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All right. Hey, man, welcome to the day partner show with Eddie and company presented by who? Dave Trade Zero. It's the broker I use for all my trading. People have known that I used to be an E-Trade guy. They couldn't handle my volume and then they knew they couldn't handle my volume and they didn't want me ripping them for being disastrous trading platforms, which ETrade is one of the worst ever.


Do it then trade zero stepped up. They've advertised. I've used them. They don't. They went through a gap where they weren't advertising, but I still use them because they're very good.


I'm used to it. So trade zero in honor of me watching the new ETF.


They're still doing this. You're still doing the buzz. The great. So trades there is now giving all new users five free shares of buzz, which is great. But that's the ETF that, you know, I'm part of. I believe it's trading over twenty five. It was up today, at least last check.


And by the way, the way I can trade easily on my phone, I'm using trades there on my phone right now in looking up.


Buzz, yeah, buzz is up a little bit, it's right out about 25 bucks, so you get that's twenty five times five. That's one hundred twenty five bucks right there. If you hold on to it, you'll make money. And then it's you also get their platform for free. So if you sign up for trade zero, you get three months of their pro training package package for free that cost one hundred seventy seven bucks. So the initial count, Menom is twenty five.


We don't want no Chitty Bang, little like wimpy, you know, talents of 2500 bucks free value, one hundred seventy seven plus you get the buzz five shares of that. So you got to do it. Don't just trade trade zero. I use them and you get the stock that I'm involved in.


Great Haddrick about an eight point nine. Thanks. Great job. All right. First and foremost, happy birthday.


Thanks. My birthday. Spiders in the room. Happy birthday, Spider.


Happy birthday, Spider. That's a birthday fucking tandem.


Get inside. Who is good order, though, that the two said? I don't think you can. I mean, come on wildlife's.


Yeah, I always forgot Spider. I remembered this year. I'll never forget that. Forget again. I haven't done much but yeah it's my birthday called forty four.


Forty four. Yeah.


Well there's people, they have been taking covid years.


I agree with that. I turned thirty in October and I was like I'm still twenty nine am I know you can take it.


Usually I make fun of that but like this is the lost year. So they lost like last year at this time was the height of you couldn't do anything. So you know, I'm going to keep that in my back pocket.


I don't know if there's a rule on how long like can in five years I'd be like, here's my covid year and always go back in my back pocket because I wanna use it now. Forty three to forty four is kind of irrelevant.


I agree. Like maybe forty seven you start looking at again because knock knock five oh. Coming around the corner. But I got a ways to go before then.


That's the dreaded number. Forty seven I forty seven.


You start seeing. Well clearly it's fifty but you start seeing fifty down there. I don't see that yet. I did. We went out on what Saturday. Yes.


I feel like now every time I go out I feel the repercussions lately. I don't know if that's true.


It's getting old but yeah for four forty for John Riggins most famous. Forty four. Good question. Let's John Riggins for 47 is a Superstation, right? So what Superstation was that overbuy you? You never had that like the Braves, like the Turner, the station? Oh, I don't know.


I thought that was always at 47. But, yeah. Happy birthday. I mean, are you happy to be spending it in the back of a farmer's insurance office?


I'm sure that I don't mind that. You know, my birthday is always March Madness. So I'm always, like, in a bad mood, fighting for my life in a bar. Doing size like this is no different.


Yeah, I, I wish I could I have a bunch of those fatheads like you had in Vegas for those at 40. Yeah.


Yeah. John Riggins, 44. That's the only thing that kind of changed. Sales guy and bubbly gang managed to get a free trip out on my birthday. So but speaking of that, you're in Chicago because of the gammer.


Like we said, a ton of shit going on this weekend. We did have some promos.


So I think the big one was a bunch of behind the scenes guys got like twenty three up twenty four hundred thousand dollars to the bus behind the scene, guys. And again, a huge general misconception about barstool sports. Sportsbook, is this not, like, fun by my own money, so I owe these guys 20 grand each and you know what is a lot of money and I'm depressed about it.


But because the way it goes, which always goes, I'm giving them bets.


And that's the only thing I was winning was their bets.


So I'm very, like, giving when I'm winning, I don't care, but I've lost. So I'm getting murdered and I got a scratch up. More change. I will say I'm like those guys, I'm happy it's going to them.


That's how I try to give, you know, the free bets to as they may be most deserves one.


I mean, Dave, he loses.


So, yeah, I don't generally give it to the normal gamblers. I give it to the people who don't gamble because it's started. It's good content, but yeah, maybe Moche under the law at some point I'd like to give one.


But overall, you know, Kareem and Jack Mack and obviously Spider Balls, not so much, but he's just so giggly.


Youngstown and Bob, they work really hard. So, you know, they and they fucking killed it. They went for him on that. No.


Yeah. For one. No, for one and one. No. Five one and one five one five. One two one. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I think Marty started off Friday. He went like one in seven and that was a great moment where Allio just like to you it turns me off.


Kaleo is one of those guys and it happens when you know, he just forgets the streams going at all times. I feel like White Sox they've not new another. Forget the stream guys gone, but you just look to him.


He goes, he always loses. And Marty was losing bad. He always loses back.


That's right. That's why everyone's like, Hey, Marty, what do you pick? And wink, wink. So he's goes on to that Marty blue chip.


You just just assume he has in every game. If Kentucky's playing, he has them. If Kansas is playing, he has them. He likes power conferences.


He needs a ten thousand because he'll probably lose as well. Yeah.


Regardless, besides that, you just brought him up white socks. Dave and Brandon Walker, they both won five K each as well.


Good for them and for them. The contest was good. It was fun.


