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Welcome to the big sui presented by DraftKings. Why are you listening to this show? The podcast that seems very similar to the other dan levitard podcast. I'm sorry. I'm not going to apologize for that. In fact, the only difference reference seems to be this imaging. I have been tempted in restaurants just walking past tables to grab somebody's fries if they're just there. That hasn't happened to you guys. I've done it. And now here's the marching man to nowhere, fat face and the habitual liar. Have you seen those hills that they have on social media that it's like you can go down this hill, but if you can't get back up, it's $3,000. It's like a dune lake in michigan.


Michigan? Yeah. It's the dunes, like in northern michigan. It is so crazy.


The payoff is to see lake michigan. No, thank you. I'm not going to risk $3,000 to see lake michigan.


I'm good. Lake michigan is gorgeous.


It's a lake. Okay. Look at the water in the bahamas and tell me lake michigan is great, please.


Well, these people that live very far away from the bahamas, billy, bahamas might be like once in a lifetime trip for a lot of people in this country. If you're in miami, it's like, oh, you jump on the little ferry, save.


The $3,000 it's going to cost you, get back up to sea lake Michigan and go to the bahamas. I love a good lake. I don't know what you're doing with lakes here. I like to see what's at the bottom of where I'm swimming in. I'm not a freshwater guy. I couldn't agree with you more. Not a freshwater guy. I don't like murky water at all, especially if there's things swimming in it. No, thank you. Although I do love freshwater salmon. Greg, you have to love a good lake, though, right? You're with me on that. Like sitting out by the lake with a bear water. You got a billy greg doesn't like water. He doesn't even consume it. Right? I don't like water. I don't like drinking water. I barely like taking a shower. Water's for the fish. Am I right, Greg? Yeah, exactly. I don't like going in the ocean. I don't like lakes. But you go on cruises. Wait, hold on. Why do you go on cruises then? Because I'm not in the water. Okay? On the water, I'm not only the drink package. I'm not swimming next to the cruise ship saying help.


The great lakes are like an ocean. You can't see the other side of the lake. They're humongous people whenever they come to the midwest. They look out at the lake and they're like, wow, that is a humongous body of water. You can't even see the other side. Yeah. That's why they're the great lakes, not just the good lakes.


It's true. Thank you. Stu good segue. When I was flying to Chicago, I.


Haven'T been able to talk this.


I don't know what good. It's my dream. I mean, hopefully Dan could just come in one day and all you have is that. And I could stay at home. Well, no, not for you. Then they could just fire you very I have rights to my laugh. Is that a thing? Swimming in a lake? Yeah. I would not swim in I love swimming in a lake. The idea that people swim in a lake bitten on the toe by a trout. That's what I'm saying.


What do you think? You do help your nail, though.


Lakes are for, I don't know, commerce. You fish in a lake, you boat on a lake. You don't swim in a lake.


Swim in a lake, do you?


Of course you do. Okay.


Except when the people at Lake Michigan tell you, don't swim today. There's E. Coli. That happens kind of often.


That's a negative. You're worried about fish gnawing on your feet, trout biting me on the cut, your on. Maybe I'll wear shoes and I'll go swimming in a lake with shoes. I don't like the idea of algae bacteria. Especially, like, the microscopic ones that swim into you.


They have that in the ocean too.


Yeah, but I don't want to you're stepping on weird. Exactly. No, you're right. Devil rays and what? Devil rays, sand dollars. It's all kind of crazy. You're talking about the ocean, rocco baldell. Whatever. What, you think there's devil rays and sand dollars in lakes? It's murky. There's nothing in lakes. There's, like, schools of fish that's it, like minnows and stuff. I don't want a school of bluefish. Great graduate. What do you mean you don't know about that? Ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster, buddy? I have. Yes. That's a lake. Technically a lock, but whatever. What do you mean, it's a lake? It's technically a loch, which is why it's the Loch Ness Monster. But that's what you call lakes. And wherever that is. But are you certain? The Loch Ness, Scotland, wherever. That doesn't matter. That was a real laugh. Yeah, it was. I was looking at your mouth to see if it was moving, and it was. I have a water question for the class. I was signed to Tony about this, and I feel like Greg greg doesn't like it. We have this water machine that's out there, right? And it gives you different options where you can choose, like, a different flavor that you want to put in there.


