait, what day she's in Japan? The 10th. This is amazing. Well, the Super Bowl is the 11th.


This is an amazing test of her love.


Well, the time zones now, what are we going to do here?


We're going to do the math on that.


So, Tony, you don't understand how times zones work.


It's a quick trip from Japan to L. A. 'S like, or no, because probably flying... Oh, she's got a private jet. I don't know if you're flying on commercial.


She flies direct every year.


Yeah, I didn't think of that. No, I was just thinking of me flying from Japan. So if.


Her concert starts at 7:00 PM on February 10th in Japan, what time is that here?


That's the day before. It's actually February ninth here.


She should be able to make the Super Bowl then.


Well, no. Yeah, but then you go a day back, don't you? Yeah. When you.


Get here. You actually fly like 17 hours to Australia. It's the longest.


Flight ever. Let me see what that is. Japan. It's 11:30 at night right now in Japan. I think they're ahead.


They are so lucky.


No, they're definitely ahead. It's like 13 hours. I'm not a question.


They're definitely ahead. Their fantasy basketball drafts are done. They are.


The lucky. They're actually going to know the outcome of the Super Bowl before.


They've already gone through their Monday.


Damn, I've missed out $250 of Japanese drafts because they already had the drafts today. I should have made my announcement last week.


I so wish I was in Japan doing sports radio.




I'd be done for.


The day. What would you be.


Talking about? I have no idea.




Shabaz, Napier winning a title.


Or something? Oh, Baza.


So you think that she may go straight from the Tokyo Dome over here, quick stop in Las Vegas before off to Melbourne. Yep. Right.


That's such a long flight. That's a long flight.


That's a long flight. That's dedication, Tony. That's love. That's love. And the Kelsies are watching. You don't think they're watching, I'm telling you, Donna Kelsie, watching.


I mean, but honestly, if anyone stops doing their job, it should be Travis. Taylor made over a billion dollars touring. Travis makes like $10 million a year.


How much of a billion.


Dollars is she actually see? Probably hundreds of millions.


Yeah, she's fine. Don't worry. She's okay. If that's what you're worried about, she's okay. That was just artist exploitation.


I don't want.


To-shesave away $50 million in bonuses. I want to know.


She's good. I want to know. Do you think that there was a PR person at any point over the last few days that was to Taylor, Hey, do you know? Are you aware of what the internet thinks of Jackson Mohhams and Patrick, my.


Homes, as wife. Brittany.


Brittany. They are notThey have a.




Handshake now. I would say that those two before this recent spell of dancing with Taylor, the Internet wasn't a big fan of those two, to put it pretty generically. I just wonder, because this PR machine is crazy with Taylor. She doesn't want to get seen next to someone she shouldn't be next to. Not that they've reached that level, but I just wonder if there's any PR person that's just like, Just so you know, maybe don't slap hands with them too much.


Do you think it's weird that it's like, All right, we're all friends here, but I'm going to force you to be Taylor's friend. What if you just don't actually have a good.


Relationship with her? How did my homes get his wife next to her? Do you think that was like, Hey, she really wants to, Hey, Trav.


Well, she went out.


To dinner.


With her friend.


They hung out a couple of times. At the dinner, Taylor was like, Hey, come sit next... Taylor breaches out there. Well, it was.


Taylor's group of friends.


I have to shoot checks with her PR person. Right, yes.


Just like Lisa Wilson.


Right. Hey, I'm going to ask Patrick's wife to sit with me.


Okay, that's fine. Make sure Jackson is a row behind. Right. All right, deal.


But no one could foresee Bernie Cozar.


That one was-What he saw.


That one time. That would have been hilarious. If that was just without any context, that's who she was sitting next to.


That one was.


A surprise. It was Bernie on one side and Bernie Cozar on the next. Just like doing a handshake. She goes, does the handshake with Bernie and then flips around and does it with that.


Should we try to get Bernie on?




Yes, I have his number.


It'd be a get. Text?


Yes. There's no way that's the same number, right?


No, for sure. You don't think that Bernie has the same number? I'm not certain. Text Bernie today. See if Bernie can come on today.


I need his top five quick things. I need his top five quick things.


You want me to ask him for real?


You think he.


Actually knew who she was. What are we.


Doing today? Hey, can you take a picture of that?


I think Bernie knew. Everyone knows, right? I mean...


Not everybody.


I'm texting Bernie right now.


Well, you can see that you're not.


Well, I'm going to next.