Yeah. It was hard to find a way to lock up. It was a lot it was a fairly complicated contest, but congrats to them.


More stuff this weekend. Stay on the White Sox Dave train. He walked in into your live. It was funny clip.


We're about to be like we're gonna be like, oh, my. I got to say, I'd like to see him behind almost economies, you can call him if you want. I my I've interviewed you.


He's just oblivious White Sox, Dave is oblivious to everything that's going on at all times and I actually think I summed him up right. It's like his life.


Somebody pressed pause on the DVR and just forgot to press play again because always like 30 seconds behind everything, it appears like he'll chime in like long after a conversation is concluded.


Yeah, it's a good it's a good it's a good way to put it. I just I always like like in the corner White Sox, Dave.


I mean, I like White Sox. Dave. Yeah, he's he's hilarious. So. Well, when he walked in on that collopy just like, dude, I'm on TV, it was an all time where we got to add that in to the video version. Besides that funny moment when Aleo tip spider as well, you kind never seen that really.


But that's also very Allio. Yeah. He, he just like he was in, you know, Goodfellas or like swingers.


He just took out like 100, gave it a spider. I don't, I don't know what that was about but it was good.


What's going on at the end there last night, Sunday night, there was some mention about bringing back I just like pushing Rico's buttons.


Who's a legit psychopath? Again, people don't remember.


Everything Rico does is very authentic, authentically crazy. But I guess in the do to do like texted Rome Waller on the plane being like, you think I could ever come back.


I wish I didn't leave. And then Big Capral, he's like, we should just hold him in a holding pattern until college football, pick them and then bring him back just to torture Ryko, essentially.


Yep. Well, all we got we got a quick delivery here. Social media down. We got it. We got a cake for you, Dave. Happy birthday. Who brought the cake.


You. Yeah. So thanks. I couldn't get like your thank you. Your face plastered but happy birthday El Prez.


It's a special cake or.


No, but it's something my mom gave me a bottle of champagne in the middle of the board meeting. Oh really. They sent it up at the hotel.


Erika bought me two nice sweatshirts by those run back and forth. Really what I need is new underwear. I'm on the road so much I almost is going to send you spidered Dolce and Gabbana to buy every pair of medium they have.


Maybe buy yourself a pair birthday underwear to.


Have you been washing your shit or what do you what are you doing?


You know, I mean, it's clean, but I'm going to L.A. tomorrow and then to Detroit. I'm going to be on the road for a long time. Still seeing in a mall.


How many did you bring? All of I bring them all, but I'm running out. I lose them in transit. I wear them out. I'm low on underwear.


I was someone a pair as a souvenir. Has that ever happened like a girl you're insinuating? Not that I'm aware. No, no, it's possible. All right. Yes, I possible, but. Oh, yeah. Well, there's a birthday cake. Happy birthday once again. So sorry.


So he ladoo texted him, ask him to come back.


He was saying he maybe made a mistake leaving. Quitting and he was whether he thought I would take him back, you know, keep in mind.


So there's new to do is every bit the nutcase that Bosko is there actually meant for each other the manner of our podcast?


Yeah. So you see, you don't know it. Maybe.


I mean, he hasn't asked me. I like asking Aroney. He hasn't contacted me yet. Nothing counts until you contact me in my book.


That would be a back breaker for Frigo I feel. Well he said he's changed. He says matured.


He's really easy to mature, Rico, because his basketball game going to a good zags in the over good defense segs not.


It's really easy to to I don't know. I don't operate on innuendo and rumors and asking other people to ask me so he hasn't asked me.


So it's not a real thing in my mind.


OK, and then how it all the how to go this weekend in Chicago and everything. I don't know if there's any numbers or anything. Is it been strong to launch.


I it's hard to tell until they released numbers and where you relate to other companies and things like that, who knows.


OK, and what's what's next here. So is this for Chicago now where the last day, March Madness, we may be back.


I mean, I'm sure we will be back at times. We have obviously you guys here so you can promote when we're not here.


But the numbers will like Pennsylvania's doing great. Michigan numbers went down a little bit. Could be a variety of reasons there.


Who knows? You know, we're only in three states. We're only three states.


So do you know what states next? I think it's going to be Indiana and hopefully Jersey together.


Oh, nice. So there'll be a package deal? Hopefully. So is that to kind of be the strategy kind of going to release multiple?


We're not going to think the strategy is ever evolving. I mean, we want to obviously be in as many states as possible. But the landscape and environment change.


I mean, we got approved in Virginia recently, so you never know.


I mean, I'm never stuck in my ways. Are you taking a. Beating, though, like you and me personally, because, yes, I'm getting smoked, I mean, I've been all over the entire tournament, one fucking under.


So, yes, I'm getting smoked because I know how many states are legalized at this point, at least 25. What do you mean? Are we taking a beating?


Well, every state you go along, it's like, oh, here we are. But here's another beating. Well, it's March Madness.


Traditionally, I always get smoked and this year is followed for.


Yeah, I saw that Kansas State rep or a barstool shirt to court to see that. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That was great.


Trying to get Kansas approved. And it was a state legislator when you said Rep.. I thought meant like a Kansas state.


Like Wildcats. Manhattan, Kansas.


Right. No, that was very cool.


You were, I think, lots of game left or something like that. One of our hoodies on on the floor of the legislature.


Yeah. What I saw what you said. You're going to L.A. tomorrow. Yes. What's going on? I'm doing. And is it. You're doing a podcast.


I'm doing a podcast. We keep it private for now. OK, so you're doing a podcast and I'm going to go do some stuff with Josh. Nice. Yeah.


Some sway horseshit. Yeah. But like lifting videos and stuff, I think I've passed up.