And one of them says power boost. And it says it gives you vitamin D, B, twelve C, this. See that? Whatever, right? So I push that, and that's what's in my water. How? What's the difference between this water and that water? We need to test it. How do we get liquid vitamins in here? And why wouldn't they just be in there anyway? And how would you know? Exactly. Right? Be lying. That's what I'm saying. It's completely transparent. I don't see the vitamins. It looks like regular water. It could be vodka. You don't know what you're drinking. You don't know it's a scam if you had to guess. Are they lying? Really? Everything's a scam. Oh, I don't know about everything, but your point is well taken. Most things lakes scam. He's right. That would be a good name. Name a thing that's not a scam. Greg, everything's a scam. Dare you. Everything's a scam. You're right. Scamming. It it's easier that way. What? To scam? To be honest, to think everything is a scam. That is a code I have lived by my entire life, my friend. It served you well. I'm sitting here. There you go.


Not for long. Thank you. Just play it until the end of the segment, please. Don Levitard he, for some reason, would do a Gary Stevens impersonation of the offensive coordinator of the Miami Dolphins and the University of Miami. Go ahead. Do you want to do that for the people your Gary Stevens impersonation? You want to give people some of that 30 years in the making? Stugats. What? Who needs me? Oh, that my whole life. You're going to go to Buffalo and win with Bernie Palmely. Who needs me? This is the Don Levitar show with the stukats. So stukats. I made a mistake. What happened? Well, I came in saying we should eliminate the fake laughs so that people would not be annoyed by the fake laughs without knowing that you had a whole bank of fake laughs that you're just hitting at random points in time. I didn't even know that he was doing that. I thought that it was just you laughing. No. Yeah. So you're giving people more of this that they've complained and said they don't like. I'm not doing mean. No, I know that, but we are. How was this decision made?


I mean, Chris made it and I liked it and we rolled with it. I feel like you could send those sounds to Mike and Dan and have them set it off while they're over there and then really see if people know that you guys are separate or not. Interesting. Yeah, let's do that. I also feel like this weird tension and I don't know if you guys feel it. This is straight up a competition. Right? We're going to call it what it is. We're winning. Like this is a competition. We've won the Miami show and the La. Show. I'm getting emotional. Yes. Why? I don't know. You choked up. Yeah, right. I'm not doing well. Yesterday we had gojo on before they did. They have him on today, I believe. Yes. And I heard that Brad Williams is next on their list, so he'll be with us in an hour. Nice. Very. Boy, that's an EP, right? We I don't know that it is. What are we accomplishing by these petty guest bookings? We're being all, yeah, I got it. Yes.


We're making content, Billy.


That's all we're doing. So when do we get an exclusive Sedano sit down? Tomorrow. I heard that was in my notes, too, where got started out the show saying they went out to La. To get in a sit down with George Sedano. Like, wow. Have you guys ever seen a bear try to type on a computer? It's great. No, keep typing. I don't understand the deal with the bear's hands. They're just kind of like on jerbear's, actual human hands, but you can't put his hands inside of that. I have a question for you. Are you guys Halloween people? No.




This is a difficult question for me. Why? You like the candy? I love the candy. I love the weeks leading up of candy to pick at. Right. I love walking around with my daughter and watching her trick or treat. I don't know how I feel about Halloween parties, and I've been invited to one. So me and my wife are in that mode. Are we going to do a couple's costume? Are we do our own thing? I'm in the market for a costume if anyone has I want to be funny. Don't be Barbie and Ken. That's everybody this year. There's a balance. There's a balance.


I don't know, Billy. I feel like so many people are saying don't be Barbie and Ken, that there might end up not being a lot of Barbies and Ken's because everyone thinks everyone else really just the vibe I'm getting.