Plus I'm really looking grossed out. I'm eating so horribly here. Shout out to your Gail straight in is. Yeah. Great ribs. Great. That was my favorite meal I've had here in Chicago.


It was awesome. Great. It's a great spot. Yeah. So you're going out there and then you're in Chicago and you're not, you haven't eaten there. You're an idiot. Yeah.


And that's the thing. It's a little it's in the northwest side of the city, so it's kind of far from where the spots are. But you got to make it out there. It's awesome. Very good. Um, besides that city that you're going back to, Michigan, you said.


Right. Going back to Michigan for the Sweet Sixteen. What's going on there?


Anything planned yet or just kind of just gamble will be at the sports book. I don't know how open it is, meaning covid issues, but we'll be there a real promo.


No, we're not doing that. We're not doing that. No, that's over. OK, no one ever started. Never mind that. But how about your your future home, Miami. Just what happened there this weekend?


Have you been talking to your people so they shut down South Beach or put a curfew? I don't know. I've never seen I stay in the hotel. I stay a lot times. Is on South Beach just look like fucking madness. To be totally honest. I saw a big fight video.


Yeah, too many people there. I don't know if that happens every year. What. But yeah, it had to be shut down.


Look like they're overrun for spring break. Well that's what's going to happen. Right. Whatever. You know, most states are kind of cool. Yes.


Yes. I don't again, I don't know if that's like every year or just this year because it covid.


But look, fucking while I'm glad I'm not there and I haven't said that about Miami much, I also and I know I talk to you about this earlier in the weekend, but I don't think I had the proper reaction to that news that you're moving there, because to me, it's like that was that's pretty significant news. Yeah. You were rattled about it.


You were asking me, like, a million questions. Well, yeah. To me, that's like, oh, shit, this is really the beginning of the end. Like, yeah, I don't view it that way at all.


As I said in the car, I'm tied in here for a long time and covid what it's taught me a lot of is I can pretty much work do anything from anywhere. Yeah.


But you walking in to the office and you know, talking to this guy, messing with this guy, getting mad at this guy that's done.


Yeah. I feel like that that kind of ushered out, you know, the gambling guys. Like if you're looking and not everyone's a gambling person, but like the back and forth and making fun of each other, that's all on these live streams. I don't know if the office is filled with those type of people anyways. There's a lot of different factions. A lot of people I talk to people don't you know it?


Where will we lose some? Yes.


Do I think the biggest losers in that are probably the people in the office? Yeah. Because I think I can elevate people by interacting. But to be honest, those people don't want to interact with me anyways. I want to do their own thing, most of them.


So we're already established and that is a bygone era.


Who knows, maybe all people living in Miami are come down. I don't know, but I don't need to be in New York. And the taxes, it's a tax play.


That was the first and foremost.


I save a shit ton of money being in Florida as opposed to taxes. And I enjoy the warm weather. So it was a combo of factors, but I'm not worried.


Like my brand they've bought my brand is so closely tied into barstool that if I'm doing OK or more people are aware of me, they're more aware of our style.


And over the last year, it's as big, I think, as I've ever been for a variety of factors, different things that have happened.


But I haven't needed a bar stool or that, you know, in our chaos to build out like it's I think who loses are the people who maybe get caught up in it and people see them more. But who is at the office like at that level? Who wants to interact with me on that level anyways, if that makes any sense?


Well, I. I think that this show is one of the last big bridges, because when I do like that inside Basel S., I'm sure some people are listening from streams and whatnot, and most of the time, you're kind of not in tune with what's going on right there, probably like, oh, what's that? And then they could check that. I don't know.


You know, there's there's definitely so you asked me about it and, you know, I can give the feedback. Yeah. So you're just you're you're this is almost bydesign where you want you're interacting with kind of people who are.


Well it's by design again, it's a tax issue was first and foremost. And it's at the point and I think some people kind of got it. And the office dynamics have always, you know, they're constantly changing.


But obviously we went through some shit that that I wasn't thrilled with. But a lot of those people are gone, you know.


So who's running the ship? Like, is there anything like that? Like the content side? Yeah, people do their own things. I've never been that involved in, like, hey, you do this, you got to do that. If we have something, I still get asked and I give my opinion on it and up or down.


But what about as far as like all of this, you know, head office is looking pretty bare this week, Dave. It's, you know, shit like that.


I mean, that I've never been. Overly involved in that if people aren't in the office, not really, I mean, kind of not really depends who they are.


Like you have people whose job is to blog, aren't the office, aren't blogging. I'll still find out about maybe shoot a note or something. But like Caleb's in Florida, like but he's never been like one that you closely track using him as an example because he produces content.


And I guess that was a big question to do. So there might be an assembling a crew to go down there. I mean, anything's possible, yeah, because I did get some emails, too, saying, hey, I'll do whatever I have to do to continue to make great content in my mind or content that's hitting. So a Miami branch is maybe plausible. It kind of depends.


Anything's possible. Yeah. CGY cagy said that he did after the championship.


Yeah. His all. Yeah. Close to finish the point. The shit we went through that pissed me off when I felt like obviously we have people who work super hard, like in a lot of the people work super hard or like the top people that people know, like Dan is doing a shit ton, Kevin's doing a shit ton.


But it's I certainly was up there, if not the most.


I was really like nonstop going during quarantine. And then there was like a mini revolt. And it's like I'm personally carrying the weight of all these people's salaries who are complaining.


And it's just like for what?


Like I'm all upset. I don't.


So why am I going to be a fucking bad mood deal with people? They got to bite my tongue.


I can't even fucking look at the office when I know I can do everything on my own and grow what I'm growing just as big and bring Bastable along with it.


So, you know, that was kind of like a combo. But the office has changed. There's a lot of the people I don't like are gone.


Does that ever make you regret how big it's gotten? No, no. I just bought a very nice place in Miami that it's part of the deal. Yeah. Growing pains. I mean, it's impossible. We have two hundred and fifty people. It's never going to be eight million again.


But it makes you yearn for that like, hey, like that now, like you wouldn't prefer that to go back to that at some point and.


And what. And give back everything we got. No, not necessarily that but can't I mean you can't do both is what you're saying.


Correct. It's very difficult to go where we want to go and keep ten person vibe to it.


Yeah. And again, it's all revisionist history. You want to go back to where we're going because Dan and Kevin want to kill me before we do this deal. Yeah, they like that. We weren't in great shape then either.


You continue to evolve and to be honest, this on my way happier doing my own shit.


That's I mean, 44. That's important, right? Yeah, right.


Like, I'm going to have to deal with fucking 12 year olds calling me and, like, complaining when they've been here for five minutes. I don't need that. Yeah. Let's talk about rollback, rollback, activewear, you guys all know about rollback, benefit, best feel we've been telling you about the performance teams performance polo's and pullovers for a while now. They got some news for you right there, Roback. You got it, Dave. They just dropped, what, 20 percent off through the end of this week.


If you use the code, Dave, and they do have good shit. Polo's quarter zips Hoodie's Ts with coach Dave R.H. Obi, a.k.a. Dotcom Roback. They got new. Hoodie's the softest bodies in the game. Do we have them? I like I need Ortiz.


We need to go. I need Ortiz. Stephen Shay. He's got to send somebody. Steven Shay.


He posted a picture today of me wishing me a happy birthday and I can't tell.


I look very short because he's tall and I don't know whether he did that on purpose, but if it was on purpose, I mean, I'm wrong. Where does Stephen Shay stand in your eyes where you're a guy like Steven Shay? Are you in the hive? No. Fun? No, no, no, no.


But I do like him. So Gonzaga is up 14 right now. Spurs forty nine. I think it's sixty nine. Fifty five. I don't know where we're going with this game. Eight minutes left pocket.


So yeah. Go get some, go get some roll back.


What's that. One more time. Sorry. It's our h o b a c dot com generous. Twenty percent off new hotties go to roll back.


Use the code Dave. All right, I'll back it up. Dotcom. All right. Back big news earlier in the week was actually right after we went off, we finished recording that LeBron is going to be possibly part owner of the Red Sox.


Yeah, well, but that that I mean, that's a little miss that wasn't shocking to me.


He's been part of that group. He owns part of Liverpool, I believe. So it's the same group, John Henry tight with them. So White Sox. But it wasn't, like, shocking to me. And I don't like our ownership group, the Red Sox.


I never have. So whatever. It's not that surprising.


Who's the let's go Red Sox guy? That's Tom Warner. And what is his tie?


And he's part of the ownership. OK, so you don't like them. So you're fine with LeBron James?


I didn't say fine, but it's not like he already was kind of involved in that group.


If you told me before that happened, like LeBron is part of the Red Sox ownership group, I'm like, yeah, I know it wasn't as shocking as it seems, but you're not going to be able to stomach him going on the field with, you know, we're not I mean, I'm not convinced he will, but but in a sweet they're going to pan to him.


You're gonna watch it on there was done that anyways.


I think he's done that already. That's my point. OK, so no, this wasn't out of left field is my point, OK?


The Bahaman, not yet. I don't know what you want me to say. I mean, I'm telling you, I wasn't that surprising. What about earlier in the week then, Gord Miller controversy? Yeah, that guy sucks.


So Gord Miller, some no name hockey guy, and I have no proof of this, but everybody who wears a mask in their Instagram or Twitter, Avi doesn't like me.


I don't necessarily can't, like, directly put those together.


But if you have a mask on in your Twitter profile, you hate me. It's crazy. That's a huge generalization.


But I bet is 99 percent true. Why is that? I don't know. Maybe because politics and I mean, you had like a million Falchi rants go viral.


I also have a fauji rant readhead that says wear a fucking mask. I would love to pick and choose.


I know I'm not to say about me. I'm not a pro mask rant. Before anybody else was talking, I said, I don't know, mess work or don't work.


If there's a point zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent chance that a mask and get rid of fuckin covid faster wear fucking mask.


So I do everything people people have selective hearing and selective ears and choose to hear what they hear. Like this Gord Miller cocksucker.


I remember you. So you're walking on the street. Half the people have a row. So I did it.


So but Gord Miller was asked, I guess, hey, when you are on spent checklists, he said, I'm not going to go on them. I like the Sprint and chick guys by hate bar stool or something to that effect.


And then first of all, he wasn't invited to go and spend Euclid's. So let's clear what like you weren't invited, bro.


It's a big difference.


Second, then he goes on like a ten Twitter rant saying we're sexist, racist, xenophobic. I had to look up with xenophobic meant out of the clouds.


Keep in mind, nobody invited him. Nobody was talking to him. Nobody asked his opinion about stool. He just did this pretty much out of the clouds. And I responded, Hey, you're entitled to say what you want, but you should do an ounce of research. And his of research is checked is LA Wags Deadspin and Silverman's Deadspin articles, which everybody so I wrote back and he's like, I'll apologize if I'm wrong. Prove me wrong. First of all, that's backwards.


What am I going to write? How am I going to prove you wrong?


What I said, which I said, everybody, let's have a livestream debate. I'll go through every single point you have. We can talk about it.


I do it in a civil manner. I was like what I did with Vlad. I wasn't yelling.