There's a balance. Right. You don't want to be the Laziest. Costume, but you don't want to be too look at me. Right? You don't want to be the guy that I want to be in that night. I want to be, like, the fifth best costume at this party. I like that strategy. Don't be the best, but also don't be the person that's too cool that they don't try. The person that goes all out. Give me a break. Yeah. Like you're painting the thing. You're a goblin, and you have all this stuff on you. It's like, come on, dude. Face one day a night. I feel like there has to be an age limit for face painting. Right? Face painting. Let's not especially if it's, like, intricate. If it's, like, light face painting. Right. Okay. Little eyeshadows.


I kind of feel like the opposite. If you're going to be an adult face painter, do it. Go all out. Do something. This isn't Jaguars guy at the Jaguars game in London. That's like, okay, yes. I am fully on board.


I wanted to make that a grid of death punishment. Does anyone think that's a good idea? No one will pay it off.


I am just worried that that would be terrible for my skin and it would never come off.


I will tell you this one time I had to I don't remember what the punishment was, but I had to be green for some reason. So the makeup artist that was here that day used spray green paint. So they were using, like, one of those little sprayers. And it took me, like, six showers to take a shower and get the green paint off. And these were in the days when our garage was three blocks away. So I had to walk from the studio over to my car three blocks South Beach in the middle of December. January. It made no sense. And I was a green human being. And then I was driving. And at the time, my car didn't have tinted windows, so I'm driving, and everyone that's driving next to me is seeing a green human. And then I went to shower, and it took like, no lie, like four or five showers for me to get all of the green off. So if you have good makeup, it's going to take a while for you to not look like billy has no idea that Chris has just been playing. No, I heard it because I saw him.


I'm realizing the more I do this, that this is only funny for us. It's annoying to Billy. It's not annoying to me. I'm telling you, they don't like the fake laughter. So the more you do it, the more they're going to be like, I don't want to hear this. Greg, are you into Halloween at all? Because I would think of all the people on our show, that Dan is probably the most likely to take Halloween very seriously. He loves Halloween costumes. Costumes. Loves them. Yes.


It's weird because he loves being dressed up as the Joker asking someone a question about their mental illness on Twitter, right?


No, but outside of that, every year when we would have Halloween, he would really like Halloween, like, before even. Yeah. We would have events on Halloween, like a heat watch party. And now just kind of into that shit. He seems to like costumes. Anything to do with Halloween. Halloween parties are a dangerous are. All of a sudden, you're making out with someone who's not your wait, what do you mean? He's right. Hold on. All of a sudden you go as Barbie and Ken. There's another Barbie you don't know. You're a Ken you don't know. Right. Thank you, Tony. Right? That goes to something else I want to do. Wait, I want to your no, no. I want to abolish couples costumes. Ready. Get ready for when you have a kid, because it comes family costumes. Stupid. I don't want to dress like what you want to dress like. I want to dress like what I want to dress like. Not what you want to dress. Well, what do you want to dress like? No, but my point is still I have to go to those costume parties, and Jenny's like, oh, why don't you dress as, like, a cat?


I'm like, I don't want to be a cat.


Tony already told us on Crate last week that he went to Kirsten's birthday party and it was a masquerade and he got the LeBron James, like, basketball mask, like, to wear to a sexy little masquerade party. He wanted to be LeBron James in like a basketball costume?


Yeah. You're weird.


I had to change how to do Halloween.


I had to change it. It looks stupid. Your wife made you change it? No, she ordered me the one that I wanted, that I thought I wanted. Then it came home and I looked at it and I was like, oh, this sucks. So what are you going to be? I haven't decided. What's your wife want you to be that you don't want to be? No. Have you your wife? I'm confused.


It was just a makeout.


Which Ken is I'm not even saying it was me. I'm just making the larger point that when everyone's in costume, you might think someone's your wife, you make out with her and realize that it's not your happened. Greg knows. Do I?


I wouldn't admit it if I did based on intent.


Wait, okay. I feel like I'm so innocent. I think the key to a costume party is if you go as a couple, it has to be off the wall a little bit. You can't go as Canon Bar because everybody's doing it. My wife and I. And you're going to think I'm playing this for a laugh. I'm not. My wife and I went to a costume party decades ago. Might have even been before kids as High and Lois. The obscure cartoon couple. Right? Nobody knows.


Very obscure cartoon.


I hope Google knows what this is. Hi, Lois. It was a popular cartoon, probably in the High Lois. Right? Got it. Yeah. And everybody says, who are you guys supposed to be? And it's fun because it's not obvious. It debuted in 1954. There you go. Billy, is Hulk dressing up in the screen right here for the oh, is that what that's what it was? Dude, that took forever to get off. It was just your face and neck painted like Hulk. It was my face and neck and my hands. For some reason they're like, you could keep on your hoodie, but we have to paint your hands. And I was like, this is when things were like really serious about the grid of death. And I'm like, I'm out on this stupid. No, Billy's right. It was so serious at one point that I dressed as Guy Fieri and went to the airport and sat on an airplane as Guy Fieri. You look great in that costume. Thank you. Great costume. Did you kiss someone else's wife that night, too? Yeah. No. Somebody kissed him thinking it was Guy Fieri.


Someone kissed him and they were like, oh, I forgot my husband was Bobby play.


Guy Fieri's wife made out with you. Thank you. So you guys are all anti couples costumes. I think it's just me. I'm not I need the right idea. I don't want to I'm anti costume. Probably like, four or five years ago. Me and my wife did she was dressed up as a bee, and I was a beekeeper, and I felt like the biggest loser. That wasn't a good one. I was a pilot one time, and my wife was like, yeah, I was a pilot one time. Like a flight attendant. I hated it.


You were the Cuban pilot?


I was the Cuban pilot before it even happened. Yeah, I've been a commercial pilot. Have you? Yeah. Really soon party. That was one of those parties where there's, like, a murderer and stuff. Like what are those things called? Murder mysteries. Yeah. No, like the mystery party. I've never done one, but murder mystery party.


What about a couple's costume with your bestie? Because one time Charlote and I did a couple's costume, and she was a dragon, and I was John Lennon. So it was Imagine dragons.


Wow. Oh, I like that. Those that you have to think sometimes. Especially if it's a party and you're not thinking. That's how you end up meeting out with other people's wives. Exactly. Now you're coming around, Billy. Exactly. Kids changed the game, by the way. Not necessarily for the better. We blew right past Chris being a beekeeper. Yeah. Did he have the actual my wife did you have the A? It was, like, makeshift. I didn't get a real bee helmet. I got some netting over just like a safari hat. It was like a safari hat that I just put some netting over. And I wore this tan outfit. It was not that sucks. And I think I had, like, a bucket that said beekeeper on it. It was just when you have to have something that tells you what. You should have had real bees. I'm going to walk around with bees. What was the bucket for, though? The candy?


The honey.


You should have had real bees. Did you call your wife honey all night? Oh, boy. Just asking. It had to be asked. It won't surprise any of you, but I'm super into costumes for Halloween. We know. Without knowing. So I've done flow from Progressive with Jake, from State Farm with my wife. We've done JT and Brittany in the full denim outfits from the VMAs. Love a costume. Love a couple's costume. And to me, I think that's the best part of Halloween is people getting to go out and know, express their inner theater kid and make out with your mean or somebody else's. Right. Or somebody else by mistake. Yeah, allegedly. Sorry, Lucy. You've been silent on Halloween. What's going on?


I don't really have that strong opinion. Wear what you want, don't wear what you want. I don't really care. That's not how this show works, Lucy. You have to say something out of your pink. By the way, Chris Cody just showed me his little beekeeper costume on his phone. Kind of cute.


I'm going to send it to the video team so we can put it up. Okay. I'm excited about this.