I'd have a civil debate. Crickets from this fucking clown coward.


What they all do, chirp, chirp, chirp. And when someone's like, do you want to talk about what you're saying?


Because I think you're incorrect and I have the facts on everyone. And some I may say bad joke. Other it'll be like it was clearly out of context. But he's no interest in it. He actually shut down.


All this guy's one of the worst humans who ever lived gored. He is like, I don't wish bad things upon people. He deserves a bad things happen to him, metaphorically speaking. Seventy one fifty nine. What is going on? This game is twenty two seconds ago now. Seventy one. Sixty one.


What is interesting is that like you said him, he wasn't asked so he just did.


It's almost like he was waiting to like fire and then he where the bad guy you insert yourself in something that you have absolutely no reason to be talking about.


And also the classic and people have said this, I love the chicken. They're good guys. The past sucks. I was glad Whitney made that video. Call him like a clown, like you people. Ryan Whitney has been a personal guy from fuckin the word go.


People ask me my thoughts on Portabella come in barstool sports that he won't come on spit and checklists don't care.


I'm at Disney World St. Patty's Day with this guy. What? I'm white.


Gordon Willis got no clue what he's talking about. Zero. But, you know, work. The greatest part about it is when you and ask him to come on why we have that guy on the show. All of a sudden he's talking about he will never come on, dude, we never asked you to come on board.


Miller Rear Admiral has been a fucking barstool guy from the word go. So what do you mean? Vassos Bad, but they're good. They couldn't be more stool.


You cut them in bars, little bleeds out and I hear it everywhere. Well, bar stools bad except for the petty guys are fucking zero blog thirty or fucking Alex or chicks in the office or whatever.


You hear it at this point with.


I've heard the parcel's bad except person ABC to point they've named our whole company.


If they just have a problem with fucking me, then just say I don't like Dave, that's fine. This guy doesn't know he's talking about. And that's the number one major fucking problem. There's all these articles written. Half of them are just blatantly false, like, remember that fucking hockey chick? Order. Yeah, who was like said, I made fun of Donald Denlinger when we had a tribute, like people quote, they don't care. So these guys will do their thing.


He'll never own up to it. And I'm not trying to, like, make them look just I almost for a second, because he's a hockey person, like, you know, what? If he sits and talks with me or goes on the air, he'll change his mind. That's why they don't talk to me, because I'll change your mind. Any person I've ever met all the way back to fucking Emily Rooney on Howard Surgut, who's like on, I think NPR.


She's on NPR and she invited me on and Howard Surgut and sat and talked to me. And even she was like, you know what? I hated him going in. And Alford's over understands perspective. I still think he's like a nice enough guy. If you sit down and talk to me, I'm not a monster. Barstow's I'm proud of everything we are. And if you sit and fucking talk, the only thing that's going to happen is I'm gonna throw all these facts at you and either you're going to see we're going to change your mind like I was out of turn.


But Gord Miller wants to live in a bubble mask and live in his own world and shoot from the hip.


And then when someone like this theory that you can just attack and he doesn't attack racist, homophobic, xenophobic, you name it, he said he called me Hitler and then not own up to it fucking bullshit.


And that's, I guess, the divide as some people just ignore him at one point. How many people are going to fight for this? Yeah, you're completely fucked.


That guy has two hundred and fifty thousand followers. The blue checkmark.


Fuck that. Yeah. No, I get it for sure.


Dude, it's we almost need someone to write an official response to all the articles blog.


Well they're all different. I mean I never heard xenophobic, but you know what I mean though where it's like.


All right. Like that Daily Beast where it like comes at this, this and this.


And it's like someone with no one cares that that's a waste of breath. Who's going to use that? Well, and then there's also a line to defend. Right. Because like you said, the HBO thing, everything was all, you know, peachy beforehand and then it airs. But it's like, well, we had our narrative already coming in.


I've done. So I get asked now, like The Atlantic asked to do a huge feature on me, like cover type situation. I was like, no fucking way.


They asked Nice. Like, Hey, we think you're interesting and they'll just fucking fucking trash you like Business Insider. Same thing. Business Insider sometimes nice. It's like, no, I don't need I don't need anybody's publicity.


The only I would have to really trust somebody doing any sort of profile me because it always turns into the same thing.


Always. How about The Daily Dot.


I mean that guy was the quote I used on that guy.


I believe you are a fuckface. Yeah, it's a question.


But let me let me tell you, in his article, by the way, wildly inaccurate, he said like that that guy, Gharty, was invited on checklists.


And but let me look at the way he phrased this question, which should give you something to do to why you responded with I believe you are a fuckface.


No question. Yeah.


Here's how he he posed the questions. Mr. Portnoy, Zachary Petrossian with The Daily Dot working on a story regarding the comments.


Sawmiller blah, blah. A few questions for you. Why encourage and lead harassment campaign against Miller via Vendig 68?


Do you believe you have broken Twitter's terms of service by promoting this type of online harassment?


So right there, he's he's he's asking a question with the statement that by nature I haven't agreed to like.


I have I never said I promoted online harassment, even dog fucking doing that shit's not. Do you believe you should be banned from Twitter for engaging in such action?


Those are just three questions.


So just this guy's fucking probably minimum wage to free loser who's been stuck in his locker, stuffed in lockers and entire life. And, you know, I stuffed my name is stuff is just like your fuckface.


I'm not going to waste my time with you. I'm glad you included that in the article, you fuckface.


I believe you. A fuckface. Next question. Unreal.


On a lighter note, you join the snake draft. How was your experience?


As long as this office is brutal, but I had fun doing it.


It's Dave El Presidente Portnoy. I'm back in the Chicago office. I'm happy to be part of the snake draft. You're happy, Eddie? This is under protest, i.e., the winner is invalidated. It's just things get hot. And I don't mean heated between the people, but the temperature rises, temperature rises, time broke.


How are you feeling right now? Like temperature gauge. OK, OK, it's still on. How about I saw you have a horrible situation on the plane.


I'm eating like crap and I'm becoming a Miami person. They don't eat like crap down there. No, I know. So, you know, are you showing the video?


We got a bunch of the fat penguins taken down an elevator like that fucking overload.


So Oreos, they put the little snack size on a plane is just like, hey, this is one hundred and eighty calories or whatever for that. But that's for like half a serving. It's just bullshit.


And I there was also the coffee thing I wanted to bring back to your attention, which I found funny because I don't know. I mean, you posted this a long time ago, and I know you have a big beef with Starbucks because they always sweeten it and it shouldn't come that way.


You say they screw that up once a month. Once a month. I thought it was more than that. No. Well, maybe that's just Starbucks I was going to which is near the office, which hasn't been in, you know, hasn't I haven't gone to the office much.


Do you remember the one rant that I forgot exactly what it was where you said, yeah, I get it wrong, and then it's like, you know. You know, you're right. But he thinks he's right. Right. That that is anything.


Starbucks employees never think they screw up, but it's always them that take them. And that's no real fault of that. They're taking a million orders.


But I know what I said.


I know my order was what. I forgot how you phrased it, though.


Well, I said I think I said there should be instant replay. And you go to the tape and if you're right, it's like free or whatever. And if they're right, you pay like tripple or something. I would do this better.


Does that happen a lot? And how many times do they fuck up these coffee? I usually just press reorder, so it's usually pretty consistent. They get it wrong. There you go. He said he uses reorders. Yeah, that's different. He does.


It is verbal, especially with masks now. Yeah. Like I was in Miami and the guy screwed up my ohe sweeten it and I was wearing the mask when I ordered.


So I took the mask down order and then they yelled at me for taking the mask and I got, I got frisky as I was.


I screwed up the last one. What do you want me to do. That's all. Muffled Yeah. But then he was he gave me a free one and it was nice and I felt bad that I got frisky.


Speaking of getting frisky, how about some Rohlman? Dave, you got the swipe right next to you. Yeah, we got the swipes in house. Most guys tried different ways last longer in bed. But think about baseball. Think about getting, you know, coffee orders. You know what?


You can always maybe last longer in bed, though. What's probably inside is that I think about how much I've lost gambling. I instant auricular. I guess I don't stay hard. I just as like I've no interest in fucking.


Yeah, but doesn't always work. You can you could also help you to click on this thing and try it. Yeah. Clinically proven way to last longer and better.


Effective. I'll report back. There you go. If you're watching the YouTube data, put it in his pocket.


He's about to go through that thing to work. I'm going under, huh.


No, it's a one fifty five and a half. There's no chance they're effective, easy to use and fast acting. They don't require a prescription they can ship to you in discreet, unmarked packaging. There's no chance. Any swipe packet. What is it?


One thirty five right now, five or three minutes to go do the math. That's how. One forty. Right. Yeah, so they need like 15 points and in three minutes, very possible Chip swipes you on the screen, on our packaging and he swipe back of a small enough to hide in Iraq for whenever you need it. I usually reverse jinx maybe, but I, I have the under.


So you know what I'm trying to do the super easy to use. Just take the step out of the packet so I put a lot of dry air. Good to go. Go to your room and says Dave you can get your first with a sprite for just five dollars and choose a month plan that's get Roman dotcom. Sachdev Go enhance your sex life. Get the dotcom slash, Dave. All right. Inside barstool, there was some speaking of that, there was some controversy with the Blocher's Bastable Blocher's.


If you weren't following, we did a contest where the lower seeds, if they win, you get to the Sweet Sixteen, you get a Bitcoin, right. And you have the tweet about it. It's a whole big thing we've done in past years with beer microdata tend to pay attention.


In the last year, we get two minutes. I have a three team parlay that has Gonzaga and the over. I think it's going over and I don't think Gonzaga is going to cover what the 14 and a half is, 15, you just yelled at me for saying it's not going to go over. Well, then they saying it's going to go over.


They don't matter.


I don't think Gonzaga is going to cover what is a 14 and a half so close, close to 15. And they're going to be up there up nine right now.


I don't think anyone OK, regardless of it, we'll keep watching the problem. Yeah.


Yeah, well, it all worked itself out in the end. Well, not necessarily for Team Large Willy and Joey and Team Kobe and Nick.


Well, maybe Joey got screwed a little bit because he I've been hearing rumors was tweeting large and Will and Willie maybe one tweet at the end of the game. Large is notorious for just not being a company guy in that regard. I don't know how many times you have to tell the same person he's crap Carrabba's level, not Twitter. When we do things that are supposed to be like group, just stunning, actually.


But he didn't do it. So why just give them the free bitcoin, you know, if they're not going to do their jobs? So I gave it to Tommy and Hub's because M.B sent an email.


She's like she was mad because sales mad. She's like, you know, thank you Tommy and Hobbs who tweeted twenty five times during their game and I looked in the others, you know, just, they just didn't do it.


So they got extra teams almost blew up in my face because Reia and Fran had VCU, VCU got covid didn't play.


Hank whispered Daria, hey, ask Dave for team Tommy and Hub's have three teams now. And I was like, Yeah, all right, fine.


I gave Reia and Fran Oral Roberts not knowing that Oral Roberts is actually who Tommy and Hobbs drafted in the first place.


Legitimate issue or concern they would have had.