They're a cute couple. I have one. TikTok is ruining Halloween.




Because it's all my for you page is just people being like, here's a costume. You can be. It happened last year. And everyone was like, I'm going to be cute Buz Lightyear. And then for no reason whatsoever, there were a million, like, slutty Buz lightyears running around.


I'm buz lightyear this year. Really? Yeah. Whole, like, kids costume. Yeah. My my two year old is going to be Jesse. My wife is going to be Bo Peep, and then my little baby is going to be more as a Woody. I was Woody once before. That's why I wasn't Woody for this one. I actually bought a Woody t shirt. It was a watch party that Dan was having for the heat. I'm telling you, it was a heat watch party on Halloween. And they were like, everyone has to go in costume. Of course. I was the only idiot that went in a costume. And I went in a Woody shirt and a hat. Yeah. And then we went to Lincoln Road and god, lincoln. It used to be a wild scene on Halloween. I don't know if it still is. The Grove used to be somebody else's wife. Yeah, the grove was wild. I mean, Billy, if we really want to get into it, bo Peep is Woody's partner. So as Buz Lightyear, you are making out with somebody else's wife. Oh, buz kill lightyear. I like it. Thank you. Where's my laugh? Seriously? Hakeem hakeem.


I like that better. Ron McGill has to be a costume guy. Ron costume. Right. Ron's always in costume, like, weekly. Thank you, Chris. It's a great transition. It's why I do it. It's why I use it. Ron McGill. We'll talk Halloween next. Don Lebotard. I actually thought you'd look kind of good. Stu guts. Thank you. The beard's grown out a little bit. I got a little life in my face. I feel like little tan. Colorado, san Francisco. A great time. You get life on your face. You've got death on your face. I think you've got 40 the life on your face. This is The Dan Levatar Show with The Stugats. Ron McGill should be with us in a little bit. We don't know where he is. We've lost him, but we'll find him. We have lost Ron. He's probably preparing some Halloween costume. Yes. I'd like to go to Lucy for a second because she's concerned for the entire nation, and I want to get to her weekend and her video from the weekend. But first, why are you concerned for an entire college football nation? Lucy?


There is something happening right now that no one wants. No one wants it, but it's happening.




And it's time that you sit down and you talk to the people closest to you about the fact that Iowa will most likely finish this season, eleven and one, that they have a shot at making the playoff. Now, a lot of you listening to the show may not watch college football, and you've heard me talk about Iowa before, and you would assume they're owing seven. That is not the case. Iowa is six and one right now, and they are favored to win every remaining game on their schedule.




And they have the 100 no, it's true. Third ranked offense out of 133 teams, and they have a shot at making the playoff.


I think we need to support Lucy. We need to become I know we already are. Right. We already are kind of an Iowa show. But I am all in with Iowa. I don't understand if supporting Lucy is rooting for Iowa or against Iowa. Very strange, because I don't think she wants them to go eleven and one. That's weird.


I don't want Lucy. I want them to go eleven and one. This would be amazing. Wait, first of all, amazing content. Second of all, hilarious. If they are able to somehow upset one of the other teams in the Big Ten championship, it could happen. It would be absolutely hilarious and insane if this happened and the committee had to put in a undefeated well, not undefeated, but a nearly undefeated Iowa team with one blowout loss against Penn State in the playoff over the other teams in the Big Ten East that are probably, on paper, a lot better.


You guys might want to see Iowa in the College Football Playoff with that offense. But Iowa don't. That was bad. No one wants it was a good try.


Not even a fake laugh from that's.


Pretty good. Wait, lisa, let's be clear. Do you want Iowa in the College Football Playoff or not? Because I think the country would say no. No one wants them there. No one wants them fouling up their college football playoff.


As an Iowa fan? No.