Luckily Oregon State one who was a team that was gifted to Tommy and Hub's. So they got their bitcoin. So three teams got Bitcoin.


So everybody's happy as of now. We don't know UCLA, Abilene, who who gets that one?


So there will be another team, I don't know who has actually a little little sass.


And Ben Middle some birdman's. Yeah. You said they were tweeting.


I saw them tweeting. Oh, good, good. So, no, no, the guys we saw were like, hey, I think we got a raw deal.


No, no. I mean, they tweeted like, that's unfortunate, but none of them are like officially lodged a complaint.


I saw Nick and Kirby, they were doing some videos or something or are they. But it's like where were those living? I don't know, because I went to their account. There was nothing there. So I don't know what the hell's going on with that.


Like I looked maybe a zero tweets zero z, e, r.


Oh, so no, no compassion. You lose the bitcoin. Sorry. Yeah. No compassion. All right. I don't know what Nick maybe Nick and Kirby have some sort and if they do, I don't know what they're doing. You does no good to make contact but not put it online.


OK, I had a baby. Ghafur did you reach out anything.


No. No. And say hey Kate. No to kids.


Well I can do it now. There we go. See? Reminder, guy, it's like, what are you going to say to give us a give us a a live tweet, live tax situation?


I don't you know, is that. No, I could text it to you if you need it now. I got it. There we go. Congrats.


That's it. Yeah. All right. That's nice enough. Congrats. Kate, I also saw dogs and Tank.


They're looking for an apartment. I love that.


The unit house content plan eighty. This is a sweat on all sides. What was your number for the charity?


I think I have fourteen and a half or fifteen in the numbers, like. Right.


I mean, I need Gonzaga score all the points, jump ball, jump ball possession Gonzaga. I'll tell you exactly what I've got here.


What about Gotlieb on the dozen.


Didn't watch it so I just clips of it. Love it like very happy.


One of the best parts about that though was he Ryko has formed a bond with Kirk. That's bad news. That'll end poorly. Why?


I mean, why that's a that's a tall containment dude. What do we got here? That's a vicious tandem.


Let's see what we got.


Why is it a bad team, Kirk and Rico? Because they're both insane and like, eventually something will happen when one of them pisses the other off and they're dealing with like two psychopaths.


I also saw one of Kirk's guys, Justin, I believe was is getting he read to the KAROLOS book on a live stream. Are you aware of this? No. No. And they're like they're saying that's all legal and shit. Who is? You know, I think that's been an article saying that it's illegal to rebroadcast a book or something like that. But he added commentary. So I guess it is legal. I don't know. Who knows?


But I'm sure you'll hear about this.


Um, first of all, it should be illegal to the person listening to death by boredom.


And then I saw Dan Valmeyer announced that he's joining barstool.


I don't know who this person is. Ourika actually called me. She's like, did we hire somebody? Like, I don't know who that is. Aissata, who is that? Maybe somebody hired him as like an intern.


I don't know what that's about, letting anybody know he's got like WWE to begin his bio. He wrote for some late night shows I saw.


I have no idea. Nobody knows what that's about. Yeah, nobody else. So Erica didn't know either that it's not surprising that you didn't know.


No, Erica didn't know. I mean, is blind people don't get hired without me knowing.


But if it's a behind the scenes guy, like if he's like a writer, like if he's hot, that's still would be content. Yeah. I guess because I'm thinking like who was like or bring them up, but, you know, we call our daddy guy was a writer.


I don't understand who was involved. And I know someone's higher up that on a loop. Two listener e-mails and we'll get out of here. Let's talk about black rifle beforehand, though, Dave, you got the mug right in front of you. Yep.


Black rifle, veteran owned coffee company, Premium Coffee. People love America veterans. The CEO spent seven years on the ground overseas with U.S. Special Forces.


That got great logo to I love it. So they import high quality coffee beans from all over the world and rose five days a week at their facilities in Manchester, Tennessee, S. Salt Lake City, Utah. And they're always looking for the best coffee, best ways to enjoy it. So you can always join the Black Reifel Coffee Club. You pick the perfect roast, how much you want when you want it delivered and not have to worry about buying it every time and they take care of the rest.


Go to Black Reifel coffee dotcom slash Dave Black rifle dotcom slash Dave, use code Dave and get the freshest coffee in America shipped to you.


Black rival coffee black real coffee dotcom. Sachdev I got the espresso 300 here. Nice. Nice. Can you see it. If you're watching the video. It's very good. They got a caramel vanilla and a and I don't know and a rich moka.


You want this one.


Would you like a dark. No. No. Yeah. Well all right. All right.


See I go to a black coffee dotcom besides that. So we got we got our listener emails. Dave, this one's from Tim. Dave, you need three thousand certified signatures by May 18th to run for mayor of Boston. Can I get the signatures for you?


No, I don't live in Boston, so that's a problem. So you're out. You're out.


Officially declared he is not running across America.


Don't live in Boston. Major problem. All right. This next one from George Dave. What reality TV show would you have liked to be on in your 20s?


I think The Amazing Race is cool, while stressful survivor, I mean, I like the mental part of it, but I like my sleep and going to the bathroom privately.


Am I missing any real world challenge, bachelor and Pazos like a dream, right?


You just Foxton girls? Yeah, that's it doesn't matter who you are, what you look like anyway. Once they declare bachelor, everyone wants to fuck you. You're good to go. Fear factor. No, thanks.


I'm going to have spiders crawling around my face. That was a pretty good gig being The Bachelor. I don't want to be on the show with the schmoes.


You don't want to be wrestling around their elbows around with those dudes.


It's actually the dog texted me. He wanted to know, would you if you were called to do Survivor, would you still do it now?


They thought. Yeah. He called to ask you.


Yeah, he texted me as a guy. I got a question actually for emails, and he's saying this applies to it. So, yeah, I probably would. Yeah, yeah. Just, you know, the possibility, the pause, everything. I'd give it a shot is thirty days.


OK, yeah.


All right. So there you go.


Nate, he would still do Survivor if I would be mentally very tough, but my mental capacities I'd be a noodle and like three days he's to toss right away now.


But people would know who you are.


Not necessarily survivor would be like you. Like them like Jimmy Johnson once people don't know.


Yeah, that's true. Because you would be such a fucking dirty player. I would be the dirtiest player in the game, like Ric Flair, I'll do anything to stay in this big house.


You give Tony Vlachos a run for his money. Tony Vlach, he's the cop. Oh, I mean, if you're going 30 is Russell Hantz.


I've only seen, like, a couple of seasons. Yeah. You know, like, I was astounded like it, but no, no, no. This guy is known to and I know that too.


No, I don't. Apples, oranges, all those Tony guys. Fucking good.


All right. So there you have it. BATCHELLER is the answer. George Knox runs from Creg. I was originally introduced to barstool in 2009 from knowing a guy who was featured in it. Does this guy get does this get this guy laid block other than guests that asked, do you remember any other classic barstool segments?


There's a lot there's like. Right. How gross this is. It would actually have a link because it would be that gross would be like somebody like ran into like a picket fence and had the fence sticking out of there, like abdomen them.


Does this look like the face of does this look like the face of Pacific Nation of America? I'm sure there's a lot more, you know, I loved it's died because everything's gone the way of video and you do so much video, but I always love the Mordialloc blogs.


They would be like, if you took Georgia, you'd have that classic picture of the girl in the helmet, the thong. Yeah, right.


Yeah, there was also right this fight like St. Patrick's Day, we'd always rank the fights. We do a lot of rank videos. Yeah. Like rank rank these in order type thing.


The Boston or some other classic ones were rope swings are a big deal back backswing mishaps.


Those that was always great by the guy. The faint faint ones are vague, right.


The faint. So I think a new feint I would throw the Hall of Famers in and you'd rank them, you know, is like a champ. Does this one beat the champ type thing? Yeah.


What do you remember? As you know, the lady in the kitchen. Yeah. She banged her head off all the pots.


There's a lot of great ideas out there. And I always love the the the lock. You got to lock it. The ladder.


Remember that guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The ladder video is an infomercial. It was such a classic. You just climb on here. It's very sturdy.


And then they got the ladder bricks and they got to lock it. Yeah. Those are all classics trying to think of Mary Faqir but I don't think that's unique to us.


No it was right. Wake up.


Wake up with still Uncle Buck, still the single best human to ever do anything at our company.


What's that guy's deal? I don't think I ever asked Uncle Buck. Nobody took their jobs. He didn't really get paid. But he like we did wake up back then. It was just a different pretty girl.


And, you know, we'd put in a couple photos, Uncle Buck, he was a Picasso with that.


He would find photos of the girls. Didn't even know there were in, like, every photo that was ever taken of a girl. He would there were like 400 pictures in his galleries.


I mean, he no, nobody was ever as good as Uncle Buck as he was with his wake ups. Was he a reader that just has to do this or friends? Jerry, Jerry Berman. Thornton Oh, OK.


And have you so you've met him. I assume you're sure what happened to him?


He just I mean, he went his way. He did some of the I at one point, I think.


But I talked to him a long time. His Uncle Buck, I bring back in the fold or no, no, the wake up too much copyright issues with what he did.


He you know, he didn't care. He was not a believer in copyright or anything, really, except get to the bottom of every. If he could hack a girl's photo to get the photos included into hack a girl's phone excuse me, to get them into the wake up, he would.


That doesn't sound good. Well, he just was. Perfectionist about his craft. He didn't want one photo of the girl not to be in that gallery. It was the end all be all for girls photos, Uncle Buck.


You be what is. So, yeah. What do you do. What was his like? What was his day job. Do you know anything about him besides that.


Like I said, I know he did something we at some point but no I'm not really sure.


Uncle Buck. Classic wake ups. All right, Sam, this one's from Sam. Besides Seth Meyers, have you ever been close to going back on late night? No, there's no discussion. No one reached out? No. What about on Howard Stern? No, no, no. I always wonder that because the series on Sirius now.


So I'd say that is further from happening than it. I mean, never was close. But the fact that we don't we have no relationship with Sirius certainly doesn't bode well for that happening. If it didn't happen with the relationship. No.


So that I also found out that whole studio was cutting out. Did you know that? Yeah, I think they're creating a new studio so that Sirius is like very off the table.


I because I was like maybe in like six months, maybe negotiations start again that we weren't even close.


Yeah. You know, they went their way. We went ours. So the studios got a brand new look and everything. All right.


And then the last one is from Jay. I don't know much you could talk about this, but what's the update on the Rappoport lawsuit?


I haven't got an update in a while. It just never ends. I don't know.


I'd have to ask Erika, have you talked to him or is is he's completely no communication yet because you can't I mean, you can't say or.


No, I don't know. I want to, but no, there's been nothing.


Yeah. All right. That's a show. Anything else we can get to know? I think we nailed it. Yeah. Oh. So I like tomorrow. Yeah. And then you'll be back in Michigan. Correct. There you go. All right, Dave, happy birthday once again. Hope your Chicago stay was nice. Yeah, it is.


We got Michigan and a little bit. Go watch them. I'm super snootily. I don't know why. And we'll go from there. All right.


Thanks everybody for listening. That's it. We'll be back next week. See then.