As a sicko, yes. That would be so unbelievably funny for what is historically one of the worst offenses of all time to make it to the College Football Playoff. Now, when we talk about Iowa, we talk about how bad their offense is. But what gets left in the dark is as bad as Iowa's offense is. Iowa's defense is like the inverse. They are oh, I love that defense wins championship. They are a top. There it is every year. And I know, and it's a real possibility, iowa's favorite in every remaining game on their schedule. And something weird could happen. I don't know. Iowa could face Michigan in the Big Ten championship game, and for some reason, something goes wrong. JJ. McCarthy turns the ball over five times. Iowa's defense, they're our best scorers. They score. And Iowa's in the playoff. I don't think this happens. I think if Iowa makes it to the Big Ten championship game, they lose by 45. But it is a possibility. It is a real scary possibility and we need to prepare for it.


Lucy, I heard a stat that the Hawkeyes are ten and one when their punter has more than eight punts in a game.


He is amazing. He is so good this weekend. Tim punts 506 yards. He is a god.


He's your MVP.


He should be in the Heisman conversation, and I say that kind of as a joke, but kind of serious. He's genuinely iowa is like one of their best weapons. We win the field position game all the time and that's how we win. He's so good. Iowa's been outscored or, I'm sorry, outgained by their last two opponents, but have won. It doesn't make sense. They are so bad offensively, they should be losing, but they're not. They are winning.


Why is the Big Ten set up this way where Iowa has to play one of these teams every single year? Like, why is it at Michigan, Ohio State, the Big Ten championship game?


That is a great question. That is a phenomenal awesome question. And when they set up the Big Ten, originally, they set it up in two divisions that they thought would be more even in talent, and they were the leaders and legends. But when that happened, you lost a lot of rivalry games. It didn't make a ton of sense. It was very funny, though. So then they went east and west and they hoped that the west would be competitive and the west has never won a Big Ten championship game. They suck all the time. The Big Ten championship is consistently a blowout, and it's usually Iowa losing by three.


So, as it showed, do we want Iowa in the playoff? Unclear. Yeah, it's still unclear.


We are rooting for Iowa. We are in Iowa.


We're rooting for Iowa to get past Michigan, ohio State or Penn State? And we need a Heisman campaign in.


The rest of their games.




And then play in the Big Ten championship and win.


All right, so, Greg, you are down with the Heisman campaign. For the punter. For the punter.


He is so insanely good that legitimately. He's probably the best player.


What's his name? We need a slow.


Corey Taylor. He is from Australia, naturally, as all good punters are. And if you go to an Iowa football game, most of the shirts you see in the crowd just say punting is winning. And it is because we keep winning. Iowa keeps winning games.


All right, Lucy, we have this video from you over the weekend, so set it up for the audience and for us and tell us what you did over the weekend. You went to two games, right? Not one, but two.


Yeah. So I went to two games. Well, I went to one game and half of a game, and I went to one half of Colorado, Stanford. So this is from that. I left early. We'll talk about it later. But I had fun. Before I left. For the most part.


I could marry Deion Sanders. I would. This man has done so much for this university. This guy has been boulder to number one.


I have severely overdressed for the weather. This thing is like a sauna, but I don't have anywhere to put it. Also, I like Colorado fans. I do. They're fun. No one has offered me anything to drink. It would be a shame if someone offered me an ice cold Miller light right now. We love balder. No. We love Dion. Dion and Shador. And see you balder and shiloh. You know, I haven't asked a single question yet. Let my friend ask a ahead. Go ahead. What does Dion Sanders mean to you?


He's like my second father. A little bit more athletic. Both my father and Dion are missing toes. So that's pretty exciting. Me and coach prime go way back. I saw him play for the Atlanta Braves. The Atlanta Falcons. He played for both teams on the same date. That's my boy. Coach prime. We go way back.


I love that man.


Saved the school. Thank God. We needed it.


Very attractive children. Kids are very attractive. His kids are very attractive. So we've established his kids are attractive. Yeah. What do we feel about the Stanford tree? The mascot?


I love the tree. I think it's crimson. What color is cardinal? Red. Red. No, this is you're in the wrong salmon. This is salmon. You might think I'm with the wrong team, but I ain't. The Stanford tree is the stupidest mascot in the history of college football.


In their soccer lacrosse stadium, they have them, like, in the bleachers, like little shrubby trees. And I'm like, you guys look stupid. Sampra so can you guys do a fit check for me? My sweatshirt is from when I was in college. So 27 years ago. From seven years ago. Come on. Seven years ago.


I mean, we got the hat. This one's super old, too. It's like a college 25 year old hat right there. But gold.


That hat as old as me. We're the same age. It's a little late for you guys. It's almost 08:00 p.m.. And you're still out. What are you going to miss most about the Pac twelve?


I'm not going to miss the Pac twelve. As long as coach prime goes where we go, I'm good.


I think it's a great conference. I really don't like how nothing's regional anymore because I think it ruins college football a little bit. A hero. I'm mostly here for Ralphie. I'm here for Ralphie. Ralphie is right there. He is right there. I literally have wanted to see Ralphie my whole life. Look at do you guys watch the Dan Levitard show with Stu Gotts?


Who. Oh, I love the Dan Levitard show. Dan tells it like it is. He is the man he always has been. I like, Dan, cut out that part.


Where he said, Dan, cut that part out. I love that show. Every day I get up and I religiously watch that show. And I think everybody should watch that show, because if you're not watching that show, you're a loser. I'm tuning in. Yeah. I'm looking for a job. She's a senior. I am a senior. Got it. She's senior. I'll send you my resume. Wait. Who's your favorite person on the show? Right here. My girl right here? Yes. You're my favorite person on this show. Watch this show, guys.


Damn. We coming. We coming, baby. We are coming. I'm not hard to find, baby. Let's go, bugs. Let's go. They're four and three. That guy's coming. Little bit of stugats. That girl who's auditioning for a job, and she really was. She gave Lucy the take that Lucy wanted desperately.


She was a great interview, and I think she was drunk and pulled that together. So it was really, really impressive.


Now, did you see any of those people after the game in the parking lot?


So I left that game in the third quarter. That aged pretty poorly for me. Apologies. I will say, though, no one was mad at me when I left Iowa Penn State early. No one got upset when I left that game early. I would say that with Colorado fans, probably 40% to 50% of the fans left around the same time I did. We all felt pretty confident that came back to bite me in the ass.


What was the score?


We left, I believe 290. It was very cold out. I'll take whatever punishment Dan wants to give me for this, but yes, we did leave early. That age super poorly. Apologies.


Lou got. Yeah. You lost a glove, right?


I lost a glove. How am I supposed to sit out in 30 degree weather with only one glove?


Well, that would have been dangerous from what I consumed. You lost a glove and you somehow got mustard all over your clothes.


I got mustard all over my sweatshirts. A hot dog was very messy. Lost my lip gloss, too.


This sounds like it was punishment enough. I feel like no other punishments are required. Thank you, iron fist.


And it was so cold outside. It was so cold.


That is a fun segment. What are we calling that? On the road again on the road in. On the rodent off road in Rodine.


I thought it was pretty clever.


I wanted to call it Lucy's road trip Rohd.


The name isn't finalized.


Just stated my head.


We just put it on there for this one and we will have something else later in the week from where we went to Iowa the next day for the women's basketball.


Their record breaking performance, they got 55,000 fans out to that game, which is incredible.


Thousand people for a women's basketball game. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I cried probably ten separate times because it was so beautiful. I felt like it was in the Barbie movie.


You cry too much, Lucy.


No, but it was so special. It was so many people supporting women's athletics. It had literally never, ever happened before. And so I cried so much. And Caitlin, she had a triple double in front of 55,000 people. It was amazing. It was one of the coolest experiences.


I can't wait to see it. Oh, boy. Roden. Didn't they have 90,000 people in the volleyball game in Nebraska? So isn't that the record breaking one?


No, for women's basketball, we broke the record for women's sports.


That's a fun I heard women's sports.


There's women and they play different sports.


No, I get that, but I heard women's sports record.